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oe DATE:06.03.2022 ANNUALEXAMINATION202i-22 _Time:3 Hrs, cuass vir SUBJECT - ENGLISH Max. Marks: 60 x ene ee Seat atts cach bore soning eins ‘cal he questions in ech secon bette gang tothe ex eatin, ‘lthe answers ust be carey umbered and mtr net For ustpe coke questo, option numbets shouldbe eat spaced ong withthe awe ScctionA~ Reading: (eratts) Section 8 Wing (8 macs) Section C= Grammar {Smars} SacionDUteratre(20mars) “Section “A wEABING (18 Mara) [Ad Ren the passage given below and arawer the questions tet follow: 2. Puppet san ancent orm of theatre and ertertanmet practised mostly ner ndi. Ris h fa,» combination of zevral art forms ke scubure, paren. delging tg wing td us tis an art which enchants tren a wall a acts 2, largevaraty raw materials ar used to reste pope The famous puppets of fasthan are ‘made out of wood andae known 5 Kathpu Lester, papier mich, and ted th a as ‘equi wed t make pups, 3. Puppets may be csies accord tothe materal they are made fom ofthe methods of ‘manuiting them, tet the meu wed bythe puppeteer to make the puppets mae, for ‘ample, hand puppet string puget ed puppets an shadow theatre. Inne poppet are ‘regarded as vine end els reverence by the putter Aer they become cl nd ok ‘they are not elicardes bute et home easing sats. The sores enattedy the pongo ae inoaced bythe eps- Ramayana and Mahara the Pochante str snd erie {ales of past wars na heroes, 4 Theiss of bal and Suma inindonei ao havea rich traon ef puppetry. pon famous ‘ors pupet theatre ced ‘barat’ a whi mate dol smost 180 tal are sates ‘nd skfly manipulated by several puppeteer 4. Pupptriswcombinationo several art fo ke " wnting rear, pantng 2 Seupr, ering, me pain. desjenng cpu 4. Setng seni, eng, 2 Kathpulsare puppets from 3. pan b.Reashan——€Indoneig Suave 3. Ini of wore pope ae 3 DicardedBnelected «worshipped, crefuly apt 4 "Buralis puppet hese fom 2. upon D, Inonesa Ind. Bal 5. In-bunaky’ puppetsray be almost tal. S'1sem be 1s0incherGa50em 15 feet {6 The stores nacod by the puppatsare fluenced bythe 3 Glesofwariots muskie punters, devgners nda word rm the passage (pra 3) whieh the antsy of espe nd word rom the passge (pra 4) whch means the sume as "magica? ‘Aa. Read the poom carefully and answertheguesions that flow ® 1 Once there wera wo magnon ower Ware ved and worked 0 many of cus Ietoot seven ong y's te bul th straight ‘Thay toed ner the Empire State. 2. Thirevent happened on the leveth of September, It’san occurrence that generations wl remember, Because thousands of poopie have did, Not ony oF US, bu the wore pe ont. 3. Evenonesew wth awe and feht “wintowerswashin read Sylehe None ute knows what wl happen now, When? here And om? 4 May God gh wisdom to those, {Who ae deisin gener’ ose Now ist wal emove haved andvie, ‘nd et he word be happy ane oe, 1. How many ens tock to bul the towers? ‘a revanty bs zeventeen seven. seventyseven 2. which dy nthe month of September he Twn Towers were atcha? 2 onthe of september on te 11 oF Saperer € onthetonn ofseptember onthe rin of September 23, The pronoun hen the iting en 1 people. Empire tate Gling c towers svenyeots |, What can we infer from islIne—None quite knows wt wil appen 47? 