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Knowledge and Technology


Intellectual Property: Knowledge and Technology: The Basis of Wealth

A Tool for Development and Power
“In the age of the knowledge economy, the efficient
and creative use of knowledge is a key determinant of • Knowledge is power, and is wealth too for those
international competitiveness, wealth creation and who know how to use it.
improved social welfare.” • Influence and Decision Making
“An effective intellectual property (IP) system • Problem Solving: solve problems and overcome
embedded within a national strategy which anchors IP challenges
considerations firmly within the policy-making process • Personal Development
will help a nation to promote and protect its
• Empowerment and Confidence
intellectual assets, thereby driving economic growth
and wealth creation.”
Kamil Idris
WIPO Director General

Influence and Decision Making Problem Solving:

• Knowledge provides individuals with the • Knowledge equips individuals with the tools and
information and understanding they need to make skills to solve problems and overcome challenges.
informed decisions. • It enables them to think critically, evaluate different
• With knowledge, individuals can assess situations, perspectives, and come up with creative solutions.
analyze options, and make choices that align with The ability to solve problems is a valuable asset in
their goals and interests. It gives them the power to personal and professional contexts, allowing
influence outcomes and shape their own lives. individuals to navigate difficulties and achieve

Personal Development: Empowerment and Confidence:

• Knowledge broadens and deepens an individual's • Knowledge empowers individuals by boosting their
understanding of the world. It opens doors to new confidence and self‐esteem. When people possess
ideas, perspectives, and experiences, fostering knowledge in a particular area, they feel more
personal growth and development. capable and competent. This confidence enables
• With knowledge, individuals can expand their them to take on challenges, pursue opportunities,
horizons, develop new skills, and enhance their and overcome obstacles.
capabilities, ultimately leading to self‐improvement • Knowledge provides a sense of empowerment,
and success. enabling individuals to assert themselves and make
a positive impact.

Knowledge and Technology: The Basis of Wealth Three important trends have become apparent
and Power over the last twenty years:

“In a manufacturing state there is not a path which 1. The pace of technological changes has quickened.
leads more rapidly to wealth and position than that 2. Knowledge and technology are increasingly
of invention and discovery” – Friedrich List dispersed.
Innovation and Competitive Advantage
3. Information moving from desk to desk very easy,
Intellectual Property Rights
or from country to country.
Job Creation and Economic Growth
Export and Trade Opportunities =>These three trends show that Knowledge is wealth
Technological Advancement and Infrastructure and it is power

Knowledge and technology are increasingly dispersed

The pace of technological changes has quickened.

• The rapid pace of technological changes signifies the • Knowledge and technology are no longer concentrated in a few
continuous evolution and advancement of human centralized entities or locations. In the past, knowledge and
knowledge and capabilities. Technology has become an technological expertise were primarily held within a limited
integral part of various aspects of our lives, from number of research institutions, corporations, or countries.
communication and transportation to healthcare and However, with advancements in communication, collaboration,
entertainment. and global connectivity, knowledge and technology have
• The accelerated pace of technological changes enables the become more accessible and widespread.
development of innovative products, processes, and • Today, individuals, organizations, and countries around the
solutions that drive economic growth, improve efficiency, world have greater access to knowledge and technology,
and enhance the quality of life. Those who possess and enabling them to participate in innovation and contribute to
leverage the latest knowledge and technologies have a economic and social progress. This dispersion of knowledge and
competitive advantage in industries, markets, and societies. technology democratizes opportunities and empowers
individuals and communities to create wealth and wield power.

Information moving from desk to desk or from country to The International knowledge structure
country very easy.

• The ease of information movement, facilitated by

advancements in communication technology and
• The International knowledge structure ‐ is the set of
globalization, has revolutionized how knowledge and ideas relationships that govern access to knowledge and
are shared. technology around the world, a web of rules, practices,
• Information can now be transmitted rapidly and effortlessly institutions, and bargains that determines who owns
across borders, organizations, and individuals. This has led to and can make use of knowledge and technology where,
unprecedented levels of collaboration, exchange of ideas,
and access to information. The free flow of information how and on what terms.
enables individuals and organizations to acquire knowledge,
stay updated with the latest developments, and leverage
information for decision‐making and problem‐solving.
• In this interconnected world, those who can effectively
access, interpret, and apply information have a significant
advantage in terms of wealth creation and power.

Technology and technological innovation

• Technology: refers to the application of scientific

knowledge, tools, methods, and materials to solve • Technological Innovation: Technological innovation refers to
problems, meet needs, and achieve specific the process of introducing or creating new or significantly
objectives. It encompasses a wide range of tangible improved technologies, products, or processes.
and intangible elements, including machinery, • It involves the development and implementation of new ideas,
equipment, processes, systems, software, and concepts, or methodologies to address existing challenges,
improve efficiency, or meet evolving needs.
• Technological innovation often results in the discovery,
• Technology can be used to create, modify, or improve invention, or adoption of new technologies that offer superior
products, services, or processes, leading to performance, functionality, cost‐effectiveness, or other
advancements and efficiencies in various domains. competitive advantages.

