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“E-banking in Rural India: Understanding and Importance."








Faculty Guide

Dr. Lalit Khurana

Submitted by


Student Registration No.: MIT2021C01667



YEAR 2023-2024


the undersigned, hereby declare that the research work done on the Dissertation topic entitled
"E-banking In Rural India: Understanding and Importance" written and submitted under
the guidance of Prof. Dr. Dipti Kalkotwar. The findings and conclusions drawn in
Dissertation research is based on the data and other relevant information collected by me
during the period of my research study for the award of MBA degree. It is the result of my
intellectual efforts. I have quoted titles of all original sources i.e., original documents and name
of the authors whose work has help me in writing this Dissertation have been placed at
appropriate places. I have not infringed copyrights of any other author.

Name: Swarna Vinod Saxena

Student ID: MIT2021C01667


I was fortunate to have participation and guidelines of several good-hearted persons in the preparation of this
Dissertation work titled as under "E-banking In Rural India: Understanding and Importance”
without completion of this project would have been impossible. It was a live experience to study with so many
important aspects of contemporary issues and challenges of E-banking. In the light of experience gathered, I
wish to state that there is lot of scope for better work and improvement in this new branch of E-banking sector.
It is my duty to name a few without in any lessening the importance of others contribution Prof. Dr. Dipti

Kalkotwar at MIT School Of Distance Education, Pune, Department of Finance who led me to make
this dissertation research on this topic. She was kind enough to contribute and guide me by her selfless
contribution for this research. I also give my sincere regards to her as my Project Research Guide for her
informal interaction, help and guidance which made this project.
I do not intend to end these mere words, because after spending much time discussing on various aspects at
every possible way and then reading the drafts and suggesting improvement, she made this work a success.
I would also like to make special regards for all staff members at MIT School Of Distance Education, Pune,
Department of Finance for their full- hearted co-operation. However, any factual omissions or shortcomings in
this work solely rest on my shoulder.

Name: Swarna Vinod Saxena

Student ID: MIT2021C01667


The Digital India Program is a vital program of the Government of India with a dream to change India into a
carefully engaged society and information economy. economy. "Anonymous, Paperless, Cashless" is one of the
jobs they call Digital India.

The advancement of computerized installments is fundamentally important for the Government of India to
bring all aspects of our country under the conventional control of advanced installment administrations. Web
banking and versatile banking (-banking) have turned into a self-improvement channel that permits banks to
give data and offer types of assistance to their clients even more effectively through web administrations
innovation. The new universe of electronic banking is changing consistently. Understanding the client's
perspective on versatile banking is significant.

Many individuals change to web-based banking and effectively acknowledge the convenience of this
spending plan. The web based financial help permits clients to deal with their records anyplace whenever for
a minimal price; gives bountiful remuneration to the purchaser regarding cost and accommodation.

The report tends to India's provincial populace's mentalities toward E-banking, the important framework,
and the new advances taken by the Indian government to further develop E-banking and portable banking
in India and particularly to associate most of rustic individuals through E-banking.




The Digital India program is a leader program of the Government of India with a dream to change India into a
carefully enabled society and information economy. economy. "Unremarkable, Paperless, Cashless" is one of
proclaimed job of Digital India. Advancement of computerized installments has been agreed most noteworthy
need by the Government of India to bring every single portion of our country under the proper overlay of
advanced installment administrations. Web banking and portable banking (m-banking) has turned into oneself
assistance conveyance channel that permits banks to give data and proposition administrations to their clients
with more accommodation by means of the web administrations innovation. The new universe of electronic
banking is changing step by step. Understanding the client's discernment on portable banking is significant.

A considerable number of individuals are moving to web-based banking and are promptly tolerating the
handiness of this abundance. Web based financial assistance permits clients to deal with their records from
any spot whenever for least expense; it gives bountiful pay to the client regarding cost and simplicity.
The financial framework is the foundation of an economy. The strength of monetary framework relies upon
banking framework. A powerful and sound financial framework involves its reserve funds in useful areas
and furthermore meets the commitments of the investors of monetary advancement, banking is the head
honcho. Because of absence of mindfulness among individuals, even following quite a while of rise of
banking industry it was not utilized.
Lately the Indian populace has begun benefiting the offices of the banks. E banking pattern is spreading at a
quicker rate in every one of the nations. Banks give web banking administrations to its public and global
clients. Web banking is exceptionally practical and quick handling technique. The method involved with
utilizing PCs/mobiles as a mode for banking administrations is known as web banking. The clients access
their record data through an electronic assistance. The bank site allows the client to sign in and do any sort of
exchanges, yet such sign in should be approved by the financial framework through private ID number (PIN).
Because of headway in innovation, banks have approached to acknowledge the change. The banks utilize
electronic and telecom organizations to give an enormous scope of significant administrations to its clients.


The aims of e-banking, or electronic banking, revolve around leveraging technology to enhance and streamline
various aspects of banking services. E-banking aims to provide customers with more convenient, efficient, and
accessible financial services. Some of the key objectives of e-banking include:
1. Convenience: E-banking aims to make banking services more convenient for customers by allowing
them to perform various transactions and access financial information from anywhere at any time using
electronic devices like computers, smartphones, or tablets.
2. 24/7 Accessibility: E-banking enables round-the-clock access to banking services, allowing customers
to conduct transactions and manage their finances outside traditional banking hours.
3. Cost Efficiency: By reducing the need for physical infrastructure and manual processes, e-banking aims
to improve cost efficiency for both banks and customers. Automated processes can lead to lower
transaction costs and operational expenses.
4. Efficient Transactions: E-banking aims to streamline and expedite various banking transactions such
as fund transfers, bill payments, and account management, reducing the time and effort required for
these activities.
5. Enhanced Security: E-banking endeavours to provide secure platforms for financial transactions,
protecting customer data and financial information through advanced security measures such as
encryption and multi-factor authentication.
6. Global Accessibility: E-banking enables customers to access their accounts and conduct transactions
globally, breaking down geographical barriers and providing a seamless banking experience for
international transactions.
7. Innovative Services: E-banking aims to introduce innovative financial products and services, such as
mobile banking apps, virtual wallets, and other digital solutions, to meet the evolving needs of
customers and stay competitive in the financial industry.
8. Customer Empowerment: E-banking aims to empower customers by providing them with more
control over their finances. Customers can monitor transactions, set alerts, and customize their banking
experience according to their preferences.
9. Environmental Sustainability: By reducing the need for paper-based transactions and physical
infrastructure, e-banking contributes to environmental sustainability by minimizing the environmental
impact associated with traditional banking practices.
10. Competitive Advantage: Banks aim to gain a competitive edge by offering advanced and user-friendly
e-banking services. This can attract new customers, retain existing ones, and position the bank as a
leader in technological innovation within the financial industry.
The objectives of e-banking, or electronic banking, are aligned with the broader goals of enhancing customer
experience, increasing efficiency, and staying competitive in the rapidly evolving financial landscape. Here are
the key objectives of e-banking:
1. Customer Convenience: Provide customers with the flexibility to access banking services and conduct
transactions anytime, anywhere, and through various electronic devices, such as computers,
smartphones, and tablets.
2. Accessibility: Ensure round-the-clock availability of banking services, allowing customers to manage
their accounts, transfer funds, and perform other transactions beyond traditional banking hours.
3. Cost Efficiency: Streamline banking operations by automating processes, reducing the need for
physical infrastructure, and minimizing manual intervention, leading to cost savings for both banks and
4. Transaction Efficiency: Expedite and simplify various financial transactions, such as fund transfers,
bill payments, and account inquiries, to save time and enhance overall efficiency.
5. Security: Implement robust security measures, including encryption, multi-factor authentication, and
secure communication channels, to protect customer data and financial information from unauthorized
access and fraud.
6. Innovation: Introduce and leverage technological advancements to offer innovative products and
services, keeping pace with changing customer expectations and industry trends.
7. Global Reach: Facilitate cross-border transactions and provide a platform for international banking,
enabling customers to access their accounts and conduct financial activities globally.
8. Customer Empowerment: Empower customers by providing them with tools and features that enable
better financial management, such as real-time transaction monitoring, budgeting tools, and
customizable alerts.
9. Operational Efficiency: Streamline internal processes, reduce paperwork, and enhance operational
efficiency within the bank, leading to quicker decision-making and improved overall performance.
10. Competitive Advantage: Position the bank as a technological leader, attracting tech-savvy customers
and gaining a competitive edge in the financial industry. E-banking helps banks differentiate themselves
by offering superior digital experiences.

