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Hybrid Vehicles

Hybrid vehicle


0870-2445634 0870-2431514



Even today the developed and the developing countries are still dependent on the petroleum products as
energy source.Recently rising oil prices and concerns over the environmental impacts of petroleum use
have promoted research for the development of hybrid engines.Any vehicle that combines two or more
sources of power that can directly or indirectly provide propulsion power is a hybrid.The hybrid vehicle has
a gasoline engine much like one you will on most vehicles.However,the engine on a hybrid is smaller and
uses advanced technologies.The key thing here is that the amount of pollution allowed does not depend on
the mileage your vehicle gets.But a vehicle that burns twice as much gas to go a mile will generate
approximately twice as much pollution.That pollution will have to be removed by the emissions control
equipment on the vehicle.So decreasing the fuel consumption of the vehicle is one of the surest ways to
decrease emissions reduce emissions and increase efficiency.This paper is a brief report about using
hybrid vehicles that givea less emission and more efficient to the conventional powered engines.


l A hybrid vehicle (HV) is a vehicle that uses two or more distinct power sources
l Human powered bicycle with battery assist
l A sail boat with electric power.

The term most commonly refers to a petroleum electric hybrid vehicle, also called Hybrid-electric vehicle
(HEV) which use internal combustion engines and electric batteries to power electric motors.

The Future of Automobiles.

Gas powered vehicles are a big problem today. On this web page you will learn of some near and distant
futuristic ideas and advances.

Hybrid C ars in the Near Future.

Right now Ford, Dodge, Toyota , and many other companies are building newer more efficient vehicles
called Hybrids. Hybrids are automobiles that have better gas mileage, lower harmful emissions, and little or
no loss in horse power.
Ford will be releasing a Hybrid version of their current SUV, the Escape in the year 2003.
Dodge will be releasing their Hybrid version of the Durango, also in 2003.
Dodge will also be releasing the ESX 3, a diesel/electric sedan. When is not yet known.
Toyota plans to develop a hybrid version of the RAV 4. When is not yet known.

Hybr id C ars in the Distant Future:

Eventually all the vehicles on the road will be either zero emissions, or some sort of hybrid vehicle. In fact,
10% of all vehicles on C alifornia 's roads will have zero emissions by 2003. This means that developments
in hybrid technology will continue to occur especially as the environment becomes a larger focus in most
technological subjects. The following technological advancements may occur in hybrid vehicles:

Increased Battery C apacity- As batteries become larger, but decreased in size, hybrid cars will become more
efficient. Eventually batteries will be so good that cars will run solely on electrical power. Until that day hybrid
cars will become more efficient. That means better gas mileage and a cheaper source of power.
More Powerful Electric Motors- With better electric motors comes greater power. Some day electric motors will be
as powerful as IC engines. Hybrid cars will not have to rely on the IC engine for accelerating power, so this
means better gas mileage and lower emissions for the environment.

This is only a hint of things to come for the automotive industry. Who knows what new advances will
surface for hybrid vehicles .


One of the earliest hybrid vehicles were simply boats with both sails and oars, such as the
Greek/Phoenician trireme warships. These used a sail for traveling with the wind, and the oars for when
there was insufficient wind, or in circumstances that the sail was unfavorable (such as naval combat, in the
case of the triremes).

Two-wheeled and cycle-type vehicles:

Mopeds and electric bicycles are a simple form of a hybrid, as power is delivered both via an internal
combustion engine or electric motor and the rider's muscles.

l In a parallel hybrid bicycle human and motor power are mechanically coupled at the pedal drive
train or at the rear or the front wheel, e.g. using a hub motor, a roller pressing onto a tire, or a
connection to a wheel using a transmission element. Human and motor torques are added together.
Almost all manufactured models are of this type. See Motorized bicycles and Mopeds for more

l In a series hybrid bicycle (SH) the user powers a generator using the pedals. This is converted into
electricity and can be fed directly to the motor giving a chainless bicycle but also to charge a
battery. The motor draws power from the battery and must be able to deliver the full mechanical
torque required because none is available from the pedals. SH bicycles are not yet commercially
available. They will become feasible if extremely high-efficiency generators and motors are
available at competitive prices, especially for recumbent bicycles and tandems, where problems
associated with the complexity of a long chain drive can be avoided.

