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HPE Unified Functional Testing allows for application test

The HPE Unified Functional Testing platform provides users with interactive tools for creating and executing automated
app testing tasks on desktop, mobile and web platforms.

By T.J. Houpes Published: 13 Mar 2017

The Unified Functional Testing platform from Hewlett Packard Enterprise provides developers and testers with tools for
application test automation. Rather than manually assess developed mobile and web applications and their integrated
features, HPE Unified Functional Testing provides users with application testing tools for establishing automated
assessments that evaluate the functionality and performance protocols of the application(s) in question. The platform was
formerly known as HP QuickTest Professional prior to version 11.5, and as HP UFT prior to Hewlett Packard's name
change in 2015.

What is UFT used for?

The UFT platform from HPE allows users to create and execute automated functionality and performance tests on native
and cross-platform mobile apps developed for Android, iOS and Windows devices; on web applications that execute on
today's most popular browsers; and on desktop apps for Windows-based machines. The HPE Unified Functional Testing
tool offers integration with Jenkins and other HPE and third-party app development tools such as HP Quality Center and
HPE Application Lifecycle Management suite. It also features API testing tools that evaluate the functionality and load
performance of any created or deployed APIs present in the app being tested.

How does the UFT platform support automated app testing?

The software functions using an interactive, visual system that lets developers and testers view, manipulate and assess
the application's graphical user interface. There is no manual script writing involved when creating automated test(s)
9 using UFT from HPE. The platform allows for both keyword-driven
and object-based automated functional testing
Quality g
commands, but also provides manual scripting tools for users who want a more hands-on approach.

To create a new test script, users open a new project and select what type of app (Windows desktop, mobile or web) the
test is to be performed on. If a test for a desktop or web app is to be performed, users select the proper settings on an in-
platform prompt and begin the test by hitting the Record button. Once this is done, the platform will automatically record
any interactive or keyword-based on-screen actions and commands undertaken by the user -- such as opening a web
browser and launching the app in question -- and document them as part of the software testing procedure.

If a test for a mobile app is selected, HPE Unified Functional Testing allows users to install or push their developed mobile
apps to real Android, iOS or Windows devices and interact with both the device and the app from within the platform.
Access to these devices is achieved through the use of a cloud-based device lab service built into the platform. The
Unified Functional Testing platform gives users the option of establishing their own device labs as well. Once the intended
device is selected, users again hit Record to begin creating the script and the platform will automatically document all on-
screen actions and commands.
Once all the parameters have been established in the test, users can then save the script for future use on other devices
and operating systems. Users can also revisit and edit the script post-test to remove or add steps in the automated
testing process.

Who benefits most from using HPE Unified Functional Testing?

The platform is best suited for organizations that intend to develop and launch one or more complex desktop, mobile or
web applications intended for use on a variety of devices and operating systems. The Unified Functional Testing platform
from HPE is suitable for use by development, testing and quality assurance individuals and teams due to its range of
automated functionality and performance testing tools. The platform also features built-in collaboration tools to help
promote continuous integration testing best practices.

How is the UFT platform from HPE licensed and priced?

The HPE Unified Functional Testing platform is available as on-premises software (for Windows-based machines) or as
software as a service available for use on today's most popular web browsers. Interested parties should contact HPE
directly for pricing and licensing options. A free trial of the platform is also available.

m Next Steps
Learn about the major categories of application testing tools.

What challenges are faced during mobile app performance testing?

What are the differences between Web app testing and mobile app testing?

m Dig Deeper on Software test types

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Module 001 Introduction to Unified Functional Testing 12.0

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.”

–John Ruskin
Overview of the Course
At the end of this module, you should be able to:

 Create basic manual test case scripts

 Enhance the synchronization and verification test

 Set tests to run with multiple data sets

 Create and reuse modular actions

 Use the object repository

 Use debugging tools

 Create more precise test points

 Fix object recognition

 Use the Object Repository Manager


Goal of the Course:

Module Objectives:
After completing this module, you should be able to:
 Identify course content and goals
 Identify associated course
 Specify class schedule and course logistics
 Discuss laboratory setting specifics

Class Logistics:

Application Sharing in Process:

Related Courses and Learning Path


CTP Connectivity Tests


HP Software Training Center Access Details


References and Supplementary Materials

Book and Journals

Micro. Customized Unified Functional Testing 12.0 Essentials Student
Hewlett-Packard Development Company,
Software Overview Pa ge |1

Module 002 Software Overview

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.”

