Section 2 Short Notes Chapter 6 and 8

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S-Mareh-24 = kstory — Section! 2 -3 histori of edo amovement..of Jnnclia s= ao fect Hon | Timeline: 7 > Bae to. Ig s->hisor 2 Sub. lordinent, Section & Timeline - a} Vaitage 1905 40 1947 =» freedom maton | a Sow)» Vetage fe SecH Og B—> hiskory y of paliston | a orf Vatoxe Se io Se : te —— timeline = + WS = partiken of B Min MOG >» Simla oh poe: frmalion. of 4 ATMA © 19095 onortay Les S afateried \assov8, a 1 il» reversal - satin of be bengali = Hides Shack = 1QNG DW 1918 rel of World war Pet qq» montage chetsforel reformns. [na referees) © 149 > Tow. ack _1-SdGut 219149 Armeritsan «manaure OOF | ea 1qaz> Ase. of Hrnolte mabionalis™ ae ~ Partion of BENRAL > 1907 a Write akoub Parton of Bengal? 2 who uno brd Garon § as » What war wera) movement. What War Swraderh’ Mover 7 s- [level 4] portioned en git ity 0s" epost in 03 | . Cieal_pystation of bengad_etnpliten: | » ph Grea of bengal. 179,000*k™ nee A Planer /Organiser ‘Tore! Grz20n - | WHAT Was “po.p Ak ‘danger prowince of british imation ontop % Peputinees l04me ‘more ny popuabion british keeitecl 40 divide it mip edat ond West ung for | _ better _managonent. tast bengal got mriaalrchs merit due 40. thus” porttion.Uieot bengal got Hire, inherit com wy a WHY Reason for Fob... wh ° me / . + £0 Homer amore ps D papulactiora [x pond. €4 miuliton pleple ASD) 208 *krrn 2720. geet out of ¥ oe por |»? a sngle goles mor tS itd Over jetion _|_.7 wemee the vishve port-of Brilesh ‘relgplegginsh Whe british Sinse). __1#S?. Sayed & aole in wor of Inelepemdlone« 1952 Bemabnesl tinoler the infelumce op retigiotio Scholor” “Theremin, eg Sherikettah onch mabsin din on «british. wert! “A dlew aT perl n brogal SY _opacioll lor Chi my i © thak they (on i" & po benefih em the Sa trade. So Bat! ss { any the dliaich Lee pena. 5 2 re becaue of- the mabral geograph gH cergat Cys and ss s ce flat _wheve (gaa meee Mi} i: eh Cucect reltiple ofroug hts “erm farrine tv) 1 80 te 1 & ie incliy » lutte, ’n 19h He Greate forme. of td heed Mee roncb of peoples » british use fo fee cliffieuttienin A "british Umetbr oljui cle ondl rele pate in onaler #o | 2p a hong nalel on bengal they Wer inte 70 tla ‘i himoles amd’ austin 10 male british aotminishalte, f- Gntro} easier for them 8 Whar Hoe ver pppllat ene of bengad woo thes only rearon tekincl pe-B of (90s do (fet agree a CA t 4 @ otisagree . (Guar syle Sete) 2 4 ss ws rr eB Be Sucraleohi movement: . __ lore ¥ Swerey movement ¥ Rakshdbondon movement: “oa Pinal wi 2 INC) atop led = 0 br/Hsh japrtactan here saan ‘bycottedt 2 ecnomic boc war the ma: re jendla . co british Silke onol ( \proplects ee prone Into > born| * | frre. Oa fo ecnormicaly | muons | KS 2 SS © hima’ worel means * Self rele? | o IM aclapted it in Ie 2 dendcla was olemonol clomanion Specter 10 Dod ay. abo _-noun. en ymivernent ofp patitccd oD -attonieny, [pour 2 huge, prefect where _ adn! 