Topic 1

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Topic 1 All - Cell Biology
All Questions for Topic 1 (Cell Biology). Stem Cells, Cell Theory, & Microscopy, Ultrastructure of Eukaryotes & Prokaryotes, Membrane Structure,
Membrane Transport, The Origin of Cells, Cell Division
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Question 1

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Which structure represents a component responsible for reducing membrane fluidity?

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Question 2

Which of the following is true of centrifugation?

A. It separates substances by density

B. It separates substances by charge

C. It separates substances by chemical composition

D. It separates substances by colour

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Question 3

Which statement best describes stem cells?

A. Stem cells cannot be found in the adult body.

B. The foetus is composed only of stem cells.

C. Stem cells can divide and differentiate into different types of specialised cells.

D. Stem cells have undergone specialisation and maturation.

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Question 4

What is the name of the organelle on the surface of the rough endoplasmic reticulum that is needed to synthesise polypeptide chains?

A. Nucleus

B. Vesicle

C. Ribosome

D. Mitochondrion

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Question 5

During which stage of mitosis does the nuclear envelope break down?

A. Prophase

B. Metaphase

C. Anaphase

D Telophase

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Question 6

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Which component of the cell membrane is represented by structure X?

A. Transmembrane protein

B. Protein channel

C. Peripheral protein

D. Cholesterol molecule

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Question 7

Which of the following is not a function of cholesterol in cell membranes?

A. It reduces membrane fluidity by restricting the movement of phospholipids.

B. It increases membrane flexibility.

C. It serves as a transport channel.

D. It reduces membrane's the permeability to hydrophilic substances.

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Question 8

Magnification: 100 x Scale bar = 10 µm

[Source: Adapted from User: NEON. (2014). Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck Nies-2170 / Olympus IX71+DP72. Wikimedia Common. Retrieved April 6, 2022, from Chlorella_vulgaris_NIES2170.jpg. Copyright by CC BY-SA 3.0]

Chlorella contains the molecule chlorophyll which makes it to appear green. What life function is exhibited in this example?

A. Nutrition

B. Reproduction

C. Response

D. Excretion

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Question 9

Which of the following statements are true about the structure of cells?

I. All cells contain cytoplasm enclosed by the plasma membrane.

II. The microscope was important in understanding the structure of the cell.
III. Prokaryotes do not have genetic material.

A. I and II only

B. II and III only

C. I and III only

D. I, II and III

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Question 10
Why do multicellular organisms exhibit emergent properties?

A. All the cells of multicellular organisms have the same function.

B. Cells of multicellular organisms do not communicate with one another.

C. Cells of multicellular organisms interact with one another.

D. Cells of multicellular organisms have similar structures.

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Question 11

What type of cell is shown in the image?

[Source: Adapted from Itayba, Hebrew Wikipedia. (2016, March 1). Category: Electron Microscope Images. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved May 19, 2022, from Electron_microscopy.jpg Copyright under CC BY 3.0]

A. A eukaryotic cell because it contains mitochondria

B. A prokaryotic cell because it has a plasma membrane

C. A eukaryotic cell because it does not have a nucleus

D. A prokaryotic cell because it contains ribosomes

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Question 12

Which statement(s) about the endosymbiotic theory is/are true?

I. It provides evidence for the origin of prokaryotes.

II. It provides evidence for the origin of eukaryotes.
III. It provides evidence for spontaneous generation.

A. II only

B. I only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III

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Question 13
Which of the following would be considered an organelle?

A. cell wall

B. vesicles

C. cytoskeleton

D. cytoplasm

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Question 14

How do prokaryotic cells divide?

A. Mitosis

B. Meiosis

C. Binary fission

D. Budding

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Question 15

Which statement is false about the genome?

A. The genome is an organism’s entire set of genetic material.

B. All the information carried by the genome is expressed in each cell.

C. The genome is a set of instructions to be followed by the cell.

D. Each skin cell contains a full copy of the genome.

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Question 16

Which statement(s) about mitosis is/are true?

I. Sister chromatids are pulled apart during metaphase.

II. The nuclear envelope reforms during telophase.
III. Chromosomes supercoil and become visible during prophase.

A. I and II only

B. II only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III

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Question 17
The diagram shows a plasma membrane. Which letter indicates cholesterol?

[Source: Adapted from Openstax. (2016, May 18). File: 0303 lipid bilayer with various Components.jpg. Wikimedia commons. Retrieved 31 July 2023 from Copyright free]

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Question 18

What provides evidence that all life on Earth evolved from the same population of cells?

A. Eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotic cells.

B. Both mitochondria and prokaryotes have a cell wall.

C. Both eukaryotes and bacteria contain histones.

D. The genetic code is universal.

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Question 19

These photographs show the same section of a human retina. What is the reason for the difference between the two diagrams?

[Source: Nestl, A. (2012, January 17). File AMD Super resolution Cremer.png - Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia commons. Retrieved June 16, 2022, from Opthalmology_AMD_Super_Resolution_Cremer.png Copyright under CC BY 3.0]

A. The photograph on the right was taken using an electron microscope.

B. The photograph on the right is at a higher resolution.

C. The photograph on the right is at a higher magnification.

D. The photograph on the right shows the ultrastructure of the cells.

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Question 20

The important properties of animal cell membranes are fluidity and permeability. Which molecule is responsible for ensuring the membrane’s fluidity?

A. Cholesterol

B. Integral Membrane Proteins

C. Glycolipids

D. Peripheral Membrane Proteins

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Question 21

Which statement correctly describes the cell membrane structure?

A. A phospholipid bilayer where phosphate heads align facing each other and lipid tails point away.

B. A phospholipid bilayer where lipid tails align facing each other and phosphate heads point away.

C. A phospholipid bilayer where proteins line the outer layer and phospholipids line the inner layer.

D. A layer of phospholipids with phosphate heads facing outside the cell and lipid tails facing the cell cytoplasm.

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Question 22

Which of the following correctly describes the images produced by electron microscopes?

I. High resolution
II. High magnification
III. Coloured

A. I only

B. I and II only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III

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Question 23

In the micrograph below, which letter points to a cell in anaphase?

[Source: Adapted from Reischig, J. (2014, March 11). File (261 13) pressed; root meristem of onion ... - wikimedia. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved May 13, 2022, from;_root_meristem_of_onion_(cells_in_prophase,_metaphase,_anaphase,_telophase).jpg. Copyright under CC
BY-SA 3.0]

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Question 24

The photo shows an Australian shelduck (Tadorna tadornoides).

Which is not a feature that is adapted to aid in locomotion?

[Source: Adapted from Harrison, J. (2023, July 25). Australian shelduck. Wikipedia. Retrieved July 26, 202, from URL
Copyright under CC BY 4.0]

A. Dense bones

B. Wings

C. Webbed feet

D. Oily coating on feathers

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Question 25

Paramecium produces enzymes that catalyse different chemical reactions taking place in the cytoplasm. What function of life is demonstrated in this situation?

A. Excretion

B. Homeostasis

C. Reproduction
D. Metabolism

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Question 26

What do the two labelled organelles have in common?

[Source: Adapted from Itayba, Hebrew Wikipedia. (2016, March 1). Category: Electron Microscope Images. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved May 19, 2022, from Copyright under CC BY 3.0]

A. They are surrounded by a single membrane

B. They contain cristae

C. They are surrounded by a double membrane

D. They contain starch grains

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Question 27

Which organelle has a double membrane?

A. Rough endoplasmic reticulum

B. Golgi apparatus

C. Nucleus

D. Vacuole

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Question 28

Which row in the table correctly identifies structures which are present (✓) or absent (×) in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

Structure Prokaryotic cells Eukaryotic cells

A. 80S ribosomes ✓ ×
B. Plasma membrane × ✓
C. Nucleus ✓ ×
D. Mitochondria × ✓

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Question 29

Which part of the cell is labelled with the letter P?

[Source: Adapted from Itayba, Hebrew Wikipedia. (2016, March 1). Category: Electron Microscope Images. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved May 19, 2022, from Electron_microscopy.jpg. Copyright under CC BY 3.0]

A. Vacuole

B. Lysosome

C. Nucleoid

D. Nucleus

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Question 30

Some cells are exceptions to the cell theory. In the table below, which information about cells and reasons for them being exceptions is not correct?

Example Reason
A. Skeletal muscle cell It can contain more than a hundred nuclei.
B. Acetabularia It is a unicellular organism that is made up of one gigantic cell.
C. Aseptate fungal cell It is a long undivided section of hypha which contains many nuclei.
D. Platelets They do not contain any genetic material and are made up purely of fragments of the cytoplasm.

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Question 31

Identify the correct row in the table regarding the formation of vesicles.

Structure of vesicle Feature of fatty acid tail Formation

A. monolayer hydrophilic spontaneous
B. bilayer hydrophobic spontaneous
C. monolayer hydrophilic induced
D. bilayer hydrophobic induced

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Question 32
Which of the following statements supports the position that using human stem cells for scientific research is ethical?

