Instructional Methods

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After 1 ½ hours of lecture discussion,
the BSN 1 students will be able to
acquire adequate knowledge,
beginning skills and positive attitude in
selecting and using a variety of
Teaching/Instructional Methods.
Specifically the students will be able
⚫Define the different methods of Instruction.
⚫Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
⚫Identify factors to consider when selecting
a method of instruction
⚫Cite various Approach to Learning.
⚫Distinguish between methods of instruction
and instructional aids

Instructional strategies determine the approach

a teacher may take to achieve learning
Instructional methods are used by teachers to
create learning environments.
Teaching methods is the stimulation, guidance,
direction and encouragement for learning.
Methods, Strategy, Aid, Approach
◼ Teaching Method tend to be synonymous with
technique according to Webster
◼ Teaching Strategy – “careful plan” that serves an
important function in achieving a specific outcome.
◼ Instructional aids includes:
⚫Chalkboard, Flip chart, PowerPoint
⚫Overheads, VCR, Real Objects, etc.
◼ Teaching Approach is a “holistic process”
⚫Includes the teaching steps, problem-solving
strategies, and teaching methods.
What Factors do we consider when
selecting an instructional method?

1. The intended specific outcome or purpose

2. Size of group
3. Learners’ preference for learning (learning styles)
4. The content sometimes dictates the method
5. Required preparation
Teaching strategies classification
A. Teacher controlled teaching( monologue,
autocratic teaching)
B. Interactive procedure of teaching
(Democratic, dialogue teaching)
C. Learning controlled teaching ( self study, laissez
– faire teaching)
D. Group controlled teaching (Action oriented,
democratic teaching)
E. Clinical teaching method
A. Teacher controlled teaching
(monologue, autocratic teaching)
1. Lecture methods
2. Demonstration methods
3. Lecture demonstration
4. Team teaching methods
5. Individualized instruction
B. Interactive procedure of teaching
(Democratic, dialogue teaching)
1. Question answer method
2. Interactive procedure
3. Group discussion methods
4. Tutorial methods
5. Seminar methods
6. Panel methods
7. Symposium
C. Learning controlled teaching ( self
study, laissez – faire teaching)
1. Programmed instruction
2. Self directed learning (SDL)
3. Library methods
4. Computer assisted instruction
5. Laboratory methods
6. Assignments
D. Group controlled teaching ( Action
oriented, democratic teaching)
1. Project methods 8. Role play
2. Simulation instruction 9. Narrative
3. Field trip 10.Conducting
4. Field work, survey experience
5. Workshop 11.Story telling
6. Problem- solving 12.Field observation
method 13.Model building
7. Problem based
learning 14.Buzz sessions
E. Clinical teaching method

1. Client family centered methods

2. Observation
3. Conference
a) Clinical conference
b) Individual conference
c) Group conference
d) Staff conference
e) Nursing care conference
E. Clinical teaching method

4. Bedside clinic
5. Nursing rounds and medical rounds
6. Demonstration and re-demonstration of
7. Ward teaching
8. Ward class
9. Ward clinic
10. Case study/ case presentation/ case history
E. Clinical teaching method
11. Group discussion
12. Brain storming methods
13. Process recording
14. Laboratory methods
15. Planned health talks
16. Nursing care study
17. Organizing exhibition
18. Incidental teaching
19. Problem solving methods
20. Research projects
Latin ‘Lectura’
Using the Lecture Method

1. Lecture Introduction (1st 5 min.)

▪ Outlines the obj., outcomes and expectations.
▪ Outline the key concepts that will be addressed.
▪ Rationale for the lecture.
▪ Conclude intro by establishing an open
Using the Lecture Method

2. Body of the lecture

▪ Begin with definition of concepts,
▪ Should be well-organized, with smooth
transitions between topics.
Using the Lecture Method

3. Lecture conclusion(last 5 min.)

▪ Objectives and outcomes statements should
be reiterated
▪ Review of the key points or topics covered
▪ Clarification of issues presented.
▪ Offering suggestions related to the application
and transfer of knowledge.
Points to polish your Presentation Skills
1. Convey enthusiasm
2. Know the content
3. Use notes.
4. Speak to an audience of 200 as if they were a single
5. Make an eye contact.
6. Use creative movement.
7. The use of a stage or podium places an automatic
barrier between the speaker and the listeners.
8. Create a change of pace.
9. Distribute a skeletal outline only if it will help the learners
to identify key points.
Small Group Discussion
Small Group Discussion
Small Group Discussion
Teaching Approach
Teaching Psychomotor
Visual Aids
What is a visual aid?
 Any slideshow, background, prop, costuming,
or other intentional object used to help the
audience focus, understand, or engage.
 Merriam-Webster: “something you look at
(such as a chart or film) that is used to make
something easier to understand.”

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