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A Review on Grease Lubrication in Rolling Bearings

Piet M. Lugt
SKF, Engineering & Research Center, P.O. Box 2350, Nieuwegein, 3430, DT, The Netherlands
Version of record first published: 15 Feb 2011.

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Tribology Transactions, 52: 470-480, 2009
Copyright C Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers

ISSN: 1040-2004 print / 1547-397X online

DOI: 10.1080/10402000802687940

A Review on Grease Lubrication in Rolling Bearings

SKF, Engineering & Research Center
P.O. Box 2350
Nieuwegein 3430 DT, The Netherlands

Grease lubrication is widely applied to rolling bearings. The the bearing is properly filled). The main disadvantage of using
consistency of grease prevents it from leaking out of the bear- grease is its limited life. Mechanical work on the grease deteri-
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ing, makes it easy to use, and will give it good sealing prop- orates its structure and in cases of high temperature, oxidation
erties. The same consistency prevents an optimal lubrication takes place (T > 120◦ C) (Ito, et al. (1)). Severe lubricant starva-
performance. Most of the grease is pushed out of the bearing tion occurs, causing bearing failures. This implies that the service
life of the bearing may be determined by the life of the grease.
during the initial phase of bearing operation and no longer
In that case the bearings may need to be re-lubricated occasion-
actively participates in the lubrication process, leaving only a
ally; i.e., filled with fresh grease. The bearing manufacturers have
limited quantity available, which is stored inside the bearing
specified the re-lubrication intervals in their catalogues. These re-
geometry and on the bearing shoulders (covers or seals). This lubrication intervals are calculated from the life of the grease.
stored volume strongly determines the remaining lubrication Unfortunately, there is no absolute value for this. Even if bear-
process in the bearing. The distribution of this volume is deter- ings are running under very well-controlled conditions, such as in
mined by the grease flow, which is very complex to understand a laboratory situation, there is the usual significant spread in life.
due to the strong nonlinear rheology. There is no consensus on The re-lubrication interval is defined as the L01 of grease life; i.e.,
the next phase in the lubrication process. The grease may bleed the time at which 1% of a population of bearings is expected to
and provide oil to the raceway; it may be severely sheared in have failed (Huiskamp (2)).
the raceway releasing oil; or small fresh quantities of grease The challenge in grease research is threefold primarily.
may be sheared off from the volume stored on the shoulder. In The first challenge is to develop greases that will give longer life
and/or are able to operate under more severe conditions (extreme
addition, the lubrication process may be dynamic. Grease has
low and high temperature and speed). The second challenge is the
self-healing properties where fresh grease is supplied in case of
development of predictive tools, such as numerical models or ex-
film breakdown and self-induced heat development. This ar-
pert systems. The third challenge is to design bearing systems that
ticle describes the state-of-the-art knowledge on grease lubri- would increase grease life by, for example, optimizing the grease
cation, including grease flow, film formation, film reduction, flow. All these aspects require a fundamental understanding of
dynamic behavior, and grease life. the lubrication mechanisms of lubricating greases.
The research efforts in grease lubrication have so far been rel-
KEY WORDS atively small. The global business for grease does not allow for
EHL with Greases; Grease Application; Greases; Lubricant large research programs. The bearing industry has a particular
Degradation; Rolling Element Bearings; General; Starvation in interest in understanding grease lubrication, though. More than
EHL 90% of all rolling element bearings are greased and sealed for life,
effectively making grease a bearing component similar to rolling
elements and seals. In addition, the internal design of the bearing
INTRODUCTION has an impact on the performance of the grease. This article gives
The main role of grease in a rolling bearing is to provide the an overview of the existing knowledge on the various aspects of
rolling element ring contact with a lubricant to ensure a sepa- grease lubrication and the state-of-the-art models that exist in the
ration of the two such that the bearing has a long life and low public literature today.
friction. The main advantages of using grease rather than oil The main research on the lubrication mechanisms has been
lubrication are the ease of use (it will not easily leak out of done on single contact configurations where the rolling element
the bearing due to its consistency), the inherent sealing action, ring contact is simulated by a ball on a flat disc. This is gen-
the protection against corrosion, and low friction (provided that erally allowed for studying EHL (elasto-hydrodynamic lubrica-
tion), where the contact geometry can easily be reduced to this
configuration. The great advantage of this is the possibility to
Manuscript received November 2, 2008
Manuscript accepted November 27, 2008 accurately measure film thickness using optical interferometry
Review led by Andy Jackson methods. The main drawback is the large difference in timescale

Grease Lubrication in Rolling Bearings 471

between successive over-rollings and the impossibility to simulate

the true lubricant flow and the feed and loss mechanisms, which
will be described later. Moreover, the large centrifugal forces
acting on the grease in the bearing cannot be simulated in these
instruments. Nevertheless, despite these drawbacks, the observa-
tions using these instruments have contributed significantly to un-
derstanding the lubrication mechanisms in grease lubrication.
Greases are classified primarily on the thickener type. In
rolling bearings, lithium/lithium complex soap and polyurea
greases are mostly used. A description of the various types can be
found in any textbook on lubrication and goes beyond the scope
of this article (e.g., Bartz (3) or Harris (4)).

