Tổng Hợp Ngữ Pháp, Ôn Tập Theo Chuyên Đề Và 20 Đề Luyện Thi Vào Lớp 10 - Môn Tiếng Anh - THCS Biên Giang

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BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 1 1.S + began / started + to V/ V-ing + .... Viét lai thanh: S + have/has P 13 been Ving+ for / since ... Vi du: She began to play the piano 5 years ago => She has played/ has been playing the piano for 5 years. 2. + last + Ved + timet ag => S + have/ has +not+ V3+ 2 eudi cane lam of Hn cudi ciing lam gi => It’s + timet since +S + last + Ved/V2. => The last time + S + V ed+ was +khodng t/g+ ago. + in/at/on + mébc t/g Vi du: It last snowed 2 weeks ago. => It hasn’t snowed for 2 weeks => It’s 2 weeks since it last snowed. => The last time it snowed was 2 weeks ago. 3. This is the first time + S +have/has+P2/V3: Lin dau lam gi => S +have/ has + never + P2/V3+ before => S+ have/ has not+ P2/V3+ before Vi du: This is the first time I have met him => I have never met him before. => Thaven’t met him before. 4. This is the Superlative (...est/ most ADJ + N) S +have/has+ ever + P2 => S +have/ has + never + P2/V3+ such a/an+ ADJ+ N => S+ have/ has never+ P2+ a more + ADJ (SHORT Adj-er) + N + than this (one/N) This is the most interesting novel I have ever read. => Ihave never read such an interesting novel. => I have never read a more interesting novel than this (one/ novel) Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 2 C&u triic 5,6,7,8 thay thé cho nhau linh hoat. 5, ah Vid S + BelV + too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to do something: Qu: - The top shelf is too high for the children to reach. - He ran too fast for me to follow. 6. S + Be/V + so + adj/ adv + that + S + V+O: Qua... dén ndi ma... Vi du: ~ The top shelf is so high that the children cannot not reach it. - He ran so fast that I could not follow him. Notes: Trong cu tric So... that: vé sau that la ménh dé méi nén can cé thém O sau V nén ta cé reach it va follow him, trong khi d6 6 cu tric “too” thi khong, céc em hét site huu ¥. Cén céu tric S + Be/V + s0 + many/much/little/few +N + that+$+V +0. Vi du: She has so much work to do that she cannot go out with me tonight. She has so many things to do that she cannot go out with me tonight 7. 1t + BelV + such + (a/an) + (adj) + N(s) + that + S + V +O: Qué... dén ndi ma... Vi du: - It is such a high top shelf that the children cannot reach it. ~ He was such a fast runner that I could not follow him 8.8 + Be/V + adj/ adv + enough + (for someone) + to-V/ do something: Di. cho ai 6 Ce thuong ldy ADJ déi nghia cia ADJ cho sin trong cau “too” dé ding tao cau moi. Vi du: She is too young to get married. => She isn’t old enough to get married. 9. It’s adj (for Sb) to-V/ do sth: Ai dé lam gi nhu thé nao? S + be + busy + V-ing => Doing sth be ADJ (for sb) => S+ find +Ving/ it/ N + ADJ to-V/ do sth Vi du: It’s difficult for me to wake up early in the morning. => Waking up early in the morning is difficult for me. Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 3 => I find waking up early in the morning difficult. => [find it difficult to wake up in the morning. (v6i N) I find English interesting to study. Vi du: It’s cool to try your best for what you want. => Trying your best for what you want is cool. I find it cool to try your best for what you want. 10. S+ should/ ought to/ had better+ V Or If I were you,... => It’s time for sb to do sth => It’s (high/ about) time S+ did/V2 sth. (thé giv ma van chua lam?”) n sr phan nan, ché trach “sao tdi bay Vi dy: You'd better go right now. => It’s time for you to go now. = It’s time you went now. => If I were you, I would go now. 11. Although/ Though/ Even though + clause (S+V) => Despite / In spite of+ Noun/gerund (Ving) => Despite/ in spite of the fact that S+ V,.... Vi du: Although they don’t have money, they still live happily. => Despite no money/ having no money, they still live happily. = In spite of the fact that they don’t have money, they still live happily. 12.S + V + so that/ in order that+ S + V (chi myc dich) =>S+V+to+ V/in order to + V/soasto+V Vi du: She studies hard in order that she can pass the final examination. => She studies hard to pass the final examination 13. There’s no point in V-ing: khong dang, khéng cé ich khi lam gi? => It’s no good/ no use V-ing Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 4 => It’s not worth V-ing ‘Vi dy: There’s no point in arguing. => It’s no good/ no use arguing => It’s not worth arguing 14. Cac cdu trac lién quan dén cfu gin tiép - Dé nghj: Suggest Shall wet V.../Let's+ V.../How/What about+ Ving.../Why don’t we + V ... => S+ suggested+ Ving: dé nghi cing lam gi. Vi dy: "Why don’t we go out for a walk?” said the boy. => The boy suggested going out for a walk - Ggi ¥ cho ngwii khée: “Why don’t you+ Vo?” => S+ suggested+ that+ S-+( should/shouldn't)+ V Vi du: “Why don’t you have a rest?” he said to her => He suggested that she should have a rest. 15. Co bude : S accused Sb of doing sth “You stole the money on the table”, she said to him => She accused him of stealing the money on the table. 16. S+ admitted/ denied+ Ving/ having P2: Thita nhan hoc phi nhan He said “Yes, I did” => He admitted stealing/ having stolen the money on the table He said: “ No, I didn’t” => He denied stealing/ having stolen the money on the table 17. Loi khuyén (should/ought to/ had better/ If I were you.../ Why don’t you) S + advised sb + (not) to V: khuyén ai lam gi dé “If I were you, I would save some money” she said Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 5 => She advised me to save some money. “You shouldn’t believe him” Jane said to Peter. => Jane advised Peter not to believe him. 18. Cau mai: Would you like some +N...? Yes, please/No, thanks to-V. > Yes. I'd love to/Sorry. I can’t. S+ offered Sb Sth S+ offered to do Sth S + invited sb+ to V Would you like a cup of coffee, Peter?” I said. => offered Peter a cup of coffee. “Would you like me to clean the house for you” he said. => He offered to clean the house for me. “Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?” he said. => He invited me to go to the cinema with him that night. 19, D§n da: S + remember + to do Sth => S + don’t forget + to do Sth => S + remind Sb to do Sth He told me: “Don’t forget to come here on time tomorrow”. => He reminded me to come there on time the next day. She said to all of us: “Remember to submit the report by this Thursday” => She reminded all of us to submit the report by that Thursday. 20. Cam on: Thank Sb for V-ing/N “Thank you for helping me finish this project “ he said to us. => He thanked us for helping him finish that project. “Thank you for this lovely present.” I said to him. Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 6 => I thanked him for that lovely present. 21. Xin Ii: S apologized to sb for V-ing “Sorry, I broke your vase” he said to his mother. => He apologized to his mother for breaking her vase 22, Khen nggi/ Chic mirng: S congratulated Sb on V-ing/Sth “Congratulations! You won the first prize” he said to me. => He congratulated me on winning the first prize. 23. De doa: S+ threatened (sb)+to V/ not to V : de doa (ai) Im gi He said " I will kill you if you don’t do that "- => He threatened to kill me if I didn’t do that 24, Cau digu kign *Type 1. : If+ $1 + V (present simple)..., $2 + will/won’t/can/ Modal V + V... - Unless = If not. (unless + S + Vs,es....) - Or = if not (truée or 14 cdu m@nh Iénh) If you don’t have a visa, you cannot come to America => Unless you have a visa, you cannot come to America - Dao ngit trong diéu kién loai 1: Should+ S+ V * Type 2: If + S1 + V (past simple)..., S2 + would/wouldn’t/could... + V... Dio ngir: Were S+ Adj/N / to V + Type 3: If + S1 + had +V3 (past perfect)..., S2 + would/wouldn’t/could + have V3... Dio ngi: Had+ S+ (not) P2 25. Cac cu tric lién quan dén so sAnh: Sw chuyén déi tie cin trie ngang bing - so sank hon - so sinh hon nhit: Vi dy: Sally is the tallest girl in her class => No one in Sally’s class is as tall as her. => No one in Sally’s class is taller than her. Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAI TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 7 - Cau tric ting tién cAp a6: The 8-year-old bride movie is more and more interesting. - Céiu trite cing... cdng: the + SS hon S + V..., the SS hon + $+ V... VD: The older he is, the less he wants to travel. 