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Error Identification

1. I tried to interrupt into their conversation but was told on.

2. It is important to take pride of whatever we do on life.

3. I left home at Sunday morning to catch a flight for England.

4. He was scolded from the teacher for failing to pass the test.

5. For all that excitement. I had forgotten to take my present for him.

6. My parents are not in good terms so we tried to patch things on.

7. I accused her with stealing my wallet but she insisted about her innocence.

8. I sympathize for you over your mother's death.

9. He is one of the best players of Singapore and he takes pride of it.

10. In ten o'clock in the morning. I went to the beach to catch fish by my net.


1. I tried to interrupt their conversation but was told off.

2. It is important to take pride in whatever we do in life.
3. I left home on Sunday morning to catch a flight to England.
4. He was scolded by the teacher for failing to pass the test.
5. In all that excitement, I had forgotten to take my present from him.
6. My parents are not on good terms so we tried to patch things up.
7. I accused her of stealing my wallet but she insisted on her innocence.
8. I sympathize with you over your mother's death.
9. He is one of the best players in Singapore and he takes pride in it.
10. At ten o'clock in the morning. I went to the beach to catch fish with my net.
1. You don't need so much eggs for your cake, just a little.

2. All my money have gone. Someone have stole all my savings!

3. How long have your book been lieing on the grass? You must take more

4. The building which is being rebuilt which was partly destroyed in the war.

5. That is the woman who house we took shelter in her house.

6. "I don't have some coins with me," I said sorry to the begger.

7. He is more friendly than his brother, much for our disappoint.

8. My father has to concentuate to drive because it is darkness.

9. It is raining continuingly since the previous night.

10. The boulder was very heavy which was lying over the stream.
Error Identification


1. You don't need so many eggs for your cake, just a few.
2. All my money has gone. Someone has stolen all my savings !
3. How long has your book been lying on the grass ? You must be more
4. The building which was partly destroyed in the war, is being rebuilt.
5. That is the woman whose house we took shelter in.
6. "I don't have any coins with me," I apologized to the beggar.
7. He is friendlier than his brother, much to our disappointment.
8. My father has to concentrate on driving because it is dark.
9. It has been raining continuously since last night.
10. The boulder, which was lying across the stream, was very heavy.
1. We have to carry on our plan if we want to convince him of our ability.

2. Don't put me down with your criticisms unless you want to get rid off me.

3. We were all taken up by his lies that we agreed on all his plans.

4. The class thanked the teacher with singing a song to her.

5. He will do well by treat all his classmates in respect.

6. They hit if of so well together that they took everyone with surprise.

7. You should jump on the first offer of a job because of the economic crisis.

8. After her father's death, she is trying to pick on where she left in.

9. I admire him on standing beside what he had said in dignity.

10. These girls often show their contempt on the poor by ignoring them.


1. We have to carry out our plan if we want to convince him of our ability.
2. Don't put me down with your criticisms unless you want to get rid of me.
3. We were all so taken in by his lies that we agreed to all his plans.
4. The class thanked the teacher by singing a song for her.
5. He will do well to treat all his classmates with respect.
6. They hit it off so well together that they took everyone by surprise.
7. You should jump at the first offer of a job because of the economic crisis.
8. After her father's death, she is trying to pick up where she left off.
9. I admire him for standing by what he had said with dignity.
10. These girls often show their contempt for the poor by ignoring them.

