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PREFACE In the name of Alloh, author say thanks to god because of gods help author this english for nursing hands book in curiculume 2011 has finished punctually. Block curiculume designed to answer the global chalange in academic especially to produce skillfull and professional nurs. Nursing academic in currently always change dinamicly, fast and continously. Nurse from general Soedirman university expected able to care the patients and health problems in comunity, so they have to had a high knowledge, skillful, capable to camunicate with emphati (efective communication), and also have a good manner reflected from attitude and behavior. Therefore, the new curiculume structured based on new paradigm in nursing academic in 3,5 years length of study and 1 year for profesi. The new programe to ran this new curiculume, define in semester programe with thematic block pattern based on maslows basic needs hierarchi. English For Nursing block (EFN), is the fifth block in second semester in first year. This block designed according to the aim of nursing academic, especially in basic science of nursing. The competency that expected to reach in the end of this block were: the colleger able to comunicate efectively, based clinical skill, basic biomedic science application, clinical, attitude and epidimiology in nursing practice, acces and manage the information, never ending learning, and also understood human body bio-cell conceps. Thus competency or skill expected internalized by a graduated nurse from University of Jenderal Soedirman. After finished this block in 2 weeks, the competencies could intenalize and continously applied in the next steps untill the fresh graduate being a practicioner. Therefore, this curiculume needs to completed with the guidance book that actualized by tutors book guidance. For that reason, in tutors book guidance has arranged completely the competency, facilities, toturs task, learning design, learning schedule, scenario, evaluation form, and guaranty of academic quality. The author hope this block could increase the quality of study so the graduate nurse from general soedirman university could won the competition in global era. Purwokerto , January 2010 Team Blok EFN

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Blok Description 1. Bloks name : English for Nurse (EFN) 2. Code : NERS 124 3. Study area : study the advantages of using English in nursing 4. SKS : 2 SKS 5. Schedule : Semester II 6. Course description : English for Nursing (EFN) Block, to guide the students to learn about the important of English language ability so they have additional value as a nurse. Finally they will be able to synergizing between esthetic, culture and science with high professionalism in all life circles and all health services system either at community health center or hospital. They will have critical attitude toward the latest issue and trend and always have willingness to long life learning. B. Block Organization Chief Academic section Human Resources Section Practice/PBL Section QA Section Administrative House Keeper : Mekar Dwi Anggraeni, SKep.,Ns.,MKep. : Ryan Hara Permana, SKep.,Ns. : Lutfatul Latifah, SKep.,Ns., MKep.,Sp.Mat : Eni Rahmawati, SKep.,Ns. : Atikah Proverawati, SKM., M.PH. : Sumbodo Budi S, Amd. : Indra Budi Lesmana

CHAPTER II COURSE COMPETENCE A. Core Competences 1. Developing proffesional nurse 2. Capable to do the effective communication 3. Capable to perform effective listening to English conversation 4. Capable to use English references 5. Capable to writing in English effectively 6. Capable to develop professionalism continuously or long life learning B. Supporting Competencies After completing this course, students will be able to: Perform effective communication in giving nursing care with English language ability. Applied knowledge, ethical and legal in health care system Giving health care suitable with the culture with respect ethnical sources, religion, and other factors (suitable with development phase) Using health information and technology effectively in order to follow the sciences and technology development in health care and medicine, Using nursing process to solve the health problem of patient, Demonstrating technical skills suitable with the standard operational procedure (SOP), Collaborating various factors to fulfill health need of patient, Perform modality therapy suitable with patients need (*) Collaborating nursing health services, Giving support to the health care team by accountable nursing health care, Provide safe work environment Design simple research process and use it to increase the quality of nursing health care. Developing critical thinking, logic and ethic to develop nursing health care, Contributing to develop nursing profession. Using the principals of continuously quality improvement in nursing practice Perform health care suitable with health policy Using interpersonal skills effectively in team work and nursing care with collaborative relationship (*) C. Learning Objectives Describe the importance of English language in nursing, Using English language in verbal communication Understanding the conversation in English Using references in English language, Understanding structure of sentences in English language and the use of it to arrange the sentences.