26. Cac céu tric lign quan dén bj dong thé nho bio - Have Sb do sth => have Sth V3/done Get sh to do sth => get sth V3/done Vi du: We get him to look after our house when we are on business. => We get our house looked after (by him) when we are on business - Make Sb do sth-> Sb be made to do Sth ‘The teacher made the students work hard. => The students were made to work hard. - People/ they+ say+ that S2+ V => It be said that S2+ V => S2 be said to V/ to have P2/V3 Vi du: People say that he drinks a lot of wine. => It is said that he drinks a lot of wine. => He is said to drink a lot of wine. 27. Cac céu tric lign quan dén ciu dao ngir. - Never will I speak to him again. - No sooner had I arrived home than the phone rang. - Hardly had I arrived home when the phone rang. - Only after posting the letter did I realize that I had forgotten to put on a stamp. - Not until I asked a passer-by did I know where I was = It was not until I asked a passer-by that I knew where I was. 28. Too/so/either/neither: déng tinh véi ai vé vige gi Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 8 (@#) S + trg dt/be +, too (me too) So + trg dt/be +S Ex: I like English and Lan does, too. ...80 does Lan. ()S + try dt/bet not +, either Neither + tr dt/be + S (me neither) I didn’t go to school yesterday and Lan didn’t, either. ..neither did Lan. 29. Adv clause of reason: because/ because of Because/As/Since + SVOA. Because off Due to/Owing to/On account of + V-ing/N/(a/an)+ Adj+N Ex: Because he studies hard, he always gets good marks. Because of studying hard,. 30. Wish sentences: ~ C6 thé thye hién duge 6 hign tai hoe T lai: S1 + wish(es)+ S2+ would/ could+ V(bare) Ex: I wish I could play the piano one day. - Khong cé that 6 H.tai: S1 + wish(es)+ $2+ Ved/V2 (be-were) Ex: I wish | lived in a big house. - Khéng cé that & qua khit: S1 + wish(es)+ S2+ had + V3/ would have V3 =S + regretted + (not) V-ing: hdi tiéc da lam viée gi = That’s/ What a pity + SVO... Ex: I regretted not taking his advice. = I wish I had taken his advice. 31. Tag questions: Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 9 (#5)? He plays the guitar well, doesn’t he? (-)..us(#)2 He doesn’t plays the guitar well, does he? Lam..., aren’t 1? Pm not..., am I? Lets... shall we? V+0..., will you? S1 1A Nobody/no one/everybody/everyone/somebody/someone......, 82 Ia they S11A nothing, everything, something......, S218 it Tén, danh tir... dai tir nhan xung (he,she,it,they...) Vé 1 cé trang tir mang nghia phu dinh: never, rarely, seldom, 32. Két hop gitta 2 thi: * By the time | S + V2 (qué khi don)...., § + had + V3 (qua khir hodn thanh) When V6 2.48 khing dinh Before * After+ S + had + V3 (qué khit hoan thanh) S, © C6 thé déi 2 vé cau, nén cdc ban chit ¥ nhé. * When + S + V2 (qua khit don)... + V2 (qué khir don) , S + was/were + V-ing (QHTD) While + S + was/were + V-ing (QHTD).....,S + V2 (qua khir don) S + was/were + V-ing (QHTD).....while + S + was/were + V-ing (QHTD). 33. Danh t/g lam vige gi: S + spend + time + V-ing... Chi ¥: dong tir chia theo ngéi, thi... =S + use + time + to-V = It takes + Sb + time + to-V Ispend 2 hours doing my homework a day. = It takes me 2 hours to do my homework a day. = use 2 hours to do my homework a day., Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 10 34. Relative clause: Ménh dé quan hé: N(ngudi)+ < who +V ‘whom +S 4V N (vit) + which + V “which + $+ V N (nguéi + vat) + that +S +V (khong dimg trong ménh dé ko xi phiy) N(place-dja diém) + where +S + V N(time,day...-t/g) + when +S + V N(reason-Ii do) + why +S +V Quy tic Vidu Ngoai Ié 1. Tir c6 2 im tidt: candy, really, active, - Danh tir hodc tinh tir: nhan & 4m tiét dau | carrot cadee, listen, - Déng tir: nhan 6 Am tiét cudi dictate, present, export, —_| open, guitar, begin, dictate, present, _| patrol, visit export, prevent 2. Cac tir tn cing IA: IC, ION, IA, IAL, | economic, revision, arithmetic, IAN, IAR, IENCE, IENCY, IENT, colonial, musician, heretic, IANCE, IUM, IOUS, EOUS, UOUS ( _| familiar, experience, appliance, nhdn truée né 1 4m) efficient, gymnasium, reliance, continuous defiance 3. Cac tir tin cing li: OUS, ATE, TUDE, | adventurous, considerate, | incarnate, ITY, ETY, AL, LOGY, GRAPHY, attitude, capacity, variety, | disastrous METRY, NOMY,CY (nhintruréc n6 | mechanical, astrology, 2.4m) photography, democrac 4. Cac tir tin cing li: ADE, EE, ESE, employee, Vietnamese, | centigrade, EER, 00, OON, ETTE, ESQUE, trong _| engineer, volunteer, committee, 4m thudng nhdn 4m cudi.(nhdn vao | bamboo, balloon, overseer chinh n6) cigarette, picturesque 5. Danh tir kép, trong 4m roi vao am tiét | blackbird, greenhouse dau Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 11 6. Tinh tir kép, d9ng tir kép, trong 4m roi | bad-tempered, old- | vao 4m tiét thir hai fashioned understand, verflow Chi ¥: Déi véi tir c6 2 Am tiét - Khi Am tiét dau durge phat 4m 1a /a/ thi trong am roi vai am tiét thir 2 ‘Vi dy: agree about, afraid Déi voi tir c6 3 Am tiét hoac c6 4 Am tiét - Trong 4m roi va 4m tiét 6 truéc hau té ‘tion, ion, ment’ Vidu: decision, department, construction, information Ngoai Ig: development * BAI TAP AP DUNG Mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. 1. A.adorable B. ability C. impossible D. entertainment 2. A.engineer B. corporate C. difficult D. different 3. A. popular B. position C. horrible D. positive 4. A. selfish B. correct C. purpose D. surface 5. A. permission B. computer C. million D. perfection 6. A. scholarship B. negative C. develop D. purposeful 7. A.ability B. acceptable C. education D. hilarious 8. A. document B. comedian C. perspective D. location 9. A. provide B. product C. promote D. profess 10. A. different B. regular C. achieving D. property 11. A. education B. community C. development D. unbreakable 12. A. politics B. deposit C. conception D. occasion 13. A. prepare B. repeat C. purpose D. police 14, A. preface B. famous C. forget D. childish 15. A. cartoon B. western C. teacher D. theater 16. A. Brazil B. Iraq C. Norway D. Japan 17. A. scientific B. ability C. experience D. material 18. A. complain B. luggage C. improve D. forgive Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAI TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 12 19. A. offensive B. delicious C. dangerous D. religious 20. A. develop B. adjective C. generous D. popular 21. A. beautiful B. important C. delicious D. exciting 22. A. clement B. regular C. believing D. policy 23. A. punctual B. tolerant C. utterance D. occurrence 24. A. expensive B. sensitive C. negative D. sociable 25. A. education B. development C. economic D. preparation 26. A. attend B. option C. percent D. become 27. A. literature B. entertainment C. recreation D. information 28. A. attractive B. perception C. cultural D. expensive 29. A. chocolate B. structural C. important D. national 30. A.cinema B. position C. family D. popular 31. A. natural B. department C. exception D. attentive 32. A. economy B. diplomacy C. informative D. information 33. A. arrest B. purchase C. accept D. forget 34. A. expertise B. cinema C. recipe D. similar 35. A. government B. musician C. disgusting D. exhausting 36. A. successful B. interest C. arrangement D. disaster 37. A. competition B. repetition C. equivalent D. disappointment 38. A. private B. provide C. arrange D. advise 39. A. academic B. education C. impossible D. optimistic 40. A. study B. knowledge C. precise D. message 41. A. industry B. performance C. importance D. provision 42. A. contain B. express C. carbon D. obey 43. A. impress B. favor C. occur D. police 44, A. regret B. selfish C. purpose D. preface Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 13 45. A. govern 46. A. writer 47. A. morning 48. A. ambitious 49. A. furniture 50. A. devote 51. A. affordable 52. A. overweight 53. A. resident BURAESNPSSAAKAL ASABE SATAY Bs DDD PEEP Pr Pr >>> >>> PDD E D> >> >>> RR PP 2 z 77 78. 