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Class : VIII Max. Marks : 80
Date : 22.02.2020 Time : 3 Hrs.

General Instructions:
 Read the instructions carefully before answering the questions.
 Attempt all the questions in each section before going to the next section.
 All the answers must be correctly numbered and written neatly.
 For multiple choice questions. Write only the answers along with the option numbers clearly.
 The paper consists of four sections : A, B, C & D.
Section A – Reading (16 Marks)
Section B – Writing (18 Marks)
Section C – Grammar (16 Marks)
Section D – Literature (30 Marks)


A.1 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 8 Marks
Art of Public speaking
1. At some point of time during your student life and later, you will be called upon to do a bit of public
speaking. How can you breeze through this opportunity? Here are some tips.
2. First you need to know who you are speaking to, and prepare your presentation to suit your audience. If
you are speaking to an assembly of your own age group, including a humorous anecdote on a teen issue
will really pep up the speech. You need to aim at keeping your listeners interested in what you are
saying, at all times.
3. Next, keep in mind that most people aren’t born orators. A good speaker always plans, rehearses and
practices a presentation well ahead of time. A time-tested technique is to practise in front of a mirror.
This way, you can see yourself and work on your gestures and manner of presentation to your
satisfaction. This is the first step to gaining confidence in public speaking.
4. Do not race through your presentation/speech. The act of public speaking is intended to put across a
point (or two). So speak loudly, clearly and insert appropriate pauses for a meaning to sink in. Pauses
also offer great opportunities to refresh your thoughts while you smile at the audience and catch your
breath as well.
5. If you observe good speakers you will see that they make frequent eye contact with listeners in order to
keep them involved. Just as you would greet someone by looking into the eyes, you need to look the
audience in the eye in order to convey a message of relating to them during your speech. Making eye
contact also gives an impression of confidence and knowledge.
6. Consider using a small note card to jot down your main points. Do not write out the entire speech as it is
difficult to refer to it quickly. You might end up reading from the piece of paper.
7. If you happen to be the nervous type, try positive visualization – visualize yourself giving a great
presentation. It really works. Also try deep breathing to calm the nerves. If you make a mistake, correct
yourself and carry on. One last tip-have a good night’s sleep and wake up early.
a. Why should one know the audience before speaking? (1)
b. What does a good speaker always do? (1)
c. Why do we insert appropriate pauses in a speech? (1)
d. What is the benefit of making frequent eye contact with listeners in order
to keep them involved? (1)
e. Why should the entire speech not be written on a note card? (1)
f. How can we overcome our nervousness before delivering a speech? (1)
g. Find a word from the passage (para 4) which means ‘suitable’. (1)
h. Find a word from the passage (para 5) which is the antonym of ‘irregular’. (1)