–John Ruskin
Overview of the Course
At the end of this module, you should be able to:

 Create basic manual test case scripts

 Enhance the synchronization and verification test

 Set tests to run with multiple data sets

 Create and reuse modular actions

 Use the object repository

 Use debugging tools

 Create more precise test points

 Use Object repository

 Fix object recognition

Further than this module, research is strongly suggested to complement

your grasp of the subjects presented. Always, think and see beyond the box.
So, what are we waiting for? Let us now explore the Unified Functional
Testing 12.0
Software Overview Pa ge |2

Module Objectives:

You should be able to: after finishing this module:

 Description of the UFT benefits as a testing tool
 UFT Start Page & Help menu Preview
 Recognition of sample applications in laboratories
 Identification of assistance resources

Advantages of UFT:

Welcome to the sophisticated function test automation and

regressive testing solution, HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT), coupled
with headless system functional testing.
For both GUI and API testing, UFT allows the creation and
management of tests and components.

Investigate the Start Page

This page welcomes you to the GUI Test UFT page and summarizes
all the new features, including links, in this version. The Start Page has a
variety of user interface elements:

 Recent Tests/Components and Recent Solutions – Allows you to

create a test, component or solution after selecting a test,
component or solution name by clicking on the New or Open

 Options – Start page viewing options. The Start Page can be selected
to appear immediately after startup of UFT, on Startup. After test
loads you can pick Close Start Page to close the Start Page after a test
has been loaded.
Software Overview Pa ge |3

 What’s New – Click on What's New to view the current version of

UFT GUI Testing in the list of features, upgrades and support

 Community Area – To open news about UFT GUI testing, link to UFT
for HP Software Testing, link to the UFT Testing Forum for business
process, links to the GUI Testing Forum, connections to the Business
Process Testing Forum, or the UFT GUI Testing Blog, click the
Community icon.

 Links Area – Click the Links button to open links to the UFT for GUI
Testing Help. ␣ Support Area – To open UFT connects to UFT, click
the Support button, and access to the HP Software Support website's
Knowledge Base and Troubleshooting sections.

Unified Functional Testing Help:

Recently, the UFT help system has been improved to improve its
visual appearance and make it easier to use.

Choose Help ---> HP Unified Functional Testing Aid to access the aid guide,
which has a general aid center based on the most common assistance
subjects. Also available for the topics covered are tutorials, the User Guide,
the Object Model Reference and a comprehensive VBScript Reference.

Help ---> HP Support Software Online visits the website of HP Software

Support. This website allows you to post and explore user discussion
boards, send requests for assistance, download and update patches and

Choose Help ---> Support for HP Software Online or go straight to
For other useful links, choose Help ---> Useful links for accessing articles on
knowledge base, troubleshooting advice, community software, and HP

Also, don’t forget to review the Help ---> What are new issues when a new
software version is released? , and

Help ---> Product Movies to brush up on specific features of the

Software Overview Pa ge |4

Sample Test Application

UFT comes with two demo Applications:

 Flight Reservation – A Windows-based application

 Mercury Tours – A browser-based application

During the workshops, you develop and build on a fundamental test

by integrating numerous subjects and applying each new ability to the
basic test as we move forward.

References and Supplementary Materials

Book and Journals

Micro. Customized Unified Functional Testing 12.0
Essentials Student Guide
Development Company, L.P.
Preparing to Record Page |1

Module 003 Preparing to Record

Overview of the Course

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

 Create basic manual test case scripts

 Enhance the synchronization and verification test

 Use Object repository

 Use debugging tools

 Set tests to run with multiple data sets

 Create and reuse modular actions

 Use the object repository

 Create more precise test points

 Fix object recognition

Further than this module, research is strongly suggested to complement your

grasp of the subjects presented. Always, think and see beyond the box.

So, what are we waiting for? Let us now explore the Unified Functional Testing
Preparing to Record Page |2

Module Objectives:

You should be able to: After you finished this module:

 Identify concepts of functional testing and the benefits of automated
 Navigate the usual procedure for GUI tests
 Document the business process phases
 Prioritize operational procedures with effective criteria
 Collect enough test data
 Prepare the automatic test environment

Approaches to Functional Testing

The following approaches can be used for functional testing:

 Manual testing – In order to check if the AUT fulfills the duties, a set
of tests are carried out manually.

 Automated testing – You automate a number of tests without human

involvement to check for AUT performance.

Drawbacks of Manual Testing

Requirement for Automated Testing

The timely and laborious manual testing calls for high human
resource commitment. More seriously, time limitations frequently prevent
every feature from being completely tested manually until the application
is published. So you question whether major problems have not been

Benefits of Automated Testing

Automatic UFT for GUI Testing resolves the problem by accelerating

the test process considerably. You may write tests that verify all elements
and then perform those tests every time you modify your website or your

 Fast – Automated tests are far quicker than human users.