79. considerate sandal arrival philosophy handicraft tolerate particular embroider workshop recipe avocado competition family assure concentration artefact complicated acceptable skyscraper access cosmopolitan celery cucumber accent bilingual unequal 80. A. physically PRONUNCIATION B. cover B. teacher B. college B. chocolate B. abandon B. compose B. B. B B. B DOWN compulsory . convenient . accurate . desirable canal . technical . phenomenon . astounding . horrible . independence lantern remind . tablespoon . traditional . generation . typical . pressure . favorable . embroider . experience . affordable . populous . wander . communication marinate . delicious - mistake . dialect . enrolment . equality Cc. Cc. Cc. Cc. Cc. c. Cc. Cc. c. Cc. Cc. Cc. Cc. Cc. Cc. c. Cc. Cc. Cc. Cc. Cc. Cc. c. Cc. Cc. c. Cc. Cc. Cc. c. C. perform C. builder C. arrive C. position C. practical C. purchase identify resistant assistant reliable standard proposal ‘optimism conductor amazement ability impress outskirts ingredient ingredient conical grandparents: figure adolescence carpentry prosperity reliable financial conduct multicultural versatile tomato global dominance encourage remarkably PODUOTDUSDESUUSDODOSDSUDESDUSD D. father D. career D. famous D. occurrence D. scientist D. advise . habitable allowance adequate admirable spacecraft approval petroleum efficient elephant majority desire village benefit significant authenticity embroider Jeisure relaxation conical traditional fashionable fabulous asset metropolitan mayonnaise nutritious rusty lemonade minimum . discriminate Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others Cc. with 1 ‘A. theater B. that D. the Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 14 2 A. heat 3. A. weeks 4A. these 5 A. come 6 A. dove 7 A. walked 8 AC 9 A. chemistry 10 A. message ll A. cook 12 A. daughter 13 A. piece 14 A. money 15 A. climb 16. A. historical 17. A. carved 18. A. grate 19. A. dials 20. A. museum 21. A. tablecloth 22. A. versatile 23. A. sprinkle 24. A. treasure 25. A. daughter 26. A. spread 27. A. sauce 28. A. garnish 29. A. layer 30. A. rusty 31. A. office 32. A. massive 33. A. chore 34. A. lighthouse 35. A. conducts 36. A. trashed 37. A. prepare 38. A. decision 39. A. resort 40. A. skill 41. A. breadwinner 42. A. attraction 43. A. bank 44. A. variety DOWD TWD DDN WTO WOW ODO wear . thousands complete gone world needed choose orchestra measure wood cause guitar period comb, system impressed staple calls cultural authenticity slice drain pleasure author punctual official immersion work heritage returns talked help erode season split clean surface travel bilingual C. meat bags, equal long money laughed because machine gymnastics look aunty pretty some doubt landscape embroidered. marinate talks ppeaeaeaeaana artisan universal accent imitate more hotel wanders reached tennis checkout excursion children each C. lacquerware C. delay C. derivative nenaaanasaAasaanaaaaaaaaaa A \ seat years emblem want love brushed increase mechanic pleasure soup autumn busy onion black business weaved shallot VOUSOoOoTSoSS although . combine garnish measure . sausage - head place subject fluency variety D. divorce D. hour D. wonders D. loved D. tell D. exotic D D D. D D D. PESRBEGTALEREEIE . reasonable . finance . lead . artisan . magnificent . dialect Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 15 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61 62. 63, 64. 65. 66. 67, 68. 69, 70. 7 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77 78. 79. 80. DEPP EE PEE DPE EP E EP PEEP Err DEP DEEP >Er >> massive imitate practice although author sulture conflict closed enough complete thinoceros :ducation embarrassed asked columnist afar exotic marinate achieved explanation nursery application delighted classmate stressed financial urden discussion BOWED EEE immersion translate device ethnic daughter popular forbidden looked igh object habitat graduate awareness stopped language empathize decision frustrated variety stir drain advanced experience work apply helpline pressure tense responsive curtain provision cheap head school together drumhead epeeeneasaaaAasAAAAAaAAAAAARAAAAAAAAA establish phrase service there taught regular reliable rained though defend vehicle individual abandoned kissed place embarrassed skill punctual required existence excursion applicant advice embarrass concentrate applicant turtle permission chemist heavy charity tomorrow multicultural rusty language office gather laugh fabulous determine followed rough prevent whale confident captain raised Asian depressed house-keeping adulthood operate massive exciting certificate applicator missing self-aware breadwinner curriculum cushion peossgsssssssssssyssysysssesssssoryEy Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 16 Exercise 1. Use the correct verb form: 1. Iwish 1... v.--+. one twin sister like my friend Sally. (have) 2. My parents wish they ....... ..-.. to the beach this weekend. (go) 3. I’m fed up with the rain. I wish it ... «+. (Stop) 4, Jimmy wishes he old enough to drive a car. (be) 5. IwishI... .. go to the moon for a vacation. (can) 6. Iwish you.. .. all the time. (not complain) 7. He wished he .... ... harder during the examination. (work) 8. We wish it .. ... raining now. (not be) 9. She wishes he ... .... a lie with her. (not tell) 10. My father wishes I .. 11. She wishes her father .... .. the entrance 10 next month, (pass) ... here to help her now. (be) Exercise 2. Write sentences beginning with I wish: 1, haven't got much money. > I wish .... She'd like to be far away from house. > I wish ..... Francisco lives a long way away. > I wish . Thave to practice the piano every day. > I wish I’m very bad at math. > I wish ... Daniel doesn’t live in the center of town. > Daniel wishes ... I don’t know how to repair the car. > I wish ..... Itrains here every day. > I wish .... prt nwa Yd ‘icholas is sorry he smashed up his car. > Nicholas wishe: 10. The snow won’t stop until tomorrow. > I wish .. 11. Lam not lying on a beach in the Caribbean. > I wish .. Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 17 12. I don’t have time to go around the city. > I wish .. 13. My friend cannot stay with me longer. > I wish ... 14, I don’t know many English words. > I wish 15. She doesn’t send me her recent photos. > She wishes.. Exercise 1. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences. 1. They angry if you didn’t visit them. A. would be B. should be C. would D. should 2. What would you do if you a million dollars? A.win B. won C. had won D. will win 3. What will happen if the air 2 A. was polluted B.be polluted Cis polluted D. has polluted 4, He wouldn’t have had an accident if he more carefully. A. drives B. drove Chad driven D. was driving 5. Ifyou better last night, you wouldn’t have been so tired. A. sleep B. had slept C.was sleeping —_—D. slept. 6. If Thad noticed him, I hello to him. A. say B. said C. would say D. would h 8.1f his address, I would give it to you. Aknow B.would known —C. knew D. had known 9. If you time, please write to me. A. have B. had C. have had D. has 10. I shouldn’t go there at night if I you. A.am B. was C.be D. were 1. If1 get a pole, I will go fishing. A.can B. could C.may D. might Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 18 12. If you had the chance, you go fishing? A. did B. may C. would D. do 13. Ifyou a choice, which country would you visit? A. have B. had C. have had D. will have 14. Trees won't grow there is enough water. A.if B. when C. unless D.as 15. she agreed, you would have done it. A. ifB. had C. should D. would 16. If I had taken that English course, [ much progress. A. had made B. would have made C, made D. would make 17. If | were in your place, a trip to England. A. will make B. had made C. would make D. made 18. You disappointed if there no snow for this winter holiday? A. Would be / was B. will be / is C. will be / are D. could be / is 19. If she yesterday, she would come here with us tomorrow night. A. finished it B. finishes it Chad finished it D. has finished it 20. If 1 for an accounting firm, I would be working in a post-office. A. wasn't working B. worked C. hadn't worked —_D. weren't working 21. What would you have done if you a lot of money? A. had B. will C. had had D. have had 22. If we had known that you were there, we. you a letter. A. would write B. would have write C. would have written D. had written 23. If we had checked the petrol before we started, we here. A. wouldn't stop B. wouldn't have stopped C. would have stopped D. would stop 24. “Did he study yesterday?” “No, but if he __, he would have done better on today’s test.” Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAI TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 19 A. had B. has C. will study D. had done. 25. My sister you the technique of weaving if you ask her. A. would show B. shows C. will show D. showed 26. She would be happy if we her a bunch of flowers. A. had sent B. sent C. would send D. send 27. If you don’t feel well, you. better take a rest. A. are B. would C. had D. have 28. What would you have done if you a lot of money? A. had B. had had C. have had D. have 29. I'll be very disappointed if you the exam. A. don’t pass B. won't pass C.aren’t passing —_D. wouldn’t pass 30. If he harder, the results would be better. A. has worked B. works C. will work D. worked 31. If I had had free time, I shopping. A. would have gone —_—-B. can go C. will go D. will have gone 32. if you take the map with you. A. You will get lost. —_B. You won't get lost C. You get lost D. You got lost 33. If you had come to the party, you her. A. would meet B. had met C. would have met —_D. met 34. I’m not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn’t sleep if I to bed now. A.g0 B. went C. had gone D. would go 35. IFT were you, I that shirt. It’s much too expensive. A. won't buy B. don’t buy C. am not going to buy D. wouldn’t buy 36. I decided to stay at home last night. I would have gone out if I so tired, A. wasn’t B. weren't C. wouldn’t have been D. hadn’t been 37. What will I do if no one me at the airport? Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 20 A. meet B. will meet C. meets D. met 38. Jean gets very agitated if her daughter her once a week. A. doesn't ring B. didn't ring C. not ring D. don't ring 39. Ifthe train is late, we. to the office. A. walk B. will walk C. would walk D. walks 40.She if she has time. A. calls B. would call C. will call D. calling Exercise 2: Put the verbs in brackets in to the correct forms: If she studied harder, she (get)... If (be). 10. Lee will go to a Disneyland if he (save) ... 1. Ifyou (do)... 12. (not go). 13. We could have a drink if it. . better grades. If he (eat).. all that, he will be ill. 2. She could give us some advice if she (be).. here now. 3. What (happen)... if my parachute does not open? 4. The baby (wake) up if you spoke louder. 5. If I (know) . the answer, I would tell you. 6. You (not have)... so many accidents if you drove more carefully. 7. IfPeter (ask), me, I'll help him with all my ability. 8. 9. .. you, I (tell) ... .. them the truth. . enough money. ... a8 I told you, you (succeed)... . to his house unless you go with me. ... (not be) so late. 14. Please don’t disturb him if he (be)... 15. If ice (be). .. busy. ... heavier than water, it (not float)... Exercise 3: Rewrite the following sentences using If clauses. Model: a/ My brother will have enough money. He will buy a bicycle. —> If my brother has enough money, he will buy a bicycle. Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 21 ’b/ She can’t speak English. She won't apply for the job. > If she could speak English she would apply for the job. c/ He wasn’t here. He didn’t have a lot of fun. — If he had been here, he would have had a lot of fun. 1/ She can’t be employed because she doesn’t have a college degree. 5 2/1 don’t have enough money. I can’t go on a long holiday this year. + 3/ He is very slow, so we won’t give his such an important task. 5 4/T'll have to work this Sunday, so I shan’t join your picnic. + 5/ He works overtime to get more money because he has to pay father’s debt. 5 6/ City life isn’t enjoyable because everything is very expensive. 5 7/ Everything on the earth grows well because the sun always shines. + 8/I don’t have a typewriter. I can’t type it myself. 5 9/ Vl buy a new hat. I'll give it to you. + 10/ You'll ask the teacher. He'll explain the lesson to you. + 11/ Mary doesn’t see the sight. She can’t tell you about that. > Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 22 12/1 don’t know his address. I can’t give it to you. > 13/ He didn’t look a lot better because he didn’t shave more often. > 14/ She was ill. She didn’t go to work. > 15/ It was raining all morning. We didn’t go out. > Exercise 4, Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 1. Without transportation, our modern society would not exist. ‘A. Our modern society will not exist without having traffic. B. Our modern society does not exist if there is no transportation. C. If transportation no longer exists, our modern society will not either. D. If there were no transportation, our modern society would not exist. 2. Work hard or you will fail the exam. A. You will fail the exam if you work hard. B. If you work hard, you won't pass the exam. C. You won't fail the exam if you don't work hard. D. If you don’t work hard, you will fail the exam. 3. I can’t understand him because he speaks so quickly. a. If he spoke so quickly, I'd understand him. b. Ifhe speaks so quickly, I can understand him. c. If he didn’t speak so quickly, I’d understand him. d. If he didn’t speak so quickly, I understood him. 4, regret going to bed so late last night. A. 1 wish I hadn’t gone to bed so late last night. B. I wish I had gone to bed so late last night. C. I wish I went to bed so late last night. D. I wish I didn’t go to bed so late last night. 5. We did not visit the museum because we had no time. A. If we have time, we will visit the museum. B. If we had time, we would visit the museum. C. If we had had time, we would have visited the museum. D. If we had had time, we will visit the museum. 6. It’s a pity that you didn’t tell us about this. A. I wish you told us about this. B. 1 wish you would tell us about this. C. L wish you had told us about this. D. I wish you have told us about this. Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 23 7. Julia couldn’t pass the driving test because she was so nervous. A. Julia could pass the driving test if she hadn’t been so nervous. B. Julia could pass the driving test if she wasn’t very nervous. C. Julia could have passed the driving test if she hadn’t been so nervous. D. Julia will pass the driving test if she wasn’t so nervous. 8. She is too busy to come to the party. A. If she was not so busy she must come to the party. B. If she was not so busy she could come to the party. C. If she was not so busy she needs to come to the party. D. If she was not so busy she should come to the party 9. She was careless. A fire broke out in the kitchen. A. If she were careless, a fire broke out in the kitchen. B. If she had been careful, a fire broke out in the kitchen. C. If she had been careless, a fire would have broken out in the kitchen. D. If she had been careful, a fire would not have broken out in the kitchen. 10.Men can’t fly because they don’t have wings. A. If men have wings, they will fly. B. If men could fly, they would have wings C. Men couldn’ fly unless they had wings. D. Men could fly if they had wings. 11.She didn't do the test because it was too difficult. A. If the test had been too difficult, she could have done it. B. If the test hadn't been too difficult, she could have done it. C. If the test were not too difficult, she could do it. D. If the test hadn't been too difficult, she couldn't have done it. 12.Peter doesn't read a lot. He can't find the time. A. If Peter hadn't got the time, he would read a lot. B. If Peter has the time, he will read a lot. C. If Peter had had the time, he would have read a lot. D. If Peter had the time, he would read a lot. 13.She didn’t stop her car because she didn’t see the signal. A. If she saw the signal, she would stop her car. B. If she had seen the signal, she would stop her car. CC. Ifshe had seen the signal, she would have stopped her car. D. If she saw the signal, she would have stopped her car. 14.1 did not understand what the lecturer was saying because I had not read his book. A. What the lecturer wrote and said was too difficult for me to understand. B. The lecturer's book which I had not read was difficult to understand. C.I found it very difficult to understand what the lecturer said in his book. D.I would have understood what the lecturer was saying if I had read his book. 15.John is fat because he eats so many chips. A. If John doesn’t eat so many chips, he will not be fat. B. John is fat though he eats so many chips. Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 24 C. being fat, John eats so many chips. D. If John didn’t eat so many chips, he would not be fat. 16.Susan regretted not buying that villa. A. Susan wished she had bought that villa. B. Susan wished she bought that villa. C. Susan wished she could buy that villa. D. Susan wished she hadn’t bought that villa. 17.You drink too much coffee, that's why you can't sleep. A. Ifyou drank less coffee, you would be able to sleep. B. You drink much coffee and you can sleep. C. You would sleep well if you didn't drink any coffee. D. You can sleep better without coffee. 18.If you don't have his number, you can't phone him. A. You can phone him unless you have his number. B. You can't phone him unless you don't have his number. C. You can phone him unless you don't have his number. D. You can't phone him unless you have his number. 