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Biogas offers a sustainable solution to the depletion of natural resources and

continues price increase of LPG by providing a renewable and sustainable

alternative fuel source (Kabeyi, Olanrewaju, 2022). By utilizing kitchen waste such

as food scraps biogas production not only reduces its reliance on finite fossil fuels it

also reduces the amount of organic waste and minimizes environmental

degradation associated with their extraction. Additionally, since biogas can be

produced locally, its availability is less susceptible to global market fluctuations,

making it a more stable and potentially cost-effective alternative to LPG, which is

subject to price volatility influenced by international factors. Therefore, embracing

biogas can contribute to both environmental sustainability and energy security.

Background and Problem

The most common source for cooking now days in almost every households

is the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) because it makes the cooking less hassle and

faster. On the other hand the price of LPG is continuously increasing and, starts to

become a problem to many households.

Energy crisis is one of the problem that the whole world is facing, because of

the growing population the global demand for natural resources that is essential in

our daily lives and industrial society is also increasing. Thus, as the demand for

these resources increase, natural resources are also reaching their limits and

pressed at the edge of depletion.

The energy crisis is a broad and complex topic. However majority of people

don’t feel connected to the impact of the energy crisis until they experience

increased fuel prices and longer lines at the pump. Because of the energy crisis,

Governments and concerned individuals are working together to prioritize the use of
renewable resources and lessen the irresponsible use of natural resources through

increased conservation (Conserve energy future, 2024).

According to the study of Ogur, E. Mbatia, S (volume 2),the search for energy

alternatives involving locally available renewable resources is one of the main

concerns of governments, scientists and business people worldwide. Biogas is

defined as a combustible mixture of gases produced by micro-organisms when

biological wastes are allowed to ferment in an anaerobic condition inside the

container. It is odorless and colorless gas that burns with clear blue flame similar to

that of liquid petroleum (LPG) gas. Its caloric value is 20 Mega Joules (MJ) /m3 and

burns with 60% efficiency in a conventional biogas stove. The biogas is useful as a

fuel substitute for firewood, dung, petrol, diesel, and electricity, depending on the

nature of the task, and local supply conditions (A. K. Singh, A Singh, P. K. Pathak,

N. Singh, 2018)


The findings of this study will be of value as it will rebound to the benefits of

the following sectors:

Household. The findings of this study will benefit households by enabling

them to save money and reduce household air pollution.

Community. It can help people to utilize Kitchen waste an alternative gas for

cooking. This also allows them to lessen the waste in the community and turn it

into a source of energy.

Industry. The outcome of this study will aid the industry in protecting

human health, the environment and reducing the costs associated with gas

production and consumption.

Environmentalists. The findings of this study will serve as a

recommendation and promotion for a practical method of converting kitchen wastes

into useful products such as biogas. As a result, environmentalists will be

encouraged to consider new production techniques to reduce kitchen waste.

Future researchers. This study adds new data that wasn’t covered in the

past studies. As a result it can be used as a guide to acquire more knowledge when

conducting studies on the utilization of kitchen waste into biogas as an alternative

for cooking.

Proposed solution to the Problem Presented

Turning kitchen waste into biogas as an alternative source for cooking is an

eco-friendly way to create a solution not only to the energy crisis we are facing but

also to the pollution, deforestation and environmental problems. Instead of buying

LPG monthly that can cause an increase in the demand for energy sources and can

cause natural resources to be pressed into depletion we can make use of everyday

waste in the kitchen.

Biogas is a renewable source of energy that the government is looking for to

solve the energy crisis and to conserve energy. Biogas can be made by every

households by just creating a digester at their home and put their kitchen waste

into the digester and wait for it to be fermented and to turn into a biogas that can

be used in cooking . The residue from biogas can also be used as a fertilizer for


Biodigesters can cut methane emissions while producing renewable energy,

making it a smart and valuable climate and clean air energy solution. Biogas can

help reduce methane and black carbon emissions while producing cleaner fuel for
cooking, lighting, and electricity. Because biogas contains roughly 50-70% methane

and 30-40% carbon from plants that is less harmful for the environment (CCAC

secretariat, 2022).

Biogas is the process or technology that produces energy from agricultural

waste, manure, sewage, food waste, and other organic waste materials. It converts

the organic materials’ mixture into a methane gas. This gas is then transported

through a pipeline into normal gas stoves used for cooking and lighting purposes.

Biogas has become a good alternative source of energy to substitute firewood. The

energy is a renewable source and can be produced through locally available

materials. As biogas is a one-time investment with minimal operation and

maintenance costs, in the long run it is more economical to install a biogas plant

than to use Liquefied Petroleum Gas or LPG as it is locally called (P. Lakhey, 2024).

Biogas is produced after the organic materials (plant, food waste and animal

products) are broken down by bacteria in an oxygen-free environment, a process

called anaerobic digestion. Biogas systems use anaerobic digestion to recycle these

organic materials, turning them into biogas, which contains both energy (gas), and

valuable soil products (liquids and solids). Anaerobic digestion already occurs in

nature, landfills, and some livestock manure management systems, but can be

optimized, controlled, and contained using an anaerobic digester. Biogas contains

roughly 50-70 percent methane, 30-40 percent carbon dioxide, and trace amounts

of other gases. The liquid and solid digested material, called digestate, is frequently

used as a soil amendment (S. Tanugawa, 2017).