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Grease Structure
Grease is defined as “a solid to semi-fluid product or disper-
sion of a thickening agent in a liquid lubricant. Other ingredients
imparting special properties may also be included” (NGLI (5)).
The base oil is kept inside the thickener structure by a combi-
nation of Van der Waals and capillary forces (Bauer, et al. (6)).
Interactions between thickener molecules are dipole-dipole in-
cluding hydrogen bonding (Hurley (7)) or ionic and Van der
Waals forces (Forster, et al. (8)). The effectiveness of these forces
depends on how these fibers contact each other. The thickener
fibers vary in length from about 1 to 100 µm and have a length
to diameter ratio of 10 to 100 where this ratio has been corre-
lated with the consistency of the grease for a given concentration
of thickener (Scarlett (9)). It is not obvious how to visualize the
structure of grease. In general, wet samples cannot be used in
a scanning electron microscope. Figure 1 shows the structure of
Fig. 1—SEM photographs of different grease soap structures: (a)
some greases where the oil has been carefully washed away using lithium-12-hydroxy stearate in mineral oil, coarse structure;
a non-polar solvent. Since grease contains 80–90% oil, one may (b) lithium-12-hydroxy stearate in mineral oil, fine structure; (c)
argue that the thickener structure may collapse if the oil is washed lithium-12-hydroxy stearate in ester oil, very fine structure; (d)
modified lithium-12-hydroxy stearate in mineral oil.
out and that such a picture may be misleading. Other visualiza-
tion techniques have been used as well such as a freeze-fracture
technique (Magnin and Piau (10); Shuff and Clarke (11)), where a
low speed and/or high load. The effect on grease life that these
replica is made of a frozen grease sample, which can be observed
additives have is not well understood. According to Gow (16)
in the SEM. Also, atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used
some 90% of all lubricant additives destroy the thickener struc-
(Hurley and Cann (12)). Shin, et al. (13) visualized the grease
ture of grease since they are often based on surface-active ma-
flow in a shear field with an optical microscope in phase contrast
terials and this leads to what is commonly called the mayonnaise
mode. They observed very long fibers ranging from 50 to 100 µm,
effect (softening and discoloring). He also mentions that of the re-
which are much longer than those observed with the SEM. An
maining 10%, some 90% do not work. He ascribes this to the fact
environmental SEM may be used but the low contrast between
that the thickener material is almost always very polar (metallic
soap and base oil makes visualization difficult. Salomonsson, et al.
soaps) and that the (also polar) EP additives will adhere to the
(14) have visualized the grease structure using the cryo-TEM
soap structure rather than to the metal surface (Gow (17)). This
technique and visualized naphthenic lithium grease and paraffinic
is in contradiction to the results found by McClintock (18) who
lithium grease by increasing the contrast between soap and oil
tested a number of greases on lubricant life and found an increase
through, e.g., replacing lithium by lithium/cesium soap.
in life. A very promising development is the use of bismuth as an
EP/AW additive because it is nontoxic and shows very good per-
Additives formance (Rohr (19)).
The role of additives in grease has not been explored in Kaperick (20) shows in an evaluation of the “Timken OK
much detail. At high temperatures, the antioxidant additives will Load Test,” in which identical EP additives give a different re-
have the greatest effect. These additives are continuously con- sponse to EP action for different formulated greases and ascribes
sumed during bearing operation and, according to van den Kom- this to a possible impact of mobility towards the surface through
mer (15), totally consumed after 50% of grease life. Extreme chemical interactions or attractive forces. If Gow is right then it
pressure/anti-wear (EP/AW) additives are generally applied for is likely that the impact of EP additives on grease performance
472 P. M. LUGT

