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Course: Enterprise Resource Planning

Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2023 Examination

1. Analyze AuroVision Consulting’s problems with its legacy human resources systems. What
was the business impact of these problems? (10 marks)

Answer: Introduction: An HR legacy system is a computer software or hardware that is

considered obsolete. Traditional HR legacy systems are ERP based. ERP stands for Enterprise
Resource Planning which relies on older technology to manage current business needs.
The term 'legacy system' is widely used by information technology experts during transitions to
new operating systems. Therefore the term legacy system refers to any system in place within a
company that is outdated and no longer allows the organization to grow its business.
For example, if an organization's human resources information system (HRIS) is incompatible
with its ERP, the workplace's IT department may refer to it as its legacy system.
If a business doesn't make the change in a timely manner, they may miss out on a lot of
efficiencies they could have gained with the new technology.

Concept & Application

Analyzing AuroVision Consulting’s problems with its legacy HR system:

Common Problems with Legacy HR Systems:

1. Outdated technology: Old HR systems often use outdated technology and software, making it
difficult to keep pace with the rapidly evolving HR landscape and adapt to changing needs.
2. Limited integration: Legacy systems may lack integration capabilities with other critical
business systems, such as payroll, performance management and employee benefits platforms.
3. Data inefficiencies: Data may be stored in silos or in non-standard formats, making it
challenging to access, analyze, and report HR metrics effectively.
4. Compliance Challenges: Keeping up with changing labor laws and regulations can be difficult
with older systems that may not have the latest compliance features.
5. User Experience: Legacy systems may have a poor user interface and lack self-service
capabilities, leading to frustration among HR professionals and employees.
6. Security risks: Older systems may have security vulnerabilities that can put sensitive employee
data at risk.

Business impact of problems with legacy HR systems:

1. Inefficiency: Older systems often require manual processes and excessive administrative work,
resulting in inefficiencies and increased labor costs.
2. Data inaccuracy: Inconsistent data and manual data entry can lead to errors, impacting the
decision-making process and potentially leading to compliance issues.
3. Poor employee experience: Difficulty accessing HR-related information or submitting requests
can lead to employee dissatisfaction and negatively impact retention and productivity.
4. Competitive Disadvantage: Companies with outdated HR systems may struggle to attract and
retain top talent compared to organizations with modern, user-friendly systems.
5. Compliance and legal risks: Failure to comply with changing labor laws and regulations can
result in legal issues, fines, and reputational damage.
6. Limited strategic insight: The inability to effectively access and analyze HR data can hinder an
organization's ability to make data-driven decisions and optimize workforce management.
7. High maintenance costs: Older systems may require frequent maintenance and support,
leading to higher IT costs and potential disruption to HR operations.

Benefits of the new HR system and its success:

Transitioning to a new HR system can bring many benefits to an organization, especially when
older HR systems are replaced or upgraded.

Here are some potential benefits of the new HR system and how it can contribute to the
success of an organization:
1. Efficiency and Productivity: A modern HR system can streamline HR processes, automate
repetitive tasks and reduce manual data entry. This increases efficiency and productivity,
allowing HR teams to focus on more strategic initiatives.
2. Advanced data management: New HR systems provide improved data management
capabilities, ensuring data accuracy and providing real-time access to critical HR information. This
enables better decision making and reporting.
3. Better employee experience: Self-service portals and mobile-friendly interfaces offered by
modern HR systems empower employees to manage their HR-related tasks, such as benefits
enrolment and time-off requests. This leads to a more positive employee experience.
4. Compliance and Reporting: New systems often come with updated compliance features,
helping organizations remain compliant with evolving labor laws and regulations. Additionally,
they provide robust reporting tools for analysis and auditing.
5. Integration: Modern HR systems can integrate seamlessly with other business systems,
including payroll, accounting, and performance management. This integration reduces data
redundancy and enhances cross-functional collaboration.
6. Data security: New HR systems usually have advanced security features to protect sensitive
employee data, reduce the risk of data breaches, and ensure compliance with data protection
7. Scalability: As organizations grow, modern HR systems can grow with them. They can
accommodate growing employee numbers and adapt to evolving HR needs without major
8. Strategic Insights: Advanced analytics and reporting capabilities in modern HR systems provide
organizations with the data they need to make informed decisions about workforce planning,
talent management, and succession planning.
9. Cost Savings: While there is an initial investment in implementing a new HR system, it can yield
cost savings in the long run by reducing administrative overhead, reducing errors, and optimizing
HR processes.
9. Competitive Advantage: Having an updated HR system can make an organization more
attractive to top talent. This reflects a commitment to modern technology and a better overall
employee experience.
10. Business continuity: Modern HR systems are often cloud-based, which can improve business
continuity by allowing remote access to HR data and processes, ensuring that operations can
continue even during unexpected disruptions.
Success in transitioning from legacy HR systems:
To ensure successful implementation of the new HR system and transition from legacy systems,
organizations should consider the following best practices:
1. Clear objectives: Define clear objectives and goals for the new system to align with the
organization's human resource and business strategies.
2. Extensive training: Provide training to HR staff and employees to ensure they can use the new
system effectively and maximize its benefits.
3. Change management: Implement a change management plan to address any resistance to
transition and ensure a smooth adoption process.
4. Data migration: Ensure a smooth data migration process, preserve historical data and ensure
data accuracy in the new system.
5. Testing and Feedback: Test the new system thoroughly and collect feedback from users to
make necessary adjustments.
6.Vendor Support: Maintain good working relationship with vendor for ongoing support and
7. Regular evaluation: Continually monitor the system's performance and its alignment with
organizational goals to make adjustments as needed.