'n Glartta s Ups Lamb ay » Machron : s es OD it omeli_oncl mgt peuHecat Lee leas “where Qreotec awa oe oa Sent to jail became of Hjs movement: : | 1@A Thelion poet lounged _banel of- protection, Jeane Uneler bbich he “err: rat and hincken 6 Come _Untler the pond of. protection agens! ap — He brikish LP 5 | lorcl Conon Sumect ao lave 7 4 (40S. raiettipien Home! "Boga fe f assacinate ford Coreen 7201 h replitced lerd minte in (90s because of Phere ngs -_| “Lard ominbo alee fucec! assactnetion attemp. cahteh ferce Moh % Reverse the 0B. _ ose ba Ling george wsiteol ella herb 5 a Fe fee Uisit of the ony-britsh ac Since Wor 2, _laelepenclence. INC arrange enge. preter! in front ~ lees _the / of Delhi derbor ia_l1* cy /¢tl, on phe clirection — g tae hing The Hon reversecl by Lorel beribeg, | [ATION > 3 oOckober’ 1906 lok prninio. MéHting with 3 Paslemns ~ © led by Sr Agh khan Os J ° accompined!_ bY amohsinul- wy Wakor- ut muta. aus by Digacle ; Smita khoon, Mir Al, MN t ObjecTIVES —— sels 2 fo form own pant oat ae es _ Sel olefen: olin 00 a fonguage. ____ “Gu A, Ge pone we ™ soph S a > - ; = Latectonaefeypenin uly toni copatein ee PA . ing Of Teo bfw ® dimond brits ft ~ Prmation g tld. become possible —_—+ Miotims where gromed Seperate hechiorater 7 32 1” Tnelion Gnd! : fe pie Crgpating he gratin PRtHO | 3? Who was lord durzon 2 CO7Ge pathonied india’ clmmg. the: [ate 19% one! ao len 899-1905 | overseetnng. cichninis/Tee - Se palites_ to Brish mnolias brol G Hee lontrovonat porition op sengal in, __ for odhminishae ve offictney Tas sion 7 le — faceel Sireng apposition ae er reeiveol engin otivakons, an *F anpeored eate clice'gion bf Fimebun onl ee 3 aw A oS oe +} Why wins bengal partibla ss tas am ors sah | porl{Hen of ben ete presentedl by /orel ate lorren_the ah Volce-1euy of netic. in 1908 Aower the porRHon war Gnrtovnce olan Q)it of july im Mas, | Therefore, Hety are cmory reason wabith led the potion of bang alin JOS. one of he not Proper port Woon ts of Qobministration Bengat wor the lorgéot prouinee of british Thin the popeection of dengatl woo /oHmes bager thon the tole Gnglond uith the _orea 19, ccom. British oliuicledl jnrty 2 wing fo East nel West aristor bengal. fe . Moreover, another major rearon for tse porHtkra af bergat wer becane 10 Leep Check ond balene. 11980 a Influence of INK. | Lunion Serveol ay the Viceory ey from 7, tree om Ae mationayit Benga therm eae na toncetes t onovem ent, be always bbe Santee be he britth Dretiakule Wrece Bet dh OO LELEA_ a Keuprole im he Wer of nclepencte { veep ene bon, Tae ally ons Aemasaeel tn . He imfluonce Of” ritigiouy Scholor like wise haf MO eMah, Terni yonel Ai Ad. this 1s onother Peeoon Wh briW'sh cecroled! Mhe porien of bengeas. Sport prom Pract, mother most Significont r&00m pukeunan axx2 Fn povkeet| rich ofter BEF elechorate? th Haence of ING S tortion of Bengal was the british obiatel : y CRA oetle pottery Im oroler 10 keep A Shong holel te beer nthe muotims onel dMmolu Jo make british ¢ achminishration eary ond Conwetable t . laplte. there veasbn there euhere mony BC Veciron “which Cave the, Portthian yok 190 = 26 the. Portthion oy Qoryack. 