:: 2 ::
A.2 Read the poem carefully and answer the questions that follow: 8 Marks
Indian Weavers
1. Weavers, weaving at break of day,
Why do you weave a garment so gay?
Blue as the wing of a bluebird wild,
We weave the robes of a new-born child.
2. Weavers, weaving at fall of night,
Why do you weave a garment so bright?
Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green,
We weave the marriage-veils of a queen.
3. Weavers, weaving solemn and still,
What do you weave in the moonlight chill?
White as a feather and white as a cloud,
We weave a dead man’s funeral shroud.
- Sarojini Naidu.
a) What colour garment do the weavers weave at the break of day? (1)
b) In the first stanza, the weavers weave _________________? (1)
c) What makes the marriage veils look bright? (1)
d) In the third stanza, find words that show that it was cold at night? (1)
e) What is the mood of the weavers in the third stanza? (1)
f) What is the white garment used for? (1)
g) Find a word in stanza 2 which means ‘feathers’ (1)
h) Find a word in stanza 3 which means opposite of ‘moving’ (1)
B.1 It was a wonderful day for you as you got the first prize in the Inter-School Literary contest. Now it will
be published in your school magazine along with your photograph. Express your excitement through a
diary entry in about 100 words. (5)
B.2 A library is a temple for all knowledge seekers. It is a store house of knowledge containing books on all
subjects. Write an article for your school magazine on the topic ‘Uses of Library’ in not more than 120
words. You are Kartik / Kritika. (5)
B.3 Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper on the issue of lack of street lights in your area. Use
the following value points: (8)
(Too much darkness-without street lights-fast speed-poor condition of roads-many people
killed - animals also hit-thieves active at night-need for installing sodium lamps)
You are Sunaina / Suresh, a student of class VIII. Your teacher has asked you to prepare a speech on
the topic: ‘Computers, The Wonder Machine’, to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school.
Taking ideas from the hints given below, write your Speech in about 150 words.
Hints : Make work easier, faster and more accurate-banking transactions-air traffic control-operation
of mechanical devices-ease of work from home-faster communication-internet-all printing jobs,
data saving etc.
C.1 Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: (2)
a. He’s going to Canada ____________ August
(i) on (ii) at (iii) in (iv) towards
b. She’s going ________ the bank manager’s office this morning.
(i) on (ii) besides (iii) for (iv) to
C.2 Fill in the blanks with suitable Conjunctions: (2)
a. Someone pulled the chain _______ the train came to a halt.
(i) so (ii) after (iii) but (iv) none of these
b. He did not go to school _________ he was suffering from fever.
(i) yet (ii) because (iii) so (iv) none of these
C.3 Fill in the blank with the most suitable non-finite verb in the following question: (1x2=2)
a. We ________ the children cross the road.
(i) allowed (ii) took (iii) looked (iv) let
Fill in the blank with the most suitable modal in the following question:
b. ___________ all your wishes be fulfilled!
(i) might (ii) may iii) can (iv) could
:: 3 ::
C.4 Fill in the blanks with the most suitable verb in the following questions: (2)
a. I have known her ___________ two years.
(i) for (ii) since (iii) from (iv) by
b. We _______ to Dehradun three years ago.
(i) come (ii) comes (iii) came (iv) will come
C.5 Change the following sentences from active to passive voice (2)
a. Submit your answer sheets.
b. Kohli will lead the cricket team in the next series.
C.6 Change the following sentences into indirect speech (2)
a. I said to him, ‘Why don’t you work hard?’
b. Kishore says, ‘Dogs are very loyal animals.’
C.7 Write the meaning of the following idioms: (2)
a. in the pink of health
b. silver spoon
C.8 Punctuate the following sentence: (1x2=2)
a. Have you ever read any of the Harry potter books
Write the proverb which means the following:
b. There is a positive or hopeful side to every unpleasant situation.
SECTION – D : Literature (30 MARKS)
D.1 Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
In this manner, from a happy yet often pensive child he grew up
to be a mild and quiet youth. (1x3=3)
(I) (a) Who is the child in the above line?
(b) What kind of a youth did he grow up to be?
(c) What does the word ‘pensive’ mean?
(II) No prophet durst declare;
Nor did the wisest wizard guess
What would bechance at Lyonnesse
While I should sojourn there. (1x3=3)
(a) What couldn’t the prophet declare?
(b) Why did he go to Lyonnesse?
(c) Write the meaning of the word ‘sojourn’.
(III) The poetry of earth is ceasing never:
On a lone winter evening when the frost
Has wrought a silence, from the stone there shrills
The cricket’s song, in warmth increasing ever (1x3=3)
(a) Which season is being referred to in the above lines?
(b) Whose sound is heard from the stone?
(c) Name the poet of the above lines.
D.2 Answer any three of the following questions in about 30-40 words each: (2x3=6)
(a) Why does the author love mountains in the lesson ‘The Summit Within’?
(b) What did the poet himself say about his thoughts and poems in ‘The Great Stone Face II’ ?
(c) Is the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’ humorous? Give reasons.
(d) What is the significance of cobra lily in relation to the monsoon season, its beginning and end?
D.3 Answer any one of the following questions in about 75-80 words: (1x5=5)
Why does the author refer to the guitar incident in ‘A Visit to Cambridge’?
What idea does it support?
Why did Penny Baxter allow Jody to go find the fawn and raise it?
D.4 Answer any three of the following questions in about 30-40 words each: (2x3=6)
(a) Why did King Lear go mad?
(b) What did Don John persuade Claudio to believe at the masked ball?
(c) What were Titania and Oberon quarrelling about?
(d) What made Brutus decide that Caesar must be killed?
D.5 Answer any one of the following questions in about 70 to 80 words: (1x4=4)
What happened to the Duke of Cornwall?
What did Oberon ask Puck to do that made Titania agree to his wishes?
fnYyh&ifCyd&Ldwy] fHkykbZuxje~
okf"kZdh&ijh{kk & 2020
fo"k;% & laLd`re~
d{kk & v"Veh iw.kkZM~-dk%40
fnukd%17-02-2020 le;%&1%30 gksjk