D. Learning Outcomes After completing this course, students will be able to: 1. Describe the importance of English language in nursing, 2. Describe the elements of effective listening 3. Describe brief theory of communication 4. Describe the source of difficult by speaker and listener 5. Describe the basics of listening models 6. Describe levels of communication 7. Describe techniques of listening 8. Demonstrate the effective listening in conversation 9. Demonstrate the effective listening in class (listen to a lecture) 10. Demonstrate the steps of effective reading 11. Describe the anatomy of academic reference (essay, journal, book, etc.) 12. Demonstrate the reading strategies 13. Demonstrate how to speech in one way and two ways effectively 14. Compose academic paper/essay using some journals 15. Describe the strategies of effective writing 16. Write the opinion of a case effectively 17. Write the business paper effectively E. Topic 1. Effective listening conversation 2. Effective listening in class 3. Reading academic references 4. Journal analytic 5. Speaking: one way and two ways 6. Writing academic paper 7. Writing opinion 8. Writing business paper 9. Writing curriculum vitae

CHAPTER III LEARNING STRATEGY A. Small Group Discussion (SGD) Small group discussion (SGD) is a medium of discussion consist of 10-11 students in a group that consorted by tutorial lecturers to train analyzing ability and deepen certain material directed to reach the aimed of this study. SGD applied in specified group. Within the discussion, students have tasks to answer the questions in certain times. These questions which not been answered will be bring into the guest speaker class, but if there is no question from the students, the guest speaker class will not conduct. The procedures of SGD are: 1. Introducing (10 minutes) In the first meeting: a. Tutorial lecturer introduce her/him self to the students, and b. Tutorial lecturer lead the introduction between group member. Each member asked to tell their full name, nick name, address, hobby, etc. 2. Tutorial lecturer leads the election of groups moderator and secretary. The moderator an secretary of group discussion wisely are the different students for every meet, so each student have same chance to be a moderator an secretary (2 minutes). 3. Tutorial lecturer explains the aims of the discussion (3 minutes). 4. Tutorial lecturer observes the discussion and facilitated them, so each student participating actively in the discussion (70 minutes). 5. In the end of discussion, the tutorial lecturer give inputs toward discussion and stressing that self learning is very important (5 minutes). The advantages of SGD are that the task can be done easily because they work together. With discussion, many opinions can be shared from each member, so they can increase their knowledge. With answer the questions, the student helped to understand about the materials given, and also helped to create the summary, so they can learn easily. SGD also help the student to reach their learning objectives. SGD is a discussion between members in a small group to answer the question/task. The questions is a deepen material that given mini lectures. The tasks completed with references that used as literature (attached in lecture module) to answer the question. The students expected to answers the questions which have been given before, so when the minilecture conducts, there will be a discussion between students and lecture. The result will be transfer to the members of the other group in Small Group Discussion. The questions/task in Small Group Discussion will be used as material test of Multiple Choice Questions. The assignment of SGD is a hand writing papper or typing paper in A4 paper with margin 1 inchi, with Times New Roman font. The paper is written in naration method. The paper colleted to the tutor 24 hours after SGD conducted. The paper of SGD contain the answers from questions thas given in discussion and the deepen material suitable with the references. The critism and depth of notulent will give contribution to cognitive appraisal. . notulents writing ability systematicly and clearly and suitable with the paper form will give contribution to psychomotor appraisal. Collected the paper punctually will give contribution to affective appraisal. The aims of SGD are to train comunication ability, train the student to reach learning

method of student center learning, increas the knowledge /informations and help each other between member of group. Sample form of paper:
Name/Student identity number/Groups name Day&date Title of paper Preface Containt Conclusion References
Day & date Signature Tutors name

