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Prairie Middle School Mental Health Conference 1

Prairie Middle School Mental Health Conference

Steph A. Burg

Colorado State University

EDAE 629 - Program Development

Tobin Lopes, Ph.D

March 25th 2024

Prairie Middle School Mental Health Conference 2

Mental health for staff within school sites has been one of the significant opportunities

for job satisfaction and teacher retention that has been overlooked or missed. This proposal

offers an opportunity to close the satisfaction and retention gap. Prairie Middle School is a site

within the Cherry Creek School district suffering from a higher “burnout” rate than the district

average due to the lack of utilization of the mental health resources sent out through email. For

years, the district has had resources available for staff but has taken a stance of being distant and

on a “reach out if you need me” mentality. Granted, mental health within the district has come a

long way and continues improving to make employees' lives fulfilling. Unlike any other program

the district offers, this program brings those resources to the staff in a face-to-face conference

focused on the unique daily problems the staff faces, giving staff tools and resources for when

stress is considerable, encouraging greater job satisfaction and teacher retention.



Cherry Creek School District (CCSD) is an establishment that provides educational

services to more than 53,000 students. CCSD is comprised of board members who are

responsible for budgeting, policies, and general operations of the district schools, with the

superintendent's guidance and support. The district employs 3,176 teachers for every level, from

preschool to high school, and an additional 4000 in other vital roles within the 70 schools. Of the

teachers employed within the district, 85% are white, 2% are two or more races, 8% are Hispanic

or Latino, 3% are Black or African American, 1.8% are Asian, 0.2% are American Indian or

Alaskan Native and 0.03% are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander creating a diverse

workplace at all sites. CCSD began providing employee wellness resources in the early 2000s.
Prairie Middle School Mental Health Conference 3

This quote from Healthy Workforce and Beyond gives insight as to why the shift happened

during this period, “Since the publication of Healthy Workforce 2010 in 2001, there has been a

dramatic shift in the mindset of employers regarding employee health care and its impact on their

respective bottom lines.”(2001, p.2) Before the 2000s, many of these resources focused on

physical and medical wellness. Over the years, that has expanded to financial, intellectual,

cultural, and climate wellness and social and emotional health. As the summary mentions, these

resources are available on a reach-out-as-needed basis. Each sight may have a different approach

to reminding employees of the available resources. Looking at Prairie Middle School, the target

of this program, leadership reaches out once per quarter to remind staff of said resources. This

year, that outreach was a little higher due to the passing of 2 former staff members. Though there

are plenty of resources, it relies on the staff to approach and get help. This staff responsibility

raises the issue that was approached in Jayman, Glazzard, and Rose’s work titled Tipping Point:

The Staff Wellbeing Crisis in Higher Education, “Furthermore, the survey revealed a pervading

fear of stigma around work-related stress and mental health, with the majority of respondents

admitting that they were worried about being perceived as weak or inadequate for seeking help,

which could be detrimental to their career.”(2022, p.4) Each year, the employee mental health

office makes strides to bring to light more resources and professional development to help

employees with their mental wellness; this conference offers something more personalized and

helps to avoid the stigma many educators may feel when approaching the topic of mental health.


Comparing data collected from last school year showed a 13.3% teacher turnover district-

wide, while Prairie showed a 26.4% turnover. Searching for clarification, a needs analysis

through a staff survey and discussions with department leaders showed that staff stress levels
Prairie Middle School Mental Health Conference 4

were elevated, leading to reduced job satisfaction and causing absenteeism. These incidents had

a cascading effect on staff due to absenteeism; other members felt responsible for covering

classes, causing their workload to increase. “The stress that educators experience affects their

enthusiasm about the profession and longevity in the field.” (Lever et al., 2017, p.6) Prairie is

experiencing higher burnout rates, which is the cause of the above-district average turnover rate.

This discovery concludes that there is a need for a one-day mental health conference for the staff

of Prairie, falling on one of the days during teacher in-service week of August 5th, kicking off

the 2024-2025 school year.

