Tong On 32 Chuyen de Ngu Phap Tieng Anh 9 On Thi HSG Vao 10 Tot Nghiep THPT Gom 578 Trang Word Dap An Day Du Co 2 Ban GV Va Hs - 1600 - PDF -

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Ths Nguyén Thanh Tui eBook Collection TONG ON 32 CHUYEN DE NGU’ PHAP TIENG ANH 9+ (ON THI HSG, VAO 10, TOT NGHIEP THPT - GOM 578 TRANG WORD - DAP AN DAY BU - CO 2 BAN GV VA HS) WORD VERSION | 2023 EDITION ORDER NOW / CHUYEN GIAO QUA EMAIL TAILIEUCHUANTHAMKHAO@GMAIL.COM Tai ligu chudn tham khéo Phat trién kénh bi Ths Nguyén Thanh Tit Don vi tai tro / phat hanh / chia sé hoc thugt : Nguyen Thanh Tu Group Hé tro true tuyén bi/Zalo 09 TONG ON CAC CHUYEN DE NGU PHAP TIENG ANH LUU HANH NOI BO CONTENTS MODULE 1 : PHONETICS MODULE 2 : STRESS MODULE 3 : TAG QUESTIONS MODULE 4 : PASSIVE VOICE MODULE 5 : PREPOSITIONS MODULE 6 : COMPARISONS MODULE 7 : THE ORDER OF THE ADJECTIVE MODULE 8 : TENSES(ADVERBIAL OF TIME) MODULE 9 : SUBJECTS AND VERB AGREEMENT MODULE 10: CONJUNCTIONS MODULE 11: HAVING + PAST PARTICIPLE MODULE 12: WORD FORMATIONS MODULE 13 : EXPRESSIONS OF QUANTITY MODULE 14: MODAL VERB MODULE 15: INVERSION MODULE 16: GERUND AND INFINITIVE MODULE 17: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES MODULE 18 : TYPES OF CLAUSES MODULE 19: VOCABULARY MODULE 20: REPORTED SPEECH MODULE 21 : SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD MODULE 22: ARTICLES MODULE 23 : PHRASAL VERBS MODULE 24 : COLLOCATIONS MODULE 26: COMMUNICATION SKILLS MODULE 27 : CLOSEST/OPPOSITE MEANING MODULE 28 : READING MODULE 29: FIND OUT MISTAKE MODULE 30 : SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION MODULE 31 : SENTENCE COMBINATION MODULE 32: PRACTICE TESTS MODULE 1 : PHONETICS © LY THUYET TRONG TAM I. Phign fim Tiéng anh 1. Nguyén fim Vowels (u, ¢, 0, a, i) a. Nguyén dm ngin - Short vowels - //: ago, mother, together + fil: hit, bit, sit -/a/: study, shut, must -/D/: got job, hospital - fa/: put, should, foot — el: bed, send, tent, spend -/@ /: cat, chat, man b. Nguyén dim dai - Long vowels ~/i:/ meat, beat, heat -/u:/: school, food, moon fa: father, star, car -/ ai/: sport, more, store ~/-3:/: bind, shirt, early c. Nguyén dm déi- Diphthongs - /ail: buy, sky, hi, shy. -/ a1/: boy, enjoy, toy - kil: day, baby, stay -/ou /: 00, 20, $0, - /au/: now, sound, cow ~/ 09 /: poor, sure, tour ~/es |: ait, care, share -/19/: near, tear, cheer 2. Phy Am - Consonants - /b/: bag, baby = /pl: pupil, pay, stop, - dl: dog, daddy, dead = Iki: kiss, key - //: mother, map, come = iv: yes, yellow -/a/: many, none, news = /sl: see, summer -M: love, lucky, travel = Ial: 200, visit - i: siver, restaurant - /hi: hat, honey ~ tea, teach -/ ds /: village, jam, generous ~/e /: get, game, go -/ 0/: thin, thick, something, birth - /f/: fall, laugh, fiction -/8/: mother, with, this - Wv/: visit, van -/S/: she, sugar ~ Avi: wet, why -/ 3a /: vision -/tf/: children, chicken, watch IL Cach phat Am cita du um -//: thank, sing + (s/: khi am tn cling truée né li /pl, /ki, /f, /0/, it + fiz/: Khi true -s la: ch, sh, ss, x, ge. + (2/: khi am tan ciing truée né la nguyén 4m va cée phu Am cén hai. Vidy: A. listens / ‘Isnz / B. reviews / n'yju:z / C. protects / pra'tekts / D. enjoys /m'dgor / Phin duge gach chin & cau C doe phat am lA /s/ cdn lai durge phat m 14 /2/. Dip fn AC IIL. Cach phit im cia dudi -ed duge phiit fim la: + /t/: khi am tan eiing trude -ed 1a /s//4f, (f, /k/, /p, /f/ thi phat im 1a ( + fid/: khi truce -ed 1a /t/ va /d/. + /d/: khi Am tn cling truée -ed 1A nguyén 4m va cic phu 4m edn lai Vidy: A. toured /turd/ B. jumped /dgampt / C. solved / svlvd / D. rained / reind / Cau B "-ed" duge phat 4m la //, cde dap an edn lai -ed duge phat am la /é/ Dap an la B *Ciic trung hop dic biét iin duéi -ed Mot sé tir két thie biing -ed dc ding lam tinh tir/danh tir, dudi-ed duge phat fim IA /id/: 1. aged / exdsid (a): cao tuéi, Hon tudi aged / e1d3d ((Vpast): tri néa gid, lam cho g blessed /blesid/ (a): thin thanh, thiéng ligng crooked /krokid/(a): cong, oa dogged / dogdi (a): gan géc, gan li, bén bi , van veo naked /neikid/(a): tro trui, tran truéng auweun eared / Is:nid /(a): c6 hoe thitc, théng thai, uyén bée leamed / Is:nd /(Vpast): hoc 7. ragged / regid /(a): rich ta toi, bi xi 8. wicked /wikid/(a): tinh quai, ranh minh, nguy hai 9. wretched / ‘retfid a): khén khé, 10, beloved /br'lavid a): yéu throng 11. cursed /ks:st a): tite gin, khé chiu yan cling, t6i té 12. rugged / ‘ragid /(a): xii xi, g6 gh 13, sacred / ‘seiknid i(a): thigng liéng, trin trong 14, legged / ‘legid (a): ¢6 chan 15. hatred / “heitnd /(a): long han thit crabbed /krwbid (a): cdu nhau, git gong ¢ BAITAP AP DUNG Exercises | : Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. © Phat im dui —s/es 1. A nations, B. speakers C. languages D. minds 2. A. proofs B. looks C. lends, D. stops 1 3. A. dates B. bagg C. photographs D. speaks 4. A. parents B. brothers, C. weekends, D. feelings 5. A. chores, B. dishes C. houses, D. coaches 6. A. works B. shops C. shifts D. plays 7. A. coughs B. sings C. stops D. sleeps 8 A B. profity C. becomes D. survives 9. A. proofs, B. books, C. points, D. days, 10. A. phones B. streets C. books D. makes 11. A. proofs, B. regions C. lift D. rocks, 12. A. involves B. believes C. suggests D. stealg 13. A. remembers, B. cooks C. walls D. pyramids 14. A. miles B. words. C. accidents D. names 15. A. sports B. plays C. chores D. minds 16. A. walks B. steps C. shuts D. plays 17. A. wishes B. practices C. introduces D. leaves, 18. A. grasses B. stretches, C. comprises, D. potatoes, 19. A. desks, B. maps C. plants D. chairg 20. A. peng B. books C. phones D. tables 21.A. dips B. desert C. books D. camely 22. A. knees B. peas C. trees, D. niece 23. A. cups B. stamps C. books, D. peas 24. A. houses B. faces C. hates D. places 25. A. miles B. attends C. drifts D. glows 26. A. mends B. develops, C. values D. equals 27. A. repeats, B. classmates C. amuses, D. attacks, 28. A. humang B. dreams C. concerts D. songs 29. A. manages B. laughs C. photographs D. makes 30. A. dishes, B. oranges C. experiences D. chores 31.A. helps, B. laughs C. cooks, D. finds 32. A. neighbors B. friends C. relatives D. photographs 33. A. snacks B. follows C. titles D. writerg 34. A. streets B. phones C. books D. makes ies B. satellites, C. series D. workers 36. A. develops, B. takes C. laughs D. volumes 37.A. fills B. adds C. stirs D. lets 38. A. wants B. books C. stops D. sends 39. A. books, B. dogs, C. catg D. maps 40. A. biscuits B. magazines CC. newspapers, D. vegetables © Phat im dudi -ed 41. A. lifted, Blasted C. happened, D. decided 42.A. believed B. prepared, C. involved D. liked 43. A. coughed B. phoned. C. booked. D. stopped 44. A. talked B looked, C. naked | D. worked, 45. A. developed, B. ignored, C. laughed D. washed 46.A. phoned. B. stated C. mended D. 47. A. clapped. B.a C. lifted’ D. 48. A. involved B. C. praised, D. 49. A. remembered B C. raised. D. 50. A. smiled B led. C. suggested D. 51.A. collected B. changed C. formed, D. 52. A. walked B. entertained, C. reached, D. 53. A. watched B. stopped, C. pushed, D. 54. A. admired B. looked C. missed. D. hoped 55. A. proved, B. changed C. pointed, D. played 56. A. helped, B. laughed C. cooked D. intended 105. A. chores 106. A. sacrifjce 108. A. of 109. A. hand 57. A. smoked, B. followed 58. A. failed, B. reached, 59. A. invited, B. attended, 60. A. smiled B. denied 61.A. planned B. developed 62. A. approved B. answered, 63.A. doubted B. wedded 64, A. managed B. laughed, 65. A. washed B. exchanged 66.A. filled B added 67. A. removed, B. washed 68. A. looked B. laughed, 69. A. wanted, B. parked 70.A. laughed B. passed TILA. reversed, B. choked, 72.4. minded B hated 73.A. proved, B looked 74. A. dated B. changed 75.A. scaled, B. stared 76.A. behaved B. washed 77. A. worked B. shopped 78. A. wanted, B. booked 79.A. booked. B. watched 80. A. kneeled, B. bowed 81. A. bottled, B. explained 82. A. laughed B. stamped 83. A. coughed B. cooked 84. A. signed B. profited 85. A. walked B. hundigd, 86. A. watched B practiced, 87. A. passed, B. stretched 88. A. tested B. clapped 89. A. intended B. engaged 90. A. married B, sniffed © Phat m nguyén dm/phu am 91. A. unlike B. university 92. A. sigter B. close 93.A. father B. anything 94. A. feeling B. weekend 95. A. secure B 96. A. banquet B 97. A. polite B 98. A. family B fat 99. A. hgspital B. confidence 100. A. night B 101. A. mother B. brat 102. A. prepare B. caring 103. A. leave B. week 104. A. pollute B. busy B B B B B B 110. A. hguse 3 ananaanananananAnanaAnaanaanananananana ananananaaaananananan titled, absorbed, celebrated, divorced valued passed connected, captured experienced, started, hoped moved stopped suggested, played. exchanged. stopped struggled