Successful implementation of a new HR system can lead to improved HR processes, better
employee experience and a more competitive position in the market. However, ensuring a
smooth transition requires careful planning and effective change management

2. Was a cloud-based system appropriate for AuroVision Consulting? Justify your answer by
giving suitable explanations. (10 marks)

Answer: Introduction: Aurovision is a global information technology consulting and services

organization with a worldwide presence. Headquartered in Naperville (Chicago suburb), United
States and with presence in Dallas and Denver; The company also has a presence in London (UK),
and offshore headquarters in Bombay (India), supported by a multi-location presence in India.
Aurovision integrates the power of visual computing with enterprise applications to deliver
innovative, interactive and integrated business intelligence solutions.

By deploying best technology, practices and resources, Aurovision provides on-demand web and
wireless solutions to improve business performance, enable spatial decisions, and empower
enterprise intelligence.

Concept & Application

The suitability of a cloud-based system for Aurovision Consulting, or any organization, depends
on a number of factors, including the organization's specific needs, resources, and strategic
objectives. Here are the some rationale for using a cloud-based system for Aurovision
Consulting, considering its potential benefits and drawbacks:

Here is a techniques to help to choose a suitable cloud-based system for Aurovision Consulting

1. Assess Your Needs: Start by understanding the specific needs of Aurovision Consulting. What
types of data and applications do they need to host in the cloud? Do they need to expand rapidly,
or do they have a steady workload?

2. Budgetary Considerations: Consider budgetary constraints. Different cloud providers have

different pricing structures. Choose a cloud provider that fits your financial plans.

3. Data Security and Compliance: If Aurovision Consulting deals with sensitive data, data security
and compliance can be a primary concern. Ensure that the cloud provider meets the required
security and compliance standards.

4. Scalability: If the organization expects to grow rapidly or experience fluctuations in workload,

look for a cloud provider that offers easy scalability.

5. Performance: Consider performance requirements. Some cloud providers offer better

performance for specific types of workloads.

6. Data Backup and Disaster Recovery: Evaluate the cloud provider's data backup and disaster
recovery solutions to ensure business continuity.
7. Geographic presence: Depending on where Aurovision Consulting operates, they may want to
choose a cloud provider with data centers in their region for low latency and compliance with
local data regulations.

8. Service Level Agreement (SLA): Review the SLAs provided by cloud providers. Make sure they
can meet your uptime and availability requirements.

9. Technical Support: Consider the level of technical support provided by the cloud provider.
Make sure they provide timely and efficient support when problems arise.

10. Integration: Determine if cloud services can be integrated with existing systems and tools
used by Aurovision Consulting.

11. User-Friendliness: The ease of use and user interface of a cloud platform is important,
especially if non-technical staff are required to interact with it.

Ultimately, the choice of a cloud-based system should be tailored to the specific needs and goals
of Aurovision Consulting. It is often a good idea to consult IT professionals or cloud experts to
help make informed decisions based on the organization's specific circumstances.