Note: the reference at least include: textbook, science journal, references evidence attached. The evaluation components of SGD are 15 %, consist of discussion that evaluate with same person who evaluate the other blocks discussion (10 %), attitude (2,5 %) and paper of SGD (2,5 %). Both of them evaluate by the same tutorial lecturer. Paper of SGD collected, deadline 2 days after SGD. B. Lecture Interactive lecture is a learning method with talkative or direct face to face with keynote speaker, regularly schedule, and based on student centered learning principal. In every lecture sesion, the student have to make summary in mind mapping form that arranged systematicly detail and mutatis. Mind mapping collected one day after the lecture conducted. Mind mapping will give contribution to psychomotor evaluation (systematic writing and detail of explanation) and affective (dicipline). C. Self Directed Learning (SDL) Student study by them self to increase their ability and internalisation after join some lectures. The aim of SDL is top increase the knowledge that has been internalized before. D. Problem Based Learning (PBL) 1. Group introduction (10 minutes) a. Tutorial lecturer give preface, introduce her/him self to the student. b. Tutorial lecturer lead the introduction between students if it is the first meeting and the tutorial lecturer and student or between student does not knpw each other, 2. Moderator and secretary election and the general explanation (5 minutes) a. Tutorial lecturer lead the moderator and secretary election. Each scenario choose different moderator and secretary. b. Explain the role of moderator and secretary. c. Explain the mechanosm of discussion. 3. Tutorial lecturer explain have should be done by the group (5 minutes)

Tutorial lecturer explain what should be done by the group in discuss every scenario, that is by applied 7 jumps or problems solving steps, problem solving the other problem that relevance with the matter that been discuss. 4. Observe the discussion (90 minutes) While the students in discussion, tutorial lecturer follow the discussion and give directions if there are some problems. 5. Tutorial lecturer end the discussion (5-10 minute) a. Five minutes before the end of discussion, tutorial lecturer give warn to the moderator that the discussion has closed. b. In the end of discussion, tutorial lecturer gives inputs about the discussion, for example: the systematic of discussion, participation of each member, summary, etc. The important thing in group discussion is applied 7 steps (seven jumps) to solve the problems, there are: 1. Clarification (clearness) term and concept, 2. Define the definition or term of problem, 3. Analyze the problems, 4. Arrange some explanation about the problems, 5. Define the aims of study 6. Learning by them self individually or in group, 7. Make a summary or take the information system that need E. Keynote speaker Panel Discussion Panel discussion is a pleno discussion with some keynote speaker to answers many questions that has not been answered or explain materials that lack of explanation in lecture. DPN conduct before comprehensive evaluation. To formulate the materials of DPN, the student have an obligation to write the question based on learning result and if there are some confusing, so they can ask directly to the keynote speaker. List of questions collected each group of SGD and collected to academic section, then sorted and present in DPN. If there is nothing to ask, the DPN will not be conduct. F. Discovery Learning (DL) Discovery learning is a learning method that conduct autonomous by the student with ask same question and formulate their own answers provisionally (hypothesis method) and summarize the general principles (to deduce general principles) from practice example or observation. The implementation of discovery learning not only to internalizing general principles of certain topic, but also to develop certain behavior that lead to learning and discovery, to reach the possibility of a problems solving in their own self. Discovery learning style need participation form student in decision making about what, how, and when something expected to study and even play primary role in decision making. Student expected to discover the example and they will find principles or concept that expected to study. Learning situation is a principle of study from what are expected to study, not given but have to discover it freely by the student. Discovery learning in this block there are two kinds, there are discovery to explore the film and poster. Even will shared in learning contract to do and presented by a group. In this case

the cooperation in team and togetherness will have a contribution to the psychomotor appraisal. Paper of DL same with the SGDs paper. The paper has to collect a day before presentation. The discussion of film or poster in paper is a student analytic autonomous at least define the advantages and the disadvantages of a film or poster. G. Practice Practice conducted according to the schedule. The student have obligation to use practice uniform and attend 15 minutes before practice begin. Before practice begin, the student will join pre test as basic evaluation the preparation before practice. If the student not ready yet (prove by pretest value<60), the student will not permit to practice.