phoned clicked, missed, stopped jogged. implied, trapped, booked melted attracted fixed introduced, comprised, planted phoned booked_ unit houges another reading mature ambulance police happy biglogist shift although solution mischievous involve determine family happy young D. D. solved D. displayed D. agreed D. recognized D. uttered D. passed D. D. D. D. D. D. signed, mixed intended missed, stepped, watched D. placed D. sentenced D. old-aged, D. coughed. D. agreed D. hundred D. approached, D. displayed, D. laughed D. developed D. compressed betrayed, contented mixed naked coughed cleaned, washed demanded enabled coughed pyoyooToyy D. union D. house D. D. culture D. husband 111. A. equal 112. A. culture 113. A. ghange 114. A. good 115. A. thin 116. A. how, 117. A. gigat 118. A. symbol 119. A. wedding 120. A. guest 121. A. work 122. A. house 123. A. brgakfast 124. A. mgst 125. A. waman 126. A. close-knit 127. A- hands, 128. A. prizes 129. A. bribe 130. A. some B. arrest C. igject D. envelope B. under C. conduct D. bushes B. teagher C. school D. cagh B. groom C. schgol D. roof B. think C. many D. under B. shower C. now D. below, B. feature C. leat D. lead B. physical C. apply D. ceremony B. exchange C. guest D. ancestor B. grateful C. groom D. generation B, supportive C. nurse D. further B. around C. cousin D. announce B. ready C. spread D. head B. cost, C. post D. host B. push C. pull D. women B. well-known C. quickly D. kneel B. parent C. takes D. hopes B. since C. spit D. conical B. child C. children D. wife B. women C. love D. money Exercises 2 : Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. valenting 2. A.crop 3. A. merchant 4. A. obstacle 5. A. failed 6. A. develops 7. A. species 8. A.advanced, 9. A. exact 10. A. final 11. A. passed, 12. A. ejects, 13. A. produced 14. A. alien 15. A. affected 16. A. missed, 17. A. need 18. A. loved, 19. A. pagoda 20. A. imagings 21. A. office 22.A. finished 23. A. number 24. A. concerned, 25. A. speaks 26. A. dune 27. A. increased, 28. A. looks 29. A. linked, 30. A. heat 31. A. sports 32. A. sacrificed 33. A. cooks 4 B. imaging . common . sergeant B, B. B, B. B. B. inygnt B established, B, B, B. B. . speech . appeared, . integral practice cooked, discipline household mermaid obsession absorbed >. laughs medicine preferred, gleven ory cleared, advocates stopped alley decreased, realized see agreed against cultures service attended furious travelled, graphs shrub) replaced, >. helps finished meant games recorded joing . determine bodily commercial . oblivious solved volumes tennis stopped elephant window threatened breaths laughed anthem washed, watched career coughed aquatic involves device laughed amuse dried beliefs buffalo fixed, sity developed easy ). enthusiasts acted . spends SES SSSSS PES SSS SOSS SOO SS SESE SSSSSS 34. A. interviewed 35. A. misses, 36. A. removed, 37. A. young 38. A. confine 39. A. Bolated 41. A. heavy 42. A. processed, 43... food 44. A. amount 45. A. apologize 46. A. likes 47.4. building 48. A. ergate 49. A. needed 50. A. ploughs, 51. A. broad 52. A. acronym 53. A, account 54. A. sound 55. A. fungus 56. A. contain 57. A. measure 58. A. south 59. A. dome 60. A. accountant 61. A. clubs, 62. A. advance 63. A. canoeing 64. A. increase 65. A. goalie 66. A. bury 67. A. book 68. A. punctual 69. A. sound 70. A. clerk 71. A. spark 72. A. hasty 73. A. neigh 74. A. butter 75. A. hall 76. A. lost 77. A. adopted 78.A. 79. A. peace 80. A. 81. A. character 82. A. peace 83. A. 200 84. A. skill 85. A. hook 86. A. dedicate 87. A. seems 88. A. sigol 5 B. performed B. goes B. approved. B. plough B. conceal head . infested shgot country agree tightens suitable crgature played photographs load agency amount touchy rubbish entertain pleasure southern ‘omb ‘ountry books ‘ent penalty meant archive reserve share nasty height gum salt post appealed, militant great tailor flatter wear goose e floor . eliminate B. plays B. bamboo PRPS RR PET R RR RPE PPR RR RR ER RR weather balanced, book counter algebra heaps suit sasy rained, gas toad became mourning outdated function wastage weigh butcher drawn Ioan dedicated, SESSSSSS PSS SES SSSS SSS SS SSS SS SSS SSS SS OSS SS SESS OSS SSSSEES . delivered potatoes, relieved cousin concentrate automobile driven heat reached, boot around aggressive coughs recruitment inergase followed laughs boat aviation trout account furious campaign treat drought tomb fountain stamps annual tsunami lease advertisement excursion booth furious acegunt herb smart tasty vein summer roll pale wounded kind meat painter attraction sea certificate travels . loose 89. A. sculpture 90. A. searched, 91. A. adverb 92. A. allow 93. A. included, 94. A. bushes 95. A. tool 96. A. dressed, 97. A. walk 98. A. passed, 99. A. dream 100. A. attacks, B. result B. practiced, B. advent B. tomorow B. wanted B. wishes B. spoon B. dropped, B. call B. opened, B. wear B. medals C. justice C. noticed, C. researches C. matched C. washed C. treat C. concerns D. . increased advance SSoSPySSsss figure below, decided headaches noon joined talk worked Mean . Fingers, MODULE 2 : STRESS ¢ LY THUYET TRONG TAM 1. DOng tir c6 2 Am tiét > trong Aim roi vao Am tiét thir hai - Example : be’gin, be’come, for'get, en’joy, dis’cover, re’lax, de'ny, re’veal,... y ‘answer, ‘enter, ‘happen, ‘offer, ‘open... 2. Danh tir c6 2 Aim tiét -> trong 4m roi vao Am tiet thir nat - Example : ‘children, ‘hobby, ‘habit, ‘labour, ‘trouble, ‘standard. :_ad’vice, ma‘chine, mis‘take... 3. Tinh tir e6 2 Am tiét > trong Am roi vao Am tit thi nhat - Example : “basic, ‘busy, ‘handsome, ‘lucky, ‘pretty, ‘silly -Ngoailé :_a’lone, a’mazed, 4. Dong tir ghép > trong Am roi vio Am tigt thir hai - Example: be’come, under’stand 5. Trgng 4m roi vao chinh cic van sau: sist, cur, vert, test, tain, tract, vent, self - Example : e’vent, sub’tract, pro’test, in’sist, main'tain, my’self, him’self 6. Cie tir k&t thie biing cée dudi : how, what, where, .... thi trong 4m chinh nhan vao - Example : ‘anywhere ‘somehow ‘somewhere .... 7. Cie tir 2 Aim tiét bit dau bing A thi trong 4m nhdn vao Am tiet thir 2: ~Example : A’bed, ‘bout, above "back, a'gan, s"Tone, a’chieve alike "broad .2'side .a’buse ,2°fraid 8. Cée tir tin cing bing ede duti ion, — cial,- ically, — ious, -cous, — ian, — ior, ~ iar, iasm — ience, — iency, —ient, - al, -ible, -uous, -ies*, ium, — logy, — sophy,- graphy — ular, — ulum Thi trong am nhan vao Am tiét ngay trude nd - Example : de’cision dic’tation, libra’rian, ex’perience, ‘premier, so’ciety, artificial .su’perior. -Ngoai trit : ‘cathonic ‘lunatic (5 c (i polities (chinh tri hoc) arithmetic (s5 hoc 9. Cie tir ket thiic bing :- ate, — cy*, -ty, -phy, -gy Néu 2 van thi trong 4m nhdn vao tir thir 1. Néu 3 van hode trén 3 van thi trong im nhin vao van thir 3 tir cudilén - Example : “Senate, Com’municate, ‘regulate, ‘playmate, cong’ratulate ,"concentrate, ‘activate... -Ngoai trir: “Accuracy” 10. Cac tir tn cing bang dudi: eer, ~ ette, — 00, -von ,—ain (chi déng tir) -esque,- isque, -aire -mental, -ever, — self => Thi trong 4m nhdn 6 chinh cée dudi niy :Lemo'nade, Chi’nese, deg'ree, Vietna’mese .... phis), com'mitee (dy ban)... trong fim 6 tir cudi két thie bing dudi é nhan trong im 6 tir dau tién néu két thie bing - Example : Thirteen four'teen............ // “thirty . “fift (prefix) va hgu t0 khong bao giv mang trong am, ma thudng nhdn manh & tir gbe = Tién t6 khong lam thay déi trong Aim chinh cia tir Tir gbc Bién doi. im'portant unimportant “perfect im’perfect, Complete incom plete, Re’spective_| irre’spective Con’nect | discon’nect “smokers | nonsmokers ‘courage | en‘courage ‘a’rrange rearrange | “populated | over’ populated de'veloped_| underde’veloped 13. Hu t khong Kim thay dai trong 4m cita tir goe Hau to Tir goc Bien doi “fal beau “beautiful “thought “thoughtless eno en'jovable ‘ua dition traditional “danger “dangerous aivect divectly ‘work [act] "worker "aston ‘begin beginning wide “widen TET emp employment cess Tapp “happiness -ship friend “friendship “hood ‘Chad Childhood - Trong dm roi vao am tiét thir 2 néu 4m tiét thir 3 cé nguyén 4m ngdin va két thiic bing 1 phu dm - Example : encounter /in’kaunta/ determine /di't3:min/ Trong dm sé roi vao am tiét thé nhat néu am tiét thir 3 la nguyén am dai hay aguyén am déi hay két thie ing 2 phu 4m tré Ién. - Example : exercise / ‘eksasaiz/, compromise/ [*kompramaiz] - Ngoai Ié: entertain /enta'tein/ compre*hend b. Dank tie - Néu im tiét cudi (thé 3) c6 nguyén fm ngdin hay nguyén am ddi “au” éu dm tiét thir 2 chira nguyén am dai hay nguyén 4m déi hay két tha bing 2 phu am tri én thi nhan ém tiét thir 2 - Example : potato /p2'teitaw/ diaster / di'za:sta/ - Néu am tiét thir 3 chira nguyén am ngan va dm tiét thir 2 chira nguyén 4m ngin va am tiét thir 2 két thae ng 1 phu am thi nhan am tiét thir 1 - Example : emperor / ‘empara/ cinema /‘sinoma/ ‘contrary “factory......... - Néu im tiét thir 3 chira nguyén am dai hoc nguyén am d6i hoe két thie bing 2 phu am tré lén thi aban am tiét 1 - Example : “architect. tur nur danb tit ¢ BAITAP APDUNG Exercises 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. produce B. product C. actress D. dentist pollute B. supply C. provide D. healthy compare B. single C. include prepare B. section C. problem admit B. account C. conquer address B. involve C. respect language B. involve C. foreign poison B. timber C. immense D. contour private B. regard CC. approach D. permit release B. cancer C. human D. surgeon focus B. notice C. absorb D. interest gather B. protect C. suggest D. reform legal B. custom C. reverse D. travel 14.4. 