Error Identification

1. In my teenage life, I came across many different situations.

2. Teenage fights mostly happening in streets, arcades or void deck.

3. Out of a sudden, I saw a group of people walk towards me.

4. I saw no one was chasing me and stopped running.

5. Should I walked back and saved him or go to report to the police?

6. I blamed me for not handling such situations well.

7. Cameron Highlands is much more higher compared to Genting Highlands.

8. After taking the shower, I relax myself by watching television.

9. Out in the corridoor, I took a deep breathe in.

10. I am a friend of them and I came from abroad.


1. As a teenager, I have come across many different situations.

2. Teenage fights mostly happen on streets, arcades or void decks.
3. All of a sudden, I saw a group of people walking towards me.
4. I saw that no one was chasing me so I stopped running.
5. Should I walk back and save him or report him to the police ?
6. I blame myself for not handling the situation well.
7. Cameron Highlands is higher than Genting Highlands.
8. After having a shower, I relaxed by watching television.
9. Out in the corridor, I took in a deep breath.
10. I am their friend and I have come abroad.
1. Between Sally and Sonia, I like Sally best.

2. If I am rich, I will travel round the world.

3. He is the soul survivor of the air crush.

4. The egg yoke is yellow in colour.

5. It do not matter weather he is rich or poor, she still like him.

6. He professed that he had make a lot of mistake in the coarse of his life.

7. All men is equal in the eye of gods.

8. Neither the father or the son are happy with the present situation.

9. Sum of the people is very angry with the decision of the committee.

10. His aunt, together with his cousins, are going to visit him tomorrow.

Error Identification


1. Between Sally and Sonia, I like Sally more.

2. If I were rich, I would travel around the world.
3. He is the sole survivor of the air crash.
4. The egg yolk is yellow.
5. It does not matter whether he is rich or poor. She still likes him.
6. He confessed that he had made a lot of mistakes in the course of his life.
7. All men are equal in the eyes of God.
8. Neither the father nor the son is happy with the present situation.
9. Some of the people are very angry with the decision of the committee.
10. His aunt, together with his cousins, is going to visit him tomorrow.
1. This vase is not to sale as it was given to me at my birthday.

2. I have been sitting on this very table since this morning.

3. On the last stretch, they ran as fast as they could for the finishing line.

4. I spent my holidays lying at the beach for the purpose to getting a tan.

5. I know I have to go under the tunnel in order to get from the other side.

6. The most popular hobby between children is reading.

7. The rat chewed out the tops in my shoes.

8. I wrote this novel to my aunt who supported me through my moments of


9. We are disappointed at our results for our examinations.

10. We are keen about starting work on the project.


1. This vase is not for sale as it was given to me for my birthday.

2. I have been sitting at this very table since this morning.
3. On the last stretch, they ran as fast as they could to the finishing line.
4. I spent my holidays lying on the beach for the purpose of getting a tan.
5. I know I have to go through the tunnel in order to get to the other side.
6. The most popular hobby among children is reading.
7. The rat chewed off the tops of my shoes.
8. I wrote this novel for my aunt who supported me in my moments of despair.
9. We are disappointed with our results of our examinations.
10. We are keen on starting work on the project.

Error Identification

1. The team that I represents came in first.

2. The patient have die of a heart attack.

3. Everyone say good by to Ali when it is time to live.

4. "Please fill out the application form correct," the clerk says.

5. Gurmit is the fattest of the twin and the most greedy too.

6. Neither Sam or the boys likes to play badminton.

7. The men, including Mr Kee, is very exhausted after the swimming.

8. Although I am the shorter in the class, I sit at the last roll.

9. "Its time to take a brake and come back in ten minutes time," said the teacher.

10. "To whom do you think would make a good husband to Alice," asked mother.

1. The team that I represented came in first.
2. The patient has died of a heart attack.
3. Everyone says goodbye to Ali when it is time to leave.
4. "Please fill up the application form correctly," the clerk said.
5. Gurmit is the fatter and greedier of the twins.
6. Neither Sam nor the boys like to play badminton.
7. The men, including Mr Kee, are very exhausted after the swim.
8. Although I am the shortest in the class, I sit at the last row.
9. "It's time take a break and come back in ten minutes' time," said the teacher.
10. "Who do you think will make a good husband for Alice ?" asked mother.
1. You have to show your interest on the project if you want to be called in.