 Reliable – Every time they are conducted, tests do exactly the same
processes, thereby removing human error.
Preparing to Record Page |3

 Repeatable – After repeated actions, you may test how the website
or app reacts.

 Programmable – You may program advanced tests with out-of-

home information.

 Comprehensive – You may create a series of tests covering all

features of your website or application.

 Reusable – On several versions of your website or application, you

may reuse tests even if the user interface changes.

Selecting Tests to Automate

Regression testing is a sort of software test that tries, after

modifications, such as improvements, patches or configuration changes, to
detect new software problems or regressions inside existing functional or
non-functional parts of the system have been done.

Data Testing is conducted using UFT dynamic input for GUI Testing
to test the functionality. The values are static when we record. We change
this static value to dynamic in data driven tests so that we may supply the
most inputs that we wish to have the feature for diverse inputs.

Smoke testing is performed right following code migration to check

that the application's fundamental functionality is intact.

Do automate:

 Tests to verify stability of fundamental functionality throughout the

entire program with each new version of your application
(regression tests).

 Tests using the same operation with multiple data values (data-
driven tests).

 Tests conducted several times (stress tests) and tests to monitor a

multi-user client-server system (load tests)
Preparing to Record Page |4

Do not automate:

 Only once tests are performed.

 Tests that have to be carried out immediately.
 Tests to see how easy it is to use the program (usability tests).
 Tests with no predicted outcomes.

GUI Testing Workflow

The GUI Testing General Workflow includes six major phases.

Stage 1 – Analyzing Your Application

You have to examine your application and establish your test needs
before you start developing a test. You must to:
 Determine the environment in which development controls were
established for your program. Web, Java or.NET may be included in
development environments. When opening UFT and before starting
the test, you need upload the necessary UFT add-ins
 Determine the feature to be tested. To do this, you evaluate the
different actions performed by consumers for certain jobs in your
 In the collection of business processes to check for which objects
and actions are relevant? What procedures require additional
capability with custom keywords? Decides how these procedures
are to be divided into smaller parts represented by the actions of
your test. An activity which a client can do when using your program
must be imitated by each action.
 As planned, attempt to minimize the number degree of steps to be
taken in each activity. Create tiny modular activities that facilitate
reading, understanding, and maintenance of your tests.

Stage 2 – Preparing the Testing Infrastructure

You must perform the following to finish the infrastructure, which
is part of the planning process:
 Learn and identify the business processes of your application. They
become your scripts' building blocks. The more you know about
your business process, the more structured your job will be before
you start the scripting method.
 Build the resource package for your testing. Resources may include
repositories with common objects that contain the test objects,
function libraries and other structures covered by this course in the
advanced section.
 Set UFT to your testing requirements. This can involve defining your
global test settings, preferences for running sessions, any test
preferences, and recovery scenarios. At the beginning of a run, you
may write automation scripts that automatically configure the
necessary configurations (for example, the load add-ins) on the UFT
Preparing to Record Page |5

 Create one or more tests to be used as libraries of actions.

To save the reusable action you may construct the action repository
test for your tests. Generally speaking, for each section of your application
you construct an action repository test. Specific testing can keep your
activities at a central spot by storing all your actions. The shared object
repositories then are associated with the respective activities. You may
thus put steps into the activities via the objects in the repositories of the
objects. You insert calls to one or more actions stored in the repository
while creating your tests. The update reflects all tests including a call to the
action when you change an action in the action repository. Only the
corresponding repository tests are loaded when you do a test.

Stage 3 – Adding Steps to Your Actions

In this phase, you are adding steps in your action tests on the

Note: Before starting the addition of steps to enter steps by using

keywords, please ensure that you link your function libraries and recovery
scenarios to the repository test. If you want to set up VBScript directly, you
may create steps using a table-like keyword-driven, graphical keyword
view— or utilize the Editor.

The following other techniques can also add stages to your test:
 Drag objects – Drag items to add keyword driven steps to your
Keyword View or toolbox pane from your object repository or
toolbox. All objects that you wish to test in your application are in
the object repository and toolbox pane. In the action with the default
operation, a step is produced in the Keyword View when you move
an object. For instance, the click procedure for a step will
immediately be established if you drag a button subject into the
Keyword View. You can change the step as necessary.
 Record on your application – During the registration session, each
step you do is shown as a row in the Keyword View across your
application. One step leads to or modifies your application, such as
a click on a link or picture, or a data form. The Editor shows these
stages in a test script as lines (VBScript). A description of each step
in easily understandable phrases appears in the Documentation
column of the Keyword View.