may be measurable through the mechanical and thermal aging of LUBRICATION MECHANISMS
grease. This direct impact may be primarily on consistency and Lubricating Conditions
bleeding rate.
There is no consensus on the lubrication mechanisms in grease
Non-Newtonian Rheology lubrication. There is an overall agreement though that grease-
A lubricating oil shows non-Newtonian behavior at high shear lubricated bearings are generally running under starved lubrica-
rates and pressure. Due to the thickener structure and its interac- tion conditions. This has been shown by Poon in 1972 on a disc
tion with the base oil, grease shows this behavior already at very machine (Poon (35)) and by Wilson in 1979 (36) in full bearings.
low shear rates and ambient pressure. Measurements from low to Wilson measured the film thickness in cylindrical and spherical
high shear rates can be found in Pavlov and Vinogradov (21). roller bearings and showed that the lubricant film initially exceeds
The solid-like behavior, or resistance to flow (or leakage), is the value in case of fully flooded oil lubrication by 20–25%. How-
traditionally characterized through the consistency or penetra- ever, already after a few hours the film thickness has decreased
tion, measured using a cone penetrometer (ISO 2137, ASTM below this value. At this point the bearing runs under starved lu-
D217), which is translated into an NLGI consistency number. An brication conditions.
alternative is to measure the yield strength on a rheometer, by Barz (37) measured the film thickness in a cylindrical thrust
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means of the computerized evaluation of yield value (CEY; Gow bearing as a function of bearing speed. His measurements
(22)) or through the “cross-over stress” (Couronné, et al. (23); show that the film thickness is relatively large at low speed
Couronné and Vergne (24)). A correlation between yield stress but decreases with speed up to a speed where the film stays
and penetration/consistency can be found in Couronné et al. (25). constant. Wikström and Jacobson (38) measured the electrical
Generally, this is only determined at room temperature. capacity over the bearing contacts (using a method developed
It is clear that the grease will be severely worked in the bear- by Heemskerk, et al. (39)) in a grease lubricated spherical roller
ing. This applies to the grease that is being churned between the bearing and showed that metal-to-metal contact occurs very
rolling elements but also applies to the fraction that passed the regularly, meaning that the films are very thin, certainly smaller
EHL contacts where shear rates are O(106 s−1 ). This causes a than the values that could be expected assuming fully flooded
rapid change in rheological properties of the grease during the conditions.
initial phase of bearing operation. It is therefore relevant to mea- As a rule of thumb approximately 30% of the free volume of
sure the rheology after working the grease. This can be done in a the bearing should be initially filled with grease. It will be clear
rheometer itself, in a grease worker (26), or in a Shell roll tester that this is much more than required to provide the bearing with
(27). The change in consistency loss is quantified by measuring a (fully flooded) lubricant film. In the beginning, excessive grease
the mechanical stability of the grease before and after working churning, or grease flow, takes place, which is responsible for the
the grease. high temperature peak caused by the churning component of the
The yield stress strongly depends on temperature. Measure- friction torque. The initially thick lubricant films in the beginning
ments for different types of grease can be found in Karis, et al. indicate that at least during this initial bearing operation thick-
(28) or Czarny (29). Karis shows that the yield strength of a ener enters the contact.
lithium grease may drop from 500 Pa at 20◦ C to 100 Pa at 60◦ C. Single contact measurements by Åström, et al. (40),
As shown by Forster and Kolfenbach (30), greases show visco- Williamson, et al. (41), and Kaneta, et al. (42), using a scoop to
elastic behavior. There are a number of models proposed for low ensure fully flooded conditions, have shown that the film thick-
and high shear rates. The best known are the power law, Rhee- ness is indeed higher than the fully flooded oil film thickness. The
Eyring, Bingham and Herschel-Bulkley models. A definition of optical setup also made it possible to show that grease thickener
these models can be found in Yousif (31). These models assume lumps were entering the contact. The literature does not reveal if
solid or very high viscous behavior at low shear rates and vis- this is really restricted to the initial phase of bearing operation. It
cous (with possible shear thinning) at higher shear rates. An ex- might be that this is very pronounced in the beginning and dimin-
ample can be seen in Fig. 2. In addition to this nonlinear shear ishes slowly over time.
stress-shear rate behavior, grease is thixotropic, meaning that the The most widely used model to describe grease lubrication
measured stress also depends on time. Paszkowski (32) defined is that the grease acts as an oil reservoir where the oil is slowly
thixotropy as an isothermal decrease in structural (apparent) vis- released into the running track (Booser and Wilcock (43)). Lu-
cosity during shearing (at both constant and variable shear rates) brication guidelines are then formulated according to this ability
followed by an increase in the viscosity and the re-solidification to bleed (Baker (44)). There is definitely no consensus here. Al-
of the substance once shearing ends. Pavlov and Vinogradov (21) ready in 1967 Scarlett (9) referred to an alternative mechanism of
show creep-like behavior at very low shear (106 s−1 ) until the a high viscosity layer retained within the rolling track.
yield strength has been reached. As shown by Hurley and Cann By means of FTIR (Fourier transform infra-red) spec-
(33), grease rheology approaches that of the base oil at high shear troscopy, Cann and Spikes (45) and Cann, et al. (46) observed
rates. They also show that mechanical work changes the rheolog- thickener layers on the surfaces of a ball-on-disc machine. They
ical behavior significantly. The grease thickener structure is thus proposed a model where it is assumed that the surfaces are cov-
continuously degrading and is transformed from a Bingham plas- ered by a thin layer of soap and where the film is formed by base
tic or Herschel-Bulkely material towards a more viscous material oil thickened with broken thickener fibres. Cann and Hurley (47)
(Mérieux, et al. (34)). conclude from their experimental work that this is the result of
Grease Lubrication in Rolling Bearings 473