I. Harvesting embryonic cells can advance scientific understanding of cell differentiation.

II. An embryo has not yet developed its nervous system; therefore, the process of harvesting stem cells is painless.
III. Many embryos made through the process of IVF are never implanted and would otherwise be discarded.

A. I and II

B. II and III

C. I and III

D. I, II and III

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Question 33

Which structure found in a eukaryote has a double membrane?

A. Golgi apparatus

B. Mitochondrion

C. Lysosome

D. Endoplasmic reticulum

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Question 34

What do aseptate fungal hyphae, skeletal muscle, red blood cells, and phloem sieve tube elements have in common?

A. The cells are large

B. They all have no cell wall

C. They all lack a nucleus

D. They are all exceptions to the cell theory

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Question 35

Which of the following is not a function of the Golgi apparatus?

A. Protein synthesis

B. Protein packaging into vesicles

C. Protein modification

D. Lipid packaging into vesicles

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Question 36

Which row in the table correctly identifies structures which are present (✓) or absent (✕) in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
Structure Prokaryotic cells Eukaryotic cells
A. 70S Ribosomes in Cytoplasm ✓ ✕
B. Cell Wall ✕ ✓
C. Mitochondria ✓ ✕
D. Naked DNA ✕ ✓

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Question 37

Below is a micrograph of a bacterium, Marinomonas arctica, which is found in Arctic sea ice.

[Source: Gulf of Alaska Seamounts expedition, 2019. Marinomonas arctica.jpg. Wikimedia. Retrieved, September 25th 2023, from
Marinomonas_arctica.jpg. Copyright under Public Domain]

Which row contains features of prokaryotic cells such as Marinomonas arctica?

Ribosomes Cell wall DNA associated with proteins

A. 80S Yes No
B. 80S Yes Yes
C. 70S No No
D. 70S Yes No

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Question 38

Which statement(s) is/are not true of eukaryotic or prokaryotic cells?

I. Prokaryotic cells have a compartmentalised structure.

II. Only eukaryotic cells have a Golgi apparatus.

III. Only eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound organelles.

A. II only

B. I only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III

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Question 40

Which one of the following transport proteins only carries out active transport?

A. Protein channels

B. Protein pumps

C. Protein carriers
D. Aquaporins

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Question 41

What is true about the membrane structure in the image below?

[Source: Adapted from Panaramecium, Pixabay (2021, January 19). File: micelle-5919208_1280.png. Pixabay. Retrieved September 20, 2023, from Copyright under CC0]

I. It is a lipid bilayer.
II. It contains cholesterol.
III. It contains both hydrophobic and hydrophilic components.

A. I and II only

B. II only

C. I and III only

D. I, II and III

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Question 42

Which pf the following types of membrane transport do not require energy expenditure?

I. Facilitated diffusion
II. Active transport
III. Osmosis

A. II only

B. I and II

C. I and III

D. I only

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Question 43

Which structure is found in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?

A. Lysosome

B. Ribosome

C. Golgi apparatus

D. Nucleoid

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Question 44

Antibodies are proteins that bind to antigens. Which cell expresses the genes for antibody production?

A. Plasma B cells

B. Macrophages

C. Helper T cells

D. Red blood cells

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Question 45

Identify the row which is correct regarding the components of cells.

Component Is it an organelle? Function

A. Cell wall Yes Structural support and protection
B. Cytoplasm No Production of ATP
C. Golgi apparatus Yes Processes, modifies and packages proteins and lipids
D. Lysosome No Digests macromolecules, pathogens, debris and old organelles

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Question 46

Whose experiments disproved spontaneous generation?

A. Miller and Urey

B. Louis Pasteur

C. Rosalind Franklin

D. Meselson and Stahl

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Question 47

What is the actual width of the cell in this image?

[Source: Adapted from Itayba, Hebrew Wikipedia (2006, March 1). File: Electron Microscope Siemens, 1960.jpg - wikimedia commons. Wikimedia commons. Retrieved March 4,
2023, from Electron_microscope_Siemens,_1960.jpg Copyright under CC BY 3.0]

A. 4μm
B. 40μm

C. 400μm

D. 4000μm

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Question 48

Below is a diagram showing three red blood cells that have been placed in solutions of different solute concentrations.

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Which row correctly matches each cell with the type of solution that it has been immersed in?