1 Thefiure appears coman No on ows abot hata towers Noone nous about what btocome 6, None ut we inow about whet to come 5. decoding tothe poet, what shoud we al eave? 3. Hated andviceb Mappyandiice €. Wisdom. Ep Stat uiing 6. the and, the poet wars ose the worl 1 happyandilch” b.happy an hated happyandrice d. happy andsad 2. Find wor rom stanza 3 when mons th me 1. Find word fam stanza whic 5 theentoryn spi” Section 8: WRITING (18 Moris) {81 APersonattyObvlopment camp steingorganzadin you shoo fora he students, Wie antioe I atout so ora, questing the stuserts oat atin the cam in age nuns, ahinglthe scents You oe Ansh/ Anusha, the Head Boy of your sca 6 182 You nn ban made the Mitr oyu dase. Yu are vile ating aprintod tha mont 38 ‘yu fave been wating for ons ine to Become one. Expres yo feeigs the form of ary lentynabout 100 wee @ 183. oleae the orchouae of knowledge forall the ad readers. Wie an act for your shoot ‘maps cn Tha Valve oF oot taking des rom ha it hen Blown about 120 wor (8) HINTS: storeboure of knowledges rend tobe wth wen onvarou subject peat toallage groups best medium te reach ager mass-canbe read anjwhare and ayia ‘way ospend tine You are Ps Payal 2 resident of Moor Via, Bhi. Wie 3 letter to the Eder af eat newspaper one se of ako layaround in your area not ore than 120 werd MINTS: Chlren have no place to ay afn surrounded by towering buikgs- aso resut thay ae Watching. Vand ay eo games neat aang heh poten bung ‘ental pak would sae the pote Section -C: GRAMMAR (16 Marks) ‘G1 Choose the corectprepeion fom the gen option nfo the blanks @ 1 Therigr fel the cara. from bof cof 6 in 2. We shalbo ready... few minutes, on Bee hc to 2 choose the correct determiners from the aren options: ®) Less Goal ofr does need tobe a rane, ay bo e few Ute 2 Forourdinne, we weet. estaurant emus Boa ee a none of ese 3. Choose he core option 2 {he boot efore the cescue tam arrive bwilsck’” by haswunkelesnking had sun 2. Even Be ar boy ni he C5 toy 2 ispresent” barepresantc.havepresent d. had present cont. 3 3 CA Pick ovtcorect tp of sentence from the sen onto @ 1 We retuned home when the sun et ‘Simple b. compound "c complex 4. noneaf these 2. The moon rose and earthing lack bh 2, Complex". Compound e simple, none ofthese C5. Underin the asecves the folowing snients snd ate thes 2 1 These wale ned wtewashing 2 The blind man manager to cathe set. (C6 change the following uentenes into pasve we. 2 1 Donot open the window, 2. The senant washor cr athe. (C7 Changethe oltuing ertanest nto reported speech, 2 4 “Did you bing your copy txgy™ ase the teacher, 2. Ramesh sai, "Rt wl sing 230g" (Ba) Witean om forthe folowing (22) ‘00d or pleasant side-fecs of an unpleasant situation ‘) Wit the proverb which means The lest inalgent people ae often the rst alate or not. ‘Section: UTERATURE 2OMars) 1, Reade folowing entree and answer the aueston at follow (2305) 410 Fathorand Mother, buds tren, Andblasome own ay, ‘dif the ener pans aes (ftheirovin he spring dy, By sero an aes ama, 1 Whos the pot of hie poem? 1 hese parents are ing referred here? Whe dows "tender plants tter to? \When set ou for Lynnesse ‘Shun ies ou, ‘here war on the soe, ‘od sarge my oneromenese When sat ou fr Lyonnesee ‘Anuncred mile sy. ‘Wha does rte to? ‘5 Whatwesthe weather te whan the pot st out or yonnesse?| What you rao by he word ine? 3. “heonly thing that make: yu songere eng somebody he you aching something huge ‘hen you knowhow much posible nyu reeh ct ute ten ou ever hugh ‘Whois the speaker ofthe above lines? 1 Name the lesson from which the above extract taken Find outa pvase fom the estat when mens ty ge 2 Answeranutieasct the falowing questions in sout 309 words ech, 8) 8) The olsen ceed te speak aot of mony. Why dive ttn sown ther? 2) Bepin Babu i consccusness at had fal Wha do you thnk waste rete for ths? 1) What waste story atures tothe Stone Fue? 1) Wd the grandmother akthe cldren net il he Chachungar? 