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Crystal Curious



Confidence, Courage, Grounding, Nourishment, Physical Energy, Vitality




Root Chakra

Healing Properties of Agate

Top 3 Benefits of Agate

Stabilizing & grounding when you are overwhelmed

Supports a deep connection to the Earth and nature

Helps you accept and love yourself just as you are

Agate are nourishing, strengthening low-intensity stones that support your connection to the
Earth. They are grounding and are good to work with if you feel disconnected, frazzled, and
need support. They are “salt of the Earth” type stones, encouraging authenticity, stability,
pragmatism, self-confidence, courage, and fortitude.

Each type of agate has its own healing properties that incorporate and add to the properties of
agate overall . Here are some of the more common types.

Blue Lace Agate

Blue lace agate is a calming, cooling blue stone, with white lacy banding. It supports you to
communicate clearly and align your words and actions to be a steadying influence on those
around you. It also helps with anxiety, so it’s great to carry or wear regularly if you struggle with
feeling overwhelmed by your life, work, or the world in general. Use in crystal body layouts to
balance the throat chakra.
Fire Agate

This brilliant deep brown agate shows flashes of reds, oranges, and greens that are reminiscent
of flames. It supports the first, second and third chakras and promotes vitality, passion, and
action. Fire agate encourages taking initiative, optimistic thinking, and passionate commitment
to your endeavors. Wear fire agate if you are wanting a fully embodied life, where you make the
most of every day.

Moss Agate

Moss agate feels as if Mother Nature is giving you a hug. It is the nourishing stability of agate on
overdrive, helping you feel your deep belonging as part of the Earth’s web of life. Wear moss
agate if you are seeking a deep connection to nature & the Earth, particularly if you want to
work with nature spirits or if your work involves the natural world.

Dendritic Agate

This white variety of agate with fern-like inclusions supports you to stay grounded in your own
integrity when you are going through overwhelming situations. It strengthens your boundaries
and resilience when encountering an inhospitable emotional environment. It helps integrate
lessons from harsh experiences and to embrace one’s shadow. Wear or carry dendritic agate if
you are wanting to gain the transformational gifts from an overwhelming experience while
maintaining your balance in daily life.

Agate Mineral & Gemstone Information

Agate is the name of a broad number of varieties of banded chalcedony (cryptocrystalline

quartz). Agates come in many colors but are generally earth tones, and range from translucent
to opaque. Technically, if a stone is not banded it is not an agate, but many chalcedony stones
that do not have bands are called agates, like dendritic agate and moss agate.

Agates are hard and durable stones, and generally are very affordable, making them great
stones for beginners to crystal healing.

Top Three Benefits of Agate Crystals

Supports you to feel grounded and balanced

Brings stability in times of change

Helps you feel happy in your own skin

Agate Healing Properties

Agates are earth stones. Overall, agates are gentle, nourishing, and strengthening. Working with
them is less intense than many other gemstones and can be a stabilizing influence, but that
doesn’t mean they are less effective. It does mean you may need to work with the stone longer
to start to notice the effect, but the resulting changes can be deeper and more permanent.
Agate meaning and uses for individual types of agate vary as they each have their own specific
healing properties. Here are the meanings of a few of the common agate varieties used in
metaphysical work.

Blue Lace Agate Meaning & Properties

Blue Lace Agate Crystal Properties Blue gemstones generally correspond with the throat chakra
and aid in communication, and blue lace agate fits that pattern. Combining the blue energy with
agate’s steadiness, blue lace agate personifies the idea of “Your word is your bond”. It
encouraging you to align word, deed, and intention and strengthens your ability to
communicate your convictions in a balanced way, neither shrinking back out of doubt or
overwhelming others out of excitement.

Moss Agate Meaning & Properties

Moss Agate Gemstone Meaning & Properties Transparent to translucent with green moss-like
tendrils, moss agate is a very nourishing stone of the Earth. It has the quintessential steadiness
of agate crystals combined with the nature spirits and abundance connection that most green
stones share. The result is a stone that supports you to have a deep spiritual connection with
the Earth that gives you an abiding sense of wholeness, belonging, and having abundance as
your birthright.

Crazy Lace Agate Properties & Meaning

Crazy Lace Agate Crystal Properties Crazy Lace Agate is found in Mexico and has brown, pink,
white, and yellow swirls and bands. This beautiful variety of agate has a spirited energy that
promotes pure joy. Combined with the grounding and balancing influence of agate, you get one
of the best supports for feeling truly gratified and satisfied with life. Wear crazy lace agate to
help remind you to appreciate the beautiful wonder of the world while staying fully engaged
with life.

Dendrite Agate Meaning & Properties

A distinctive variety which is usually milky white with fern or tree-like inclusions, dendrite or
dendritic agate properties include helping you stay grounded and positive when your life is
topsy-turvy. It is good for people undergoing transformational change, or simply having a
particularly eventful period of their life, who want help balancing extreme states to keep
moving forward productively.

Fire Agate Properties & Meaning

Deep brown or orange with iridescent flashes of green and gold, fire agate is striking and
beautiful. Like many red and orange stones, fire agate properties includes stimulating the 2nd
chakra, igniting a passion and enthusiasm for simply being alive. Combined with the earth
energy of agate crystals, this produces a sense of being happy and excited to enjoy planet Earth.
Fire agate is supportive of creativity, sexuality, and vibrant aliveness!

Agate as a Gemstone

About the Stone

Agate is an umbrella name for a number of varieties of banded chalcedony. Agate crystals
occurs in many colors that range from translucent to opaque. Agates are found all over the
world. Some agates are geodes, which means they are hollow in the middle, often with crystals
inside. Agate is considered a semi-precious gemstone.

Agates grow in many different types of rock, and through many different processes. As such,
their hardness can vary greatly, but is generally somewhere between a six and an eight on the
Mohs scale. Agate is a member of the quartz family of gemstones, and often you will find agates
with bands of quartz and chalcedony layered through it. Agates are found all over the world.
Africa, Asia, Brazil, Egypt, Germany, England, India, Italy, Mexico, Nepal, Canada, and the United
States all have varieties of Agates that are found there. Agates are most often found round
instead of any other shape.

Agates have been used by humans dating back to the Neolithic period, and were used by early
Egyptians and in ancient India.

Agate in Jewelry

Agates are for the most part quite durable stones. They can be dyed different colors, sliced
exceptionally thin, and aside from doing a real number on your blades because they’re so hard,
are quite nice to work with in jewelry. Agates provide unlimited options to work with because of
the sheer number of types of agates there are in the world. Pricewise, some agates (like the Fire
Agate for example) can end up being quite pricey for a good quality piece; but for the most part
agates are very affordable stones, and great for beginners.

Uses: Grounding, Nurturing, Physical Health

Color: Blue Green Gemstones



Empowerment, Hope, Joy




Heart Chakra


Alexandrite helps us attune to the frequency of pure Divine joy. It also supports resilience and
the ability to choose the emotional state you inhabit.

Finding the source of joy and light within helps the wearer weather bad circumstances.
Whatever happens, you can learn from the experience and stay open to new possibilities.
Alexandrite encourages us to take the good with the bad and embrace all of life’s experiences
with joy in our hearts.

Alexandrite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Alexandrite is a type of chrysoberyl, along with cat’s eye. Chrysoberyl consists of beryllium
aluminum oxide and is a very hard stone.

The distinctive feature of Alexandrite is that it changes color depending on whether it is viewed
through artificial or natural light. Alexandrite will be green to bluish-green in daylight and red to
purple indoors, and it is commonly described as “an emerald by day and a ruby by night”.

It is also pleochroic–meaning it has different colors when observed with different angles.

Alexandrite was discovered in Russia and named after the Russian Tsar Alexander II in the
1830s. Since then it has also been found in Brazil and other places around the world, but it
remains rare and expensive.



Clarity, Communication, Compassion, Confidence, Courage, Empowerment, Growth, Peace,





Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra

Healing Properties of Amazonite

Top 3 Benefits of Amazonite

Helps you speak what is in your heart

Supports inner strength to set boundaries

Helps resolve inner conflicts

Amazonite supports discovering and speaking your personal truth in a way that is
compassionate and often inspirational. It is a stone of peace and harmony, but a peace that
arises from inner strength and harmony that rests on authenticity, not conformity.

Amazonite blends the qualities of compassion and honest self-expression to support

communication that gets to the heart of the matter while staying in connection. It supports you
to speak what is in your heart, while also supporting your ability to see others points of view,
resolving conflicts by peaceful means.

Amazonite also facilitates truth-telling within yourself, helping resolve inner conflict and
revealing inner truth. It helps with finding and expressing your boundaries and standing up for
your needs.

Do you write, speak, teach, or sing (or want to?) Amazonite can help you find within yourself
your unique inspirational gifts and support you to share them with the world. It encourages you
to fearlessly put forth your deepest personal truth, and it is this willingness to share your truth
that will inspire others.

How to Use Amazonite

Place amazonite on the throat chakra in crystal layouts to balance the throat chakra, or prior to
engaging in speaking or singing to center yourself in your desire to share from the heart.
Amazonite is ideal to wear regularly if you struggle with self-validation in the presence of
pressure to conform, or you tend to go along with things that aren’t right for you.

Amazonite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Amazonite is a blue-green feldspar, a group that also contains moonstone and sunstone. It is
opaque with white striations. Amazonite is easily fractured so it is usually made into cabochons
rather than faceted. It is not expensive. It has been made into jewelry for more than 4000 years.


Joy, Nourishment, Physical Energy, Purification, Vitality, Wellness




Solar Plexus Chakra

Healing Properties of Amber

Top 3 Benefits of Amber

Supports a warm, light-hearted mood

Supports physical wellbeing and healing

Purifies negative or stuck energy

While technically not a crystal, amber has long been worn for its healing properties. You can
think of it as solidified solar energy or light, as well as part of an ancient tree or plant that lived
many eons ago.

To get a sense of amber’s unique properties, imagine laying outside on a warm sunny day,
closing your eyes and just basking in the sunlight. Let the warmth of the sun fill your entire
being with radiant Light energy. Open your eyes refreshed, happy, and ready for life. You can
carry that inner glow with you throughout the day with amber.

Amber supports physical wellbeing and is recommended if you are in recovery from illness or
injury. It strengthens your inner reserves and will to persevere towards health. It also helps
purify negative energy and transmute it into lighter, healthier energies. As a stone of Light, it
can help lift spirits, especially if you suffer from the winter blues (Seasonal Affective Disorder) or
wish you lived in a warmer climate.
As a form of ancient fossilized life, amber can help you in working with your ancestral lineage,
and clearing multigenerational trauma, as well as working with your personal karma and past

Amber Gemstone Information

Amber is fossilized tree resin that formed 40-60 million years ago. It has been used for jewelry
throughout human history–amber beads have been found that date back to 2000 B.C. In the
Middle Ages, amber was used to make rosary beads. Specimens range from transparent to
opaque and often have bits of fossilized plant or insect matter trapped inside them. The Baltic
Sea region is known for its high-quality amber.

Copal and amber are sometimes confused. Copal is also solidified tree resin, but not ancient like
amber. Copal is softer, and you can do a simple test to tell the difference: copal will become soft
and sticky if exposed to a few drops of acetone (nail polish remover), while it will have no effect
on true amber.



Changing Bad Habits, Clarity, Intuition, Meditation, Protection, Psychic Abilities, Purification




Crown Chakra, Third Eye Chakra



Type of:


Top 3 Benefits of Amethyst

Protects from negative energy

Supports intuition and connection to Spirit

Helps you transform negative patterns in your life

Amethyst for Spiritual Guidance

Amethyst may be the best known stone for crystal healing work, for good reason. It is a
wonderful all-purpose stone for working with psychic and mental energy, because it supports
intuition, Divine connection, and higher states of consciousness while simultaneously protecting
you from negative energy as you open yourself up to receive information.

Amethyst for Shifting Negative Patterns

Amethyst supports mental clarity and balance, helping you make decisions with a clear head
and in alignment with your intuition and higher guidance. Thus it can be used for support if you
are working to shift negative patterns like addictions and bad habits or toxic attachments.

Amethyst supports you to identify and transform the root causes behind these patterns,
integrate the lesson, and make responsible choices going forward.

Amethyst for Healing Anxiety

Amethyst can also help with anxiety and anger, helping you to see why you feel this way rather
than become overwhelmed by the feelings themselves.

In general amethyst helps shift your orientation from ego-based concerns to spiritual ones, and
your mood from cloudy or down to clear and bright. Amethyst is a great “sacred self-care”

How to use Amethyst

Amethyst purifies energy in your auric field and environment, absorbing and clearing negative
energy. This helps you receive clear spiritual guidance and wisdom without being distracted.
This makes it an ideal stone to hold when meditating and to wear when engaging in any spiritual
practice, especially if it involves communication with spiritual guides.

Amethyst is also a great stone to put in your environment to keep the space clear of negative
Amethyst Mineral & Gemstone Information

Amethyst is found all over the world and has been used in jewelry as early as 25,000 B.C in the
neolithic period. It’s prized purple color has been incorporated into royal crowns and scepters,
rings, breastplates, and more. It ranges from pale lavender to deep purple in color.

