Mother Playsheet

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Someone has to
BLADES IN THE DARK knock some sense
into these idiots
¡ Knock Some Sense: When you Command someone to do what’s in their best
name crew interest or refrain from foolishness, gain +1d to your roll. INSIGHT
¡ Mother Knows Best: On a failed (1–3) engagement roll, you can spend 1
stress for a flashback in which you tell the rest of the crew that’s the stupidest • ••• HUNT
look idea you’ve ever heard. Switch to a different plan with a different detail (even if
• ••• STUDY
it changes established fiction). Upgrade the roll to 4/5 so the starting position is
• ••• SURVEY
heritage: akoros—the dagger isles— background: academic—labor—law trade—
risky instead of desperate.
¡ Mama Bear: When you protect another member of the crew, you get +1d to
your resistance roll. If the source of the consequence you are protecting a crew
• ••• TINKER
iruvia—severos—sklovan—tycheros military—noble—underworld member from has a clock, you can also choose to tick one segment. PROWESS
¡ Not That Bad: When you take a few minutes to minister to someone’s injuries,
they can ignore penalties from level 1 or 2 harm as long as you are nearby. This
• ••• PROWL
effect can apply to only one person at a time.
vice/purveyor: faith—gambling—luxury—obligation—pleasure—stupor—weird
• ••• WRECK
¡ Not To Be Screwed With: You can push yourself to cause someone to be
intimidated. They might hesitate, pick a different target, lose their cool, etc.
STRESS TRAUMA cold—haunted—obsessed—paranoid ¡ Righteous Indignation: You can expend your special armor to resist a social
reckless—soft—unstable—vicious consequence, to command a small gang as if they did not outnumber you, or to RESOLVE
push yourself to convince someone to do the right thing even if they don’t want to.
• ••• ATTUNE
HEALING ¡ Special Soup: When you prepare your special soup, anyone consuming it
harm project clock recovers 1 stress or ticks 1 segment of their healing clock (either, not both) .at
the end of downtime, after all other actions have been completed.
3 need
¡ Word On the Street: You know everyone in the lower strata of society. When
you gather information via gossip or rumor from people of low status, you get • ••• SWAY
2 -1d armor +1 effect level. BONUS DIE
¡ Unfazeable: You can spend 1 stress to overcome the effects of terror (including
Less heavy supernatural terror). Once you do, you can break anyone else out of being terrified push yourself (take
1 effect special if you can give them a good whack on the head. + 2 stress) -OR- accept a
devil’s bargain.
notes ¡¡¡ Veteran: Choose a special ability from another source.
DANGEROUS FRIENDS ITEMS LOAD 3 light 5 normal 6 heavy
Chasten, a prostitute Letter from someone important A Blade or Two
Fine cooking supplies Throwing Knives
Deegen, a gossip
Fine sewing kit A Pistol A 2nd Pistol
Gorley, an orphan Knitting supplies
- A Large Weapon
Glug, a drunk Special medicine An Unusual Weapon
Tetcher, a dog A Small Shield +Large
XP - Armor - - +Heavy
u Every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action’s attribute. Burglary Gear
At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or - Climbing Gear
an attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times. Documents
u You addressed a challenge with indignation or by putting others’ needs ahead Subterfuge Supplies
of your own. - Demolition tools
u You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background. Tinkering Tools
u You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the session. Lantern


Assist a teammate Choose a plan, provide the detail. Choose your u Whose in charge here?
load limit for the delve. u What’s really going on?
Lead a group action Assault: Point of attack Occult: Arcane power u Whose feeling guilty here?
u Where is the weak link?
Protect a teammate Deception: Method Social: Connection
Set up a teammate Stealth: Entry point Transport: Route

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