The scope of research in e-banking is broad and dynamic, reflecting the ongoing advancements in technology,
changes in consumer behavior, and the evolving regulatory landscape. Researchers in the field of e-banking can
explore various dimensions to contribute to the understanding, improvement, and development of electronic
banking services. Here are some key areas of research in e-banking:
1. Technology and Security:
o Explore emerging technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and biometrics in the
context of e-banking.
o Investigate the effectiveness of security measures and protocols in safeguarding customer data
and transactions.
o Assess the impact of cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities on e-banking systems.
2. User Experience and Human-Computer Interaction:
o Study user interfaces and user experiences in e-banking applications to enhance usability and
customer satisfaction.
o Investigate factors influencing customer adoption and acceptance of e-banking services.
o Explore the role of design principles in developing user-friendly e-banking platforms.
3. Mobile Banking and Apps:
o Analyse the adoption and usage patterns of mobile banking applications.
o Examine the impact of mobile technology on customer behavior and preferences in the context
of e-banking.
o Investigate the design and functionality of mobile banking apps for different user demographics.
4. Big Data and Analytics:
o Explore the use of big data and analytics in e-banking for customer profiling, predictive analysis,
and personalized services.
o Assess the implications of data privacy and regulatory compliance in the context of collecting
and analyzing customer data.
5. Financial Inclusion:
o Investigate the role of e-banking in promoting financial inclusion, especially in regions with
limited access to traditional banking services.
o Assess the effectiveness of mobile banking in reaching unbanked populations and providing
them with essential financial services.
6. Regulatory Compliance:
o Analyse the regulatory frameworks governing e-banking and assess their impact on the industry.
o Explore the challenges and opportunities associated with compliance with various financial
regulations and standards.
7. Cryptocurrencies and Digital Currencies:
o Investigate the role of cryptocurrencies and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in e-
o Explore the potential impact of decentralized finance (DeFi) on traditional e-banking services.
8. Risk Management:
o Examine the risks associated with e-banking, including operational, technological, and fraud-
related risks.
o Evaluate risk management strategies and practices implemented by banks in the context of
electronic financial services.
9. Cross-Border Transactions:
o Study the challenges and opportunities in facilitating cross-border transactions through e-
o Analyse the impact of regulatory differences on cross-border e-banking services.
10. Economic and Social Impact:
o Investigate the economic and social impact of e-banking on individuals, businesses, and
o Assess the role of e-banking in promoting financial literacy and inclusion.
11. Sustainability:
o Explore the environmental sustainability aspects of e-banking, considering factors such as
energy consumption, electronic waste, and the carbon footprint of digital banking services.
Researchers can focus on one or more of these areas to contribute valuable insights to the growing field of e-
banking. The interdisciplinary nature of e-banking research allows for collaboration between experts in finance,
technology, law, and social sciences to address the multifaceted aspects of electronic banking services.


The statement of the research problem in e-banking typically focuses on identifying and addressing
challenges, gaps, or areas of improvement within the electronic banking sector. Here's an
Title: "Enhancing Security Measures in E-Banking: A Comprehensive Investigation"
Statement of Research Problem:
The rapid evolution of electronic banking (e-banking) has undoubtedly transformed the financial landscape,
offering unprecedented convenience and accessibility to users. However, this technological advancement has
brought forth a myriad of security concerns that pose significant threats to the integrity and confidentiality of
financial transactions. The research problem at hand revolves around the identification and mitigation of
security vulnerabilities in e-banking systems, with a focus on ensuring the robustness of the electronic banking
Key Issues to Address:
1. Cybersecurity Threats: E-banking platforms are susceptible to an array of cyber threats, including
phishing attacks, malware, and hacking attempts. Understanding the nature and extent of these threats is
crucial for developing effective countermeasures.
2. User Authentication: Ensuring the secure authentication of users is paramount in preventing
unauthorized access to e-banking accounts. Research needs to explore advanced authentication methods
and evaluate their effectiveness in mitigating identity theft and unauthorized transactions.
3. Data Encryption: The transmission and storage of sensitive financial information require robust
encryption mechanisms to protect against data breaches. Investigating the adequacy of current
encryption protocols and proposing enhancements is crucial for maintaining data confidentiality.
4. Regulatory Compliance: E-banking systems must comply with regulatory standards to ensure the
protection of customer data and financial transactions. Research should assess the existing regulatory
frameworks and propose strategies for ensuring comprehensive compliance within e-banking platforms.
5. User Awareness and Education: Many security breaches in e-banking result from user negligence or
lack of awareness. Research should explore methods to enhance user education and awareness programs
to empower customers with the knowledge to recognize and avoid potential security threats.
6. Technological Infrastructure: Assessing the overall technological infrastructure of e-banking systems
is vital to identify potential weaknesses. Research should aim to enhance the technological resilience of
e-banking platforms against emerging threats and ensure scalability and adaptability.
By addressing these key issues, the research seeks to contribute valuable insights and recommendations to
strengthen the security posture of e-banking systems, fostering trust among users and ensuring the continued
growth and sustainability of electronic banking in the digital era.