Top Three Benefits of Amethyst Gems

Protects you from negative energy

Enhances your intuition & psychic abilities

Helps you break bad habits

Amethyst Healing Properties

Curious about the metaphysical properties & spiritual meaning of amethyst? You’re not alone.
The lovely purple amethyst gem is one of the most popular gemstones for jewelry and the one
most associated with crystal healing. Amethyst is a powerhouse stone with many benefits. It is
used for protection, intuition, spirituality, and helping to change bad habits or addictions.

Amethyst for Spiritual Protection

Amethyst vibrates at a high frequency, creating a bubble of spiritual protection against negative
energy. Amethyst acts as a protective ward when journeying in other realms. It vibrates at a
high frequency which blocks lower frequencies. Its “bubble of light” protects you and helps
maintain your focus and intention.

As you work with a natural amethyst crystal, you will be more clear and grounded in your true
nature. This will protect you from negative influence. Simply carrying a tumbled stone in your
pocket will help your aura align with its energy.

Amethyst for Enhancing Intuition

Amethyst awakens higher consciousness and facilitates meditation and intuition. It can help you
make wiser decisions free of emotional confusion, increase your inner strength, and deepen
your spiritual awareness.
Amethyst supports the 6th or third eye chakra, and 7th or crown chakra. This provides a boost
to psychic abilities, intuition, and mental understanding. If you are wanting to feel more
spiritually connected, meditate or pray with amethyst crystals. The crown chakra is your
gateway to higher energies and Divine knowledge and understanding, and amethyst gems can
support that connection. It can help you tune into the energy of the violet flame, a spiritual
energy of freedom and transformation.

You can use amethyst stones in meditation to achieve high-frequency states. It can also assist in
contacting your guides and spiritual allies. If you are trying to improve your psychic ability,
amethyst should be one of your main crystals.

Amethyst for Breaking Bad Habits

Amethyst is a purification stone on many levels. First, it purifies the aura directly. Secondly, it
supports you to make decisions that keep you clear-headed. For example, it can help you avoid
or quit smoking, drinking, or taking drugs.

Amethyst stones help you be the best version of yourself. It can help you drop unhelpful habits
and shift into higher states of consciousness. These habits might be physical or mental,
including negative thoughts. The end result is spiritual wisdom grounded in a felt sense of

Amethyst for Healing & Wellbeing

Wearing a purple amethyst crystal every day helps with mental balance and general health.
Amethyst is a very attractive stone, meaning it’s not hard to wear! Be sure to regularly clear the
stone of energy it might pick up. An easy method is to run it under water while holding the
intention of clearing the stone.

Amethyst is a healing stone for placing in your home or workplace. Amethyst geodes and
crystals help purify the atmosphere and create clarity and protection. Amethyst is a wellness
crystal, meaning a large amethyst cluster in the vicinity benefits everyone!

Types of Amethyst
Black Amethyst Meaning Black Amethyst is amethyst stone with inclusions of hematite. This
makes it darker so it looks like a mix of black and deep purple. It combines the healing
properties and meaning of amethyst stones with hematite. This adds a grounding element
which makes it a great stone for metaphysical work. Hematite supports the root chakra while
amethyst stimulates your higher chakras.

Moroccan Amethyst is a deep purple variety of amethyst from Morocco that often contains
chevrons and crackle-look to it and violet fire. Its gemstone meaning is the same as amethyst in

Ametrine is a combination of Citrine and Amethyst. They are both varieties of quartz and
sometimes occur together. Read more about ametrine to understand how the qualities of these
two stones combine.

Green Amethyst “Green amethyst” is more properly called prasiolite because amethyst is purple
by definition. While it can occur naturally, most Prasiolite is heat-treated amethyst that is pale
green in color.

Combining Amethyst with Other Stones

Amethyst combines well with other forms of quartz, like Citrine, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz,
Angel Aura Quartz, and Smoky Quartz. Quartz is an amplification stone in general, so various
forms of quartz work together to amplify each others properties. Here are some combinations
to try:

Amethyst + Citrine = abundance and financial protection

Amethyst + Rose Quartz = spiritual love and partnership

Amethyst + Clear Quartz = amplification of amethyst properties

Amethyst + Smoky Quartz = protection and purification

Amethyst + Angel Aura Quartz = opening your crown chakra to intuitive guidance and messages

Other good stones to combine with amethyst include Black Tourmaline for protection and
Selenite for energy clearing and spiritual growth.
Amethyst as a Gemstone

Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz crystal. Its purple color ranges from light lavender to dark
violet and it is usually translucent. Like all quartz, purple amethyst gemstones are a commonly
used crystal in metaphysical work. Amethyst is found in many parts of the world. Only a few
countries provide darker high-quality gemstones. Other common varieties of quartz include
rose quartz and carnelian.

Many stones have fake varieties but there’s no real point to making synthetic amethyst because
natural amethyst is common and inexpensive. The only thing you need to look out for is glass
that is only purple colored but fancily named amethyst.

About the Stone

Amethyst is a 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness. The only difference between regular clear quartz
crystal and amethyst is the color. The purple is caused by iron and aluminum that were present
while the stone was forming. Amethyst is always a shade of purple, sometimes very light, other
times very dark. Occasionally you will find red dots or red or blue hues in the stone.



Amethyst and citrine are closely related. Citrine is formed when amethyst is exposed to heat
when forming. Sometimes people even call citrine “burnt amethyst”. When citrine and
amethyst are found together in one piece, it is called ametrine and is very sought after.

Amethyst is the birthstone for February. It also has meaning to the astrological signs Pisces,
Aries, Aquarius, and Sagittarius.

Where Does Amethyst Come From?

Amethyst crystal is produced in Russia, India, Brazil, US, Canada, Australia, and South Korea.
Amethyst jewelry and other uses date back to Neolithic times 25,000 years ago. It has often
been associated with royalty, and used in crowns and royal rings. It was once a precious stone,
but it is now common enough to be considered semi-precious.

Apache Tears


Grief, Grounding, Healing, Inner Work, Protection




Root Chakra

Healing Properties of Apache Tears

Top 3 Benefits of Apache Tears

Comforting and gentle support when you are grieving

Helps clear stuck energy & patterns from trauma

Cleanses the aura of negative energy

Apache Tears can be a comforting, grounding presence in your life as you work through your
healing process.

When we experience trauma, our emotions can get stuck or frozen in our bodies. Apache Tears
help this frozen river of emotion start to flow again and release locked up grief. They are ideal to
carry when you are doing griefwork, trauma recovery, or therapy for old emotional wounds.

Apache tears are gentle. This is essential when the healing work you are doing is in difficult
territory such as when healing from violent trauma or child abuse. (See below for the legend of
how Apache Tears got their name–they are especially resonate for people healing grief from the
suicide of a loved one).

Apache tears also carry the properties of obsidian, including protection, purification, and
grounding. They gently cleanse the aura of negative vibrations & energy & protect you from
picking up more. Because of their nourishing and calm properties, they are the best form of
obsidian for those in grief or others who may be feeling fragile.

Having a sense of resource is essential for building the resilience to go deeper into your
emotional wounds to clear them. Apache tears give you that gentle support that helps you
keep your head above water. Think of them like a lifejacket for the turbulent waters of your
inner emotional landscape. If you find yourself overwhelmed with grief, or you are afraid to tap
into your grief for fear of being overwhelmed, an Apache tears bracelet or pendant is the
perfect companion to help you.

Like all obsidian, they are birthed from inside a volcano and carry the energies of Earth and Fire.
With Apache Tears, this Earth energy offers sustenance and connection to the Spirit of the
Earth Mother who receives our pain with love.

This Earth connection can be particularly helpful for people who tend to rationalize or detach
from their pain or grief by seeking to only “live in the Light” or “think positive”. Apache tears
remind us that pain is not any less spiritual, and it’s an inherent part of the human experience.

By touching deep into our sorrow, we renew our connections with all the humans who have
grieved before us. We deepen our ability to spiritually surrender and gain a new perspective on
what it means to be human. By processing our pain instead of avoiding it, we gain access to a
much wider range of internal responses to life and become a better friend to others who are
suffering. Ultimately grief can become our greatest spiritual teacher.

Apache Tears Mineral & Gemstone Information

Apache Tears are small chunks of obsidian, around 1/2 to 1 inch across. In color they are
brownish black and range from opaque to semi-transparent when polished. Obsidian is a
volcanic glass. Unlike most obsidian which tends to be sharp-edged, Apache Tears are usually
rounded like a rough pebble. They can be further tumbled to become smooth and incorporated
into jewelry.

Their name comes from a legend: a group of 75 Apache warriors were surrounded by the U.S.
cavalry at the edge of a cliff in Arizona in the 1870s. They were outnumbered and rather than
being killed they leapt or fell to their death. The tears of grief from the women and families of
the fallen warriors solidified into the small chunks of stone we call Apache Tears.


Changing Bad Habits, Clarity, Meditation, Psychic Abilities, Purification, Spiritual Guidance,




Third Eye Chakra

Top 3 Benefits of Apatite

Supporting lucid dreaming and psychic abilities

Clearing and activating the third-eye chakra

Resolving karmic patterns

Blue apatite works on the mental body to enhance our ability to connect to spiritual dimensions
and entities and receive inspiration, insight, and guidance. It is useful for working with the
Akashic records, past life memories, astral travel, and dreamwork, including lucid dreaming.

More than just accessing knowledge, apatite helps us use this knowledge to transform patterns
in our current life. For example, by working through current problems in our dreams, or
resolving karmic leftovers from previous lives. Through activating the third eye chakra, it brings
insight into our current issues and inspiration to solve them.

Apatite is generally stimulating to the mind, supporting clarity and optimal mental functioning.
It carries an uplifting energy that helps us feel confident that we can resolve our problems,
change our habits, and create a life that is balanced, wholesome, and fulfilling.

How to Use Apatite

Because of how it acts on the third eye, apatite is great to use while meditating. You can either
hold it in your receptive hand or lay down and place it on your third eye (your forehead). You
can also carry or wear it as a talisman if you anticipating needing clarity and vision to help you
make the best decisions and navigate situations where you need to stay clear-headed and

Apatite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Chemically, apatite is calcium phosphate, which is the same mineral that makes up bones and
tooth enamel. It is primarily used industrially as a source of phosphorus for fertilizer. Only a
small amount of apatite is used in jewelry or sold as gemstones, as most apatite is not found in
large enough pieces.

Apatite is soft and can be brittle, so in jewelry the setting is important–it is usually too soft to be
faceted, and is best worn in pieces that don’t get a lot of wear and tear. In evaluating cost,
intense colored stones tend to be more expensive.



Calm, Changing Bad Habits, Communication, Compassion, Grief, Growth, Healing, Inner Work,
Meditation, Peace, Purification, Wisdom




Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra



Type of:


Healing Properties of Aquamarine

Top 3 Benefits of Aquamarine

Release old attachments and “baggage”, from grief to grudges to clutter

Transform the effects of trauma from anger & fear to wisdom & compassion

Access the power of the Divine Feminine to transform & heal

Aquamarine is strongly associated with the water element, and thus the unconscious and our
emotions. It is cooling, calming, and refreshing, like a dip in a mountain spring. It brings clarity
and wisdom to emotional conversations, enabling the speaking of inner truth with love and
compassion. As a water stone, it helps with letting go, and is thus helpful for working through
grief or releasing old attachments or patterns.

Aquamarine for Letting Go

Imagine being in the “river of life” and holding onto a boulder. You would get buffeted as the
water tries to move you along while you resist. Aquamarine encourages you to let go and trust
that life is good and you are supported by Divine timing. You do not have to push and strive to
create everything good in your life–you can relax into the blessings that are available to you
from Spirit.

“Holding on” can manifest in different ways for different people. You might hold on to “stuff”,
keeping items you no longer need and could be useful to others. You might hold onto grudges,
keeping track of hurts and slights. You might hold onto the past, always thinking of people who
have left your life for one reason or another. Aquamarine gently encourages you to let go of the
past and be present to the blessings in your life today.

Think of Elsa singing, “Let it go, let it go!” from the movie Frozen and you’ll get a sense of the
power of aquamarine to help in releasing old patterns that no longer serve you! However,
instead of needing to run away and live in an ice castle for a week, aquamarine works in a gentle

and supportive way to help you transform from the inside out. 🙂
Aquamarine for Clear Communication

Communication involves the throat chakra, but also the heart, as you put your inner truth into
words. Aquamarine helps heal the connection between the two, so you can speak what is in
your heart. It also cools intense emotions like anger and fear, helping you communicate gently
but firmly without being overly emotional. This makes it much more likely you will be able to be
heard and communicate successfully.

Aquamarine for Healing from Trauma

Trauma lives in the body, where overwhelming emotions have become frozen and stuck in the
nervous system. When you try to feel the feelings to release them, they quickly become
overpowering and you retreat from the edge so you won’t drown in them. Aquamarine is at
home in the watery world of emotions, and can help you work with these strong emotional
currents while staying above them, sort of like standing on a bridge over a raging river. This
allows you to be present to the feelings, mindfully witness them, while letting them run their
course and resolve themselves.

How to Use Aquamarine

For deep inner work around letting go, meditation is the best way to use aquamarine. Hold it in
your receptive hand (so if you are right-handed, hold it in your left), and let yourself relax and
just absorb the energy for 20 minutes or more, on a daily or regular basis.