19.She took the train last night, so he wasn’t late. A. If she had taken the train last night, she would have been late. B. Unless she hadn’t taken the train last night, she would be late. C. If she took the train last night, she would be late. D. Unless she had taken the train last night, she would have been late. 20.1 didn’t have an umbrella with me, so I got wet A. If [had had an umbrella, I wouldn’t get wet B. If I had had an umbrella, I would get wet C. IfI had had an umbrella, I wouldn’t have got wet D. If I had had an umbrella, I would have got wet Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 25 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer. 1. Charlie said, "I'm thinking of going to live in Canada". a. Charlie said that I was thinking of going to live in Canada. b. Charlie said that I am thinking of going to live in Canada. c. Charlie said that he was thinking of going to live in Canada. d. Charlie said that he is thinking of going to live in Canada. 2. Charlie said, "My father is in hospital". a. Charlie said that my father is in hospital. b. Charlie said that his father was in hospital. c. Charlie said that his father is in hospital. d. Charlie said that my father was in hospital. 3. Charlie said, "Nora and Jim are getting married tomorrow a. He said that Nora and Jim are getting married tomorrow b. He said that Nora and Jim were getting married the next day. c. He said that Nora and Jim were getting married tomorrow. d. He said that Nora and Jim are getting married the next day. 4. Charlie said, "I haven't seen Bill for a while’. a. He said that he hadn't seen Bill for a while b. He said that I haven't seen Bill for a while. c. He said that he hasn't seen Bill for a while. d. He said that I hadn't seen Bill for a while. 5. Charlie said, "I've been playing tennis a lot recently" a. Charlie said that I've been playing tennis recently. b. Charlie said that he had been playing tennis recently. c. Charlie said that he has been playing tennis recently. d. Charlie said that I had been playing tennis recently 6. Charlie said, "Margaret has had a baby". a. Charlie said Margaret has had a baby. b. Charlie said Margaret had had a baby. c. Charlie said Margaret had a baby. d. Charlie said Margaret has a baby. 7. Charlie said, "I don’t know what Fred is doing". a. He said that he doesn’t know what Fred is doing. b. He said that he didn’t know what Fred is doing. c. He said that he doesn’t know what Fred was doing. 4d. He said that he didn’t know what Fred was doing. 8. Charlie said, "I hardly ever go out these days". a, He said that he hardly ever went out these days. b. He said that I hardly ever go out these days. Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 26 c. He said that I hardly ever went out these days. d. He said that he hardly ever goes out these days. 9. Charlie said, "I work 14 hours a day". a, He said that he works 14 hours a day. b. He said that he worked 14 hours a day. c. He said that I work 14 hours a day. d. He said that I worked 14 hours a day. 10.Charlie said, "I'll tell Jim I saw you" a, He said he'll tell Jim he saw me. b. He said I would tell Jim I had seen you. c. He said he would tell Jim he had seen me. d. He said I would tell Jim he had seen me. 11.Charlie said, "You can come and stay with me if you are ever in London". a, He said you could come and stay with him if you were ever in London. b. He said I could come and stay with him if were ever in London. c. He said you can come and stay with him if you are ever in London. d. He said I can come and stay with him if I am ever in London. 12.Charlie said, "Tom had an accident last week but he wasn't injured". a, He said Tom had an accident last week but he wasn't injured. b. He said Tom had had an accident last week but he wasn't injured. c. He said Tom had had an accident last week but he hadn't been injured. d. He said Tom had an accident last week but he hadn't been injured. 13.Charlie said, "I saw jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine". a, He said he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago and he had seemed fine b. He said I saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine c. He said he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine d. He said he saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he had seemed fine 14.Tom said, "New York is bigger than London". a, He said that New York was bigger than London. b. He says that New York is bigger than London. c. He says that New York was bigger than London. d. He said that New York is bigger than London. 15."Stay in bed for a few days", the doctor said to me, a. The doctor told me stay in bed for a few a days. b. The doctor told to me to stay in bed for a few days. c. The doctor said me to stay in bed for a few days. d. The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days. 16."Don’t shout", I said to Jim. a. I told Jim don't shout b. I told to Jim not to shout c. I told Jim not to shout d. I said to Jim don't shout. 17."Please don’t tell anyone what happened", Ann said to me a, Ann asked me don't tell anyone what happened. b. Ann told me don't tell anyone what happened. Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 27 c. Ann said to me don't tell anyone what happened. d. Ann asked me not to tell anyone what happened. 18."Can you open the door for me, Tom?" Ann asked. a. Ann asked to open the door for her, Tom. b. Ann asked Tom to open the door for her. c. Ann asked Tom open the door for her. d. Ann asked Tom to open the door for me. 19."Listen carefully", he said to us. a. He told us listen carefully b. He told to us to listen carefully c. He told us to listen carefully d. He said us to listen carefully 20."Don’t wait for me if I'm late", Ann said. a. Ann said don't wait for her if she was late. b. Ann said not to wait for me if I was late. c. Ann said not to wait for her if she was late. d. Ann said don't wait for me if I'm late. 21."Eat more fruit and vegetables", the doctor said. a. The doctor said eat more fruit and vegetables b. The doctor said to eat more fruit and vegetables c. The doctor said me to eat more fruit and vegetables d. The doctor told me eat more fruit and vegetables 22."Read the instructions before you switch on the machine", he said to me. a. He told me to read the instructions before I switched on the machine. b. He told me read the instructions before I switched on the machine. c. He told to read the instructions before I switched on the machine. d. He said to read the instructions before you switched on the machine. 23."Shut the door but don't lock it", she said to us. a. She told us to shut the door but don’t lock it. b. She told us to shut the door but not to lock it. c. She told us shut the door but don’t lock it. d. She told us shut the door but not to lock it. 24."Can you speak more slowly? I can't understand", he said to me. a. He asked me to speak more slowly because he couldn't understand. b. He asked me to speak more slowly and he couldn't understand. c. He asked me to speak more slowly but he couldn't understand. d. He asked me to speak more slowly. He can't understand. 25."Don't come before 6 o'clock", I said to him. a. I told him don’t come before 6 o'clock. b. I told him to come not before 6 o'clock. c. told to him not to come before 6 o'clock. d. I told him not to come before 6 o'clock. 26."I can see you later", he said. a. He said he could see me later b. He said I can see you later Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 28 c. He said I can see you later b. He said he can see me later 27."I shall tell him exactly what I think", she said. a. She said she should tell him exactly what she thought b. She said she would tell him exactly what she thought c. She said she shall tell him exactly what she thinks. d. She said I would tell him exactly what I thought. 28." Are you willing to travel?" she asked. a. She asked me am I willing to travel? b. She asked me if I am willing to travel c. She asked me was I willing to travel? d. She asked me if I was willing to travel 29."You should see a specialist", he told me. a. He told me I should see a specialist. b. He told me you should see a specialist. c. He told me I should have seen a specialist. b. He told me to should see a specialist. 30."I would like an appointment tomorrow", I said to my dentist. a. I told my dentist that I would like an appointment the next day. b. I told my dentist that I would like an appointment tomorrow. c. I told my dentist that I would have liked an appointment the next day. d_ I told my dentist that I would have liked an appointment tomorrow. 