Research methodology in the context of e-banking involves outlining the systematic process by which the study
will be conducted. It includes the design, data collection methods, data analysis techniques, and the overall
approach to investigating and answering the research questions. Below is an example of a research
methodology for a study on e-banking:
Research Design:
This study employs a mixed-methods research design, combining both qualitative and quantitative approaches.
The qualitative component involves in-depth interviews and case studies to gather insights into user
experiences and perceptions. The quantitative aspect involves the analysis of statistical data to measure the
efficiency and security of e-banking systems.
The study targets active users of e-banking services across different demographics.
Sampling Technique:
A stratified random sampling technique will be employed, dividing the population into strata based on factors
such as age, income, and geographic location. Participants will be randomly selected from each stratum to
ensure a representative sample.
Data Collection:
Qualitative Data:
1. In-depth Interviews:
o Conducting one-on-one interviews with e-banking users, IT professionals, and regulatory experts to
understand their perspectives on e-banking security, user experiences, and regulatory compliance.
2. Case Studies:
o Analyzing specific cases of e-banking security incidents to identify patterns, root causes, and the
effectiveness of response mechanisms.
Quantitative Data:
1. Surveys:
o Distributing online surveys to a larger sample of e-banking users to collect quantitative data on user
satisfaction, perceived security levels, and preferences.
2. Transaction Data Analysis:
o Analyzing historical transaction data provided by e-banking service providers to assess trends, anomalies,
and potential security breaches.
Data Analysis:
Qualitative Analysis:
1. Thematic Analysis:
o Identifying recurring themes and patterns from interview transcripts and case study data to gain a deeper
understanding of qualitative findings.
Quantitative Analysis:
1. Descriptive Statistics:
o Utilizing descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode) to summarize survey responses and transaction data.
2. Statistical Testing:
o Conducting statistical tests, such as t-tests or chi-square tests, to assess the significance of relationships
between variables, such as user satisfaction and security measures.
Ethical Considerations:
1. Informed Consent:
o Obtaining informed consent from all participants before data collection, ensuring they understand the
purpose of the study and how their data will be used.
2. Anonymity and Confidentiality:
o Ensuring the privacy of participants by anonymizing data and securing it in compliance with data
protection regulations.


The research on e-banking, like any other field, has its limitations. Here are some common limitations
associated with research on electronic banking:
1. Limited Generalizability: Studies on e-banking often focus on specific regions, countries, or user
demographics. Findings from such studies may not be easily generalized to different cultural or
economic contexts. The adoption and usage patterns of e-banking can vary significantly across regions
and demographics.
2. Rapid Technological Changes: The field of e-banking is highly dynamic, with continuous
advancements in technology. Research findings may become outdated quickly as new technologies,
platforms, or security measures emerge, limiting the relevance and applicability of the research.
3. Security Concerns: E-banking involves sensitive financial transactions, and security is a major
concern. However, due to the rapid evolution of cyber threats and security measures, research findings
may not always capture the latest vulnerabilities, leading to potential gaps in understanding the security
4. Sample Bias: Research studies often rely on specific samples of users, such as those who are already
using e-banking services. This can introduce sample bias, as the experiences and perceptions of non-
users may be overlooked, providing an incomplete picture of the overall population.
5. Data Privacy Issues: Research on e-banking may involve the analysis of user data and behaviour.
Ensuring the privacy of individuals and complying with data protection regulations can be challenging.
Researchers need to be mindful of ethical considerations and potential privacy issues associated with
data collection and analysis.
6. Access and Inclusion Challenges: Studies may not adequately account for factors that contribute to the
digital divide, limiting access to e-banking services for certain populations. Issues such as lack of
internet infrastructure, digital literacy, or socio-economic disparities can affect the generalizability of
research findings.
7. User Resistance and Trust: Research may not fully capture the psychological factors influencing user
acceptance and resistance to e-banking. Factors such as trust in online security, resistance to change,
and perceptions of risk can significantly impact the adoption and usage of e-banking services.
8. Cross-Cultural Variations: E-banking adoption and usage patterns may vary across cultures. Cultural
factors influencing trust, risk perception, and preferences for traditional banking channels can lead to
differences in e-banking behaviour, but these nuances may not always be thoroughly explored in
Researchers should be aware of these limitations and strive to address them to enhance the robustness and
applicability of their findings in the ever-evolving landscape of e-banking.
The significance of a study on e-banking (electronic banking) lies in its potential impact on the financial sector,
businesses, and consumers. Here are several key points highlighting the significance of studying e-banking:
1. Efficiency and Convenience:
o E-banking offers a more efficient and convenient way for customers to perform banking
transactions. It allows users to access their accounts, transfer funds, pay bills, and perform
various financial activities from the comfort of their homes or offices, 24/7.
2. Cost Reduction for Banks and Customers:
o Electronic banking can lead to cost savings for both banks and customers. Automated processes
and reduced paperwork can lower operational costs for financial institutions, and customers may
experience lower transaction fees or charges.
3. Financial Inclusion:
o E-banking can contribute to financial inclusion by providing access to banking services for
individuals in remote or underserved areas. Online banking allows people who may not have
easy access to physical bank branches to participate in the formal financial system.
4. Security Concerns:
o As e-banking relies on electronic transactions and data storage, the study can focus on the
security implications. Understanding and addressing security concerns are crucial to building
trust among users and ensuring the integrity of financial transactions.
5. Technological Innovation:
o The study of e-banking is essential for understanding the ongoing technological innovations in
the financial sector. This includes developments in mobile banking, blockchain technology, and
other emerging trends that impact the way financial services are delivered.
6. Customer Adoption and Satisfaction:
o Understanding customer attitudes and behaviour’s towards e-banking is crucial for the success
and widespread adoption of electronic banking services. Factors such as user interface design,
customer support, and overall user experience play a significant role in customer satisfaction.
7. Regulatory Compliance:
o The study can explore the regulatory framework surrounding e-banking and how financial
institutions comply with various laws and regulations. Compliance is essential to maintain the
stability and integrity of the financial system.
8. Impact on Traditional Banking:
o E-banking has the potential to transform the traditional banking landscape. The study can
analyze how traditional banks adapt to the digital era, compete with online-only banks, and
leverage technology to enhance their services.
9. Economic Impacts:
o Electronic banking can have broader economic impacts. For instance, it can contribute to the
growth of e-commerce, stimulate economic activities, and influence the overall economic
10. Global Perspective:
o E-banking allows for global financial transactions. The study can examine how international
regulations and collaborations impact electronic banking on a global scale, fostering cross-
border financial interactions.
In summary, studying e-banking is significant for understanding its multifaceted impacts on efficiency, cost,
financial inclusion, security, technology, customer satisfaction, regulation, economic dynamics, and the broader
financial ecosystem.
Dr. Abdullah Kammani (2012) Technology Adoption and Indian Consumers: Study on Mobile Banking The
consequence of this study shows that apparent helpfulness, saw convenience, buyer mindfulness and saw risk
are the significant determinants of versatile financial reception. This study meets the ideal goal; yet it
experiences one difficulty. Study infers that larger part of clients are tolerating web-based banking because of
numerous ideal variables.
Rina Bhanot (2015) Some central questions tended to in the new writing about the e-banking incorporate;
client acknowledgment and fulfillment, administrations delivered, esteem added for both the banks and
shoppers, protection concerns, benefit, functional dangers, and rivalry from non-banking organizations.

