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Periodontology 2000, Vol. 76, 2018, 131–149 © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

y & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved PERIODONTOLOGY 2000

Host modulation therapy with

anti-inflammatory agents
P H I L I P M. P R E S H A W

As clinicians, scientists or researchers who are This concept was to hold for the next 25 years or
engaged in the treatment of periodontal diseases, we so, and had a direct impact on how clinicians have
share a common goal: the development and utiliza- managed the disease. It is interesting to observe,
tion of the most effective therapies for our patients. however, that even in that original publication, the
The development of treatment strategies relies heav- authors noted ‘the observation that the time neces-
ily on clinical research, and over the last 40–50 years, sary to develop clinical gingivitis varied between
there has been an exponential increase in the number individuals could then be a reflection of individual
of scientific research publications that address the defence mechanism variability’ (76). In other words,
management of periodontal diseases. The application even back in 1965, researchers were aware of, and
of appropriate and rigorous scientific methodologies, documenting, variations between individuals in
coupled with correct statistical analysis and interpre- relation to susceptibility to gingival and periodontal
tation of the results of clinical trials, provides us with inflammation.
the best available information to make decisions
about how to treat most effectively the highly preva-
lent, chronic inflammatory disease that we refer to as Periodontitis: infection or
periodontitis. inflammation?
Application of the scientific method in modern
periodontal research can be regarded as commenc- Since the 1960s, periodontal research has evolved in
ing with the carefully controlled studies that started parallel with technological advances, leading to dis-
to be published in the 1960s by researchers such as tinct ‘eras’ in our understanding of periodontal
Lo€ e et al. (75). This research group published a pathogenesis. For example, in terms of periodontal
carefully documented index system for quantifying microbiology, we have progressed from the nonspeci-
gingival inflammation that continues to be widely fic plaque hypothesis to the specific plaque hypothe-
used to this day (58). Utilizing this scoring system, sis and, most recently, to the ecological plaque
these researchers conducted an experimental gin- hypothesis, which holds that accumulation of plaque
givitis study in which healthy volunteers refrained biofilm induces environmental changes (such as
from oral hygiene procedures until gingivitis devel- altered redox potential and pH, and introduction of
oped (76). The gingivitis resolved on resumption of novel host proteins and glycoproteins) that favor the
oral hygiene. As well as observing the clinical growth of proteolytic and anaerobic gram-negative
changes that occurred as a result of plaque accu- bacteria and the development of an inflammatory
mulation, the authors also investigated concomitant host response (77, 80, 81). Over the same time period,
changes in the composition of the bacterial plaque, researchers began to investigate in detail the inflam-
identifying increases in the number of microorgan- matory response in the gingival and periodontal tis-
isms and changes in the proportions of specific sues, with observations, for example, that the levels of
bacterial types. Reinstatement of normal oral specific inflammatory mediators, such as prostaglan-
hygiene resulted in re-establishment of the original din E2, were higher in the gingival crevicular fluid
bacterial flora. Studies such as this led to the pre- sampled from sites with periodontitis compared with
mise that periodontal diseases are infectious dis- gingival crevicular fluid sampled from sites with gin-
eases because of the presumed bacterial etiology. givitis (88). Studies of the inflammatory mechanisms


associated with periodontal inflammation led to the What is inflammation?

concept of the host response as an important deter-
minant of susceptibility to disease (94), and a gradual The term ‘inflammation’ is derived from the Latin
increase in awareness that much of the variability in word inflammare, ‘to set on fire’. The classical signs
periodontal disease expression between individuals of inflammation were described by the Roman, Aulus
derives from variations in the host response to the Cornelius Celsus, in the 1st century AD, who referred
subgingival microbiota. to the four cardinal signs of inflammation, namely
This change in how we perceive periodontal patho- rubor, tumor, calor et dolor (redness, swelling, heat
genesis is neatly captured in various statements from and pain) (112). These reactions are what we would
the periodontal literature. In 2008, the American regard today as the classic inflammatory response to
Academy of Periodontology held a workshop entitled a traumatic insult or injury. Subsequent researchers
‘Inflammation and Periodontal Diseases: a Reap- added to the knowledge base, such as Galen in the
praisal’. The findings of the workshop were published 2nd century AD who described ‘laudable pus’ (inter-
in a supplement to the Journal of Periodontology, preting infection and inflammation as being benefi-
including the statement ‘. . .periodontitis is an inflam- cial in wound repair), and Virchow & Cohnheim in
matory disease initiated by the oral microbial biofilm. the 1870s, cited in Scott et al. (112), who noted
This distinction implies that it is the host response to increased leakiness of vessels permitting the develop-
the biofilm that destroys the periodontium in the ment of a fluid and cellular infiltrate in inflamed
pathogenesis of the disease’ (127). Similarly, in 2009, tissues. However, many inflammatory conditions do
Chapple (17) asserted that ‘periodontitis should prob- not result in the appearance of the classic signs of
ably not be characterized as an aberrant inflamma- inflammation, and we now recognize that inflamma-
tory-immune response to pathogenic organisms but tion may well be present within tissues at the cellular
is more accurately categorized as a nonresolving level without resulting in all (or even any) of the
inflammation that is ineffective in eliminating the classical cardinal signs. This is certainly the case for
initiating pathogens and that is sustained by the gingival and periodontal inflammation (Table 1).
same’ (36). Models of inflammatory processes in the context of
So, is periodontitis an ‘infection’ or an ‘inflamma- periodontitis have evolved over the years. It is highly
tion’? In the 1960s, it was definitely regarded as an ‘in- likely that we do not yet understand the full extent of
fectious disease’ on account of the perceived bacterial the molecular and cellular processes involved in
etiology, but that terminology does not seem com- inflammation, and ongoing research will probably
mensurate with our modern understanding of disease add to the complexity that we perceive. It is certain
pathogenesis. Indeed, according to modern under- that cytokines and other mediators of inflammation
standing, an infectious disease is one that we can interact functionally in networks in the periodontium
‘catch’, usually with a defined microbial etiology. Peri- and integrate aspects of innate and adaptive immu-
odontitis does not fit with this model. It is clear that nity. In the context of periodontal inflammation,
the subgingival microbiota initiates and perpetuates most information available is in relation to the role of
the inflammatory response; however, it is the inflam- proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-
matory response that is responsible for the majority of 1beta, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6,
tissue breakdown that occurs in affected individuals. and data are accumulating on T-cell regulatory
Periodontitis is not an ‘infection’ in the classic sense of cytokines, such as interleukin-12 and interleukin-18,
the word. Indeed, this change in focus represents a chemokines and those cytokines that play a role in
paradigm shift in our understanding of this common bone-cell development and function, for example
inflammatory disease as we move from solely focusing RANKL and osteoprotegerin (100). There are clearly
on mechanistic and antimicrobial approaches to multiple, overlapping and complex functional links
managing the condition, to considering how to control between cytokines, with regulation of expression
the driving force behind disease progression (i.e. being exerted at a number of levels and involving
uncontrolled inflammation) (4). As we now recognize numerous cell types (both immune cells and resident
that periodontitis is an inflammatory disease, and that cells in the periodontium). A schematic to illustrate
inflammation results in the majority of the tissue the multiple interactions between cytokines and cel-
breakdown that occurs, we are presented with new lular functions in periodontal inflammation has
opportunities to consider additional methods for been presented previously, with the interpretation
treating the condition that aim to target specific that there is considerable heterogeneity between
aspects of the inflammatory response.