31."You ought to slow down a bit", the doctor told Jim. a. The doctor told Jim ought to slow down a bit. b. The doctor told Jim that ought to slow down a bit. c. The doctor told Jim that he ought to slow down a bit. d. The doctor told Jim that he slowed down a bit. 32."I must have slept through the alarm", she said. a. She said she must have slept through the alarm b. She said I must have slept through the alarm c. She said she left through the alarm d. She said she had to have slept through the alarm 33."I must have slept through the alarm", she said. a. She said she must have slept through the alarm. b. She said I must have slept through the alarm. c. She said she slept through the alarm. d. She said she had to have slept through the alarm. 34."You needn't come in tomorrow", the boss said. a. The boss said I needn't come in tomorrow. b. The boss said you needn't come in the next day. c. The boss said I didn't have to come in tomorrow. d. The boss said I needn't come in the next day. 35."If you pass your test, I'll buy you a car", he said. a. He said that If I pass my test, he'll buy me a car. Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 29 b. He said that If you pass your test, he would buy you a car. c. He said that If I pass my test, he would buy me a car. d. He said that If I had pass my test, he would have bought me a car. 36."If you passed you test, I would buy you a car", he said. a, He said that if I passed my test, he would buy you a car. b. He said that if you had passed your test, he would have bought you a car. c. He said that if I had passed my test, he would have bought me a car. d. He said that if you passed your test, he would buy you a car. 37."If you'd passed your test, I'd have bought you a car", he said. a, He said that I'd passed my test, he'd have bought me a car. b. He said that if I passed my test, he would buy me a car. c, He said that if you had passed your test, he would have bought you a car. d. He said that if you had passed your test, he would buy you a car. 38."What a silly boy you are!" she exclaimed a, She told him what a silly boy you are. b. She told him what a silly boy he is c. She told him what a silly boy he was. d. She told him what a silly boy you were. 39.The police officer said to us, "Where are you going?” a. The police officer asked us where we were going. b. The police officer asked us where were we going. c. The police officer asked us where are we going. d. The police officer asked us where we are going. 40.Clair asked, "What time do the banks close?" a. Claire wanted to know what time the banks close. b. Claire wanted to know what time do the banks close. c. Claire wanted to know what time did the banks close. d. Claire wanted to know what time the banks closed. 41."How long have you been working at your present job?" she asked a, She asked me how long I had been working at my present job. b. She asked me how long had I been working at my present job. c., She asked me how long I have been working at my present job. d. She asked me how long have you been working at your present job. 42."What do you do in your spare time?" she asked. a, She wanted to know what I do in my spare time. b. She wanted to know what I did in my spare time. c. She wanted to know what did I do in my spare time. d. She wanted to know what do I do in my spare time. 43."Do you have a driver's license?" she asked a, She asked me did you have a driver's license. b. She asked me do you have a driver's license. c. She asked me if I had a driver's license. d. She asked me if I have a driver's license. Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 30 44."Where did you go?". a, She asked me where I had gone. b. She asked me where did you go. c. She asked me where did I go. d. She asked me where you had gone. 45."Can you use a computer?" she asked a, She wanted to know whether I can use a computer. b. She wanted to know whether I could use a computer. c. She wanted to know could I use a computer. d. She wanted to know can I use a computer. 46."How are you?" he asked. a, He asked me how are you. b. He asked me how I am. c. He asked me how was I d. He asked me how I was. 47."Where have you been?” he asked a, He asked me where had been. _b. He asked me where have you been. c.He asked me where Ihad been. _d. He asked me where you had been. 48."How long have you been back?" he said. a. He asked me how long had I been back. b. He asked me how long I had been back. c. He asked me how long have you been back. d. He asked me how long you had been back. 49."What are you doing now?" he asked. a, He asked me what J am doing now. b. He asked me what you were doing now. c. He asked me what was I doing now. d. He asked me what I was doing now. 50."Why did you come back?" he asked. a. He asked me why I had come back. b. He asked me why had I come back. c. He asked me why did you come back. d. He asked me why you had come back. 51."Are you glad to be back?" he asked. a, He asked me if I was glad to be back. b. He asked me was I glad to be back. c. He asked me if I am glad to be back. d. He asked me are you glad to be back. 52."Do you plan to stay for a while?" he asked a, He asked me if I plan to stay for a while. b. He asked me if I planned to stay for a while. c. He asked me did I plan to stay for a while. d. He asked me do you plan to stay for a while 53."Can you lend me some money?" a, He asked me can you lend him some money. Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 31 b. He asked me could you lend him some money. c. He asked me if I can lend him some money. d. He asked me if I could lend him some money. 54."Where can I buy a phone card in this city?" he asked. a, He asked me where could he buy a phone card in that city. b. He asked me where he could buy a phone card in that city. c. He asked me where I could buy a phone card in that city. d. He asked me where he can buy a phone card in that city. 55.She asked, "will you go to night?" a. She asked me if I will go that night. b. She asked me if I would go that night. c. She asked me if will I go night. b. She asked me would I go that night. 56.They said, "Hurrad! We have won the contest!" a. They said "Hurrad" that they had won the contest. b. They said they had won the contest. c. They exclaimed with joy that they had won the contest. d. They said with joy that they have won the contest. 57.Miss White said to him, "Why are you so late? Did your car have a flat tire?” a. Miss White told him why was he so late and did your car have a flat tire. b. Miss White asked him why was he so late and did your car has a flat tire. c. Miss White asked him why he was so late and if your car have a flat tire. d. Miss White asked him why he was so late and whether his car had a flat tire. 58.His friend said to Peter "I'm sad. Let me alone". a. His friend said that I am sad and let me alone. b. His friend said that I was sad and let me alone. c. His friend said that he was sad and told Peter to let him alone. d. His friend said that he was sad and if Peter let him alone. 59."What does she like?" he asked me a. He asked me what she likes. _b. He asked me what she liked. c. He asked me what do I like. d. He asked me what did I liked. 60.She said, "Don't tease me, John” a. She said not to tease me to John. _b. She said John not to tease me. c. She told John not to tease her. _d. She told John do not tease her Rewrite the following sentences in Reported Speech (Statements/Questions) 1. Nam said: "I am told to be at school before 7 o'clock > 2. Thu said: "All the students will have a meeting next week". 4. The teacher said: "All the homework must be done carefully". > Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 32 5. Her father said to her: "You can go to the movie with your friend". 19. The woman said: “When I was walking on the pavement, a strange man stopped and asked me the way to the nearest bank." 20-“tiow many lessons are you going to learn next month?” He asked me. 3 Rewrite the following sentences in Reported Speech (Conditional in reported speech) 1, He sai, “IF cate the plane, I'l be home by five.” 2 He said, “IFT had a permit, I could get a job.” > 3. “If she had loved Tom,” he said, “she wouldn’t have left him.” 4 He said, “le ‘you have Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 33 5. He said, “If you want to lose weight, you must eat less bread.” Rewrite the following sentences “with Passive voice” ( Bi dng céc thi ) 1. My father waters this flower every morning. => This flower.. 2. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night. => Fiona.. 3. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen. => The dinner. 4, We should clean our teeth twice a day. => Our teeth... 5. Our teachers have explained the English grammar. => The English grammar... 6. Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city. => The accident. 7. Tom will visit his parents next month. => Tom's parents..... 8. The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning. => The secretary... 9. Did Mary this beautiful dress? => Was this... 10. won't hang these old pictures in the living room. => These old... Rewrite the following sentences “with Passive voice” (Bi dng c thuat ) 1. They think that he has died a natural death. => He.. . 2. Some people believe that 13 is an unlucky number. => 13.. dong tir trong Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 34 3. They say that John is the brightest student in class. => John. 4. They reported that the President had suffered a heart attack. => The President.. 5. [knew that they had told him of the meeting. => They Rewrite the following sentences “with Passive voice” ( Bi 1. Thad my nephew paint the sae last week. => Ihad.. 2. She will have Peter wash her car F tomorrow. => She will. 3. They have her tell the story again. => They have. 4. John gets his sister to clean his shirt. => John gets... 5. Anne had had a friend ‘ype her composition. => Anne has.. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer. 1. We should call Rita, 2 a. should we b. shouldn't we c. shall we d. should not we 2. Monkeys can's sing 2 a. can they b.can’tthey —c. canit d.cantit 3. These books aren't yours, ___? a. are these b.aren't these —_c. are they d.aren’t they 4. That's Bod's 2 a. is that b. isn’t that c. are they d.aren’t they 5. No one died in the accident, ? (British English) a, didn’t they b. did he ¢, didn't he d. did they? 6. T'mright, 2 a, aren't I b.amn't I c. isn't I d. not Lam 7. They never came to class late, and a. neither did we _b. so did we c. we did either d. neither we did 8. My wife had never been to Hue, an L a. never have b. so did we. c.wedideither d. neither we did 9. They are studying pronunciation with Mr. Brown, a. are they b.aren’t they _c. do they d. don’t they 10.She should have obeyed her parents, she? a. should b. should have c. shouldn't haved. shouldn't 11.My father doesn’t speak Chinese, and. a. my mother does neither b. my mother doesn't too Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 35 c. neither does my mother d. so doesn’t my mother 12.The air-hostess knows the time she has been here, a. does she b. isn’t it c. doesn’t she d. did she! 13.This is the second time she has been here, 2 a. has she b. hasn't she ¢. isn’t this d. isn't it 14.They must do as they are told, a. so must I b.I must either c. Ido too d. 1am too 15.'I don’t like strong coffee' ‘No, " a. I don't too b. either don't c. me either d. neither don't I 16.He hardly has anything nowadays, ? a. has he b. doesn’t he c. does she d. hasn't she 17.You've never been in Italy, 2 a.haven’t you —_b. have you c. been you d.had you 18.Sally turned in her report, ? a. had she b. did she c, hadn't see d. didn’t she 19.You have a ticket to the game, 2 a. do you b.haven't you c. don't you d.have you 20.Tom knows Alice Reed, 2 a. doesn't he b. does he c. is he d. isn’t he ‘Add the tag questions to complete the sentences. 1. She is collecting stickers, ...... . 2. We often watch TV in the afternoon, 3. You have cleaned your bike, .. 4. John and Max don't like Maths, . 5. Peter played handball yesterday, 6. 7. 8. . They are going home from school, .. . Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, . He could have bought a new car, ..... 9. Kevin will come tonight, . 10.I'm clever, 11.He's not coming, 12.I'm not late, . 13.The bank lent him the money, 14.You shouldn't do that, ... 15.You don't take sugar in coffee, 16.She looks tired, .. 17.There's a cinema near the station, . 18.He arrived late, 19.Nobody has arrived yet, 20.1t's time to go, . Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 36 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer. 1. Sunday is the day. I go to Water park with my kinds. a. when b. where c. why d. which 2. Do you know the reason, 006 was killed? a. when b. where. c. why d. which 3. That was the reason he didn’t marry her. a. when b. where c. why d. which 4. An architect is someone. deigns buildings. a. who. b. whom. cc. which d. whose: 5. The boy to___ I lent my money is poor. a. that b. whom. c. who. d. which 6. The land and the people. Ihave met are nice. a. who b. whom. c. that d. which 7. Did you ever find out. penetrated in your house last month? a. who, b. whom. c. that d. which 8. The year the first man traveled in space will never be forgotten. a. which b. that c. when d. where. 9. I cannot tell you all, Theard. a. Which b. that c.as d. because 10.1 can answer the question is very difficult. a. Which b. whom. c, who. d. whose. 11.We saw the girl you say is beautiful. a. which b. whom. ¢. who, d. whose. 12.This is the place. the battle took place ten years ago. a. which b. in where c. where d. from where 13.Sunday is the day. which we usually go fishing. a. during b.at c. in d.on 14.The person, you want to see is not her. a. who. b. whom. c, whose d. which 15.This is the last time T speak to you a. of which b. that c. when d. whose. 16.He talked about the books and the authors, interested him. a. who. b. that cc. which d. whom 17.He talked about the woman. he loves. a. who b. that ¢. which d. whom 18. You know your lesson, surprises me. a. who b. which c, that d. when 19.Bondi is the beautiful beach, Lused to sunbathe. a. when b. where. cc. which d. why 20.Dec 26th, 2005 was the day the terrible tsunami happened Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 37 a. when b. where c. why d. which 21.The woman. lives next door is doctor. a. who b. whom c. which d. whose 22.The boy ___ Mary likes is my son. a. who b. whom c. which d. whose 23.The boy____ eyes are brown is my son. a. who b. whom c. which d. whose 24.The book ___ is on the table is interesting. a. who b. whom c. which d. whose 25.The book ___ you bought yesterday is interesting. a. who b. whom c. which d. whose 26.The table___ legs are broken should be repaired. a. who b. whom c. which d. whose 27.The novel___ you bought yesterday is boring. a. who b. whom c. why d. which 28.This is the room _ 006 was killed. a. when b. where c. why d. which 29.The princess was happy during the years____ she lived with the fairy. a. when b. in which c. where d. that 30.The town____ we are living is noisy and crowded a. in where b. which c. at which d. where Combine These Pairs Of Sentences Using Relative Pronouns: 1. The first boy has just moved. He knows the truth. — The first boy .. 2. Idon’t remember the man. You said you met him at the canteen last week. — I don’t remember the man . 3. The only thing is how to go home. It make me worried. — The only thing ........ 4. The most beautiful girl lives city. [like her lone hair very much. — The most beautiful girl .. 5. He was Tom. I met him at the bar yesterday. — The man 6. The children often go swimming on Sundays. They have much free time then. — The children often... ” 7. They are looking for the man and his dog. They have lost the way in the forest. —> They’re looking for the man......... 8. The tree has s lovely flowers. The tree stands near the gate of my house. — The tree . oe 9. My wife wants you to come to dinner. You were speaking to my wife > My wife .. 10.The last man has just returned from the ‘farm. I want to talk to him ato once. — I want to talk to the last man... Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 38 11.The students will be awarded the present. The students’ reports are very valuable. — The students 12.The book was a lovely story. I was reading it yesterday. — The book.. 13.The botanist will never forget the day. He found a strange plant on that day. — The botanist will never ... . 14.Someone is phoning you. He looked for you three hours ago. — The person . . 15.The man works for my father’s company. The man’s daughter is fond of dancing, — The man ... Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences. 