Shafique Ahmed and Samiran Sur (2021)

MSME is one of the most critical and lively areas for the improvement of the nation monetarily. It is
considered as a spine of the Indian economy. It offers monetary help to the economy, through work age
capacity and 28.77% offer in India's gross homegrown items (GDP) (MSME Annual Report 2017-18).
Around 58.5 million organizations were viewed as functional according to the Sixth Economic Census (2016).
Among them, 59.48% of organizations were viewed as in country regions. The best five states as far as the
quantity of MSMEs are Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, and Karnataka. The immense
quantities of MSMEs are most pertinent in the upgrade of involving advanced financial administrations for
understanding the fantasy of a credit only economy in India. Computerized financial administrations are a
type of a virtual bank that gives all financial exercises.
on the web. It assists banking clients with partaking in the solace of getting to and playing out all customary
financial exercises whenever the timing is ideal. Cash stores, withdrawals, moves, account the board,
applying for monetary items, credit the executives, bill installment and other coordinated administrations like
an interest in common assets or offer market are a portion of the critical types of computerized financial
administrations. India is a country with a blast in mechanical viewpoints and a quickly developing monetary
economy. Advanced banking, being the need of great importance, has totally had an impact on the way we
cooperate and execute with the banks and vice versa.

Since the demonetization, the push for a credit only economy is associating an ever-increasing number of
clients towards computerized banking. Web banking, m-trade through banks application or from other
monetary foundations, through wallets, ATM administrations, and so forth are the various types of utilizing
computerized financial administrations. Through better admittance to information and data, cost decrease and
improved effectiveness, the progression of innovation all around the world has patched up the activities of
business associations (Uppal, 2008).
Development in the field of IT in the 21st century has changed the working of business substances in pretty
much every country. The accessibility and admittance to better and high velocity web have become
reasonable to pretty much every side of the country, which is assisting with the development of the monetary
help industry. Reasonable web combined with reasonable IT and cell phones is the primary point of support
behind banks offering tailor-made electronic-based monetary items to clients inside their comfort. Innovative
headway in the field of web banking has totally altered the methods of monetary exercises and the idea of
banking from "physical" to "virtual". Without decreasing the current assistance levels, banks, with the
assistance of innovation, are taking special care of the developing requests of the clients in offering different
financial items and administrations through forward thinking.
(Akinci et al., 2004). In this quick time, comfort is turning into the great part of picking an item or
administration, particularly of the "Age Y" populace. Easily overseeing lives progressing and come by a
proficient outcome is the need of great importance. In this manner, banks offering imaginative and state of the
art arrangements through easy-to-use applications or various mediums are standing out enough to be noticed
from the clients. The element that recognizes the administrations of e-banking from conventional banking is
vicinity and helpful time (Ibrahim et al., 2006). The information about the view of portable clients is basically
significant for the progress of m-trade (Okazaki, 2006; Lee and Lee, 2007).

The efficient potential alongside the comfort of on the web or versatile financial administrations is esteemed
the most by the more youthful shoppers as contrasted and more established purchasers (Howcroft et al.,
2002). In the Indian setting, it is observed that the reception of new advanced advances is.
more in metropolitan shoppers than country buyers (Singh and Aggarwal, 2013). The inadequacy
to give "execution to cost esteem" is considered as the main justification behind the
purchaser's protection from versatile banking (Laukkanen et al., 2007). The development of advanced
financial administrations with the assistance of various applications by the banks or other monetary
foundations, reasonable gadgets, and high velocity web associations to the accommodation of fast financial
nonstop are changing the financial scene. All things considered; the development is falling behind the
development of advanced developments. The obligation to share the advantages of computerized
administrations lies with the bank. They ought to make the client mindful of its advantages and ought to
prepare them with all important data (Mukherjee and Nath, 2003; Lin, 2011). Basic and utilization of easy-to-
understand innovation in portable financial expands the acknowledgment for its utilization (Mortimer et al.,
2015; Koksal, 2016). Impact of the public has a positive importance in the utilization of versatile banking
(Laukkanen et al., 2007; Amin et al., 2008; Riquelme and Rios, 2010; Puschel et al., 2010; Dasgupta et al.,
2011). Trust in the cell phone and the positive involvement in its purposes altogether impacts the utilization
of banking carefully (Idris, 2013). Social climate and a few other financial elements are additionally critical
parts of the acknowledgment of versatile banking (Amin et al., 2006; Ainin et al.,
2007; Bankole et al., 2011; Baptista and Oliveira, 2015; Koksal, 2016). Protection connected with individual
information and the security of the gadget have a significant impact in versatile financial acknowledgment
(Wang et al., 2003; Hernandez et al., 2008). Security is one of the fundamental elements towards clients'
reliance on versatile banking (Sathye, 1999; Singhal and Padmanabhan, 2008; Riquelme and Rios, 2010;
Grewal, 2012; Deb and Lomo-David, 2014; Khatanga and Dahiya, 2015).

The hindrances of lack of education, accessibility of items or administrations and cost looked by the normal
populace were won by the transformations and headway in data correspondences and innovation. Modest
portable assistance charges or web charges, expansion in the acquisition of limitless information plans and
the public authority's drive is fueling the development of m-business and m-banking in India (Grewal, 2012).
Absence of confidence in m-banking plays a main consideration in its reception (Rahman, 2013).
Mental variables were viewed as more significant than innovative elements in the reception of m-trade. The
paces of portable financial reception can be improved by the support of inspirational perspectives for m-
business by advertisers (Mishra, 2014). "Seen risk, saw security risk, segment factors, and reception conduct"
were viewed as a vital variable in the acknowledgment of web banking in India (Mann and Sahni, 2012).
Computerized financial administrations are helpful for the business monetarily through the fast and simple
utilization of banking administrations regarding their accommodation. It is apparent that the vast majority of
the MSMEs fall flat in the administration of their monetary assets appropriately (Ahmed and Sur, 2017).The
encounters acquired using advanced financial administrations, both from the client and bank perspective, will
go about as a lift in reshaping the backend activities of the bank by improving and digitalizing it (DQI
Bureau, 2020). As indicated by Rajasekhara Maiya, Vice President, Global Head for Business Consulting,
Infosys Finacle, this pandemic has given banks double open doors. In the first place, manages an account with
no or medium utilization for advanced financial administrations need to increase their assets to utilize and
give more need of great importance computerized administrations. The subsequent open door is for those
unadulterated advanced banks who were offering computerized just administrations should search for ways of
turning out to be "undeniable specialist co-ops" (Srivatsa, 2020). India is sorted as a breakout country, and
that implies that the nation is in spite of the fact that having low entrance in digitalization yet is advancing at a
quick speed (Chakravarty et al., 2017).