Host modulation with anti-inflammatory agents

Table 1. Cardinal signs of inflammation in gingivitis and periodontitis

Sign Usual cause Evident in gingivitis or periodontitis?

Redness Vasodilatation Gingival erythema is present in both gingivitis and periodontitis as

a result of vasodilatation of blood vessels in the soft tissues
Swelling Increased vascular Gingival edema is present in both gingivitis and periodontitis as
permeability; formation a result of increased vascular permeability and increased fluid and
of granulation tissue cellular infiltrate. In cases of periodontitis, long-standing
inflammation may result in a more fibrotic texture of the swollen
tissues, and granulation tissue may also contribute to tissue swelling
Heat Vasodilatation The temperature of the gingival and periodontal tissues is not usually
assessed. Some research studies have identified elevated subgingival
temperatures in cases of gingivitis and periodontitis, but this is not
particularly predictable or reproducible, can vary considerably
(e.g. with location in the mouth, recent food/drink) and is not
a useful indicator of presence of inflammation
Pain Stimulation of nociceptors Pain that results directly from soft-tissue inflammation is not usually
present in chronic gingivitis or periodontitis (the exception being
acute conditions, such as necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis). If pain is
present in cases of periodontitis, it is usually secondary to
factors such as dentine sensitivity as a result of exposure of root
surfaces following gingival recession
Loss of function* Pain; disruption of tissue structure Loss of function is not usually a feature of gingivitis. It may be a
feature of advanced periodontitis, as a result of extensive attachment
and bone loss and subsequent mobility, drifting or sensitivity of teeth
*Loss of function (functio laesa) was added to the four preceding cardinal signs of inflammation, possibly by Galen in the 2nd century AD, but more probably by Vir-
chow in 1871 (105).

individuals in terms of the specifics of their that this approach results in a significant loss of root-
inflammatory response profile (69). This heterogene- surface structure (both cementum and dentine),
ity is presumed to explain the marked differences in which can result in sensitivity (particularly in patients
susceptibility to periodontitis that we observe in our undergoing long-term periodontal maintenance care)
patients. and that is not necessary to achieve periodontal heal-
Inflammation is a fundamental homeostatic ing. The research of Kieser’s group (85, 119), in the
response to insult or injury that plays an essential role late 1980s, identified that lipopolysaccharide is not
in the removal of microorganisms and is important in firmly bound to cementum and is only loosely adher-
the restoration of normal tissue structure and func- ent to root surfaces. He introduced the term ‘root sur-
tion. Significantly, however, we now realize that pro- face debridement’ to indicate a lighter-touch form of
longed or excessive inflammation can lead to tissue periodontal treatment in which the aim of treatment
damage, the signs of which we recognize as disease. is to disrupt and reduce the subgingival biofilm (i.e.
This is certainly the case in periodontitis, in which the plaque removal) but also to preserve cementum.
subgingival microbiota initiates and perpetuates the Ultrasonic instruments are ideally suited to this task.
chronic inflammatory response, resulting in ongoing The change in the treatment concept from root
tissue destruction and the progression of disease. planing to root surface debridement fits well with our
Treatment strategies for periodontitis have focused modern understanding of the chronic nature of peri-
on reducing the bacterial challenge. Traditionally, odontal disease; we accept that patients with peri-
‘scaling and root planing’ was the management strat- odontitis generally will cycle through episodes of
egy of choice for the nonsurgical treatment of more active intervention and then periods of peri-
periodontitis. This treatment approach was based odontal maintenance care, and that periodontal
around the concept that ‘infected’ cementum (i.e. management should be regarded as a lifelong com-
cementum that was impregnated with lipopolysac- mitment. Plaque control by the patient is of para-
charide) should be removed from root surfaces (along mount importance, and patients are supported in
with plaque and calculus) to enable effective healing, this by the regular provision of effective, and non-
using a ‘planing’ approach to remove the surface lay- damaging, debridement of the root surface by the
ers of the cementum. However, we now recognize clinician. This chronic treatment model maximizes


the likelihood of resolution of inflammation but inflammation has been carried out in the form of
without causing extensive tissue damage, with the observational studies of patients who were taking
success of therapy being determined on the basis of long-term steroid therapy for other indications (115).
resolution of inflammation (e.g. characterized by The risk/benefit profile in the context of treatment of
reductions in bleeding on probing, resolution of periodontitis is unfavorable – generally no clear bene-
inflammation in the tissues and probing-depth fit of steroid therapy on reducing periodontal inflam-
reductions) (21). mation has been noted. Furthermore, steroids are
Dental clinicians routinely employ risk-manage- associated with a range of side effects (including
ment strategies, such as smoking-cessation support, altered carbohydrate and protein metabolism, osteo-
in their periodontal treatment protocols. Smoking porosis, peptic ulceration, inhibition of adrenal cortex
cessation has been shown to result in enhanced peri- function and risk of adrenocortical crisis, drug-
odontal treatment outcomes in those patients who induced Cushing’s syndrome, telangiectasia, hyper-
manage to quit smoking as opposed to those who tension, impaired wound healing and increased risk
continue to smoke (16). The knowledge that peri- of opportunistic infections as a result of immunosup-
odontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease provides pression) (2). Corticosteroids are potent drugs used to
us with options to consider using anti-inflammatory treat a variety of medical conditions and, in view of
agents as therapeutic strategies additional to conven- the significant risk of unwanted effects associated
tional periodontal treatment (i.e. root surface with their use, they are clearly not indicated in the
debridement) and risk-reduction strategies. This con- management of periodontitis.
cept has been referred to as host response modula-
tion or host modulation therapy, denoting that the
treatment aims to modify the host response by reduc- (Conventional) disease-modifying
ing those damaging aspects of the inflammatory anti-rheumatic drugs
response that lead to tissue destruction. A number of
different classes of anti-inflammatory drugs are avail- The conventional disease-modifying anti-rheumatic
able, and some of these have been considered for use drugs are a group of otherwise unrelated drugs used
as adjunctive treatments for periodontitis. These will to slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis. The
now be discussed. term disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs is used
to distinguish these drugs: (i) from the nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce inflammation
Corticosteroids but which do not necessarily treat the underlying
cause of rheumatoid arthritis; and (ii) from the ster-
Corticosteroids (glucocorticoids and mineralocorti- oids that reduce the immune and inflammatory
coids) are a group of drugs, structurally related to the responses but which may not slow progression of the
hormone cortisol, that have a wide variety of applica- disease. In other words, whereas nonsteroidal anti-
tions in medicine, primarily in relation to their anti- inflammatory drugs and steroids are also used for
inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties (2). control of symptoms in rheumatoid arthritis, it is only
Their mechanism of action involves the suppression the disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs that
of phospholipase A2, the enzyme which acts on cell affect disease progression (121). Rheumatoid arthritis
membranes to produce eicosanoids. Corticosteroids is a systemic inflammatory autoimmune disease that
therefore block the production of prostaglandins and leads to progressive joint destruction, and it markedly
leukotrienes and are used for management of a large reduces quality of life. Signs and symptoms include
variety of chronic inflammatory conditions, such as chronic inflammation of the joints (particularly the
arthritis, dermatitis, asthma and inflammatory bowel wrists and small joints of the hands and feet) and
disease. Corticosteroids also possess immunosup- impaired function (pain and joint stiffness) as a result
pressive properties: they inhibit the cell-mediated of progressive joint destruction (126).
response (leading to reduced T-cell proliferation) by The disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs can be
inhibiting the transcription of genes that code for var- classified as either conventional disease-modifying
ious interleukins and interferon-gamma; and they anti-rheumatic drugs (the subject of this section) or
also suppress humoral responses, with concomitant biological disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs
reductions in B-cells and antibody production (2). (which are discussed below). Conventional disease-
Most of the research that has evaluated whether modifying anti-rheumatic drugs are slow-acting drugs
steroids have an impact on periodontal and gingival that have efficacy in dampening down the underlying

