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Luigi C.


Position paper about Poverty


Poverty remains one of the most pressing issues plaguing societies worldwide. Defined by a lack of
access to basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare, poverty undermines human dignity and
perpetuates cycles of deprivation. This position paper aims to explore the root causes of poverty, its far-
reaching consequences, and propose actionable solutions to alleviate this pervasive social issue.


Root Causes of Poverty

Economic inequality, limited education access, and systemic discrimination are key factors driving
poverty. These issues perpetuate cycles of deprivation and hinder social mobility.

Consequences of Poverty

Poverty leads to malnutrition, inadequate healthcare, chronic stress, and social exclusion. Children are
especially vulnerable, facing barriers to education and future opportunities.

Impact on Children

Children in poverty face lifelong challenges due to limited access to quality education and opportunities
for advancement, perpetuating intergenerational poverty.

we must address its root causes and provide immediate support. By investing in education, healthcare,
and economic opportunities, we can create a more equitable future. It's a collective effort towards
ensuring every individual can lead a dignified life.

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