While cloud-based systems offer many advantages, they also come with some drawbacks that
organizations like Aurovision Consulting should be aware of. Some common drawbacks of using
a cloud-based system include:

1. Security Concerns: Data stored in the cloud can be vulnerable to security breaches and cyber
attacks. Although cloud providers invest heavily in security, it is necessary for organizations to
implement their own security measures, such as encryption and access controls.

2. Downtime and Reliability: Cloud services are not immune to downtime. Service interruptions
can impact an organization's operations. It is important to consider the service level agreements
(SLAs) offered by the cloud provider and plan for contingencies.

3. Data Privacy and Compliance: Compliance with data protection regulations can be challenging,
especially when data is stored off-site. Aurovision Consulting must ensure that their cloud
provider is compliant with relevant data privacy laws and industry-specific regulations
4. Cost Management: Although cloud services can be cost-effective, they can also lead to
unexpected expenses if usage is not carefully monitored. Organizations need to effectively
manage cloud costs and optimize resource utilization.

5. Data Transfer and Bandwidth Costs: Moving large amounts of data in and out of the cloud can
incur bandwidth costs, which can be significant depending on the volume of data and frequency
of transfer.

6. Limited Control: Cloud services mean giving up some control over the underlying
infrastructure. This may be a drawback for organizations with specific optimization or
performance requirements.

7. Dependence on Cloud Provider: Organizations become dependent on the infrastructure and

services of the cloud provider. Moving away from a cloud provider can be complex and expensive,
so vendor lock-in is a concern.

8. Latency and Performance: Depending on the geographic location of cloud data centers,
latency issues may occur, which may impact the performance of real-time applications.

9. Data Portability: Moving data from one cloud provider to another can be challenging due to
differences in data formats and services, potentially resulting in data lock-in.

10. Lack of Internet Connectivity: Cloud-based systems depend on a stable Internet connection.
If the Internet connection goes down, access to cloud services may be interrupted.

11. Limited Customization: Some cloud services may not allow extensive customization or
configuration, which may be limiting for organizations with unique needs.

12. Resource Sharing: In a shared cloud environment, resources are shared with other users.
This may cause variations in performance during times of peak usage.

13. Data Sovereignty: Data stored in the cloud may be subject to the laws and regulations of the
country where the cloud provider's data centers are located. This may create legal and
compliance issues.

To mitigate these shortcomings, Aurovision Consulting should conduct thorough risk

assessments, implement robust security measures, closely monitor costs, and create contingency
plans for potential downtime. Successfully leveraging cloud-based systems while minimizing the
associated risks requires careful planning, constant monitoring, and a clear understanding of the
cloud provider's terms and conditions.

In conclusion, a cloud-based system may be a good fit for Aurovision Consulting, especially given
its scalability, cost-efficiency, accessibility, and collaboration benefits. However, it is essential to
carefully evaluate the organization's specific needs and expectations, implement strong security
measures, and monitor costs to ensure a successful transition to the cloud.

3. Keeping the above case as a reference,

a. Explain the integration of mobile app with the Oracle HCM ERP (5 marks)

Answer: Introduction:

Integrating a mobile app with Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM) ERP can streamline HR
and employee management processes, providing a more convenient and efficient experience for
both employees and HR personnel. Here's a general outline of how you can achieve this

1. Define integration goals: Determine specific goals and use cases for integrating the mobile
app with Oracle HCM ERP. This can include employee self-service, time and attendance tracking,
leave requests, and more.

2. Select the integration approach: Choose an integration approach based on your needs. Oracle
HCM ERP offers various integration options, including REST API, SOAP Web Services, and
Integration Cloud Service (ICS). The choice depends on your app's capabilities and desired

3. Access Oracle HCM API: You will need access to the Oracle HCM API documentation to
understand how to connect and interact with the ERP system. Oracle provides documentation
and developer resources for its APIs.

4. Mobile App Development: Develop or modify the mobile app to include the desired features
and functionalities. Make sure the app is user-friendly, responsive, and compatible with both iOS
and Android platforms.
5. Authentication and Security: Implement secure authentication mechanisms to ensure that
only authorized users can access Oracle HCM data. OAuth or token-based authentication is
commonly used to secure API access.

6. API Integration: Use Oracle HCM API to fetch and update HR-related data. This may include
employee records, payroll information, leave balances and more.

7. Data Synchronization: Keep data in sync between the mobile app and Oracle HCM ERP. To
ensure that the app always has up-to-date information, you may need to implement scheduled
data synchronization.

8. User Notifications: Implement push notifications to notify employees about important

updates, such as approvals, announcements, or policy changes.