Host modulation with anti-inflammatory agents

disease processes in rheumatoid arthritis; these drugs given parenterally. Further irritation of the gastric
can result in reductions in the levels of C-reactive mucosa (when nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
protein and rheumatoid factor, in the erythrocyte are taken orally) results from the fact that most nons-
sedimentation rate and of bone and cartilage dam- teroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are weak organic
age. Conventional disease-modifying anti-rheumatic acids (130). Renal effects include salt and fluid reten-
drugs include methotrexate, gold salts, sulfasalazine, tion (and risk of hypertension) that results from
cyclosporin, cyclophosphamide and hydroxychloro- changes in renal blood flow which is normally modu-
quinone. Methotrexate was first introduced as a lated by prostaglandins; prostaglandins cause vasodi-
chemotherapy treatment for cancer and is still used latation of the afferent arterioles to the glomeruli to
for this indication. However, at lower doses it can be maintain normal filtration, and inhibition of prosta-
used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases and is glandins by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
a first-line treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. The therefore results in reduced renal perfusion pressure
conventional disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs and hence fluid retention. Aspirin is also widely used
are potent systemic medications used in the manage- at low doses as an anti-platelet aggregation agent as a
ment of a significant chronic inflammatory disease result of its inhibitory effect on platelet thromboxane.
(rheumatoid arthritis), and they have a variety of Research in the 1970s and 1980s, in which prosta-
unwanted effects. For example, methotrexate may glandins began to be implicated in the pathogenesis
cause nausea, hair loss, skin rashes, oral ulceration, of periodontal disease (90, 91), resulted in clinical
vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, the conventional studies being carried out to investigate whether nons-
disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs are clearly teroidal anti-inflammatory drugs would be of benefit
not indicated in the treatment of periodontitis. Bio- as an adjunctive treatment for periodontitis. The bio-
logical disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs and logical rationale for this was clear: prostaglandins are
other anti-cytokine drugs are discussed later. produced by a variety of cell types in the periodon-
tium (neutrophils, macrophages, fibroblasts and
epithelial cells) in response to lipopolysaccharide and
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory are potent proinflammatory mediators that are rele-
drugs vant to periodontal disease progression; for example,
prostaglandin E2 up-regulates osteoclastic bone
The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a com- resorption (64, 89). Early evidence to indicate that
monly used class of drugs indicated as analgesics for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may reduce
treatment of low/moderate pain, as antipyretic agents periodontal disease progression came from studies of
to reduce body temperature and as anti-inflamma- periodontal status in patients who were receiving
tory agents. They are used in a wide range of painful long-term nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug ther-
and inflammatory conditions, including arthritis, apy for the management of musculoskeletal disorders
gout, dental pain, headaches and dysmenorrhea. (135). The patients who had been taking nonsteroidal
Symptomatic relief of inflammation (reduction of anti-inflammatory drugs for prolonged periods
pain and swelling) results from inhibition of the tended to have shallower probing depths and less gin-
cyclooxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabo- gival inflammation than control patients. Subsequent
lism. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cause studies confirmed that both topical and systemic
unwanted effects, and there are many patients for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs appeared to
whom these drugs should be used with caution or have a ‘protective’ effect on periodontal inflamma-
avoided altogether. Common adverse reactions tion (29, 107, 132). A large number of animal studies
include gastrointestinal effects, renal effects, haemo- and longitudinal clinical trials were conducted in
static effects and hypersensitivity reactions, as well as which patients received daily administration of oral
other symptoms including headaches, dizziness and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for extended
vertigo. Gastrointestinal side effects result from inhi- periods of time (up to several years) (62–64, 138–140).
bition of prostaglandins by the nonsteroidal anti- In broad terms, a generally consistent finding was
inflammatory drugs; that is, prostaglandins protect that the rate of alveolar bone loss was reduced com-
the lining of the gastrointestinal tract from acid pared with patients who were taking placebo. How-
attack, and when prostaglandin synthesis is inhibited, ever, a high rate of unwanted effects was also noted,
the lining is more vulnerable to ulceration (72). Thus, and a further problem was that patients needed to
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause gas- take the drugs on a daily basis for several years for the
trointestinal tract problems whether taken orally or beneficial impact on bone loss to become apparent.


The enzyme cyclooxygenase exists in two isoforms breakdown in periodontitis are matrix metallopro-
(cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2); cyclooxy- teinase-8 and matrix metalloproteinase-9, which are
genase-1 is constitutively expressed and has cytopro- secreted by the high numbers of infiltrating neutrophils
tective and antithrombogenic functions, whereas that are recruited to the inflamed periodontal tissues.
cyclooxygenase-2 is induced and associated with The anti-matrix metalloproteinase properties of the
inflammatory responses. It is now recognized that tetracycline family were first identified in minocycline
inhibition of cyclooxygenase-1 results in the majority (42), and subsequent studies revealed that doxycy-
of the unwanted effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflam- cline was particularly effective for this purpose (7, 41).
matory drugs. The development of a class of nons- The binding of tetracyclines to matrix metallopro-
teroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which selectively teinases occurs via the chelation of structural and cat-
inhibit cyclooxygenase-2 (and therefore could reduce alytic Zn2+ ions within the matrix metalloproteinase
inflammation without the unwanted effects of nonse- enzyme (49). Doxycycline was identified to be a more
lective cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2 inhi- effective inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-8 (also
bition) offered potential for management of a variety known as collagenase 2 and neutrophil collagenase)
of chronic inflammatory conditions. A number of than matrix metalloproteinase-1 (also known as colla-
studies were conducted in animals (5, 61) and genase-1 and fibroblast collagenase) (46, 120), there-
humans (131, 141), which indicated that selective fore suggesting that doxycycline could be useful for
cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors did modify prostaglandin reducing pathologically elevated matrix metallopro-
production in the periodontal tissues and potentially teinase levels without interfering with normal con-
enhanced clinical treatment outcomes. However, nective tissue turnover. This relative superiority of
separately, these drugs were also identified as causing doxycycline as a matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor,
significant, life-threatening cardiovascular adverse compared with tetracycline or minocycline, is a result
events, and most of these drugs were subsequently of its increased affinity for Zn2+ (49). A number of
withdrawn by their manufacturers (27). potentially useful properties of doxycycline were
To summarize, the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory identified that were recognized as having relevance in
drugs (including both the nonselective, nonsteroidal periodontal pathogenesis, including: direct (cation
anti-inflammatory drugs and the selective cyclooxy- chelation dependent) inhibition of active matrix met-
genase-2 inhibitors) have been extensively investi- alloproteinases; inhibition of activation of latent
gated for use as adjunctive anti-inflammatory matrix metalloproteinases; inhibition of reactive oxy-
treatments for periodontitis, but limited clinical ben- gen species; and reduced osteoclastic activity and
efits, together with a significant risk of serious bone resorption (43). These findings led to the intro-
unwanted effects, precludes their use as a drug treat- duction of a low-dose formulation of doxycycline
ment for periodontitis. (20 mg, twice daily, referred to as a ‘subantimicrobial
dose’) that was the first (and, to date, has been the
only) host response modulation drug licensed for the
Matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors treatment of periodontitis (97).
When using subantimicrobial dose doxycycline as a
Doxycycline, similarly to other members of the tetracy- host modulation agent, the aim is not to inhibit
cline family of antibiotics, inhibits matrix metallopro- matrix metalloproteinase activity completely (as
teinases, which are zinc-dependent enzymes that are matrix metalloproteinases play vital roles in various
capable of degrading a wide variety of extracellular physiologic, as well as pathologic, processes) but to
matrix proteins, including collagens (108). Matrix met- modulate (or ‘dampen’) the pathologic levels of
alloproteinases play a fundamental role in the tissue matrix metalloproteinases associated with periodon-
breakdown observed in periodontitis and are secreted titis. It is used as an adjunct to conventional, nonsur-
by numerous resident and infiltrating cell types in the gical treatment, with the aim being to enhance the
periodontium, including neutrophils, macrophages, resolution of inflammation achieved by the conven-
keratinocytes, fibroblasts, osteoclasts and endothelial tional therapy. For most patients, a single course of
cells (54). Regulation of matrix metalloproteinase activ- subantimicrobial dose doxycycline lasting 3 months
ity is exerted by endogenous tissue inhibitors of metal- (or 12 weeks), with treatment commencing at the
loproteinases and alpha-macroglobulins, which form start of the nonsurgical therapy, is prescribed. Suban-
complexes with precursor and active forms of matrix timicrobial dose doxycycline should be avoided in
metalloproteinases (109). The predominant matrix any patients with a history of allergy to tetracyclines,
metalloproteinases associated with collagen and also in pregnant mothers and young children