A. Isotonic Hypertonic Hypotonic
B. Hypertonic Hypotonic Isotonic
C. Hypotonic Isotonic Hypertonic
D. Isotonic Hypotonic Hypertonic

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Question 49

Mesophyll cells are found in plants. Plant cells have unique characteristics that distinguish them from any other cell type.

[Source: Adapted from Zhang, N., Zhang, L., Zhao, L., Ren, Y., Cui, D., Chen, J., ... & Chen, F. (2017). iTRAQ and virus-induced gene silencing revealed three proteins involved
in the cold response in bread wheat. Scientific reports, 7(1), 1-16.Retrieved March 27, 2022. From Copyright under
CC by 4.0]

In the micrograph above, one of the cell parts is labelled X. What is the name of this structure?

A. Chloroplast

B. Central vacuole

C. Cell wall
D. Starch granule

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Question 52

Which statement best describes the osmotic concentration of a solution used to bathe organs for use in organ transplant procedures?

A. The solution must have an osmotic concentration higher than that of the organ to be transplanted.

B. The solution must have an osmotic concentration lower than that of the organ to be transplanted.

C. The solution must be isotonic compared to the cells of the organ to be transplanted.

D. The solution must be mixed with cells from the organ to be transplanted.

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Question 53

A human pancreatic cell divides three times by mitosis. What is the end result of these divisions?

A. Two genetically identical daughter cells.

B. Four genetically distinct daughter cells.

C. Eight genetically identical daughter cells.

D. Sixteen genetically distinct daughter cells.

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Question 54

Which of these membrane proteins carry out active transport?

A. Protein channels

B. Protein pumps

C. Peripheral proteins

D. Receptors

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Question 55

The micrograph below shows part of an animal cell. Which statement is true about the parts labelled X and Y
[©Source: Adapted from T.Voekler (August 1986). File: Nucleus of a chloride cell.jpg. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved July 22nd, 2023, from Nucleus_of_a_chloride_cell.jpg. CC-BY-SA-3.0]

A. Both X and Y are primarily composed of water and solutes.

B. Only X has a specialised function, and Y does not.

C. Only Y is an organelle, and X is not.

D. Both X and Y are found in prokaryotes.

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Question 56

If a cell with a diploid number of 36 undergoes mitosis, how many chromosomes will be present in each daughter cell after cytokinesis?

A. 36

B. 18

C. 72

D. 9

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Question 57

The image shows a micrograph of a cell.

[Source: Adapted from Reischig, J. (2014, March 11). File: mitosis (261 13) pressed; root meristem of onion ... - wikimedia. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved May 13, 2022, from;_root_meristem_of_onion_(cells_in_prophase,_metaphase,_anaphase,_telophase).jpg. Copyright under CC
BY-SA 3.0]

What explains the appearance of the cell in the micrograph?

A. The cell is undergoing interphase.

B. The sister chromatids are being pulled apart.

C. The cell is getting larger.

D. The cell is in metaphase.

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Question 59

Which of the following statements about the effect of surface area and volume on the cell’s processes is false?

A. The rate at which materials enter or leave the cell depends on the surface area.

B. A small cell will be able to take in sufficient materials by diffusion.

C. The rate at which materials are used and produced depends on the surface area.

D. A large spherical cell will not be able to excrete waste products at a sufficient rate by diffusion.

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Question 60

Which statement(s) is/are a necessary requirement for the evolution of the first cells?

I. DNA having the ability to catalyse reactions

II. Polymerisation of carbon compounds
III. Spontaneous formation of vesicles

A. I and II only

B. II and III only

C. I and III only

D. I, II and III

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Question 62

Which statement provides evidence for the endosymbiotic theory?

A. Phospholipids readily form bilayers.

B. Chloroplasts possess a double membrane.

C. RNA is self-replicating.

D. Mitochondria possess a single membrane.

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Question 64

What feature of chloroplasts provides evidence for the endosymbiotic theory?

A. They have their own nucleus.

B. They have a single membrane.

C. They contain 70S ribosomes.

D. They contain a thylakoid membrane.

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Question 65

Which evidence supported the Singer-Nicolson model and not the Davson-Danielli model?

I. Membrane fusion experiments revealed membrane proteins can diffuse from one position to another in the phospholipid bilayer
II. Analysis of membrane proteins indicated that some surfaces of membrane proteins were hydrophobic
III. Electron micrographs revealed the appearance of the membrane as two dark bands separated by a light band

A. I only

B. I and II only

C. II and III only

D. I, II, and III

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Question 66

The electron micrograph below shows a cell of the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Which of the labelled structures maintains the cell’s shape and protects the cell from lysing during osmosis?