For help with communication, or just for daily support, wear it as a necklace, where it will sit
right between your heart and throat chakra, supporting and integrating them both.

Aquamarine Mineral & Gemstone Information

Aquamarine is pale blue colored beryl. Beryl is a family of stones including emerald (green
beryl), morganite (pink beryl), and other colors including clear. Chemically, beryl is beryllium
aluminum cyclosilicate.

While pale aquamarine lacking complete transparency can be inexpensive, the deeper and
clearer the color, the more expensive it is. Sometimes blue topaz is sold as aquamarine, as they
can appear quite similar. While synthetic aquamarine is possible, it is usually not worth the cost
to produce it given the amount of natural aquamarine available. Aquamarine of often heat-
treated to stabilize the color.



Abundance, Confidence, Growth, Hope, Joy, Prosperity, Vitality




Heart Chakra

Type of:


Healing Properties of Aventurine

Green aventurine is an energizing, revitalizing stone that carries the energy of spring and new
life. It helps with accepting the “slings and arrows” of life while keeping a spring in your step. It
brings a lightness and joy when you are faced with challenges, helping you persevere and not
get bogged down in negativity. If you are going through a tough time and your energy is
flagging, wear aventurine to help buoy your spirits and lighten your emotional load.

Aventurine can help you let go of patterns and attachments that aren’t working anymore. Think
of aventurine as spring cleaning for your emotional body. It can help you release heartbreak and
grief that has run its course and needs to be integrated so you can move forward with your life.
And if you are still in the midst of an emotional process, it can help you stay anchored to your
self-worth and centered in your heart as you sort through your feelings and make changes to
your life to be more supportive of who you are becoming.
Green aventurine is a great stone for people who suffer from anxiety, depression, or who just
need help getting out of their head and into a lighter, more balanced state of mind.

It is also a stone of luck and prosperity, and is sometimes used as an alternative to jade for these
properties. It helps balance your heart chakra and allow yourself to be open to receiving

Aventurine Mineral & Gemstone Information

Aventurine is a variety of quartz, and comes in several colors, green being the most common. It
has inclusions of mica that give it a subtle shimmer. It is inexpensive and can be found in many
types of beads and carved shapes.

It is sometimes confused with goldstone, which is a glass made with flecks of material
suspended within it, usually copper. However, goldstone’s inclusions are uniform in a way that is
obviously artificial on close inspection.

Black Tourmaline


Calm, Grounding, Protection, Purification




Root Chakra

Type of:


Healing Properties of Black Tourmaline

Top 3 Benefits of Black Tourmaline

Protection from destructive energy

Purifying the aura & surroundings of negativity

Balancing extremes of emotion

Black Tourmaline is one of the top stones for crystal healing because it is such a strong
protector. It transmutes negative energy so that energy is freed up to support your highest

Wearing black tourmaline beaded bracelets or a pendant daily is a good idea for empaths who
tend to pick up other people’s energy. It helps you keep your energetic boundaries and can
purify any stray energy that comes your way.

You can also keep it in your environment to purify the energy in the room, and place it near
doorways and windows for protection.

As a first chakra stone, black tourmaline is grounding and balancing for the emotions. It helps
you stay centered and calm and able to deal with your life as it comes. If you tend to worry and
stress out about life, black tourmaline can help you find a more even-keel emotional state and
establish it as your new set-point.

Being so tied to Earth energy, black tourmaline helps us feel like we are “home” wherever we
are on the planet. This makes it a great choice for people going through transitions who are
feeling ungrounded or disconnected from their sense of place. It’s also good if you struggle with
feeling like you don’t belong on this planet or don’t feel at home here.

Black Tourmaline Mineral & Gemstone Information

Black tourmaline is sometimes called schorl. Tourmaline has a hexagonal crystal structure, with
distinctive striations running in parallel. Tourmaline comes in many colors besides black, like
pink, green, purple, and red.
It’s a fairly hard stone that is used in fine jewelry, but it’s generally still categorized as semi-
precious. Fine specimens can be quite expensive, but rough pieces suitable for crystal healing
are more affordable. Black tourmaline is the least expensive color, which is great news for
crystal healers!



Courage, Grounding, Purification, Vitality, Wellness




Root Chakra



Type of:


Healing Properties of Bloodstone

Bloodstone cleanses and purifies the aura and brings the subtle energy body into balance. This
allows one to become fully grounded in the body and ready for the challenges life brings. It
supports your physical body’s endurance and energy as well as your emotional resilience and
determination to follow one’s heart.

Bloodstone is strengthening to the body’s vitality and wellness, offering both physical strength
and inner determination. It makes a good gift for those struggling with a chronic illness or a
terminal diagnosis, because it helps us face reality with bravery and not collapse with
Bloodstone truly brings out the best in us, encouraging altruism, courage, and a willingness to
sacrifice for the greater good. It helps one stay true to the path in the face of resistance and
obstacles, and is ideal for people who feel alone in the world on a quest that is right for them
but not understood by those around them.

It can be nourishing and grounding to wear bloodstone when visiting family members at
holidays who don’t understand your life choices, or who have wildly different political views. It
can help you see others compassionately without sacrificing your own sense of self in the

Bloodstone Mineral & Gemstone Information

Bloodstone is a deep forest green with splotches of red that give it its name. It is a relatively
common and inexpensive gemstone and can be found tumbled, carved, or in beads. It is a
variety of jasper or chalcedony, which in turn is a variety of quartz. It is also known as



Changing Bad Habits, Confidence, Courage, Creativity, Empowerment, Manifestation, Physical

Energy, Sexuality, Vitality, Willpower




Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra



Type of:


Healing Properties of Carnelian

Top 3 Benefits of Carnelian

Empowers you to take action toward manifesting your goals

Supports physical vitality & energy

Fills you with inner confidence & courage

Carnelian boosts your physical energy and vitality and strengthens your courage and stamina. It
is especially helpful for integrating the first three chakras and increasing creativity and
willpower. It’s also a stone of sexual vitality and physical play. It can help someone struggling to
make decisions, act from conviction, or move forward with confidence. It is truly a “power

Carnelian for New Beginnings

If you are launching a new venture and feeling timid about taking risks and venturing into
uncharted waters, carnelian can strengthen your convictions and keep you aligned and attuned
with your inner passion.

Carnelian is a stone of action and helps you embrace change and make the most of
transformational period in your life.

Carnelian for Physical Vitality

Carnelian is one of the best stones for increasing physical energy and vitality. It activates and
strengthens the first three chakras, which are responsible for our physical wellbeing.

If you tend to neglect your body and prefer to hang out in spiritual or mental worlds, carnelian
can help you balance that tendency. Learn to enjoy the pleasures that physical existence can

Carnelian also encourages physical self-care and treating your body like a temple. Combine with
amethyst to focus on purifying the body and letting go of negative physical habits or addictions.
How to Use Carnelian for Healing

For its physical and energetic benefits, carnelian is best worn close to the body as you go about
your day. You can also use it as part of a chakra healing layout by placing it on your second
chakra (the sacral chakra).

Using carnelian in meditation can help bring out its assistance in clarifying your goals and the
best path to reach them.

Carnelian Mineral & Gemstone Information

Carnelian is a common variety of quartz that is a reddish-orange color. Carnelian is a form of

chalcedony, which is a subset of quartz. It can be found in many places such as Brazil, India, and
Uruguay. It ranges in color from pale to deep red-orange.



Calm, Inner Work, Meditation, Purification, Spiritual Guidance




Crown Chakra, Third Eye Chakra

Healing Properties of Celestite

Top 3 Benefits of Celestite

Helps you communicate with your guardian angels

Brings soothing and uplifting energy to your environment

Supports staying at a high vibration

Celestite is a gentle, uplifting stone that has a sweet, soothing energy. It purifies and stimulates
the third-eye chakra and crown chakra, helping you tune into your guides and angels and access
higher states of consciousness.

Celestite makes a great addition to a room dedicated to healing or meditation. It gently uplifts
and purifies the energy in a room, supporting any activity aimed at inner reflection, spiritual
awareness, or connecting to intuitive guidance. Celestite has a special connection to the angelic
realm, and serves as a kind of beacon for angels and Divine healing energy.

If you are working on keeping your vibration positive and serene, celestite can be an excellent
support to carry with you or hold while meditating.

Celestite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Celestite (also called Celestine) is a mineral made of strontium sulfate. It is relatively soft in
terms of stones, sitting at around a 3-3.5 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. This means it’s
important to protect any celestite jewelry or crystals from getting scratched from harder stones.

While celestine can be found in a variety of colors, it’s generally the light blue-gray variety that
is sold as a gemstone or crystal. Light blue celestite is often found in geodes or formed into

Ohio Celestite is a variety of blue celestite that is found in Ohio that forms into tabular crystals.
They are popular with energy workers because their form makes them easier to work with than
the clusters of crystals that celestite usually forms in. Clusters are better for environmental
effects because their energy goes in all directions, whereas tabular crystals are move focused in
one direction.


Clarity, Purification, Purpose, Spiritual Guidance, Vision, Wisdom




Crown Chakra

Healing Properties of Charoite

Charoite helps the wearer accept their current position in life within the arc of human history
while maintaining a bird’s eye view from the spiritual plane. This allows one to live life from two
levels: the every day Earth level and the level of Cosmic awareness. This dual-vision supports
letting go of attachments to things that don’t really matter in the larger scheme of things, as
well as prompting the sensing of synchronicities and everyday magic.

From this wider perspective, it is possible to re-evaluate your life path to be more in alignment
with what brings you joy. Instead of feeling subject to the whim of forces outside of your
control, life is experienced as a co-created dance with the Cosmos in which sometime you lead
and sometime you follow.

If you are feeling lost or confused, charoite can help you sense your place in the order of things,
and find the path that feels right for you.

Charoite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Charoite is a unique silicate mineral found only in Siberia and named after the Chara River. It has
a fascinating appearance of purple, white, and gray-black swirls that gives it a landscape
appearance. Although it is not common it is also not expensive and makes a beautiful addition
to one’s collection.
Charoite has a complex composition that includes potassium, sodium, calcium, and fluoride.



Abundance, Confidence, Creativity, Imagination, Manifestation, Prosperity, Vision, Willpower




Solar Plexus Chakra


November, Virgo

Type of:


Healing Properties of Citrine

Top 3 Benefits of Citrine

One of the best stones to help you manifest your ideas into physical form

Strengthens your willpower & sense of personal strength to overcome obstacles

Helps dissolve any blocks to feeling you deserve abundance & success

Citrine is a classic manifesting stone. It activates your creativity and imagination and fortifies
your willpower to see your creation through into real-world success. This makes it one of the
best stones out there to help you see a creative project through to fruition.

Citrine is a high-energy, happy stone that is great to carry through the winter.
Natural citrine is often found mixed with smoky quartz and called “smoky citrine”. This
combination brings in smoky quartz’s purifying properties and helps clear and balance your first
chakra. This helps resolve any issues you may have with feeling you deserve to have what you
want to create.

Citrine Mineral & Gemstone Information

Citrine is a yellow variety of quartz. Natural citrine is fairly rare and much of the citrine you see
on the market is heat-treated amethyst or smoky quartz, which are more common versions of

Natural citrine tends to be a translucent pale champagne or smoky color and the same color
throughout, whereas heat-treated citrine tends to be a darker amber to bright orange at the
tips and opaque white below. Heat-treated citrine is less expensive than natural citrine.

Is Heat-treated Citrine “Fake”?

Natural citrine is technically also created by heating other forms of quartz, although it is done
by geo-thermal heat rather than in a lab. Most crystal workers report that natural and heat-
treated citrine have slightly different energy signatures, but share many of the same healing
properties. Experiment to find what works for you!



Confidence, Empowerment, Intuition, Psychic Abilities, Purpose, Vision




Crown Chakra, Third Eye Chakra


Healing Properties of Diamond

Diamonds are an intense stone. Work with them when you are ready to pursue and fulfill your
purpose in this lifetime. Diamonds can enhance your psychic abilities and help you open your
inner channels to Divine wisdom. The special gift of diamond is in the combination of
strengthening your inner power and aiding your connection to Spirit. This is a potent
combination to help you live your purpose, and especially to spread Light.

As this stone has a certain intensity to it, it’s best to use it when you are fully ready for what it
can offer you. If you are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or depressed, try to focus first on
stones that are nurturing and can support your vitality, like calcite, agate, or carnelian.

Diamond Mineral & Gemstone Information

Diamonds are made of pure carbon, and are the hardest natural mineral substance. In fact,
diamonds are so hard that they can only be cut with other diamonds! Diamond saws consist of
diamond dust on a metal blade.

Diamonds are commonly used in wedding and engagement rings to mark their importance, and
in other jewelry as a sign of status.

Raw Diamonds Diamonds are pricey when polished and set, but for crystal work, rough or raw
diamonds are perfect (and much more affordable!).

Simulated & Synthetic Diamonds When shopping for diamonds be aware that “synthetic”
diamonds means diamonds that are created in a lab, while “simulated” diamonds means other
stones that can look similar to diamonds like white topaz, sapphire, spinel or cubic zirconia.
Herkimer Diamonds These are not diamonds, they are quartz crystals in a diamond shape.



