Wepik World Wide Web 20240314120506RV1v

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The Evolution of the

World Wide Web


The World Wide Web has revolutionized

communication and information sharing.
It started as a simple system for linking
documents, but has evolved into a
complex network of interconnected
resources. This presentation will explore
the key milestones and innovations in the
evolution of the web.
Birth of the Web

In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee proposed a

system for sharing information across
different computers, laying the foundation
for the World Wide Web. The following
year, he developed the first web browser
and editor, paving the way for the web's
The late 1990s saw the rapid commercialization of the web, leading to the dot-com
boom. Companies rushed to establish an online presence, resulting in a surge of
internet usage and the creation of numerous web-based businesses.
Web 2.0 Era
The early 2000s marked the transition to
Web 2.0, characterized by user-generated
content, social media, and interactive web
applications. This shift transformed the
web into a platform for collaboration and
community engagement.
Mobile Revolution

The proliferation of smartphones and

mobile devices in the 2010s led to the
mobile revolution. Websites and
applications were optimized for mobile
use, reshaping user experiences and
driving the demand for mobile-friendly

The World Wide Web has undergone

remarkable evolution, from its humble
beginnings to its current state as an
integral part of daily life. As technology
continues to advance, the future of the
web holds endless possibilities for
innovation and connectivity.

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