[Source: Blokesch, M. & Schoolnik, G.K. (2007). Serogroup Conversion of Vibrio cholerae in Aquatic Reservoirs. PLoS Pathog 3(6): e81. Retrieved March 15, 2022, from under CC BY 4.0]

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Question 67

Which of the following is not an advantage of cell compartmentalisation?

A. Ability to control the distribution of metabolites and enzymes

B. Improved nutrient storage

C. Reduced energy costs

D. Improved metabolic efficiency

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Question 68
Which is the correct definition of cytokinesis?

A. Division of the nucleus of a cell to form two identical nuclei

B. Splitting of cytoplasm in a parent cell between two daughter cells

C. Pinching off of a daughter cell from a parent cell

D. The pulling away of the plasma membrane from the cell wall

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Question 69

Which process is most likely responsible for the origin of mitochondria as a eukaryotic cell organelle?

A. Osmosis

B. Exocytosis

C. Apoptosis

D. Endocytosis

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Question 70

Which organelle is the site of protein synthesis?

A. B.

C. D.

[Source A: Adapted from Itayba, Hebrew Wikipedia. (2016, March 1). Category: Electron Microscope Images. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved May 19, 2022, from Electron_microscopy.jpg Copyright under CC BY 3.0.
Source B: Adapted from: Openstax. (2016, May 18). File:0313 endoplasmic reticulum B en.png - Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia commons. Retrieved June 19, 2022, from Copyright under CC BY 3.0.
Source C: and3k, & caper437. (2009, June 25). File: chloroplast in leaf of anemone sp Tem 85000x.png - Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia commons. Retrieved June 19, 2022,
from Copyright under CC BY 3.0
Source D: Murphy, F. (2016, August 10). Free picture: Thin, section, ebola, virus. PIXNIO. Retrieved June 19, 2022, from
images/ebola-hemorrhagic-fever-virus/thin-section-containing-the-ebola-virus Copyright free]

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Question 71

What feature distinguishes fungal hyphae and striated muscle from the two cell types shown in the images?

[Source: Adapted from CNX OpenStax. (2016, May 27). File 04 00 00.jpg. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved March 5, 2023, from
Figure_04_00_00.jpg Copyright under CC by 3.0]

A. They are multinucleate.

B. They only have one nucleus.

C. They have unusually large cells that contain only one nucleus.

D. They contain mitochondria.

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Question 72

Which statement applies to a lysosome?

A. It usually fuses with a vacuole in the cytoplasm.

B. It participates in anabolic reactions of cellular components.

C. It forms from vesicles budding from the nucleus.

D. It is an organelle which lacks a membrane and contains enzymes.

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Question 73

Which of the following processes occur in prokaryotic cells but not eukaryotic cells?

A. Transcription takes place in the cytoplasm

B. mRNA splicing

C. Regulation of transcription

D. Translation of mRNA into a polypeptide chain

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Question 74

What type of transport is depicted in the image below?

[Source: Adapted from Laboratoires Servier (2019, September 29). File: Endocytosis_2_--_Smart-Servier.png - wikimedia commons. Wikimedia commons. Retrieved September
20, 2023, from Endocytosis_2_--_Smart-Servier.png Copyright under CC BY 3.0]

A. Active transport

B. Simple diffusion

C. Facilitated diffusion

D. Exocytosis

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Question 75

Which word describes the formation of secondary tumours from primary tumours as a result of the movement of cells?

A. Malignant

B. Carcinoma

C. Benign

D. Metastasis

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Question 77

Which statement is a similarity between cytokinesis in animal and plant cells?

A. A new cell wall is formed.

B. Two daughter cells are formed from one parent cell.

C. A cleavage furrow is formed.

D. Vesicles are used to form two layers of membrane.

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Question 80

Which statements about unicellular and multicellular organisms are correct?

Unicellular organisms Multicellular organisms

A. They only reproduce asexually Contains differentiated cells
B. Consist of only one cell All cellular processes are carried out by one organelle
C. Can reproduce sexually They have emergent properties
D. Contains differentiated cells Can reproduce sexually
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Question 84

The following electron micrograph shows part of an exocrine pancreas cell. Which of the labelled structures is responsible for the production of vesicles for exocytosis?

[Source: Adapted from Howard, L. (n.d.). File: Pancreatic cells - TEM.jpg. Wikipedia. Retrieved January, 3, 2023, from
Pancreatic_cells_-_TEM.jpg. Copyright under Public Domain]

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Question 86

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Which structure on the above diagram corresponds to the molecule below?