ijh{kkfFkZu% uke & -------------------------------------------------d{kk@oxZ%---------- vuqØekM~-d%--------

ijh{kdL; gLrk{kje~ ------------------------------------------------ oh{kdL; gLrk{kje~ -------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1- v/kksfyf[kra x|ka’ka ifBRok iz’uku~ mÙkjr &

egkjk"VªL; izFkek efgykf’kf{kdk lkfo=hckbZ&Qqys uke/ks;kA tuojh eklL; r`rh;s fnols 1831
res f[kzLrkCns lkfo=h vtk;rA rL;k%ekrk y{ehckbZ firk p [kaMksth bfr vfHkfgrkSA
uoo"kZns’kh;k lk T;ksfrck&Qqys&egksn;su ifj.khrkA lks·fi rnkuha =;ksn’ko"kZdYi%,o vklhr~A ;rksfg
l%L=hf’k{kk;k%izcy%leFkZd%vklhr~ vr%lkfo«;k%eufl fLFkrk v/;;ukfHkyk"kk mRlkga izkIrorhA
I. ,dinsu mÙkjr & (dsoya iz’u};e~) 1x2=02
(i) egkjk"VªL; izFkek efgyk f’kf{kdk dk \ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
(ii) lkfo«;k%firk d%vklhr~ \ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
(iii) lkfo«;k%ekrk dk vklhr~ \ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
II. iw.kZokD;su mÙkjr & (dsoya iz’u};e~) 1x2=02
(i) lkfo=h dsu lg ifj.khrk \ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
(ii) tuojheklL; dfLeu~ fnols lkfo=h vtk;r \ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
(iii) T;ksfrckQqys dL;k%f’k{kk;k%izcy%leFkZd% vklhr~ \ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
2- iz’ukuke~ mÙkjkf.k iw.kZokD;su fy[kr & (dsoya iz’uprq"V;e~) 1x4=04
(i) lw;% Z dL;ka fn’kk;ke~ mnsfr \ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
(ii) egku~ xf.krK% T;ksfrfoZPp d% vklhr~ \ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
(iii) vLekda izFkeksixzgL; uke fde~ vfLr \ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
(iv) vga olqU/kjka fde~ eU;s \ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
(v) dk Lon`<fu’p;kr~ u fopyfr \ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
3- lekukFkZdinkfu esyf;Rok fy[kr & ½x6=03
d [k d [k
lalkjs & fud"kk --------------------- ---------------------
bnkuhe~ & yksds --------------------- ---------------------
olqU/kjk & vkdyue~ --------------------- ---------------------
lehie~ & i`fFkoh --------------------- ---------------------
x.kue~ & nkuokS --------------------- ---------------------
jk{klkS & lkEizre~ --------------------- ---------------------
4- foykseinkfu ;kst;r & ½x6=03
d [k d [k
tk;rs & 'kkUrk --------------------- ---------------------
ohj% & iyk;rs --------------------- ---------------------
v’kkUrk & fez;rs --------------------- ---------------------
ew[kSZ% & dkrj% --------------------- ---------------------
v=So & fo}n~fHk% --------------------- ---------------------
vkxPNfr & r=So --------------------- ---------------------