The first known prototype and publication of a SH bicycle is by Augustus Kinzel ( US Patent 3'884'317) in
1975. In 1994 Bernie Macdonalds conceived the Electrilite SH lightweight vehicle which used power
electronics allowing regenerative braking and pedaling while stationary. In 1995 Thomas Müller designed a
“Fahrrad mit elektromagnetischem Antrieb” in his 1995 diploma thesis and built a functional vehicle. In
1996 Jürg Blatter and Andreas Fuchs of Berne University of Applied Sciences built a SH bicycle and in 1998
mounted the system onto a Leitra tricycle (European patent EP 1165188). In 1999 Harald Kutzke described
his concept of the “active bicycle”: the aim is to approach the ideal bicycle weighing nothing and having no
drag by electronic compensation. Until 2005 Fuchs and colleagues built several prototype SH tricycles and
quadricycles. [2]

Heavy vehicles:
Hybrid power trains are used for diesel-electric or turbo-electric railway locomotives, buses, heavy goods
vehicles, mobile hydraulic machinery, and ships. Some form of heat engine drives an electric generator or
hydraulic pump which power one or several electric or hydraulic motors. There are advantages in
distributing power through wires or pipes rather than mechanical elements especially when multiple drives
- e.g. driven wheels or propellers - are required. There are disadvantages due to the power lost in the
double conversion. With large vehicles the advantages often outweigh especially as the relative conversion
losses decrease with size. Generally there is no or relatively little energy storage capacity, e.g. auxiliary
and emergency batteries and hydraulic accumulators.

Petroleum-electric hybrids:

When the term hybrid vehicle is used, it most often refers to a Petroleum electric hybrid vehicle. These
encompass such vehicles as the Toyota Prius, Ford Escape Hybrid, Honda Insight and others. A petroleum-
electric hybrid most commonly uses internal combustion engines (generally gasoline or Diesel engines,
powered by a variety of fuels) and electric batteries to power electric motors. There are many types of
petroleum-electric hybrid drivetrains from Full hybrid to Mild hybrid which offer varying advantages and

Hybrid fuel (dual mode):

In addition to vehicles that use two or more different devices for propulsion, some also consider vehicles
that use distinct energy input types ("fuels") using the same tank and engine to be hybrids, although to
avoid confusion with hybrids as described above and to use correctly the terms, these are described as
dual mode vehicles:

l Some electric trolleybuses can switch between an onboard diesel engine and overhead electrical
power depending on conditions (see dual mode bus). In principle, this could be combined with a
battery subsystem to create a true plug-in hybrid trolleybus, although as of 2006, no such design
seems to have been announced.
l Flexible-fuel vehicles can use a mixture of input fuels (petroleum and biofuels ) in one tank —
typically gasoline and bioethanol or biobutanol, though diesel- biodiesel

vehicles would also qualify. Liquified petroleum gas and natural gas are very different from each other and
cannot be used in the same tanks, so it would be impossible to build an (LPG-NG) flexible fuel system.

l Some vehicles have been modified to use another fuel source if it is available, such as cars modified
to run on autogas (LPG) and diesels modified to run on waste vegetable oil that has not been
processed into biodiesel.
l Power-assist mechanisms for bicycles and other human-powered vehicles are also included.


1. Good emission control equipment:

Pollutants that are emitted by an automobile can be controlled by the use of such equipments,and thus
environmental pollution can be controlled.

2. C ompact in size:

Space occupied by the engine is less,i.e compactability is maintained.

3. Low fuel consumption and high efficiency :

Due to less emissions, fuel consumption by the vehicle will be lowered and a high efficiency is attained.

Efficiency of a normal gaso;ine vehicle is only 20%,but that of a hybrid vehicle is is 75%.

4. Dual mode fuel is used:

Depending on the conditions, a hybrid vehicle can switch on between an onboard diesal engine and over
heard electric power.

Hybrid C ars and Other Automotive Markets:

The hybrid vehicle is efficient, yet loses little power. Therefore, it will surely work its way into other motor
vehicle markets. These include :

Big rigs and semi trucks- Fuel efficiency is a multi-million dollar area of research in the trucking industry. The
hybrid cars efficiency will undoubtedly have effects on the shipping industry because it can save companies
millions of dollars on fuel costs each year.
Mass transit vehicles (buses, trams, etc.)- Hybrid buses, taxis, and trams will also begin to appear as time goes
on. C ompanies will save money on fuel costs, and will also help the environment since these types of vehicles
are running constantly and often have large engines which consume large amounts of fuel.
Race cars- Hybrid engines may not replace all of the engines in race cars, but they will surely become their own
class of racing technology. In fact, many races for hybrid cars already exist however a major racing circuit has
yet to surface.

Disadvantages :

1 .Initial cost is more.

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Use of hybrid vehicles reduces the various pollutants that are emitted by the normal automobiles.So we
can achieve pollution less environment,and also use of dual mode fuel is possible.

C reated by Department of C SE

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