[Source: Adapted from OpenStax College. (2013). Other Important Lipids [Diagram]. Anatomy and Physiology. Retrieved March 22, 2020, from Copyright under CC BY 3.0]

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Question 87

The image below shows red blood cells placed in three different solutions as seen under the light microscope. Which type of solution were the cells shown in micrograph A most likely placed
[Source: Adapted from Zephyris. (2012). Human Erythrocytes Osmotic Pressure Phase Contrast Plain [Micrograph]. Retrieved April 21, 2022, from Copyright under CC BY-SA 3.0]

A. A hypertonic solution

B. A hypotonic solution

C. An isotonic solution

D. Distilled water

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Question 88

Which of the following statements does not describe a step in the sodium-potassium pump cycle in the neuronal cells?

A. Three sodium ions attach to their binding sites in the pump from the interior of the cell.

B. The pump changes shape upon being phosphorylated, and sodium ions are released to the outside.

C. Three potassium ions attach to their binding sites in the pump from the exterior of the cell.

D. The pump changes shape upon releasing the phosphate group, and potassium ions are released to the interior of the cell.

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Question 89

The Davson-Danielli model of the cell membrane described its structure as a phospholipid bilayer having globular proteins covering both the inner and the outer surface of the membrane.
Which evidence supported this model?

A. In electron micrographs, membranes appeared as two dark parallel lines with a lighter coloured region in between.

B. Membrane proteins had hydrophobic regions.

C. Membrane proteins expected to form continuous layers were found to be very varied in size.

D. Freeze fracturing electron microscopy.

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Question 90

The diagram represents two solutions with different water potentials separated by a selectively permeable membrane.
[© Revision Village 2023]

Select the row with the correct direction for the net movement of water molecules and the correct reason for the movement.

Direction of Movement Reason of Movement

A. Left to Right Lower water potential on left of membrane
B. Left to Right Higher water potential on left of membrane
C. Right to Left Lower water potential on left of membrane
D. Right to Left Higher water potential on left of membrane

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Question 93

Which evidence is not useful in supporting the Singer-Nicolson model?

A. Membrane proteins had hydrophobic regions.

B. Freeze fracturing electron microscopy.

C. In the electron micrographs, membranes appeared as two dark parallel lines with a lighter-coloured region in-between.

D. Membrane proteins of different cells were tagged with fluorescent antibodies of different colours that were then found to be mixed throughout the membrane after fusing the cells

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Question 94

Which statements about chloroplasts and mitochondria support the endosymbiotic theory?

Chloroplasts Mitochondria
A. Contain 70S ribosomes Contain cristae
B. Found in prokaryotes Contain 80S ribosomes
C. Have a single membrane Contain circular DNA
D. Contain 70S ribosomes Have a double membrane

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Question 95

The diagram shows the dominant cyclin/CDK complexes at different time points in the cell cycle. Which cyclin/CDK complex activates DNA replication machinery?
[Source: Adapted from Helena, J. M., Joubert, A. M., Grobbelaar, S., Nolte, E. M., Nel M., Pepper, M. S., Coetzee, M., & Mercier, A. E. (2018). Deoxyribonucleic Acid Damage
and Repair: Capitalizing on Our Understanding of the Mechanisms of Maintaining Genomic Integrity for Therapeutic Purposes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences,
19(4):1148. Retrieved April 1, 2022, from Copyright under CC BY 4.0]

A. Cyclin A/CDK 2

B. Cyclin B/CDK 1

C. Cyclin D/CDK 4

D. Cyclin A/CDK 1

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Question 96

Which statement describes endocytosis?

A. Protein-containing vesicles from the Golgi apparatus fusing with the cell membrane

B. The contractile vacuole in Paramecium expelling water

C. Oxygen diffusing from a red blood cell to a respiring tissue

D. Antibodies from the mother’s blood being taken up by the placenta

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Question 97

Which of the following is not a function of membrane proteins?

A. Cell adhesion

B. Cell-to-cell communication

C. Transport of oxygen gas

D. Enzymatic action to catalyse chemical reactions

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Question 100

The diagram below shows the concentrations of different cyclins during the cell cycle. Which cyclin is involved in preparing for DNA replication?
[Source: Adapted from CNX OpenStax. (2016, May 27). File: Figure_10_03_02.jpg- wikimedia commons. Wikimedia commons. Retrieved May 13, 2022, from Copyright under CC BY 4]

A. Cyclin D

B. Cyclin E

C. Cyclin A

D. Cyclin B

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Question 103

Which of the following structures are not found in either animal or fungal cells?