Abundance, Compassion, Courage, Healing, Hope, Love




Heart Chakra



Type of:


Healing Properties of Emerald

Top 3 Benefits of Emerald

Opening your heart to Divine love & abundance

Grounding your actions in compassion

Knowing you are enough just as you are

Emerald is a stone of the heart chakra and is helpful for many aspects of the heart, from healing
heartbreak to opening your heart to your connection with Divine Love and abundance.

Emerald is the perfect stone to carry if you are working with opening your heart to
unconditional love and compassion. If you are on a spiritual path and wanting to stay grounded
in your heart as you make your way through life, emerald is a great choice.
Emerald helps with abundance by clearing one’s blocks to receiving and any doubts about one’s
worthiness. It offers a gentle reminder that who you are is enough, and that the Universe wants
the best for you. It is not a stone of manifesting per se, but more one of accepting the gifts the
Universe has to offer and feeling the wealth of the world around you.

Emerald Mineral & Gemstone Information

Emerald has been a precious gemstone known in human history for at least 3000 years.
Precious cut emeralds are pricey, but raw emerald pieces are relatively inexpensive and work
well for crystal work.



Calm, Clarity, Focus, Purification




Third Eye Chakra

Healing Properties of Fluorite

Top 3 Benefits of Fluorite

Reduces mental clutter & anxiety, helping you focus

Balances mental attitudes & ideas

Sharpens your mental abilities & ability to learn

Fluorite is helpful for all mental tasks, from studying to memorization to decision-making. It is
an ideal crystal to wear to work or have in your office drawer if your job involves a lot of quick
thinking, analysis, or keeping a lot of complex thoughts in your head at once.
Order & Clarity

If you can imagine the essence of the orderly qualities of Virgo distilled into a crystal, fluorite
would be it. It helps with discernment – including making decisions about what should stay or
go or which people you want to have in your life.

It can also help you if you feel scattered amongst too many ideas and find it hard to settle down
and pick one to focus on. Fluorite helps you organize your thoughts, pick the best direction, and
follow through on it. This can even help people who are struggling with their life purpose.

Focus & Learning

Fluorite helps you concentrate. It helps you remain clear-headed and able to make good choices

If you are studying for an exam or going to a training for work, keeping some fluorite nearby is
recommended. It helps you memorize & retain information, and to distill complex ideas.

Mental Integration

Fluorite works to bring chaotic or unaligned energies into harmony. This includes helping the
two hemispheres of the brain work together. This leads to enhances mental functioning and the
ability to combine analytical and creative insights to produce new outcomes.

It can also help you resolve inner conflicts that are leading to a lack of clarity.

Emotional Discernment

If you get overwhelmed by your feelings and find it hard to understand how you feel or what to
do about it, fluorite can help. It supports you to think through exactly what is causing your
feelings and create a plan to deal with it. It is especially useful for anxiety and worry about the

Fluorite clears the aura of confusion and any astral entities or energy patterns that may be
causing it. It helps clear the mind of confusion, overwhelm, anxiety, and mental fog.

Colors of Fluorite

The various colors of fluorite correspond with the various chakras, giving them a particular
flavor. (See How Do Crystals and Chakras Relate to Each Other for more on how this works.)

Color Chakra Speciality

Black Fluorite Root Chakra Cleansing negative energy

Golden Fluorite Solar Plexus Chakra Aligns the mind with the will to produce aligned

Pink or Green Fluorite Heart Chakra Creates harmony & alignment between heart and mind

Light Blue Fluorite Throat Chakra Enhances communication

Dark Blue Fluorite Third Eye Chakra Improves psychic accuracy

Purple Fluorite Crown Chakra Enhances mental abilities & connection to higher guidance

Multicolor FLuorite All Chakras Clears, organizes, and repairs your energy field

Fluorite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Fluorite comes in a rainbow of colors and can be translucent to transparent. Some fluorite has
the property of fluorescence, meaning that it can emit light if exposed to ultraviolet light. This
means it glows under a black light.
Fluorite is a 4 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, making it relatively soft. Like all soft
crystals, it is important to store it carefully so it doesn’t get scratched by other, harder crystals.



Calm, Grounding, Healing, Love, Manifestation, Protection, Sexuality, Vitality




Root Chakra



Healing Properties of Garnet

Top 3 Benefits of Garnet

Helping you feel safe, secure, and grounded

Alleviating worry & stress, especially around finances

Supporting physical vitality & passion

Garnets of all types help with manifestation in the physical world. Almandine Garnet helps
ground people who may get a little lost in flights of fancy create real-world results. It helps
provide protection by helping you root firmly in your body and sense of self and resist attempts
to manipulate or trick you. It has a slow, steady energy that is good if you tend to feel anxious or

Garnet for Anxiety

Garnet is beneficial for frayed nerves or anxious personalities, or if you are looking to
strengthen your sense of being supported by the Universe. It can help you through the anxious
aftermath of traumatic events and to re-establish a sense of peace and tranquility in your life.
Garnet for Sensuality

Think of dark red wine and luscious chocolate-covered strawberries while relaxing on jewel-
toned velvet sheets in a place you feel safe and secure. Garnet encourages the exploration of
physical passion from within a safe space that makes the exploration of new ideas possible. If
you are looking to attract a capable lover, spice up your love life within respected boundaries, or
just explore the sensuality of your body in the comfort of your home, garnet can support you in
these goals!

Garnet Mineral & Gemstone Information

While there are several types of garnet, almandine garnet is the deep pomegranate-red stone
that is the most well-known. It has been known since ancient times and is relatively common.



Grounding, Hope, Inner Work, Manifestation, Wellness, Wisdom




Root Chakra

Healing Properties of Hematite

Top 3 Benefits of Hematite

One of the best grounding stones

Helps manifest your highest good into physical reality

Supports integration of polarities & paradox

Hematite is good for grounding. Grounding is the process of becoming in touch with the here-
and-now truth in the physical body. It helps with awareness of physical needs and taking action
to tend to those needs. It is helpful for people who find themselves feeling spaced out,
distracted, confused, or ignoring what needs to get done and spending their life daydreaming
instead of creating what they want. If you find yourself being all “vision” with no real-world
results, this is a good stone to work with.

Grounding is essential for lightworkers, because without grounding you will not be able to
translate spiritual knowledge or lofty visions into practical action that creates those beautiful
possibilities you dream about. Hematite helps bring these light energies down through your
body and anchor them in the physical world.

Hematite is a stone of polarities, containing both deep darkness and a shimmery metallic light.
This integration is a good model and support for balancing and unifying seeming opposites or
opposing forces to create a stronger, more cohesive whole that is more than the sum of its
parts. This makes it good for those doing shadow work within the self or within our culture.

Hematite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Hematite is a quite common form of iron oxide with a distinct shiny metallic appearance. Even
though it is not rare, much hematite on the market is a synthetic reconstituted variety, some of
which has been magnetized.



Calm, Meditation, Peace, Spiritual Guidance



Crown Chakra

Healing Properties of Howlite

Howlite is most well known for being calming and soothing, and helping with insomnia. It helps
attune the mind to the realm of Divine awareness where all is well.

Like most white crystals, howlite supports the crown chakra. This is where we connect to the
Divine and understand our place in the Universe. It’s also the seat of our awareness, helping us
stay sharp and focused and making conscious choices.

Howlite can help with memory and is recommended for students who are studying for exams.
It’s also a great stone to hold during meditation.

Howlite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Howlite is naturally white or light gray with a dark matrix (veining). Because it is porous, it is
often dyed to look like other stones, most commonly Turquoise. It is sometimes called “white
turquoise”, which is a misnomer as it is not turquoise at all. Real white turquoise is very rare.



Healing, Inner Work, Intuition, Meditation, Psychic Abilities, Vision


Blue, Indigo


Third Eye Chakra

Healing Properties of Iolite

Top 3 Benefits of Iolite

Supports intuition, visioning, and other psychic work

Helps you do shadow work & re-integrate lost parts of yourself

Increases imagination and opening to inspiration

Iolite is one of the best stones for third eye chakra clearing and activation. This covers all
aspects of seeing, vision, perspective, inner knowing, intuition, and divination.

The Stone for Psychics

If you want to do shamanic work, soul retrieval, or other deep inner work, iolite is definitely a
stone you want to work with. It makes inner visions vivid and surfaces the material you most
need to address for your growth.

Iolite especially helps those who are timid to journey into their own psyche. It supports you to
face the unknown and trust the process.

Iolite helps people who channel insights intuitively, such as tarot readers, mediums, and
astrologers. It can help with retrieving information about past lives.

Shadow Work

Shadow work is about reconnecting to those parts of yourself that are buried, rejected,
suppressed, or disowned. Iolite helps you find these lost pieces of yourself and bring them back
into the light so you can be whole.

Imagination and Vision

Iolite is also ideal for visionary artists or spiritual writers. It activates the mind’s eye as well as
opening channels to higher realms for information and inspiration.
Meditation is another area where iolite can help. It enhances focus and the ability to detach and
observe with objectivity.

Iolite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Iolite, also known as Cordierite, is a magnesium aluminium silicate usually also containing iron.
It is sometimes called “Water Sapphire” and is used as a cheaper replacement although it is
much softer than sapphire. It varies in color from deep to grayish-blue but is generally a violet-
blue. It exhibits pleochroism, meaning it changes color in polarized light.



Abundance, Joy, Nourishment, Vitality, Wellness




Heart Chakra Healing Properties of Jade

Top 3 Benefits of Green Jade

Prosperity and abundance

Health, wellness, and vitality

Happiness and wellbeing

Jade comes in many colors, but we will discuss green jade here as it is most common and sought

Green jade is a heart chakra stone. It is nurturing and carries the energy of the Earth and
nature. It is a joy to hold and work with, as it radiates harmonious well-being.
Green jade is a stone of abundance. It can help you release scarcity consciousness and relax into
the abundant embrace of the Universe. Green jade supports you to believe in and accept your
Divine birthright of abundance.

If you tend to spend too much time working or worrying, green jade can help you release the
over-thinking and feel the joy and simple pleasures of being alive.

Jade Mineral & Gemstone Information

Jade is two separate minerals referred to by the same name: Jadeite and Nephrite. This is due to
historical confusion given their similar appearance. They tend to have similar metaphysical
properties as well, so they are generally just grouped together as one stone. Jade has been used
since prehistoric times for cutting tools because of its durability and strength.

Jadeite is rarer, more expensive, and comes in a variety of colors including lavender, although
the green is the most bright and clear color. High quality green jadeite is a bright apple or
emerald green. It is a 6.5 to 7 hardness. It is found in relatively few countries, including
Guatemala and Myanmar. Historically, the highest quality Jadeite imported into China was called
Imperial Jade and reserved for royalty.

Nephrite jade is more common and less expensive and is found in many countries, including
China. It has a hardness of 6-6.5 and comes in shades of dark green, pale green, cream, and
white. Nephrite tends to have a less intense color than jadeite.

Since jade is popular and well-known, other gemstones are sometimes marketed as a type of
jade even though they are not at all. For example, “New Jade” is actually serpentine, a softer
stone, and “Mexican Jade” is dyed calcite or travertine (a type of limestone). There are many
more examples.
Jadeite is often dyed, so green jade may actually be lower quality white jadeite originally. Dyed
jade can fade over time due to the processing it undergoes prior to being dyed. Jade is often
finished with a wax coating, which does not damage the stone.

Other gemstones commonly confused with jade include chrysoprase, serpentine, vesuvianite,
aventurine, and green garnet.



Compassion, Healing, Love, Nourishment, Peace, Spiritual Guidance, Wisdom




Heart Chakra

Healing Properties of Kunzite Crystals

Top 3 Benefits of Kunzite

Restore your innate connection to Divine Love

Helps you release heartbreak and open to unconditional love

Deep relaxation from feeling peace in your heart

Is your heart hurting? Do you feel disconnected from your heart’s wisdom? Kunzite crystals can
help you heal and restore your natural sense of love and peace.

Kunzite is a stone of Divine Love, which is the ocean of love we are all swimming in but often are
unable to feel. Kunzite helps you reconnect with that endless source of love so you feel loved no
matter what.
Our hearts are the parts of us that are always in connection with our true, authentic self, and
with the abundance of love available in the Universe. Kunzite’s healing properties help restore
the connection between our hearts and this eternal source of wisdom, peace, and joy.

What is Divine Love?

The feeling of Divine Love is a pervasive sense of wellbeing, relaxation, and simple contentment.
There is nothing to do and nowhere to get to because everything is already OK and you are
exactly who you are meant to be and where you are meant to be. All is well.

This feeling of Divine Love is a big contrast to our normal mode of busy-ness and striving. This is
why it’s so important to tap into this feeling on a regular basis, to balance out the achievement-
oriented culture we live in.

Kunzite Helps You Find Joy & Peace

Connecting to Divine Love helps us relax into a sense of ease in which we know our daily efforts
are not what makes us valuable. We have an inherent value that can never diminish or change.
The benefit of kunzite is to remind us of this truth, so we can relax. Resting in the knowledge of
who we really are frees up an ocean of energy to do what brings us joy, rather than trying to
earn a sense of belonging.