As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, e-banking, or electronic banking, has been steadily growing
in India. The extent of e-banking in India can be assessed based on various

a. Undiscovered Rural Markets:

Country market is generally undiscovered despite the fact that greater part of Indian populace stays
there. Banks have entered uniquely in not many enormous towns. So the banks have an open door to
reach in leftover all towns for all intents and purposes with the goal that no resident is denied of
banking administrations.

b. Versatile banking:
With expanding ubiquity of advanced cells in rustic regions, portable banking has become one of
the well known methods of exchanges. Today individuals convey their advanced mobile phones all
over the place and use them for doing all kind of exchanges. Versatile banking gives a phenomenal
chance to finish banking exchanges by tip of fingers.

c. Affixed administrations
Cash should be circled quick for better liquidity all over. Going through hours in lengthy lines in the
bank to move or transmit cash is an awkward and tedious for the two clients and monetary
organizations. Through advanced financial one will actually want to finish the exchanges without
leaving the seat and consequently saving time.

d. Web Banking:
Whenever anyplace banking is presently normal all over and monetary organizations are adding
an ever-increasing number of items and administrations through web banking gateway separated
from conventional financial administrations.
e. Monetary proficiency:
RBI, SEBI, IRDA and numerous other monetary market players have taken various drives for monetary
schooling. They have arranged educational program on different subjects including web banking,
banking item and administrations, net banking to instruct the school understudies, undergrads, working
leaders, center pay bunch, homemakers, resigned faculty, self-improvement gatherings in numerous


Use of computerized installments was a choice before demonetization. However, India being cash-based
economy for a long time; customers are yet to dispose of the money-based exchange propensities. Despite
positive social patterns in provincial portions for embracing the digitalization, still there are impressive
difficulties in succeeding the change in perspective. However, assuming that a portion of the critical full-
scale difficulties, business constraints and purchaser related issues are tended to, there could be exceptional
improvements all the while.

a. Trust:
Development of advanced installments in rustic area is to a great extent impacted by absence of trust
among clients. Web being the open and uncertain channel of correspondence probably won't be the
best base for bank-client relations. Acquiring the certainty of buyers is one of the key elements due to
arising data security challenges.

b. Cost:
Cost of exchanges recuperated from the clients is likewise a main issue. Charging of exchange cost
from buyers by certain retailers on check card exchange is an extra weight. Likewise, organizations
charging for changing the cash from wallet to financial balances are again a key concern which
should be tended to. This isn't well acknowledged by the provincial populace.

c. Security:
Security of store is the worry for some clients while considering Anytime Anywhere Banking.
The ordinary fresh insight about deficiency of cash in advanced exchanges makes fear.
Programmers and digital crooks are as yet keeping monetary organizations on their toes. So this
has made a dread psychosis among clients and all the more so in country regions. Clients are not
able to take any risks.
d. Security risk:
Clients are troubled of the gamble of revelation of private data and feeling of dread toward
wholesale fraud while settling on web banking administrations. A considerable lot of them feel
that they will be defenseless against wholesale fraud by utilizing internet banking administrations.
e. Client Awareness:
In India the mindfulness among shoppers about the e-banking offices and strategies is currently at
lower side. Scattering of appropriate data about the utilization, advantages and office of web banking
is still exceptionally low. Absence of consciousness of new innovation and their advantages is one of
the significant boundaries in the improvement of e-banking.

f. Dependence on "blocks and cement" branch:

Many individuals are not persuaded about computerized banking except if they have confirmation
that a bank exists in physical structure. They don't confide in on a bank which gives just
computerized exchanges without having any presence. Henceforth it is difficult to turn out to be
totally digitalized.

g. Business Limitations:
Banks are investing in some opportunity for accommodating vendor's exchanges is the other key test
affecting the acknowledgment of computerized installments by the shippers. Now and then shippers are
tolerating the advanced installments from shoppers, yet thusly sellers and providers are not tolerating
computerized installments from such dealers. These are the other degree of obstacle affecting the
development of computerized installments in rustic sections.

h. Accessibility and Bandwidth:

There is absence of transfer speed and reach of innovation to different areas. The computerized
installments methodology must be pragmatic when the escape clauses like network with appropriate
transfer speed and satisfactory arrangements are tended to in fast completion time. However, it is
concluded that each edge of India will have IT administrations set up, still in a considerable lot of the
places where the establishments were finished, administrations are not accessible for the clients.

i. Administrative Challenges:
With innovation taking fast steps our administrative standards administering them are as yet
developing. Controllers and bosses should be more careful about arising advances which are not

The above factors are keeping computerized banking from balancing out and turning into an all- inclusive
financial strategy for everyone.


The RBI has reported rules for banks to set up specific computerized financial units (DBUs) particular from
ordinary bank offices utilizing the re-appropriated model. The new standards are in accordance with a Budget
declaration and depend on the suggestion of a board involving individuals from the RBI and banking industry.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI reported the send-off of a remarkable element for installments with an office
where those with highlight telephones could likewise utilize the UPI stage, highlighting further reception of
computerized exchanges in the wide open where most of the residents don’t possess cell phones.

The component called UPI 123Pay will offer installments through IVR Number, application usefulness in
highlight telephones, missed call-based exchanges and sound-based installments. The Central bank likewise
reported the carry out for 24x7 helpline for computerized exchange called DigiSathi
Banks will permit account holders the choice of actuating the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) administration
utilizing Aadhaar and OTP rather than a charge card. The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) first
presented this component in September 2021.Clients who don't have a charge card or whose check card has not
been initiated will want to utilize UPI with this new component. "This was made conceivable by interfacing
NPCI to the Unique Identification Authority of India for the benefit of the client's bank. While NPCI had
empowered this element, it depended on the banks to stretch out something very similar to their clients."