03 Answer gauanger te folowing queton nab 5 wards, o How di Jody look afer the fen, after he accepted the respanaibiity or ding his? on How was Emest ferent fom sthersintheveley? (94 Answer anethee ofthe following auetsonn about 2040 words ech (ex5) 4) Why ad ng Leo go mad? 1) Why was Brutus unhepy towards te end? 6} What di the Pine of Arogan ofr to Jo Clewso? 4) _Atthe masta what sid Don John persuade Couto to believe? 5 Answeranyang ofthe followin quertonsin bast TS werd « Wote the crater keth of Mark tony 8 Why as Corda ond in the tony ing Ler Timea aes tm anata ca al & xed & oe oad 8 get 3 aed & vee A AAR foresees Net aig don 1 HH we rs oe a eRe we @ oe Ae — es age oh agen eh Per eT Ry wa ee 8) Re IR A oA saa es Saree ert #1 A a aE! wey Towa Te a er ae AA Sor yy oe a BA haya Rog et wt Ms eh eo er ee A ter ae Bore tre Hk REN er GH eo A A oA Pe eA eH Eee are Ror EY a or wo Rar eer #1 AH ae ee we Ferrer 84 Renee # gerd wen @ arate ok a ta A fer ane 81 wr ara each fe ® aegee tw Fer or 8 hE AAT geet er eh ie & Res aes wo eh ere RA SoH A savored wet toh ee ere foie # ee 8 (@) Rear & fe age foe wer tort? © Ge) eye var ye a Bt? ® (0) were a age at fr sot ert? o (e)Prere ar a gerne res ra 87 © () Sh age ag a ok A ae aire oe oh? 0 ae — ‘a (ree) 9 2) FR et er WA AE — x13) Q st ) see i) me () Prefer 0a wt i — Guts3) Q Rest Gi) wt we Gi) ote sre os (2) Pers ore Pu ea a Ry ® @) aera Gi) MR (3) Prefer ee rere Py — Guts) O eee WPS RCA Gi) oe aT Seer 04) sk ere eae = ® 0 Wish wae ) are aoa sre Bh (i) 2 eo et a 7 BL eet ret ar Pere ear aE we fe ® Q)eesse ond A aH er (ogee eT) GG) od dor ooh 8 8 8 Pr aE eT (oe A) (Gp ahee r r ae sv ea f HPRG TT H) sre os (@) Peta a ob a Fe — ® Oe = te sae 0 (9) Pret ea fg ges ate ey — @ Q) Bere we A serena Ba G man star qe aed ow th eo) Pretty see a ey — ® (ore ae rar fees ta Fre Sat 8 sta way wer sre or seh a A For fe & ST aA A ae ena es Fr ‘theo 8 etre at RT ® aren rt gear are afew RA ard 81 ce re co Fess fog tere Ae (TT 100 Het ew Fes we ere site © fo) faa tent— @ Raa test mt (6) sea ey Gi) tea aa (eo) Rear aa BE ahaa — @) Ra A arse (i) eer & ae ma rE Gi) ore & 8 a at oR wet sr @) sven 8 a8 8 aed fee 6) ea a0 8 ye ome soe TE 0 gh eye ore we evon, seks San wh cays yee ou AA Rey Hee IE anh Teeny ATA, ETT A eT fk en aga yeaa goer AO daa aA eR afer He ok gt aha at gee A ‘a a 9 TaN ef a @ Higa 6) wafer ete 8 Ret wo aT HR ® GAO aA AA afer Aa ay rd oe oT Ete? @ (i) Re wes PereR) FS vie-A thre wet? ® et, PRR Tate Ww ee we ME Rk eH @ woe eae 26 Ary ee bi & fy a re wh eh ee A Lge ot anh 8 a) Sores Roh B we aR AEST A TAT aA! a Pat wa eT a wa ee a eh cas are Bo ay a a 8a GR aM OHS Fe HT SR wae Fee he ee, TE Rl A eer ewe fre Ger we 0) wher tele & oe oi daw ero HR ® (i) Pere fg Ae oe? ® i) waa afees 8 tere eT? ® Seer, eT S wee ee eo-20 el (45-20) ‘ornate we war te Bh 87 as er gh A, on a Ha aT a ve EL eo BE AA when she aE Fe a TT a oe # ere xtra Aa oe ow? ‘wd re Pere eT eT eH HP GUE om TE seen abe er he aT We mE a ee a eA FT HN ‘wee 88 Pe? wert ae wh A gw eR te S oe eee RT Bas a A ares aH Arh 2H Sear BN w Hy aT aT eT!) wei.) WO cent a eee om em! @ (W) set er a hahaa ar 8? o (al oreo ae ee Pe © 6) est gee — ® (0) wrnde serh & Say rH OT ® (6) et fig — reste ® a2 a a8 6 Reet, Armée vetber ster 2002 wa 180 ares: - 230022 ed Bee = EH see «0 taney a er | ATER — ee FETT] ——— aed weak oe ary eh rt ~ er, ene eT ER | tah BT gt aft 1 OE wT ETE Ta Gee FR | este rut a er, aah, REM aI: SARA SE | A FT aE eM seer Sef 6: ea | 1) eect set - (RTE) 5) EG BR 2 a 7 oy ah et et AF 7 2) pre seer = (or 1) aaa ae? tated tant 2) 2H ESE RE 9) aber rere ee? 9 ag ap mt 9) aR REG 7 (2) Rabe ser (9 Sm errmtt Fe res = we x5225 1) | CY SEL) 2 amg | Ce 2) gee eT) ge sm) 9) gent | Ret ert) (6 arr et a) aa Mt 7 VR - habeas (9 sat am at | —— (oy 5 ae P| — (2 Me seek | —— et | (9 mt mp pyr a | get ge: RECA fe HRT = wars eae, ery, RE, ese, ee 9-0 i 310 os. — 2 — 1) sets Reece = (EEA) teed | Caer he) »- eR ta | E/E) tee | (a ER) oe Fe | (F/R) (0) oes: seecrer fe een Te « wxees Le 6 FT] sy re | 2) RT |) FT ome et m0) 1 ease 0? 