shear stress (Pa)


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0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
shear rate (1/s)

Fig. 2—Shear stress versus shear rate curve for lithium soap bearing grease at room temperature. Measurements and fit using a power law model.

a progressive destruction of the soap matrix by over-rolling. This this. This statement is not based on any experiments in this article
destruction releases oil, which provides free lubricant for replen- though. Scarlett describes tests where grease has been removed
ishment. This is an interesting hypothesis: oil is not released by from the covers after the initial churning period. In that case he
bleeding but by the destruction of the thickener. Farcas and Gafi- found premature bearing wear. This means that the grease on
tanu (48) confirmed this. the covers plays an important role in lubrication after the ini-
There has been very little work published on grease analysis in tial phase. He investigated this role further by performing ex-
full bearings. Cann, et al. (49), (50) have investigated the chemical periments using a tracer in the base oil of various greases on
composition in ball bearings. They investigated the grease in R0F the covers only. Surprisingly, he found no flow of oil or grease
(6204-type ball bearings) and R2F tests (6209-type ball bearings). from the covers into the bearing. He has done his tests with var-
Surprisingly, the differences between R0F and R2F tests are not ious grease types. A similar conclusion is made by Milne, et al.
only related to bearing size. For the R2F test they write that ini- (51). Scarlett concludes that, after the churning period, there is no
tially, grease is over-rolled, releasing free oil through degrada- grease or base oil flow from the housing recesses into the bearing
tion. Simultaneously, grease is pushed to the side, onto the seals. and postulates that its function is to form a closely fitting seal to
In the next phase, grease is sheared from the seal into the race- prevent escape of essential lubricant from the bearing.
way where it again degrades into an oil-like lubricant (although Lansdown and Gupta (52) write that there is considerable ev-
patches of grease were also found). This lubricant moves onto the idence that in ball bearings the whole of the grease is involved in
balls into the pocket. In the cage pockets oil was found. the lubrication process, so not only the bled base oil. They have
Significant amounts of free oil could not be found in the R0F, various arguments for this, the most important being that the
though. This means that in the R0F test configuration, grease is performance in ball bearings is comparable between the case of
sheared into the contacts and into the cage pockets where it is grease plating (technique where grease is coated on to the bear-
over-rolled and sheared and where oil is released. So for this test, ing surfaces) and the case of conventional grease lubrication. In
the grease on the shields did not serve as an oil reservoir. This their analysis on ball bearings they also write that often grease ad-
agrees with the mechanism suggested in Cann and Spikes (45) jacent to the races is softer and has a higher oil content than the
and Cann, et al. (46). Scarlett (9) described the flow of grease grease near to the outside of the bearing covers. Unfortunately,
through a ball bearing with an inner ring guided brass machined these statements are not illustrated with any examples, proof, or
cage and mentions the formation of “pads” of grease adhering references.
to the cage bore (under the cage bars). These pads had a higher Full bearing tests (spherical roller bearings) from Wikström
consistency with a higher soap concentration than the original and Höglund (53) using both grease and base oil only showed
grease. Scarlett explicitly states that this is due to oil loss (bleed- equal friction torque. This shows the importance of the base oil.
ing), which occurs during the first 100 h operation and, accord- They claim that these tests confirm the theorem from Booser and
ing to him, does not contribute to feeding oil to the bearing after Wilcock (43) where grease releases oil, which then lubricates the
474 P. M. LUGT