Host modulation with anti-inflammatory agents

because of the risk of tetracycline discoloration of the doxycycline, the mean probing depth reduction at
developing teeth. sites initially ≥ 7 mm deep in the placebo group was
Subantimicrobial dose doxycycline, taken for short 2.25 mm, compared with 2.74 mm in the subantimi-
durations, was shown to reduce gingival collagenase crobial dose doxycycline group (99). The mean reduc-
activity (40) and to prevent progression of periodonti- tions observed in the patients treated with adjunctive
tis (47). Subsequently, large-scale, multicenter, ran- subantimicrobial dose doxycycline represent an
domized controlled trials were undertaken to improvement of approximately 20–30% in treatment
evaluate the efficacy of subantimicrobial dose doxy- response compared with the patients who received
cycline when used as an adjunct to conventional non- nonsurgical therapy plus placebo.
surgical management of periodontitis (12, 13, 98, 99). A concern that has sometimes been raised regarding
These studies, together with a number of smaller clin- the use of subantimicrobial dose doxycycline has been
ical trials, have been reviewed previously (11, 97), that although statistically significant differences have
with subantimicrobial dose doxycycline being well been identified between groups of patients treated
tolerated, and evidence of improved periodontal with subantimicrobial dose doxycycline and placebo,
treatment outcomes in patients who received are these improvements truly clinically significant?
adjunctive subantimicrobial dose doxycycline com- Some of the published studies have calculated the pro-
pared with those who received adjunctive placebo. A portions of sites that improved by certain thresholds
systematic review found a statistically significant of change that most clinicians would recognize as
mean difference of 0.88 mm (95% confidence inter- being clinically significant (e.g. a probing depth reduc-
val: 0.08–1.67) for attachment gain in favor of the use tion of ≥ 2 mm). For example, in the 2004 study dis-
of subantimicrobial dose doxycycline compared with cussed in the previous paragraph, 45% of sites with
placebo, although many of the published studies initial probing depths of ≥ 6 mm demonstrated prob-
were excluded from this meta-analysis, which only ing depth reductions of ≥ 2 mm in the placebo group,
included three papers (116). compared with 62% of sites in the subantimicrobial
Most of the studies that have evaluated clinical dose doxycycline group (98). In the 2008 study dis-
changes in periodontal indices following the use of cussed in the previous paragraph, 58% of sites with ini-
subantimicrobial dose doxycycline have reported tial probing depths of ≥ 6 mm demonstrated probing
mean probing depth reductions and/or attachment depth reductions of ≥ 2 mm in the placebo group,
gains, typically stratified according to initial probing compared with 76% of sites in the subantimicrobial
depth of the treated sites. This can be somewhat con- dose doxycycline group (99). Although it is impossible
fusing for interpretation because, as clinicians, we do to predict, in advance, what the precise benefit of
not routinely report or calculate mean probing depth using adjunctive subantimicrobial dose doxycycline
changes in our patients. To place the probing depth might be in any specific individual patient, these find-
reductions that were achieved following use of suban- ings suggest that clinically relevant improvements
timicrobial dose doxycycline into context, it is well may be achieved following adjunctive subantimicro-
recognized that mean probing depth reductions of bial dose doxycycline therapy.
around 1.29 mm are achieved in sites that are initially A further concern regarding the use of subantimi-
4–6 mm deep, and mean probing depth reductions of crobial dose doxycycline was the potential for devel-
around 2.16 mm are achieved in sites that are initially opment of antibiotic resistance when patients are
≥ 7 mm deep, following nonsurgical periodontal ther- taking a low dose of doxycycline on a twice-daily basis
apy alone (19, 20). Similar improvements were noted for a minimum period of 3 months. However, no evi-
in the randomized controlled trials that evaluated the dence of this has been identified in studies that
outcomes of adjunctive subantimicrobial dose doxy- investigated whether there was any impact of suban-
cycline therapy: for example, in a 2004 study of 210 timicrobial dose doxycycline on the subgingival
patients, mean probing depth reductions at sites (73, 124, 125, 137) or the intestinal (136) microbiota,
which were initially ≥ 7 mm deep were 1.77 mm in even when subantimicrobial dose doxycycline was
the placebo group (i.e. patients receiving nonsurgical taken for prolonged periods of up to 9 months.
therapy only) compared with 2.31 mm in the suban- To summarize, the use of subantimicrobial dose
timicrobial dose doxycycline group (i.e. patients who doxycycline has been shown to be safe and to result
received nonsurgical therapy plus subantimicrobial in improved clinical outcomes when used as an
dose doxycycline for 9 months) (98). In a 2008 study adjunct to periodontal nonsurgical therapy in care-
of 266 patients to evaluate a once-daily modified- fully controlled clinical trials that have been
release formulation of subantimicrobial dose conducted in secondary care centers such as teaching