2. She is capable at not telling us of her plans for the future.

3. I have been independent of any financial help of my parents for a long time.

4. You have to make good at your promises if you want to be trusted.

5. I am concerned on your welfare for the future.

6. The robber came in my house and assaulted me with a wooden bat.

7. Tom wants to complain on the bad service of the waiter.

8. He was shocked by my rejection on his offer of help.

9. He tried to give to me the reason of his absence.

10. Vitamins can help to prevent the recurrence from a viral infection.

Error Identification


1. You have to show your interest in the project if you want to be called up.
2. She is capable of not telling us her plans for the future.
3. I have been independent of any financial help from my parents for a long
4. You have to make good on your promises if you want to be trusted.
5. I am concerned about your welfare in the future.
6. The robber came into my house and assaulted me with a wooden bat.
7. Tom wants to complain about the bad service from the waiter.
8. He was shocked by my rejection of his offer to help.
9. He tried to give me the reason for his absence.
10. Vitamins can help prevent the recurrence of a viral infection.
1. The tall dark and handsome man are come this way.

2. None of us are happy with the situations.

3. The blind is leading the blind. No wonder no thing is done.

4. Everyone are going to the school camp in the month of June.

5. Selene, including the twins, are going swimming tomorrow.

6. Whose the leader between the three girls?

7. "Are there any water left in the jug," ask Michael.

8. "Stop writing and past up your books," the teacher say.

9. After Gillian had finished her dinner, she washes up and goes to bed.

10. Harry is the fatter and taller of the three boys.


1. The tall, dark and handsome man is coming this way.

2. None of us is happy with the situation.
3. The blind is leading the blind. No wonder nothing is done.
4. Everyone is going to the school camp in June.
5. Selene, including the twins, is going swimming tomorrow.
6. Who is the leader among the three girls ?
7. "Is there any water left in the jug ?" asked Michael.
8. "Stop writing and pass up your books," the teacher said.
9. After Gillian had finished her dinner, she washed up and went to bed.
10. Harry is the fattest and tallest of the three boys.

Error Identification

1. Has Nancy took her medicines yet ?

2. The table is very heavy for Lisa to carry.

3. Henry has really grew. He is now fat as his brother.

4. Neither the old men nor the boys is willing to give up their seats.

5. Although Dilly was late, but nobody notice it.

6. I shout in the top of my voice so nobody respond.

7. Could it be that her father angry over her?

8. Old people were respect by family of their wisdom.

9. Please do not lift the classroom until you complete your test.

10. Betty is kind, patient and unattractive.


1. Has Nancy taken her medicine yet ?

2. The table is too heavy for Lisa to lift.
3. Henry has really grown. He is now as fat as his brother.
4. Neither the old men nor the boys are willing to give up their seats.
5. Although Dilly was late, nobody noticed it.
6. I shouted at the top of my voice but nobody responded.
7. Could it be that her father was angry with her ?
8. Old people are respected by their families because of their wisdom.
9. Please do not leave the classroom until you have completed your test.
10. Betty is kind and patient but unattractive.

The world has made tremendous progress in (1) eradicate polio. Globally, the
incidence of polio cases (2) have declined by 90 percent. However, certain parts
of South Asia and Africa are still (3) threaten by this disease. The health
authorities have still (4) get plenty to do towards (5) wipe out polio. Polio is
a (6) high (7) infect disease. Thus, when there is a threat of epidemic many
social activities are (8) call off. Schools are also (9) close. People
are(10) scarced and they avoid contact with those infected with the disease.

Answers 1. eradicating 2. has 3. threatened 4. got 5. wiping 6. highly

7. infectious 8. called 9. closed 10. Scared

Error Identification

A strong wind (1) blowed through the trees. Dried leaves and dead branches (2)
felled to the ground below. It was going to pour anytime. Hawa was (3) dashed
down the hallway to car parked at the campus parking lot. Her heavy book bag
slowed down her speed. She sighed (4) heavy and tried to gather (5) the energy to
walk faster. It began to drizzle. She (6) has no choice but to run. (7) Run through
the parking lot, Hawa was still hopeful (8) to getting to her car before she gets wet.
She searched her bag frantically for her keys. When she realized her keys were (9)
missed, she knew that she (10) are in for a good soaking.

