2.1 Academic Presentation

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Dr. Reli Handayani, S.S. M.Pd

What is academic presentation?

Any situation which

involves speaking to a
group of people in
order to make a point,
educate or share
What aspects are assessed in performing
academic presentation?

1. Understanding the topic and the audience

2. A clear structure: beginning, middle, and end
3. An argument in the content
4. Evidence of having practiced the talk
5. Proper length
What stages are involved in tackling a formal


Planning Preparing Presenting

What should we do in the stage of planning?

• Determine your objectives so your audience get the benefit

• Identify your audience since it will affect the format of
presentation (who are they, what are their social background, how
many are they, what do they know about the subject)
• Find information about the location (sitting arrangement, type and
size of the room, equipment)
What should we do in the stage of preparing?


Set you objectives Explain your main Summarize each
findings point made
• Introduce the context • Search the topic • Avoid
(who, what, when, thoroughly repetition
where, why) • Organize the • Avoid new
• Explain key terms or information ideas
concept that will be chronologically
discussed • Select proper visual
• State your objectives aids
What are some points should be considered in
making power point slides?

• Check your time (3 slides per minute as a maximum)

• Use phrases or sentences instead of paragraph
• Select the color carefully
• Ensure the visual image and design style, do not distract the
• Select readable font size (no less than 24 point font)
After preparing the slides, what should you

• Practise delivering it in your time limit

• Practise in front of the mirror or your friends
• Create note cards
• Anticipate for questions and challenges
What should we do in the stage of

• Do not read for the whole time of presentation

• Consider whether sitting or standing that is more comfortable for
• Glare around at the audience
• Use clear tone of voice
• Present no more than 15 minutes
• Smile, relax, and do not confuse your audience with unnecessary

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