dental schools and hospitals. A problem, however, for metalloproteinases, as they possess no antibiotic
many clinicians in routine dental and periodontal properties whatsoever, yet do retain anti-matrix met-
practice is that they are not clear on exactly when alloproteinase properties (45). This is achieved by
they should use subantimicrobial dose doxycycline. removal of the dimethylamino group on the ‘A’ ring
After all, if it results in clinical benefits, should it be of the four-ringed tetracycline molecule (44, 49). One
used in every patient with periodontitis? This was a of the most extensively studied has been chemically
viewpoint that seemed to be presented by companies modified tetracycline-3 (6-demethyl 6-deoxy 4-dedi-
when the product was first released; clearly, this methylaminotetracycline), which has been shown to
would be inappropriate, and this ‘heavy-handed’ be an inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase activity
approach understandably induced a degree of resent- and cytokine production (50). Early studies revealed
ment among the profession. It should also be noted an impact of chemically modified tetracycline-3 in
that randomized controlled trials, by their nature, are reducing collagenolytic activity induced by Porphy-
very controlled situations, with careful selection of romonas gingivalis (48) and in inhibiting matrix met-
participants according to detailed inclusion and alloproteinase-mediated alveolar bone loss in an
exclusion criteria, very close monitoring of the partic- animal model (103). Chemically modified tetracy-
ipants during the trial to ensure compliance and care- cline-3 has also been shown to reduce P. gingivalis
fully conducted clinical treatment according to strict lipopolysaccharide-induced proinflammatory cyto-
protocols. As yet, no studies have confirmed whether kine secretion in an ex vivo human whole-blood
the improved clinical outcomes that were achieved model, although this research did not identify an
with subantimicrobial dose doxycycline therapy in impact of chemically modified tetracycline-3 in
the published randomized controlled trials could be reduction of matrix metalloproteinase-8 and matrix
replicated in routine clinical practice. Also, in patients metalloproteinase-9 secretion (14).
who are particularly at risk of periodontitis (i.e. smok- Clearly, more research into the efficacy of chemi-
ers), a prospective randomized controlled trial did cally modified tetracyclines in modulating periodon-
not reveal evidence of a benefit for using subantimi- tal inflammation is required. However, the chemically
crobial dose doxycycline as an adjunct to nonsurgical modified tetracyclines do appear to offer potential to
therapy in this disease-susceptible population (86). reduce connective tissue breakdown in a variety of
A considerable commitment is required of patients pathogenic processes and inflammatory diseases,
when taking subantimicrobial dose doxycycline, not such as periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well
only to comply with the requirements involved in the as cancer metastasis and metabolic bone disorders
treatment of their periodontitis (i.e. improved oral (1). For example, chemically modified tetracycline-3
hygiene and attendance for multiple treatment and has been shown to inhibit tumor-cell-derived matrix
maintenance appointments), but also to take a medi- metalloproteinases, as well as to inhibit tumor growth
cation twice daily for a minimum period of 3 months. in models of prostate cancer, melanoma and breast
Therefore, the decision about prescribing subantimi- cancer (78). For now, studies have yet to determine
crobial dose doxycycline tends to be based as much whether chemically modified tetracycline-3 or other
on patient-related factors (e.g. likely motivation, com- chemically modified tetracyclines may be of benefit
pliance and commitment to the proposed treatment) in the treatment of periodontitis.
as clinical factors (e.g. extent and severity of peri-
odontitis). As previously stated, the decision to use
subantimicrobial dose doxycycline is a matter of indi- Anti-cytokine and biological
vidual clinical judgment, based on the phase of treat- therapies
ment and the patient’s status and preferences (106).
Biological therapies (also referred to as ‘biologics’) are
a range of drugs that are used particularly in the treat-
Chemically modified tetracyclines ment of rheumatoid arthritis, and some are also used
As mentioned above, a concern with using subantimi- in the treatment of other chronic inflammatory and
crobial dose doxycycline for prolonged periods of autoimmune conditions, such as Crohn’s disease,
time has been whether there may be development of ankylosing spondylitis, psoriasis and ulcerative colitis.
antibiotic resistance. Although no evidence of this has In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, biological
been identified, the chemically modified tetracycline therapies are often prescribed in combination with
analogs present a conceptually attractive alternative methotrexate in those patients who have had a
to use of doxycycline for inhibition of matrix limited response to conventional disease-modifying

Host modulation with anti-inflammatory agents

anti-rheumatic drug therapy. The biologics include a periodontitis model in primates (87) and for reducing
number of anti-cytokine agents, as shown in Table 2. the inflammatory cell infiltrate in experimental peri-
These block the activity of specific cytokines, and are odontitis in rats (25). The biological rationale for the
usually monoclonal antibodies that bind to the target use of anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha treatments as
cytokine. They effectively function as immune sup- a modulator of periodontitis expression in experi-
pressants, which can result in the major unwanted mental animals was confirmed by studies which
effects of these drugs, such as reactivation of serious showed that tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptor
infections, such as tuberculosis, or development of p55-deficient mice developed less severe periodontal
lymphomas and other solid tumors. inflammation (less bone loss and a lower inflamma-
Both rheumatoid arthritis and periodontitis are tory reaction) in response to inoculation with Aggre-
complex chronic inflammatory diseases with multiple gatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (38). Using the
susceptibility factors (particularly genetic and envi- same A. actinomycetemcomitans-induced murine
ronmental risk factors). A major difference between experimental periodontitis model, the researchers
the conditions is that periodontitis results from the found that antigen-induced arthritis exacerbated
inflammation that develops in response to the sub- alveolar bone loss, whereas anti-tumor necrosis fac-
gingival microbiota, whereas the inflammation in tor-alpha therapies ameliorated the development of
rheumatoid arthritis results from an autoimmune the periodontitis (101, 102).
response in which a specific adaptive immune To date, most research regarding use of anti-cyto-
response is mounted against self-antigen (23). The kine therapies for periodontitis in humans has been
inflammation is perpetuated by the continued limited to small clinical studies which evaluated peri-
bacterial challenge in the case of periodontitis, and odontal status in patients undergoing treatment for
the ongoing autoimmune response in the case of rheumatoid arthritis. The findings from these studies
rheumatoid arthritis, culminating in progressive tis- have tended to be inconsistent and somewhat con-
sue destruction leading to the signs and symptoms of fusing, probably because of the small numbers of
disease. patients with a variety of periodontal conditions who
Given the similarities between aspects of the were selected on account of the primary inclusion
pathogenesis of periodontitis and rheumatoid arthri- criterion being that the patients were receiving anti-
tis, it is pertinent for the periodontal research com- cytokine therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, as opposed
munity to be aware of the therapeutic options to being purposively recruited on account of their
available for rheumatoid arthritis. Although the pre- periodontal status. For example, in one study, intra-
cise mechanisms that result in breach of immune venous therapy with anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha
tolerance and progression to the clinical signs and (infliximab) of patients with rheumatoid arthritis was
symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are not known, associated with an increase in gingival inflammation
the inflammatory cascade plays a key role in all over time, with no effect on probing depths being
stages of the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis, observed (95). Another study identified that patients
from the initiation of autoimmunity to articular with rheumatoid arthritis receiving intravenous
localization and joint and bone destruction (23). infliximab had lower bleeding on probing scores,
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha is particularly important lower gingival crevicular fluid tumor necrosis factor-
and therefore has been a primary developmental tar- alpha concentrations and lower mean probing depth
get for anti-cytokine therapies that have been intro- measurements compared with patients with rheuma-
duced for the management of rheumatoid arthritis. toid arthritis who were not receiving anti-tumor
Other cytokines that play a role in the pathogenesis necrosis factor-alpha therapy and with nonrheuma-
of rheumatoid arthritis include interleukin-1, inter- toid arthritis controls (82). A subsequent study of
leukin-6, interleukin-17 and interleukin-15. In addi- three groups of patients (those with autoimmune dis-
tion to anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha treatments, eases including rheumatoid arthritis who were not
other biological therapies targeting different cytoki- receiving anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha therapy;
nes and aspects of immune cellular function have those with rheumatoid arthritis who were receiving
also been licensed for the treatment of rheumatoid anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha therapy; and
arthritis (Table 2). healthy controls with no autoimmune diseases and
Regarding the use of biological therapies in the no anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha therapy) identi-
treatment of periodontitis, animal studies have fied that the patients with autoimmune diseases who
revealed potential efficacy for anti-cytokine therapies were not receiving anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha
in reducing alveolar bone loss in an experimental therapy had more gingival inflammation, more


Table 2. Biological therapies for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Drug target Drug Comments