1. blew 2. fell 3. dashing 4. heavily 5. ___ 6. had 7. Running 8. in 9.
missing 10. Was

The origins of fireworks are not (1) knew. It is possibly true that fireworks
(2) origin in China. (3) Although, they may have developed in India (4) even the
Arab world. During the 1300s, Europeans (5) come to know (6) of fireworks. It was
(7) say the Europeans who travelled to the East brought fireworks back to their
homeland. The common colors of fireworks (8) consisted of blue, gold, green, red,
white and yellow. Different chemical compounds (9) is add to produce the
interesting effects. Fireworks (10) is use to mark happy occasions.

1. known 2. originated 3. But 4. or 5. came 6. about 7. said 8. consist
9. are added 10. are used

Damu (1) starts his job at a carpet-weaving factory. He had made new friends there
and (2) enjoying their company. Carpet-weaving (3) intrigue him, (4) yet when he
started on the job he (5) finds it very difficult. For weeks he was (6) strugling (7)
with the job. He seems to have made a mistake when he chose to work there. (8) If
he was determined to learn the art of carpet-weaving. The work (9) required a lot of
concentration and teamwork. Damu thinks such training is good for (10) himself.
He feels proud being part of the hand-woven carpets which beautified many homes
around the world.

1. started 2. enjoyed 3. intrigued 4. but 5. found 6. struggling 7. at 8.
But 9. requires 10. Him

Error Identification

Miko's father (1) had gave him a new car on his last birthday. Initially, he was (2)
quiet apprehensive of driving the car. However, with encouragement (3) by his
father, he successfully (4) get over the fear. Now he (5) drove around like a duck to
water. He loves (6) go to the beach. So, one sunny day Mio decided to drive to the
beach by (7) him. All his hopes (8) shatered when his sister said she would (9) rode
with him. Miko would have (10) drove faster if his sister had not criticized his
every move and screamed hysterically whenever he braked. Miko told himself this
would be the last ride his sister would take with him.

1. gave 2. quite 3. from 4. got 5. drives 6. going 7. himself 8. shattered
9. ride 10. Driven

Xian Chee did not last long in Mr. Wu's busy office (1) if only she is hardworking.
Her typing was not accurate. There were too many complaints from (2) the
potential clients that she was rude.
Mr. Wu has been very angry (3) at her. On numerous occasions, he had (4) warning
her she will get the sack if things (5) dont improve. Xian Chee (6) spent between
eight and ten hours a day working at her typewriter and answering the telephone. It
(7) is great at the beginning. The job had (8) being something totally new and
different from her last. But, she began to hate (9) a routine. She does not look
forward to (10) come to work because she has lost her enthusiasm.

1. although 2. --( no determiner ) 3. with 4. warned 5. don't 6. spends 7.
had been 8. been 9. the 10. Coming

Varanas (1) are locate on the north eastern part of India. Hindu pilgrims go (2) to
there to purify their souls. To the Hindus Varanas is (3) a holiest pilgrimage center
(4) to all.
Thousands of pilgrims visit this (5) wholly city every year.

As early as four o'clock in the morning the pilgrims are seen (6) make their way to
the famous bathing steps known as Gatz. From there they board row boats to the
holy river Ganges. By this time, pilgrims (7) have already bathing in the holy river.
(8) In doing this the pilgrims believe their sins (9) shall be (10) wash away.