Stage 4 – Enhancing Your Test

 By changing your test using special test parameters and/or by
programming statements you may improve the testing process. For
 Insert in your test control points and output values. A control point
examines particular attributes or other features of an object and
allows you to determine whether or not your application is working
 To extract data from your test, use output values. An output value is
Preparing to Record Page |6

a value which is found in your data table and placed in a variable or

parameter during the runtime session. This output value may then
be used in your test as input data. You can utilize data that are
retrieved in other portions of the test during a running session.
 Substitute parameters for fixed values to expand the test scope. You
can parameterize your steps while testing your application to verify
how your program carries out the same actions with different data.
You may provide information to the data table, establish ambient
values and variables, specify parameters and values for testing or
action, or insert a random number generating step in the present
user and test data.
 Add user-focused functions through the creation and use of function
libraries from your test. VBScript functions, subroutines,
commands, and so forth contain function libraries. You can invoke
your test functions or utilize them as testing or component
 For complex testing goals – To improve your tests and/or
programming statements, use other UFT functionality.

Stage 5 – Running and Debugging Your Test

You may execute several sorts of runs to achieve different goals after
creating your test.
 Debug the test – You may check your running session to help you
find and eliminate test defects:
o To execute your test stage by step, use the step in and out
o Start your run at a certain step in your test or run your test
till you have reached a certain step.
o Set breakpoints for a pause at default places. Every time you
pause at the break point in your Debug Viewer, you may see
or modify variable values in your test.
 In Debug Viewer, execute VBScript instructions manually.
 Test your application – The test begins from the first line and ends
at the conclusion of the exam. UFT connects to your application
during operation and executes every test action, including any
control points such as text strings, objects, tables, etc. If your test
has been parameterised using parameters in the data table, the test
(or particular measures in your test) will repeat for each set of data
values in the data table.
 Update your test – In one of the ways to update your test
accordingly, if you know that your application has changed:
 Maintenance Run Mode – If the UFT cannot recognize the items in
your test, use this option. When your test runs, UFT presents a
wizard to aid you in addressing every issue for each item that is not
available in the application. The run continues if the item is
identified and the problem fixed.
 Update Run Mode – To update one of the following, use this mode:
o Properties used for test object descriptions
o Expected checkpoint values
Preparing to Record Page |7

o Data available to retrieve in output values

o Active Screen images and values

Stage 6 – Analyzing Run Results and Reporting Defects

After running your test, you will be able to examine the results for
running the run result page, which includes both a summary and a
comprehensive report.
 View still images or movies – If, when running, you recorded photos
or videos of your program, you may see them from the Run Results
Viewer screen recorder tab.
 Local system monitoring – You may examine the results on the
System Monitor tab of Run Results Viewer, if you have enabled local
system surveillance for your test.
 Report defects in ALM – If you have access to ALM, you may submit
your discoveries in the project database via an HP-centralized
quality solution.
 Automatic or manual reporting errors. You can also add steps to
your test that report every failing step of a test automatically or
manually report them from the Run Results Viewer.

Collecting Relevant Information

Preparing to Record Page |8

Ensure You Are Prepared

You should also establish the start and finish points for every test
case before automating a test. This relates to the status of the original and
final conditions application. An initial requirement relates to the situation
of the AUT before the test run. An end-condition refers to the status of the
AUT when a test is running. This makes it possible for the test to iterate.

To plan starting and end requirements for a test, use the following
 Do you have a major window in which most business operations
begin, such as the search or home page?
 What is the condition of the AUT in which most business operations
can begin? Is the login window or the program home page ready for
new order, for example?
 Does the last step reset the AUT to their starting state if the test is
performed with numerous sets of data?

Documenting Business Processes

A business process is a chunk of work that a user may do within the

application, often referred to as a business function or transaction.
Common business procedures include login, product searches and
selection, shopping carts and transaction completion.

Commercial processes generally have a beginning and a finish,

however those specific locations in an application may seldom be
identified. The three components of most business procedures will be:
 A form, wherein the user will supply data
 A button or a control to the application server that transfers the
 A favorable or negative application server answer

A script must capture all the aforementioned components in order

to fully represent a business process. However, a script should not typically
include precise steps to go to the display or page where the business
process is situated, because several navigation methods may be required
to be tested. The ideal way to handle navigation is via a distinct set of stages,
so that the script may take the first steps to the business process (usually
entering data).

A script also has to finish in a condition to start again if the script is

meant to iterate via data. Without the ability of the script to start flawlessly
at first, the first iteration will fail. If a script tests a range of login IDs
regularly, for example, each logon must be checked, and the script must
then return to the beginning of the logon process in order to test another
Preparing to Record Page |9

Prioritizing Business Processes

In a perfect world, enough time and resources would be available to

automate every company activity. However, application teams are seldom
that fortunate and may in fact be quite complex to automate by the nature
of some business processes. Each business activity has to be evaluated
according to the amount of work needed to automate it, and only a handful
of them can get a decreasing return on the effort.

