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SCIENCE PA CLASS, ’ ANChoose the correct option, , 3.0V light from the sun reacts with nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons in the atmosphere €0 oe 2.Which of these does not contribute to the greenhouse effect?a, Ozone b, Carbon dioxide c. nitrogen 4 tyethane 3.___contains arsenic and mercury 4:__ enerey is energy found under the Earth, 2 Anoblect immersed ina Mud experiences pressure in__directons 8. Atmospheric pressure acts in dag Mesure the pressure everted onan object by the weight of hear above it 8The... eyele begins in adolescent girls. 9TThe (restes/ovies) release progesterone 8. Fill n the blanks with the correct wards, 7) an instrument used to measure and record the vibrations coused by earthquakes 3. the image is formed in front ofthe retina, it results in an eye defect. called _ 3.Air contains 21% 4.__and__ are airpotltants 5.__are tiny particles suspended in air, Senne andl methane are greenhouse gases Tom ests the oxen caring capacity of bod and can lead to headache, dines, and fatigue 3p Ondes of sulphur and nitrogen eat with oxygen and water vapour ofthe atrasphine ovtese in 9.__is released by trees during photosynthesis, sa gieteazing onthe same patch of and for an extended period of time resutsin_—_ land 3 e.broces of planting trees on a large scale inthe aeas that previous had ne force called Ee 12. Forest provide us with _ 13.__isthe reason for deforestation? 14.__is the result of overextraction of fossil fuel 15. __isan akerative source of energy 416. Energy derived from organic matter is called _ 17. Requirement of. __and___are the causes for deforestation ZB Tees release _and absorb __ (oxygen/nitrogen/carbon dioxide) 18The normal is tothe surface of the miror 20. The angle of ___ equals the ange of reflection Fe inlet ay, the reflected aya the normal atincdence lie onthe same _ 22.Leftright reversals also called (inverted/lateral) inversion, 25eThe image that cannot be caught on a screen i a (real/vrtval) image, Ss 32 The angle between the incident ray andthe normalis called the angle of _ 35 The thin transparent tissue that covers the font ofthe eye sealed the 36 Fe nerve that connects the eye tothe brinis_27.Aspectum sa 27When light gets reflected, it __ a polished surface, 28.The normals... the surface of the mirtor 29Aightning occurs because a large amount of electric charge ows from _ 30. Scence concerned with the study af earthquakes and related phenowena called na 31. Earthquakes cause vibrations that travel in the form of 32.Unlike charges __ each other. 33.Generally,air__conduct electric current. 34 Thin meta leaves are apart of __lightning conductor/eletrscope), 35.A lightning conductor protects bulding rom lightning by providing a (sate 36.Emotionsotcur de to (hormones/lands) secreted by (hormones/tlans) 37-The(pitultary/adrenal gland controls the activites of all other glands 38, The secretion of (adrenatine/Insulin increases the heartbest path/strong support). a {pituitaryadrenal gan give message tothe testes to produce the mate sex hormon (nul Thyroxiny blood regulates blood sugar levels inthe boo. 41, Pressutecan ge Aopen tbedefinedas — \-tube manometer is used to measure _ der water 43. Deep-sea givers use a special Suit to protect themselves from ___ experienced deep unde ‘When we immerse one end of a drinking straw in liquid and suck at the other end, we create 2 4S. Inside a vacuum cleaner, there isa fan: ‘that makes the pressure inside __ 46.One pascal is the pressure produced when a force of one __ acts over an area of one square__ 47. Increasing the applied force over the same area {increases/decreases) the pressure produced. 48,(Solids and liquids/Liquids and gases) ace together referred to as fds 49.A balloon expands when air is blown into it because of the pressure of the. 50.In a liquid, pressure___ with depth. 51. The age at __ person attain puberty ‘52.___ is called the master gland 53.Which hormones help in developing secondary sexual characteristics in males ‘54, For how many days does the menstrual cycle last? 55. Which type of food Items should be avoided by adolescent girls 56. Which of those microorganism cause HIV? 57. When (adrenaline thyroxine) i released, we feel alot of changesin emotional states 58. Aperson develops __senual characteristics during puberty '59.Reflection from a smooth polished surface is 60.,n dispersion, white light is splitinto many 61.___control the focal length of the eye lens 62,THe eve is connected to the brain va the ‘63.The image formed on the retina is __ G4.The...u. system uses patterns of raised dots so represent alphabets and numbers {atmosphere/air inside). C. Write T for True or F for False. 11. We can kill the harmful microorganisms in water by placing a water bottle in sun for a few hours. 2. The human eye has a lens. 3.there are nine tectonic plates in the earth surface 4.Deforestation will result in destruction of the natural habitat of some animals. §.Rotational grazing results in overgrazing, 6:The main objective of Chipko movement was to prevent cutting of trees. x cataract is caused because the ciliary muscles become opaque 8.Myopiais also called fong-sightedness 9.Hypermetropia can be corrected by wearing spectales with concave lenes 10.Lightning and thunder are manmade phenomena. 11.A glass rod rubbed with sik acquires a positive charge. 12.Like charges attract each other. 