205 ~S:Eeplain why porHon of be "was reversed in all? | Tala the Sfepe rai british goverment ewer of bengal was Garmceted ve thio Iaiorray Of ncaa Hon of bengal olue to Voritus q reel ret: Soe ae | I verse add “por ote Moh te q —tlewer reversed el | SS Yeacon- | yhe mosk Signi) jon readon for a Deere me ey 4s" am. binclt' weyel_ while omeon! elf rute Ie Started Me seurray: movement 1? faction of portitiie ef bengarin (906: afenda wow fo Aernoncl Homanjon Status +1 Tretia abe | _ 2g 4 movement of jatiHocel attoniomy , huge protest. a” where arranged 9M \ Coteuttory UP 9 Bor! ont. TS Yadran Invert of Here Ghoreli ond other major ariove rne ne. ys Seconclly'y anolber wrove ment) ear loeng ect in _ he recitt' on of PER. tndwn as ' Sar ectashi movement? | 1 90 “ is - & Sey — Swederhi i§ on hincti vasrof eons { “ Tveere His Mmovernenf- wwery Onmonceg 7 Lemena! 4b the main Sperieta of Shs a“ %e be “ice bxcotting the brifish pro clucks 4 Som jn Silk proetuiog there Hmun foto Pro, —S* because of y, ok M a = of MOB wan jmportor ad poate for rhe “Atuolixns of Hhe_ Sub- Continent Simla deputation “TONY Major events took lace. —turning PAIS “olputation St Ag hom khon Mayor cle rnonel AF Melis bhkuice Ip Qrevemen- the AIML -was Qmraencee, Us war the first Lone jy PUbth, bn high ened Yo. the heeh ci Lontsaf Hie anusli'm represerded | a a eq nn x 7 we Whe on = Bo Cerin Gevunity ia cepatertion Serves Marling, ee Of 2nelling of sce b/w the brités 4 enc On Since: he I$ blue fo pormation of ATA} wrol meor7s ameneg roe His Breehon where able ja raue Copnpete uith INC excl 2 prootucts Gon Pee Lhe own pasittcorlporl wen tote lero 9 arotbber mayor even! that loot place in iieve-a ela cleprttation’ loan Heat rnin lims whore aa "EA es he ferimision of nauing Seperate electro raster soa SEM where later given to the amuatizn a 10.4 th e. notion loenet | | bey Leo te SN + oe 2 fnothex mayor event. Ww hach war alerning | _ weenatore fer tbe ynuniions of Serb Condiment. woo! poem of 7H mn twhere noe hating better relation erbor (the bot sh oncl brittsh where clble to cmcler _ oy, giitont he muslims ancl et the omnis uncderstonch, ne Of 18S where leoredl Hus leputetion & ae arnetiiong 2 v7 » le bfw phe british onckSyriolions . QWERE the_reas, HHened in’ 0S" are we tmportant than those re reversal in Ill? A bhHon ey eal of 1905 onclite. Suneqeent ote Seminal evenk jn Incien reversal rn gM skor ai alcling oli'striet tmperlorce While __ both eve Qh" holel grant Si; ijeconce behiod 8 Ae pnt porktton. Grr rector /rnpirtonce clue 0 there long term ilnplication | herefore, the cledlton of POP tn qos uo | anven He _brittsh (olonlol adm shettons | ice’ oret merle Shatepy - 0 Creaking Hae | cisirick Pepte® preitirces yy fragmenting 2 bengal afeng Igewrtic finer phe bri ksh Soug fo chute he Ul) of Inction mat enali sis malig — g 11 ‘9980 Pivoeed movement im Conk! gover Moreover, He sob poked Wilsspren er. > r ‘yet AA a 2 €4/Shonce Acros moti’ “Grl}t cone terning point tn the Or eto ent keacuing 4 the Premed Swacteshi mm ovement » few fryer?! Fongore Played pluotod ‘olen in fraty Taction ‘Messen ee o/proreo/= i Senge