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Detecting Differences in Activities of Daily Living Between Children With and

Without Mild Disabilities

Article in American Journal of Occupational Therapy · April 2013

DOI: 10.5014/ajot.2013.007013 · Source: PubMed


16 346

4 authors, including:

Brigitte E Gantschnig Julie Page

Zurich University of Applied Sciences Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz


Ingeborg Nilsson
Umeå University


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Detecting Differences in Activities of Daily Living
Between Children With and Without Mild Disabilities

Brigitte E. Gantschnig, Julie Page, Ingeborg Nilsson, Anne G. Fisher

MeSH TERMS OBJECTIVE. We evaluated whether the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) measures are
 activities of daily living valid for detecting differences in activities of daily living (ADL) ability among children with and without mild
 attention deficit disorder
 developmental coordination
METHOD. Retrospective data from the AMPS database were analyzed using many-facet Rasch analyses and
forced regression analyses to evaluate for significant group differences.
RESULTS. Regression analyses of data for 10,998 children ages 4–15 who met the inclusion criteria
 learning disorders
revealed significant Age · Group interaction effects (B ³ 0.23, T ³ 6.20, p £ .001). Post hoc t tests revealed
 sensation disorders significant group differences in ADL ability at all ages beyond age 4. ADL process ability effect sizes were
 task performance and analysis moderate to large at all ages, and ADL motor ability was mostly moderate to large at ages 6 or older.
 validity of results CONCLUSION. These findings support the validity of the AMPS measures when used to identify ADL
problems among children with mild disabilities.

Gantschnig, B. E., Page, J., Nilsson, I., & Fisher, A. G. (2013). Detecting differences in activities of daily living between
children with and without mild disabilities. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67, 319–327. http://dx.doi.

Brigitte E. Gantschnig, MScOT, is Research Officer,

Institute of Occupational Therapy, School of Health
Professions, Zurich University of Applied Sciences,
C hildren with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), disorders of
attention (e.g., attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD]), specific
learning disabilities (LD; e.g., speech and language disorders, specific reading
Technikumstrasse 71, Postfach, CH-8401 Winterthur
Switzerland; disabilities), and sensory integrative (SI) dysfunction often have similar or
overlapping symptoms such as diminished attention, diminished motor
Julie Page, PhD, is Professor and Head of Research and coordination, and reading or mathematical disturbances (American Psy-
Development, Institute of Occupational Therapy, School of
Health Professions, Zurich University of Applied Sciences,
chiatric Association [APA], 2000). Although the severity of children’s dis-
Winterthur, Switzerland. ability can vary, their symptoms are often not readily visible compared with
the more prominent symptoms of children with severe neurological or
Ingeborg Nilsson, PhD, is Lecturer, Division of
cognitive disabilities (Pellegrino, 2007). Therefore, we use the term mild
Occupational Therapy, Department of Community
Medicine and Rehabilitation, Umeå University, Umeå, disabilities when referring to this group of children. This term has pre-
Sweden. viously been used in occupational therapy (Munkholm, Berg, Löfgren, &
Fisher, 2010) and educational research (Cook, 2001) to refer to such
Anne G. Fisher, ScD, is Professor, Division of
Occupational Therapy, Department of Community
Medicine and Rehabilitation, Umeå University, Umeå, Children with mild disabilities also have in common that their primary
Sweden, and Affiliate Professor, Department of symptoms significantly interfere with activity of daily living (ADL) task per-
Occupational Therapy, College of Applied Human formance (APA, 2000; Barkley & Fischer, 2011). Previous research that has
Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
examined ADL ability of children with mild disabilities has mainly been based
on self-report by the children or proxy report by their parents (Dunford,
Missiuna, Street, & Sibert, 2005; Dunn, Coster, Orsmond, & Cohn, 2009;
Rodger et al., 2003; Summers, Larkin, & Dewey, 2008; Wang, Tseng,
Wilson, & Hu, 2009). However, valid instruments for evaluating ADL
performance problems of children with mild disabilities are lacking (Blank,
Smits-Engelsman, Polatajko, & Wilson, 2012; Geuze, Jongmans, Schoemaker,
& Smits-Engelsman, 2001).