13.An electroscope is used to protect buildings from lightning . ‘object can be charged by rubbing 15. Lightning isan electric discharge only from a cloud to the earth and never from one cloud so another 16.The temperature of the air during a lightning strike cools down to freezing point 17.Clouds crash against each other to cause thunder 18 Lighting is measured on the Richer scale 19Vibrations caused due to an earthquake travel in the form of selsmic waves. 20 Seismograph is the output of selsmogram 21.buildings in an earthquake prone are should heavy building material 22. Seismic zones are totally free from earthquakes _fichter scale is an instrument used to measure earthquakes : a _sPressureis independent ofthe area ov wich the forte ats : {SA blunt needle exerts a smaller pressur 3 tompafed to jes free 526. greater fotce pices ese? presi rpc ommnterrten / 27 Atmospheric pressure decreases as the attitude 6f a place increases. 28.Only polished surfaces ¥éflect light 2,Reflection from rough surfaces can produce clear imajfes : 30.Left-right reversal i also called lateral inversion, 31.A plane mirror forms real images. ee 32.We can only see objects that emit light of their own. . 33.We can see wo images from two mirrors kept along a straight line fat an angle 180 34:The focal length of the eye lens in fixed D. Give one word for each of the folowing: . L.The coloured part ofthe eyé that i involvéd in cofitroling the size OF the pupils 2. A device used to detect electric charge : : 3. An’electric discharge that occurs from a cloud to the ground : 4. Cutting down of removal of all or mostof the trees ina forest 5, Large-scale planting of trees 6. Repianting of trees in areas where forests were removed or destroyed 7. Extended periods of grazing on the same patch of and . 8,Energy released by the splitting or combining of nuclei of atoms 9.Which can reduce air pollurion D. Define/Explain the following. 1.Angle of intidence ;2. Angle of reflection 3 Upright image, 4.Regular-reflection, 5. Diffused reflection, 6 Dispersion, 7 specttuin;8.Retina 9 Persistence'of vision, 10.Cataract . Answer the following questions. 1. Explain the laws of reflection with the help ofa diagram. 2. How has our environniént degradéd because of the ver extraction of fossil fuels? 3.Describe the various ways in which forests benefit human beings and the erivitonment “A.Define the term deforestation. Explain the causes and effects of deforestation.” 5 Differentiate hetween reforestation and afforestation a 6.How ddes otorie layer protect ife on cane te egress risen : “7 Whit is acid rain? In what ways does t affect our énvironmefit? ~ B.What is eutrophication? 9.How can we prevent water from being polluted? 10. Describe the different means of water purification at home, 11. State the two laws of reection, Pe 12.List any two properties (charactestics) of images formed ‘by plane mirror. 113. How can myopia and hiypermetfopia be rectified? what is ‘cataract? Can it be'ccrected? Give reasons {shat i ressue n physics? GNemtsShumit, : nate “éWhy are néedles made pointed? “7.Why does 2 balloon burst if too much air fs blown into it de Define atmospheric pressure, How does the atmospheric pressure vary with altitude? +, Explain why the walls of dams are made thicker at the base. ‘dnwith fhe helo of a touch diagram, explain how lightidn.cdnductor can protect a building Bn, eles a rrr rer ust out three precautions that we can take to minimize the damage caused by earthquake 5. Whats earthing and discharging, plate tectonics ‘36, What are hormones? Name the hormones secrered by the master gland 27.Name any three endocrine glands along with the hormones they secrete _28\What is puberty (Discuss the secondary sexual characteristics that develop in males during puberty 2.Discuss the physical changes that take place In girls during puberty ‘30.What is the menstrual cycle With the help ofa welllabelled diagram, describe the menstrual c¥ele 31, Write a short note on the emotional changes during puberty 32. Why is it important to have nutritious food during puberty? 33, How can boys and girls maintain personal hygiene during adolescence 34. What i drug abuse? Why ist considered harmful Think and Answer 1)Mecta was a healthy chil il the ime her family stayed In their native vilge, Meet faces frequent asthmatic attacks now, as she along with her family, have moved toa large city. Why? 2)A popular brand of water iter has a microporous iter for straining out physical impurities present inthe water and carbon for removing unwanted taste and odour. Will the water from the fiter be potable? 3. We can see our image in a miror, but notin an ordinary wall, what is the reason for this? a ‘The numberof images (N) formed with two plane mirors kept at an angle “a to each others given by the forma 11360 1 How many images wl be formed if two mirors are kept parallel to each 2 ater, with ther reflecting surfaces facing each other? . $sruuos glngtack hoe ram schol when she gt suckin a thunderstorm There masa buss dawn the toatl and aso abi, tll tree. Which ofthe two places do ou think would be a better shelter from the thunderstorm for Smriti? , 6, Should we use strong sold materaslike brick and concrete or ight materia ike wood and straw for constructing idingsin earthquake prone areas? 7.Camels live in sandy deserts. What factor would make it easier to walk on sand 8, The legs ofa very heavy table kept on a carpet, spoil the carpet by making holes in itis there a way for protecting the carpet from damage? | ‘2 Pranjal gets angry in every new situation, Which chemical is responsible for causing this type of emotion within ther? Name the organ that releases the chemical ‘oYash, a 13 year old boys very embarrassed withthe pimples that ae erupting of his you think this is happening?

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