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Republic of the Philippines

University of Eastern Philippines

University Town, Northern Samar
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School Allowance Satisfaction and Academic Performance Among the

Junior High Students in UEP Laboratory High School

Dela Rosa, Markzel C.

Horcasitas, Jure Job A.

Jandumon, Beanca L.

Jandumon, Angela L.

Dupan, Jamylle G.

Galosmo, Avril C.

October, 2023

In the field of education, there has been many students that

are not satisfied with their allowances and it affects their

academic performance. With the setup goal schooling today which was

very much affected by the pandemic covid-19 students, nowadays

encounter problems on the sufficiency their allowances. Most of the

time students needs are not basically meet due to lack of school

allowances. Because of their observations, study on the academic

performance of student and their allowances in being conducted.

Within the field of education research, the relationship between

school allowance satisfaction and academic success is a subject of

growing relevance. A school allowance is a crucial financial

resource for students to meet their educational demands. It is

often given by parents or guardians. These necessity may include

paying for transportation expenses, school supplies, and

occasionally after school activities. For educational stakeholders,

legislators, and researchers alike, it is crucial to comprehend how

a student's contentment with or discontent with this allowance

affects their academic performance.

There are students who are not really satisfied with their

daily allowance the reason is because some of them have a small

amount that is fit for their transportation and maybe some food for

lunch while the other students get more than what they have. I know

what you're thinking, "Than why not tell your parents or guardians

to double your daily allowance?" and my answer to this is that

there are some people who are struggling with their finances. In
the Republic Act No. 10687, Article 1 Title, Policy, Objectives,

Definitions of terms, Scope and Coverage. Section 4. Definition of

Terms. – For purposes of this Act: (a) Beneficiary refers to the

recipient of any modality of Student Financial Assistance Program

(StuFAP), such as Scholarship, Grant-in-Aid, or Student Loan;

(b) Cost of Tertiary Education refers to (1) tuition, miscellaneous

and Other School Fees, (2) Educational Expenses, and (3) the cost

of living allowance;(c) Educational Expenses refer to expenses

related to the education of a student, such as books, school

supplies, and electronic devices necessary for education, but

excluding tuition and miscellaneous and Other School Fees.

Some students struggle as they misuse their allowance and use

it for their recreational wants like buying unnecessary things such

as shopping, street foods, milk tea, cosmetics items, and etc. And

this affects their academic performance because of their inadequate

allowance on their school fees, projects, and activities that

required money, so this apply that students also need to spend or

budget their allowance in order to maintain their academic

performance and to pay their school fees in the exact deadlines.


Our main objectives in this study is to determine if the

students are satisfied with their allowances and if their

allowances affect their academic performances.

1. To determine if the students are satisfied with their daily


2. To analyze where do they get their allowances.

3. To determine if their allowances affect their academic


Literature 1

Students' Level of Financial Support Satisfaction Towards Their

Daily Allowance

The purpose of this study is to determine the association on

the students' level of financial support satisfaction and their

daily allowance. The study used a quantitative approach-descriptive

correlation using a self-made questionnaire that was answered by

the senior high school student. The questionnaire mainly indicates

the different ranges of school allowances and factors that

influence the students' satisfaction. Moneva, Jerald, Tuñacao,

Marijune (2020)

Literature 2

Locus of Control Contribution Toward Student Money Allowance


From the perspectives of the economy, environment, and

organization, factors affecting pocket money management in general

are considered. There aren't many studies on pocket money that take

into account psychological factors like the locus of control, which

is known to manage or influence one's behavior toward pocket money.

The internal and external loci of control in managing pocket money

are being investigated in this study. Moh Irvan, Tri Anita, Rendika

Vhalery, Ari Wahyu Leksono, Novidya Yulanda (2019)

Literature 3

Budgeting: A Quantitative Study on the Senior High School Students’

Management of Their Weekly Allowances

This research looks at the word of Simone Galperti wherein his

theory “A Theory of Personal Budgeting,” shows the relationship

between budgeting and self-control problems in terms of

expenditures. The goal of this research is to inform and educate

the Senior High School students of St. Mary’s College QC on how

they spend their money and if it is the best way possible on

spending it. Kathrine T. Gacad, Robbin James C. Montenegro, Juan

Antonio Ricardo G. Prada, John Mark S. Salas (2019)