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 319

The Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS; in mean ADL process ability between groups but no sig-
Fisher & Jones, 2012a, 2012b) is an internationally nificant difference in mean ADL motor ability. In con-
standardized observational assessment of ADLs in which trast, significant differences were found in both mean
a person is rated on the quality of his or her performance ADL motor and ADL process ability when White and
on 16 ADL motor and 20 ADL process items (perfor- Mulligan (2005) compared ADL performance in 21
mance skills) observed during two chosen and relevant children without a diagnosis and 12 children with
ADL tasks that present a challenge. More specifically, the ADHD (ages 5–13), and again when White, Mulligan,
ADL motor and ADL process items of the AMPS en- Merrill, and Wright (2007) compared ADL performance
compass small, observable units of ADL task performance of 30 children without a diagnosis with that of 38 children
(e.g., grasping, choosing, and lifting a toothbrush and with sensory processing deficits (ages 5–13).
then initiating brushing one’s teeth). When these actions These conflicting results and small sample sizes support
are linked together, they result in a chain of actions that the need to verify, with a larger, international sample,
reflect ADL task performance, not underlying body whether the ADL motor and ADL process ability measures
functions (Fisher, 2009). The ADL motor and ADL of the AMPS are valid for identifying ADL problems
process items are rated in terms of any observed increase among children with mild disabilities. Therefore, our aim
in physical effort or clumsiness, decrease in efficiency, and in this study was to evaluate whether the ADL motor and
decrease in safety or need for assistance during ADL task ADL process ability measures of the AMPS are valid for
performance. Afterward, the item scores for each ob- detecting differences in ADL ability between (1) chil-
served ADL task are entered into the AMPS scoring dren without a diagnosis or any symptoms suggestive of
program (AMPS Project International, 2010), which is having a mild disability and (2) children with mild
used to implement many-facet Rasch (MFR) analyses to disabilities. More specifically, we hypothesized that the
convert the person’s raw item scores into an ADL motor two groups would differ significantly in ADL ability and
ability measure and an ADL process ability measure. These that differences could be detected at all ages from 4 to 15.
ADL ability measures are adjusted during the MFR
analysis to account for the challenge of the ADL tasks
observed and the severity of the rater who scored the
performance (Fisher & Jones, 2012a). Research Design
Extensive evidence supports the validity of the AMPS
ADL measures (Fisher & Merritt, 2012), including that This study was a retrospective, cross-sectional study based
the AMPS is valid for people with diverse disabilities. For on data extracted from the international AMPS database
example, Kottorp, Bernspång, and Fisher (2003) com- (Center for Innovative OT Solutions, Fort Collins, CO).
pared 178 people with mild intellectual disabilities and The use of preexisting, anonymous data from the AMPS
170 people with moderate intellectual disabilities and database for this study was approved by the Regional
found that the ADL motor and ADL process item hier- Ethical Review Board, Faculty of Medicine, Umeå Uni-
archies remained stable between groups. When the ADL versity, Sweden (Dnr03–509). The Ethics Committee of
performance of 50 children with spina bifida was com- Canton Zurich confirmed that the secondary analysis of
pared with that of a matched sample of children without anonymous medical data does not need to be submitted
a diagnosis, the ADL motor and ADL process ability to the Ethics Committee in Switzerland.
measures were sensitive enough to discriminate between
groups (Peny-Dahlstrand, Ahlander, Krumlinde-Sundholm, Participants
& Gosman-Hedström, 2009). The AMPS measures have The participants for this study were selected from the
also been shown to detect age-related differences in ADL international AMPS database in May 2011 if they met the
ability in people ages 3–93 (Hayase et al., 2004) and to following inclusion criteria: (1) were between ages 4 and
be free of gender (Merritt & Fisher, 2003) and cross- 15 yr; (2) were without a diagnosis, at risk for (i.e., not
regional bias (e.g., Gantschnig, Page, & Fisher, 2012). diagnosed but having symptoms suggestive of a mild
Earlier studies of observed ADL task performance disability) or diagnosed with mild disabilities (i.e.,
among children with mild disabilities have all used the ADHD, DCD, LD, or SI); and (3) had no other neu-
AMPS, and findings have varied. For example, Gol and rological disorders (e.g., traumatic brain injury, cerebral
Jarus (2005) compared 24 children without a diagnosis or palsy), pervasive developmental disorder, mental health
symptoms suggestive of a mild disability and 27 children problem (e.g., childhood depression), or intellectual dis-
with ADHD, ages 5–8, and found a significant difference ability. We chose age 4 as the lower boundary because