According to NPCI official statement, "Aadhaar OTP confirmation in lieu of charge card for client
onboarding on Unified Payments Interface (UPI) to empower client on boarding on UPI utilizing Aadhaar
OTP, notwithstanding check card. Alongside the element subtleties and rules, consistence course of events
was referenced as fifteenth December 2021. Because of postponement in preparation possessing to other
need item include sendoff across environment, consistence timetables are reached out to fifteenth March
Most bank applications at present interest clients to confirm themselves with their charge card. This implies that
main people who approach computerized banking can utilize the UPI include.
There are north of 45 crore recipient accounts, as indicated by the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana site,
which gives data on the widespread ledger plan's inclusion. Almost 30 crores live in rustic and semi-
metropolitan regions, with the rest in metropolitan and metro regions. Just 31.4 crore beneficiaries, be that as
it may, have gotten a RuPay check card. Moreover, many record clients have not enacted their charge cards,
as per brokers.

Most computerized exchanges in India are amassed in metropolitan habitats. With just 28% of rustic India
flaunting admittance to web empowered cell phones and a low degree of computerized proficiency among
provincial inhabitants, India's country heartland isn't essential for India's fintech upset. In spite of making up
70% of India's populace, individuals living in provincial regions are the most underserved with regards to
getting to the fintech administrations. Nonetheless, the image of India's monetary consideration scene isn't
totally bleak. All it shows is that India is yet to take advantage of its maximum capacity to speed up turning into
a credit only economy advance.
CHAPTER 5: Role of Indian Government

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman as of late asked the Indian Banks Association to expand the
presence of banking administrations in provincial India, empowering the banks to conclude where they
should be truly present and where computerized administrations can be broadened. An absence of
foundation is one of the key difficulties that the public authority has intended to address through drives,
for example, the PM's Digital India program and Bharat Net Project. Along these lines, the RBI has as of
late operationalized the Payment Investment Development Fund (PIDF) with an underlying corpus of Rs
345 crores pointed toward adding 30 lakh computerized installments contact focuses in level 3 to level 6
areas and north-eastern states.

Past the issue of framework is individuals' doubt towards innovation. Famous science fiction creator Arthur C.
Clarke once jested that "an adequately cutting-edge innovation is undefined from wizardry".
While the comfort, interoperability, and quickness empowered by fintech arrangements are completely
enchantment, demystifying fintech contributions is urgent to building the client trust expected to
accomplish mass reception. Furthermore, this is the place where the Ministry of Electronics and
Information Technology (MeitY) has started to lead the pack by reporting intends to set up Common
Service Centers (CSCs) as advanced monetary center points to spread mindfulness among customers
regarding administrative approaches and computerized finance choices for country residents. To drive this
undertaking, the public authority has contributed more than Rs 65 crore to advance computerized
monetary administrations, for example, UPI, IMPS, Bank machines, and so forth.

Privately owned businesses have gotten a move on further, entering regions where the public authority
finds it hard to get some decent momentum. Amazon, for example, has put Rs 225 crore in its Indian
computerized installments arm to increase its presence across the subcontinent with provincial India
anticipated to corner 63% of the portion of the overall industry by 2025. On their end, fintech
organizations are concocting inventive advances appropriate for the sensibilities and necessities of the
rustic populace. These reach from voice-based installments arrangements that don't need a web association
or a cell phone to blending fintech with farming, schooling, and medical care in modest communities.

Considering these turns of events, most would agree that India is well enroute to turning into a
computerized first economy. The element that will decide how soon India can accomplish its monetary
consideration objectives is how quick it can assist its rustic occupants with scoring great on monetary
and computerized education measurements, other than making the fintech framework more open and
reasonable. A general change is inevitable, and it will show up on the rear of a thundering rustic economy.
Current fintech’s would do well to plan and devise instruments to empower as well as profit by its
colossal potential.
CHAPTER 6: The Union Budget FY 2022-2023 of the Government of India

The Union Budget FY 2022-2023 of the Government of India has not just welcomed center around
digitalizing finance and the money area, however, has additionally overwhelmed the open arena. The
financial plan has utilized "Computerized India" as a support point to acquire consideration and to
fabricate a strong economy in the long haul.

A portion of the key features that cut into the money and advanced finance space include:

f. CBDC-Digital Rupee

The spending plan proposition specifies that the computerized rupee will be presented by the Reserve
Bank of India (RBI) in FY 2022-23.

Advanced Rupee can have many purposes, for example, in programmable installments for endowments
and by monetary foundations for faster loaning and installments.

In a blockchain, the exchange records can't be changed by any means, and the record is straightforward
and genuine. The CBDC is a computerized type of government issued money, which can be executed
utilizing wallets upheld by blockchain and is directed by the national bank. It empowers the client to lead
both homegrown and crossline exchanges, which don't need an outsider or a bank. Advanced Rupee can
have many purposes, for example, in programmable installments for appropriations and by monetary
foundations for speedier loaning and installments. With interoperability and expanded use, Digital Rupee
could likewise decidedly affect quicker ongoing crossline settlements.

g. Cryptos as resources?

In the meantime, the public authority has likewise reported that any pay from move of computerized
resources will be charged at the pace of 30%. This will affect all benefits from exchanging digital money
and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). To catch the exchange subtleties, the public authority has additionally
given to TDS on instalment made corresponding to move of virtual computerized resources at the pace of
1% of such thought. Giving of virtual computerized resources is likewise proposed to be burdened in the
possession of the beneficiary.

The Supreme Court in its judgment in March 2020 toppled the RBI's 2018 roundabout, referencing that
without any official prohibition on the trading of cryptographic forms of money, the RBI can't force.
unbalanced limitations on exchanging these monetary standards.
The move comes during the public authority's arrangements to present a bill on cryptographic forms of
money that looks to preclude "all private digital currencies in India" with "certain exemptions". The bill
has been really taking shape since January 2021, and the partners (RBI, crypto trades, banks, financial
backers) have been on tenterhooks as well as being fighting groups throughout recent years.
Until this bill is passed, crypto's legitimateness is yet risky. Prior in 2017, a between disciplinary board of
trustees set up by the Centre had suggested a prohibition on the exchanging and ownership of
cryptographic forms of money. In April 2018, the RBI gave a round teaching bank to deny banking
administrations admittance to those clients managing in digital currencies. The Supreme Court in its
judgment in March 2020 toppled the RBI's 2018 roundabout, referencing that without any official
prohibition on the trading of cryptographic forms of money, the RBI can't force lopsided limitations on
exchanging these monetary standards.

h. Post Offices on center financial framework

All the 1.5 lakh mail centers in India are set to be associated with the center financial framework in the FY
2022-23. This will empower monetary incorporation and admittance to post office accounts through net
banking, portable banking, ATMs, and furthermore give online exchange of assets between mail center
records and financial balances. It is qualified to make reference to that this proposition has its
philosophical beginning in the National Mission for Financial Inclusion (NMFI) of August 2014, which
looks to give widespread financial administrations to each unbanked family, in light of the core values of
"banking the unbanked, getting the unstable, subsidizing the unfunded, and serving unserved and
underserved regions".