1. is located 2. ( no preposition ) 3. the 4. of 5. holy 6. making 7. were
8. By 9. would 10. Washed

Error Identification

In China, the bicycle was 'king' on the roads for many years. The Chinese people
(1) long to possess a bicycle and it was almost (2) everyones dream. This desire
could be (3) ascribe to the status symbol that comes with (4) own a bicycle at that
For years the bicycle ha been the main mode of transport in the city (5) together
with the countryside. The city streets were congested with bicycles. (6) Ever till
today bicycles are common sight on the streets in China. (7) Morever, as the
incomes of the Chinese people (8) rised, the scenario has changed. The millions of
people in China are, now, (9) yearn for automobile. With this change, the Chinese
government will (10) encountering two main concern, which are air pollution and
infrastructure facilities.

1. longed 2. everyone's 3. ascribed 4. owning 5. as well as 6. Even 7.
However 8. rise 9. yearning 10. Encounter

One of the wonders of the ancient world is a group of three pyramids known
as Khufu, Khafra and Menkaura. It is located (1) on Giza near Cairo. The Pyramids
are the only wonder still (2) exists. Khufu, the largest pyramid, was (3) name after
the king (4) which built this pyramid. Its original height was (5) estimating at 482
It had (6) then reduced to 450 feet. A total of 2.3 million blocks (7) had been used
to (8) built this pyramid. Today, the pyramids (9) attracts thousands of tourists
every (10) ear.

1. at 2. existing 3. named 4. who 5. estimated 6. since 7. was 8. build
9. attract 10. year
The alarm clock had been (1) rung since the last ten minutes. (2) Even though, Ode
continued with her sleep, dreaming about her prince charming. She (3) herd her
sister calling from downstairs.
"Ode wake up ! Otherwise you would be late again (4) ? "But, she (5) choose to
ignore her summons. She (6) can have continued sleeping had it not been for the
tantalizing smell (7) from bacon and toast bread. She (8) sprung out of bed. She
saw bright sunlight streaming (9) into the windows. She dashed downstairs and was
(10) culping her breakfast when she saw her school bus passing. She muttered,
"Miss Fuzzie would be angry again about my late arrival."

1. ringing 2. But 3. heard 4. ! 5. chose 6. would 7. of 8. sprang 9.
through 10. gulping

Error Identification

The Industrial Revolution (1) have start in England around 1733. This (2) seen the
birth of a modern world. It was (3) the time of drastic change so much (4) because
that many of the inventions (5) create (6) at this period revolutionised the lifestyle
of man. Factories (7) become more mechanised. Goods (8) has been produced in
large quantity.
Both communication and transportation also experienced (9) mark transformation.
Travelling has been made faster (10) ever from. Other discoveries made during this
time contributed greatly to the development of the present world.

1. started 2. saw 3. a 4. so 5. created 6. during 7. became 8. were 9.
marked 10. since
Last night, three trekkers (1) go missing while (2) descend the trail from the
towering mountain. Immediately, the next day, a search party (3) meet at the foot of
the mountain. It will (4) conducts a search for the missing persons. But, the (5)
unpredict weather will hamper the search. The mists (6) is thick. (7) Beside , the
wind is strong. Visibility (8) has be very bad. The missing persons were (9) fear
dead. The police have just informed the families. Everybody (10) are praying and
hoping the three trekkers would be safe.

1. went 2. descending 3. met 4. conduct 5. unpredictable 6. are 7.
Besides 8. can 9. feared 10. Is

The shoebill stork, also (1) knowed as the whalehead, is a large and tall storklike
bird. It (2) have a huge head and unusually long and broad bill. (3) It's bill which is
multi-coloured (4) ended in a hooked tip. It can be (5) recognise easily by its broad
wings and long strong legs with large (6) unweb feet. It (7) favoured marsky banks
of the papyrus swamps. The shoebill stork (8) fed on smaller animals like frogs,
baby crocodiles and all kinds of mud fish. (9) Nervrtheless it is noted for (10) been
sluggish, it can fly very high. In many ways, the shoebill stork is quite alike the