CHAPTER IV LEARNING MATERIALS AND SCHEDULE Learning materials PBL case, SGD case, and Module of speaking, writing, listening ang reading will be uploaded gradually on April 16th and 23th 2011 at nursing UJSs website and e-learning ( or google group at



Time 08.00 - 08.50 09.00 - 09.50 10.00 - 10.50 11.00 - 11.50 12.00 - 12.50 BREAK 13.00 - 13.50 Introduction (MDA) Monday, April 18th 2011 1st Week Tuesday, April 19th Wednesday, April 20th 2011 2011 st 1 Practice (tutors) Tell us your favorite song! (tutor) st 1 Practice (tutors) Tell us your favorite song! (tutor) DL: Find your favorite 2nd Practice: Listening song! (tutors) (tutors) SL make songs 2nd Practice: Listening review (tutors) BREAK BREAK Lecture 2: Effective Lecture 3: Reading (MS) listening in class) (AS) Thursday, April 21th 2011 Evaluation Evaluation Friday, April 22th 2011 Free Free Free Free Free Free

14.00 - 14.50 Share experiences (AS) 15.00 - 15.50 Lecture 1: effective listening in conversation (AS) 16.00 - 16. Lecture 1: effective 50 listening in conversation (AS)

SDL (Make a drama scenario) SDL (Make a drama scenario) BREAK Lecture 4: Speaking (Two ways communication) (HDY) Lecture 2: Effective Lecture 3: Reading (MS) Lecture 4: Speaking (Two listening in class) (AS) ways communication) (HDY) rd Theater EFN: the 3 Practice: Reading. 4th Practice: Speaking Emperor's Club (tutors) (tutors) (tutors) Theater EFN: the 3rd Practice: Reading. 4th Practice: Speaking Emperor's Club (tutors) (tutors) (tutors)





Time 08.00 08.50 09.00 09.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50

Monday, April 25th 2011 Drama outdoor (tutors) Drama outdoor (tutors) DL: Find nursing journal min.3! DL: Find nursing journal min.3! BREAK Lecture 5: SPEAKING (One way communication) (HDY) Lecture 5: SPEAKING (One way communication) (HDY)

Tuesday, April 26th 2011 SDL (Write an opinion) SDL (Write an opinion) Trip explanatory Trip explanatory BREAK Lecture 6: (AA) Writing scientific & business paper Lecture 6: (AA) Writing scientific & business paper Lecture 6: (AA) Writing scientific & business paper SDL (Make CV, letter, etc.)

2nd Week Wednesday, April 27th Thursday, April 28th 2011 2011 Goes to Prambanan! SDL (Write a trip (tutors) story) SDL (Write a trip story) SDL (Write a trip story) Plenary week (tutors) Plenary week (tutors) SDL (Resume journal)

Friday, April 29th 2011 Evaluation: interview Evaluation: interview Challenge the Tutor! (tutors) Challenge the Tutor! (tutors)

14.00 14.50

SDL (Resume journal)

15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50

Note: AA: Ari Asnani, PhD., AS: Asrin, MN., HDY: Handoyo, MN., MDA: Mekar Dwi Anggraeni, M.Kep ., MS : Made Sumarwati, MN. The schedule can be change/renew and will be announced at least 24 hours before.

CHAPTER VI MONITORING AND EVALUATION A. Learning Facilities 1. Facilities a. Human resources Expert Lecturer Tutor Administrator Equipment b. Infrastructure Class room Skills laboratory and equipment PBL tutorial room Laboratory Library Internet 24 hour 2. Soft facilities Group discussion, module/ book, interactive CD, laboratory skill, practice Laptop, LCD, OHP, white board B. MONITORING and ASSESMENT 1. Monitoring Pre Evaluation Student must be attends all learning process as absolute criteria to graduate from this block. The criteria to follow the examination are: a. The full attending or minimal 75% (lecture, PBL, SGD, Film/interactive CD, Expert panel discussion) b. The attend of practice 100% c. The full task component (mind mapping, resume, note, THP practice) Learning monitoring design by Team Teaching and do when before and after the lecturer doing the learning process or practice in the class. The monitoring contains of: a. Pre test and post test for to know how far the student understand subject of lecture or practice which have given. b. The Monitoring continue by the lecturer consist of student attending, the behavior of student in the class ( polite, active, give question, and discussion). c. Give the chance for student to give the question as long as learning process. d. Ask the student for fill the quisioner. 2. Learning process evaluation Learning process evaluation done by student to lecturer and subject in questioner form. This evaluation fills by every student on end of this semester. 3. Learning result evaluation