320 May/June 2013, Volume 67, Number 3

although the AMPS database includes data for persons age severity, task challenge, and item difficulty are considered
2 and older, the data for children with mild disabilities simultaneously and are all estimated along the same linear
at ages 2 and 3 were insufficient. We selected age 15 as the ADL motor and ADL process continua. We performed
upper boundary because both ADL motor and ADL two MFR analyses, one to generate the ADL motor ability
process abilities increase until age 15 and then plateau measures and one to generate the ADL process ability
between ages 16 and 50 (Hayase et al., 2004). Note that measures. In each analysis, each rater’s severity, each ADL
the sample of children with mild disabilities in the AMPS task challenge, and each item difficulty was anchored at
database includes children typical of those commonly re- preestablished values based on those in the current AMPS
ferred to occupational therapy for evaluation or interven- scoring program (AMPS Project International, 2010).
tion, but they may not be representative of the entire We then implemented two forced regression analyses,
population of children with mild disabilities because many using PASW Statistics, Version 19.0 (PASW, Chicago), to
are not referred for occupational therapy services. evaluate for significant differences in mean ADL motor
We excluded children who had been scored by raters ability measures and mean ADL process ability measures
in an invalid manner (i.e., were not free of rater scoring between groups. The model can be clarified with the
error, which can occur when raters are unexpectedly le- following equation:
nient or strict). For more details, see Fisher and Jones Yi 5 b0 1 b1 groupi 1 b2 agei 1 b3 groupi 3 agei 1 ei
(2012a, Chapter 14). An analysis with an anticipated
effect size of ³.80, a 5 .05, and power of .80 revealed
where Y is the mean ADL motor or mean ADL process
a needed sample size of 21 in each group for the prob-
ability measure; age, group, and Group · Age are the
ability of finding significant group differences when dif-
independent variables; b0 is the intercept; b1–3 are the
ferences really exist. We did not match the group of
effects for group, age, and Group · Age interaction; and e
children with mild disabilities with the group of children
is the normally distributed error. We set the level of
without a diagnosis because of the preferred premise of
significance for these analyses at a 5 .05.
using the largest possible sample (Zumbo, 1999). Demo-
Finally, we tested for differences in ADL motor and
graphic data of the participants are presented in Table 1.
ADL process ability measures between the groups by age
The participant data had been submitted to the AMPS
category using post hoc one-tailed t tests. We used Levene’s
database by 4,678 occupational therapists from different
tests to evaluate for equality of variances between groups.
world regions who had taken AMPS training courses and
When the results of Levene’s tests failed to support the
been calibrated as valid and reliable AMPS raters. All
assumption of equality of variances between groups, we
participants were evaluated using the AMPS according to
used the t values for samples for which equality of var-
standardized testing procedures as outlined in the AMPS
iances is not assumed. We used Bonferroni multiple
manuals (Fisher & Jones, 2012a, 2012b). These proce-
comparison corrections to avoid the risk of false pos-
dures require that all participants be observed performing
itive results, which is known to be a conservative
two familiar and relevant ADL tasks that present at least
method for ensuring a familywise a level of .05. With
minimal challenge and are chosen by the participant from
12 comparisons each for ADL motor and ADL process,
among more than 120 ADL tasks included in the AMPS
the critical value for a was set at .004. As for stan-
manuals. All AMPS observations were carried out in na-
dardized effect size, we calculated d as
turalistic environments (e.g., kitchens, bedrooms), either
community based or clinical, and the AMPS rater en- M 12 M 2
d 5pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
sured that the child was completely familiar with the test ðs12 1 s22 Þ=2
environment before initiating the AMPS observations. Cohen’s d provides an index of how much two groups
Data Analysis differ when compared with their pooled standard de-
viation. A value of .2 is considered to be a small effect
We first generated the ADL motor and ADL process size; .5, moderate; and .8, large (i.e., the standardized
ability measures for each child using FACETS, an MFR mean difference between groups is of crucial practical and
analysis computer program (Linacre, 2011) that is used to clinical importance; Cohen, 1988).
convert ordinal ADL motor and ADL process item raw
scores into linear ADL motor and ADL process ability
measures expressed in logits (log-odds probability units; Results
Bond & Fox, 2007). The specific feature of the MFR Meeting the inclusion criteria were 10,996 children be-
model of the AMPS is that person ADL ability, rater tween ages 4 and 15 (mean 5 8.7, standard deviation 5