Kunzite can also help if you are unsure what brings you joy or what direction to go in. The
whisper of your heart can be hard to hear–holding a kunzite crystal in quiet meditation can help
you sink into your heart and let it speak to you.

Kunzite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Kunzite is a pink stone that is a form of spodumene. It is naturally pale, but can be heat-treated
to deepen its color. It is named after George Kunz, who discovered it in 1902.


Communication, Healing, Intuition, Meditation, Protection, Psychic Abilities, Purification,

Sexuality, Spiritual Guidance




Heart Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra

Healing Properties of Kyanite

Kyanite helps restructure energetic pathways, both within yourself and between people & Spirit.
It can help with shifting patterns of communication or thought that are no longer working but
are resistant to change.

Kyanite helps form energetic bridges and bring disharmonious energies into communication and
balance. It is therefore useful for people doing journey work, astral travel, and other psychic or
energy work, as well as anyone working with conflict, mediation, or diplomacy.

This quality of bringing together disparate energies also can help people who have multiple
talents and interests and have a hard time turning them into a career. (If this is you, I also highly
recommend the book How to Be Everything: A Guide for Those Who (Still) Don’t Know What
They Want to Be When They Grow Up (affiliate link disclosure).) Kyanite can help you integrate
everything that makes you unique into a clear way forward.

It also helps bridge various blocks that can occur in the body and the auric field. By reconnecting
these pathways, it helps shift the block and restore flow. This can help heal emotional wounding
that is stuck in the body, and help the body recover from trauma.
If you want to try lucid dreaming, kyanite is the stone to sleep with. You can place it under your
pillow or devise a way to keep it in contact with your third eye chakra as you sleep.

Each color of kyanite has a different vibe & specialty. They also work well in combination. For
example, green kyanite helps you stay centered in your heart as blue kyanite helps you explore
psychic realms.

Blue Kyanite

Blue kyanite activates and enhances your mental and psychic abilities of all types. It’s can
enhance your ability to connect & communicate with spirit guides and other entities while
providing protection as you journey in other realms. It also enhances access to past-life

Green Kyanite

The energetic connections and insight that green kyanite assists with involve your heart and
nature. It can help you tune into the sweet natural flow of energy in nature. This is especially
helpful if you live in the city and need to get your nature nourishment in a limited time period
while out hiking or camping. Wear green kyanite to help you shift out of the pace of the city &
sync up with your natural surroundings. With more focus and intention, it can help you connect
with nature spirits.

Green kyanite is also a stone of truth, both discerning the truth of the situation and living from
your own truth.

Black Kyanite

Like most black stones, black kyanite is grounding and protecting. It’s especially good for
clearing and activating the chakra system.
Orange Kyanite

This is especially good for healing the second chakra from sexual abuse or wounds related to
creativity. Orange kyanite helps recover a healthy and joyful relationship with sexuality.

Kyanite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Kyanite forms into distinct long flat blades that exhibit a pearly sheen. Be careful handling raw
specimens as it can often splinter or flake off if your piece is not tumbled or polished. Kyanite
comes in many colors including blue, green, indigo, black, white, pink, yellow, or gray.



Inner Work, Intuition, Meditation, Protection, Psychic Abilities, Purification, Vision


Blue, Iridescent, Multicolor


Third Eye Chakra

Healing Properties of Labradorite

Top 3 Benefits of Labradorite

Supports psychic work like intuition & communicating with spirit guides

Protects your aura from negative energy & entities

Helps align you with your Divine purpose

Labradorite protects your aura from negative energy and supports your third-eye chakra
activities. In other words, it is an ideal stone for doing any kind of psychic or magical work such
as accessing the Akashic records, past-life memories, communicating with spirit guides,
divination, shamanic journeying, astral travel, and clairvoyance.
Living in a Magical Universe

Even if you don’t actively practice psychic activities, carrying labradorite can help you spot
synchronicities and just generally give you life a more magical quality. The sense of magic comes
from becoming more aligned with your Divine path and more open to guidance and clues that
your spirit guides arrange for you.

Labradorite also helps you trust Divine Right Timing and relax into a state of flow and co-
creation with the Universe.

Protection from Negative Energy

Labradorite protects you from harmful entities attaching themselves to your aura.

This is obviously useful for psychics and energy workers. However, it would also be good to wear
if your work or life takes you to places where there may be ghosts or where there are a lot of
negative vibes, because harmful entities are drawn to fear and hopelessness. Examples would
be hospitals, prisons, or working with populations that are struggling with poverty.

Inner Vision

The best way to use labradorite to stimulate visions is to lay down and place it on your third-eye
chakra (in the middle of your forehead). If you find yourself feeling too ungrounded when you
do this, also place a grounding stone like red jasper, smoky quartz, or black tourmaline at your
root chakra.

Labradorite is also helpful for inner work and self-awareness. It helps bring unconscious
material to the surface to be healed. If you find yourself in habitual patterns that you can’t
figure out how to shift, meditating with labradorite can bring you insight into the root causes
and how to heal it.
Labradorite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Labradorite is a member of the feldspar group of minerals, which also includes moonstone,
sunstone, and amazonite. Its color is a mixture of dull splotchy gray with patches of iridescence
that flash blue, green, and sometimes yellow and purple. How a particular piece of labradorite
looks depends a lot on how it is cut.

The iridescence appears different at different angles and is reminiscent of the Aurora Borealis,
also known as the Northern Lights.

Spectrolite is a variety of labradorite.

Lapis Lazuli


Clarity, Inner Work, Intuition, Psychic Abilities, Spiritual Guidance, Vision, Wisdom




Third Eye Chakra

Healing Properties of Lapis Lazuli

Top 3 Benefits of Lapis Lazuli

Helps you access self-knowledge

Boosts psychic abilities & intuition

Opens you up to spiritual guidance and Divine inspiration

Lapis Lazuli provides a gateway to deep inner knowledge and access to higher truths. If you are
a psychic, visionary, artist, or seeker, lapis can deepen your access to information and inspiration
from other realms.
Lapis Lazuli for Self-Knowledge

Lapis helps you sink into your own inner awareness and find your deepest truth. It supports the
third-eye chakra, helping you see into your own mind and discern who you really are–your basic
motivations, creative drives, and beliefs. It is also helpful for exploring past lives and discerning
karmic attachments.

Lapis Lazuli for Intuition & Inspiration

Lapis supports your intuition and psychic abilities. It tends to enhance visual information the
most, so it is ideal for clairvoyants. It can help you access the Akashic records and other forms of
psychic knowledge.

It would also be a great stone for visionary artists who work from Divine inspiration.

Lapis Lazuli Mineral & Gemstone Information

Lapis is a deep blue metamorphic rock composed chiefly of lazurite with inclusions of pyrite that
make it sparkle and white streaks from calcite. It has been prized by humans for jewelry and
decoration since ancient times, being found in ancient Egypt and the Indus Valley Civilization.
Before synthetic dyes were invented, it was ground into powder to use as a blue pigment.



Calm, Communication, Confidence, Healing, Nourishment, Peace



Throat Chakra

Healing Properties of Larimar

Larimar is a stone of relaxation. It radiates peace and is one of the best stones for soothing and
transforming both anger and anxiety. This makes it a great stone to place around your home or
office, especially if you are trying to encourage a calm and serene atmosphere.

Larimar supports the throat chakra, which is the home of communication and truth. It helps in
communicating clearly from the heart without emotional confusion.

This soft blue stone carries the energy of the sea and the Divine Feminine. It invites a gentle
realignment of your being to release the ego’s striving and rest. It also helps with releasing
attachments to what is no longer serving you. It is useful for emotional processing, allowing for
release and healing.

Larimar helps you access your innate wisdom and walk with the quiet confidence of knowing
who you are. This is a form of power that comes from deep within.

It is also great to wear as a personal stress relief and self-care talisman. It is calming and
nourishing and supports you to clearly communicate boundaries. It encourages you to love
yourself by honoring your needs. It supports you to stay in the present, and accept and embrace
your current reality.

In essence, Larimar helps you align yourself with the Divine truth of who you are. You are good,
you are love, and all is well.
Larimar Mineral & Gemstone Information

Larimar is a striking sky blue stone found only on the Caribbean island nation of the Dominican
Republic. It is a variety of pectolite, a silicate mineral. It was originally discovered by a priest in
1916 but only developed as a gemstone after being rediscovered in 1974 by Miguel Méndez
who found a specimen on the beach. He named it after his daughter (Larissa) and the Spanish
word for the sea (mar). The gem was traced back to an area in the mountains, which was
subsequently mined for more stones.

Larimar can fade if exposed to too much light or heat, so it’s best to wear it under your shirt or
only indoors or for short periods of time.



Calm, Grief, Healing, Hope, Nourishment, Peace, Spiritual Guidance




Crown Chakra

Healing Properties of Lepidolite

Top 3 Benefits of Lepidolite

Supports serenity & calm when life is overwhelming

Builds resilience through self-acceptance

Opens your crown chakra to spiritual guidance

Lepidolite is a nurturing stone that is perfect to carry when life is overwhelming and stressful. It
helps with self-acceptance, serenity, and finding grace in the midst of chaos.

Lepidolite is one of the best stones to work with when you are struggling with self-acceptance.
Hold or wear it while journalling to help uncover the roots of your self-rejection and any
emotional patterns that are keeping you stuck.

Because it can offer you a larger perspective through the crown chakra, lepidolite can help you
see your life’s events in a context that makes them less personal. If you are prone to
dramatizing, lepidolite can help you see that this is actually just making your life harder for no
reason. It really is OK to just relax.

Lepidolite also can help you process grief that often underlies depression, anxiety, and self-
destructive habits. If you feel you are avoiding feelings that are always just under the surface,
lepidolite can help you find the courage to face them.


If your life seems like a never-ending series of calamities, lepidolite can help you find that calm
in the eye of the storm. It does this by helping to soothe your fears & gain perspective, which
helps regulate your emotional response to what is going on around you.

Lepidolite is nurturing, like a warm bath or a hot chocolate. It takes the edges off your strong
emotions, helping you to have compassion both for yourself and the people in your daily life.

Higher Guidance

Because it activates the crown chakra, lepidolite is helpful in connecting with your higher self
and spirit guides.
Sometimes it can be hard to hear guidance when we feel emotionally overwhelmed. Lepidolite
is especially helpful in this situation, as it can helps us find the balance and emotional regulation
to be able to tune in to what our guides are saying.

Being Present

Often our stress is self-created simply by focusing on the future and past instead of the present.
In many cases, the thing we are worried about is either over and can’t be changed, or it hasn’t
happened yet. While some preparation is prudent, excessive worry can actually reduce our
preparedness by draining our resources.

Sometimes worry becomes a habit that is hard to break. It becomes a kind of coping mechanism
that makes us feel like we are doing something, when we are really just spinning our wheels.
Lepidolite can help us stay present by supporting our resilience to face the reality that life isn’t
always in our control.

By letting go of the fear and regret that keeps us stuck, our energy is freed up to do what we can
with what we have.

Lepidolite Gemstone Information

Lepidolite is a glittery purple stone that is a form of mica. It has a pearly luster and is translucent
to opaque. If you have a piece that is raw and not tumbled, pieces of it can flake off sometimes.
It is also sometimes found as an inclusion in other stones like quartz and tourmaline. Lepidolite
has a high lithium content and is sometimes mined as a source of lithium.

It is a soft stone, so be careful in storing and wearing it that it doesn’t get scratched by harder
stones. It can be cleaned with warm soapy water, but do not use any cleaner that is harsher
than that.


Changing Bad Habits, Confidence, Empowerment, Protection, Willpower




Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra

Healing Properties of Malachite

Top 3 Benefits of Malachite

Protection from negativity & danger

Boosts willpower and confidence

Strengthens boundaries

Malachite is a protective and empowering stone. Like a best friend who always has your back,
malachite is always there, supporting you to believe in yourself and make good decisions to take
care of yourself.

Malachite Helps Protect You

Malachite’s protective quality makes you more alert to danger, and supports you to take
precautionary measures. It enhances synchronicities that can help keep you out of harm’s way.

It protects you from abuse of power by enhancing your ability to discern attempts to cross your
boundaries, and giving you the clarity and courage to stand your ground.

Malachite Boosts Personal Power & Resilience

Malachite is strengthening to your will and confidence. If you struggle to make decisions or set
boundaries with others or to take care of yourself, malachite can boost your internal sense of
power and determination.
It can help people who feel fragile because of past traumas or abuse to overcome fear and
recover their inner resilience. If you struggle with fear, overwhelm, or an inability to stand up for
yourself or pursue the things that make you happy, malachite can help you break through
limitations and create the life that works for you.

Malachite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Malachite is an opaque, green copper ore with distinctive banding patterns. It has been mined
for thousands of years to extract copper. It is often found near or combined with azurite,
another copper ore. It is created from a chemical reaction between copper and limestone.

Malachite was used as a green pigment in paint before the creation of synthetic dyes, and has
been made into decorative objects and talismans since ancient times.

As a relatively soft mineral (Mohs scale 3.5-4), malachite jewelry and crystals should be treated
with care. It should not be heated or exposed to acids or ultrasonic cleaners.

Safety warning: Do not use malachite to make crystal elixirs or place it it in bathwater, because
it can release copper into the water which would be toxic if ingested.