0) of wend ate Pf - seer ‘® ate = aaa eg» —— amir: —— 0 segs Ree eR = OE =) weed a DDATE:0203.2022 ANNUALEXAMINATION 202122 Time: 3H. Uass: Vl SUBIECT™ MATHEMATICS Max. Maris: 80 ener ners i quesons are compulsory. > Thotueson gape cost of 30 quston dided into 4zextone: Seton A, 8, Condo, Sectn Aronia 6 questons of Lake Section Betis quests of marks each Seton €comaie 10 qoesions of 3 marks eh, Section Deana &questors omar ch > ‘thesis overl chs, However, tema chokes ben prove into questions of mark ‘ich 2 cuestone of ? marks each, quesons of mars each an 3 questions of mars eth. You fav to tempt ol one the artes ns ven quasons > Useofcaledtor snot permite. ‘ecrion-A (oe) (1, Fndthe are of the flor of rom 65 og by 45 m bone (2. Frethe vohane of eur ofr of oe 80m and hing rads base Tem. on Fane art y) + b(e +3) +el@ +9) Sohevers3= 24419 Tebam tet 25 (5, nthe area fe suare regoncf sie 24d, of ‘nde ara of angular agin whose base = 9.6 mand site 7.5m, 6, Find the alu of integer fue. secnon-8 (exes) (7, Theses contsnng he ip arg of lt srg aio re 1491 and 12.60. Fhe are tthe rag, ce, Ablsadameterof crew cee. Cand Pare two pits onthe cron opps ies oF A. AP cP Sra eDare pied 280€ = 220, Fd APC 8, cnc water trkis 7 mdesp. Th raduof he bare 105m. How many Koes of water ental? Fin the cost of esings wel 2m nas and 1m dap tthe rate 84.0 per 10. Findthecabe of (+8) Save Faconce 3+ 66 11, nace wit cenreoand rar eq 13.2n, AB isa chor. OL 4 AB Hf OL-Sem fin the longo cord A. 12. Frthe mean the flowing umber 5,60, 20,35, 47,80 secrion-¢ (9110-30) octea agen acrce wit cente0.AO8 sate. 2B = 50nd <0 and cA on pacoisa ote quater, 2B = 02,20 = 106° ‘Whatare cd and 2D conta 8 2 n. 28 Find th ot of pointing eng of room 18m lng and 1 m wide, at 1.10 per. Fin he ttl sutace fen of sed ender wth th ase rads of Seman hagh 12 em of “est hight fw conical tree 12 mts and ru ofthe base i. How many mars {amos metres in wih rue fart et ) Factrae a? 4 124 +35 Fi the alo of (103) Find hele fe $y +39)" sober = 9/2 of Thesumof wo aunbetis75. Thee one umber equate the other number. dhe Ung alles, prepare regency sruton also the olowng dos ‘hanumber of members oF15 oir 65,4756 35,34 6, Fin the ae ofthe spare enced by wo concerts of ri ear Se. Fin ne area of rctarle ifthe nhs 2x + 8) units and breath se ~ 3) uns. Theheit of students adssisghen below inc. Fr the average alg 30,142, 236, 10,28, 126,120,120, 190,125,135 secnoN-D (ams) nd the area of ting repon whos ses are Te, 120m and Sm ‘ween efom of retare12 ong ané 92cm wide reshapd and bart nto he form of (ile: Fhe aus ofthe oe, ‘helena of the mnutahand of wal cecki 105m. Find the re swept bythe mite arin 20 nes ‘he radus cf sphealballoon cesses em Gm 2c. Compare te sca ae fhe blooninehe tw ee oR ‘he ccumlerence ofthe base oa ners 26m and shah 25cm. Pte volume the ‘ince Find th volume nd surface ares ofs bat dameter 212m ‘and Coe wo qual ors fale with centre, OL AB and (OMB. obs joned. Provetnat>() AOLB = AOMB 1 bodies ABC on Ab ndcD two chords cee cat each other, “akon reduced the et ‘Ro ang oc are ed CP BY and BCP = 31%, Find ZADP. “wo ces wih centres Aan eu each thar a Cand, Listhe mit pains conmonchordco. AL and stoned ‘it shout 2ALC and 2BU0? he pins and ae clines? ‘ater is20 years olde than his son. 12 yas ago the ag of the father was sictines ohio, ‘Choong emeniet cle forequeny ctr dow hstoam rhe gen dete Te on [on [nao | ao [ow Plsiele[% [e@ ANNUAL EXAMINATION 2021-22, Time: 3 Hes. ‘SUBJECT ScENcE Max. macs: 80 "+ There ore 3 questions Allquecton er compton. > austin no. to Beary mar ach, > ueston no. 7015 cary 2 marks coc > Gustin no. 6t0.27 cay Imartseach, > Guertin no. 280.31 cay mars each, ‘There ore intra ches in same questions of? marks, 3 mark andl qvstons of monks. 