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How to Operate a Lift

A simple guide for using a lift safely and efficiently

Before entering the lift

 Check the lift capacity and do not exceed the maximum weight or number of passengers.
 Wait for the lift to arrive and open its doors fully before approaching it.
 Allow the passengers inside the lift to exit first before entering.
 If the lift is full or there is not enough space for you and your belongings, wait for the next
 Do not force the doors open or closed, or block them with any objects.

Inside the lift

 Press the button for your desired floor. If you make a mistake, press the button again to cancel
 Stand clear of the doors and hold the handrail if available.
 Do not lean on the walls or doors, or jump or move around inside the lift.
 If the lift stops between floors or malfunctions, do not panic or try to open the doors. Press the
alarm button and wait for assistance.
 If there is a fire or emergency, do not use the lift. Use the stairs instead.

After exiting the lift

 Make sure you have all your belongings with you.
 Move away from the lift doors quickly to allow other passengers to enter or exit.
 If you notice any problems or damages with the lift, report them to the building management
or staff.
 Follow the signs and directions to your destination.

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