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Case Report



Handrianto Setiajaya, Aditya, Agus Y., Djoko Riadi

Service of Neurosurgery, Department of Neurosurgery
Gatot Soebroto Army Central Hospital, Jakarta Indonesia


Objective: Brain abscess is a rare and dangerous condition in infants, usually solitary and
need surgical intervention. A case of multiple brain abscesses are very rare in the pediatric
age-group and surgical drainage is lifesaving.
Clinical Presentation: This is a report of one case of multiple brain abscesses in a 30 days-
old baby who presented with seizures and enlargement of head with history of umbilical
infection (omphalitis). Cerebro-cerebellar Computed Tomography (CT) scan and Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI) reflect multiple abscesses in both hemispheres and posterior fossa.
Intervention: Surgical drainage of the abscesses was performed. Intrathecal vancomycin and
intravenous meropenem was given. The patient’s course was uneventful.
Conclusion: A case of multiple brain abscesses is rare and life-threatening, particularly in
children. Surgical drainage combined with specific antibiotic therapy is recommended in
these patients.
Keywords: newborn – multiple – brain - abscesses – infection - umbilical


Multiple brain abscesses are very rare and can From a rural hospital, one 30 days old baby
be responsible for enlarging heads in infants.11 was referred to emergency room, had been
The treatment of this group of abscess consists having seizures and progressive enlargement
of surgical drainage and antibiotic therapy. of the head since three weeks after birth. He
The prognosis is poor in cases of large or had been having umbilical infection since the
multiple abscesses.11 This is a case-report of seventh day after his normal birth. On
multiple brain abscesses in a baby aged 30 admission, his occipital frontal circumference
days. At the age of 3 weeks, seizures begun was 42 cms, while the anterior fontanel was
and progressively worsening. The diagnosis tight. Neurologically, he was fine and his
was made by CT. Surgical drainage was psychomotor development was also normal. A
utilizing multiple burr holes, obtaining a good cranio-cerebellar CT scan was already taken at
outcome. that mentioned hospital (fig.1). He was
admitted, and following further radiological
evaluation of the patient, the decision for
surgery was made. Under general anesthesia,
------------------------------------------------------- the abscesses were drained surgically (fig. 2)
Handrianto Setiajaya ( ) through the right and left parietal as well as
Departemen of Neurosurgery, Gatot Soebroto Army through the left temporal regions. A necrotic,
Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. yellowish and purulent fluid collection was
e-mail: drained amounting to a total of 80 ml.


MEDICINUS · Vol. 3 No. 1 Februari 2009 – Mei 2009

excision via craniotomy. But craniotomy is an cut umbilical cord is the prime site of bacterial
appropriate technique for traumatic abscesses, colonization that progress to local signs of
abscesses with foreign bodies, mycotic infection including pus discharge, redness,
abscesses and abscesses which are swelling, or foul odor. Hospital –based studies
multiloculated.2,6Operative evacuation by from developing countries have report of
craniotomy is recommended by some authors varying dominance of gram positive and
for children above 3 years of age with mature anaerobic bacteria. Approximately 85 % of
brain abscesses.16 cases are polymicrobial. Aerobic bacteria are
present in approximately 85 % of infection,
In general, each case must be individualized predominantly by Staphylococcus aureus,
and treated in its own right with consideration group A Streptococcus, Escheria coli,
to the factors outlined above. For this patient, Klebsiella pneumoni, and Proteus mirabilis.
craniotomy was avoided, instead a
craniostomy was preferred utilizing a twist
drill for surgical drainage and a good result
was obtained. A craniotomy was not done as
this particularpatient was considered too
young for such an invasive method. The
decission was also taken in the risk of
bleeding as well as spreading the infection
hematogenously, may be hazardous for this
child. The duration of craniotomy is also too
long for a child 30 days of age.

Brain edema may occur as a result of

inflammation of the brain after infection or
compression of the brain by abscesses. Even
as the brain was swollen, the intracranial
pressure was low, sulci at the frontal lobe was Figure 4.
deep and right lateral ventricle slightly
enlarge. A shunt is usually not required In this reported patient, he had a history of
because of the absence of signs and symptoms previous omphalitis, later became systemic,
of increase in intracranial pressure.17 On the and microbiologically due to the Proteus
other hand, the infectious manifestations species, which are gram positive,
would still continue even if the surgical polymorphic, and have a fine, threadlike rod,
procedures were completed. As ventriculitis poassesing very active motility. Proteuses are
may be present and therefore toxic (develop an endotoxin) and have
ventriculoperitoneal shunt procedure may be hemolytic properties and various degree of
hazardous to the patient, we did not perform biochemical activity. Proteuses are rather
any shunt procedure. The distinction between steady in an external environment and even
ventricumegaly (without elevated intracranial are capable to keep their vital activity in weak
pressure) and hydrochepalus (elevated solution of phenolum and other disinfectants
intracranial pressure) is important, especially as well as resistant to many antibiotics. The
for the infants.17 duration of antibiotic therapy for this patient is
similar to those in the literature. Sharma et al.,
The origin and the agents of infection in found that in their series of 38 patients with
intracerebral abscesses are usually hard to multiple pyogenic brain abscesses, 24% had
find. In this particular case, the initial Staphylococcus aureus as the inciting
infection was a local umbilical cord infection organism in their series, and also most patient
(omphalitis) (Fig. 4) which typically presents were adults and only 9 out of 38 were
itself as a superficial cellulitis that progresses infants.19 In the series of Kratimenos,
to necrotizing fasciitis, myonecrosis and later staphylococci were found as the second
becomes systemic. Omphalitis is commonest agent with 21% in 14 patients.12
predominantly neonatal by nature. The freshly



