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STASH ■■■■■■■■■
COIN ■■■■■■■■■
A Shrewd
Industrialist ■■■■■■■■■
c r ew
name a l ia s
● Surplus Value: You can spend a coin to negate any stress cost.
● Dominant Shareholder: You may expend your special armor to resist INSIGHT
a consequence from issuing orders, or to push yourself to exert your ● ● ● ● HUNT
authority. ● ● ● ● STUDY
● Economy of Scale: Whenever you lead a group action, gain +1 scale. ● ● ● ● SURVEY
When you lead a group action using Command, you can suffer only 1 stress
h e r it a g e : a k o r o s —t h e d a g g e r i s l e s ba c kg r o und : a c a d e m i c — l a b o r — l a w ● ● ● ● TINKER
at most, regardless of the number of failed rolls.
iruvia—severos—skovlan—tycheros trade—military—noble—underworld
● Ghost Strings: Your dabblings in occult rituals increases your PROWESS
dominance over your personal guard. They gain potency when fighting the ● ● ● ● FINESSE
supernatural, and you gain an arcane ability: blood levy, phrenic yoke, or spirit ● ● ● ● PROWL
v ic e / pur v eyor : f a i t h — g a m b l i n g — l u x u r y — o b l i g a t i o n — p l e a s u r e — s t u p o r — w e i r d synergy. Take this ability again to choose an additonal arcane ability.
● ● ● ● SKIRMISH
● Hard Sell: You may push yourself to overwhelm a target’s objections ● ● ● ● WRECK
stress trauma cold—haunted—obsessed—paranoid and Sway them even if you don’t have any actual leverage. Spend 1 stress
reckless—soft—unstable—vicious for each extra feature: they tell you something they shouldn’t have — they don’t RESOLVE
regret this later — it works on a small group. ● ● ● ● ATTUNE
harm healing ● Non-Compete Clause: When a teammate suffers a consequence from
need project clock ● ● ● ● COMMAND
3 protecting you, they mark XP.
h el p ● ● ● ● CONSORT
armor uses ● Philanthropist: A cohort under your Command gains +1 effect. ● ● ● ● SWAY
2 -1d During downtime, you gain a free downtime action to help your cohorts
armor recuperate. bonus die
l ess h e av y ● Vertical Integration: You are not affected by quality, tier, or scale when PUSH YOURSELF (take
1 ef f ec t negotiating or issuing orders.
special + 2 stress) -or - accept a
not es ● ● ● Veteran: Choose a special ability from another source.
WEALTHY FRIENDS ITEMS LOAD ⧫ 3 light ⧫ 5 normal ⧫ 6 heavy
� � Adeline, mother-in-law ■ Fine Pistol □ A Blade or Two
■ Fine Gloves □ Throwing Knives
� � Quince, paramour
■ Imperial Identification □ A Pistol □ A 2nd Pistol
� � Tesslyn, financier □�□ A Large Weapon
■ Paperwork
� � Chase, personal assistant □ An Unusual Weapon
■ Personal Guard (Cohort: thugs)
□�□ Armor □�□�□+Heavy
� � Dondelda, a soothsayer
□ Burglary Gear
XP □�□ Climbing Gear
� Every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action's attribute. □ Arcane Implements
At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or □ Documents
an attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times. □ Subterfuge Supplies
� You addressed a challenge with wealth or authority. □�□ Demolition Tools
� You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background. □ Tinkering Tools
� You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the session. □ Lantern
teamwork planning & load gatherinformation
Choose a plan, provide the detail. Choose your � What can they be bought for?
Assist a teammate load limit for the operation. � How can I get them to [X]?
Lead a group action Assault: Point of attack Occult: Arcane power � How can I make them sweat?
� What’s most valuable here?
Protect a teammate Deception: Method Social: Connection � How can I keep safe here?
� Where’s the leverage here?
Set up a teammate Stealth: Entry point Transport: Route � What's really going on here?

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