:: 2 ::
5- eŒtw"kkinlgk;r;k js[kkM~-fdrinek/k`R; iw.kZokD;su iz’ufuekZ.ka dq:r (dsoya iz’u=;e~) 1x3=03
dk] d%] dL;] dkfHk%
lw;Z%iwoZfn’kk;ke~ mnsfrA &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
lkfo=hckbZ dU;kfHk%lfouksne~ vkyifrA &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
lkfo=h egkjk"VªL; izFkek efgyk f’kf{kdk vklhr~A &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
lkfgR;jpuk;kefi lkfo=h egh;rsA ----------------------------------------------------------
6- vM~-dkuka LFkkus eÿtw"kkinlgk;r;k laLd`rinkfu fy[kr& ( "kV~iz’uk% ,o ) ½x6=03
n'k] "kf"V%] iŒpn’k] iŒpfoa’kfr%] iŒpk’kr~] foa’kfr%] iŒpiŒpk’kr~
(d) 10 --------------------------- (?k) 25 --------------------------- (N) 60 ----------------------
([k) 15 --------------------------- (M-) 50 ---------------------------
(x) 20 --------------------------- (p) 55 ----------------------
7- ;Fkkisf{kra /kkrqa izR;;a p la;ksT; fo;ksT; ok fy[kr & ( "kV~iz’uk% ,o ) ½x6=03
(i) lsoeku% ----------------- $ ----------------- (v) /kkforqe~ ----------------- $ -----------------
(ii) ;kp~ $ 'kkup~ = ------------------------------- (vi) [ksy $ rqequ~ = -------------------------------
(iii) ifBroku~ ----------------- $ ----------------- (vii) iB~ $ DRok = -------------------------------
(iv) py~ $ Drorq = ----------------- $ -----------------
8- mfpr foHkfDrinS%fjDrLFkkukfu iwj;r & (dsoya iz’u=;e~) 1x3=03
(i) ue% ---------------------------------A ( f’kok; @ f’kokr~ )
(ii) xhrk ------------------------ izfr xPNfrA ( efUnjL; @ efUnje~)
(iii) ------------------------------ v|% ekuo% foJkea djksfrA ( o`{kL; @ o`{kkr~ )
(iv) ------------------------------ fouk thoua O;FkZe~A ( Kkuk;@ Kkue~ )
(v) vya -------------------------A (fooknsu @ fooknkS )
9- eŒtw"kkr% mfpr&vO;;ina fpRok fjDrLFkkua iwj;r & ( "kV~iz’uk% ,o ) ½x6=03
izkr%] lk;e~ ] dq= ] iqu%] v= ] ek ] p
(i) Roa ------------------------ xPNfl \ (v) Roe~ ---------------------------- vkxPNA
(ii) lw;Z% -------------------- mnsfrA (vi) pUnz% ------------------------------- mnsfrA
(iii) Roa ikBa ----------------- iBA (vii) lhrk mek ------------------------------- iBr%A
(iv) vlR;a ------------------- onrA
10- ;Fkkisf{kra lfU/ka foPNsna ok d`Rok fy[kr & (iz’u};e~) ½x2=01
(i) nso $ vky;%= ---------------------- (iii) mek $ bZ’k% = --------------------------
(ii) lnSo = ------------------ $,o
11- mfpr/kkrq:iS% fjDrLFkkukfu iwj;r & (v"V ,o) ½x8=04
iq:"k% ,dopue~ f}opue~ cgqopue~
izFke% lsors --------------------- - --------------------
e/;e% --------------------- yHksFks yHk/os
mÙke% lsfo";s --------------------- lsfo";kegs
izFke% iBrq iBrke~ ---------------------
e/;e% on --------------------- ---------------------
mÙke% glkfu glko ---------------------
izFke% fy[ksr~ fy[ksrke~ ---------------------
e/;e% ikL;fl --------------------- ikL;Fk
12- mfpr/kkrq:iS% fjDrLFkkukfu iwj;r & (v"V ,o) ½x8=04
,dopue~ f}opue~ cgqopue~
Roe~ --------------------- ---------------------
--------------------- --------------------- ckydku~
eqfuuk --------------------- ---------------------
lk/kos --------------------- ---------------------
dLekr~ dkH;ke~ ---------------------
rL; --------------------- rs"kke~
13- fgUnhr% laLd`rsu vuqokna dq:r (dsoya iz’u};e~) 1x2=02
(i) og i<+rk gSA ------------------------------------ (ii) rqe nksuksa ;gk¡ [ksyksxsA -------------------------------
(iii) eSa fo|ky; tkÅ¡xkA ------------------------------ (iv) jke g¡lrk gSA ---------------------------------------------
Class : VIII Max. Marks : 80
Date : 02.03.2020 Time : 3 Hrs.

General Instructions :
 There are 31 questions. All are compulsory.
 Marks of each question are indicated against the question.
 Questions from Sl.No. 1 to 14 are very short answer questions. Each question carrier 1 mark.
 Questions from Sl.No. 15 to 26 are short answer questions. Each question carries 3 marks.
 Questions from Sl.No. 27 to 30 are long answer questions that carry 5 marks each.
 Question 31 is based on map work. 5 marks from History and 5 marks from Geography.
 Attach the map inside the answer book.