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 321

Table 1. Demographic Data: Gender, Diagnosis, and Age Characteristics of Participants

Age, yr
Characteristic 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total
Gender, n (%)
Male 473 (48.7) 566 (48.8) 638 (51.9) 655 (51.9) 568 (50.4) 502 (48.6) 453 (47.7) 372 (41.6) 335 (45.8) 280 (43.3) 244 (48.3) 242 (49.8) 5,328 (48.5)
Female 499 (51.3) 595 (51.2) 592 (48.1) 607 (48.1) 558 (49.6) 530 (51.4) 496 (52.3) 522 (58.4) 397 (54.2) 367 (56.7) 261 (51.7) 244 (50.2) 5,668 (51.5)
Diagnoses, n (%)
Typical 911 (93.6) 1,041 (89.7) 1,035 (84.2) 1,035 (82.0) 924 (82.1) 875 (84.8) 833 (87.8) 811 (90.8) 661 (90.3) 594 (91.8) 454 (89.9) 440 (90.5) 9,615 (87.4)
Total mild 62 (6.4) 120 (10.3) 195 (15.8) 227 (18.0) 202 (17.9) 157 (15.2) 116 (12.2) 83 (9.2) 71 (9.7) 53 (8.2) 51 (10.1) 46 (9.5) 1,383 (12.6)
Risk 24 23 23 12 12 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 103
ADHD 0 21 54 56 66 56 51 30 29 27 24 22 440
DCD 3 13 21 25 20 18 9 6 10 6 5 2 138
LD 14 24 43 71 54 33 26 18 19 7 15 7 331
SI 16 28 37 38 23 18 16 22 4 2 1 7 212
Comorbid 5 11 17 25 27 19 14 7 9 11 6 8 159
World region, n (%)
NA 233 (24.0) 245 (21.1) 293 (23.3) 276 (21.9) 222 (19.7) 197 (19.1) 216 (22.8) 195 (21.8) 171 (23.4) 153 (23.7) 114 (22.5) 107 (22.0) 2,422 (22.0)
UK/Ireland 182 (18.8) 236 (20.3) 202 (16.4) 250 (19.8) 201 (17.8) 190 (18.4) 204 (21.5) 160 (17.9) 155 (21.2) 158 (24.4) 106 (21.0) 98 (20.2) 2,142 (19.5)
Nordic 191 (19.6) 285 (24.5) 314 (25.5) 328 (26.0) 310 (27.5) 304 (29.5) 276 (29.1) 252 (28.2) 203 (27.7) 181 (28.0) 152 (30.1) 135 (27.8) 2,931 (26.7)
SoCenAm 2 (0.2) 0 (0.0) 2 (0.2) 3 (0.2) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 1 (0.1) 2 (0.2) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 1 (0.2) 11 (0.1)
WEurope 64 (6.6) 64 (5.5) 65 (5.3) 85 (6.8) 72 (6.3) 68 (6.6) 48 (5.1) 43 (4.8) 35 (4.8) 23 (3.5) 21 (4.2) 19 (3.9) 605 (5.5)
ANZ 97 (9.9) 75 (6.6) 110 (8.9) 86 (6.8) 99 (8.8) 88 (8.5) 57 (6.0) 78 (8.7) 61 (8.4) 48 (7.4) 40 (7.9) 60 (12.4) 899 (8.2)
Asia 174 (17.9) 186 (16.0) 178 (14.5) 181(14.3) 144 (12.7) 123 (11.9) 105 (11.1) 142 (16.0) 82 (11.2) 76 (11.8) 60 (11.9) 58 (11.9) 1,509 (13.7)
MidEast 3 (0.3) 11 (0.9) 12 (1.0) 9 (0.7) 7 (0.6) 20 (1.9) 9 (0.9) 5 (0.5) 4 (0.5) 2 (0.3) 2 (0.4) 0 (0.0) 84 (0.8)
Africa 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1) 9 (0.7) 7 (0.5) 9 (0.8) 8 (0.8) 6 (0.6) 1 (0.1) 4 (0.5) 0 (0.0) 2 (0.4) 1 (0.2) 49 (0.4)
MEurope 20 (2.1) 51 (4.4) 38 (3.1) 26 (2.1) 49 (4.3) 29 (2.8) 20 (2.1) 9 (1.0) 11 (1.5) 5 (0.8) 5 (1.0) 1 (0.2) 264 (2.4)
SEurope 5 (0.5) 7 (0.6) 7 (0.6) 11 (0.9) 13 (1.5) 5 (0.5) 7 (0.7) 7 (0.8) 6 (0.8) 1 (0.1) 3 (0.6) 6 (1.2) 78 (0.7)
Total 972 (100) 1,161 (100) 1,230 (100) 1,262 (100) 1,126 (100) 1,032 (100) 949 (100) 894 (100) 732 (100) 647 (100) 505 (100) 486 (100) 10,996 (100.0)
Note. Typical 5 children without a diagnosis; mild 5 with mild disabilities; risk 5 children with symptoms suggestive of a mild disability; ADHD 5 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; DCD 5 developmental coordination
disorder; LD 5 specific learning disabilities; SI 5 sensory integrative dysfunction; comorbid 5 children with two or more diagnosed mild disabilities. NA 5 North America; UK/Ireland 5 United Kingdom and Republic of
Ireland; Nordic 5 Nordic countries; SoCenAm 5 South and Central America and Caribbean; WEurope 5 Western Europe; ANZ 5 Australia and New Zealand; MidEast 5 Middle Eastern countries; MEurope 5 Middle Europe;
SEurope 5 Southern Europe.

