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Mathematical Equation Solving Software

K. B. H. S. S. T’S



Mathematical Equation Solving Software

Mathematical Equation Solving Software




This is to Certify that


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Aditya Ahire (62)

Chintan Hire (60)

Kalpesh Kulkarni (64)

Dnyaneshwar Kapdnis (66)

Subject teacher Principal Head of Dep.

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K. B. H. S. S. T’ S



Mathematical Equation Solving Software

2024 -25






Aditya ahire [62]

Kalpesh Kulkarni[64] Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 0 cm, First line: 0 cm

Chintan hire 60 Formatted: Font: +Headings (Calibri Light), Small caps,


Dnyaneshwar kapdnis



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D.C.PATANI (MAM) PRINCIPALS Formatted: Space After: 12.45 pt

K.S.PAWAR (SIR) Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Bold, Italic, Font color:
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Mathematical Equation Solving Software
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Mathematical Equation Solving Software

A micro-project proposal

Finding Length of String

Aims/Benefits of the microproject

The aim of the course is to help the student to affiant following industry identify
compendancy through various teaching, learning experience.

Course outcome addressed.

Developing a Mathematical equation solving software.

Proposed methodology

This program include ALP instructions to manage the flow of program for finding the length
of String

Resources used

Sr. no. Name of resource material Specifications Quantity

1 PC - 1
2 Operating System - 1
3 Software for Diagrams Star UML 1

Introduction :-

As an Engineering student we always need to deal with the mathematical

expressions and their solutions. Many times during solving the expressions our solution gets
wrong or we have quite confusion about our solution then we try to find the solution of that
expression using “” but we can’t.

Problem :-

To find the solution of our mathematical expression we type our expression in

Google search box , we get many solutions of it but we don’t get the perfect solution of the
expression and get the related solutions. Due to this we are not able to get the step- by – step
procedure for solving the expression and due to this our confirmation for our solution is not
Solution :-

Hence, as we discussed about the problem for solution of mathematical expression

we need a software that provide step – by – step procedure for solving mathematical
expression in an easy way.

The software that is to be developed should provide the facility of typing as well as
scanning the expression and should provide the result accordingly. It should not show only
the single procedure to solve the expression but show all the possible ways to solve it. So, it
will become easy for us to understand step – by – step procedure and the easy way to solve it.
This software should provide description of each step of solution which will help us to
understand the procedure in detailed format.

Objectives :-

• The software should be simple to grasp and easy to use the usual arithmetic functions
and exponential.
• This software calculates math problems with the cameras quickly and accurately.
• It can solve the problems such as exponential , integrations , logarithms , derivations
and so on.
• It should also display the mathematical graphs based on the scanned equation.
• It should also save the calculation history, which makes easy for us to find difficult
math problems.

Relevant process model :

Spiral Model:-

It is an evolutionary process model, is a combination of waterfall model and iterative

process model. Each phase in spiral model begins with a design goal and ends with a client
receiving process .Spiral model was invented by Dr. Barry Boehm in 1988.

The development team in spiral model starts with a small set of requirements and goes
through each development phase for those set of requirements. The software engineering
team adds functionality for the additional requirements in every increasing spiral until the
application is ready for production phase. Risk analysis is the most important criteria
considered in spiral model.
Spiral Mode

Phases in Spiral model:


It involves communication among customer and other stake holders encompasses requirement
gathering to establish effective communication between developer and customer.


It includes estimating the cost, the schedule and resources for iteration. It also involves
understanding the system requirements for continuous communication between the system
analyst and the customer.

Risk analysis

Its task requires to access both technical and management risks. Identification of potential
risk is done while risk is done mitigation strategy is planned and finalize.

Engineering tasks required to build one or more representations of the application. It includes
testing, coding and deploying software at the customer site.


Evaluation tasks required to obtain customer feedback based on evaluation of the software
representations created during the engineering stage and implemented during the installation
Why we used Spiral model?

We used spiral model because:

• Changes in spiral model can be done at a later stage

• Spiral model accommodates life-cycle evaluation, growth and requirement changes.
• It focuses on early error detection.
• It incorporates prototyping as a risk-reduction strategy.
• It incorporates software quality objectives into the product.
• In spiral model, cost estimation becomes easy as the prototyping building is done in
small fragments.
• In spiral model there is always a space for customer feedback.

Requirements :- Functional


A] Input Requirements-:

The software should not accept the wrong input when provided.

Either it should display the error box for the wrong equation.

The software should accept the scanned equation as well as the typed equation.

B] Output Requirements-:

a. The software should display the appropriate solution of the given equation.

b. It should display the solution by using step-by-step procedure and having appropriate
comment with each line.

c. It should also display the other related solutions for the given equation.

C] Error-:
a. The error in the software should occur when there is a wrong equation entered by the user.

b. The error message displayed should be simple so that it can be understand by the user.
Non-Functional Requirements:

A] Performance Requirement-:

Software should work properly instead of the wrong equation is entered and should
not get closed automatically if there is a wrong input provided.

B] Security Requirements-:

Any equation that is to be solved in the software should get stored in the history
management block so if any expression is misplaced then it can be recovered. And all the
personal information entered while login through the user should not be accessible to any
other user.

C] Avability Requirement-:

The software should be available with all the types of equations that are to be entered
by the user, it should also support the mathematical graphs for the entered equation.

System Requirements:

A] Hardware Requirements-:

1. Processor- Any Intel or AMD X 86-64 processor with four logical cores and AV X2
instruction set.

2. Disk- 2.9GB of HDD space, 5-8 GB for a typical installation. A full installation of a
Mathway products may take up to 29MB of disk space.