11, _Whattype of plants an fxcitrogen gps of thea nto compounds of itrogen? a 02. Whetsthe general name ofthe elements whose properties sre intermediate between those ‘of metals and non metals? a (03. ame the term which sued to expres the fancy of fuel, a (0, Whatisthe common name the Bulge or proection) tthe font of troat in grown up bon? ®) 05, When a plstipen is rbbed indy hay, attra tn pices of paper, Which forces Involve in hs process? ry 05. _Whyare grooves provided inthe sole of shoes? 0 07. Apendulum makes 20oscilatonsin5 seconds. Whatis he frequency ofthe pendulum? (2) 08, Name he pare af the eye: e (2) Which controls the amaunt of hh entering the eve. {b} Which converges ight ray to rom the nage. (6) On wich mage formed (@) Which ares the image to bran 0842] Why meteor scaled a shooting sar? a (b) Wie ae ference between star and shoatng tar 10. How do mic organisms hein cesring the environment? a 4 Bxlinhow, the use of CNG n automobiles has reduced polaon in iies. a 12. state two piyscal properties onthe basis of which meta can be dtnguhad frm son met a oR 12. GweReston (a) Graphite is used for mating electrode (by Sodium and potassium stored in kerosene. 13, Why do tyres of cars wear out gradually? a oR 13. Itis everto move the box fom resto to moveit when its alsa in motion. Explain. Why? 14. Whyis tare necessary for adolescent to take bath regula east once everyday? (2) 15. Aforce of 100N is applet an object ofan area 2n?. Caelate the pressure. e) ‘OR 15. why do mountaineers wualy ster from nose bleeding at high atu ? 6 2] Why do we nt hear the screams of bat? e (b) Name the uit used to measure the loudness of sound (c) Name te characteristic of sound whch depends on (amplitude (i) frequency 73} Why shoul we not et water colt anyuare nthe neighbourhood? ry [b) Name the scents who discovered fermentaen, oR 17 (0 Whatisfod pisoning? How i food poisoning caused? {b) Name anantibiote extract from fungus rou). 18 (a) Why shoud curd not be kept non or aluminum container? 8 (0) Whar happens when Sulphur dioxide s dssovedin water? Wet a word exuation forthe 19 (a) Draw bated iagram of candle fame @ (0) wat ame? 20 [s) Wasting spot inthe ove? a [b) what re ods and cones inthe retina of nay? on 20 Whatle meant alsperson of ight? Name a natal phenomenon which caused bythe 4spersion of sunlight inthe hy 210) Whatis meant by chemical effect of electric cxrent? Espn wth the help ofan example [b) Which metas lectzopltes on iva or making’ Car! or tring lead? @) 22. How does the pressure of aliquid depend ons depth? explain wth thehep of dasa. (3) 22, _Whatis Puberty? Ustchanges inthe body that ake place at Puberty. ony we). ° oR 22 [a Who lerexponle forthe sox ofthe unborn child ater or mother? Why? (0) Name the hormone whose deficiency causes abet 28 (a) Osi tion. What ethe cause of riion? e (b) why rong tion sess han sing ton 25 (a) Whatis comet? Name the comet wich as ast seen in 1986 ater a perio of 76 yer. (0) Draw dagram of Ursa Msjorcorsteltion to show the poston of minster in it 3) 26 (a) What will happen the water in which tadpoles ae growing does act contan sufient losin? o (0) What isthe function of Adrenaline hormone ? 