bearing. A similar conclusion is drawn by Dalmaz and Nantua Starvation models for oil-lubricated contacts have been devel-
(54), who tested six lithium greases, varying base oil viscosity, oped by Chevalier, et al. (62), later refined by Damiens, et al.
thickener structure, and concentration on both angular contact (63) and Damiens (64). In these models, a given layer of oil with a
ball bearing (ACBB) life test rigs and on a single contact film given thickness is supplied to the EHL contact. The main problem
thickness instrument. Similar to Hurley (7), they report that the here is the input layer thickness, which is not known for a bearing
initial film thickness is proportional to the thickener concentra- with multiple contacts. This layer needs to be calculated based
tion and larger than those of the base oil. However, their bearing on the nonuniform layer, which leaves the preceding EHL con-
life tests show that bearing life is related to base oil viscosity only tact and the feed and loss of lubricant in-between over-rollings
and not to thickener type. This suggests that the grease film may (or rather in-between two rolling elements).
last only very briefly and the film will be formed by base oil only The first problem is the possible occurrence of replenishment
for the main part of the life of the bearing. between two consecutive rolling elements. Van Zoelen, et al. (65)
Also, Mas and Magnin (55) have investigated grease before has recently developed an innovative approach to this by assum-
and after running in full bearings. ing that starvation is caused by side flow in the EHL contacts only
They tested tapered roller bearings and found an increased and that track replenishment can be neglected. They showed that
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viscosity of the grease and reduced oil content under the cages. the starved film thickness increases with increasing load caused
This implies that grease bleeding occurs from grease located un- by increasing viscosity inside the contact and therefore a reduced
der the cage bar. They also show by means of SEM the destruc- side flow.
tion of fibers in the raceway confirming the Cann et al. theorem
(Cann Spikes (45); Cann, et al. (46)) again. Track Replenishment
Replenishment has been the topic of many articles starting
Film Thickness and Starvation with the model from Chiu (66). Jacod, et al. (67) showed that
As mentioned previously, the initial film thickness is higher surface tension-driven replenishment of the running track is too
than can be expected based on the base oil viscosity only. The slow to give any significant effect and shows that only capillary
initial film must therefore consist of (sheared, degraded) grease. forces may have some effect. Recently, Gershuni, et al. (68) in-
After some time, starvation occurs where the film is reduced in vestigated the impact of bearing centrifugal forces on the lay-
thickness. The initial film thickness has been modeled by Dal- ers formed behind a contact of cylindrical roller bearings. They
maz and Nantua (54) and Hurley (7) by assuming that the initial showed that these forces increased the replenishment rates enor-
film thickness is proportional to the thickener concentration and mously in case of outer ring rotation. In case of inner ring rota-
larger than that of the base oil. Hurley developed an empirical tion, replenishment is seriously retarded by the centrifugal action
formula for this. on the layers. They showed that replenishment times, even in the
Others have used the grease rheology as input for a model. absence of centrifugal forces, were too long to have any effect.
Jonkisz and Krzemiski-Fredihave (56) and Kauzlarich and Farcas and Gafitanu (48) developed a model based on the wetting
Greenwood (57) used a Herschel-Bulkley model. Bordenet, et properties of the lubricant only. They calculated the critical speed
al. (58) used a “four parameter rheology model,” which is quite at which lubricant droplets are no longer able to adhere to the
similar to the Herschel-Bulkley rheology model. They all found surface due to the centrifugal forces. They have validated their
slightly higher values of the film thickness compared to those cal- model using electrical resistance measurements over the bearing
culated using the base oil viscosity only. contacts.
Yang and Qian (59) used a Bingham rheology model to Mérieux, et al. (34) show that grease shear degradation may
predict the film thickness. They showed that the film thickness, also lead to replenishment and film growth. They assume that the
again for fully flooded conditions, can be calculated by using grease next to the contact is continuously sheared and therefore
the conventional EHL formula whereby the viscosity of the degrades. The grease will ultimately lose its grease-like behavior
grease at high shear rates should be used, rather than the oil and will then behave as an oil, replenishing the contact.
viscosity. Aihara and Dowson (60) performed an experimental Van Zoelen, et al. (69) investigated the impact of the tangen-
study of the factors affecting film thickness in a grease lubricated tial component of the centrifugal forces on the thin-film flow on
two-disc machine. They suggest that the grease lubricated film tapered and spherical roller bearing inner rings. They showed
thickness can be estimated by taking 70% of the value of the a significant effect here, which should certainly be incorporated
fully flooded film thickness using the base oil viscosity. This is in any replenishment model. The cage design also plays a role
in accordance to Saman’s (61) theory, who assumed that the in the prediction of the film thickness and track replenishment.
contacts will ultimately be so starved that the inlet meniscus will Damiens, et al. (70) have done film thickness measurements on a
be so close to the Hertzian contact that zero-reverse flow can be single contact where they mounted a single cage pocket, cut from
assumed. Theoretically this will lead to a reduction to 71% of a full cage, on their ball-on-disc device and where they were able
the fully flooded film thickness. The reduction on film thickness to vary the clearance between cage and ball from 0.05 to 0.5 mm.
after the initial phase need not totally be ascribed to classical They show that, in case of oil lubrication, the film thickness de-
starvation. creases with decreasing clearance between cage and ball. They
Kauzlarich and Greenwood (56) show that shear degradation ascribe this to a “scraping” effect. However, in the case of grease
of the grease also leads to a reduction of film thickness in time. lubrication they found an inverse effect—the film thickness was
Grease Lubrication in Rolling Bearings 475