May/June 2013, Volume 67, Number 3

3.2), 5,328 (48%) boys and 5,668 (52%) girls. Of these, consistently moderate to large at all ages. These effect
9,615 (87%) were children without a diagnosis and 1,383 sizes are important to consider because they provide an
(13%) were children at risk for or having mild disabilities. index of the standardized group difference.
The participants were from a variety of world regions (see Moreover, in contrast to t values, effect sizes are in-
Table 1). dependent of sample size. That is, although there might
The mean ADL motor and ADL process ability measures be concern that we had too much power in our data and
by age for each group are shown in Table 2. The results of overidentified group differences, the use of Cohen’s d
the first forced regression analysis revealed no significant suggests that power was not an issue. Large effect sizes
differences between groups in mean ADL motor ability found for ADL process ability as early as age 6 indicate
measures, B 5 0.021, 95% confidence interval (CI) that the mean differences are of crucial practical and
[20.061, 0.103], p 5 .308, t 5 0.503, df 5 10,994, R 2 5 clinical importance (Cohen, 1988). The large effect sizes
.361. In contrast, we found a significant main effect for emerged at this age because the diagnoses of DCD and
age, B 5 0.139, 95% CI [0.129, 0.149], p < .001, t 5 ADHD can typically be assured at age 5 and older (APA,
26.187, df 5 10,994, R2 5 .361, and a significant Age · 2000; Blank et al., 2012).
Group interaction effect, B 5 20.031, 95% CI [20.038, Our results are also in line with those of earlier studies
20.021], p < .001, t 5 26.612, df 5 10,994, R2 5 .361 showing significant differences in mean ADL process
(Figure 1). ability measures among children without a diagnosis and
The second forced regression analysis revealed sig- children with ADHD (Gol & Jarus, 2005; White &
nificant differences between the two groups in mean ADL Mulligan, 2005) and sensory processing deficits (White
process ability measures, B 5 20.166, 95% CI [20.242, et al., 2007). In contrast to our findings, Gol and Jarus
20.090], p < .001, t 5 24.296, df 5 10,994, R2 5 .367. (2005) found no significant differences in mean ADL
Moreover, we found a significant main effect for age, B 5 motor ability measures between children without a di-
0.122, 95% CI [0.112, 0.132], p < .001, t 5 24.751, agnosis and children with ADHD.
df 5 10,994, R2 5 .367 and a significant Age · Group This study is the first designed to evaluate the validity
interaction effect, B 5 20.027, 95% CI [20.035, of an ADL instrument for detecting problems in ADL task
20.019], p < .001, t 5 26.204, df 5 10,994, R2 5 .367 performance over a wide age span and based on observed
(Figure 2). quality of ADL task performance. An important clinical
Given the significant Age · Group interaction effects, finding is that it becomes clear that the problems of at least
we proceeded to perform post hoc t test evaluations for some children with mild disabilities are clearly present
significant group differences in ADL motor and ADL during adolescence. Although the Age · Group inter-
process ability at each age. With the exception of ADL action effect might even suggest that the differences be-
motor ability measures for 4-yr-olds, the children without tween groups increase with age, our results should be
a diagnosis in all age groups had significantly higher mean interpreted with caution. That is, this study was based on
ADL motor and ADL process ability than did the chil- cross-sectional data. Moreover, we had no available method
dren with mild disabilities (t ³ 3.62, p < .001; see Table to control for or evaluate the severity of each child’s dis-
2). Effect size calculations revealed that most ADL motor ability, and the older children may possibly have been more
effect sizes were medium to large beginning at age 7, and severely affected. Further research, based on a prospective
ADL process effect sizes were medium at ages 4 and 5 and longitudinal design, is indicated to determine whether the
large beginning at age 6 (see Table 2). extent of problems with ADLs among children with mild
disabilities increase as ADL tasks become more challenging.
Although the significant interaction effect overrides
Discussion the nonsignificant group main effect for ADL motor ability,
As outlined earlier, our aim was to evaluate the validity it is noteworthy that there were proportionally more older
of the AMPS measures for identifying diminished ADL children without a diagnosis, whereas the largest pro-
ability among children with mild disabilities. Our results portional sample sizes for the children with mild disabilities
suggest that the AMPS can be used to identify problems were for those who were ages 6–10. More children were
with ADL task performance as early as age 4. The results also at risk in the younger age groups. These group dif-
also suggest that the ADL process measures of the AMPS ferences may have somewhat attenuated the mean differ-
are more sensitive than the ADL motor measures, because ences in ADL motor ability between groups. We chose not
significant differences were identified at all ages (4–15) to match our sample on the basis of the preference for
and, more important, the ADL process effect sizes were using all available data (Zumbo, 1999).