Tumor necrosis Infliximab The anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha properties of these five drugs have been well
factor-alpha Etanercept documented, with demonstrated efficacy in a large number of clinical trials. They are
Adalimumab effective in the majority (~ 70%) of recipients. The main risks are associated with
Golimumab suppressed immune responses, including infection (particularly emergence of latent
Certolizumab infections, such as tuberculosis) and malignancy. Infliximab is a chimeric monoclonal
antibody to tumor necrosis factor-alpha; etanercept is created by fusion of soluble
tumor necrosis factor receptor-2 to an Fc portion of an Ig, giving it anti-tumor necrosis
factor properties and a long half-life; adalimumab and golimumab are monoclonal
antibodies to tumor necrosis factor-alpha; and certolizumab is a PEGylated* Fab
fragment of an anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha monoclonal antibody
Interleukin-1 Anakinra Recombinant interleukin-1 receptor antagonist that competitively inhibits the binding of
interleukin-1 to its receptor. However, despite being biologically plausible for the
treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, only limited efficacy has been shown in clinical trials.
It carries potential risk of infections as a result of reduced interleukin-1 signaling
Interleukin-6 Tocilizumab A monoclonal antibody to the interleukin-6 receptor, thereby preventing interleukin-6
signaling. Biologically plausible for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, and good efficacy
in clinical trials
T-cells Abatacept A construct of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 Ig that blocks T-cell activation by
antigen-presenting cells by harnessing the ability of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 to
bind CD80 and CD86 and prevent costimulatory effects of T-cell membrane-associated
CD28. Biologically plausible and demonstrated efficacy in ~ 50% of recipients, but
potential increased risk of infection as a result of suppressed T-cell activation
B-cells Rituximab An anti-CD20 antibody that depletes B-cells. Biologically plausible, efficacy in some
patients (~ 30%), but has potential for increased risk of infection
CD, cluster of differentiation (denotes cell-surface molecules that are used to define different immune-cell lineages, functional phenotypes and stages of develop-
ment); Fab, fragment antigen-binding; Fc, fragment crystallizable.
Adapted from Culshaw et al. (23).
*PEGylation is the process of covalent and non-covalent attachment of polyethylene glycol (PEG) polymer chains to molecules such as drugs.

bleeding on probing, higher mean probing depths Fusobacterium nucleatum) was significantly
and higher gingival crevicular fluid tumor necrosis associated with the presence of rheumatoid arthritis-
factor-alpha concentrations than the patients in the related autoantibodies (such as rheumatoid factor
other two groups (83). The inference from these find- and anti-citrullinated protein antibody) in individuals
ings is that patients with autoimmune disorders (in- categorized as being at high risk of rheumatoid arthri-
cluding rheumatoid arthritis) have more periodontal tis, suggesting that the presence of P. gingivalis may
inflammation than do patients who do not have be associated with the early loss of tolerance to self-
autoimmune diseases, and that giving anti-tumor antigens that occurs in rheumatoid arthritis (84).
necrosis factor-alpha therapy as a treatment for To date, no studies have prospectively evaluated
rheumatoid arthritis reduces inflammation in the the effect of anti-cytokine therapies as a treatment
periodontal tissues. specifically for periodontitis. However, periodontal
A further study identified that patients with status has been evaluated in patients before, and
rheumatoid arthritis who were also receiving anti- 6 months after, commencing anti-cytokine therapy
tumor necrosis factor-alpha therapy demonstrated for the management of rheumatoid arthritis (110). In
statistically significant improvements in probing this small-scale study, periodontal parameters (pla-
depths, bleeding on probing and gingival inflamma- que, gingival bleeding, probing depth and attachment
tion compared with patients who were not receiving loss) did not vary significantly from pretreatment to
anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha therapy following 6 months post-treatment with anti-cytokine drugs,
nonsurgical periodontal treatment, though anti- although improvements in parameters of rheumatoid
tumor necrosis factor-alpha therapy alone (i.e. with- arthritis severity (disease activity score, erythrocyte
out periodontal treatment) had no significant effect sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein) did occur
on the periodontal condition (92). Of interest are over the same time frame. Of note, these improve-
studies in which the presence of antibodies to ments in rheumatoid arthritis parameters tended to
P. gingivalis (but not to Prevotella intermedia or to occur in the patients who did not have periodontitis

Host modulation with anti-inflammatory agents

(n = 12), whereas patients who did have periodontitis application of resolvin E1 resulted in complete
(n = 8) did not demonstrate significant improve- resolution of inflammation and restoration of nor-
ments in rheumatoid arthritis parameters. Clearly, mal anatomy of both the hard and soft periodontal
this was a small study, involving a low number of tissues compared with controls (56). Histological
patients, and further research is indicated to investi- assessment revealed complete regeneration of the
gate the impact (if any) of anti-cytokine drugs on pro- periodontium, together with the complete absence
gression of periodontitis and response to periodontal of osteoclastic cells. In a mouse model of ligature-
treatment, as well as on rheumatoid arthritis parame- induced periodontitis, resolvin E1 resulted in
ters in patients with periodontitis. reduced alveolar bone loss and increased expression
of osteoprotegerin without having an impact on
RANKL, suggesting that resolvin E1 modulates bone
Lipid mediators of resolution of remodeling by direct actions on bone and restora-
inflammation tion of a more favorable RANKL:osteoprotegerin
ratio (37).
Resolution of inflammation is a fundamentally Relatively few studies have been conducted to
important component of inflammatory responses investigate the impact of pro-resolving mediators on
(57). Previously, this was believed to be characterized human periodontitis, and this is a developing area of
by a gradual and passive decline in inflammatory pro- research. In a clinical study of dietary supplementa-
cesses once the initiating stimulus had been elimi- tion with fish oil and low-dose aspirin as an adjunct
nated. However, it is now recognized that resolution to conventional nonsurgical therapy, greater probing
of acute inflammation is a highly controlled process, depth reductions and greater reductions in the sali-
in which endogenous ‘pro-resolving’ mediators vary levels of RANKL and matrix metalloproteinase-8
induce cessation of leukocyte infiltration, reduce vas- were noted in patients receiving the combined
cular permeability and vasodilatation and facilitate adjunctive treatment compared with controls who
the safe removal and disposal of leukocytes (primarily received nonsurgical therapy alone (28). In a cross-
by apoptosis) and the removal by macrophages of sectional study of 10 individuals with localized
apoptotic leukocytes, foreign matter (bacteria) and aggressive periodontitis and 10 periodontally healthy,
necrotic tissue (39). Resolution of inflammation is age-, sex- and race-matched controls, it was noted
important to prevent chronic inflammation; however, that whole-blood samples from the patients with
if resolution of inflammation fails, then tissue injury localized aggressive periodontitis contained signifi-
may result from the perpetuated chronic inflamma- cantly more platelet–neutrophil and platelet–mono-
tory response. Molecules which ‘switch off’ inflam- cyte aggregates than did samples from the controls,
mation could theoretically be attractive in the and that macrophages from the patients with local-
treatment of inflammatory conditions, such as peri- ized aggressive periodontitis exhibited reduced
odontitis, and potentially could offer advantages over phagocytosis (33). The addition of resolvin E1, at
anti-inflammatory therapies that have significant levels as low as 1 nM, restored impaired phagocytic
unwanted effects. A group of agents that have been activity in macrophages from patients with localized
investigated in this regard are the lipoxins, resolvins aggressive periodontitis to levels that were similar to
and protectins. The identification of these molecules, those seen in the samples from healthy controls. The
which signal the end of the acute inflammatory epi- implication of this finding is that although localized
sode, has the potential to increase our options for aggressive periodontitis is associated with impaired
managing chronic inflammatory diseases (3, 74, 113, phagocytosis, this could potentially be corrected by
114). The lipoxins are derived from arachidonic acid, the use of resolvin E1.
and the resolvins, protectins and maresins are
derived from omega-3 fatty acids found in the diet
(such as in fish oil), including eicosapentaenoic acid Small molecule compounds
and docosahexaenoic acid. The formation of these
molecules and their numerous anti-inflammatory Recently, interest has focused on a range of small
functions have recently been reviewed in detail (34). molecule compounds that target specific cytokine-
Animal studies have indicated a potential role for mediated processes. A significant benefit of these
these molecules in the resolution of periodontal small molecules is that they potentially could be
inflammation (129). In a P. gingivalis-induced administered orally (or even topically), and therefore
experimental periodontitis model in rabbits, topical compliance would likely be improved.