15. 16.4. 17.A 18.A. 19.4. 20.4 21. 22.A 23.A 24. 25.A 26.4 special possible interesting confidence hurry ‘member reversed daughter photograph grandfather different about mischievous 27.A. join 28. 29.4 30.4 31. A 32.A 33. 34.4 35.A 36.4 37.A 38. 39. 40.4 41.A 42. 43.4 44.4 45.4 46.4 47.4 48. 49.4 50.A SLA 52.A 53.A 54. 55. 56.4 57.A 58.A 59. 60.A 61.A 62.A 63.A 64.4 65. 66. 67.4 68. 9 begin combine carriage without decide extreme goodbye nature fellow intend produce spoken friendly vapor welfare conserve magic enrich costume biologist support solution pressure project hospital begin cancer begin decree without decree forest translate technique compare throaty despite sooner verbal attract verbal B. feeling B. annoying B. personal B. decision B. rushes B. repair B. prepared B. although B. expensive B. progressive B. family B. study B. obedient B. frankly B. happen B. weaken B. custom B. doctor B. expect B. able B except B. future B. follow B. district B. product B. people B. guidance B. camy B. resource B. conscious B. weaken B. enter B. leaning B. generally B. obey B. confidence B. willing B. garbage B. afternoon B. visit B. treatment B. happen B discard B. tractor B. carriage B. supply B. transform B. treatment B. single B. throughout B. within B. caller B. signal B. away B. pollute ananananaAnaananananaanaaAnaAnanaaaAanaanaAnAAnaAaAnAanaAaaAaAnAANnananana secure together relation important secret frankly crowded attempt anyway supportive importance middle solution attempt become oceur decree pasture extra poison themselves, picture yellow waffic nation master expect garbage surgeon preserve happen enlarge engine obedient busy supportive household active suitable consist tissue become dispose future conquer garbage transact guidance include without beside behalf instance waving choices. D. caring D. attempting D. hospital D. another D. collect D. closely D. discussed D. prepare D. holiday D. recently D. motorbike D. busy D. supportive D. pressure D. release D. emit. D. success D. cover D. believe drainage gesture manure allow center chemist, regard wonder exhaust timber prevent begin enclose device D. mischievousness D. caring D. develop D. ensure. D. enjoy D. family D. include D. disease D. decree D. delete D. actor D. follow D. oxide D. tragedy D. police D. consult D. although. D. gender D. caring D. agree D. attend D. table poUDUyDODNUOUOD 69. A. again 70. A. keenness B. journey B. science C. succeed C. demand D. D. digest physics Exercises 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. politician 2. A. sympathy 3. A. intend 4. A. apartment 5. A.exphin 6. A. behave 7. A. disaster 8. A. president 9. A. obtain 10. A. inform 11.A. attitude 12. A. respect 13. A. fantastic 14. A. travel 15. A. apply 16. A. preservatives 17. A. president 18. A. economy 19. A. elephant 20. A. scientific 21. A. conference 22. A. intentional 23. A. exphin 24. A. represent 25. A. minister 26. A. equip 27.A. involve 28. A. hospital 29. A. garment 30. A. different 31. A. sorrow 32.A. certainty 33. A. publish, 34. A. police 35. A. attract 36. A. delicate 37.A. figure 38. A. engage 39. A. original 40. A. person 41. A. situation 42. A. different 43. A. gorilla 44. A. promote 45. A. exciting 46. A. curious 47. A. comprehend 48. A. consider 49. A. pollutant 50. A. generous 51. A. history 10 B. genetics B. poverty B. install B. benefit B. involve B. relax B. origin B. opponent B. perform . explore manager marry powerful return persuade . congratulate physicist unemployment dinosaur intensity lecturer optimistic happen intensive dependent listen provide inflation omment achievement schooling activity replace system amaze promotion honest import responsible hotel appropriate bamboo . interesting precede impolite receive . entertain B. concentrate B. graduate B. endangered B. village PRR R RRP RRSP PPE RET RSPR RRR artificial equipment follow argument borrow enter charity assistant affect prevent invention depend sensitive connect reduce preferential inventor communicate buffalo disappearance researcher environment decide >. domestic encourage answer install policy cement educate passion organize involve woman offer volcanic polite conserve reasonable signal informality rainfall September picture attention >. unique develop interest enjoyable horrible surprise SESS SOOT PUSS SS SSSS SSS POSES SESS USS USS SSS SS SSSSE SSS . controversial . character decide vacaney discuss allow agency companion happen cancel company predict personal deny offer development Property particular mosquito ) expectation reference participant combine employment . agreement enter comment constantly even primary subtract compliment escape novel require resources happy ). maintain comparison instance entertainment wildlife opponent pollute attractive achieve introduce sacrifice . suspicious . wonderful ). physics 52. A. deafness 53. A. pressure 54... publish 55. A. machine 56. A. applicant 57. A. interview 58. A. example 59.4. explain 60. A. character 61. A. surgeon 62. A. supply 63... broaden 64. A. solidarity 65. A. royal 66. A. enroll 67. A. optimistic 68. A. affectionate 69. A. certificate 70. A. treasure 71. A. conceal 72. A. forgettable 73. A. centralize 74, A. compass 75. A. engineer 76. A. encounter 77. A. personify 78. A. contain 79. A. company 80. A. suffer 81. A. contact 82. A. recipe 83. A. inflation 84. A. compulsory 85. A. struggle 86. A. offer 87. A. pollution 88. A. financial 89. A. prepare 90. A. bamboo 91. A. endanger 92. A. teacher 93... important 94. A. possible 95. A. office 96.A. difficult 97. A. answer 98. A. medical 99. A. doctor 100. A. advice B. arrange B. sensible B. predict B. export B. preference B. concentrate B. happiness B. involve B. guitarist, B. conquest B. consist B. persuade B. effectively B. unique B. promote B. diversity B. kindergarten B. compulsory B. appoint B. contain B. philosophy B. candidate B. campus B. Vietnamese B. agency B. generate B. achieve B. instrument B. differ B. concert B. candidate B. maximum B. biography B. anxious B. canoe B. computer B. fortunate B. survive B. forget B. fumiture B. lesson B. happiness B. cultural B. reply B. essential B. student B. justice ¢ LY THUYET TRONG TAM WL absorb treatment reply chemist sufficient comfortable advantage swallow astronaut profit happen. reduce documentary remote require environment respectable remember advance conserve humanism applicant comfort entertain influence affection improve >. business prefer constant instrument applicant curriculum confide country currency marvelous finish deserve determine action employment confident result effective singer dangerous advice circus MODULE 3 : TAG QUESTIONS PS SSOSSS SESS SSS PE SSS S SSE SOS SS SSS SO SESS SSESSSSSES ). exhaust canal refuse proceed appointment technology disaster control bachelor canal delay explain dedication extreme danger - assimilate oceasional information diverse conquer objectively motivation command employee memory encourage enter adventure offer concem commitment character admirable comfort standard allowance physical appeal channel departure police relation supportive famer national future regular Parent . product Cau hoi dudi (tag question) la dang ciu héi rit hay due sit dung trong tiéng Anh, dac biét 1 tiéng Anh giao tiep. Cau hoi dudi la cau hoi ngan 6 cuoi cau ‘tran thuat. Cau hoi nay duoc dung khi nguéi noi muon xac minh théng tin la ding hay khéng hodc khi khuyén khich mét su hai dép tir phia ngwai nghe. Vi du:She is learning English now, isn't she? (C6 dy dang hoe tiéng Anh biy gi phai khong?) ___ Cong thite chung: S+V+. _att'g dong tir +S(DAITU ) -Néu cau ndi trurée ddu phay fa khdng dinh thi cau hoi dudi la phi dinh va nguoc lai, Dui day la bang tom tic cach thanh lap ciu héi dudi. ig tr khan Khay E Can VeoukinVahoulin VwonTt S$ ean/coul/ shoul lla. Ding tr thug Sir dung ig dng tir: Doldoeslaid sev os Dont" S? S+Vsles