In order to assist the application test teams choose the top

automation candidates, the team should develop a set of criteria to help
determine which business processes are more easily automated and which
are the most essential ones for the enterprise. The following business
processes should be identified by a set of key criteria:
 Mission Critical – User's feature unable to work without. For
example, visitors to a shop website need know particular product or
article codes for purchasing items without broad search capabilities.
Since most consumers do not quickly access this information,
generic search capability is deemed essential for any retail site.
 Data Driven – Those who enable multiple combinations of data to be
processed. A retail website's general search feature is once again a
fantastic illustration of a business process which might be tested
using data. Given that retail visitors would probably employ an
extensive combination of product search parameters to imitate this
behavior, any automated testing. Actually, a well-developed test
may not only test a thorough search criteria combination, but can
also take random criteria to determine how the application
responded to unexpected conduct.
 Dynamic Content – Processes which produce unique IDs. Although
the data created by an application may appear relatively
straightforward, such as a confirmation number or an order
number, the truth is that it might involve substantial backend work.
A flight confirmation number, for example, does not only indicate a
successful payment card transaction but also the place bookings, a
meal order and, most likely, other resources that the typical
passager does not know about.

Business processes that fall into these categories should be

considered strong candidates for automation, especially if they fit into
more than one. In fact, using a grid to document each business process and
each criterion then sorting that grid can be a very effective way to
determine which should receive top priority.

In this simple example, the grid was constructed by listing left-hand

business processes and top-level criteria. Note that extra criteria have been
included since the company wanted the income generators to be given
precedence. Of courses that affect downstream applications and those that
have high risk rates were naturally also worried about the system team.
The business processes were first arranged in an order that showed how
Preparing to Record P a g e | 10

the application met —Login, then Search, then Purchase, and finally
Itinerary Check. But when the grid was constructed, it was soon evident
that the purchasing process needed the most priority to bring the business
processes with the greatest controls to the top. Consequently, only if
adequate time and resources are available would the team automatically
check the route.

This grid is obviously simply a suggestion, and many other criteria

will determine where automation efforts are to be focused. Some factors,
such as whether or not federal legislation requires a business process, and
whether or not the business process generates money, may end up
becoming trump cards over other criteria. Finally, no greater criteria exists
than a little common sense.

Determining Test Data

You must identify the input data you are using for the program
before recording a test

To determine the nature of input data:

 Talk to SME in order to identify the valid and incorrect data input
for your AUT.
 Determine the extreme ranges of input data.
 Decide what should happen if incorrect data are provided as an
application input.

Multiple sources may be used to provide test data. The most

frequent way to give an efficient sample of data (to preserve privacy) which
may be disguised and utilized for input data may be a system or record of
the program. If feeds from other apps contribute to your application
information, you may need a customized extract to help your testing

Another way to produce UFT data is to use integrated features that

can generate random numbers, future dates and other forms of calculable
data. Finally, the data may be available in the application itself, like the
items in a drop-down field or a set of radio buttons, thus UFT may use
VBScript programming structures to pick this data.
Preparing to Record P a g e | 11

Engage Project Contributors Early

Data that might have to come from another program will not be
caught off guard. Except if this region is involved in your testing from the
beginning, it may take a while to generate the data which might delay your
testing. It is essential to involve your SMEs and application areas to
minimize these delays at the beginning of your testing.

For instance, if your test requires a lot of login IDs and your own
application database manages these IDs, somebody on your team will need
to generate them before testing begins. However, if your data security
department is responsible for generating login identifiers, it may take
weeks of time and possibly charge the tasks for your application. If these
lead times and expenses are not anticipated, your project budget might be

Generate Data Using VBScript Functions

Meaningful data may be difficult to collect, and sometimes data

values that have minimal impact on the testing process might be required
in a field. If the field requires data to run successfully for your script, but
the precise values of the data do not matter, one alternative is to use UFT
included VBScript routines to create the data. In a field of telephone
numbers, for example, UFT can create a random number or the character
string to be used for a customer name.

Utilize Data within Fields

An easy and familiar interface to create input data or to receive data

retrieved from the application is provided by the UFT Data Table. It is easy
to make vast combinations of test data with conventional copy and paste
methods in the data table, but it is surprisingly straightforward to
additionally construct combinations of data with VBScript statements.

For instance, it would be trivial to build numerous permutations of

these towns in a data table with two downloaded fields holding the start
and arrival cities by just copying and pasting legitimate cities into 2
columns. Clearly, however, this technique poses possible maintenance
problems as the combinations in the data table have to be changed as the
service between towns changes.