porhitt one QX¥n 101. hole IQIasHiC#0 Ce Lhe. «peaQo0ns jnol ifs imuerl ;mplementatte, In (90S ore amon t- In Understonoling Lye otymord oo) lorlonicu mule, notionaliSr | amnovemet onel Cormmurnott Tens) Oy jn zrotlen- The events Lurtovneling the: PorHon Serve oo Ode Zuclwre jn Troll’ « Gruge te for _ Inougperctence ih Sumae ? Ho3- 24 i Topic. +- Section Sime. Moyley Minto reforms 04 salto brown as Gove of imadtio ack _Y imolioN Condi ack of N04 # lord morley woo the Gee of sate | © lorel -mingto’. Viewer yf of Fnotia | Mokvational reason ce | te Sewra) onevement- i pase pes british perliment fo grant oepreceHaiby = to rhe Inctigns — patilicot reprooeeokion =: Main feakeren Seperate electrovaten where ats Tnctionn’s ea oper ctctley nivale this System _| x the cinta of we ae Bed In Sere Conkol IslaAue a0erhiy twagareace 1 16 40 60. ihe vepresentative Whe luen the o9ht to + - aduise: ret a akin mtery Guechons ov | obscus am ae ont! 7 2 4. the _locett ‘ahve where adel in bath Central and prouintlel ase pay billy AIL AceptED “| Why Ne refectect. atin « becaue ML war granted! |, became Seperate clecrror, Speake dectroroten wb granted and Ce Congren ~ | ao woo not in favor of of seperate elechorateo lor the _onulirns | a tale elechreyteo ‘ a ie fuel the 2 where in Sven Renae 1908°- (411. + Gngress gpposecl if om hit keue- that musik wheve Given Qual Seats iA Contray ee on arene ony y ees Ws = legislative ignoring thetr poputakion TAR f Te ae ae — ra Flake cla oe t to nase Gquad Seats bit Sheustoh of in chee h was fhe rns ith Shrug gle Se hed W's “Seal in He tegaisla Uegaishativie. Shaul have Imereannent in| Gedteh_ { =o tnovement oINC_utlil be. Lupporteal by Prafe cleyrorge Ate, fie - ond! Congres |_ = this movnteol_preasute on brlhish vor of seperate | “Tnpor tance _= uvlim alemered Y- Seputake eectrorele and Ip reprere We aeeptecl by Cory ren fer he first-time [wikich woo der Inge paliHoad bietord) _ bor Shraggle of _muptans cHicol “enomple of hinolar ers tm th (ee 1s’ posibilily anounteol Mere preozert on rhe british 12 _referm tclia on rnigate_ffasse — miolonStavked 10 Syport Sewted movermentof hiner . wany q On IR omerch 19) of by Imperial Culacete » Greil fr three a ea te i Nis ° 2 _Cntro/ mations amdvement™ o Silt later Conypiva ey 6% Snub _oni-" britich Genbiment. |_4 sclapter Six Stoney qoulee - + this Sawfact fae froberien tikes os at ews arent anyone cuthaut any eworent — * Kone of bailwas mot gromted a person which cil be ee ” c 0 press or ‘meclia Lily publish ani Rey (oe a abe 0 knoum anearkiceet: onc 1 gNioat 2 — Hee tah y” Mashen hage ame int fe ema ——+ 1 prmah @ aa @ bac 2 became the onajor neancyg dix te Jiiiprnent oF ; Tee between Inctions british ig the britsh ontéinclion altbade — > - ° Tholien’s quthered m Prlauolla bagh~ “tage b dD. 199, 13% April 7 near ee oo oe > Shetioms ered Hrvee eat re: eel — nol arrest of few I Ines aleedets ————} jE Me reforms” N Yo General ef er ¢ who war a a Yeh. Searity tnearge of He g1_ Ae _gppeniol five om Inocent pre enters awe Seyel Eee Yobwive Hie a 5) fbco* ewouncled = y1A9000.» was