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Chapter five

Classes with Professor Omen were always intense, whether it was philosophy for the mixed
class, or his theoretical magical combat classes for the super class. Today's class consisted of the
latter, although it was not about explanations of how to use magic in the field, but rather how to
defend oneself in conflicts where magic could not be used.

- Although your bodies still carry magic naturally, if you are in a place where it does not
flow, or the connection to the flow is severed, you will find that using it will leave you vulnerable
within minutes. Using your own magic without being able to replenish it is not only exhausting but
also deadly.

He continues to give several examples, but unfortunately, most of the class weren't really
paying attention. There were few people there who had been in combat, and even fewer were
those who had been in a situation where their lives were at risk. Living in a city like Halifax, where
the flow of magic was steadier than that of a river, the concept of possibly running out of magic
simply didn't exist for them. Young people who knew nothing about the threats outside the city
limits, much less about the portals within it.

And while the teacher explained the simple concept of firearms used by non-magic
wielders, it was possible to hear coming from behind the classroom, some murmurs and laughter
about what a waste of time it all was, oh the courage of youth, after all, if you could listen, certainly
the teacher could too.

- Maybe we can shorten this class, since we are full of smart people, right Mr. Hobbes? –
Alan looks a little scared at having his name called – Isn't that what you and your friends are
talking about? How much time everyone here is wasting. After all, why should a class on non-
magical weaponry used by non-magic wielders worry any of you? – Omen starts walking around
the class – Everyone here, such powerful creatures, each with their own peculiarities, even those
not capable of casting magic have it imbued in their body, running through their veins, naturally
immune to any non-magical weapon, right?

The class doesn't respond, not knowing exactly what to do.

- When I ask a question, I expect an answer.

- Yes, Mr. Omen – Alan responds promptly, standing up – Supernatural creatures are
immune to any no magic firearm or bladed, Mr. Omen.

- Let's put this to the test, shall we? – And immediately he pulls out a Sheriff and takes it
directly to Alan's head and a golden aura surrounds Alan. The bullet disappears a few centimeters
before hitting its target – Mr. Hobbes is safe, thanks to his natural magical protection.

- Are you crazy?

- Now Mr. Hobbes, you said yourself that nothing would happen to you, and you are right, in
the first impacts, your natural protection will well, protect you. – Omen discharges his gun - Now
do you think this would work a second time? – Omen reloads and shoots again.

- Armor of Agathys – glyphs appear in front of Alan and the bullet disintegrates before
reaching its destination – WHAT IS YOUR POINT?
- Don't worry, you'll understand it, hopefully sooner rather than later. – One more shot.

- Mage Armor – a translucent golden armor forms around Alan, and this time the bullet hits
Alan's chest, causing an impact but no damege, making him take a step back.

- You certainly have a good range of magic Mr. Hobbes, I give you that. – One more shot
and the armor falls apart.

- Witch Bol... – Another shot, this one hits the desk next to Alan, scaring him.

- It seems that Mr. Hobbes got tired of being on the defensive team, how about this Silence –
a sphere is created and nothing but silence exists within it. Alan tries to say something, but it's
Omen starts walking towards him, and when he gets close, Alan tries to throw a punch,
Omen dodges and puts his free hand on his face, covering his mouth and pushes him on top of
the desk, soon after the sphere falls apart. - There is more than one way to stop someone from
using magic Mr. Hobbes. And I still have bullets. Shall I show you how many?

Alan struggles, but there is nothing to be done.

- Professor – You say calmly, standing next to him – Thank you for the valuable lesson you
taught today. I believe I speak for everyone when I say we appreciate it. Isn't that right Alan? – He
nods frantically – But the bell has already rung, and we need to go.

A few seconds pass, and Omen begins to slowly release Alan, taking his hand to Alan’s
chest and lifting him by his shirt. The tension in the room begins to ease.

- I expect a study on today's class, a minimum of 20 pages, double that for you, Mr. Hobbes
– Alan just nods – Class dismissed.

The class starts to leave and each person heads to the next class, in a corner you notice
that Alan is surrounded by some of his classmates and walks towards them.

- I'm telling you man, you should go to the board. – says the first

- Yes, report it, making you go through that. – adds one of the girls.

From the lack of response, you assume that Alan is still in shock over what happened.

- Alan – he raises his head towards you – Can I talk to you for a moment? – you enter one
of the empty class and when Alan enters you close the door.

– Look at me Alan – you wait until he does – Breathe Alan, just take a deep breath, hold
and then release. – he does so, still shaken - Well, again. Good. Now sit, please.

- Now listen to me Alan, I'm not going to tell you what you should or shouldn't do, I'm just
going to give you the facts, based on the spells you used I would venture to say that you are on
the spectrum of casters, wizard, mage, warlock, sorcerer, it doesn't matter, you are a caster,
correct? – He nods – Then you know what awaits you when you finish university. In the best of
cases you will be recruited by the city hall, in the worst of them the Magic Council will come to you.
In any case, you will be sent to the most diverse planes and will be facing the most diverse
environments and the most diverse creatures, most of them unfriendly and as strong or stronger
than you in magical terms, damn many of them are simply immune to magic.

- I know. – he murmurs.

- If you know, then why do you think you're close to being able to deal with any of these
possibilities, if you can't even deal with a non-magic bullet. With Mr. Omen's hand covering your
mouth. You should know better than anyone that a caster without the ability to perform magic is as
useful as a ladder without steps.