27 (a) Explain wy, the up ofa seuing neces sharp? ° (0) whatisconact force? Gie two examples. 28 (a) Explain how, oie polation har to huran beings (ny thee) 6 {) Sate the various measures which can be taken to contro noise potion. (Any two) ‘oR 28 a} Descbehow sound is profes bythe human voice box (ayn (0) Sate two uses of uitresoun, 28. Wh he help fabled cagram, describe tity how an on kay can be electroplated with copper. 8) on 29 a) What smeont by electroplating? What's the purpose of electroplating? (6) Does pure mater conduct lacy? Hat wat an we do to make conducting? 430 (a} Draw labled dagratn to show the refaction flight froma plane miror. Label he {allowing onthe diagram © {Pane mirar (i) Iesgentcay (a) Reece ray {Normal (6) angle of incidence (vi) angle ofrefection (6) State the ws of reection ‘or 30(2) Define the fotowia () Persistence of vision (i Lateral version (b) hat icight nds? What causes right indness 7 231 (a) What meant by Phases of Moon? What causes phases of Moon ? 6 {b) Whats the clference baween Full aon and New Mon ? (anyone) oR 31 (a) Waatis nari satelite? Name any two atc satel launched by ov court: (State hve uses of arial satelite, esses 207 oo. ‘ORTE:2502.2022ANNUALEXAMINATION 2021-22, Time: 3H. cuss: Vit SUBIECT-SOCIALSCIENCE Mex. Marks :80 ‘Genealinstructons: * There ae 3 Questions Alar computor. “ier ef each question ae indent againe the aveston * questions rom sera na 01 to 1 ate very short answer questions. Each oe caries O1 mark. + cuesions rom no. 15 126 are short answer questions. Each one caries 03 mars. * Question rom sno, 27 9 30 3 long answer aueton, whlch ary 05 marks each, * Question no. 31 base on map work, OS marks rom History an OS marks Kom Geography. + Answer the folowing Questions: (Questions 1 to 14 3c n ene woreerm/aur ol.) ‘QoL tnwhicn year was subsidy allance impased on Awadh a (2.02. Who decided that Bahadur Shah Zafar would be the st Mughal king and after his death none fhe descendants would be recognised at Kngs—they woud just be alles princes? (1), (02 who partitioned Bengal ia 19052 a (08 Against which Act of 191 i Gana cal fora nationwide Setagraha? a (105 which Fe Yeu Plan was formulates in 1956? « {206 What are the rescues cli hat ar avaiable everpuhere? o (207 What artwo important factors that an change substances Inc resources? a 8 heey stud wih pecan dees arent whence isos (09 What ithe Eacrcty obtained from eos cad? 0 (2.20 what ithe average deny of population nthe whole wert per square kn? a (221. what erm used forthe person who tried by cour for a crime? a (032 Which rattutiondeides whether an acused person uly or not? o (2.13 Whereis the Supreme Cour of ina located? a (14 According to which Ate of our Constitution tis the duty ofthe government to ensure the ght toute? a (0.25. Why id the wool and sik producer in England protest gens the import of dn tects in ‘the ety eighteenth century? oR ow i the development of eetan industria n Brin affect texte produors nina? (3) (36 wat wae the demand of Rani Laks Blof sans that was refused by the Bishi? of ow di the last Mughal erperor ve the ast ears of ie? a cont.2 (27 What economic impact dhe Fst World War have on india? 3 {18 Name tee problems thatthe newly independent nation on fce @ (19. whyare human resources important? eo on Diflerentitebeswoon the potent and ctl resources (20. what'san ore? where are the ors of metale minerals gnerally located? (saa) (0.21. Name any three common minerals uses by you every cay 3 122 Whatls meantbypopultion compastion? o (123. Why does 2 democratic country needa Consitin? of ‘Menton the sx Fundamental ight given nthe ndanCanstaon 8) 24 Whats therole ofjudcan? a (025 What gts ae guaranteed an arested person under Ati 22 ofthe Constitution and Criminal aw? ° (026. Doyouthinkthe vein of the Bhopal eas tragedy get ce? Discuss. 