ec Doct +S? SHVDed cn Didnt +8? Te Trong cu cé cdc tir phu dinh:ne/none/without Neither/hardly/ssldom/rarely/little/never/few. (Ciu méah leah Will you? => cu tric:” I + think/believe/suppose/....” + ménh dé phy thita ding déng tir trong ménh de phu di xée dinh dong tir cho cau héi dudi. Ex: I think she will meet him, won't she? Cang miu cfu tric nay nhung néu chi tir khong phai a "I" thi ding d6ng tir chinh trong ciu (think/believe/suppose/...) dé xae dinh dong tir cho cau héi dudi. Ex: She thinks he will come, dosen’t she? e BAITAP APDUNG Mark the leter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. Everybody looks tired, A. doesn’t it does it D. do they 2. I'ma bad man, A. am not I aren't 1 D.amI 3. I think she is a dentist, A. don't I B. isn’t she dol D. is she 4, I don’t think you are an engineer, 2 A.dol B. aren't you are you D. don't! 5. Let's turn off the lights before going out, A. shall we B. will you . shan’t we D. won't you 6. Don’t be late, ? A. are you B, shall we C. do you D. will you 7. You don’t know him, you B. don’t you C. are you D. aren't you 8. Lan speaks Chinese very well, 2 A. does she B. doesn't she C. is she 9. John has worked hard, A. does he B. did he C. has he 10. They invited him to the party, 1 A. do they B. don’t they C. did they 11. They are leaving here tomorrow 2 they B. are they C. aren't. they 12. I'ma bit late, 2 A.amnot I B. aren't you C. ate you 13. No one is indifferent to praise, 2 A. is one B. isn’t one C. ishe 14. Somebody has left these socks on the bathroom floor, 2 A. have they B, haven't they Chas he 15, James owns a restaurant, 1 A. does he Bishe C. doesn’t he 16. You aren’t too busy to talk, 2 A. are you B. have you C. aren't 17. The cases of COVID 19 outside China have increased 13 fold, A. hasn’t they B, haven't they C. will they 18. What you have said is wrong, 2 A. isn't it B. haven't you C. is it 19. COVID 19 can be characterized as a pandemic, 2 A.can it B. can’t it C. isn’tit 20. The coronavirus had already overwhelmed China, South Korea, Iran and Italy, A. hadn’t it B. hasn’t it C. didn’t it 21. Health authorities have activated their most serious response level, A. haven't it B. hadn't they C- have it 22. Your mother is cooking in the kitchen, ? A. isn’t she B. doesn't she C. won't she 23. Chinese officials quickly shut down Wuhan market, ? A. doesn’t it B. didn’t they Cchadn’t they 24, There are no easy ways to succeed, 2 A. are there B. aren’t there C. aren't they 25. No one is a better cook than my sister, 2 A. aren't they B.ishe C. ate they 26. They'll buy a new apartment, 2 A. will they B. won't they C. don’t they 27. This house is not safe, 2 A. isn’t this B. isn't it C.isit 28. Ba rarely goes out at night, 2 A. doesn’t he B.ishe C. isn’t he 29. Someone wants a drink, 2 A. doesn’t it B. don’t they C. do they 30. What you have just said is not true, 2 A.isit B. isn’t it C. haven't you 31. Lucy has been studying English for 4 years, ? A. has she B. is she C. hasn’t she 32. It seems that you are telling me a lie, 2 A. doesn’t it B. does it C. aren't you 33. You need takea rest, 2 A. don’t you B. needn't you C. need you 34. Let me take care of you, ? A. may B. will T C. shall we 35. Nobody phoned, 2 A. do they . didn’t they C. will she 13 > D. was she D. hasn’t he D. didn’t they D. did they D. aren't D. are they D. hasn't he D. didn’the D. do you D. don’t they D. have you D. can’t they ). wasn’t it D. haven't they D. is she ° do they 9 are they is it will not they is this cosy does he 9 doesn't he ° has it D. isn’t she D. are you D.A&B D. don’t | D. did they 36.1 should keep silent, 2 A. shouldn't 1 B. don't! C. should 1 37.He mightn’t get there in time, A. might he B. may he C. mightn’t he 38. Everything is fine, 7 A. aren't they isn’t it C. ate they 39.1 wish to study English, A. don't I B dol C. may 40. What a nice dress, 2 Avisit B. isn’t it C. doesn’t it 41. One can be one’s master, 2 A. can’t you B, can’t one C. can she 42. You'd better stay at home, 2 A. hadn't you B. had you C. don't you 43. You'd rather lear English, 2 A. hadn’t you B. would you C. had you 44. You don’t believe Peter can do it, A. do you B. can’t he C. can he 45. These are 3 oranges you bought yesterday, 2 A. aren't they B. are they C. are these 46. He seldom helps her, 2 A. doesn’t he B. does he C. did he 47. They never go to the library with US, A. do they B. did they C. don't they 48. Mary and Peter don’t like English, A. do they B.doMary and Peter —_C- are they 49.1. am not a liar, 2 A.am1 B. aren't C.dol 50. The ticket to London doesn’t cost a lot, 2 A. does it B. isn’t it C.isit 51. They must study hard, ? A. musin’t they B.need they CC. must they 52. You mustn't come late, 2 A. need you B. must you CC. needn’t you 53. She wishes to go to Singapore, 2 ‘A. may she B. doesn't she C. does she 54. Let’s go for a walk, 2 A. shall we B. will you C. shan’t we 55. You must have left your purse at home, A. don't he B. haven't you C. doesn’t he 56. Susan doesn't like oysters, 7 A. did she B. does she C. doesn’t she 57. We should call Rita, 2 a. should we b. shouldn't we c. shall we 58. Monkeys can's sing, 9 a. can they can’t they c.can it 59. These books aren't yours, __? a. are these aren't these c. are they 60. They are your friends, __? a. is that b. isn’t that c. are they 61.No one died in the accident, __? (British English) a. didn't they b.didhe c. didn't he 62.1'mright, _? a. aren't I b.amn't] c. isn't] 63. They never came to class late, and 14 D.dol D. mayn’t he D.isit D. mayn’t I D. does it D. A&B D. do you D. wouldn’t you D. don’t you D. aren't these D. didn’the D. didn’t they D. aren't they D. don’t | D. doesn't it D. needn't they D. mustn't you D. mayn’t she D. won't you D. did they D. she does d. should not we dcan't it d.aren’t they d.aren’t they d. did they? d.not lam a. neither did we b. so did we c. we did either 64. She must have been very happy when you told her the news, A. need she B. mustn't she C. isn’t she 65. You must be tired now 2 A. needn't you B. aren't you C. mustn't you 66. You've never been to Italy, A- have you B. were you C. haven’t you 67. This picture is yours, 2 Avisit B. isn't it C. is this 68. He ought to be home by seven o'clock, 2 A. shouldn't he B. mayn’t he C. needn’t he 69. No one is better cook than his mother, 2 A. is she B. isn’t she C. ate they 70.Do it right now, 2 A. will you B. shall you C. do you 71. There are no easy ways to leam a foreign language, 2 A. are they B. are there Caren’t they 72. He seldom goes to the library, 2 A. doesn’t he B.ishe C. does he 73. Let’s go for a long walk, 2 A. willwe B shall we C don’t you 74,1 think he will join us, __? A. doesn’t he B. won'the C. will he 75. The film is good, 2 A. is it B. are they C. isn’t it 76. You are going to the party, 2 A. is you B. are you C.aren’t_ you 77. He can speak English, ? A. can he B. can’t he C. can’t him 78. The ticket to London doesn’t cost a lot, 2 A. do they B. does it C.isit 79. You don’t need me any more, A. dol B. don't I C. do you 80. Nobody knows who invited the wheel, 2 A. do they B. don’t they C. does it 81. Harry was working in Bristol then, 2 A. was Harry B. wasn’t he C. was he 82. You'll be home before midnight, 2 A.will you B won't you C. ate you 83. David is bringing some wine, 2 A.ishe B. isnt he C. is David 84. Don’t leave anything behind, 2 A. do you B. don’t you C. will you 85. Nobody likes the play, 2 A. do they B. don’t they C. didn’t they 86. The children can read English, ? A. can’t they B. can they C. they can 87. Your grandfather was a millionaire, 2 A. washe B.ishe C. wasn’t he 88. Your brother's here, 2 A. ishe B. are he C. isn’t he 89. That was Ann on the phone, 2 A. wasit B. was that C. wasn’t that 90. Tom didn't see her, 2 A. did Tom B. did he C. do Tom 15 neither we did D. hasn't she D. haven't you D. weren't you D. isn’t this D. mustn't he D. aren't they D. don’t you D. aren’t there D. isn’t he D. do you D. don’t I D. aren’t they D. were you D. could he D. isn’t it D. don’t you D. doesn't it D. didn’the D. won't you be D. isn’t David D. shall we D. did they D. they can’t D. isn’t he D. aren’the D. wasn't it D. does he 91. Mary wasn't angry, 2 A. was she B. 1s she C. wasn’t she 92. My wife had never been to Hue, and I a. never have b. so did we c. we did either 93. They are studying pronunciation with Mr. Brown, __? a. are they ». aren’t they © do they 94. She should have obeyed her parents, she? a. should b. should have cc. shouldn't have 95. My father doesn’t speak Chinese, and a. my mother does neither c. neither does my mother 96. The air-hostess knows the time she has been here, a. does she b. isn’t it 97. This is the second time she has been here, __? a. has she b. hasn't she 98. They must do as they are told, a. so must I b.I must either 99. don’t like strong coffee''No,___" a. Idor't too b. either don't I 100. He hardly does homework , 2 a. has he b. doesn’t he MODULE 4 : PASSIVE VOICE ¢ LY THUYET TRONG TAM 16 b. my mother doesn't too d. so doesn’t my mother c. doesn’t she c. isn’t this c. Ido too c. me either c. does he D. was Mary neither we did d. don’t they d. shouldn't d. did she’ isnt it dam too d_ neither don't I dd. hasn't she I. STRUCTURE (CAU TRUC) 1. Cach chuyen Chu déng (Active): Subject + Verb + Object — —_— Bi dong (Positive): Subject <+——— Verb by Object> (tobe + V-ed/ V3) Ex: They planted a tree in the garden. © A tree was planted in the garden (by them). 