Post Grad Informal Meeting

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Post Grad Informal Meeting #1

Venue: Postgrad Room

Starting Time: 9:08am
Members Present: Alice, Benedict, Delka, Dulcie, Julianne, Kenny, Sharon and Hilda

Agenda: Conference presentation

1. Alice informed everyone about the upcoming conferences;

a) University of Auckland, New Zealand, for all Research Beginners

b) University of Papua New Guinea, known as PNG Update

2. The conferences will occur at the end of the year_December,2024. Alice will send

more updates via email.

3. Alice asked everyone to present a systematic literature review or thesis at the

conference presentations (Publishable requirement). The time frame for each

presentation is 15-20 minutes.

4. Dev.Net is another upcoming conference that is open for researchers. Alice will

also update everyone on this conference via email.

5. All the post-grad students are eligible to present in the PNG update; however, for

external conferences, we need to have funds; therefore, the team has discussed and

recommended the following actions:

i) Put a K50 aside monthly towards the conference fundraising at Auckland,

and the due date is on the last day of July (31/07/2024). Each student

should submit a total of K250 to help with our fundraising.

ii) Sharon proposed to write letters to seek funds. Everyone must find

possible sponsors (departments, companies, etc.) and let the group know

so that letters can be submitted to them to assist in this research trip.

iii) Everyone to work on the following in preparation for the trip:

a) NID (see Julianne-she knows a student who can assist)

b) Police Clearance (see Sharon to assist)

c)Passport (see Dulcie). Also, go to Courts (opposite SP Brewery) to take

passport-size photos per the required photos from the immigration office.

Closing Prayer: Dulcie Motamota

Acting Secretary: Hilda Tuka-Nennek

Closing Time: 9:30am

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