Methods/ Details of the Proposed Solution

The materials that are needed to build a digester in order to produce a biogas are

the following:

• Kitchen waste (food wastes/ biodegradable wastes)

Kitchen waste can be collected form your own home.

• Galloon (digester)

10/2.64 litters for the storage of food wastes

• Clear hose

A 1/4 clear hose. Can cost 40-90 pesos per 5 meters.

• On/off valve

¼ on/off valve you can buy it on the market for 130 pesos

• Funnel


There are three (3) steps in producing a biogas, the steps are stated below:

1. Building the biogas digester

To turn kitchen waste into biogas, the waste should be digested in an anaerobic

conditions. Connect both ends of the hose on the galloon which will serve as the

digester and to the interior which will be your storage tank. After that, the hose

connecting the digester and the storage tank connect also the hose where the on/off

valve is attached.

2. Cutting the waste

To ferment the kitchen waste and turn it into biogas you need to cut it into small

pieces to prepare it for the anaerobic digestion process. After cutting the kitchen

into smaller pieces transfer it to the digester container and add water to help the


3. Fermentation
Turning kitchen waste into biogas ranges form 5-90 days or 10-30 days depending

on the kind of waste. To keep the bacteria happily thriving on your food scraps

you’ll need a warm climate, on average a day/night temperature of 20°C/68°F. You

can place it outside during the day.

Safety Measures

The following stated safety measures are for the safety of individual who will

build biodigester to produce Biogas.

1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Always wear appropriate PPE when

handling food waste and working with biogas systems. This includes:

 Safety Goggles. Protects your eyes from potential splashes of waste material

or chemicals.

 Gloves. Wear durable gloves to protect your hands when handling waste

materials, and to prevent direct contact with harmful bacteria and


 Masks. Masks or respirators can help protect against inhaling harmful gases

or dust particles.

 Protective Clothing. Depending on the nature of the work, wearing a

protective suit or apron can protect your clothes and skin from potential

splashes or contact with waste.

2. Safe Handling of Equipment. Be cautious when handling any equipment

involved in the biogas production process. Ensure that all devices are turned off

and unplugged when not in use or during maintenance.

3. Hygiene. After handling waste materials or working with the biogas system,

wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. This can help prevent the spread

of bacteria and diseases.

4. Training. Ensure that you are well-trained and understand the risks associated

with biogas production. This includes knowing how to safely handle food waste,

operate the biogas system, and respond to emergencies.

5. Ventilation. Make sure the area is well-ventilated to prevent the buildup of

harmful gases.

6. Regular Maintenance and Inspection. Regularly inspect the biogas system for

any signs of damage or leaks. Regular maintenance can help ensure the system is

working safely and efficiently.

Price of LPG vs. Biogas

Php 500-600

Php 900-1,100


Figure 1. Comparison of Biogas and LPG price

According to GMA integrated news by T. Cordero, 2024, the data from the

Department of Energy showed that the overall price range of a typical 11-kilogram

LPG cylinder in Metro Manila was at P920 to P1,100 as of march 2024. In

comparison to production of biogas, building a biodigester to produce Biogas cost

500-800 pesos only and can produce biogas for several months and only needs a

Efficiency of Biogas vs. LPG

Biogas efficiency

50-90% LPG ef-



Figure 2. Efficiency of Biogas vs. LPG

Other researchers such as Orhorohoro et al. researched and found out that

the optimal cooking efficiency of biogas stove is 63.87% (L. Petro, R. Machunda, S.

Tumbo, T. Kivevele, 2020). While Traditional LPG stove models have a fuel efficiency

of about 55%. Newer designs can even reach about 90% fuel efficiency. However,

many of these models are quite expensive. LPG stoves can lead to household air

pollution reductions of 90% compared to open fires or traditional stoves, if used

exclusively (G. Hera, 2014).


A. K. Singh, A. Singh, P. K. Pathak, N. Singh, (2018). Relative Analysis of Biogas

from Kitchen Waste


CCAC secretariat (2022). Biogas, a Climate and Clean Air Solution with Many




Conserve energy future (2024). Causes, Effects, and Solutions to the Growing

Problem of Global Energy Crisis


G. Hera, (2014). LPG cooking




GMA integrated news by T. Cordero (2024). LPG prices up effective March 1, 2024.

https://www gma




Kabeyi, M. J. B. & Olanrewaju, O. A. (2022). Biogas Production and Applications in

the Sustainable Energy Transition. Journal of Energy.

L. Petro, R. Machunda, S. Tumbo, T. Kivevele, (2020). Theoretical and Experimental

Performance Analysis of a Novel Domestic Biogas


P. Lakhey (2024). Biogas as a Solution to the Energy Crisis.


S. Tanigawa (2017). Fact Sheet | Biogas: Converting Waste to Energy.


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