Once again, VBScript can support that. UFT actually provides

techniques to extract data from application controls like dropdowns in the
form of a script, so VBScript statements may handle that data to construct
comprehensive combinations with a minimum amount of work.
Preparing to Record P a g e | 12

References and Supplementary Materials

Book and Journals

Micro. Customized Unified Functional Testing 12.0
Essentials Student Guide
Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Creating Basic Test Page |1

Module 004 Creating Basic Test

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.”

– John Ruskin

Overview of the Course

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

 Create basic scripts from a manual test case

 Enhance basic tests with synchronization and verification

 Parameterize tests to run with multiple sets of data

 Create and reuse modular actions

 Use the Object Repository

 Use debugging tools

 Write custom checkpoints to create more precise verification points

within a test

 Use the Object Repository Manager

 Resolve object recognition problems

Researching beyond the coverage of this module is highly encouraged to

supplement your understanding of the topics covered. Always, think and see beyond the
The citation provided is a guideline. Please check each citation for accuracy
before use.

So, what are we waiting for? Let us now explore the Unified Functional Testing
Creating Basic Test Page |2

Module Objectives:

After completing this module, you should be able to:

 Create a basic test from a manual test case
 Run a test and check for errors
 Save a test
 View test results

GUI Testing Workflow

Record and Replay Right Away

Stage 3 of the GUI testing workflow utilizes the normal recording
mode of UFT to create a script with basic set of steps for interacting with
the application. Recording a script makes it easy for someone with little or
no automation experience to create a basic script that later can be
enhanced with sophisticated features like synchronization, checkpoints,
and data parameterization.

After recording a script, an initial playback will ensure that the

script will work in its most basic form, before any changes are made. Once
enhancements begin, it can be difficult to determine whether a script
failure is caused by a change to the script, or whether that failure was
inherent in the original script and not detected until later.
Always verify first that the script works as recorded.

Class Logistics:

You can create the main body of a test or component by recording

the typical processes that users perform on your application. UFT records
the operations you perform, adding them as steps to the selected test action
or component.

A step is anything you do that changes the content of a page or object

in the application, for example, clicking a link or typing data in an edit box.
The steps in your action or component represent the operations you
perform on your application. As you record the action or component, if it is
visible in the Keyword View or the Editor, you can see the steps that are
added based on the operations you perform.

During a run session, UFT uses the recorded steps to replicate the
operations you performed while recording. While you record the steps,
UFT creates test objects representing the objects in your application on
which you perform operations, and stores them in an object repository.
This enables UFT to identify the objects in your application both while
creating the test or component and during a run session.
Creating Basic Test Page |3

Recording Modes

UFT offers several recording modes to recognize different types of objects.

 Default – There are stages that use objects, their attributes, and their
methods in the typical object-based recording mode for UFT
recording sessions.
 Analog Recording – Keep track of your mouse and keyboard
motions as they relate to the screen or the program window. This
approach, unlike Default mode, does not result in the identification
of objects, but instead makes a "movie" of your activities. While the
approach is sometimes necessary when interacting with objects not
recognized by UFT, it should be used sparingly since steps created
in this mode are not editable.
 Low-Level Recording – Some steps provide extra information, such
as the coordinates of a mouse click on an item, so that UFT may
utilize that information during playback to improve its ability to
locate and interact with an object.
 Insight Recording (tests and scripted components only) – Rather
than recognizing items based on their natural features, it looks at
them. This can be useful if you are recording on an application
whose technology is not supported by UFT GUI Testing, or on an
application running on an emulator or a remote-computer.

Record a Test

To record a test, perform the following steps:

 Open the application under test.

 On the UFT toolbar, click Record to enter recording mode.
 The dialog box for Record and Run Settings appears.
 On any open Windows-based program, select the Record and run
test radio button.
 Select the OK option.
 Interact with the AUT to keep track of a business process's stages.
 To end the recording, use the Stop button.
Creating Basic Test Page |4

The Recording Toolbar

The recording toolbar opens automatically at the beginning of a

recording session. It can be positioned wherever it will not interfere with
the recording process, and provides access to several important functions
(to be explored in later chapters), including actions, synchronization
points, and checkpoints. While many of these features can be added after
recording, the tester also has option to add them while creating a script.

By default, UFT minimizes at the beginning of the recording session

to provide the maximum amount of desktop space for your application. You
may find it helpful, however, to view UFT while creating a script to verify
that steps are recording correctly.

Building Blocks of a Step

In a keyword-driven, modular, tabular style, you may construct and
see the steps of your GUI test or component. This is a table-like approach
in which each step is a separate row in the table, and each column depicts
a different component of the steps in a different way. You have the option
of changing the columns that are shown to suit your needs.