This conference can reduce absenteeism by increasing job satisfaction. CCSD has a

unique opportunity to approve a program for a site that has not only had no experience with a

mental health conference but would greatly benefit from one. In a study by Kizzy M. Parks and

Lisa A. Steelman, “The results indicated that those who participated in organization wellness

programs tended to have lower absenteeism rates than those who did not participate.” (2008, p.8)

Continuing to provide resources is paramount, and adding a one-day mental health conference to

Prairie would allow all staff to experience tools and techniques to help reduce stress. This

program can potentially become more of a proactive solution to stress rather than a reactive one.


Baiker, Cutler, and Song found that for every dollar spent on a wellness program,

absenteeism fell by $2.73. (2010, p.311) The conference provides Prairie with an opportunity to

“stay ahead of the curve” by starting next school year with staff gaining valuable stress

management techniques and tools, increasing job satisfaction, and decreasing absenteeism. By

the tentative start date of August 8th, 2024, the conference will include the following scope and

approach to solve the problem:

Prairie Middle School Mental Health Conference 5

1.) A keynote speaker to kick off the day discussing the personal experience with

stress associated with working at a Title 1 school and ways that they developed

strategies for personal resilience to those stressors,

2.) two workshop sessions

a.) Building personalized stress management plans

b.) Techniques for building classroom culture

3.) A breakout session will help develop preventative strategies for burnout.

4.) To end the mental health conference, a panel discussion will provide tips for

planning mental health support.

Through its scope and approach, the proposed program aims to solve Prairie Middle School's

problem of high staff turnover and absenteeism and, in return, save the site's budget and the

district money.


Goals and objectives

This program aims to improve Prairie Middle School staff job satisfaction to reduce

absenteeism and staff turnover by 12% by August 2025 by conducting a one-day in-person

mental health conference. This goal will be reached by accomplishing these learning objectives:

1.) After participating in the keynote address session, participants will apply two learned

strategies for building personal resilience to develop a personalized plan for promoting

and sustaining mental health within one month of the conference.

2.) After completing workshop session one, the participant will apply mindfulness and self-

care stress management techniques to develop a personalized stress management plan to

implement within two weeks of the conference.

Prairie Middle School Mental Health Conference 6

3.) After completing the workshop session, two participants will implement an actionable

step to create a positive classroom culture using practical strategies for fostering a

supportive classroom environment within four weeks of the conference.

4.) After completing the breakout session, participants will develop a checklist for

monitoring and recognizing teacher signs of burnout using learned techniques, which will

be implemented within a month of the conference.

5.) After participating in the panel discussion, participants will develop an action plan for

mental health support using a chosen solution to be implemented within the next three


When participants achieve these learning objectives, the project goal will be reached, job

satisfaction will increase, and absenteeism and teacher turnover will fall considerably. The goal

outcome aligns with Cherry Creek School District’s core values and mission, “Students,

teachers, and staff are healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged so they can thrive in

school and life.” (

Format and Scheduling

Recognizing the challenges associated with in-service week and the amount of time that

is allotted for other important information for the school year, the one-day format allows for the

staff to receive an impactful learning experience on mental health while still permitting teachers

to participate in other state standard test score discussions and other professional development

opportunities during the other four days.

Each session's design and methods accommodate different learning preferences and

provide a comprehensive approach to mental health.

Prairie Middle School Mental Health Conference 7

Outcome-Driven Intended Learning for Sessions of the Conference

Sessions Common Method Way of Learning Intended Learning Outcome

Keynote Presentation/Explanation Cognitive learning: Acquiring knowledge:

Participants will use their Participants will be given
attention and information- basic information and
processing skills. concepts

Workshops Question-driven/discussions Learning through inquiry: Developing critical thinking:

Participants will use creative Participants will utilize
thinking theory and critically thinking and reasoning
think about plan processes

Breakout Problems/Project/Case Study Learning with mental Cultivating problem-solving:

models: Participants will use Participants will use mental
problem-solving and strategies to find solutions

Panel discussion Group activity Learning through groups: Exploring feelings:

Participants will utilize Participants will collaborate
communication and group on an action plan with other
counseling. perspectives.