Clarity, Empowerment, Growth, Healing, Inner Work, Meditation, Psychic Abilities, Purification



Heart Chakra

Healing Properties of Moldavite

Top 3 Benefits of Moldavite

Accelerates spiritual awakening

Purification and cleansing of the aura

Brings you into alignment with your true path in life

Moldavite is very popular for crystal healing as a catalyst for spiritual awakening, evolution, and
transformation. It is a stone that some people have a quite dramatic response to.

It can be used to enhance lucid dreaming, increase psychic abilities, align & clear your chakras.
But most of all, by asking for Moldavite’s help, you can kick-start a transformation to release any
blocks you may have to living your true purpose. Expect synchronicities, breakthroughs, and
flashes of insight that propel you forward on your quest to live an authentic life.

Moldavite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Moldavite is a tektite, which is a glass that forms from the force and heat of a meteorite hitting
the Earth. Moldavite is a distinctive green colored tektite that formed around a crater in the
Czech Republic almost 15 million years ago. It has a wrinkly or fern-like pattern on its surface,
and since it is only found in one place on Earth it is more expensive than other forms of tektite.
However, a small piece can still be quite powerful.



Empowerment, Inner Work, Intuition, Meditation, Spiritual Guidance, Wisdom

Iridescent, White


Crown Chakra



Healing Properties of Moonstone

Moonstone is the embodiment of feminine mystery. It corresponds to the High Priestess card of
the Tarot, and is associated with intuition, the Divine Feminine, the subconscious and
unconscious mind, and hidden knowledge.

Much of our modern world is focused around accomplishment, achievement, goals, progress,
advancement, action, conscious intention, etc. These are all “yang” energies, associated with
masculine energy. The complementary “yin” energies are ones of receptivity, mystery, wisdom,
rest, rejuvenation, intuition, relatedness, and the unconscious. Neither of these is better than
the other, and they are meant to work in harmony. However, there is a lack of balance in many
people’s lives due to social expectations, leading to people feeling burnt out, empty, exhausted,
and disconnected from themselves, their body, and each other. Moonstone can help restore
balance by supporting the “yin” side of life.

Moonstone can also support the “right-brain” type of thinking which is non-linear and present-
moment. If you want to let go of planning and analysis and experience immersive states of joy,
connection, and insight, set aside some time to be still, let go of expectations, and meditate
with moonstone.

Moonstone Mineral & Gemstone Information

Moonstone is a potassium aluminum silicate in the feldspar group of minerals.

It’s hardness is 6-6.5, so you shouldn’t store it right next to a much harder crystal or it may get

Moonstone can sometimes look like opal, but its iridescence is more limited in the range of

Moonstone was known to the Greeks and Romans and has been used in jewelry dating back to
ancient civilizations.



Compassion, Grief, Healing, Joy, Love, Peace, Wisdom




Heart Chakra

Type of:


Healing Properties of Morganite

Top 3 Benefits of Morganite

Healing from emotional trauma & loss.

Emotional nurturing & feeling Divine Love.

Joy, peace, and a light heart.

Morganite helps you tap into Divine Love, heal heartbreak, and transform grief into wisdom. It is
a stone that can lift the burden of sorrows and bring joy, peace, and an uplifting sense of
lightness into your life.
Heartbreak and loss can shatter our ability to feel connected to the Source of all love. We can
feel alienated and isolate ourselves in a private space of torment & self-recrimination, revisiting
old wounds & spinning in painful emotions. Morganite helps to interrupt that spiral and
reconnect you to the flow of Love that permeates the Universe. This is how it heals the heart.

Being connected to Divine love helps you see the larger pattern & purpose behind emotional
trauma. This integration period is essential to fully experience, integrate, and release past
painful experiences. Morganite helps this process be less painful and more fruitful by helping
you trust the process and relax the defenses guarding your heart.

The end result of this emotional process is the attainment of wisdom and compassion that can
only come through the lived experience of being broken open and returning to wholeness.

Morganite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Morganite is a pink form of beryl, the gemstone family that also includes emerald and
aquamarine. Morganite is priced based on its translucency, so more opaque pieces are less
expensive than the high-grade pieces that are facted for rings and other fine jewelry.



Focus, Physical Energy, Vitality, Wellness, Willpower




Root Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra

Type of:


Healing Properties of Onyx

Onyx, like its close cousin agate, is an earth stone. Onyx enhances the attention and will, helping
you sustain focused attention and discipline. It is helpful in any situation where you need to call
on your inner strength to persevere through challenging circumstances, or you need your mind
to be clear and focused.

Onyx can strengthen and boost your physical vitality, especially during or after draining tasks. It
can help you stay on track on a health regimen whether that is diet, exercise, or getting enough

Onyx harmonizes well with any other quartz, like agate, jasper, or tiger eye. Combine onyx with
sodalite or fluorite for more help with focus.

Onyx Mineral & Gemstone Information

Onyx is a form of banded chalcedony quartz, a silicate mineral. Black onyx is perhaps the most
well-known, but onyx comes in a variety of colors. It is very similar to agate in its composition
and range of colors. The technical difference is that onyx contains parallel bands, whereas the
bands in agate are curved. The marketplace can be confusing, with some black onyx actually
being agate dyed black, and others labelling banded calcite as onyx. (Agate and onyx are similar
crystals, but calcite is a different mineral entirely.) These are all relatively inexpensive stones, so
your best bet is to buy from a reputable dealer who can verify the material you are buying is
actually onyx.


Healing, Inner Work, Purification


Iridescent, White



Healing Properties of Opal

Opal comes in a variety of colors, which have different properties. Overall, the “fire” in opal is a
spiritual purifier, helping you burn through attachments and release unhealthy patterns from
old wounds. It’s ideal for a time when you are doing inner work and ready to move through your
stuff! Opal also acts as an amplifier, creating intense experiences.

White Precious Opal (Pictured)

This is the classic color that most people think of when they hear “opal”. White precious opal
acts most strongly on the emotional body as a purifier. It amplifies emotional patterns so they
can be identified and cleared to make room for pure joy.

Black Precious Opal

Black precious opal is similar to White precious opal, but the color forming the background
behind the “fire” is dark instead of light. It is ideal for shadow work, journeying, shamanic work,
clearing trauma, working with the unconscious–anything where you are going into dark, hidden,
or unknown places in the emotional, psychic, or spiritual realms. It can help you stay connected
to the Light as you explore the darkness.

Black precious opal also amplifies the emotions behind your intention and therefore help you
manifest faster and more easily.

Fire Opal
This bright red-orange colored stone boosts the energies of the Sacral chakra. Expect passion,
creativity, and states of ecstasy!

Opal Mineral & Gemstone Information

Opal is a hydrated silicate, meaning it is composed of silicone and water. Opal is known for its
“fire” – the flashes of light that shift as you turn the stone. “Common opal” is opaque and
doesn’t usually contain fire. Precious opal is the most expensive, and can be either black or
white, which set off the fire beautifully.

Orange Calcite


Creativity, Physical Energy, Sexuality, Vitality




Sacral Chakra

Type of:


Healing Properties of Orange Calcite

Top 3 Benefits of Orange Calcite

Helps you get moving if you are feeling lethargic or depressed

Lifts your spirits and helps you see the world optimistically

Increases your confidence in your creativity

Orange calcite works primarily on the second chakra, the center of our sexuality and creativity.
It also can help support the third chakra, the seat of our will.
Orange calcite is a sunny, warm, energizing stone that helps you clear your aura of stagnant
energy and get you moving toward your goals with confidence.

If you are stuck on a problem, orange calcite can help you shift your mindset to look for
solutions. It has a lightening, playful effect that shifts the energy in a room.

If you have any trauma connected to your sexuality or sexual history, orange calcite can be
useful to heal wounds and reclaim your capacity for pleasure. It is wonderful for working with
any shame that inhibits you from living authentically as your passionate, creative, sexual self.

Orange Calcite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Calcite is made of calcium carbonate. Orange calcite ranges in color from pale yellow-range to
vivid orange, and often has white streaks.



Abundance, Joy, Prosperity, Purpose, Wellness




Heart Chakra



Healing Properties of Peridot

Top 3 Benefits of Peridot

Attracts abundance & prosperity

Lifts your mood

Helps you live your best life

Peridot is an abundance and prosperity stone. However, its energy affects not just money and
resources but all areas of your life where you want more of what is good and wholesome for

The energy of peridot is warm and light, like laying in a meadow on a sunny spring day. It brings
that energy to your work-life and business endeavors, helping you expand on your success. It
would be a great gemstone to wear to an interview to help you put your best foot forward and
increase the positive vibes in the room.

Abundance is often blocked by self-worth issues and trouble receiving. Peridot helps resolve
those blocks so you can manifest your natural birthright of abundance.

Peridot Mineral & Gemstone Information

Peridot is a gem-quality variety of olivine, a magnesium iron silicate mineral. Peridot crystals
range in color from light yellow-green to olive green. The intensity of the color depends on how
much iron it contains. Olivine is common but gem-quality peridot is rare. Peridot is the
birthstone of August.

How do you pronounce peridot? There is some debate about that, but you can actually say it
either “pear-i-doe” (rhymes with snow) or “pear-i-dot” (rhymes with hot).
Petrified Wood


Healing, Intuition, Nourishment, Physical Energy, Wellness, Wisdom




Root Chakra, Third Eye Chakra

Spiritual & Healing Properties

Petrified wood carries a vast sense of time and the wisdom that comes along with it. As an
everyday stone, it’s great to pick up when you need to be more grounded and steady. For more
in-depth work, petrified wood can be used to heal family patterns rooted in the past.

These stones are connected to both the root chakra (grounding) and the third eye chakra (the
center of insight, awareness, & awakening). This gives petrified wood its ability to help you
translate spiritual insight and awareness into real change in your physical life.

Healing from Intergenerational Trauma

Energetic patterns of trauma get passed down from generation to generation and can exert
profound effects on you. Growing up with them as part of your family system, they can feel
normal to you. You don’t even realize they are affecting you negatively.

They can show up as limiting beliefs that you find it difficult to get past no matter how hard you
try. You can find yourself stuck in the same belief systems or hitting the same barrier over and
over in your efforts to create the life you want.

Petrified wood helps you access both past life memories and the Akashic records. Both can help
you recognize and release the energetic patterns that have been passed down through your
DNA. You will then be free to determine your personal beliefs for yourself, and choose the ones
that work for you.
This frees up an immense amount of energy and creativity that you can apply to manifest your
dreams and goals!

Coping With Transformation and Change

Petrified wood is intimately connected with transformation, evolution, and staying the course.

When you feel “uprooted” due to a transition or rapid transformation, petrified wood can help
you regain a sense of stability from the inside out. It can also help with overall physical stamina
and perseverance if the change you are experiencing is stressful or overwhelming.

Nurturing Your Root Chakra

Petrified wood has a nurturing & healing energy that makes it a wonderful stone for root chakra
healing. Imbalances in the root chakra can lead to feeling spaced out, disconnected, and feeling
insecure around safety and basic needs. Petrified wood provides a sense of being calm and
centered while helping you to resolve the underlying imbalance.

This stone helps you feel embodied and present in your life. while reconnecting with your
instinctual knowing and the deep parts of your soul that you may have lost touch with. It makes
an excellent companion for ancestor work.

Petrified wood harmonizes well with the minerals it is composed of, which is usually quartz. Pair
it with bloodstone or onyx for deeper grounding, or carnelian to add the creative fire of the
second chakra.
What is Petrified Wood Exactly?

Petrified wood is a fossilized ancient tree. Petrification means that over time the organic
substance of the plant is replaced with minerals, usually quartz. This process is so slow that the
original structure is retained down to the cellular level. You can learn more about this
fascinating process here.

Picture Jasper


Grounding, Nourishment, Spiritual Guidance, Vision




Root Chakra

Type of:


Healing Properties of Picture Jasper

Top 3 Benefits of Picture Jasper

Connection to Gaia, the consciousness of the Earth

Ideal for use in Earth magick and rituals

Helps you feel like you belong on Earth

Picture Jasper has a special connection to the Earth and can help you find one as well.

Most of us in modern life have much less of a connection to the Earth than our ancestors were
used to. We don’t farm, hunt, or live close to the land. This can lead to a sense of alienation and
loneliness on a deep level that is hard to name and harder to fix.
If you have ever felt like you don’t belong on this planet, Picture Jasper can help ground you in a
sense of belonging to the Earth. Hold a piece of Picture Jasper in your hand and quiet your
mind. Asked to be shown how you are connected to the Earth and receive any messages that
Gaia has for you. Share what you are struggling with around belonging and ask for help in
feeling your connection on a regular basis.

Picture Jasper is also ideal for use in magickal rituals working with the Earth element, shamanic
journeying, and working with ley lines or sacred sites.

Picture Jasper Mineral & Gemstone Information

Picture Jasper is a type of Jasper, which is an opaque form of Quartz. It forms within molten lava
in layers that resemble a landscape.