2. Cie bude chuyén tir cu chi dng sang cfu bi dong © Buse 1: Xéc dinh tan ngur trong cau chu dong, chuyén thanh chi ngit cau bi déng, © Buse 2: Xac dinh thi (tense) trong ciu chu déng rdi chuyén déng tir vé thé bi déng theo céng thire (tobe + V-ed! V3). ¢ Buse 3: Chuyén déi chi ngit trong cu chii dng thanh tn ngit thém “by” phia trude. 3. Bang quy déi cic thi & thé bi dong Thi Chi dng (A) 1ong (P) Higa tai don S+V-ini/ s/es +O S + am ig/ are + V-ed/ V3 + (by 0) Hin tai tigp dig S+ anv is/ are + V-ing+O |S + amv is/are + being + V-ed/ V3 + (by O) Higa tai hoin thanh S + have/ has + V-ed/V3+O | S+have/has+been+ V-ed/ V3 +(byO) Qué khir don $+ V-ed/ V2+0 S + was! were + V-ed/ V3 + (by O) Qua khit tigp dién S + was/ were + V-ing +O S + was/ were + being + V-ed/ V3 + (by O) Qua khir hoan thanh S$ +had + V-ed/ V3 +O S + had + been + V-ed/ V3 + (by O) Tuong lai don S+will + V-inf +O S* will hoy V3+ Tuong ki gin S +am/is/ are going to+V-inf] S +am/ is/are going tos be + V-ed/ V3 + (by Dong tir Khuyét thiéu S+DIKT+ V-inf+O S + DIKT + be + V-ed/ V3 + (by O) 4 Lay © Khong ding "By + tan nga” néu chi nga trong cau chu dong cé tinh mo hé, chung chung (people, something, someone, they, etc) Ex: Someone stole my motorbike last night => My motorbike was stolen last night. © Néu S trong cau chu déng la: I, you, we, they, he, she => c6 thé bo di trong cau bi dong néu ta khong muén dé cép téi chi thé gay m hinh déng Ex: My father waters this flower every morning © This flower is watered (by my father) every morning . © Néu li nguéii hode vat true ep gay ra hanh dong thi ding “by”, nhung gidn tiép gay ra hinh dong thi ding “with”. Ex: The bird was shot by the hunter The bird was shot with a gun Trong ciu chi dng néu c6 trang ngit chi thei gian va trang ngi chi noi chén khi chuyén sang ciu bi dong sé ¢6 dang: trong tir chi noi chin + by + trang tir chi thdi gian Ex: Hoa is making a cake in the kitchen now © A cakes being made in the kitchen by Hoa now. Il. THE SPECIAL CASES (NHUNG TRUONG HOP DAC BIET) 17 BIDONG VOI HAVE/HAS/HAD So haves O (agua) + VE So haves OCVat) + Vared BL DONG VOI GETICOT So gets O (gw) + TeV Saget O( Vat) + Ved BIDON G VOR NEED. Saguvi + need + To Syitt need > ing / Tobe V3.ed BIDONG VOI DONG TU Cit ¥ KIEN Te+is was + Valed> that +S+V S2+be + V3/ed + To-V S24 be + Vi/ed + To have V3/ ed BIDONG Vi OI V-ING7TO-V. To V=> Tobe Vow Ex I don't want to be laughed at Ving => Beng? Woe Ex We dislike being cheated. BL DONG HAT TAN NGI S+ V+ Or O Ex: The student gave me a book BD:(Cl) $+ be+V3ed +02 + (by +0) => Iwas given a book by the student. BD: (C2) S + be + V3/ed + to/for +0; + by +0) => A book was given to me by the student = Cac déng ti thug di véi gid tir “40” - Cac déng ti thuing di véi gidi tir “for Ghi_ chit = B81 ev uy, do, get, leave, ng tir Be phai duoc chia cling thi voicau chu donghode cling dang vot Vebiak. hand, lend, offer, send, show, pay, promise, road, throw. wish, owe. make, onder, save, spare Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following e BAITAP AP DUNG questions. Ld. with you on that subject. A. am agree B. amagreed C. agreeing D. agree 2. Many American automobiles. in Detroit, Michigan. A. manufacture B. have manufactured C. are manufactured D. are manufacturing 3. Let’s go ahead and do it now. Nothing. --by waiting A. accomplishes B. accomplished C. has accomplished D. will be accomplished A, OWED. eseeeceeeee 2” "In 1928." A. penicillin was invented B. did penicillin invented C. was penicillin invented D. did penicillin invent 5. Inrecent years, the government has imposed pollution controls on automobile manufacturers. Both domestic and imported automobiles must... anti-pollution devices. A. equip with B. be equipped with C. equip by D. be equipped by 6. The first draft resolution. yesterday; it long before the beginning of the meeting. A. has not been discussed - had been withdrawn B. was not discussed -has been withdrawn C. was not discussed -had been withdrawn D. had not been discussed - was withdrawn 7. Heis not in town; he... on a special mission. A. is sending B. will be sent CC. has sent D. has been sent 8. Don’t come into the compartment; the berth ... NOW. A. is being fixed B. has been fixed C. is fixed D. is being fixing 9. A new underground line... A. is constructed - will be built B. is being constructed - has been built C. is being constructed - will be built D. will be constructed - to be built 10. He wants to know when the final decision . already..............about. A. has been taken - have spoken C. will be taken - will be spoken 18 now. They say one of its stations .in my street. . The activities of the committee and their delays B. will be taken - have been spoken D. is taken - have been spoken 11. It was three o’elock. We. hurry up because we A. were told - were being waited B. had been told - were waited C. were told - were waiting D. told - were being waited 12. Do you believe that such a problem can. aad A. solve B. be solving C. is solved D. be solved 13.1 must. without delay. A. be done B. have been done D. be doing 14. On September 9, 1850, California. to the United States as the thirty-first state. A. has been admitted B. was admitted CC. was admitted D. admitted 15. When I came, an experiment... in the lab. A. was being holding B. has been held C. was being held D. has held 16.1 still cannot believe it! My bicycle... some minutes ago. A. was stolen B. was stealing, C. stolen D. stole 17. The current constitutional problem is.. by the top legal minds in the country. A. studying B. being studying C. being studied D. been studied 18. Something funny. class yesterday. A. happened B, was happened C. happens D. is happened 19. The child’s arm was swollen because he... bya bee. A. stung B. had stung C. had been stung, D. had being stung 20. Today many serious childhood diseases. by early immunization A. are preventing, B. can prevent C. prevent D. can be prevented 21. Sally gave such a good speech that I couldn’t resist...............loudly when she finished. A. applauding B. being applauded C. to applaud D. tobe applauded 22. Not all the necessary things . for our trip that’s why the departure. A. will have been bought - has been postponed B. have been bought - has been postponed C. has been bought - had been postponed D. had been bought - has been postponed 23. If you want to develop inner tranquility, you have to stop. by every little thing that happens. A. bothering B. being bothered C. to bother D. tobe bothered 24, Richard really didn’t mind . .. by the party to celebrate his fortieth birthday although he told his friends that they shouldn't have done it. 25. A. surprising B. being surprised C. to surprise D. to be surprised Ann hoped ... .- to join the private club. She could make important business contacts there. A. inviting, B. being invited C. to invite D. tobe invited 26. Are you sure you told me? I don’t recall... about it. A. having told B. having been told C. to have told D. to have been told 27. David appears. some weight. Has he been ill? A. having lost B. having been lost. C. to have lost D. to have been lost 28. Tom made a serious mistake at work, but his boss didn’t fire him. He's lucky ... .-.a second chance. ‘A. having given B. having been given C. to have given D. to have been given 29. Dr. Nguyen is a brilliant and dedicated scientist who had expected to be selected as the director of the institute. She was very surprised not. the position. A. having offered B. having been offered C. to have offered D. to have been offered 30. By the time their baby arrives, the Johnsons hope. . painting and decorating the new nursery. A. having finished B. having been finished C. to have finished D. to have been finished 31. The money. .to him two months ago, but it back yet. A. was lent - had not been given B. has been lent - was not given C. was lent - has not given D. was lent - has not been given 32. The new students hope. .in many of the school’s social activities. 