(Arend and Davis, 2013, p.37)

PMS has a multicultural staff of 87 teachers and 19 student support positions, requiring an

inclusive and culturally sensitive conference. The sessions' resources will be tailored to

acknowledge and respect the staff's diverse backgrounds. The program involved a planning

committee with representatives from different stakeholder groups, ensuring a holistic approach

that considered all staff positions' perspectives.

Staffing and Partners

Facilitators and speakers are being identified in collaboration with the planning

committee and partners at the district mental health office, Prarie Middle School parent-teacher

association, and Cherry Creek Education Association. These facilitators and speakers will bring

expertise in mental health, stress management, and positive classroom culture. Volunteers from

the parent-teacher association will be available to pass out fliers from some of our partners

associated with the Colorado Department of Education (CDE).

Prairie Middle School Mental Health Conference 8


Fortunately, the district's mental health department has subject matter experts and

facilitators who are already available and responsible for making site visits for PD, so their costs

will not be part of the funds needed to conduct the conference. The conference will need a

keynote speaker, five people composed of 2 subject matter experts, and three facilitators for the

panel session. 3-4 facilitators who will facilitate the workshops and breakout sessions. Below is a

list of resources and funds required for a successful conference:

Funds Needed

Keynote - Dr. Scott Seigfried $5,000

Panera Bread - Breakfast $2,322

Mod Market - Lunch $3,663

Notebook and pens $503

Paper for pamphlets and printed resources $7.22

Total $11,495.22

By investing in these essential components, the conference becomes an impactful initiative that

addresses the mental health needs of Prairie Middle School staff. Each of these resources plays a

role in curating a nurturing and informative setting, fostering a community spirit, and ultimately

enhancing the holistic well-being of the Prairie staff.


Using the instructional coaches at Prairie, evaluations will be implemented throughout

the year to help reduce the “forgetfulness curve.” (Thalheimer, 2006, p.10) By utilizing Prairies

instructional coaches, learning can continue throughout the year. “Finally, spacing learning
Prairie Middle School Mental Health Conference 9

sessions over time—because it enables different mental contexts to be utilized—may push

learners toward more creative perspectives on the material being learned.” (Thalheimer, 2006,

p.13) Instructional coaches can use these meetings before teachers and staff begin work

(typically 8-9 am; 8 am is contract time, and 9 am is when classes start) to check the participants'

progress toward the conference's goals. This opportunity allows the participants to relearn the

methods or techniques they may have forgotten since the mental health conference.


This conference will elevate awareness and deepen understanding of mental health among Prairie

Middle School (PMS) staff. Teachers and staff will gain valuable knowledge of managing stress

through mindfulness techniques, self-care practices, and personalized stress management plans.

Equipped with these practical strategies, staff members will leave the conference feeling

empowered and ready to cultivate a positive classroom culture. In the long run, this conference

will significantly enhance the school’s climate, leading to improved teacher retention and a more

supportive educational environment for everyone at Prairie Middle School.


Lever, N., Mathis, E., & Mayworm, A. (2017). School Mental Health Is Not Just for Students:

Why Teacher and School Staff Wellness Matters. Report on emotional & behavioral

disorders in youth, 17(1), 6–12.

Baicker, K., Cutler, D., & Song, Z. (2010). Workplace Wellness Programs Can Generate

Savings. Health Affairs, 29(2), 304-11.

Jayman, M., GLAZZARD, J., & Rose, A. (2022). Tipping point: The staff wellbeing crisis in

higher education.

Prairie Middle School Mental Health Conference 10

Davis, J.R., & Arend, B.D. (2013). Facilitating seven ways of learning: A resource for more

purposeful, effective, and enjoyable college teaching. Stylus.

Thalheimer, W. (2006). Spacing Learning Events Over Time: What the Research Says.

Cherry Creek School District, 2022, Finalsite,

Prairie Middle School, 2022, Finalsite,

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