A. Mitochondria

B. Vacuoles

C. Plastids

D. Centrioles

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Question 104

Which of the structures below can transport water molecules across the cell membrane?

A. Cholesterol

B. Glycoproteins

C. Protein pumps

D. Protein channels

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Question 106

The mitotic index of throat tissues taken from 4 different patients is shown below. Which patient is most likely to have cancerous throat tissue?

Mitotic index of throat tissue

A. 10.0
Mitotic index of throat tissue
B. 2.3
C. 3.2
D. 5.6

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Question 108

The image below shows red blood cells placed in an isotonic solution and a solution of unknown solute concentration. Which type of solution is that of unknown concentration, and what effect
does this have on the volume of the cells?

[Source: Adapted from Zephyris. (2012). Human Erythrocytes Osmotic Pressure Phase Contrast Plain [Micrograph]. Retrieved April 21, 2022, from Copyright under CC BY-SA 3.0]

Type of solution Effect on the volume of red blood cell

A. Hypotonic Increase
B. Hypotonic Decrease
C. Hypertonic Increase
D. Hypertonic Decrease

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Question 110

Which of the following is a reason that embryonic stem cells are not used in the treatment of leukaemia?

A. They have limited differentiation potential.

B. It is difficult to control which cell type they differentiate into.

C. They are difficult to obtain.

D. They have a higher chance of accumulated mutations.

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Question 112

The dimensions of a theoretical cube are doubled. By what factor would its volume increase?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 6

D. 8
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Question 113

Louis Pasteur's famous experiments disproving spontaneous generation were replicated by placing broth into various flasks.

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Which two flasks would show the presence of microorganisms in the results?

A. R and S

B. S and Q

C. Q and R

D. P and Q

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Question 115

The table shows the diameters of red blood cells from different organisms. Which red blood cell will have the highest surface area to volume ratio?

Organism Diameter of red blood cell/µm)

A. Human 7.7
B. Bird 12.6
C. Fish 13.6
D. Frog 23.3

[Source: Adapted from Elson, J. A. (2014, December 24). File: Newbloodm.jpg. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved March 5, 2023, from
Newbloodm.jpg Copyright under CC BY 3.0]

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Question 118

If the DNA in a somatic cell is changed in an animal as a result of a mutation, which of the following could most significantly affect other tissues in the animal?

A. Mechanisms involved in the cell cycle are altered.

B. Apoptosis occurs in the cell.

C. A start codon is altered which deactivates a gene.

D. Transcription of one or more genes becomes impossible.

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Question 119

Palisade mesophyll cells produce and release large amounts of carbohydrates. Which characteristics would you expect to observe in such cells?

A. A high density of mitochondria and a large central vacuole.

B. A high density of chloroplasts and an extensive Golgi apparatus.

C. A high density of chloroplasts and a large central vacuole.

D. A high density of mitochondria and an extensive Golgi apparatus.

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Question 120

The base sequence between two species was found to be 78% the same, while the order of amino acids found in the same cell types between two species was 82% the same. What may be the
reason for this?

A. The genetic code is degenerate.

B. Mutations occur more frequently in DNA that codes for proteins.

C. Techniques used to analyse base sequences of DNA are less reliable.

D. The genetic code is universal.

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Question 121

Which of the following surface area to volume ratios would result in the highest rate of diffusion for a cell?

A. The higher the surface area to volume ratio, the higher the rate of diffusion

B. The lower the surface area to volume ratio, the higher the rate of diffusion

C. The higher the volume to surface area ratio, the higher the rate of diffusion

D. The lower the volume to surface area ratio, the lower the rate of diffusion

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Question 126

Which type of transport is represented by this diagram?

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A. Active transport

B. Simple diffusion

C. Facilitated diffusion

D. Protein channel

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Question 130

Which statement applies to both mitochondria and prokaryotes?

A. They both contain DNA.

B. They both have flagella.

C. They both contain lysosomes.

D. They both have a cell wall.

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Question 131

What is the correct magnification of this image?

[Source: Adapted from Itayba, Hebrew Wikipedia (2006, March 1). File Microscope Siemens, 1960.jpg - wikimedia commons. Wikimedia commons. Retrieved March 4, 2023,
from Electron_microscope_Siemens,_1960.jpg Copyright under CC BY 3.0]

A. 1000 x

B. 100 x

C. 0.1 x

D. 10000 x

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Question 133

The graph below shows the change in mass of a potato slice (%) at different concentrations of sucrose solution (mol dm−3 ).