19 A. including B. being included C. to include D. tobe included 33. The owner of the building's supply store doesn’t mind... -his customers discounts when they buy in large quantities. A. giving B. being given C. to give D. tobe given 34, Jack got into trouble when he refused... -his briefcase for the customs officer. A. opening B, being opened C. to open D. tobe opened 35. Fortunately, the hespital’s new air-conditioning system. when the first heat wave of the summer arrived A. had installed B. installed C. had been installed D. had been installing 36. The City Parks Department is putting in several miles of new trails because so many people have said that they enjoy... .on them, A. walking B, being walked C. to walk D. tobe walked 37. You'd better save some money for a rainy day. You can't count o1 by your parents every time you get into financial difficulty. A. rescuing B. being rescued C. to rescue D. tobe rescued 38. The man died because medical help was not summoned. A doctor should ..............immediately. A. have called B. be called C. called D. have been called 39.1 don’t remember. ...of the decision to change the company policy on vacations. When was it decided? A. telling B being told C. to tell D. tobe told 40. Ms Clark expects. about any revisions in her manuscript before it is printed. A. consulting B. being consulted C. to consult D. tobe consulted 41. Her fiance is said from Harvard University five years ago. A. having graduated B. to have graduated C. being graduated D. to be graduated 42. Asa small boy, he used to alone in the house for an hour or two. A. being left B. leaving C. be left D. leave 43. Ann hoped. to join the private club, She could make important business contact here. A. being invited B to invite C. to be invited D. inviting 44, Everyone likes when they have got some success. A. to be congratulated B_ being congratulated C. to be congratulating D. to congratulate 45. Her watch needs A. repairing B. tobe repaired C. repaired D.AandB 46.1'll get Minh this for you B. done C. did D.todo 47. It is suggested that all the strict rules by employees. A. obey B. are obeyed C. be obeyed D. should obey 48. We had the roof of our house yesterday A. repaired B. repair C. repairing D. to repair 49. The photos ina London studio last week. A. were taken B have taken C. was taken D_ have been taken 50. When the boy the car he was badly injured A. is hit by B_ was hit by Chit D. was hitting 51. I'll have the boys the chairs. a. paint b. to paint c. painted d. painting 52. Have these flowers to her office, please. a. taken ». taking c. take take 53. Lisa had the roof yesterday a. repair b. repaired c. to repair d. repairing 54, The students got the librarian books for them. a. buy buy c. bought d. buying 55. He had a portrait asa birthday present for his daughter. A. painting B. paint C. painted D. to be painted 20 56. Her watch needs A. repairing B. tobe repaired C. repaired 57. His car needs A. be fixed B. fixing C. to be fixing 58. We got our mail yesterday. A. been delivered BB. delivered C. delivering 59. Your house needs ‘A. redecorated B. redecorating D. toredecorate 60.1 get Minh, this for you. B. done C. did 61. That book by a famous author. A. wrote B. was written C. is writing 62. Food direct to the market by trucks. A. delivered B. deliver C. can be delivered 63. The house has after the fire Ato rebuild B tobe rebuilt C. to be rebuild 64, All the homework at home. A. should do B_ should done C. should be done 65. The application form to the university before May 31st. A. must send B sent CC. must be send 66. Traffic rules strictly A. followed B. must followed 67. Today, many serious childhood diseases A. are preventing 68. Were late. The film A. will already start B. can prevent C. must be followed by early immunization, c. prevent by the time we get to the cinema. C. will already have started 69.1 still can not believe it. A. wasstolen 70. Many U.S automobiles A. manufacture C. are manufactured 71. Dynamite by Alfred Bernard Nobel. A have been invented B. invented C. was invented D. was being invented 72.1 that the strike will end soon. A. is expected B. expected C. are expected 73. My shit by my sister on my last birthday. A. gave B. was given C. had been given 74. The castle in the 16th century. A. built B. has built C. was built 75. A lot of pesticide residue can unwashed produce. A. find B. found C. be finding 76. This tree by our grandfather over 40 years ago. A. grew B. has grown C. is grown 77. The story I’ve just read ‘Agatha Christie. A.was written 78. Gold, in California in the 19th century. B. has been discovered 79. Beethoven's Fifth Symphony A. was discovered B. will be already started D. will be starting My bicycle some minutes ago. B. was stealing C. stolen in Detroit, Michigan. B. have manufactured B_ was written by A. is going to be performed C. will be performing 80. yet? A. Have the letters been typed 21 D. are manufacturing C. was written from c. next weekend B. has been performed D. will have perform was discover D. Aand B D. fixed D. to deliver C. being redecorated todo has written delivers rebuilt should be doing ~~~) must be sent D. must follow D. can be prevented D stole was expected was being given had built be found was grown wrote by copy Dp DD they discover B. Have been the letters typed C. Have the letters typed D. Had the letters typed 81. The windows yesterday. A. were cleaned B. was cleaned C. cleaned 82. The house __ six decades ago. A. was built B. was building C. will be built 83.Itis that many people are homeless after the floods A. was reported B. reports CC. reported ‘84. He was said this building. A. designing B. to have designed C. to design 85. Some film stars, difficult to work with A. are said be B. are said to be C. say to be 86.1t that leaming English is easy. Av are said B. said C. is said 87. John........2 respectful and obedient student. a. said to be said c. is said being 88.It is parents’ responsibility to take good care of their children. a. commonly says that b. commonly to be said that c. is commonly said that d. is commonly saying 89. More than ten victims....... missing in the storm last week a. are reported to be b. are reported to have been c. are reporting to have been d. are reporting to be 90.1 that learning a foreign language a lot of time. a. says/ is take b. is saying / has been taken c. is said/takes d. was said/ was taken 91. The longest fish in the contest was eighteen inches long" Tt by Thelma Rivers” a. was catching b. caught c. was caught 92."I heard you decided to take up tennis" "Yes, Ihave___every day’. a. been played been playing c. playing 93."Are we about to have dinner?" "Yes, it in the dinning room" a. is serving b. serves c. is being served 94. "Why is Stanley in jail?" "He of robbery" a. has been convicted b. has been convicting c. has convicted d. convicted 95."Where are Jack and Jan?" "They the boxes you asked for into the house” a. have been bringing _ b. bringing, c. have been brought "Where's the old chicken coop?" It___ by a windstorm last ye: a. destioy destroyed c. was destroyed find . found 98. "Whatever happened t that fortune - teller?" “I don't know. She around her in a long time”. a. hasn't seen b. didn't see c. hasn't been seeing 99. "Diana is a wonderful ballet dancer" 'She___since she was four". a. has been dancing —_b. has been danced c. is dancing 100. "What a beautiful dress you're wearing!" "Thank you. It____ especially for me by a French tailor” a. is made . has made c. made 22 D. had cleaned D. was to be built D. reporting, D. designed D. said to be D. is sayed dis said to be catch d play d. served bring d. destroyed d. being found 4. hasn't been seen d. was danced d.was made 1.Dinh nghia gidi tir la gi? ( ~ Gigi tir la tir hay cum tir thu: MODULE 5 : PREPOSITIONS © LY THUYET TRONG TAM ition) véi cic thanh phan khic trong cau. ~ Gisi tir e6 vi tri démng rigag ca minh trong a, Truée danh tir . ‘Vi du:* at the cinema: 6 rap chiéu phim 2000: vao nim 2000 b. Sau dong tir g duge ding véi danh tir, tinh tir, dai tir dé chi méi lién hé gitta ed ir nay wu, sau day 1d vi tri cla mot $6 gidi tir co ban trong tiéng Anh: Co thé lign sau dong tir, c6 thé bi mét tir khdc xen gitta dng tir va gidi ti. Vi du:+ I arrived at the airport on time. (Toi dén san bay dung gic.) + Please tum the radio dow! ¢. Sau tinh tir (Lam on vin nhé dai chit!) Vi du:+ Viet Namis rich in natural resources. (Viét Nam giiu tai nguyén thign nhién.) +He is very friendly with me. (Anh ay rat thin thign voi tdi) MOT SO GIGI TU CO BAN Gidi tr Cich ding Vidy thing in May, in March nam in 2004, in 2018 in mia in summer, in winter Duoi trong ngiy inthe moming, in the aflemoon, in the evening Khodng thoi gian ina