Literature 4

The Management of Allowance among Students on Diverse Backgrounds

Recently, scholars have been aware of the allowance management

research. One allowance management study does, however, need to be

updated and expanded. As a result, additional study is required to

strengthen and develop the shortcomings in earlier studies. The

purpose of this research is to learn more about the variations in

the management of student aid based on gender and the most recent

educational attainment of the parent and mother. Rendika Vhalery,

Ani Interdiana Candra Sari, Darwin Hartono, Elin Karlina, Vella

Anggresta (2019)
Literature 5

End the Birthday Bias: Age Allowances in High-Stakes Tests Are a

Proven Boost for Fairness

On academic success assessments, older students in the same

classrooms often perform better than younger students. Age

variations of even a few months do significant, according to

studies examining a variety of nations, grade spans, and

disciplines. Older pupils are favored arbitrarily by relative-age

effects, which are introduced. Peña, Pablo A. (2022)

Literature 6

Cafeteria Use by Students and Effect of Selection Attributes on


This study examined that what attributes of student

satisfaction are more important when students use university

cafeterias. Factors that are considered to be more crucial when

students use a cafeteria, such as menu, taste, price, and

cleanliness, were tested. Based on the research of previous

studies, it assumed that the selection attributes of students'

cafeteria were menu, taste, price, and cleanliness. With 301

surveyed questionnaires, the study was carried out by AMOS 23.0 and

the Structural Equation Model was used for examining the hypotheses
as statistical method in this study. Seong-Soo Cha and Bo-Kyung Seo


Literature 7

Impact of School Finance Reform on Resource Equalization and

Academic Performance: Evidence from Michigan

Michigan radically altered its school finance system in 1994.

The new plan, called Proposal A, significantly increased state aid

to the lowest-spending school districts and limited future

increases in spending in the highest-spending ones, abolishing

local discretion over school spending. I investigate the impact of

Proposal A on the distribution of resources and educational

outcomes. I analyze the differential effects on the lowest-spending

and the highest-spending districts, highlighting the role of local

discretion, which has so far been neglected in the literature. I

also provide important evidence on the effect of spending on

academic performance. Proposal A was quite successful in reducing

interdistrict spending disparities. Joydeep Roy (2011)


Claim 1

The goal of this study is to ascertain how much financial

support students receive both their daily allotment and

Claim 2

This study claims that there are two factor that are affecting

pocket money management one is locus of control and the other is

the internal and external loci of control in managing pocket money.

Claim 3

The purpose of this research is to identify how the Senior High

School Students of St. Mary’s College QC manage their allowance and

expenditures primarily every week.


Evidence 1

The weighted mean was used for computing the mean of the level

of financial support satisfaction that students feel towards their

daily allowance. It used the chi-square (x²) showing a significant

association between students' financial support satisfaction and

school allowance. Students' financial support satisfaction depends

on the level of their daily allowance. Most of the students have

the ranges forty-one to fifty pesos as their daily allowance. With

this, students are satisfied with their daily school allowances.

The students seem to have a peaceful mind in their financial life

because of meeting financial obligations with fewer debts and

liabilities. A student who manages well a financial resource leads

to lesser debts and liabilities which tend to increase the level of

financial support satisfaction. Furthermore, a financial support

satisfied student is more confident, tolerant and less prone to

stress for having improved individual well-being. In order to

enhance budgeting skills and increased level of financial support

satisfaction, this study suggests exploring more on the students

who are making debts at an early age

Evidence 2

The results indicate that the locus of control contributes to

the management of pocket money internally and externally. Locus of

control increases the ability of students to manage pocket money.

Evidence 3

The researchers used survey questionnaires to get the most accurate

answer possible. The researchers made use of a non-experimental

quantitative research design to control the factors that may supply

to the effectiveness of the study. This research will educate

Senior High School students of St. Mary’s College QC to the point

where they can have a good grasp on how they should spend their

money and manage it wisely. The population consist of 116

correspondents: 37.93% are grade 11 students with 44

correspondents; 62.07% are grade 12 students with72 correspondents.

Based on our graph for the “allowance per week,” 25% of the votes

were “others” which states that their allowance is below 100 pesos

or above 500 pesos. On the other hand, 95% of the votes was “food”
where they spent their allowance, and 1% chose “school supplies” as

their means of expense. Base on the expense per week of the

students,41% of the students voted “301-400” for the expense for a

week, and 7% answered“100-200” as their expense. On the

satisfactory of the students to their allowance, 66% voted “yes,”

and 34% voted “no.” On the savings of the students, 28% voted “100

pesos and below” while 6% has no savings at the end of the week.

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