- I could go somewhere else. Find a job on the material plane.

- We are on the material plane Alan - when he tries to speak you raise your hand and
continue - I understood what you meant, but it doesn't matter. If you were a low level caster,
maybe, but that's not the case Alan. Just by the amount and variety of spells you were able to use.

- I didn't choose any of this.

- But magic chose you, and now all you can do is deal with the cards you were dealt. Mr.
Omen doesn't hate you, but he needed to show you how much everything you take for granted
can be taken from you in an instant, because it will be Alan – He looks at you – That's the price of
living in our world and holding the power we have, nothing is guaranteed, It's always a gamble.
And the house is always watching.

You get up and start heading towards the door.

- I don't know where to start.

- Start with the study that Mr. Omen asked for. If you know where your weakness is, you
can turn it into strength. Or at least into something that wouldn't cost you your life. See you Alan.

You leave him to his thoughts and head down the almost empty hallway, as you pass Mr.
Omen's class, he looks at you and nodes. You node back and start heading towards the field.

When you arrive, you go to the stands and start to observe the cheerleaders training.
Everyone was getting along really well, great synchronicity. Your focus is on Sakura the entire
time. Damn hot woman.

- That's not a very common view – comments Coach Byrne – I mean, you here on the field

- Well, being outside in the sun really isn't my thing – you both laugh – I'm waiting for my
mom, we're going downtown on a mission – Liam raises one of his eyebrows – The hunt for a

- Oh, I see. I'm sure you'll find something cool quickly.

- Cool, yes. Fast? Not even you believe that Liam.

- Yeah. – Liam turns to the students - Look at them, giving their all. We have a good chance of

- I thought it was just a presentation.

- Of course, but you know how it is.

- Yeah. It looks like someone is missing.

- Yes, Suzane is not present. After getting into trouble with her teammates she received a
suspension. Unauthorized use of magic. – You look at him with an icy look - Nothing serious, I
guarantee, everyone affected was taken to Sage and she guarantees that everything is fine. - You
just nodes while your cell phone vibrates – Ok time to finish the training. A pleasure to see you
here, Ms. Guerreiro.

- Mom -

- I am on my way. 5min

- Okay. I'm in the field.

- Hey Lexi – Sakura comes to you smiling – What did you think of the training.

- Hi Sakura, you guys are doing very well from what I can see.

- Yeah, I think we're going to be able to put on quite a show. What are you doing here?

- Can't I see your training?

- What? No, I mean, of course, it's just, um, it's not normal, I mean...

- It's okay Sakura, and you're not wrong, the field is not normally a place I would be, a lot of
open land – you both laugh – I'm waiting for my mother, we go downtown.

- Oh, well, have a good trip then, I have to go, take a shower and change clothes.

- A pity. – you say quietly.

- Sorry – she looks at you with a smile on her face – Would you like to repeat that? With
your whole chest.

- I said – you say loud and clear – It's a shame, since you look so cute in that uniform.

- Ah... hm. - Blushing hard, she is not able to form a sentence.

A horn sounds in the distance and you wave to your mother.

- But you're right – you say, getting up and heading towards the car – I'm sure you'd be
much better with no clothes. – Sakura opens her mouth, but nothing comes out – See you later
As you get into the car you hear Sakura saying goodbye in the distance and as you wave,
your mother leaves in the car heading towards the day's mission.
Author's Notes:

- Mixed classes are formed by regular study grid, mixing non-super and super natural beings.

- Super classes are made up of supers and a few non-supers, usually chosen by the council to be
there. Those outside the class usually don't know what the classes are about, believing it to be some kind
of advanced study class.

- As a rule, super natural beings don't say the nature of their magic, either for safety or shame,
being disrespectful to ask the question openly.

Character Profession Skin

Alexandria Guerrero Student/ String Agent Vampire
Emily Guerrero ? ?
Sophia Ray Guerrero ? ?
Raze Alves Student ?
Sakura Braveheart Student ?
Yoru Kiritani Student Human
Wei Ling Ying (Sage) Chief nurse ?
Sabine Callas Chemistry teacher ?
Zyanya Mondragón Spanish teacher ?
Kay Zate Maths teacher ?
Erik Torsten Mechanical teacher ?
Suzane Swynford Student ?
Astra Efia Danso ? ?
Kuon ? ?
Jamie Adeyemi String Agent ?
Klara Killjoy String Agent ?
Marcus Stejos Student ?
Liam Byrne Coach ?
Alan Hobbes Student Caster

Command: Halt Command a creature to halt, preventing it from moving.
Mage Hand: Lefiaidd Create a spectral hand that can manipulate and interact
with objects.
Armor of Agathys Gain armor temporarily and deal Cold Damage to any
creature that hits you with a melee attack.
Mage Armor Surround a creature in a protective magical force.
Witch Bolt Link yourself to a target with a bolt of lightning.
Silence Create a sound-proof sphere. All within
are Silenced and Immune to Thunder damage.

- Not me looking for Omen lines and being dragged into a two hours video about the lore of a game I've never

- Not me trying to understand what cheerleading competitions are and deciding to bullshit my way on the

- Omen is me when I have to deal with the courage of youth, also known as stupidity.

As a last note, please don't forget to be kind to your heart.

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