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 323

Table 2. Differences in Mean ADL Motor and ADL Process Abilities (Log-Odds Probability Units) Between Children Without a Diagnosis and Children With Mild Disabilities

Age, yr
and Diagnostic Group 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
ADL motor ability, M (SD)
Typical 1.14 (0.41) 1.29 (0.44) 1.42 (0.46) 1.56 (0.44) 1.65 (0.48) 1.79 (0.46) 1.85 (0.47) 1.96 (0.49) 2.11 (0.49) 2.18 (0.50) 2.25 (0.50) 2.30 (0.48)
Mild 1.07 (0.42) 1.16 (0.36) 1.22 (0.44) 1.34 (0.45) 1.42 (0.42) 1.50 (0.46) 1.68 (0.44) 1.60 (0.45) 1.68 (0.38) 1.81 (0.41) 1.85 (0.38) 1.87 (0.48)
Difference 0.07 0.13 0.20 0.21 0.23 0.29 0.17 0.36 0.43 0.37 0.40 0.43
t 1.36 3.63 5.57 6.94 6.91 7.30 3.84 6.46 8.77 5.15 6.80 5.87
df 971.00 1159.00 1228.00 1260.00 326.32 1030.00 947.00 893.00 730.00 645.00 503.00 484.00
p .305 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001
95% CI [2 0.03, 0.18] [0.06, 0.20] [0.13, 0.27] [0.16, 0.29] [0.17, 0.30] [0.21, 0.37] [0.09, 0.27] [0.25, 0.47] [0.32, 0.52] [0.22, 0.51] [0.28, 0.51] [0.29, 0.59]
Effect size, d 0.17 0.32 0.44 0.50 0.49 0.63 0.38 0.77 0.98 0.81 0.90 0.90
Median ADL motor ability
Typical 1.15 1.29 1.41 1.56 1.63 1.77 1.83 1.92 2.08 2.15 2.25 2.26
Mild 1.15 1.19 1.25 1.34 1.43 1.51 1.72 1.65 1.67 1.77 1.84 1.92
ADL process ability, M (SD)
Typical 0.26 (0.43) 0.45 (0.43) 0.58 (0.41) 0.71 (0.40) 0.79 (0.41) 0.93 (0.41) 0.98 (0.42) 1.07 (0.41) 1.13 (0.42) 1.20 (0.41) 1.27 (0.43) 1.30 (0.42)
Mild 0.03 (0.48) 0.13 (0.40) 0.23 (0.47) 0.31 (0.46) 0.38 (0.45) 0.48 (0.45) 0.64 (0.44) 0.56 (0.48) 0.58 (0.47) 0.70 (0.45) 0.74 (0.41) 0.77 (0.45)
Difference 0.23 0.32 0.35 0.40 0.41 0.45 0.34 0.51 0.55 0.50 0.53 0.53
t 4.03 7.68 9.76 12.98 10.32 12.48 8.19 10.63 10.53 8.53 8.34 8.09
df 971.00 1159.00 254.14 1260.00 1124.00 1030.00 947.00 893.00 730.00 645.00 503.00 484.00
p <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001
95% CI [0.12,0.34] [0.23, 0.39] [0.28, 0.42] [0.33, 0.45] 0[0.33, 0.49] [0.38, 0.52] [0.26, 0.42] [0.41, 0.60] [0.45, 0.66] 0[0.39, 0.62] [0.40, 0.65] [0.40, 0.66]
Effect size, d 0.53 0.77 0.83 0.92 0.95 1.05 0.79 1.14 1.23 1.16 1.26 1.22
Median ADL process ability
Typical 0.25 0.43 0.58 0.70 0.77 0.91 0.95 1.05 1.13 1.18 1.25 1.25
Mild 0.13 0.13 0.26 0.36 0.42 0.50 0.64 0.57 0.57 0.67 0.75 0.80
Note. The critical Bonferroni corrected value was set at a 5 .004. A d 5 0.2 is considered to be small; 0.5, moderate; 0.8, large. ADL 5 activity of daily living; CI 5 confidence interval; df 5 degrees of freedom; M 5 mean;
mild 5 mild disabilities or having symptoms suggestive of a mild disability; SD 5 standard deviation; typical 5 children without a diagnosis.