Pink Tourmaline


Calm, Healing, Joy, Love, Nourishment, Peace




Heart Chakra

Type of:


Top 3 Benefits of Pink Tourmaline

Heal from emotional wounds

Restore your willingness to love

Radiate love and kindness

Pink tourmaline is a heart chakra stone. It helps heal the heart from emotional wounds,
especially those dating from childhood. It is a very gentle, soothing, and nourishing stone that
helps restore a sense of wholeness.

Pink tourmaline shares some of the clearing and balancing characteristics of black tourmaline,
but works on the emotional level. If you are struggling with an emotional response to stress,
pink tourmaline can help you find calm and balance.

Pink and black tourmaline work well together. Black tourmaline protects your aura while pink
tourmaline can help repair damage to it from prior encounters. Pink tourmaline also brings a
loving energy to your aura and promotes kindness, which makes others more likely to treat you
kindly in return.

Meditating with pink tourmaline can surface old emotional patterns and help resolve them,
especially ones that are interfering with your spiritual growth. It can restore your sense of
adventure and willingness to risk your heart on new ventures and relationships.



Changing Bad Habits, Confidence, Courage, Empowerment, Focus, Grounding, Manifestation,

Physical Energy, Prosperity, Sexuality, Vitality, Willpower




Solar Plexus Chakra

Healing Properties of Pyrite

Top 3 Benefits of Pyrite

Empowers you to take action to manifest your desires

Increases vitality and stamina

Supports healthy male sexual expression

Pyrite is a third-chakra stone, empowering the seat of the will and your power to act on your
own behalf and for others. It gives you a physical boost to get moving and make your dreams

Pyrite for Confidence

Pyrite boosts your confidence, willpower, and assertiveness. It helps you channel the energy of
a warrior, to protect yourself as well as protect others and to challenge whatever stands in your

If you struggle with maintaining boundaries around people who are not good for you, pyrite can
help you learn to stand your ground.

Pyrite is a positive energy stone, encouraging an upbeat and constructive attitude toward
problems. It is useful for people who struggle with anxiety, as it makes you more courageous
and able to face your fears and let go of your worries.

Pyrite for Manifesting

Along with citrine and tiger eye, pyrite is one of the top manifestation stones. Manifesting is
about creating what you desire–literally willing it into being. Pyrite helps you feel confident that
wealth is your birthright and that everything you want can be yours.

Pyrite supports you to do what you need to do to get where you want to go. It stimulates your
creativity and ambition, and is great for artists and students who need to persevere to complete
their work.

Pyrite for Health

Pyrite boosts your physical energy and stamina. It increases your willpower and supports you to
stick to plans to change negative health habits and establish better ones.

For men, it is helpful to support healthy and confident sexual expression.

Pyrite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Pyrite is called “fool’s gold” due to its shiny appearance fooling prospectors into thinking they
had found gold. It consists of iron sulfide and its hardness is a 6 to 6.5. It is found in a variety of
interesting shapes, sometimes forming natural cubes.



Clarity, Manifestation, Prosperity, Psychic Abilities, Purification




Crown Chakra



Healing Properties of Quartz

Clear quartz is the most useful crystal to use in crystal healing because it is a blank slate that can
be programmed with your intention. With focused concentration in meditation, you can set
your crystal to assist you with a particular goal, be it manifestation, healing, or any other
outcome. It amplifies energy, including the energy of your intention, or the energy of other
stones. It can thus support the work you are doing with other crystals.
Quartz crystals are essential tools to help with manifesting, because they remember the
intention you set and can thus be strengthened over time to amplify your intention, as well as
serve as a means to remember and focus yourself.

How to program a quartz crystal:

Clear the crystal. Think of this as erasing a hard drive. Just like programming the crystal, it
requires the intent to clear it. Hold the crystal in your hand and ask it to erase any previous
programming or intention it might be holding, and release any energies it might have picked up.
You can also use methods like holding it under running water or using sage, but the most
important thing is your intention for it to be cleared of any prior programming and energies.
Use your actions to help you to communicate your intention to clear the crystal and start with a
blank slate.

Hold the quartz crystal in your dominant hand, and visualize the outcome you wish. Imagine it is
already complete and feel the way you will feel when that happens. Respectfully ask for the
crystal to help you amplify this intention and accomplish this goal. Pour the feeling of the
completed goal into the crystal. When you are finished, let the crystal know that you are done
and that you now want it to hold onto that intention for you and amplify it. Thank it for its help.

That’s it! You can repeat the second step as much as you wish to strengthen the programming. If
you want support to be reminded of the feeling you have previously programmed in, hold the
crystal in your non-dominant hand and ask for support in remembering your intention and
conviction that your goal is something you can and will accomplish.

Quartz as as Gemstone

Quartz can either refer to clear quartz or rock crystal, a family of stones that are varieties of
quartz, like Rose Quartz and Amethyst, or to the silicon dioxide crystal which is a component of
many other materials. Quartz makes up parts of many types of rock, like granite, as well as
natural and man-made glass. It is used industrially in everything from radios to watches.
Clear quartz can be found all over the globe, and is often found naturally growing in hexagonal
points but can be shaped and polished into a myriad of pieces. Quartz is also the main
ingredient in glass.

Types of Quartz















Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye
Rainforest Jasper


Physical Energy, Vitality, Wellness


Brown, Green


Heart Chakra

Type of:


Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper

Rainforest Jasper helps you access the wisdom of nature.

Honoring your natural rhythms

Nature is cyclical. Rainforest Jasper can help you be more tuned into your natural rhythms, and
follow the internal flow of action and rest. Self-care becomes easier as you drop expectations of
how you should be, and accept and support the way you really are–your true feelings, desires,
impulses, and needs.

Support for environmental activists (or anyone afraid for the future of Planet Earth)

Rainforest Jasper is an ideal ally for those working to heal the planet from environmental
destruction, especially if you find yourself becoming hopeless or burned out. It can help you
tune into the energy field of the Earth to replenish your sense of hope, connection, and

Feeling the energy of growth

Nature is alive, and always growing in every direction. Look outside and feel the energy pulsing
in every blade of grass as it reaches toward the light. Rainforest Jasper helps you embody this
energy in your daily life by tuning into the vibrations of living organisms around you. This can
help increase your vitality and overall wellness.

Rainforest Jasper Mineral & Gemstone Information

Rainforest Jasper is a green and brown form of rhyolite. Rhyolite forms when quartz minerals fill
in pockets in lava left by gas bubbles. Sometimes you will see it referred to as “rainforest



Confidence, Courage, Grief, Healing, Inner Work, Joy, Love, Nourishment




Heart Chakra

Healing Properties of Rhodochrosite

Top 3 Benefits of Rhodochrosite

Emotional healing


Recovery of your inner strength

Rhodochrosite is a stone of self-love that encourages emotional healing. It is especially useful

for wounds suffered in childhood or past lives that have produced shame or a sense that you
compromised yourself in order to survive.
Emotional Healing

To heal from trauma, it is necessary to allow the feelings associated with that trauma to surface.
It is not always necessary to “relive the experience”, but it is necessary to allow the body to
release the sensations and feelings that are held in place. Sometimes this can feel temporarily
like you are back in that experience, which is why it’s so important to do it in a place you know
is safe and where you have support.

Rhodochrosite can help this process by providing a gentle, nurturing support that relieves the
self-criticism and self-loathing that can often accompany unhealed trauma and emotional
wounds. This leaves you freed up to do the work without the added suffering of self-rejection.

Recovery of Joy & Suppressed Strength

Rhodochrosite resonates with the frequency of the joy and playfulness of your inner child.
Working with this crystal can help recover this aspect of your being as well as other parts of
your self that you repressed in order to get through your life’s experiences.

In this way, it can help you find your inner strength, courage, and confidence that was
suppressed or damaged by trauma. This is especially important when you are wanting to find
the courage to reach out and love again after being hurt.

Self-Love & Wholeness

If you have any doubt about your worth or value due to what others have done to you,
rhodochrosite can help dissolve this false self-recrimination and replace it with self-love.
Ultimately, rhodochrosite helps us recover the free and whole person we would have been
without the trauma. This doesn’t erase the trauma or what lessons we may have gained by
working through it, but rather it allows access to all of who we are and can be.

Rhodochrosite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Rhodochrosite is a bright pink stone made of manganese carbonate. It can be pure pink or
variegated pink with white banding. It is sometimes confused with rhodonite. Rhodonite tends
to have black veining and rhodochrosite tends to have white bands, but some specimens of
rhodochrosite also have black splotches. So, buy from a source you trust to be labeling their
stones accurately.

Rhodochrosite is a soft stone, sitting at 3.5-4 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. This means
you need to protect it when storing it with other crystals so it doesn’t get scratched.



Compassion, Love, Purpose




Heart Chakra

Healing Properties of Rhodonite

Top 3 Benefits of Rhodonite

Finding your hidden gifts & talents

Understanding your purpose in life

Feeling connected to your community

Rhodonite is a stone of service and altruism. If you are yearning to feel connected to the world
and to give your unique contribution to the world, rhodonite can help you find your place and
Pink stones are associated with love, and the kind of love rhodonite promotes is generosity and
connection through expressing your gifts to the benefit of your community.

By meditating with rhodonite, you can gain clarity as to your unique destiny in life–your purpose
for incarnating. If you are feeling lost, rhodonite can be a gentle reminder of who you really are.

In this hyper-connected and media-saturated world, it can be easy to believe that our
contribution could never be significant. If you are overwhelmed at the thought of finding
something meaningful to you, rhodonite can help you find the contribution that makes your
heart sing–the thing you would do regardless of the outcome simply because it is in you to do.
This inner alignment will sustain you during your journey to develop and share your gift.

Rhodonite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Rhodonite is a rosy pink and black mineral consisting of manganese silicate. The black inclusions
are manganese oxide. It’s hardness is around 6 on the Mohs scale

Rose Quartz


Compassion, Healing, Love, Nourishment, Spiritual Guidance




Heart Chakra

Type of:

Healing Properties of Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a stone of love, pure and simple. All forms of love, from friendship to self-love to
the Divine, are ones that rose quartz can help. Rose quartz helps activate, support, and heal the
heart chakra, the energetic center of love in our bodies.

Love is an energy that is all around us all of the time. When we don’t feel it, it’s not that love has
left–it’s that we have left the connection. If you feel like you have fallen out of love with life, and
have a pervasive sense of negativity, rose quartz can help you dissolve your resistance and
resentment from past hurts and disappointments.

Rose quartz can help you let go of heartbreak, disappointment, and betrayal so you can learn to
trust and love again. It helps you reconnect to Divine love, the unconditional well of love that is
available to you at all times. This can help ease the pain of not receiving the exact form of love
you wanted. By gently reminding you that all is never lost, rose quartz can help you accept and
move forward.

If you want to increase the general vibes of your environment, large chunks of rose quartz are
an affordable way to encourage harmony and wellbeing in all relationships.

Rose Quartz Mineral & Gemstone Information

Rose quartz is a pink form of quartz. It can range from opaque to almost transparent, although
it tends to usually be translucent. It is commonly found and usually one of the first crystals
people come across, along with amethyst and clear quartz. But just because it’s common
doesn’t make it any less powerful!



Confidence, Courage, Grounding, Manifestation, Sexuality, Vitality




Root Chakra



Healing Properties of Ruby

Top 3 Benefits of Ruby

Increased energy

Optimism & a spirit of adventure

Confidence & determination to overcome challenges

Passion, courage, vitality, and fortitude are the gifts of the brilliant red ruby. Ruby stimulates
and supports the root chakra, the center of your physical connection to the Earth and our ability
to survive and thrive.

When the root chakra is out of balance, you can feel weak, dispirited, ungrounded, depressed,
or scattered. Ruby energizes and activates this chakra to get you going toward your goals &
dreams. If you are struggling with hopelessness or feeling unable to cope, ruby can help you tap
into your innate power and fortitude. This resilience is especially needed when you are
encountering challenges that make you want to give up. Ruby can help you overcome doubt and
anxiety and move forward in the face of fear.

If your challenge is more that you are feeling stuck or bored with life, ruby can bring optimism
and sense of adventure, encouraging you to try new things and explore new horizons.

Ruby Mineral & Gemstone Information

Ruby, along with sapphire, are varieties of corundum, a crystalline form of aluminum oxide.
Ruby’s color comes from the presence of chromium. Corundum is a very hard mineral, sitting at
9.0 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. Therefore it is used industrially as an abrasive. Ruby
has been recognized as a precious stone since ancient times.



Changing Bad Habits, Clarity, Communication, Focus, Psychic Abilities, Purpose, Vision, Wisdom




Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra



Healing Properties of Blue Sapphire

Top 3 Benefits of Blue Sapphire

Increasing psychic awareness & insight


Mental sharpness

Blue sapphire helps with mental order and discipline, as well as insight, mental sharpness, and
intelligence. It helps with all sorts of discipline, making it a good stone to help you stick to a
program of changing bad habits and developing better ones.

Blue sapphire can enhance ESP and psychic abilities and is used by channels and mediums to
open channels to receive communication from higher planes & entities. It then also enhances
the ability to communicate the wisdom received to others in a clear and powerful way.

Blue sapphire supports the throat chakra, helping you with communication and supporting you
to share your insight & brilliance with the world. It also supports the third eye chakra, and helps
bridge these two chakras. The result is an increased ability to receive wisdom and also
communicate it to others.