minute; in three days busi trong ngiy at night, at noon at thoi gian trong ngay ‘at 7 o'clock; at midnight dip Ie ‘at Christmas, at Easter cum tc dinh at the same time dip Ie dae bigt ‘on Good Friday; on Easter Sunday, on my birthday on udi cia | ngay dac biet ‘on the morning of March the | st after (sau khi) muén hon cai gi do after breakfast ‘ago (cach day bao Tau) dieu gi da xay 2 years ago ra lu roi before (tude Khi) som hon edi gi a before Christmas between | (gia) thoi gian chia im between Monday and Thursday by Khong muon hon mot moc thoi by Sunday gian nao 46 (Trong subst) trong Khoang thoi gian during no dé during the holidays Tor Khoang thoi gian Tor three weeks from... to from. tir... dén from Monday to Wednesday from Monday till till/unil Wednesday pat ‘gio hon 23 minutes past 6 (623) ‘since moc thoi gian ‘since Monday tilVantil Khong muon hon {ill tomorrow until tomorrow dinh nao dé. to gig kém 23 minutes to 6 (5:37) up to khdng nhieu hon mot khoang thoi up to 6 hoursa day gian nio d6 within (trong vong) trong khoang thei within a day gian nio d6 CAC CUM GIOI TU THUONG XUAT HIEN TRONG KY THI ABOUT | -To be sorry about st + Ty Tam tide, hai tide vé cai gi ~ To be curious about st +10. md vé cai gi ~To be careful about st + cn than vé cai gi - To be careless about st ~ To be confused about st - To be doubtful about st ~ To be excited about s + himg thi vé cdi g - To be enthusiastic about st + nhiét tinh, hao himg vé cai gi - To be sad about st + buén vé cai gi ~ To be serious about + nghiém tie v - To be reluctant about st (or to) st + ngan ngai, mién cudng voi cai gi ~ To be uneasy about st + kh6ng thoai mai = To be worried about st slo King vé céi gi AT = To be amazed at st + inh ngac, sig sot vi cai gh ~ To be amused at st + thich thi véi edi gi ~To be angry at sb + tite gin véi ai ~ To be annoyed at sb + bue minh véi ai = To be bad at st + yéu kém vé cdi gi ~To be brilliant at + thng minh, ¢6 tai - To be good/clever at st + gidi/sic sao vé - To be efficient at st + 06 nding luc vé cai gi - To be expert at st + thanh thao vé céi gi - To be mad at sb + tite dién lén vi ai ~ To be present at +c6 mat ~To be skillful at st + khéo léo cai gi - To be surprised at st + ngac nhién v6i = To be quick at st + nhay bén vé cai gi/nhanh chéng lam gi FOR ~To be available for sth (cai ai) ~To be bad for cho ~ To be good for + 16t cho - To be convenient for + thuan loi cho. -To be difficult for + khé - To be dangerous for + nguy hiém, ~ To be eager for + hao hire cho - To be eligible for + du tu cach cho = To be late for 24 ~To be liable for sth ~ To leave for ~To be famous/well-known for ~To be fit for ~To be greedy for ~To be grateful for sth - To be helpful/useful for = To be necessary for ~To be perfect for ~To prepare for ~ To be qualified for ~To be ready for sth ~ To be responsible for sth ~To be suitable for ~To be sorry for ~ To apologize for stidoing st = To thank sb for st/doing st = To be useful for + c6 trdch nhigm ve phap ly + roi khoi dau + tham lam, + biét on vé viée. + hoan hao + chuan bi cho +o pham chat + sin sing cho vige gi + ¢6 trach nhigm v’é vige gi + thich hop + xin 16i flay lam tiée cho + xin 165i vi cdi gi/vi da lim gi + cim on ai vi cai gi + c6 ich, hitu dun; FROM __| - To borrow st from sb/st ¥ vay mutgn cli ai 7c = To demand st from sb + d0i hoi cai gi 6 ai = To draw st from st + nit edi gi ~ To emerge from st + nhii len cai gi ~To escape from + thodt ra tr edi gi - To be free from + khéng bi, khong phai - To prevent st from + ngin can ai cdi gi ~ To protect sb/st from + bao vé ai /bio vé cai gi - To prohibit sb from doing st + cam ai lam vige ~ To separate st/sb from st/sb + tach cdi gi ra khoi ei gi - To suffer from: (tach ai ra khoi ai = To be away from stisb + chiu dumg dau khé - To be different from st + xa cich ci gi/ai ~ To be far from sb/st + khae vé cdi gi - To be safe from st + xa cach ai/edi gi ~ To save sb/st from +an toan trong cai gi ~ To be resulting from st + citu ai/cdi gi khoi +do cdi gi c6 két qua IN ~To be absorbed in + say mé, say sua - To believe in stisb + tin tréng cai gi/vae ai = To delight in st + hd hai ve cai gi ~ To be engaged in st + tham du, lao vao cude ~ To be experienced in st + c6 kinh nghiém vé cai gi - To include st in st + gOp cai gi vao cdi gi ~ To indulge in st + chim dim trong cai gi ~ To be interested in st /doing st + quan tim cdi givvige - To invest st in st + dau tu cai gi vao edi gi - To involved in st + dinh liu vo cai gi ~ To persist in st + kién tri trong edi gi ~ To be deficient in st + thiéu hut edi gi - To be fortunate in st + may min trong cai gi ~To be rich in st + d6i dao, phong phi - To be successful/succeed_in ih OF - To be ashamed of ~To be aftaid of +59, € ngai ~To be ahead of + trude - To be aware of > nhan thirc 25 ~To be capable of ~ To be confident of - To be certain of - To be doubtful of ~ To be fond of - To be full of - To be hopeful of - To be independent of ~ To be proud of - To be jealous of ~ To be guilty of - To be innocent of -To remind sb of ~To be sick of ~To be scared of - To be short of = To be suspicious of - To be joyful of ~ To be typical of + e6 kha ning +twtin + chic chin vé +nghi ngir + thich + day + hy vong + déc lap + tu hio + ganh ti véi + pham t6i vé, c6 tai + v6 toi + goi cho ai nhé t6i + chan nan vé +9 hai + thiéy +nghi ngir ve +vui mimg vé + tiéu biéu, dién hinh - To be tired of + mét moi = To be terrified of +khiép so vé ON ~To be dependent/depend on sts | +6 thude vao cai gi ao ai ~ To be keen on st + mé cdi gi = To be based on st + dua trén, dua vao_ TO - To be able to + 06 the = To be acceptable to +6 thé chap nhén - To be accessible to +06 thé ket néi, tie ~ To be accustomed to + quen véi - To be agreeable to +06 thé ding y ~ To be addicted to + dam mé - To be available to sb + sin cho ai - To be clear to +1 ring ~ To be contrary to - To be delightful to sb - To be equal to ~ To be exposed to ~To be familiar to sb - To be favorable to ~ To be grateful to sb ~ To be harmful to sb/st - To be Important to - To be indifferent to ~ To be identical to ~ To be kind to sb To be kind of sb ~ To be likely to ~To be lucky to ~ To be loyal to ~ To be necessary to sth/sb ~ To be next to - To be open to = To be opposed to ~ To be pleasant to - To be preferable to = To be profitable to + trai lai, déi lap + thi vi ddi voi ai + turong durong voi + phoi bay, dé 16 + quen thude d6i véi ai th, ing ho + biét on ai + e6 hai cho ai (cho edi gi] + quan trong + ban quang, tho o + long tat cua ai + co the + may min + chung thay véi + can thiét cho vige gi/cho ai + ké bén + coi me + phan déi + hai long + dang thich hon +06 loi 26 ~To be responsible to sb ~ To be rude to - To be similar to = To be useful to sb = To be willing to + thd 16, cde + gidng, tuong ty + c6 ich cho ai + sin long WITH ~To be acquainted with - To be angry with sb ~ To be busy with st ~ To be bored with = to be fed up with - To be consistent with st - To be content with st = tobe satisfied with ~ To be crowded with ~To be covered with - To cope with - To deal with ~ To be disappointed with ~To be friendly to - To be patient with st - To be impressed with/by ~ To be popular with = To be wrong with ¥ quen biet, quen than + tire gidn véi ai + ban véi cai gi + chén ngan, chan ngdy + kign tri chung thy véi cai gi + hai long voi + diy, dong dic + bao phi véi + duong dau voi + xt li, giai quyét v6i + that vong voi + than thign véi + kign tri véi edi gi + 06 an tuong/xtic déng v6i + phé bién quen thuée +06 van dé «© BAITAP AP DUNG Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. Jane doesn't spend much money clothes, a. over b. about cat dion 2. She always takes good care her children. a. for bin cof with 3. A sign wamed motorists dangers. a. of b. for c. about daandc¢ 4. They translated the letter French. a. for b with c. into about 5. I was disappointed the grade I received on my last essay. a. for B.about d.aandb 6. The medical center is close campus. ato b. for cup with 7. We went there car and stayed there for the whole day. a. in b.on c. with 8. Westarted our joumey foot. a. with b. by con din 9. He always prevents me doing my duty. a.of b. from . with against 10.1 write letters my right hand. a. in c. with dat 11. John is fond. going to the dancing class Ain B.of Cowith Dat 12. That is last year’sversion. It’s date now. A.into B. out of C. besides Dout 13. He was put, prison last year. B. from C. into Dat 14. The ASEAN Vision 2020 is aimed. forging closer economic integration within the region. A.t0 B. for C.of 27 15. The population of ASEAN accounts about 8.6% of the w orld’s population. A.of B. for C. in D. from 16. Joe is an orphan. He was brought. by his aunt A. about B.up C. around D.on 17.In most