3. RAM- Minimum 2GB and recommended 4-8GB

4. Monitor- with resolution 1366 X 768 at 60Hz viewable image area 46.9cm widescreen

Software Requirements-:

1. Operating System- Windows 7, Windows 10 or Linux operating system.

2. Language used- JAVA Advanced

3. Front End Language- JAVA script.

Data Flow Diagram :

A Data Flow Diagram is a graphical representation of the flow of data through an

information system.DFD describes the processes that are involved in a system to transfer data
from the input to the file storage and reports generation.

DFD uses defined symbols like rectangles , circles and arrows to show data inputs ,
outputs, storage points and the routes between each of the destination. A DFD is also known
as a bubble chart or work flow diagram.

Mathematical Graphs

User ➯ Mathematical Equations ➯ Equation Solving


Level 1 DFD:

Level 1 DFD:

Level 2 DFD:
Level 2 DFD
Use case Diagram:

A use case diagram is a dynamic or behavior diagram in UML. Use case diagrams
model the functionality of a system using actors and use cases. Use cases are set of actions,
services and functions that the system needs to perform.

In this context, a “system” is something being developed or operator, such as a

website. The “actors” are people or entities operating under defined roles within the system.
Actors can be a human user, some internal applications or may be some external applications.
Use case diagrams are drawn to capture the functional requirements of a system.

Decision Table:

It is a graphical method for explaining the logic of making decision in a tabular

format. It is a matrix representation of logic of decisions which specify the possible
conditions for decision and resulting actions.
It is defined as, “a tabular representations used to describe and analyze decision
situations , where the state of a number of conditions determines the execution of a set of

Conditions Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 4

Username T F T F
Password T F F T
Output Login Login Login Login
successful unsuccessful unsuccessful unsuccessful

Conditions Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 4

Username T T F F
Password T F T F
Output Equation Scanned equation Scanned equation Select the proper
Result does not match to does not match to type and scan the
the type selected the type selected equation

Test Cases :

Test cases involves a set of steps, conditions, and inputs that can be used while
performing testing tasks. The main intent of this activity is to ensure whether a software
passes or fails in terms of its functionality and other aspects.

IEEE defines test cases as,” a set of input values , execution preconditions and
expected outcomes developed for a particular objects.

Attributes of Test cases:

Test case ID – Unique ID for each Test case.

Test priority – It is useful while test execution. Test priority should be set by reviewer.
Module Name – Mention name of main/ sub module.

Test designed by – Name of Tester.

Test designing date – Date when wrote.

Test Executed by – Name of the tester who executed the this test.

Test Title – The name of test case for which it is designed.

Test execution date – Date when test id executed.

Test description – Describe test objective in brief.

Pre-conditions – List all per-conditions in order to successfully execute the test case.

Test steps – List all test execution steps in detail, write test steps in the order in which these
steps should be executed.

Test data – Use of test data as an input for test case.

Expected result – Describe the expected result in detail including message that should be
displayed on screen.

Actual result – Actual test result should be filled after the execution of test

Status (Pass/Fail) – If actual result is not as per expected result mark this test as fail
otherwise update as pass.

TC_ID TC_Name Steps Input Data Expected Actual Status

Result Result
TC_1 Username Enter “math123” It should It PASS
Username in accept the accepted
alphanumeric username the
alphabets A-Z username
numbers 0-9
Password Password Enter “system001” It should It PASS
(T/F) Password in accept the accepted
alphanumeric password the
alphabets A-Z password
numbers 0-9
TC_3 Submit After valid It should It is going PASS
username and go to the to the next
password click next page page
on submit
TC_4 Cancel Click on the It should It shows PASS
cancel button remain in login page
login page with blank
with blank fields
TC_5 Equation Click on the Click the It should It selects PASS
selection particular type appropriate select the the
box of equation type clicked equation
equation and go to
type and next page
go to next

ER Diagram:

An entity relationship diagram shows the relationships of entity sets stored in the
database. An entity in this context is an object, a component of data. An entity set is the
collection of similar entities. These entities can have attributes that define its properties.

By defining the entities, their attributes, and showing the relationships between them, an
ER diagram illustrates the logical structure of databases.

An entity relationship diagram is a high level conceptual data model diagram. ER

modeling helps us to analyze data requirements systematically to produce a well defined
database. This diagram represents real-world entities and the relationships between them.

ER diagram include many specialized symbols, and its meaning makes this model
unique. The purpose of ER diagram is to represent the entity framework infrastructure. The
components used in the ER diagram are entity, entity set, relationships, attributes, cardinality,
ER notations, etc.

Following diagram shows Entity Relationship Diagram of mathematical equation

solving software:
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Class Diagram:

A class diagram is a Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure

diagram that describes the structure of a system classes, their attributes, operations , methods
and the relationships among objects.

Class Diagram
A class diagram gives us an overview of a system by showing its classes and the
relationships among them. It display what interacts but not what happens when they do

Activity Diagram :

Activity diagram is used to illustrate the flow of control in a system and refer to the
steps involved in the execution of use case. We can model sequentially and concurrent
activities using the activity diagram. So , basically depicts workflow visually using an activity
It focuses on the condition of flow and the sequence in which it happens. It is also
known as the behavior diagram as it depicts the behavior of the system.h
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avior of the system. Formatted: Space After: 1.7 pt

Activity Diagram

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State-Transition Diagram Formatted: Indent: Left: 2.51 cm, Hanging: 0.02 cm,
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Hence, from this project I successfully learn to draw different types of diagrams like
Data Flow Diagrams, Use case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Collaboration Diagrams ,
Sequence Diagram, State-Transition Diagram, etc and also learn to classify different
requirements based on the software development along with this I learn to draw the Decision
Table and Test Case related to the software

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