Histone deacetylase inhibitors despite the inhibitor having no effect on reducing

inflammation (9).
Epigenetic control of gene expression occurs via cova-
The implication of these findings is that histone
lent modification of chromatin, including DNA
deacetylase inhibitors may hold promise as novel
methylation and histone acetylation. These processes
therapeutics in the treatment of diseases character-
modify access of transcription factors to coding sec-
ized by bone resorption, such as periodontitis. In the
tions of DNA and therefore influence gene expression clinical studies conducted to date (in diseases other
and protein production. Histone acetylation is con-
than periodontitis), they have been shown to be well
trolled by two enzymes: histone acetyltransferase
tolerated and safe, with evidence of clinical efficacy
(which adds acetyl groups to lysine and arginine resi-
(32, 35, 55, 96, 104). However, unwanted effects are
dues in histones, leading to exposure of DNA to tran-
certainly a possibility because of the wide-ranging
scription factors and therefore gene expression); and effects of these molecules in various tissues and cells.
histone deacetylases (which remove acetyl groups
Topical application could therefore be beneficial for
from histones, thereby inhibiting gene expression)
reducing systemic exposure, and periodontitis could
(8). Studies of histone deacetylase inhibitors have
be a useful model for investigating this premise fur-
identified that they have anti-inflammatory proper-
ther. Development of synthetic histone deacetylase
ties in a number of chronic inflammatory and malig-
inhibitors that specifically target those histone
nant diseases (133, 134). For example, the histone
deacetylases that are involved in the disease pro-
deacetylase inhibitors, trichostatin A and suberoy-
cesses of interest may also help to limit unwanted
lanilide hydroxamic acid, have been shown to have
effects (8).
anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic activities in can-
cer cells, leading to clinical studies of the use of some
of these molecules as anti-cancer treatments (18, 65,
117). Such studies also led to identification of poten-
Other anti-inflammatory
tial anti-inflammatory properties of these agents, treatments
probably through inhibition of the nuclear factor-B
pathway and subsequent suppression of inflamma- As drug development and discovery proceeds, a range
tory cytokines as well as inhibition of matrix metallo- of other anti-inflammatory agents have been identi-
proteinase expression (8, 24, 142). Some studies have fied, some of which may potentially have relevance in
identified both pro- and anti-inflammatory effects of the treatment of periodontitis.
histone deacetylase inhibitors, and clearly more
research is required to elucidate fully their properties
RANKL inhibitors
and potential indications (52, 53).
Of particular relevance in the context of periodon- RANK is a cell-surface receptor expressed by osteo-
tal pathogenesis is the finding that some histone clast progenitors and mature osteoclasts. RANKL
deacetylase inhibitors appear to be able to regulate binds to RANK and is expressed by bone marrow stro-
the effects of RANKL on osteoclasts and inflammatory mal cells, osteoblasts and fibroblasts, as well as by
cells, resulting in inhibition of RANKL-induced osteo- other cell types, such as T- and B-lymphocytes (100).
clastic activity in mouse macrophages and murine Binding of RANKL to RANK results in osteoclast dif-
cell lines (68, 123). The inhibition of RANKL-induced ferentiation and activation, leading to bone resorp-
osteoclast formation occurred via suppression of tion. Osteoprotegerin is a decoy receptor for RANKL
induction of the osteoclastogenic transcription factor, and inhibits bone resorption by binding to RANKL,
c-Fos (68). In human studies, histone deacetylase thereby preventing it from binding to RANK. The
inhibitors inhibited osteoclastic bone resorption RANK/RANKL/osteoprotegerin axis plays a funda-
in vitro, probably because of reduced expression of mental role in regulating bone metabolism (71), and
osteoclast transcription factors such as tumor necro- increased RANKL:osteoprotegerin ratios are induced
sis factor receptor associated factor-6, nuclear factor by many cytokines, leading to bone resorption (100).
of activated T-cells and osteoclast associated receptor An anti-RANKL monoclonal antibody (denosumab)
during late osteoclast differentiation (10). In a murine has been developed and is used in the treatment of
experimental periodontitis model, topical application bone-resorptive conditions, such as osteoporosis. It is
of a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor (1179.4b) given via subcutaneous injections, and has been
resulted in a significant reduction in P. gingivalis- shown to be clinically effective and well tolerated
induced alveolar bone loss, which occurred (118). To date, there are no reported studies of

Host modulation with anti-inflammatory agents

denosumab treatment in the context of periodontitis. Combined antibacterial and anti-

In an experimental periodontitis model, however, inflammatory approaches
exogenous administration of osteoprotegerin to inhi-
As stated previously, periodontal inflammation is ini-
bit RANKL resulted in inhibition of alveolar bone
tiated and perpetuated by the bacterial challenge of
resorption, indicating that RANKL inhibition could be
the subgingival microbiota, and the majority of tissue
a potential target in preventing alveolar bone loss
(67). breakdown in periodontitis results from the host
inflammatory response. Thus, drugs that combine
both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
Bisphosphonates could be of interest in the management of periodonti-
The bisphosphonates are a class of drugs which dis- tis. Such a drug is azithromycin, a synthetic ery-
rupt osteoclastic activity and inhibit bone resorption. thromycin derivative with a bacteriostatic
Their phosphate–carbon–phosphate structure per- antimicrobial action, which is used to treat a variety
mits them to bind to metal ions, such as Ca2+, and the of bacterial infections (143). However, azithromycin,
bisphosphonates are able to bind to bone surfaces, similarly to other macrolide antibiotics, also pos-
thereby protecting against bone resorption. They are sesses anti-inflammatory properties (22), resulting in
used extensively in the management of osteoporosis inhibition of production of proinflammatory cytoki-
and other bone-resorptive conditions. A number of nes, such as interleukin-1beta, interleukin-6, tumor
clinical trials were commenced in which the use of necrosis factor-alpha and granulocyte–macrophage
bisphosphonates was evaluated in the treatment of colony-stimulating factor, as well as various chemoki-
periodontitis (97). Although initial results appeared nes (6, 79). The use of azithromycin as an (antimicro-
promising, only a relatively small number of studies bial) adjunct to conventional nonsurgical periodontal
showed a benefit (106), and efficacy was not therapy has been evaluated in a small number of
confirmed in larger clinical trials (66). Furthermore, studies, with some evidence of clinical benefit (60),
the emergence of a severe unwanted effect of but no studies have yet evaluated any potential role
bisphosphonate therapy, bisphosphonate-related for the anti-inflammatory properties of this drug in
osteonecrosis of the jaw (now referred to as medica- the management of periodontitis.
tion-related osteonecrosis of the jaw), which is char-
acterized by exposure of necrotic bone in the
mandible or maxilla and risk of infection (particularly Summary
following dental procedures such as extractions)
effectively put an end to this line of research (93). Host modulation therapy with anti-inflammatories is
Given the potential for medication-induced not a new concept, and a large number of drugs have
osteonecrosis of the jaw to develop, the use of bis- been evaluated for a potential role in the manage-
phosphonates as an adjunctive treatment for peri- ment of periodontitis. This research commenced well
odontal disease is not indicated. over 30 years ago, with early studies involving the use
of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed
for long periods as a means to reduce alveolar bone
Toll-like receptor inhibitors loss. However, the significant and serious unwanted
An intriguing possibility could be the development of effects associated with the long-term use of nons-
therapies which target aspects of toll-like receptor teroidal anti-inflammatory drugs preclude their use
functioning, as these could have the potential to tar- as an adjunctive therapy for periodontitis; in other
get multiple pathways in the inflammatory response words, the risks associated with nonsteroidal anti-
(51, 70). Work is underway to develop ligands to acti- inflammatory drug therapy far outweigh any poten-
vate toll-like receptors and antibodies to inhibit them, tial benefits in terms of reductions in alveolar bone
in the development of novel therapies that could be resorption. In the 1990s, a new wave of research
useful in treatment of a range of diseases such as can- investigated the use of tetracycline compounds,
cers, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel dis- specifically doxycycline, following identification of its
ease and systemic lupus erythematosus (59). efficacy as an inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases.
However, such research is at a very early stage, and Carefully conducted randomized controlled trials
clearly safety concerns are paramount given the fun- confirmed a benefit of using subantimicrobial dose
damental importance of toll-like receptors in infec- doxycycline as an adjunct to conventional nonsurgi-
tion and immunity. cal treatment with no particular evidence of