i. 'Computerized financial Units' in 75 locales by SCBs

To stamp 75 years of Indian Independence, 75 Digital financial units will be set up in 75 regions of the
country by the Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs). This would push ahead monetary consideration, and
the banks could see further developed admittance to liabilities pools from more up to date purchaser sources
in those topographies. A 2017 RBI Report of the Working Group on FinTech and Digital Banking had
noticed that clients were quickly embracing innovation in their day-to-day routines, driven by the
development in web and versatile entrance, accessibility of minimal expense information plans, and shift
from disconnected to online trade. In this report, it was noticed, "The type of retail monetary administrations
is totally directed by customers and as they advance so will retail monetary administrations. Thus,
advancement isn't an extravagance any longer, it's a need. More significantly we are likewise seeing.
the coming of agile new businesses, which are gradually and consistently changing how retail monetary
administrations are conveyed to the customers and henceforth coming down on conventional banks to pay
heed and adjust their working as needs be. It is, in this manner, critical for banks to advance in the retail
monetary administrations space in line with the changing times or, more than likely there is a grave gamble
of their turning out to be less pertinent to existing clients."

A 2017 RBI Report of the Working Group on FinTech and Digital Banking had noticed that clients were
quickly embracing innovation in their regular routines, driven by the development in web and portable
entrance, accessibility of minimal expense information plans, and shift from disconnected to online trade.
The bigger inquiry to address is, if this can be the antecedent to the possibility of the computerized bank
mooted by the conversation paper proposed by Niti Aayog, and the indicated RBI's absence of apparent
premium for this thought. With the finance minister proposing the advanced financial units thought, the
subtleties of how it would be molded will be definitely watched by the FinTech’s, who might possibly
transform into computerized banks.

j. Charge occasion augmentation for new companies

Qualified new companies laid out before 31 March 2022 had been given an expense impetus to three
continuous years out of a long time from joining. Since qualification has been reached out to those qualified
new businesses laid out before 31 March 2023. The finance minister in her Budget discourse referenced that
new companies have arisen as "drivers of development for India's economy and that throughout recent years,
the nation has seen a complex expansion in fruitful new businesses."

k. Gift City: India's solitary monetary administrations place

Gift-IFSC has an altogether different monetary ward with the International Financial Services Center
Authority (IFSCA) as the brought together monetary administrations controller. The IFSCA has been
enabled under 14 separate Central Acts. A global discretion place will be set up in GIFT city with the mean
to give quicker and less expensive debate goal, on the lines of the Singapore International Arbitration Center
or London Commercial Arbitration Center.

l. Interlinkages for better credit admittance to MSMEs

MSME gateways, for example, Udyam, e-shram, NCS, and Aseem will be interlinked, enlarging their extent
of utilization. They will fill in as entryways with live information bases giving G-C, B-C and B-B
administrations like credit assistance. With further developed credit help, the MSME area would benefit by
tending to the functioning capital requirements, which have been tormenting them for a long time.
m. Green Bonds

The public authority will drift a sovereign green bond, the returns of which will be sent in open area projects
that diminish carbon impression. Green securities, or environment securities, are obligation instruments that
are utilized to fund-raise to subsidize projects that decidedly affect the climate and environment, in addition
to other things. India had given more than US $6 billion in green bonds in CY 2021, as per the UK-based
green bond following organization, Climate Bonds Initiative.

A worldwide assertion community will be set up in GIFT city with the mean to give quicker and less
expensive question goal, on the lines of the Singapore International Arbitration Center or London
Commercial Arbitration Center.

Green securities have been quick acquiring fame, with Climate Bonds Market Intelligence fixing the green
security market size at a record-breaking high of US $517 billion of every 2021. India is at a far off
seventeenth situation among green bond giving countries in 2021, where the United States, Germany, China,
France, and the United Kingdom rule. As indicated by S&P, corporate and bank guarantors in India are
probably going to tap the environment related obligation market all the more effectively as the world's third-
biggest producer of carbon dioxide will require as much as US $10 trillion to be carbon-impartial by 2070.
However, the subtleties of these green securities will be reported at the appropriate time, taking advantage
of the reserve funds base of homegrown retail financial backers by permitting them to put resources into it
tends to be a significant wellspring of assets.

Data Collection

Primary Data
For this study a questionnaire was formed, and responses were collected from different people. There are
70 respondents for this study that belong from various rural areas of India.

Secondary Data
For this study optional information was gathered. In this review, the auxiliary information comprises of
discoveries from various significant open sources like exploration papers, diaries and articles. This
approach was utilized for this review to Adoption of E-banking in Rural regions. This thus, extends the
exploration and reinforces the legitimacy of the review.
Figure 1
The questionnaire was completed by 70 respondents consisting of 33% female and 66% male as shown in
Figure 1.

Figure 2
The age of the respondents ranged between <20 and goes up to 50 & above, with a distribution as shown in
the figure 2.
Figure 3

Out of the 70 respondents 69 had their bank accounts and only 1 person did not have a bank account as
shown in figure 3.

Figure 4

Out of the 70 respondents 42 people had bank accounts in public sector banks, 23 in private sector banks and
only 5 in cooperative banks as shown in figure 4.
Figure 5

Out of 70 respondents 66 people have smartphones and only 4 people don’t have smartphones as shown in

Figure 6

Out of 70 respondents 57 people knew about E-banking, 5 did not know about E-banking and 8 were not
sure as shown in figure 6.
Figure 7

Out of 70 respondents 63 have used E-banking, 2 have not used e-banking and 5 were not sure as shown in
figure 7.

Figure 8
Out of 70 respondents 38 have used e-banking for more than 1 year, 18 have used between 6 months to 12
months and 14 have been using for less than 6 months as shown in figure 8.
Figure 9

Out of 70 respondents 8 use e-banking 5 or more times a week, 27 use 3 to 4 times a week, 22 use 1 to 2
times a week and 13 use less than 1 time a week as shown in figure 9.

Figure 10

Out of 70 respondents only 38 use Internet Banking, 69 use Mobile Banking, 63 know about Debit Card and
39 know about Credit Card as shown in figure 10.
Figure 11

Out of 70 respondents 47 feel e-banking system of the bank is customer friendly, 9 don’t feel it to be
customer friendly and 14 were not sure as shown in figure 11.

Figure 12

Out of 70 respondents 47 say e-banking saves time, 15 were not sure and 8 say it does not save time as
shown in figure 12.
Figure 13

Out of 70 respondents 42 believe e-banking is safe, 22 were not sure and 6 consider e-banking to be not safe
as shown in figure 13.

