9-Egb-3rd-Partial-Week 5

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Unidad Educativa

Students will understand that making a tourism review develops their critical thinking
Learning Objective:
allowing them to produce well-constructed informational texts and visual resources.
I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand main ideas and some details in short simple online or
Assessment Indicator: print texts on familiar subjects, using contextual clues to help identify the most relevant
information. (Example: title, illustrations, organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4)
PROJECT: Tourism Review
Description: This project has been designed to help students to present their critical point of view when talk about
popular topics such as tourism.

To do these activities, we will need:

 English pedagogical modules from the Ministry of Education

 Dictionary - https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/
 Notebook – you can use a recycled notebook

Your creativity is very important to do this project

Weekly Objective: Students will correct sentences and design a City Advertising by using modal verbs and correct
grammar tenses.
ACTIVITIES – WEEK 5 From: Feb 14th To: Feb 18th
Topic: Trip Advisor

Did you know?

Remember that:

Pelileo, Tungurahua, Ecuador Source: Ministerio de Educación – English Pedagogical Modules

Dirección: Av. 22 de Julio y Antonio Clavijo
email: cebjoaquinarias@hotmail.com teléfono: 2871243
Unidad Educativa

Interesting facts

1.-. Read the article about New Year’s Eve. Answer the questions and correct the sentences from the reading.

a) What is an important tradition in Ecuador on New Year’s Eve?

b) How do some men celebrate New Year? Use your own words to explain.
c) What did families use to do years ago on New Year?
d) What happens in New York on New Year´s eve?

Pelileo, Tungurahua, Ecuador Source: Ministerio de Educación – English Pedagogical Modules

Dirección: Av. 22 de Julio y Antonio Clavijo
email: cebjoaquinarias@hotmail.com teléfono: 2871243
Unidad Educativa

Correct these sentences from the reading. “Many years ago:”

a) People watched TV.
b) People didn’t make promises.
c) People didn’t dance in the streets.
d) People only ate snacks.

2.- Read this article about Chinese New Year. Choose the correct answer. Then, write True (T) or False (F) according
to the text.

Pelileo, Tungurahua, Ecuador Source: Ministerio de Educación – English Pedagogical Modules

Dirección: Av. 22 de Julio y Antonio Clavijo
email: cebjoaquinarias@hotmail.com teléfono: 2871243
Unidad Educativa

Trip Advisor: Imagine you are writing a paragraph with advice for tourists who want to visit your city. To do this, follow
the next steps and complete the activities in the spaces below: 1) Take the following paragraph as an example. Make
sure to focus on the modal verbs that are underlined. 2) Answer the questions. 3) Now, it is your turn! Use your own
information and write your own paragraph, be sure to use modal verbs. 4) Design an Advertising to promote the city.
Show it to the class.

1) Read the paragraph

Pelileo, Tungurahua, Ecuador Source: Ministerio de Educación – English Pedagogical Modules

Dirección: Av. 22 de Julio y Antonio Clavijo
email: cebjoaquinarias@hotmail.com teléfono: 2871243
Unidad Educativa

2) Answer the following questions:

a) What is the best time of the year to visit your city?
b) What are some precautions tourists need to consider?
c) What do visitors need to pack?

3) Write the paragraph:

4) Design your City Advertising

Pelileo, Tungurahua, Ecuador Source: Ministerio de Educación – English Pedagogical Modules

Dirección: Av. 22 de Julio y Antonio Clavijo
email: cebjoaquinarias@hotmail.com teléfono: 2871243
Unidad Educativa

Mg. Fabricio Mata Mg. Jacqueline Medina


Pelileo, Tungurahua, Ecuador Source: Ministerio de Educación – English Pedagogical Modules

Dirección: Av. 22 de Julio y Antonio Clavijo
email: cebjoaquinarias@hotmail.com teléfono: 2871243

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