unwanted side effects. To date, this dose of doxycy- enhancing the anti-inflammatory effect (30, 31). Even
cline (20 mg, twice daily, for 3 months) is the only so, use of anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha treatments
available drug therapy that is licensed, as a host mod- does not result in complete eradication of the disease,
ulation agent, for use in the treatment of periodonti- and success factors are assessed using composite
tis. However, not all studies have demonstrated the scales that take into account percentage improve-
same magnitude of benefit as seen in the large-scale ments in signs and symptoms of the condition. No
clinical trials, and questions still remain about exactly studies have, to date, directly investigated the use of
which patients would benefit and about the out- anti-cytokine therapies in the management of peri-
comes that can be expected in routine periodontal odontitis. However, the high cost and risk of signifi-
practice (as opposed to secondary-care environ- cant unwanted effects clearly precludes the use of
ments). currently available anti-cytokine treatments as a
Anti-cytokine therapies have a proven track record treatment for periodontitis. The mode of administra-
in the management of rheumatoid arthritis, and given tion (typically, repeated subcutaneous injections or
the similarities between the pathogenesis of rheuma- intravenous infusions) is a further limiting factor. It is
toid arthritis and periodontitis, it is understandable possible that future generations of anti-tumor necro-
that the periodontal research community has begun sis factor-alpha agents (potentially locally delivered)
to look at anti-cytokine therapies as potential host could have relevance in the treatment of periodonti-
modulators in the treatment of periodontitis. How- tis.
ever, there are concerns associated with the use of Small molecule compounds, such as the histone
anti-cytokine drugs, including their well-documented deacetylase inhibitors, offer potential in the manage-
unwanted effects, such as increased risk of infection ment of diseases characterized by bone resorption.
and malignancy. Furthermore, we now recognize that Many of these appear to inhibit osteoclastic activity
cytokines function in complex cellular and molecular and potentially could be combined with anti-inflam-
networks that integrate aspects of innate and adap- matory agents so that both bone resorption and
tive immunity (100). Similarly to other autoimmune inflammation are minimized. The development of
and chronic inflammatory conditions, our under- specific synthetic histone deacetylase inhibitors that
standing of the totality of cytokine functioning in target those histone deacetylases involved in the dis-
periodontitis is far from complete, and simply inhibit- ease process is also of interest. However, it should be
ing one specific cytokine might not always be remembered that these agents are likely to have
expected to have a clinically relevant impact on the impacts on multiple aspects of cellular activity, and
disease in question. This concept of redundancy is further research is required to establish their risk–
based on the fact that many cytokines have very simi- benefit profile. It is important to remember that the
lar (if not identical) effects on the cells with which mechanisms of action of biologic therapies can be
they interact, so inhibiting one cytokine may have no very different in humans from those that are observed
discernible impact on a disease state because other in animal studies, with potentially harmful conse-
cytokines provide the same function as the cytokine quences when agents are used in humans for the first
that has been inhibited. Furthermore, although ani- time (122). Currently, some histone deacetylase inhi-
mal models may indicate which anti-cytokine drugs bitors are being evaluated in early-stage clinical trials
may improve diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, as cancer therapies and are proving to be effective
they cannot predict with accuracy whether the same and well tolerated.
efficacy may be achieved in human studies or in indi- Pro-resolving lipid mediators appear to offer the
vidual patients (26). best potential for the development of a new class of
In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, inhibition drug therapies that could be used as adjunctive host
of tumor necrosis factor-alpha with anti-tumor modulating therapies in periodontitis. The main ben-
necrosis factor-alpha therapies plus methotrexate has efit of these pro-resolving molecules is that they are
clearly been shown to result in clinical improvements, physiological resolution agonists that are produced
probably because tumor necrosis factor-alpha has endogenously as part of the normal response to
such an important, ‘up-stream’ role in the pathogen- inflammation, as opposed to being inflammation
esis of the disease (111). Furthermore, anti-tumor inhibitors that could compromise host defences (15,
necrosis factor-alpha therapy in patients with 128). Development of drugs that mimic the actions of
rheumatoid arthritis results in reductions in other inflammation-resolving endogenous mediators could
‘down-stream’ inflammatory mediators, such as be useful for the treatment of a range of chronic
interleukin-1beta and interleukin-6, further inflammatory diseases, including periodontitis;

Host modulation with anti-inflammatory agents

however, much work remains to be done to demon- 9. Cantley MD, Bartold PM, Marino V, Fairlie DP, Le GT,
strate safety and efficacy. Lucke AJ, Haynes DR. Histone deacetylase inhibitors and
periodontal bone loss. J Periodontal Res 2011: 46: 697–703.
Therefore, the immune-modulatory properties of a
10. Cantley MD, Fairlie DP, Bartold PM, Rainsford KD, Le GT,
number of drug classes and molecules are currently Lucke AJ, Holding CA, Haynes DR. Inhibitors of histone
under investigation to assess which may be applica- deacetylases in class I and class II suppress human osteo-
ble for treatment of periodontitis. The challenge clasts in vitro. J Cell Physiol 2011: 226: 3233–3241.
remains to harness the knowledge created from basic 11. Caton J, Ryan ME. Clinical studies on the management of
periodontal diseases utilizing subantimicrobial dose doxy-
science and animal studies to develop and evaluate
cycline (SDD). Pharmacol Res 2011: 63: 114–120.
these molecules as new drugs and to evaluate the 12. Caton JG, Ciancio SG, Blieden TM, Bradshaw M, Crout RJ,
risks and benefits associated with their clinical use, as Hefti AF, Massaro JM, Polson AM, Thomas J, Walker C.
well as their unwanted effects, interactions and the Treatment with subantimicrobial dose doxycycline
variations in response profiles between individuals. improves the efficacy of scaling and root planing in
Certainly, however, in the near future we are likely to patients with adult periodontitis. J Periodontol 2000: 71:
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