the gailering = = = fo — 0 ne ny ue guresnenKe « — Spats Chit & — Section 2 | Montague chetmsforcl re fox m = Montag e was the Staley 4 Stake. a Chetrniforom Lunn the ret Vayuynu ae inclin 2» he also known ov overment_ Bf Inolict'atch LUA pr ro pase ¢ it ans am Step foworoly Seweras in Tretia 2 | British in ccley 10 Grub efi bh settle rnen(- iN Thelin Fate ths nO LAS 2 | hnyplemente of n es an > | the Systern of tlarche 20g Whacticed Inst - | Oluat goverme yee sys L under is act; yell (fre werne miyuhert grotkd. |/o Vate —_~| He frowimetert legan, ig Sy’ System onel nel Centrok gore — Leprol wrt 1 Sender \ >| Me pour wor hele! Info jwo¢ Greups -terevvecland | beanfeved pe e 2 eckbeation - => palice & | public heath zy fidlisherg ~ | local gouls a > faighr ake > |frol > Henze ~ ~ | ih wey rejectec! by Icand Afri Pr seared recover >| Amritsar massac Date: 1 Wor the major reawon . dn Ghendi ome INC wos hoping | Lp tte Aemocrise Trea which yar Te orantecletehy Ths_ace | baseclon olor crchal) Sos a Pe the vise of ince caflonabel emergense of Pertitn hike. _ > _ 2 Mehasaba ~~ home rule porly pe eo 5g LU atom = cogperative auilede of peg Mohen Malet __ "19 Ghandi Shatecl if a nsabsfactary” RSW ewe 4 tnsaltsfactorg J 2 inal S 1 [> _fother muslin heaque. Weijeck 2 Ve 2eforrns ob they where S204 panting miblens,' Soule Hearchey us in Gout-of inclia ack Alf |. anol impkrn entte ia (dag. Dicrchey ameont cluak goverment SS vyshe mis twas qnaced. bin which’ pour wan tonsfered | 4 inctions In two omajor group _trensfer which where c jven to local inctions and veerret which where ir i ‘he lero of british. rhs wan opposecl by ghanct’ _ S land INC etwe—fo baawe they where hoping Complete clemocrise by Mnctia » Ghancli dlecleored it ar unsatisfactory | and inadewent» Section — Chapter +3 pier Ae eecclom movement 4/w_19a7 - 1939 1. J923Semen (ormission o (928s. mebra report VW \ 3. 12q. 4 poink' pole of firoah rae F (41% 0.» RIC par sis qd Atahbael ate es ~ 3 2] 2 3 hs S 1932» Comunal auordy D1 I» mever_ (Ch: Rebrmat Ah) 7 ne 5] = s pate: 19/3124 | F Nos ee 2 wana indion rrtkofiallst Onc tiles raohypalh ray t : jab: => “amember of anc pore woe lgalnst Serran Corals ihader pooner Sat oitack or ry which on he oliecl on [9% Commision in ay _______________-) — lh whites marr Saban war another Teanon for ibs [ebcline oy veQ\ SSR) wh Anntees natty ees =| ao all the members in His lornissio7 where british iL ard their wan 70 focal representa, = —| te AIM! anel IMC statecl thot, 2 Comission - Con ceroluedl of _undkrstonal Problems fF inelions without local repre for? = | te yeor 19 and anon fon of INC § —| the’ brgest popelaliar pQ@icad port] of inclia ws on mon lovperation Rowlet ack an ‘or mmasscure i a -| Urlerr non cahen mmvement INC omnoencec! em that hey WR not be port of amy brilish paubecot | rows they will mak get ithed gronst fran T bibish ered cu) bylott the educationas well, =| put delist betuden brittsh ond mations = t ‘In the reeent fu olecacles bolish intoclice! | voreus reforms ibe nant 7ms,MG reforms ay ing biltish 708 bead of of 7 4 ‘ [bith one! ocadimdion. sir wana Ripe heat ahef clypict helusesy 4b ele LULET so Ji inks ete Beented in (aap a Gunter peoponse. nehruhepott- L cal Solution of molia be core ye Prirne 7602277 fe Meru rtuslirn Unity ss = helaltr—clethi—miorch entec| m Aemeel, tte ofr | Hepes held in Aelhi in 1924 ¥ 2S 24. Iyctia. ; D4 Fela Soult b gfelreation with Song. Prouinced ond. | week Centre - = Minorie gpts ye be c profected | ‘a eit Sfuation reject as! jae & Atlas S | | | Je, Huw Sesseofull we? ~ y-| Round fable Coe / -| held Abenbt? 30 — a] omer to finclouk paitteal Soletor Pn “gh ; >| altended by set Heal pore mum | opteant (Jats where abe Pe >| a ee “pp _»| fais royat Lie ry cue off lorcl sun iy bpotte | eae ie = of pry te he Ce od is oreo |Sheate Willing [e+ fo | Ce ce. aes olreati on pik Beralion . are (tai he Prntroctucectin pe lorgent je a E Al poe Yo Permenent & ¢ ae a sd - epereoenbetion Gou i uae poss ble . My 7 _ | be introctucecl in In SV ot cots scaye_ 6 | anomage He 7 \ sta - we [Ara Caccomt) a Rete im. Sep _193) ez. | firmah, Sir Agh Hon , | Tybed vuhere prema! = | Mera was also resent ar he war brought out o, hint he promaisel 78 (aapet ore | brits Seccen fies TG es — Bhoncli ol mol wardeol fo act t ind MUP 4° Spe the rlohls of mimonifiea and, pud = [Rane ath tr ayes ih to Corner he asthe eerie Sout spokes mam of India this ——«, seerob of guatie b clead lock and akTC ended | sracktmneebl Hhonoli agate Warrted non - Coopertate 1 while coring sett foincte 1 gtamta | INC. cbelnt look portin j where In ren-cogp erator onl Sr 09h + fianah also cabal Re gee z > Teer) See ea Ei preveel SYt Cromenal arictagee Mane ttn a | ros A > Where. presen a tore ‘Mec olonald in 132 offer the __ j es 2 observation y etd «In these Corrmmunal amotele mori Heo % p Sastre | where qr ‘Seperate electrotes in Tnolia: along tit, — mere or Tne wegktage war also acts ote aminorittea. ln teak a GRD aus iotere 2 Oe Neond J path paige note pices un resold Shenton ye: ise orop the Phe prowiraed in Zraba Gi iin_pack of MBI? sal “gan Signed after foslete of Lhe 4 sovch 1937. all Bruch __ S Fvan the Viowry bf- inola whe gant the ball ¥0. Gherch! 5 of he will Gnbabagein Sand hic. “iphael crater! fis Mor z| operation. Maement_and took pat ta ARTE pil a pate: 143/24 No a | Thhoduction ses bNit Suats-ef- a | f& | m elections of 193% Gngress war nee a Province ‘andl war able to famel es oe =| there election prouittee! largess Clerice ee a Sub- Coniinenl, er 2B wecess IF months aoe Ganstert = this ever is denotect ao err of Gongrem “- we in Seb Gnkiment-_ enous peeees - 4 . =| it was the h worst time Jor the muslin? ond ether amimovityjer Jrnclig — hich # it the is kh ta YPocluceQoohe re oe is reap ectful} tet elirting 6 a@o_well Na a eee t eaucalvonal pining of the tmacle” lompulsor iw Wradition eclerred as the natona|. i in. teal edluccrtion cies j j24 ou. Like ive | SNS tn topq aT Statue of Gharcti tua plceclin every \ § foul. office. amel Sechsiy here. fort [infront of jk befre entering . Z Wilya ine Cena

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