Key characteristics of technological innovation

• Technological innovation plays a crucial role in driving

progress, economic growth, and societal development
by fostering creativity, competitiveness, and the ability Novelty
to adapt to changing circumstances. Improvement
• It is a key driver of advancements in various fields,
including science, engineering, healthcare,
Value Creation
communication, transportation, and many others. Implementation
Iterative Process

Novelty: Improvement:

• Technological innovation introduces new elements, • Technological innovation aims to enhance existing
approaches, or solutions that differ from existing technologies, products, or processes by introducing
technologies or practices. It involves a departure advancements, efficiencies, or better performance.
from the status quo and often brings about It seeks to overcome limitations, solve problems, or
disruptive changes. meet emerging demands.

Value Creation: Implementation :

• Technological innovation creates value for • Technological innovation involves the practical
individuals, organizations, or society as a whole. It implementation and deployment of new
can generate economic benefits, improve quality of technologies or processes. It requires translating
life, increase productivity, enable new ideas and concepts into tangible products, services,
opportunities, or address societal challenges. or systems that can be effectively used or adopted.

Innovation concept
Iterative Process:
• Innovation is a comprehensive concept that can not
• Technological innovation often involves an iterative be defined by using a singular factor. We mentioned
and continuous process of refinement, learning, concept, precisely because innovation can be seen
and adaptation. It may go through multiple stages as a process, mentality, culture, technology, human
of research, development, testing, feedback, and resources and many other notions that are at the
improvement to reach its full potential. basis of it.
• Two types of innovation – product
innovation and process innovation. These two
categories are regularly present on the market,
these days, being part of an approach to innovation
that is based on its objective.

• Product innovation is a type of innovation that is more • Process innovation focuses on the innovation of
noticeable for the consumer and it is related either to the facilities, skills and technologies used for the
enhancement of a company’s older products, either to the production and delivering of products and
development of new products which are based on new
technologies or which solve new needs of a consumer. services. As opposed to product innovation, the
• When product innovation is conducted through the
effects are not as noticeable to the consumers.
development of a new product, it can either solve an older • Product innovation can result in a decrease in
consumers’ problem in a new (innovative) way, or solve a production cost and time and the improvement of
new consumers’ problem, which occurred as a consequence certain processes or the elimination of certain
of the evolution of the factors previously mentioned – social, barriers from the production process or
cultural and economical.

The Nature and Effects of technology

Apple Innovation
• Apple is probably one of the companies which have the most well‐ • Rapid technology change has many important effects
known product innovations. Starting from the role that the company
had in the evolution of the first personal computers in the 70s, to all
in the world around us. Three that are worth special
the types of smartphones they released in the past 10 years, Apple is mention are the product life cycle, the nature of high
surely a leader on the market when talking about product tech (knowledge), and creating comparative
• Product life cycle it illustrates how technological
change leads to globalization of production. With
regards to process or product innovation, the process
innovation has become perhaps the more important
technological innovation.

The Nature and Effects of technology The Nature and Effects of technology
Innovation Innovation
• Schumpeterian Industries (the nature of high‐tech • Creating Comparative Advantage – to have an
industries) named after Joseph Schumpeter, advantage in producing something compared to
according to him only firms with some degree of other countries.
monopoly power would likely have the incentive and • High – value – added – goods are products that
the ability to invest in risky, expensive, and long term generate substantial income flows for the firms and
research and development projects. workers that produce them. Some nations that have
demonstrated remarkably the ability to create
comparative advantage in the production of high
value added goods are Japan, the Asian “Tigers”
which are Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, and

From Invention to Innovation
Innovation – What is it?

While invention depends upon creativity, The creation of new ideas/processes which will
successful technological innovation lead to change in an enterprise’s economic or
requires integrating new knowledge with social potential
multiple business functions.

[P. Drucker, ‘The Discipline of Innovation’, Harvard

Business Review, Nov-Dec, 1998, 149]

What is Innovative Thinking? Obstacles to Successful Innovation

• A means of generating innovation to achieve two
objectives that are implicit in any good business • Competitive position
• make best use of and/or improve what we have today • Market judgement
• determine what we will need tomorrow and how we can best
achieve it, to avoid the « Dinasaur syndrome »
• Technical performance
• Innovative thinking has, as a prime goal, the object of
improving competitiveness through a perceived • Manufacturing expertise
positive differentiation from others in:
• Design/Performance • Financial resources
• Quality
• Price
• Uniqueness/Novelty

There are several types
How to classify newness and degree of of new products. Some
innovation and what to focus on: are new to the market,
some are new to the
firm, and some are new
to both. Some are minor
• New to the firm? modifications of existing
• First in the market? products while some
are completely
• First in the world? innovative
• Incremental or radical innovation?