increasing with decreasing cage clearance. They concluded that a are done under controlled temperature. It is expected, though,
cage probably redistributes the grease in the cage/ball contacts, that the temperature controllers will show the same dynamics as
preventing starvation. As they mention in their article, both ef- observed in the temperature signal obtained in tests where bear-
fects, redistribution and scraping, may take place in a bearing. ings are running under self-induced temperature conditions.
Also, in the case of grease lubrication scraping may dominate if
the clearance is too small. Grease Flow
In addition to scraping/redistribution, the cage may also op- During the churning phase in a grease lubricated bearing,
erate at much higher temperature than the other bearing com- most of the grease is pushed onto the covers/seals/shields of the
ponents, affecting the flow but also the possibilities to maintain bearing arrangement and some grease stays inside the bearing
a grease reservoir under the cage. The yield stress is strongly where some of it may be mobile and continuously flow and part
dependent on temperature (Czarny (29)). Generally, for practi- of it will form patches of grease that can be found under the cage.
cal reasons, the bearing temperature is measured on the outer The amount of grease that can be stored here obviously depends
ring and the cage temperature is never reported. Joshi, et al. on the cage geometry and the flow properties of the grease; i.e.,
(71) have performed temperature measurements on the cage its rheological behavior. Also, in case of vertical shaft arrange-
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of a tapered roller bearing (TRB). The bearing was running in ments or in case of vibrations, the amount of grease available
an oil bath (75% fill). They recorded the temperature of both for lubrication depends on these properties. Under these circum-
housing and cage and showed that the cage temperature re- stances generally a high consistency grease is used to prevent
sponse is much higher to changes in lubrication than the housing grease falling back into the track again and to maintain a lubri-
temperature. cant reservoir adjacent to the rolling elements row(s).
In addition to lubricant replenishment, lubricant is supplied According to Cobb (75), there is no difference in grease per-
by bleeding from the grease, either from under the cage or formance (start-up torque, temperature, leakage through seals) if
from the grease attached to the covers. No grease bleeding ball bearings are filled from one side only, provided the same total
models have been published as yet. Then, finally, evaporation amount of grease is placed in the bearing under either placement
(Komatsuzaki, et al. (72)) and oxidation need to be taken into condition. This indicates that most of the grease in the bearing
account, which will reduce the layer in between the rolling el- participates in the flow.
ements again. At low temperatures, these effects may be ne- The flow of grease inside the bearing is very complex. Visu-
glected, though. alization techniques have shown flow patterns, (9). However, a
quantitative prediction and therefore prediction of the formation
Dynamic Behavior of the grease reservoir is not possible today. There are several
In 1996, Mas and Magnin (55) speculated on the release of reasons for this. The first reason is the complex rheology of the
fresh “grease” after heat development caused by film breakdown. grease. In addition, thickener-oil separation could occur with en-
They wrote that a grease lubricated bearing will fail as soon as this trapped air. A multi-phase flow may occur, which is most difficult
can no longer take place. This would imply a dynamic behavior to describe using today’s computational tools. Moreover, there is
of subsequent film breakdown and repair. Such dynamic behavior an enormous variation in scale and shear rates inside the bear-
can be observed in the measurements of Wikström and Jacobson ing configuration. Between the rolling elements, clearly churning
(38), who tested spherical roller bearings, measuring the electri- takes place with relatively low shear rates. In the inlet of the con-
cal capacitance across the contacts. Unlike Barz (37) and Wilson tacts, phase separation may occur (similar to what happens with
(36), who used a similar technique, they did not translate this sig- water in emulsions in the inlet of EHL contacts), a jet flow may
nal to film thickness values. Their intent was only to illustrate the occur, or even droplets may be formed (Larsson, et al. (76)).
occurrence of metal-to-metal contact. Their measurements show
that the capacitance signal was not constant but had a dynamic Wall Slip
character. The flow is not only determined by the rheological properties
Cann and Lubrecht (73) illustrated this in their ball-on-disc of the grease. The bearing (cage) material and roughness are also
machine and showed that severe starvation can be “repaired” by important. The roughness of cage material and type of cage mate-
adding additional lubricant to the contact. Very pronounced dy- rial are important due to the occurrence of wall slip. This wall slip
namic behavior was observed in 2008 in Lugt, et al. (74), where effect has been studied in rheometers and in pipe flows. Forster,
temperature signals from cylindrical roller bearing tests were an- et al. (8) claim that the flow close to the wall is restricted by the
alyzed and where it was shown that these signals show “events” breaking fiber contacts. They report that at high slip rates inter-
characterized by periods where the temperature rises significantly nal slip in the fibers would be responsible for wall slip. Bramhall
and falls back to the steady state. Moreover, additional analysis of and Hutton (77) ascribe wall slip to a lower concentration of the
the electrical resistance measurements proved that these events thickener particles at the wall, so slip over a layer of oil. Czarny’s
are caused by film breakdown followed by replenishment and that experiments (Czarny (78); Czarny and Moes (79)) show that the
grease lubrication exhibits “deterministic chaotic” behavior. This wall slip depends on the wall material and on the thickener type.
had not been observed so explicitly before for two reasons. In the Since this does not apply to oil lubrication, he claims that the for-
first place, a sufficiently long test time is required to measure this, mation of a wall layer is a result of interactions between the par-
which is usually not applied because of high costs for testing or ticles of the grease thickener and the wall material resulting in a
lack of patience. The second reason is that most grease life tests concentration gradient of thickener close to the wall. He based
476 P. M. LUGT