1. Nam is very smart. He always answers the teacher’s question well. A. clever B. bad C. lazy D. hardworking 2. Hoa is a good friend. She always shares things with her classmate. A. gives B. listens C. takes D. wants 3. He lives with his family in a villa in Dong Anh District. A. big house B. small house C. old house D. new house 4. It is foolish of him to do out alone at midnight. A. smart B. handsome C. crazy D. normal 5. Personality is more important than appearance, A. Characteristic B. Appearance C. zodiac D. date of birth 6. [can trust my best friend in everything. A. rely on B. talk to C. listen to D. smile at 7. The new theme park is dead boring. There aren’t many things to do there. A.uninteresting —B. exciting C. sad D. fantastic 8. I love walking down the narrow streets in the Old Quarters at the weekends. A. broad B. huge C. wide D. thin 9. Forest is being cleared to make way for new fanning land. A. Plant B. Animal C. River D. Wood 10. The cold weather has made it necessary to protect the crops. A. popular B. essential C. incredible D. unbelievable 11. Santa Claus handed out presents to the children. A. gifts B. decorations C. fireworks D. candies 12. They hang several of his paintings in the Museum of Modem Art. ‘A. come up B. look up C. take up D. put up 13. The content of the movie I watched last night is really thrilling. A. topic B, theme C. script D. plot 14. Hello Fatty! is a cartoon series about a clever fox and his clumsy human friend. A. smart B. skilful C. careful D. foxy Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 39 15. Playing sports regularly can bring many health benefits. A. frequently B. rarely C. sometimes D. randomly 16. What happened at the football match yesterday? A. played B. occurred C. mattered D. came 17. Love looking at tall buildings at night with their colourful lights. A. sky trains B. skyscrapers. skylines D. sky zones 18. Oxford University is the most ancient university in Britain. A. biggest B. youngest C oldest D. most famous 19. Home appliances have changed very much during the past few years. A. devices B. toys C. machine D. furniture 20. After a long working day, I want to stay in my comfy bed and watch my favourite channel. A. warm B. comfortable C. large D. soft 21. The development of cities is becoming faster and faster and this causes wildlife animals homes disappear. A. reason, B. make C.do D. purpose 22. Everyone can save power by unplugging the home appliances when they’re not in use. A. turn in B. switch on C. switch off D. turn on 23. I think robots now cannot do complicated things or communicate with people. A. easy B. difficult C. simple D. uncomplicated 24. One of the best things about robots is their ability to do jobs that would be just dangerous for people. Asafe B. risky C. secure D. safety 25. Their funny stories make us laugh a lot. A. amusing B. lovely C. cute D. reliable 26. We organize expensive furniture carefully. A. act B. show C. watch D. arrange 27. Try ‘to be quick! We're late already. A. slow B. fast C. long D. short 28. Our city was polluted with the exhaust fumes emitted from vehicles. A. clean B. populated C. popular D. dirty 29. She has walked almost 1,000 steps today. A. just B. over C. nearly D. fast 30. The Olympic Games are held every four years. A. carried B. taken C. brought D. organized 31. 1'm not comfortable to live in my new house in the city center. It's crowded with-people. A. packed B. quite C. noisy D. many 32. When I came to Da Nang, I ate many local foods which are very delicious. A. national B. regional C. international. provincial 33. Hopefully the tree will produce some blossom next year. A. trunk B. branch C. flower D. root 34. As soon as we can afford it, we'll move to the suburbs. A. downtown B. countryside C. innercity —_—_‘D. outskirts Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 40 35. Hung can run very fast, so he was chosen to take part in the school running competition next month. A. rapid B. quick C. quickly D. soonly 36. I always want to come back to my cozy house whenever I have free time. A. cool B. warm C. hot D. comfortable 37. Solving that math problem was a piece of cake to me. I just needed two minutes. A. very hard B. very easy C. very delicious D. very cheap 38. Ngoc is very interested in watching cartoon on TV. A. fond of B. fed up with C. tired of D 39. If you are going out tonight, you will have to count me out. A.excluded me B. number me C. persuade me —_D. ask for my permission 40. He comes from a very wealthy family, so he has a lot expensive cars. A. rich B. traditional C. expensive D. Normal 41. In the United State, almost everyone, at one time or another, has been a volunteer. A. nearly B. hardly C. mostly D. scarcely 42. Americans have had the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since the early days of the country. sick with ‘A. something new and modern. B. something old and last long. C. something precious and rare. D. something common and cheap. 43. Going to the zoo is an exciting experience. You have a chance to look at a lot animals. A. very boring B. very interesting C. very uncommonD. very cheap 44. Ngoc is very different from her sister. She has dark hair and brown eyes. A. unlike B. similar to C. the same as D. like 45. Vietnamese spring rolls are very delicious so a lot of people like eating them. A. tasty B. salty C. sweet D. bitter 46. Pizza in the restaurant near my house is the best pizza I’ve ever eaten. A. hardest B. worst C. greatest D. softest 47. Oxford is one the most ancient universities in the world A. oldest B. most modern C. biggest D. best 48. Chu Van An was one of the most famous teacher in Vietnam. A. richest B. named C. located D. construct 49. You have to strictly obey traffic signals when riding on the road. A. catch B. follow C. see D. observe 50. Hoi An used to be a peace and quiet city. A. peaceful B. lively C. crowded D. noisy 51. “Captain America: Civil War” is so amazing. We _couldn’t take our eyes off the screen. ‘A. couldn't stop watching B. couldn't go to sleep C. couldn’t see the screen clearly D. couldn’t close the eyes 52. Critics say the film is shocking but it is must-see. A.a boring movie B. ahighly-recommended movie C. a successful movie D. an interesting movie 53. Tet Holiday is the most important festival in Vietnam which takes place in late January or early February. Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School BAL TAP THEO CHUYEN DE VA DE LUYEN THI VAO 10 Page 41 ‘A. appears B. occurs C. brings D. holds 54, Some people take naps after the feast with the whole family. A. play games B. go out C. go to sleep D. hang out 55. He’s bought me a smart new camera to change from my old one. A. recharge B. reuse C. replace D. redo 56. When will the information be made available? A. accessible B. busy C. plentiful D. abundant 57. A video game will provide endless hours of fun. A. irregular B. short C. deep D. limitless 58. The city is facing serious pollution problems. A. hard B. minor C. false D. light 59. One major problem of the device is that it can fall over easily. A. main B. small C. secondary D. little 60. People from diverse cultures choose to live in America. A. same B. similar C. uniform D. varied 61. You should be cautious when you cross the streets. A. brave B. confident C. healthy D. careful 62. Being well-known is great but Ashley isn’t interested in buying lots of expensive things. A. famous B. knowledgeable C. intelligent D. wealthy 63. He often eats fatty food so he has put on a lot of weight recently. A. controlled B. decreased C. lost D. gained 64. The English test today is really difficult, No one can complete it. A. exciting B. tricky C. planned D. easy 65. Linh is the most intelligent student in her class. A. new B. lonely C. stupid D. smart 66. Many people took part in Loykrathong Festival in Thailand last year. A. attended B. supported C. visited D. went to 67. “Despicable me” is a hilarious film —I couldn’t help laughing from beginning to the end. ‘A. unable to laugh B. unable to help C. unable to stop laughing D. unable to stop helping 68. I am sure I can make good use of the tips you gave me. A. apply B. play C. abuse D. ban 69. To tell the truth it’s a bit weird being out here on my own. A. common B. good C. strange D. usual 70. WWF is a non-profit organization that protects the wildlife. ‘A. making no money at all B. not working for money C. earning a lot of money D. needing no money 71. Living in a damp environment is not good for your health. A. old B. humid C. dry D. run-down 72. Exercising will help you stay in shape. A. slim B. chubby C. keep fit D.tall 73. Lynn found the whole situation hilarious. Teacher: Bui Thi Kim Thuy Bien Giang Secondary School

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