Q.01 Who was the last Mughal Emperor of India? (01)

Q.02 Who are the Agarias? (01)
Q.03 Name the institution started by Rabindranath Tagor in 1901. (01)
Q.04 By which social reformer’s efforts was “Sati” banned? (01)
Q.05 Who was responsible for the Jallianwalla Bagh atrocities? (01)
Q.06 Who is the final interpreter of the constitution? (01)
Q.07 Name the factory in Bhopal where the world’s worst industrial tragedy took place. (01)
Q.08 In which country of South America did riots break out against high prices of water? (01)
Q.09 Write the full form of FIR. (01)
Q.10 Rich deposits of which resource are found in Ruhr region of Germany? (01)
Q.11 By what name is shifting agriculture known in North East India? (01)
Q.12 Name the only iron and steel plant set up in India before independence. (01)
Q.13 What is viticulture? (01)
Q.14 Which factor of soil formation affects the rate of weathering? (01)
Q.15 What objections did the sepoys have to the new cartridges that they were asked to use? (03)
Q.16 How did the British succeed in securing submission of the rebel land owners of Awadh? (03)
Q.17 How do the names of different textiles tell us about their histories? (3 points) (03)
Name three problems that the newly independent nation of India faced.
Q.18 What were the different reasons people had for not sending girls to school? (03)
Why were the people dissatisfied with British rule in the 1870s and 1880s?

Q.19 List three reasons for land degradation. (03)

Suggest any three methods for the conservation of soil.
Q.20 What is resource conservation? Why are resources distributed unevenly over the earth? (1+2=03)
Q.21 What is meant by population composition? (03)
Q.22 Mention the geographical conditions required for growth of wheat. (03)
Q.23 Explain how the police are subject to the law of land. (03)
What fundamental rights are guaranteed to an arrested person under the article-22 of the
constitution and criminal law?

:: 2 ::

Q.24 What is the structure of courts in India? (03)

Q.25 What do you understand by the term marginalisation? Why is it present in our country? (1+2=03)
Q.26 Why do you think there are so few cases of private water supply in the world? (03)
Q.27 Why did the Indian Iron Smelting industry decline in the 19 Century? (05)
Why did Mahatma Gandhi want to teach children handicrafts?
Q.28 What economic impact did the First World War have on India? (05)
What was the role of the planning commission?
Q.29 What are the advantages to foreign companies in setting up production in India? Discuss the
sources of environmental pollution with relation to (a) air (b) water. (3+2=05)
What do we mean when we speak of law enforcement? Why is law enforcement so important?
Who is responsible for enforcement? (1+3+1=05)
Q.30 What are the causes of uneven population in the world? (any 5 points) (05)
(i) Why was Jamshedpur (Sakshi) chosen for setting up of the first Iron and Steel Plant?
(3 points). (3+2=05)
(ii) Distinguish between Agro based industry and mineral based industry. (2 points)
Q.31 On the given outline political map of India, locate and label any five of the following, in each
section. (05)
A (HISTORY) : (a) Delhi
(b) Champaran
(c) Amritsar
(d) Bombay
(e) Sabarmati
(f) Lucknow
B (GEOGRAPHY) : (a) Largest Tea producing state (05)
(b) Bhilai Steel Plant
(c) State with highest literacy rate
(d) Least populated state
(e) Largest jute producing state
(f) Silicon Valley in India

Class : VIII Max. Marks : 30
Date : 14.02.2020 Time : 1½ Hrs.

Q 1 : Fill in the blanks: (1x3=3)

a) The ------------- is an empty HTML element.
b) A computer connected to a server is called a -------------
c) Any crime committed through computer and Internet is called ------------
Q 2 : Answer the following questions in short: (2x3=6)
a) Mention any two advantages of a computer network.
b) Write names of few app development software.
c) Write any two advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.
Q 3 : Answer the following questions : (3x3=9)
a) What is the difference between <td> and <tr> tags?
b) What is the difference between a LAN and a WAN?
c) What is an app? Give two examples each of desktop apps and mobile apps.
Q 4 : Answer the following questions : (4x3=12)
a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the bus topology.
b) Mention the popular mobile platforms with the languages they use.
c) What is phishing? How will you protect yourself from phishing?


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