Blackcoat Playbook

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A devour worshipper
There are many in Duskvol who fear the spirits beyond the walls, and would seek to keep them
in jars, or banish them. But you understand that what they are truly afraid of is what the spirits
represent - power. You’ll ally yourself with the unknown over your own kind, all in the hope of
getting some of that power yourself.

When you play a Blackcoat, you earn xp when you address a challenge with willpower or
arcane power. There are strange forces lurking in the city of Duskvol. Find them, make them
your own. Show the unbelievers that they are right to be afraid. If there is to be a reckoning, let
it be your own.

You have a relationship with a specific ghost, demon, or forgotten god who acts as a Patron for you,
giving you much of your power in exchange for your worship. Where did you first encounter them?
What motivates them? What did they do to prove to you that they were worthy of your life? What
did you do for them?


SWAY ‹ Kejal, a priestess. Does she serve the same

being as you, or another?
‹ Needle & June, a painter and their spirit
STARTING BUILDS muse. Whch is which? Do their paintings
inspire or terrify?
If you want some guidance when you assign
your four action dots and special ability, use ‹ Volette, a street urchin. Where does she go
one of these templates. that others cannot follow? What secret does
she keep there?
DOOMSAYER . Command +2, Study +1,
Survey +1. Third Eye. ‹ Melvir, a physicker. Perhaps an old friend
who’s patched you up many tmes, or someone
AVATAR . Command +1, Skirmish +2, Wreck to whom you’ve sent too many victims?
+1. Possession.
‹ Richter, a deathlands hunter. Perhaps your
most trusted travel companon, or perhaps an
WITCH. Prowl +1, Study +2, Survey +1.
interloper into sacred grounds?

INQUISITOR . Hunt +1, Prowl +2, Wreck +1.

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing.
Accept harm instead of resisting to clear 2 stress and take +1d against those responsible.

You can expend your special armor to summon lesser spirits of your patron to possess nearby
corpses. The spirits can animate the corpses until the corpses are destroyed, or the spirits are
banished. Roll Command to give orders to your undead crew. Choose one flaw: The spirits can
only hold the corpses together for a few minutes — The spirits are vengeful and prone to rampage
with their new flesh puppets — The spirits long to stay alive and will not protect you.
These corpses can be humans, animals, or whatever else is aroud. The number and quality
of the corpses you can raise should be based on both your crew’s tier and the fiction. The
undead army will attempt to get to you and obey your orders, so long as they are in line with
your patron’s goals. Your zombie army collective counts as Cohorts - choose Rovers, Skulks,
or Thugs. These creatures cannot be Experts and cannot communicate verbally.


When wearing ceremonial clothing / carrying no heavier than a light load, you are welcome even
in dangerous places. When you gather information using persuasion or deception, you have +1
effect, and take +1d when you first act upon knowledge gained.
When you choose to be, you’re recognizable as a religious figure, and expected to be a non-
combatant and someone who values life, especially those of the oppressed.

Choose an oath that would be meaningful to your patron spirit (truth, mercy, justice, oppression,
etc). When you convince someone to follow your patron spirit, have them make the oath. You
mark XP, and they may clear any severity level of harm. If they should ever break this precept, they
take level 2 harm: “Oathbreaker”.
The mark of the Oathbreaker may be present on the skin, appearing as a brand or magical
rune, or may only be visible to those with the ability to see auras. The harm manifests as
a haunting curse. The sufferer will have horrific visions, find important items moved or
misplaced, be plagued by phantom sounds or voices, etc, until your Patron has been appeased.

When you speak in front of a group, you can push yourself to bring your patron’s attention to
them, and do one of the following: speak a curse, drawing unwelcome attention to the crowd—
speak passionately, inciting or swaying the crowd—speak in tongues, terrifying the crowd.
When you push yourself to activate this ability, you still get one of the normal benefits of
pushing yourself (+1d, +1 effect, etc.) in addition to the special ability.
You can invite your patron spirit into your physical form. It takes a couple of minutes for them
to take over. Choose two action ratings. When you are possessed, these ratings switch. You are
also considered to be always armed, and you have potency against enemies of your patron. You
can spend stress (1-for-1) for any of the following additional features: your form becomes large
and monstrous—you can still speak—you can climb on any surface—you can survive in any kind of
environment —you can push yourself twice on any action roll.

While in this form, you have trouble differentiating from friend and foe. You cannot aid or accept
aid from any allies, or lead or participate in group actions. You can end this effect at any time to
retake control.

You can tell what faction a person is part of by looking at them. You can push yourself and gather
information using Attune to read someone’s aura.

Your pet is infused with spirit energy, and gains potency when dealing with the supernatural.
Describe it, and choose one characteristic: mind-link (you can sense through its senses)—gifted (it
is intelligent enough to be able to speak verbally)—shadow-form (it can become invisible)—magic
conduit (once per score, you can push yourself without paying stress).

Take this ability again to choose an additional arcane ability for your familiar.
Your familiar functions as a cohort (Expert: Occultist). This ability gives them potency
against supernatural atargets and an arcane ability of your choice.

‹ Pet: An animal follows you and assists you in serving your patron. It obeys your commands
and anticipates your actions. This can be any natural beast, smaller than you, such as a raven
or a cat. Cohort (Expert: Occultist). What kind of creature is this? [0 load]
‹ Symbols of your faith: Holy texts, black candles, scrolls, idols, cups, bowls. What sacred
items does your Patron care about? How recognizable are they to outsiders? [1 load]
‹ Fine ceremonial garments: Robes, worn cloak, crown of thorns, animal skull mask, etc.
Clothes that mark you as a follower of others, and as someone who believes in something
larger than yourself. What does your outfit look like? Where did it come from? Does it have an
insignia? [1 load]
‹ Spiritbane charm: A small arcane trinket that ghosts prefer to avoid. [0 load]
‹ Fine hand weapon: A finely crafted one-handed melee weapon of your choice. Perhaps a
sacrificial dagger, or weapon intended for torture. [1 load]
Michael Pelletier (
Created for The Unusual Suspects game jam (

Aesopian ( for the playbook design

Shahin Khalaji ( for the playbook artwork

Original layout and design by John Harper. Blades in the Dark is property of John Harper and
One Seven Design.

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