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Which of the concentrations is the closest estimate of the molarity of the potato cells?

A. 0.01 mol dm−3

B. 0.22 mol dm−3

C. 0.38 mol dm−3

D. 0.57 mol dm−3

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Question 134

What is an example of an emergent property?

A. A unicellular organism uses active transport to absorb nutrients.

B. A retinal cell detecting changes in light intensity.

C. The endocrine and nervous system working cooperatively to respond to the environment.

D. A single muscle cell contracting.

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Question 135

Which characteristic is not true for both mitochondria and chloroplasts?

A. They are present in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes.

B. They are both able to self replicate.

C. They are both able to synthesise proteins.

D. They both contain circular DNA.

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Question 136

Which row about the different methods of membrane transport is incorrect?

Membrane transport Requires ATP? Is a cotransporter? Transports ions

A. Sodium potassium pump ✓ ✗ ✓
B. Exocytosis ✓ ✗ ✗
C. Sodium dependent glucose cotransporters ✓ ✓ ✓
D. Facilitated diffusion ✗ ✗ ✓

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Question 137

The electron micrograph shows a prokaryotic cell, Cyclotella litoralis. What is the actual diameter of the cell in this image?
[Source: Adapted from FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute. (2011, June 7). Cyclotella litoralis (scanning electron micrograph). Flickr. Retrieved March 5, 2023, from Copyright under CC BY 3.0]

A. 3.5 cm

B. 350 µm

C. 3500 mm

D. 35 µm

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Question 138

The electron micrograph shows an animal cell.

[Source: Adapted from Itayba, Hebrew Wikipedia. (2016, March 1). Category: Electron Microscope Images. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved May 19, 2022, from Electron_microscopy.jpg. Copyright under CC-SA 3.0]

Which organelle's origin is due to the endosymbiosis of ancient cells?

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Question 139

The electron micrograph shows a sarcomere, the smallest functional unit of striated muscle tissue. What is the actual length between the two Z lines?
[Source: Adapted from Loison, O., Weitkunat , M., Kaya-Çopur , A., Nascimento Alves, C., Matzat , T., & Spletter , M. L. (2018). Category: sarcomeres. Wikimedia Commons.
Retrieved March 5, 2023, from Copyright under CC BY 3.0][Ruler tool, cm]

A. 10 µm

B. 1 mm

C. 1 cm

D. 1 µm

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Question 140

Given the following experimental set-up, in which direction will there be a net movement of water?

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A. Water will diffuse out of the cell.

B. Water will diffuse into the cell.

C. Water will diffuse equally into and out of the cell.

D. Water will not move.

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Question 142

Which organelle is formed by a vesicle derived from the cell membrane?

A. Food vacuole

B. Ribosome

C. Golgi apparatus

D. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

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Question 143

Which organism contains DNA in exactly two different organelles?

A. A tree

B. A mushroom

C. An Archaeon

D. A seaweed

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Question 144

What type of transport is pinocytosis?

A. Endocytosis, which is a form of active transport

B. Endocytosis, which is a form of passive transport

C. Exocytosis, which is a form of active transport

D. Exocytosis, which is a form of passive transport

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Question 146

The table shows the number of cells in different stages of the cell cycle in four samples of lung tissue from four patients. Which tissue has the lowest mitotic index?

Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Total

A. 80 30 4 5 1 120
B. 100 9 1 7 8 125
C. 30 15 5 10 0 60
D. 70 20 4 0 6 100

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Question 148
Which row in the following table gives the correct disadvantages of the different stem cell sources for therapeutic uses?

Embryonic stem cells Cord blood stem cells Adult stem cells
A. Can differentiate into a large range of cell types Low risk of rejection by patient Removal of cells damages the organism the cells are extracted from
B. Higher risk of developing tumours Limited capacity to differentiate into different cell types Can be difficult to obtain
C. Limited capacity to differentiate into different cell types Can be difficult to obtain High risk of being rejected by patient
D. Removal of cells destroys the embryo High risk of being rejected by patient Limited capacity to differentiate into different cell types

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Question 149

When is the concentration of cyclin E the highest during the cell cycle ?

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Question 150

The giant algae Acetabularia can be a model organism for studying the biology of a plant cell. Which characteristics of Acetabularia make it a good model organism?

A. Both, Acetabularia cells and plant cells, do not have a cell wall.

B. Acetabularia is composed of one large cell.

C. Acetabularia is composed of many large cells.

D. Acetabularia contains a pigment which makes its structures easily visualised.

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