9. User Interface (UI): Design user-friendly and intuitive UI for mobile apps to enhance user
experience. Make sure it is consistent with the organization's branding and is consistent with the
functionality of Oracle HCM.

10. Testing: Test the integration thoroughly to make sure it works correctly and is free from bugs.
Test on different devices and platforms to ensure compatibility.

11. User Training and Support: Provide training and support to employees and HR personnel
using the mobile app. Make sure they understand how to use it effectively.

12. Compliance and Data Privacy: Ensure that the integration complies with data privacy
regulations (for example, GDPR) and that sensitive HR data is handled securely.

13. Monitoring and Maintenance: Monitor mobile apps and integrations regularly to resolve any
issues promptly. Keep the app updated to accommodate changes to Oracle HCM ERP or mobile

14. Scalability: Consider scalability as the number of users and data grows in Oracle HCM ERP.
Make sure the integration can handle the increased load.

15. Feedback and Improvement: Continuously collect feedback from users to improve the
mobile app and integration. This will help improve the user experience over time.

Integrating a mobile app with Oracle HCM ERP can significantly enhance HR processes and
employee engagement. However, it is necessary to carefully plan and execute the integration to
ensure that it meets the organization's goals and provides a seamless user experience.

b. Benefits of HCM solution implementation in developing Reporting and Analytics by AVC’s US

-based analytics group? Explain using any one-use case for the same. (5 marks)

Answer: Introduction:

The implementation of a human capital management (HCM) solution can provide AVC's US-
based analytics group with several significant benefits when it comes to developing reporting
and analytics for employee performance and compensation analysis:

1. Data Centralization: An HCM solution centralizes HR data, including employee performance

and compensation data, in one accessible location. This makes it easier for the analytics team to
access and analyze data, eliminating the need to gather data from different sources.

2. Real Time Data Access: HCM solutions provide real-time access to HR data, enabling analytics
groups to work with the latest information to analyze performance and compensation. This is
important for making informed decisions and identifying trends.

3. Enhanced Data Accuracy: Centralized data and automation within an HCM solution can
improve data accuracy. This reduces the possibility of errors in reporting and analysis, ensuring
that the analysis is reliable and trustworthy.

4. Streamlined Reporting: HCM solutions often come with built-in reporting and analytics tools,
making it easy for the analytics group to create customized reports and dashboards tailored to
their specific needs. This streamlines the reporting process.

5. Data Integration: Integration capabilities within HCM solutions allow the analytics group to
combine HR data with data from other departments or external sources, providing a more
comprehensive view of employee performance and compensation metrics.

6. Self-Service Reporting: Many HCM solutions provide self-service reporting capabilities,

enabling non-technical users in the analytics group to create their own reports and perform ad-
hoc analysis without IT support.
7. Advanced Analytics: HCM solutions often support advanced analytics techniques, such as
predictive analytics and machine learning. These tools can help identify trends and patterns in
employee performance and compensation data that may not be apparent through traditional

8. Compliance and Security: HCM solutions are designed to maintain compliance with HR and
data privacy regulations. This ensures that the analytics group's work is in line with legal
requirements, thereby enhancing data security.

9. Data Visualization: Modern HCM solutions provide data visualization tools, making it easy to
present complex HR data in a clear and understandable format, facilitating better decision

10. Efficient Workflow: Automation and workflow features in HCM solutions can streamline HR
processes, allowing the analytics group to focus on analytics rather than manual data handling
and administrative tasks.

11. Cost Saving: By automating HR processes and improving efficiency, HCM solutions can deliver
cost savings over time, as fewer resources are required for manual data entry and analysis.

12. Performance Appraisal: HCM solutions provide analytics groups with tools to assess
employee performance and compensation, facilitating data-driven performance evaluations and
compensation adjustments.

13. Scalability: As the organization grows, HCM solutions can easily scale to handle increased
data and reporting requirements without significantly increasing complexity.

14. Decision Support: Data-driven insights from HCM solutions empower the analytics group to
provide valuable insights to decision makers, helping to inform strategic decisions related to
employee performance and compensation.


In short, the implementation of an HCM solution can greatly benefit AVC's US-based analytics
group by improving the efficiency, accuracy and capabilities of their reporting and analytics for
employee performance and compensation analysis. It provides a solid foundation for data-driven
decision making and can ultimately contribute to more effective human resource management
and organizational success.

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