Because it helps with order and organizing of ideas and communication, blue sapphire would be
an ideal stone to help an author write their first book or help a teacher organize their lesson
plans. It helps students focus on their studies, and strengthens mental boundaries.

Blue sapphire can also be helpful for anxiety and depression, because it enhances mindfulness
and the ability to shift away from negative thoughts. Wearing blue sapphire to therapy can help
you understand and integrate insight more thoroughly and help you retain more functional
thinking patterns.

Sapphire Mineral & Gemstone Information

Sapphire is a variety of corundum, a very hard aluminum oxide. It has a hardness of 9, and it can
scratch other gems if stored too close to them. Because of its hardness, sapphire has some
industrial uses. While sapphire is known for being blue, corundum actually occurs in yellow,
orange, purple, green and red. The red version of corundum is called ruby; all others are called



Psychic Abilities, Purification, Spiritual Guidance, Wisdom




Crown Chakra

Healing Properties of Selenite

Top 3 Benefits of Selenite

Clearing other crystals of absorbed energy

Cleansing and purifying the aura & environment

Opening the crown & Soul Star chakras

Using Selenite with Other Crystals

A selenite plate or bowl is an ideal resting place for your other crystals when you are not using
them. It has the unique property of clearing other crystals without needing to be cleared itself.

Selenite is often used in crystal grids and to make chakra wands, because it harmonizes and
amplifies the energies of the other crystals, while keeping them clear of negative energy. To
make a chakra wand, either glue or wrap a crystal for each chakra into place along a selenite

Selenite and the Soul Star Chakra

Beyond the seven main chakras, we also have an Earth Star chakra below our feet and a Soul
Star chakra about a foot above our heads. This chakra is the point of connection between our
incarnated body and our Soul or Higher Self. This is a transpersonal chakra, meaning it is exists
beyond the physical, ego-based lifeform we generally think of as who we are.

If you have heard the phrase, “We are spiritual beings having a physical experience”, then you
know that we are far more than just physical beings. The Soul Star chakra is the mediating point
between the physical and non-physical parts of who we are. It helps in accessing the Akashic
records, and becoming aware of the Divine order beyond your individual existence.

Meditating with Selenite, or using it above your head in a body layout can help you activate and
consciously connect with your Higher Self through the Soul Star chakra.

Selenite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Selenite is a very soft mineral called gypsum. Because of its softness, it can crumble or break
apart if handled too roughly. Fortunately, it is not very expensive. Selenite has striated (striped)
appearance and a silky sheen. Selenite is usually translucent white, but it can be peach or other
very light colors due to impurities. Never place selenite in water, as it will start to dissolve.
Selenite jewelry is fragile and shouldn’t be exposed to the elements for long periods.



Grounding, Healing, Inner Work, Protection, Purification




Root Chakra

Healing Properties of Shungite

Top 3 Benefits of Shungite

Purifying your aura and environment from negative energies

Clearing stuck emotional patterns

Strengthening your emotional and energetic boundaries

Shungite is best known as a stone people use to protect themselves from electro-magnetic
fields (EMF). Since that has been covered in many places, we will focus on the emotional and
spiritual benefits of Shungite.

Shungite can help you shift negative or stuck emotional patterns that form your “shadow self”.
These are the parts of you that you have suppressed because they are painful or you find them
unacceptable. Shungite is a grounding stone that helps purify and transmute stuck energy,
allowing you to process the events of your life and your feelings around them with clarity and
objectivity. As you do this emotional healing, the pain transforms into wisdom and compassion.
Wearing shungite is useful if you tend to pick up the emotions of others, and can be especially
helpful for empaths and those in the healing professions. You can also place it in your
environment to help absorb and convert negative energies into light energy. Think of it like an
air purifier for emotional energy.

The gift of shungite is to be able to honor your true boundaries, without needing to defend or
be rigid. This makes it helpful if you find yourself in codependent patterns. As you begin to own
your past and emotions, you will be able to more clearly see where your responsibility ends and
others begins. As you begin to show up fully in your own space and life and attend to your inner
work, others will naturally adjust to this new energetic pattern.

Shungite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Shungite is almost entirely carbon, similar to coal, and is was originally found in the Karelia area
in Russia. It formed around 2 billion years ago from rich organic deposits that were buried and
compressed over time.

Smoky Quartz


Calm, Focus, Grounding, Nourishment, Purification




Root Chakra

Type of:


Healing Properties of Smoky Quartz

Top 3 Benefits of Smoky Quartz

Stabilizes your energy if you are frazzled or overwhelmed

Clears and purifies negative energy

Helps you take practical steps to create your dreams

Smoky quartz is one of the best grounding stones. “Grounding” means if you feel spaced out or
overwhelmed, it can help you settle into your body and feel calm and steady.

Clearing Energy

The Earth energy of smoky quartz is the source of its clearing power. It can transmute negative
energy by grounding it in the Earth–the ultimate healing energy field.

You may be familiar with the exercise of imagining a “grounding cord” connecting your root
chakra to the Earth in order to release any negative energy and draw up Earth energy. Smoky
quartz acts in a similar way, connecting us to the Earth so we can rely upon it for energetic

Settling Into the Body

Many sensitive and intuitive people walk around with a sense that they don’t belong here, or
they don’t really want to be incarnate in a body. The harshness of the world can be
overwhelming and there is a tendency to want to escape.

Smoky quartz can help address that in two ways. First, by clearing the energy field, it makes the
body a more stable and inviting place to inhabit. Second, by re-establishing a connection to the
Earth, something deep inside relaxes and there is a sense of coming home.

Getting Practical
It is crucial for people working with higher planes or doing psychic work to remain grounded so
they can maintain their practical life and translate their insights into action.

This includes brilliant artists who work from inspiration but can’t keep their bills paid. Stones
like smoky quartz help heal and activate the root chakra so a person can have both feet on the

Smoky quartz can help anyone put their practical life in order. If you are doing your taxes, filling
out loan applications, or other work that requires focus and patience, smoky quartz can help
keep you on task.

Smoky Quartz Mineral & Gemstone Information

Smoky quartz is, you guessed it, a type of quartz. It is tan to brown and translucent to
transparent. Sometimes it verges on yellow and is called smoky citrine. Clear quartz can be
made into smoky quartz through irradiation (X-rays). Natural smoky quartz can be found in
many countries. It can be a bit more expensive than other forms of quartz like rose quartz.



Clarity, Creativity, Focus, Imagination, Inner Work, Intuition, Meditation, Psychic Abilities, Vision,


Blue, Indigo


Third Eye Chakra

Healing Properties of Sodalite

Top 3 Benefits of Sodalite

Deepens self-awareness & insight into one’s own path.

Enhances intuition & mental powers.

Increases focus, self-discipline, and orderliness in mental activities.

Sodalite is a stone of mental and intuitive awareness. It can assist in any kind of mental,
creative, or intuitive process, and is ideal to wear for artists, shamans, and visionaries, as well as
students and teachers.

It is especially useful in mindfulness meditation, as it enhances the ability to be a neutral

witness to your own thoughts. This lets you unwind mysteries behind your motivation,
subconscious desires & actions, and resolve inner conflicts.

If you use divination methods like tarot and astrology, sodalite can increase your insight into
patterns and symbolism. It is also useful for lucid dreaming, shamanic journeying, and any kind
of pursuit of inner awareness.

Sodalite is an ally in deeply understanding your path through life and where you are getting
stuck. It can help you understand and transform unconscious patterns that are blocking you
from moving forward.

Sodalite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Sodalite is a royal blue sodium aluminum silicate mineral. It often contains white streaks and is
sometimes confused with lapis lazuli. Lapis often contains pyrite inclusions, and sodalite rarely
does, and lapis is a deeper blue color.



Confidence, Creativity, Empowerment, Vitality



Sacral Chakra

Healing Properties of Sunstone

Top 3 Benefits of Sunstone

Supports wise & empowering leadership

Stimulates vitality, aliveness, and the energy to get up and go!

Supporting physical & sexual vitality

Sunstone supports healthy Yang energy, the archetypal masculine. Sunstone supports self-
confidence, courage, and sexual vitality, while transmuting anger and resentment into more
productive channels.

Sunstone carries the energy of the Sun – the need, desire, and ability to shine no matter what
the circumstances. If you long to express your un-dimmable enthusiasm for life, Sunstone is a
great companion.

If you have creative projects that have been gathering dust, or latent leadership ability that you
want to develop, Sunstone can help you grab the bull by the horns and jump in. Life is short,
and there’s no time like the present!

Sunstone Mineral & Gemstone Information

Sunstone ranges from light orange to reddish-brown, and is a variety of feldspar. It is translucent
and has copper inclusions which give it a sparkly look.



Communication, Psychic Abilities, Spiritual Guidance, Vision, Wisdom




Third Eye Chakra



Healing Properties of Tanzanite

As an indigo stone, Tanzanite primarily acts on the third-eye chakra, helping you see with your
“sixth sense”, but it also links the heart chakra, throat chakra, third-eye chakra, and crown

By aligning the heart and mind, Tanzanite creates a link that supports seeing and
communicating with compassion. This has an awakening effect on the consciousness, as it
brings these two main “wisdom” centers online to powerfully work together. By combining it
with the throat chakra, Tanzanite supports the translation of spiritual concepts into heart-
centered wisdom that is easily communicated to others. This makes it an ideal stone for spiritual

Tanzanite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Tanzanite is a form of zoisite that was found in Tanzania, so its technical name is blue zoisite. It
was discovered and named Tanzanite by the Tiffany jewelry company.

Tiger Eye


Clarity, Grounding, Physical Energy, Vitality

Brown, Iridescent


Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra

Type of:


Healing Properties of Tiger Eye

Tiger eye helps align and balance the first three chakras, bringing physical vitality online with
creativity, willpower, and intention. It helps the wearer weather disappointment and overwhelm
in the pursuit of a goal.

It also helps with understanding and integrating the polarities, paradoxes, and complexities of
life to attain a broader perspective and balanced outlook.

Tiger Eye also helps you stay grounded when life is unpredictable or overwhelming. It promotes
resilience and endurance in the face of adversity.

By strengthening your lower chakras, Tiger Eye helps you stay connected to who you truly are–
your values and your sense of self. If you tend to feel ungrounded or have an unstable sense of
self, wearing Tiger Eye regularly can help you stay centered and develop a stronger sense of who
you are and what you want to create in the world.

Tiger Eye Mineral & Gemstone Information

The optical property of tiger eye that gives it the shimmery effect is called chatoyancy, meaning
“cat’s eye”. It arises due to the fibrous structure of the stone’s parallel layers. The effect shows
up best when the stone is cut across the layers and polished in a rounded shape like a
cabochon; faceting does not work as well.


Communication, Compassion, Healing, Peace, Wellness, Wisdom




Throat Chakra



Healing Properties of Turquoise

Top 3 Benefits of Turquoise

Increases self-acceptance & relaxing into your Divine nature

Helps you integrate lost parts of yourself & find wholeness

Supports forgiveness and compassion

Turquoise has the energy of an “old soul”. It helps us find serenity by encouraging the
integration of all the lost or disowned parts of ourselves.

Embracing the light and the dark inside of us is the foundation of wholeness. If you find yourself
trying to chase the Light and ignoring your shadow, turquoise can help you come to terms with
whatever you’ve been running from. After all, it’s inside you, so it’s not going anywhere. You

might as well give it some love. 🙂

This kind of self-acceptance is transformational. Processing difficult experiences helps us own

our unique path and converts pain into wisdom. It also enables you to offer compassion to
others rooted in your own healing.
Communication and Forgiveness

As a blue stone, turquoise supports the throat chakra. This means it helps in communicating
clearly, standing up for yourself, speaking your truth, and expressing your individual creativity.

Underlying all communication is the relationship between those communicating. Because

turquoise is a stone of acceptance, it encourages a generosity of spirit toward others. By freely
giving kindness, your communication becomes healing to others and to yourself.

It’s a perfect stone to work with if you struggle to let go of resentment, and want to work on

Enlightenment through Self-Acceptance

Self-acceptance can seem like just a form of self-care, and not directly connected to spirituality.
But if you cannot accept yourself as fully Divine, you will be blocking your connection to Spirit as
you strive to be good enough.

If you find yourself trying to earn your place in the Universe through being good or righteous,
take a moment to reconsider. You can’t manipulate Spirit, and there is no need to. When you
have an experience of true self-recognition of all that you are, you will shed these compensating
behaviors and be able to act directly from your heart.

From a place of wholeness, there is nothing to earn and nothing to prove. We can drop all of
this effort and just be our wonderful selves! The result is a sense of contentment and ease that
takes no energy to maintain.
Turquoise Mineral & Gemstone Information

While commonly associated with the Southwest if you are from the United States, turquoise is
actually found around the world and its use dates back to 5000 BC. Ancient examples of
turquoise beads and decorative objects have been found in Egypt, Iran, and Tibet. In the New
World, turquoise has been mined for about a thousand years and used by indigenous peoples
throughout the Americas.

Turquoise is an aluminum phosphate mineral with copper and iron giving it its blue and green
colors. The stones are opaque and often have black or white areas among the blue.

Other stones like howlite are often dyed to look like turquoise, so be careful when looking that
you know the source of your turquoise and can verify it is genuine.

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