Introduction to the Innovation Process The Innovation Process
• An innovation starts as an idea/concept that is refined and
Invention • The adoption of an developed before application.
innovation by similar firms • Innovations may be inspired by reality (known problem). The
• Usually leads to product or innovation (new product development) process, which leads to
useful technology, requires:
process standardization
• Research
Innovation • Products based on • Development (up‐scaling, testing)
imitation often are offered • Production
at lower prices but with • Marketing
fewer features • Use
Imitation • Experience with a product results in feedback and leads to
incrementally or radically improved innovations.

The IPE of Technology and Intellectual Property

The Innovation Process Rights

Translation of a Creative Idea into Useful • Intellectual Property Rights are the rights of
Application controlling the use of intellectual property, an
innovation or a creative work such as a novel or
Analytical Organizing Implementation Commercial poem.
Planning Resources Application

To Identify: To Accomplish: To Provide:

To Obtain:
- Product - Organization - Value to Customers
- Materials
Design Product Design - Rewards to
- Technology
- Market - Manufacturing Employee
- Human
Strategy - Services - Revenue to Investors
- Financial - Satisfaction of
Need Founders

The IPE of Technology and Intellectual Property The IPE of Technology and Intellectual Property
Rights Rights

• Patents are issued by a government and confer the

• Property Rights are the rights control use the use of exclusive right to make, use, or sell, an invention for a
something, such as house, or a car, or a book. period generally ranging from fifteen to twenty years.

The IPE of Technology and Intellectual Property Rights The IPE of Technology and Intellectual Property Rights

• Trademarks are signs or symbols registered by a

manufacturer or merchant to identify goods and • Copyrights a type of intellectual property that gives
services. Protection usually granted for ten years the creator of an original work, or another right
and is renewable. holder, the exclusive and legally secured right to
copy, distribute, adapt, display, and perform a
creative work, usually for a limited time

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The IPE of Technology and Intellectual Property

Minitest – 45 minutes Rights

1. Summarize the four main contributions of • One goal of the Uruguay Round of the GATT
Marxism to contemporary structuralism. negations was to reach some agreement regarding
2. Which of the three IPE approaches best accounts intellectual property rights.
for the relationship of the Northern industrialized • The result of this round was the Trade Related
nations to the Southern developing nations when Aspects of Intellectual Rights (TRIPS) agreement,
it comes to trade? Explain and discuss. which requires some minimum level of IPR
(intellectual Property rights) enforcement for all
member of WTO (World Trade Organization).

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Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.

Three Perspectives on Intellectual

Property Rights

• Non‐rival knowledge is the knowledge one firm • The Liberal Perspective of IPR says that the
uses can also be used by other firms international protection of IPRs is essential if the
• Rival knowledge the knowledge or resources used world market economy is to enjoy the extraordinary
by one firm cannot be used by another one. benefits of rapid technology growth.
• This perspective adds that the winners in this
process will be consumers and the world overall,
and the only real losers are the firms that won’t be
able to profit from the copying of the creative,
innovative ideas.

Three Perspectives on Intellectual Three Perspectives on Intellectual
Property Rights Property Rights
• Mercantilists see knowledge as being a source of • Protect only your national firms domestically and
national wealth and power. Production is the true internationally.
measure of a nation’s wealth and power. Nations must • List and Hamilton argue that just like the free trade
develop and then closely guard their own technology, benefits mostly developed countries in expense of
and technology controlled by other nations must be developing countries, the protection of IPRs benefits
acquired. those nations with the most advanced technological
• The protection of IPRs for domestic firms is clearly capabilities at the expense of the less technologically
appropriate in order to foster domestic technological developed nations.
innovation. Equal protection of foreign technology is • In this aspect the mercantilist and structuralist thought is
unlikely to be in the national interest. similar.

Three Perspectives on Intellectual North – South Conflicts Over Intellectual

Property Rights Property Rights

• The structuralists contend that IPRs increase the • This section is basically about the two views of the
dependency theory of the periphery on the core. IPRs, to promote even more the protection of IPRs
• IPRs are just tools of dependency. So the core or let it loosen up for a little so that developing
nations or the developed countries make use of the countries have higher rates of development.
semi‐peripheral or peripheral countries which are • It relates to things that we have discussed in class,
developing or third world countries for their own how the developed countries emphasis the
benefits. protection of IPRs heavily, where is other countries
don’t because they see it as means of controlling

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North – South Conflicts Over Intellectual North – South Conflicts Over Intellectual
Property Rights Property Rights

• The north all the time refers to the developed • Jeffrey Sachs, Harvard University, argues how
countries, so if there will be any question with like today’s world is less divided by ideology than by
North Commission or South commission, know that technology. Many regions particularly the poorest
north is developed countries and south if tropical countries are technologically excluded
developing countries. regions.
• Sachs recommends a fundamental change in World
Bank policies: a move away from a country‐based
model entailing conditionality provisions to a
broader focus on the creation and dissemination of
knowledge for development.

Minitest – 45 minutes

• End of chapter 7 1. Summarize the four main contributions of

Marxism to contemporary structuralism.
2. Which of the three IPE approaches best accounts
for the relationship of the Northern industrialized
nations to the Southern developing nations when
it comes to trade? Explain and discuss.

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