this explanation not only on his own work but also on the ex- deep-groove ball bearings by means of grease performance fac-
perimental work of Vinogradov, et al. (80). Delgado, et al. (81) tors (GPFs), which is shown in Fig. 4. The GPF is defined as the
showed the impact of roughness on wall slip though measure- ratio of real life and the grease life predicted by his model. In or-
ments of pressure drop and flow through pipes. They showed that der to determine its values grease life tests are necessary, such as
smoothening of the wall gave a significant reduction in pressure the R0F/R0F+ test.
drop. This can only be ascribed to wall slip again. The wall slip As mentioned above, the initial filling rate is important. Gen-
phenomenon is not only of importance to understand grease flow, erally, the models apply to an optimally filled bearing. To the au-
it may also be of importance for the ability of the bearing to main- thor’s knowledge only Farcas and Gafitanu (49) have included
tain its grease reservoir after the churning phase. In case of line the initial volume of grease inside the bearing as a parameter in
contact bearings grease may slide away from under the cage bar a life mode. Their empirical model is based on a limited data set,
into the track. though.
The effects of shock loads and vibrations are also often incor-
porated through penalty factors.
These effects cause grease lumps from the covers/seals to fall
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Existing Grease Life Models into the bearing, resulting in high temperatures and loss of grease
Grease life models have been developed mainly by the bear- reservoir. The same applies to the effect of air flow through the
ing manufacturers. The scientific developments are still very lim- bearing. Lubricant droplets formed behind the rolling elements
ited and there is still much to be done for the development of a (Larsson, et al. (76)) will be dragged out of the bearing and will no
true physical grease life model. Therefore, all published grease longer replenish the inlet of the next rolling element. Air flow will
life models are empirical; i.e., based on grease life testing. Such also have an impact on the evaporation rate, especially at higher
tests are done on R0F, R2F (machine described in DIN 51806) or temperatures. Lansdown and Gupta (52) show that evaporation
FE9 machines (described in DIN 51562). It is generally believed of base oil not only happens on thin films bled out of the grease
that grease life follows the Weibull probability density distribu- but may even happen to oil contained in grease directly.
tion and therefore a sufficiently large number of bearings need
to be tested. The main parameters determining grease life are Reliability
ndm, (the product of rotational speed and mean bearing diam- Bearing life is usually expressed in L10 life (10% of the pop-
eter) and temperature. This ndm parameter translates into a pe- ulation will have failed), and grease life is usually expressed in
ripheral speed. All models assume a temperature-Arrhenius be- L50 life (50% of the population will have failed). This is the re-
havior. Ito, et al. (1) showed this in their extensive grease life test sult of test practice where grease life is measured using a lim-
program for small deep-groove ball bearings at temperatures ex- ited number of tests representing a large quantity of bearings. A
ceeding 100◦ C. The effect of load is generally less pronounced, two-parameter Weibull distribution is assumed, since a minimum
which may be due to the weak relation between load and EHL
film thickness.
Deep-groove ball bearings (DGBBs) are “easier” to lubricate
than other bearing types. This is related to more pronounced re-
plenishment (Damiens, et al. (63)) or is sometimes ascribed to
ball spin. Most models are normalized for this bearing type and
correction factors are applied for the other bearing types. In ad-
dition to the starvation effect, some bearings, such as tapered and
spherical roller bearings, and also angular contact ball bearings,
show an inherent pumping effect, which reduces the available lu-
bricant in the running track significantly (1) van Zoelen, et al.
The models are only applicable if the bearing operates in the
temperature domain for which the grease has been designed. The
lower temperature limit is usually determined by the bleeding
properties of the grease or the base oil’s pour point, whereas the
high temperature limit is determined by the dropping point of the
grease; i.e., the point at which a droplet falls from a standardized
cup. This point is accepted as the maximum temperature at which
the grease can be exposed without losing its structure. For safety
reasons this is reduced by 15–20◦ C.
The models can be found in the catalogues of the various bear-
ing manufacturers and are applicable for a certain type of grease
despite the fact that significant quality differences can be found. Fig. 3—Balance between feed and loss of lubricant ultimately determin-
Huiskamp (2) incorporated the grease quality into his model for ing the lubricant film thickness (Wikström and Jacobson (38) ).
Grease Lubrication in Rolling Bearings 477
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Fig. 4—Grease life model from Huiskamp (2) including grease performance factors.