Figure 3. Follow up CT Scan Showing two small abscesses and edema in the right hemisphere

periods.18,20 Furthermore, multiple location for outcome combined with specific antibiotic
brain abscess are a poor prognostic factor, therapy. Multiple abscesses have been noted in
especially in infants for such state of the art 10 to 50% of all bacterial brain abscesses.13
procedure.18 CT and MRI are the best diagnostic tools in
such patients.
Clinical presentation of brain abscess is
usually similar to other intracranial space- Combined therapy of surgical drainage and
occupying lesions. However, the symptoms of specific antibiotics is the generally accepted
an abscess tend to be more rapidly progressing treatment protocol by the majority of
as compared to those associated with a authors.5,7,13,15,21,23 The indication for surgery
neoplasm.2 Headache, nausea and vomiting, and the type of surgery are still a point of
alteration of the level of consciousness, contention among neurosurgeons. Various
seizures, neurological disturbances according procedures have been used in the operative
to the location of abscess and increased fever management of brain abscesses.
are the commonest presentations characteristic
of brain abscesses in adults. Infants usually The choice of procedure over another may be
present with a combination of enlarging head influenced by age, neurological condition of
circumference, bulging fontanel, separation of patient, location, stage of the abscesses and
cranial sutures, vomiting, irritability, seizures also whether multiple lesions are present.
and poor feeding.2 This patient presented only Minimally invasive methods are mainly
with seizures and enlarged head preferred for easy accessible lesions while
circumference, while his feeding was adequate stereotactic aspiration is appropriate for deep
and his neurological status was normal on situated abscesses.14,20 Aspiration via single
admission. Neither fever nor seizure was burr hole does have a number of advantages,
observed during his hospital stay. This is an including a rapid and safe drainage of abscess
interesting syndrome and not reported until material, minimal damage to cerebral tissue
today in the literature. and immediately lowering intracranial
pressure. Additionally, rapid removal of
Sharma et al. reported their experiences during purulent material allows a more favorable
12-year period with multiple pyogenic brain local environment in which antibiotics would
abscesses and their overall mortality rate was effectively function.
32%.19 Level of consciousness at the time of
admission was the most significant factor Although aspiration has often proved
affecting the outcome. Surgery is the successful, excision via formal craniotomy has
definitive therapy and life saving in the also been effective.3,8,9,10,22 But craniotomy
management of multiple pyogenic abscesses. also has some disadvantages as follows:
Systemic treatment is required for multiple inappropriate technique for lesions would lead
abscesses. In this reported case, the patient’s to an early cerebritis, ill advised for deep
level of consciousness level was preserved and abscess and abscess in eloquent regions of the
therefore, we obtained a good surgical brain. Multiple lesions are not amenable to


MEDICINUS · Vol. 3 No. 1 Februari 2009 – Mei 2009

Figure 1. Pre operative CT scan with contrast showing multilobulated with different
density at both of hemispheres

Figure 2. The abscesses were drained surgically through the right

and left parietal and temporal regions.

Microbiological culture yields the Proteus complication. Outpatient follow-ups were

species. Via catheter drain, vancomycin HCl every two weeks. The baby was well without
was administered intrathecally 15mg every 48 any neurological deficit, while his head size is
hours for 10 days, while intravenous in the normal range. He still had seizures but
meropenem was for 21 days. Shunt procedure without the evidence of any infection.
was ruled-out for two reasons : the absence of
sign of hydrocephalus and the concern was DISCUSSION
raised regarding the risk of spreading of
infection via cerebro spinal fluid (CSF) route Brain abscesses are rare in the newborn and
would lead to sepsis. His occipito-frontal the first line treatment for such lesions is still
circumrerence had been getting smaller to 38 in debate.11,15,20,23 Although stereotactic
cm, while his anterior fontanel was evidently aspiration of these lesions has gained ground
relaxed. Post operative CT scan (fig.3) and as a valid alternative to traditional medical
follow up CT scan before discharge (fig. 3) and/or surgical treatment, recurrence of the
were all evidences of a sucessfull surgery. abscess occurred in some cases after a few
Later the patient was discharged without any



CONCLUSION Surgical drainage is the procedure of choice in

these patients, combined with specific
Multple brain abscesses usually situated in one antibiotic therapy. For multiple abscesses
hemisphere and seldom spread-accross to located at many sites of brain, surgical
other one. Although rare, but it is life drainage in several sessions should be
threatening particularly in children. considered.


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