May/June 2013, Volume 67, Number 3

been referred for occupational therapy evaluation, in-
tervention, or both. It is possible, therefore, that our
sample included a higher proportion of those who do
have problems with ADLs. If this is true, they may not be
representative of all children with these diagnoses, but
our findings can likely be generalized to those children
who are referred for occupational therapy services.
The finding that problems with ADLs, especially ADL
process ability, can be identified as early as age 4 suggests
the possibility of developing intervention programs aimed
at minimizing problems with ADL task performance.
Future research needs to evaluate the efficacy of such
programs to determine whether children’s ADL problems
can be alleviated and whether the AMPS can be used to
document the effectiveness of such interventions.
Finally, that the ADL process measures are more
Figure 1. Graphic representation of differences in mean ADL motor sensitive supports clinical observations and parental re-
ability measures between groups with increasing age.
ports that although these children, especially those with
Note. Typical 5 children without a diagnosis; mild 5 mild disabilities or with
symptoms suggestive of a mild disability. DCD and SI dysfunction, are often described as being
clumsy, their major difficulties are related to spatial–
The use of a combined sample of children with ADHD, temporal organization of ADL task performance (e.g.,
DCD, LD, or SI dysfunction might be seen as another slowness, buttons in the wrong holes, clothing back to
potential limitation. We chose to include children with front, socks upside down, and shoes on the wrong feet;
different diagnoses because these children face similar risks Summers et al., 2008).
for ADL performance problems (APA, 2000). We recog-
nize, however, that differences among these groups also exist.
Implications for Occupational
Another consideration when evaluating our results is
that children with ADHD, DCD, LD, or SI dysfunction
Therapy Practice
do not always have ADL performance problems (APA, The results of this study suggest that
2000). Our sample did, however, include those who had • The AMPS ADL motor and ADL process measures
are valid for purposes of evaluating for ADL problems
among children with mild disabilities older than age 4.
• The detected problems in ADL performance of chil-
dren with mild disabilities are of crucial practical and
clinical importance and support the need to evaluate
ADL performance problems to design and implement
effective occupational therapy interventions that in-
crease children’s ADL abilities.
• At least some children with ADHD, DCD, LD, or SI
dysfunction have problems with ADLs that are present
as they enter adulthood. s

This study was funded by the Swiss National Science
Foundation (13DPD6-127161) and supported by the
Austrian, German, and Swiss Associations of Occupa-
tional Therapy. We especially thank André Meichtry and
Figure 2. Graphic representation of differences in mean ADL
Hans Stenlund for their statistical support. We also thank
process ability measures between groups with increasing age.
Note. Typical 5 children without a diagnosis; mild 5 mild disabilities or with all occupational therapists who collected data on their
symptoms suggestive of a mild disability. clients and contributed to the AMPS validation process.

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 325

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