When you click Record, UFT keeps track of every action taken by a
user in the AUT. In the automated test, each activity that is recorded
becomes a step. There are three components to each phase of an automated
 Item – In the AUT, this refers to the thing that was touched.
 Operation – The action you take on the object during the recording
session is referred to as the action. The technique is another term
for this.
 Value – he data you provide for the object's functioning is referred
to as the data you provide.
 Because UFT employs internal hooks to identify user activities on
the application under test, it should be running before it is called. If
the application's hooks aren't set up appropriately, UFT may not be
able to record effectively if it's already open.

Run a Test and Save the Results

By selecting the test to Run a Test and Save the Results in the Run
Settings dialog box, you may prepare for the test run.

Run Settings dialog box lets you prepare for the test run by
selecting the test to run and providing a location for the results. The steps
to perform this are as follows:
Creating Basic Test Page |5

 Step 1– Click on run

 Step 2 – Specify location for the test in case you want to save it in a
different location
 Step 3 – Click on Run.

Various options on the dialog box are as follows:

 Test Name – The component or test that will be run. From the drop-
down list, you may choose any open object.
 Results Location – The place where the results should be sent, as
stated in the Results Location tab.
 Options – To reveal the tabs Results Location and Input Parameters,
expand or collapse the dialog box.
 Run – Begins the run session.

View a Test Run

When we run the test, each step systematically runs. The step which
is being run is highlighted by a yellow arrow on UFT interface and it gets
performed on the AUT (Application Under Test).

When you run a test, UFT performs each step as it was recorded in
the application under test. The application under test cannot detect if UFT
or an actual tester is performing the steps.

You can watch the application under test as UFT performs each step.
A yellow arrow in the left margin of the keyword view indicates the step
currently running, if the test is run in normal mode.

Save a Test
When we create a new test then we specify location to save the test.
To save any changes made select File --->Save Test (Ctrl +S), the default
location used by UFT to save a test is: C:\Demo information\UFT
11.50\Sample of Virtual Service.

UFT Test Directory Structure

Each UFT test script is a directory itself. The name of the UFT script
directory will be the name of the script. Change in the name of this folder
will result in change in the script name.

By default each UFT script contains two sub folders Action 0 and
Action1. If we increase the number of actions then the number of the
subfolders will increase accordingly. However please note that changing
the name of action will not result into change of the sub folder names.
Action 0 – Only Script.mts file is useful in this folder. This file contains the
call to the actions and the number of iterations on which the action has to
iterate. We can also add code here.
Creating Basic Test Page |6

Action 1:
 Snapshots – This folder contains the snapshot of the application
taken during recording. It contains the HTML, XML and PNG files.
 Objectrepository.bdb ( BDB = Berkeley Data base, an oracle
product) – This is the local object repository of the action.
 – This is a binary file and contains the information
about the action IO parameters and similar action info.
 Script.mts (Script files) – This file contains the UFT code.
 Default.xls (Default Excel file) – This is the default xls data file of the
test script.
 Default.cfg (Configuration file) – Configuration file of the script
mainly for the loadRunner.
 Lock.lck (locks the file opened by UFT Script) – It locks the open files
of the test. If a script is open at one machine. Then it locks that script
so that it will open only in read mode by other machines or by UFT
script editor.
 Note: If you make this file read then UFT script will always open in
read only mode. To enable the editing mode back you need to
remove the read only mode from the lock.lck file.
 – It contains the test script IO parameters info
 Test.tsp (test settings) – A binary file not sure about but most
probably contains the UFT test settings.
 ScriptName.usr – LoadRunner file.
 Default.usp – LoadRunner file.

Compress the Test Directory

UFT enables you to compress the test folder to conserve hard disk
space on your computer and to ensure easy transfer of tests within a
network or over the Internet.

To compress the test name folder, perform the following steps:

 From the UFT menu bar, select file ---> export test to zip file.
 In the export to zip file dialog box that appears, specify the path
where you want to save the zip file, and click the OK button.

This dialog box enables you to zip your GUI tests together with
configuration, run-time, setup data, and (optionally) Active Screen files.
Zipping these files together helps conserve space and makes tests easier to
Creating Basic Test Page |7

View the Last Run Results

The results of your test may be viewed in the test results window
when it has been completed. After a run session has finished, the test
results window opens by default.