1. known 2. has 3. Its 4. ends 5. recognised 6. unwebbed 7. favours 8.
feeds 9. Though 10. being
Every year (1) on September, the Magellanic penguins return to land (2) beyond the
sea to mate. This extraordinary happening (3) occur year after year. Each pair of
mating birds (4) return to the same spot every time. The adult penguins (5) left their
home to search for food (6) from sea. The chicks (7) needed plenty of food for
survival. Many die (8) from starvation. Some are (9) ate by foxes, seagulls (10) nor
armadillos. Wildlife biologists fear that these penguins could be in danger of

1. in 2. from 3. occurs 4. returns 5. leave 6. at 7. need 8. of 9. eaten
10. or
Error Identification

On cold, wet morning, my class was filled with excitement. Someone (1) have
discover that the next day was our teacher's birthday. Our teacher was the kindest
person that ever (2) exist. Thus it (3) is no surprise she was the favourite teacher (4)
to the pupils. Everyone (5) want to get her a present. I, very much wanted to (6)
shown any appreciation too. That afternoon, I (7) spends the whole afternoon (8)
shop for a present. After a long search, I finally made (9) on my mind. The next day
I (10) gived her a bouquet of beautiful roses and she exclaimed with pleasure.

1. had discovered 2. existed 3. was 4. with 5. wanted 6. show 7. spent
8. shopping 9. up 10. gave
People who eat food that do not (1) contained meat are (2) call vegetarians. (3)
Wherever the world, many different people of all ages (4) chosen this kind of diet.
The reasons for refusing to eat meat (5) is many and they vary (6) between different
people. Some people do not eat meat (7) since they believe it is unhealthy, (8) as
some think it is cruel and wrong to kill animals. Meat is rich in protein. It is very
essential for (9) growing. Thus, vegetarians must always (10) ensured they get the
protein their bodies need. Food like nuts, milk and cheese are good for vegetarians.

1. contain 2. called 3. Throughout 4. choose 5. are 6. among 7. because
8. whilst 9. growth 10. ensure

(1) At a long time, Mary searched cookbooks, web sites and culinary magazines for
the recipe to bake a special cake. Finally, she (2) founded the recipe (3) in the web
site that (4) gived a lot of information on baking. She had (5) entering a cake
baking contest. (6) Yet she knew that she would not (7) winned she had to (8) trial.
She (9) shoped for the ingredients at the supermarket. She spent the rest of the
evening trying the recipes, hoping to perfect her baking skills.
Without her (10) mothers help, Mary would not have dreamed about entering the

1. For 2. found 3. on 4. gave 5. entered 6. Although 7. win 8. try 9.
shopped 10. mother's
The Antarctica is as large as the United States. More than 90 percent of Antarctica
is (1) covering with massive ice. It is (2) interestingly to know that in some places
the ice (3) are thousands of feet thick. (4) By the last ice age, the coastline of
Antarctica has shifted slightly with the passing of time because the ice has been (5)
melted gradually. Global warming has also (6) speed up the process. Antarctica
icebergs, either stay close to the continent or (7) drifting away. Icebergs from
Greenland that have drifted (8) in the Atlantic Ocean are threats to ships (9) sail
between North America and Europe. In 1912, the Titanic was (10) sank by such

1. covered 2. interesting 3. is 4. Since 5. melting 6. speeded 7. drift 8.
into 9. sailing 10. Sunk

Error Identification

After a whole morning of (1) mowed the sprawling lawns, Yusuf was (2) absolute
exhausted. He (3) droped under a tree onto the freshly-mowed lawn and dozed off.
He (4) will have (5) has a good sleep (6) because for the fire ant mound. Several of
the insects (7) crawls over his feet and (8) stinged him on the toes. The bites wee so
painful that the tired Yusuf (9) is jumping frantically around the lawn. At the same
time, he was (10) slaping at the ants which had crawled to his ankles.

1. mowing 2. absolutely 3. dropped 4. would 5. had 6. but 7. crawled
8. stung 9. was 10. slapping


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