football matches, referees often wear, black, A. in B. for ©. with D.on 18.1 shall wait you at the station. A.about Bby C.t0 Dor 19.1 saw him noon A.for Bwith C. against Dat 20. The picture is, the wall. A.above Bat C. over Don 21. She likes to go apicnic with her family. A for B. over C. into Dby 22. What doyou think this sonata of Beethoven? A about B to C.with D from 23.1 work hard. help, my parents. A. s0 as to B. in order to C. In order that D.AandB 24, Aren’t you glad that you went to the party with us all? Ain B. after C. above Dwith 25.1 am quite familiar the food here. A.with B. about C.t0 D.into 26. He aimed, the tiger. A.for Cowith Dito 27. My father gave smoking B. in C.up Dor 28. We escaped. that horrible room B. out C. away D.from 29. This library card will give you free access. the Intemet eight hours a day A.on C. from D. in 30. She had to hand in her notice advance when she decided to leave the job. AL with B. from C. in 31. If you have anything important to do, do it straight sway. Don’t put it Aon B. off C. over D.up 32. Such relaxing days were few and far in her hectic life. A. between C. beyond D. out 33. She went. with a bad cold just before Christmas. A. through B. over C. in for D. down 34. We couldn't help laughing when he took his teacher so well. A. up B. over D. out 35. general, our students are very intelligent and really active. An B With Cc. By D.On 36.Don’t let time go without doing anything about the situation. A. out C. off D. over 37. Muhammad All, the World great boxer, passed on June 4th 2016. A. through Bion ©. down D. away 38. Gasis made oil Aof B. from Cowith Dito 39. He suffers stomachache. A.from Bwwith C. in Dby 40. Mike is Canada with his mother now. A.with B.on C.t0 Din 41.1 have not finished my homework now. Ail Besince C. for Dat 28 42. She smiled hom happy. Aat Bowith C0 Dabout 43.1 shall be ready a moment A for B. in C.with Don 44. Facebook's terms of use state that members must be least 13 years old with valid email ID's. A. without B.of Cat D.on 45. At first he didn’t agree, but in the end we managed to bring him to our point of view. A. over B.up C. back D. round 46. Weare no obligation to change goods which were not purchased here. C. with D. under 47. We benefit greatly the medicines and other products that biodiversity provides. A. from B. without C. for Dat 48. While studying, he was financially dependent, his parents. A.of C. from D.on 49. The promoters called the concert because the singer had a sore throat A. away B.up C. off D. with 50. Alllstudents must hand. their homework the day after itis assigned A. out B.on C.t0 D. in 51.She smiled him. acat bwith cto about 52. Your work is the average. a. under b. beneath c. down d. below 53.1 shall be ready a moment. a. for c.with don 54, Aren't you glad that you went to the party with us all? b.after c.above — d. with 55. We can't get everything we want from life; we must just make the best it a.with bof c.for by 56. Mrs. Marie told her little boy to put all his toys before coming to dinner. A. out B off © away 57.['mafraid I'ma little short money this month, so I can’t lend you any. Aof B. from C. with D. for 58. You should book advance because the restaurant is very popular in the area. A.on C. with D. in 59. It was so noisy outside that she couldn't concentrate her work Bat C. with D.on 60. The children are highly excited the coming summer holiday. A. with C. for D. about 61. The manager is directly responsible, the efficient running of the office A. about B. for Cat D. in 62. His choice of future career is quite similar mine. Avat B. with C. for 63. She was very surprised the grade she received b.on cof about 64. We might need more food, depending_ how many people turn up. a. for b.on cal wit 65. The war vietims suffered terribly cold and hunger. a. with b. from c. through dof 66. She is absent class acat b. from away 67.It is very nice, you to take so much trouble. a.of ©. for 4. from 68. You may write pencil a. with b. by cin don 69. He congratulated me, winning the competition. 29 a. of b.on cat about 70. Remember me. your parents. b. for c. with d. about 71.Mr. Foster lives__ 667E 76th street, New York. a. in/in b.atiin ¢. on/in 72. We reached her house safe and sound. b. to cc. with d. no word is needed 73. A large number of inventions and discoveries have been made accident B. by Cat D.on 74. This part of the country is famous its beautiful landscapes and fine cuisine. A. about B. with C. of D. for 15. entering the hall, he found everyone waiting for him. A With B.On C.At D. During 76.1'mso tired that I can't take what you've saying A.on B. out C.up 77. The sign warns people, the dangers of swimming in this river. A. about B. from C. with 78. Young people have become increasingly committed social activities. A. of Cin 79. Bob has left home and is independent. his parents A.on B.of C. with D. in 80. Americans rarely shake hands to say goodbye except business occasions A.on B. during Cat D. for 81. I've learned to put all the noise. A. up with, B. out C.on D. off 82. That song was popular people from my father’s generation. A. for B.on C. about D. with 83. The English language is rich vocabulary, Bin Con D. for 84, She was quick, understanding what we wanted her to do. Awin B. about C. for 85. mistake, I took the wrong book from my desk this moming. a. Through b. By c.With din 86. They chose him their leader. a. with b. for cby into 87.1 want you to arrange these order by putting the largest first then the next, and so on... a.on b. out of c. in d. from 88. The telescope will photograph distant galaxies, attempt to understand their past. B. for Con D. with 89. The issue question is more complex than we think. A. in B. from C.on 90. was only absent. the office for a few minutes! Av for B. from C. in D. about 91. The old manager has just retired, so Tom takes his position B.on Cup D. out 92. I’ve just spent two weeks looking an aunt of mine who's been ill. Avat B. for C. out for D.afier 93. Were you aware the regulations against smoking in the area? Awin B. with C.of D. about 94. My uncle took. golf when he retired from work. Acon B. after C.up D. over 95. The boy was always getting trouble as a youth. Then, to everyone's surprise, he became a policeman. A. into B. onto. C.on D. with 30 96. My grandfather passed when I was only six years old. He had lung cancer. ALout B. over C. away D. off 97. She started the course two months ago but dropped after only a month. B. back C. out D. off 98. We are here to provide you the best service possible A.of B. with C0 D. for 99.Go and get mea carton cigarettes a. with b.of c.out of dino 100. He is negligent his duties. a. with bio c.for dof MODULE 6 : COMPARISONS ¢ LY THUVET TRONG TAM EQUAL COMPARISON (SO SANH BANG) T. Kiang dah: ‘3+ tbe? as+adj+as +nounl pronoun, S+V+as+adv+as+ noun/ pronoun, Ex: Lan is as youngas Hoa, / Mai dances as beautifully as Hue S+ tobe + not + as/ so + adj + as + noun/ pronoun, S+ V+ not+ as/so + adv +as + noun/ pronoun, Ex: Lan isn’t as/ so youngas Hoa,/ Mai doesn't dances ax/ so beautifully as Hue 3.Ciu tric “the same as”: ging nhau 3 lobe! V+ the same > (noun) Tay 7 noun? proncun, Ex: This book isthe same'as that one.7 She has the sume height asmy siier ‘COMPARATIVE (SO SAN HON) 1Tinh ti/ trang Gr ngin ST tobe Pauper + than 7 noun’ promoun, $+ V+ adver + than + noun/ pronoun, Ex: My house is smaller than fer house ‘She uns faster than m Lamu § vé cic thim “er” di véi tinh i trang tr mein + Dai vei tinh tir trang tirkét thc bang chir"e” thi ta chi thém “r Ex lr — larger + Di vei tind tir trang tirkét thie bang | nguyéa Am + I phu dm thi ta phi gip ddiphv am cud Ex: big — bigger, hot —» hotter + Déi voi cd tind tr ke tha bingy" thi ta chuyén Ex: noisy — noisier, friendly — friendlier, + Dai vei tinh treo 2m tit shumg ket thac bang“), ower cel" thita vin chia cic ti ny theo cdng thte so sinh hon déi vit tinh tir ngin Ex: narmow —» narrower, hippy —» happier, quiet — quieter, clever—+ clever. + Cic trang tr dave ding dé bé ngkia cho so sinh hon: much, far.a bit a litle,a lt. Ex: This chair is much smallerthan that char. 2. Tin tr trang tr dai hank “i rOishem “er + tobe? more> adj? than > noun’ pronoun, S+ V+ more +adv + than + noun! pronoun, Ex: Jenny is more beautiful than me. Tom talks more slowly than me. SUPERLATIVE (SO SANH NHAT) Tinh ti/ trang Gr nein $7 tobe? the +adj-ext Fnoun! pronoun - S+V + the + adv-est + noun/ pronoun. Ex: This is the longest river in the world I jump the highest in my class 2.Tinh tir/ trang tir dai T¥ whet the most adj + noun! pronoun, S+V+ the most+ adv + noun/ pronoun, Ex: Jenny is the most beautifulin my css 31

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