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Spiritual practices suggested for protection from all negative forces.

To stay protected from all negative forces impacting us from the outside world and to stay
protected from the lethal poison of negative thoughts and emotions in our minds, the
following Spiritual practices are suggested on a daily basis, including of course on the day
of the eclipse.

1. Consciously let go of the negative emotions of anger, greed, jealousy, hatred, anxiety,
revenge, fear that pollute our minds and create a veil of ignorance which eclipses the
blazing protective and guiding light of God within each one of us.
Remember that these negative emotions are our worst enemies as they rob us of the
experience of the ocean of God's love, peace and joy within us.

2. Pray from the depths of our hearts for the holistic wellbeing of our family, relatives,
friends, neighbours, colleagues at work. all the people living in our country, all beings in
God's entire creation.

3. Chant a Mantra of our choice that helps us withdraw the mind for inwards purifying
it in the self-effulgent light of Consciousness in the depths of silence and stillness within
every being.

If you are looking for a Mantra that has the power to quieten the mind and to direct
the mind inwards for meditating on the divine glory and resplendence of the light of God
within each one of us, we recommend the Gayatri Mantra.

The Gayatri Mantra is one of the most ancient and revered Mantras in the Vedic
Tradition that is chanted by millions of spiritual seekers every day because of its immense
power to protect us from harm and to awaken our intellect to the understanding of our true
Atmic Reality. It has its origin in the Rig Veda and is taught within the Vedic and Yoga

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