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Basic Economics, Land Reform & Taxation

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2009 (2) o July (1) o June (1) course syllabus

course syllabus

Basic Economics, Land Reform & Taxation CLARENDON COLLEGE 1st Sem, AY 2009-2010 ATTY. S.C. MADRONA, JR. ATTY. AIREEN DIMAPILIS SISON-MADRONA COURSE DESCRIPTION Introduction to economics and economic concepts in theory, policy and practice, with particular reference to Philippine economic experience. It also includes a general background of the laws of taxation and land reform. COURSE OBJECTIVES The course aims to impart to its students: first, appreciate the importance of taxation as means of supporting the government in sustaining its programs and projects as opposed to common notion on taxation as a burden; second, realize the necessity for land reform program as means of states pursuit of social justice, and; lastly, better understand basic economic principles and processes i.e. resources, market, money etc. COURSE OUTLINE Introduction I.Taxation A.General Principles in Taxation B.Limitations on the Power of Taxation C.Double Taxation and Tax Exemptions D.Income Taxation

II.Land Reform A.Components and Aspects B.Agrarian Reform III.Economics A.Basic Principles in Economics B.Economic Activities i.Circular Flow of Economic Activities ii.Supply and Demand iii.Production, Cost and Profit iv.Monopoly and Competition v.Philippine Financial System vi.Money and Monetary Policy C.International Trade Conclusion REQUIRED READINGS The following books are required for this course: TAXATION: De Leon, Hector. 2004. Fundamentals of Taxation. Quezon City: Rex Bookstore LAND REFORM: De Leon, Hector. 2005. Textbook on Agrarian Reform and Taxation. Quezon City: Rex Book Store. ECONOMICS: Mankiw, N. Gregory. 2007. Principles of Economics, 4th Edition. Thomson SouthWestern. Case, Karl and Ray C. Fair. 2004. Principles of Economics, 7th edition. Pearson Prentice Hall. COURSE REQUIREMENTS PPrelim examination: 15% (July 18, 2009) Midterm examination: 15% (August 29, 2009) Semi-Final examination: 10% Class Participation: 40% Final Exam: 20% (October 10, 2009) Total 100%

A. READ, TAKE NOTES AND ASK QUESTIONS. This course requires much reading and the student is expected to have read the required materials when coming to class. B. EXAM. The exam will consists of problem-solving and short answer questions based on the class lectures and the assigned reading materials. C. FINAL EXAM. Comprehensive of all lectures and selected required reading materials. D. There will be GRADED RECITATION (50% of final grade) based on the required reading materials and assigned cases. CLASSROOM POLICIES 1. Students must submit a 3x5 index card with their names, courses, contact numbers, 1x1 ID color or BW picture by the second-class meeting. 2. A student is considered absent from class if s/he is not present within the first third fraction (30 minutes) of the scheduled class time. The students should be responsible for keeping tracks of their absences. 3. As a courtesy of the entire class, smoking and eating inside the classroom shall be strictly prohibited. All electronic devices must be either deactivated or at least silent. CONSULTATION HOURS If you wish to consult with me on matters relating to the course, please set an appointment with me. E-mail: Website:
Posted by intro to intl law second term at 12:28 AM


leahdapiton said...
i need that land reform.. the components under it..please please
March 22, 2010 12:44 AM

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