Figure 14

Out of 70 respondents 38 trust the e-banking services of the banks, 23 were not sure and 9 did not trust the
services of the banks as shown in figure 14.
Figure 15

Out of 70 respondents 45 were satisfied using e-banking, 19 were not sure and only 6 were unsatisfied as
shown in figure 15.

Figure 16

Out of 70 respondents 55 use e-banking for recharges, 52 use e-banking for online shopping, 46 use e-
banking to pay bills, 38 use e-banking to pay at local stores and 25 use e-banking to transfer funds as shown
in figure 16.

This data is collected through a survey in which 70 respondents participated. The data is collected by me
and is a primary source for my research. The data shows that most of the respondents have bank accounts
now in rural areas. People know about and use e-banking services provided by their banks in rural areas.
Most of the people have trust in their service providers.

CHAPTER 8: Conclusions and Findings

Factors for viable E-banking
For viable and serious reception of computerized diverts in rural India a specific factor should be tended to
critically. This will guarantee a superior and comprehensive monetary development.
a. Expanding the mindfulness in the rustic public through monetary and advanced proficiency
b. Improving and offering imperative foundation for computerized exchanges in provincial portion.
c. Deterring cash exchanges and decreasing the exchange charges over the advanced installments.
d. Empowering end-of-day settlement process for the vendors by facilitating the intricacies.
e. Introducing antivirus in gadgets might be encouraged, yet Government and Banks need to
give network safety to buyers to undeniable computerized exchanges.
f. Organizing prompt grumble goals in the event of exchange disappointments.
g. Empowering system in remunerating misfortune in the event of advanced cheats.

Till date not many rural clients have embraced advanced strategies that of metropolitan clients. However,
with web reach growing consistently, monetary Institutions are taking a ton of drives to teach the propensity
for reception of computerized strategies among provincial buyers more well known. This is to a great extent
due to mechanical disintermediation which empowers banks to contact provincial clients with negligible
gradual speculations on the stock side. India is quick arising as one of the biggest and solid economies. For
maintained and powerful monetary turn of events, penny percent monetary incorporation should be
accomplished. This is conceivable by limiting the equal money-based economy and empowering directed
computerized exchanges. Such advancements will be conceivable by zeroing in on provincial India to
embrace the computerized method of exchanges.
Throughout the course of recent years, numerous computerized empowering influences have been kicked off.
The bigger setting that could jump India as a computerized finance pioneer country would be the environment
mix of 'Open Network for Digital Commerce' (ONDC-an open-source web-based business stage that
everything on the web retailers can utilize), Open Credit Enablement Network (OCEN), blockchain-
empowered monetary framework, Digital Rupee, UPI, the strong JAM trinity, and the move towards the green-
progress. This could make India a genuine computerized finance state, and ideally, with practically no
advanced partitions that could minimize anybody from taking part in the populace helps that such a state can
Limitation and future research
Each exploration concentrate on accompanies its own arrangement of constraints. In this review, issues
connected with simple assortment of essential information because of the continuous pandemic have been
thought of. Assortment of essential information is likewise tedious and the respondents being the provincial
populace, may be hesitant in finishing up the polls. Impediments of utilizing the auxiliary information could
be its lack of quality and mistake sometimes.
1. Collection of primary data due to pandemic.
2. Rural population may be reluctant to be a part of a research study.
3. Secondary data can be unreliable and inaccurate


Electronic banking, or e-banking, refers to the use of electronic channels, such as the internet and mobile
devices, to conduct various banking activities. Here are some suggestions and recommendations for both users
and financial institutions to enhance the e-banking experience:
For Users:
1. Secure Passwords:
o Use strong, unique passwords for your e-banking accounts.
o Regularly update passwords and avoid using easily guessable information.
2. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):
o Enable 2FA whenever possible for an additional layer of security.
3. Secure Devices:
o Ensure that the devices used for e-banking are secure and regularly updated with the latest security
4. Secure Connection:
o Avoid using public Wi-Fi for banking transactions; use a secure and private network.
5. Regular Account Monitoring:
o Regularly review your account statements and transaction history for any unauthorized activities.
6. Alerts and Notifications:
o Set up account alerts for transactions, balance thresholds, and login attempts to stay informed.
7. Educate Yourself:
o Stay informed about the latest security threats and best practices for online safety.
For Financial Institutions:
1. Robust Security Measures:
o Implement advanced security features, such as biometric authentication and behavioral analytics.
2. Regular Security Audits:
o Conduct regular security audits and assessments to identify and address vulnerabilities.
3. User Education:
o Provide educational materials and resources to users to help them understand and practice safe e-banking
4. Customer Support:
o Offer responsive customer support to assist users with any security concerns or issues.
5. Data Encryption:
o Ensure that all data transmitted between the user and the bank is encrypted to protect sensitive
6. Regular Software Updates:
o Keep banking applications and systems up to date with the latest security patches.
7. Fraud Detection and Prevention:
o Implement robust fraud detection and prevention mechanisms to identify and mitigate potential threats.
8. Regulatory Compliance:
o Stay compliant with relevant regulations and standards to ensure a secure and trustworthy e-banking
9. User-Friendly Interfaces:
o Develop intuitive and user-friendly interfaces that make it easy for customers to navigate and use e-
banking services securely.
10. Continuous Improvement:
o Continuously evaluate and improve security measures based on evolving threats and technologies.
Both users and financial institutions play crucial roles in ensuring the security and effectiveness of e-banking.
By following these suggestions, users can enhance their online safety, while financial institutions can provide a
secure and reliable electronic banking experience.


Survey Questionnaire

1. Name:

2. Gender:
a) Male
b) Female
c) Prefer not to say

3. Age:
a) Below 20
b) 21-30
c) 31-40
d) 41 and Above

4. Do you have Bank Account?

a) Yes
b) No

5. Where do you have Bank Account?

a) Public Sector Banks
b) Private Sector Banks
c) Co-operative Banks

6. Do you own a smartphone?

a) Yes
b) No

7. Do you know about E-banking?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
8. Have you ever used E-banking?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe

9. How long have you been using E-banking?

a) Less than 6 months
b) 6-12 months
c) More than 1 Year

10. How often do you use E-banking?

a) Less than one time a week
b) 1-2 times a week
c) 3-4 times a week
d) 5 and more times a week

11. Which of the following E-banking services are you aware of?
a) Internet Banking
b) Mobile Banking
c) Debit Cards
d) Credit Cards

12. Do you feel E-banking system of the bank is customer friendly?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe

13. Do you think E-banking saves time?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe

14. Do you think E-banking is safe?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe

15. Do you trust the E-banking services of the banks?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe

16. Are you satisfied with using E-banking?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe

17. For what purpose do you mostly use E-banking Services?

a) Recharge
b) Online Shopping
c) Pay Bills
d) Pay at local stores
e) Transfer funds

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