8 (027 what re tne atrantages to foreign companies in setting un production in na? 6) ‘What do wo mean when we speak of lw enforcement? Whos respon for enforcerent? Wii enforcement important? (erdeis5) (2.28. Most industries ae concentrated around co ines. Why? Ina ve way an you sive energy at home? ° (29. Why did andi choose to reak the at fw? on Why were people satisfied wth tsh rule nthe 1870: and 18805? © (30. What war the role ofthe Planning Commision? on ‘what i r Ambedkar mean when he sald that, In paltic we wil have equity, and in socal nd economelife we wi hav inequality’? . (031 (4) story Onthe gen outine map of na locate the ollowinglaces.(AnyS) (1X55) (alamntsar Dandi (©)sombay (@uucinow fe) Champaran) Madras (231 (8) Geography: On the sven outline map naa name and locate the flowing. (Any SK1¥5=5) (a) The most densely populated state, (b}An important jute produc tte. (c) The Sto ant Puli Sectr| in Andhra radah, (6). The Stel lant (ube Sector in chhategarh {o) The state with ta highest eeracy ate (0 sicon Vale of na cscaes EE eo. DATE:22.02.2022 _ANNUAL EXAMINATION 2021-22 “Te 26 He. cuss: vit Sumer -TWFOMMATON AND CONMVUNCATION May Marks 50 tittle Choice Questions: ‘aao=i0) {Which the folowing attributes ofthe MARQUEES tgis usd to spec the speed of themovng tert of masa? =, DIRECTION b.BEHAVIOUR ¢SCROUAMOUNT __d. None these 2. Which of he following ateributes is used intra inking? SONAME BARGE e-Botha and 4. tone of these 23, The technique of watching the person while ating thi scaled. 2 Video conferencing b-E-mallc othaandb anki 4 Which of he follwing le not a communication service of tenet? 2. Chat b. Googie Drive ema d.VOP ‘5. Which ofthe following conditional statements use to test mate constions? aif beitele eile a-allotthese 6. Wich ofthe folowing ent the conditional statement in Python? 2b iistetement be Halestatement ¢.ielif.lse statement d. None ofthese 7. Which one of thece sa type of social media? be Fovebook byShdes”eYouTube Sheets 18. Which one ofthe flowing ot found in Googe Apps? 2, Sides b.YouTube Facebook done ofthese 9, Which ofthese ae widely used in manufacturing industries such 5 automotive? 2: Industri Robots Emotional Robots Science Robots d. Androids 20. platform dependent. Naive Apps b. Web Apne cHybrid Apps d. None of these inthe Blanks: (uses) 1. svminnt an operating system for mabe devices developed by Google. 2. conn bedamethe ret computer program to defeat a world champion ina chess match 3. Then om gnerat nko your decument far sharingan vin 44 The range function gaan. function of python 5 ise conversion that takes plcein a edly atmosphere rte for true and? for Fase (uss) 4. PNGimage fe format stand for portable Ink Group. ‘We conus do- while loop in python Indust bot reprogrammed using computes. Web app recuire hand-held devies fo instalation, Noone keep a check onthe comment of partcpants on newsgroup. Long answer questions: 4. Dan frames a 2. Isuseof social networking services edisable for sudents? Why or why not? a 3. Deine Googe Drive. 2 4 WhatisaR a 5. Write oneline IML code to create hyper wit he text ‘Display’ which oper the Display hr web page when click. ® 6, Whats the diference between hacking ane crckng. a 7. What do you mean by Gri? a 8, Define mechatrons, a 5. Wea phon program to convert centimeters tolnches. Hint inch=25tems (5) 10, Bley explain any three categories of apps wth examples. 8

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