Learning result evaluation do as long as learning process event (role play/ simulation, group discussion, practice in laboratory and practice on community). The evaluation do every end of week and comprehensive evaluation with MCQ question. The grade of every evaluation item can look in this table: No. Kind Grade Number value End value 1 Knowledge a. 1st week evaluation 30 % nd week evaluation b. 2 30 % 2 Skills a. Listening practice 6.67 % b. Reading practice 6.67 % c. Speaking practice 6.67 % 3 Attitude / affective 20 % Total score 100% Ending Score = grade x number value Affective value is total value from: Affective: meeting and community practice (5%) Attending follow the subject 75% (5%) Practice attending 100% (5%) Task component (5%) Affective score will be decrease if make the fouls such as: No Fouls Diminish score 1 Late <15 minute 2 2 Late >15 minute 5 3 Absent without permission 5 4 Plagiarism (once) 10 5 Plagiarism (twice) Drop Out 6 Not original file (once) 10 7 Not original file (twice) Drop Out 8 No respect to the lecturers, friends, and 10 other people The other fouls which not there in this list will be spoken in block team discuss and decide later. Ending score in alphabet: 80 100 = A 66 79 = B 55 65 = C 50 55 = D < 50 =E C. Graduate criteria The student decide expert and graduate from this block if each element evaluation (cognitive, psychomotor, and affective) graduate with minimal score 66.00 (B) and must complete task

component. If cognitive and psychomotor component was graduate but affective not reach 66.00 so the score cant be process and the student get E and decide not graduate. Remedial Score System Student with end cognitive scores less than 66.0 must follow the remedial/ repair score. Remedial/ repair score purpose for repairing comprehensive score with write examination. a. Cognitive score examination, SGD, resume, note and THP cant be repair. b. Remedial event suitable with schedule c. Psychomotor component less then 66.00 will give a task suitable with score decrease. d. Affective component less than 66.0 will cause not graduate from this block and get E score. e. The end new score is the best score, max 66.0 (B). f. For student which one of the component is not graduate, not be given end score so block score will be blank in KHS. g. The student who still gets C and D new score after follow remedial must repeat block irregular method suitable with schedule before judicial court. h. The student who get E score device not graduate from this block and should be repair in the regular block next year. i. The other law in this learning contract will be device letter in the block team forum. D. Discipline and Academic Fouls 1. Absent The absent which can be allow maximal 25% and just for study in the class, thats contain: learning process, SGD, Interactive CD, DPN and percentage. The absent in practice cause not graduate from this block. The absent just allow if give a letter or an information. That caused by: a. Sick (prove by permission from doctor) b. Parent / family passed away c. Task from Faculty or university The student who absent must make permission letter to block secretary at most one day after absent. Permission letter include: a. Doctor permission for student b. Task letter from the institution For student who absent caused by family or parent past away should give permission letter at most 3 day since firs day absent. 2. Come Late Comes late tolerances maximal 15 minute. If more than 15 minutes, recognize as absent. If the student comes late, it will decrease affective value. 3. Plagiarism The forgery is the action realize or no change or copy the tasks, information or other signature in the learning process. The faults in this condition will be get punishment for the criminal. Plagiarism is the action realize or no without right procedure using the other person creation, part or whole in the learning process. In this case plagiarism and original creator will get punishment:

a. For the first plagiarism, plagiarism will get writing hard warning from block manager with the refer to educational section (Bapendik), academic lecturer and parent and canceling the creation, so get zero score (0). b. For the next plagiarism, the final score will be cancel, and must repeat all the learning process, because plagiarism is the affective criminal. Block learning process can be rewind on the next year or as an academic tutor policy. The punishment for other academic criminal is written in academic direction book. Affective Quotients Student attitude will be evaluated in every learning process and will give warn if needed. Affective quotients include dressing, polite, norm, attitude, ethic, and communication skill to the other, lecturer, tutor, staff and community. Attitude will be evaluated with check list.