Perform the following procedures to see test results manually:

 Select View, then Last Run results from the UFT menu bar. The
window with the test results opens. Check out the results of the test
 Select View, then Extend all to expand the test summary tree in the
test results box.
 In the HP Executed Results Viewer, you may see the results of a test
or component that has been run. There are several panes in the Run
Results Viewer, each of which presents a different sort of data.
 The run results tree pane shows the run results in a descending
order. Details about a specified node or step, the data utilized for a
given step, optional screen grabs or photos (UFT only), optional
system information (UFT only), and so on may be found in the
remaining panes.
 At the end of a run session, the Run Results Viewer is automatically
opened. Clear the View results after run session finishes check box
in the Run Sessions pane of the Options dialog box (Tools --->
Options ---> General tab ---> Run Sessions node) in UFT GUI Testing
to modify this behavior.
 A description of the steps taken during the run session may be seen
in the Run Results Viewer.
 The Run Results Viewer displays a single test iteration for a
component or a test that does not contain Data Table input
 The Run Results Viewer provides details for each iteration of a test
run if the test involves Data Table input parameters and the test
settings are set to run many iterations. The activities taken during
the exam are used to group the findings.
 In the Settings dialog box's Run pane, you may configure the test to
run for one or all iterations.

Results Viewer Window – Components

You may see the results of a run session in the Test Results Viewer
window. The run results tree is displayed in the left pane (dockable) by
default. Two rows of dockable panes are located on the right side of the

The following are the elements of the user interface:

Creating Basic Test Page |8

 Run Results Viewer menu bar and toolbar – Commands for viewing
run session results may be found in the Run Results Viewer toolbar
and menu bar.
 Test Flow Pane – This pane contains a snapshot of the canvas
containing the steps of the script. The snapshot shows the order of
the steps and the connections between them. You can scroll down,
zoom in, and set the displayed details level, as you would in the

Run Results Tree pane

 In an expanding tree, a graphical depiction of the outcomes.

A search box
 Displays the test or component phases, as well as the specific
locations where the program failed.
 Result Details pane – At each level of the test or component, detailed
explanations of each phase and checkpoint pass or fail.

Captured Data pane

 A snapshot of your application's current state at a certain point in
 Additional information, such as a bitmap checkpoint image, is
required for UFT GUI Testing.
 Data pane – The data used in all iterations.
 Screen Recorder pane (UFT only) – A video shows the condition of
your application at a certain point in time, or of the entire test or
component as a whole.
 System Monitor pane (UFT only) – Log Tracking pane contains any
system metrics that were tracked for your test or component (UFT
only). Any messages from your test or component's logs that you've
received. It may be accessed via the menu bar.
Menu ---> Click on View ---> Select Log Tracking.

Enhanced Reporting – Jump to Step

For each node that has a corresponding step in a GUI test, you may
see the UFT step that corresponds to a node in the Run Results tree.
Perform the following steps to see the test step that corresponds to
a node:
 In the Run Results Viewer, make sure UFT is open to the test whose
results are presented.
 In the tree of run results, choose a node.
 Choose one of the following actions:
 From the Run Results toolbar, click the Jump to Step in Test button.
 From the context menu, right-click and select Jump to Step in Test.
 Select View ---> Jump to Step in Test.
 The step is highlighted and the UFT window is opened.
Creating Basic Test Page |9
Creating Basic Test P a g e | 10

References and Supplementary Materials

Book and Journals

Micro. Customized Unified Functional Testing 12.0 Essentials

Student Guide
Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Week 001
Introduction to UFT 12.0

Prepared by: Mariesher B. Zapico

Week 001: Introduction to UFT 12.0

Course Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:

• Create basic scripts from a manual test case

• Enhance basic tests with synchronization and verification
• Parameterize tests to run with multiple sets of data
• Create and reuse modular actions
• Use the Object Repository
• Use debugging tools
• Write custom checkpoints to create more precise verification points within a test
• Use the Object Repository Manager
• Resolve object recognition problems
Week 001: Introduction to UFT 12.0
Week 001: Introduction to UFT 12.0

Module Objectives
Week 001: Introduction to UFT 12.0
Week 001: Introduction to UFT 12.0
Week 001: Introduction to UFT 12.0
Week 001: Introduction to UFT 12.0
Week 001: Introduction to UFT 12.0
Week 001: Introduction to UFT 12.0
Week 001: Introduction to UFT 12.0
Week 001: Introduction to UFT 12.0
Week 001: Introduction to UFT 12.0
Week 001: Introduction to UFT 12.0
Week 001: Introduction to UFT 12.0
Week 001: Introduction to UFT 12.0
Week 001: Introduction to UFT 12.0

References and Supplementary Materials

Books and Journals

Micro. Customized Unified Functional Testing 12.0 Essentials Student

Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Week 003

Prepared by: Mariesher B. Zapico



After completing this module, you should be able to:

• Identify functional testing principles, and the benefits of automated testing

• Navigate the typhical GUI testing workflow
• Document the steps of a business process
• Prioritize business processeses using effective criteria
• Gather sufficient test data
• Prepare the test environment for automated testing

References and Supplementary Materials

Micro. Customized Unified Functional Testing 12.0 Essentials Student Guide

Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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