of guaranteed life, requiring a third parameter, is doubtful for applied to these results, giving the full failure distribution and
grease lubrication. The distribution can be obtained from the corresponding confidence interval. As illustrated in Fig. 5, by
R0F test where the life of five pairs of bearings is evaluated taking L50, the smallest confidence interval is obtained (An-
using the “sudden death principle.” Here a pair of bearings is dersson (83)). The confidence intervals—i.e., the precision of
stopped as soon as one bearing has failed. So the test will give life estimates—for L1 are very large, which makes it difficult
five failed and five suspended bearings. Weibull statistics are to discriminate between test results. Grease life is therefore

Fig. 5—Failure distribution for a grease life test using the R0F test rig using a population of 10 grease failures.
478 P. M. LUGT

generally measured through the L50 value. Re-lubrication in- centrifugal forces on roller and rings (van Zoelen, et al. (65); van
tervals are derived from that using a fixed Weibull slope. ROF Zoelen, et al. (69)).
testing gives an average Weibull slope β = 2.3, which gives At low shear rates grease creeps, so it may be that grease very
L10 ≈ 2.7L01 and L50 ≈ 5L01. Note that for ball bearing fatigue slowly flows into the track.
life, typically β = 1.1 (Harris (4); Lundberg and Palmgren (84); An additional complexity is the dynamic behavior of grease
Ioannides, et al. (85)). This means that the spread in grease life is lubrication. The grease lubricated bearing shows an inherent
less pronounced than that in bearing life. “self-healing” mechanism where replenishment may happen due
to film breakdown resulting in metal-to-metal contact, local heat
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION development, and release of grease into the raceways (Mas and
The various hypotheses on the mechanisms of grease lubrica- Magnin (55); Cann and Lubrecht (73); Lugt, et al. (74)). This
tion, all based on observations/measurements, indicate that there means that the life of the grease in bearings cannot easily be pre-
may be no unique mechanism. As an example, at low tempera- dicted based on film thickness calculations only.
tures oxidation and evaporation will not give a significant con- Ultimately, knowledge on multi-phase flow, nonlinear rheol-
tribution to “grease aging.” At high temperatures oxidation will ogy, EHL theory, and chemistry need to be combined to develop
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:06 14 December 2012

dominate. Some metals catalyze oxidation (brass cages!). This predictive models for grease lubrication in rolling bearings.
may be one explanation why there is no consensus on the mecha-
nism. It is certain that initial filling plays a major role. Too much ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
grease leads to excessive churning, high temperatures, and se-
The author would like to thank Prof. E. Ioannides, Technical
vere grease degradation. If the bearing is properly filled, two
Director Product R&D for SKF, for his kind permission to pub-
phases can be distinguished; i.e., a churning phase where exces-
lish this article.
sive grease will be pushed to the shoulders of the bearing onto
the seals/covers. This process is determined by the flow proper- REFERENCES
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