CHAPTER 7 REFFERENCES Required textbooks: Azar. Betty S. 1993. Fundamentals of English Grammar. Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara. Hinkel, E. 2005. Barons Educational series: TOEFL Test Strategies. Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara. Wojowasito, S., Poerwadarminta, W. J. S. & Wasito, T. S. 1980. Kamus Lengkap: Inggris Indonesia, Indonesia Inggris. Bandung: Hasta. Manser, Martin H. 2001. Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press.


Teams of English For Nursing Block

Yuliana DK (12) Totoh (02) Pratiwi (64) Riska S (41) Venny (05) Indah S.W. (32) Mega (22) Yudha (77) Hisna (06) Dena (55) Ira (15) Cakra (57) Christine O (11) Desi Ayu (79)

Dhita A (60) Melati (45) Isnany (38) Tedy (34) Nurhanif (20) Aan (50) Sinta (13) Kiki (48) Desi S (44) Rosi Diaz (78) Shifa (31) Sidra LL (56) Risyawanti (26)

SPHYGMOMANOM WHEELCHAIR ETER Nita (08) Lestary (54) Muqodir (19) Satika (23) Arindi (59) Nurlaila (63) Vina (35) Nadiroh (39) neru (66) Imam (37) Retno (27) Dinna (25) Sekar (61) Dian (30) Sofyana (62) Desty (65) Bagus (67) Desy A (36) Indah AP (18) Rian (17) Armaya (21) Dhea (70) Rahmatia N (80) Restu (28) Rizk a R (07) Siti (51)

STETHOSCOPE Alifah Dewi (43) M Suryo (73) Tatik (40) Sarah (71) Fransisca (69) Austinia (76) Nur rakhman (46) Shella (16) Etika (52) Rizki (42) Yully TB (01) Retna (33) Meta (68)

SPUIT Isti (04) Atrih (29) Hani (58) El (03) Ikke (53) Anyrahayu (74) Bayu (47) Ika S (09) Henny (10) Jepi (75) Yoga (24) Sahli (72) Nurazizah (49) Gusryanda (14)S


List of tutor 1. Agis Taufik, S.Kep.,Ns. 2. Atikah Proverawati, S.Kep.,Ns. 3. Eni Rahmawati, S.Kep.,Ns. 4. Koernia Nanda P., S.Kep.,Ns. 5. Mekar Dwi Anggraeni, S.Kep.,Ns. M.Kep. 6. Ryan Hara Permana, S.Kep.,Ns. Tutors Schedule 1st week 2nd week MDA ER ER AK AK AT AT KNP KNP RHP RHP MDA



Knowledge Skill: Express opinion Attitude: Present on time Polite Respect other opinion Active and creativity Readiness in discussion Total Note of value: 3:Excellent ; 2: Good; 1: Sufficient



No. 1. 2.



Content: (clear, right, adequate) Structure of paper: Clear preface Systematic idea Conclusion 3. Writing: structure Spelling Word count Referency 4. Collect on time 5. Conclusion: clear and Systematic Total score Note of value: 3:Excellent ; 2: Good; 1: Sufficient



No. 1.


Teams value 3 4 5

Content: (clear, right, adequate, useful) 2. Structure: Clear preface Systematic idea Conclusion References 3. Presentation: Able to present verbaly Able to defend audience attention Able to stimulate audiences participation Able to answer questions from the audience clearly and right Time management 4. Conclusion: Clear Systematic Total score


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