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program Name and Code: Management (22509)

Course Name and Code: CS 6 I

Academic Year :

Semester: Sixth
MICRO PROJECT ON "Project Management Plan for SOYA
MILK Business"

1.0 Brief Introduction/Rationale

Soya Milk, made from soybeans, is the most economical and affordable edible item
that is versatile and high in protein. It is a white liquid derived from the seed and does
not contain cholesterol or high levels of fat. Its protein content is comparable to that of
chicken and eggs. Additionally, it is suitable for those on a diet as it has low calories.
Soya milk is an excellent choice for children, older individuals, and pregnant women
due to its nutritious and easily digestible vegetable protein. Soya milk and its
derivatives are also cost-effective sources of protein. The nutritional benefits of soya
milk are attracting a large number of people, making it a popular alternative to cow's
milk. It is considered a healthy beverage and contains a similar level of protein as
cow's milk. As the demand for agri-products, driven by health-conscious individuals
and those following vegan diets, continues to rise, there has been an increase in the
creation of soya milk business plans in India.

• To understand the Study of Management Principles Applied To A Large Scale

• To apply different measures for profits and benefits of the company.

Market Potential concerning Soya Milk Business Plan in India:

The market potential for the soya milk business plan in India is something that
should be taken into consideration. With the increasing health consciousness among
the general population, soya milk, tofu, and soya curd are gaining acceptance. India,
being a country of mainly vegetarians, has a wide scope for soya milk, paneer/tofu,
and curd. Experts have already predicted that the soya food industry will experience
a 20% annual growth in the coming years.
Technical Aspects:

I. Selection of site

Prior to beginning the production of soya milk, it is crucial for the entrepreneur to give
significant consideration to selecting a secure location. This decision holds great
importance as it pertains to both the entrepreneur's safety and budget. Based on
sample reports, it is recommended to allocate 100 square meters of space for
establishing a small soya milk unit. However, the area required is only 75 square
meters. Alternatively, the entrepreneur may choose to rent a suitable premises.

II. Form of Ownership

The entrepreneur must determine the type of ownership they are willing to assume
before creating the business plan for a Soya milk venture in India. They may choose
to adopt a sole proprietorship, partnership, or other forms of ownership.

III. Necessary Registration & licenses

DIC registration is crucial for entrepreneurs due to the benefits it provides. DICs
facilitate loans for entrepreneurs from financial institutions such as banks, NBFCs,
and MFIs. They also monitor the flow of industrial credit. Obtaining licenses from
FSSAI and other necessary authorities enables business entrepreneurs to operate
smoothly and without obstacles. The product must comply with the PFA Act of 1955
to prevent food adulteration. Additionally, the Pollution department requires a NOC to
guarantee the preservation of the environment throughout the entire process.

Finance Arrangement for Soya Milk Business plan in India:

Lastly, arrangements need to be made for acquiring raw materials, machinery, and
equipment. Including information about the financial arrangement is essential for
your soya milk business plan in India. Soya milk business is a small-scale venture
that requires funding to initiate. Entrepreneurs can rely on their investments or
choose to obtain loans from banks and other sources. These days, the government
is supportive of these small agricultural businesses and has decided to provide loans
of up to 80% for soya milk production and business due to its increasing demand in
the current market. Furthermore, soya milk is a highly sought-after commodity in
India and worldwide. Through the government's Prime Minister Employment
Generation Program (PMGEP), individuals can receive loans of up to 90% to start a
soya milk agri-business, where they can potentially earn up to 50 lakhs per month.
Additionally, entrepreneurs can also opt for Mudra loans from banks under the
MUDRA scheme, with the bank assisting by providing loans of up to 80%.
Raw Materials & Machinery:

Raw materials used in the soya milk business are as follows:

 Soybean
 Sugar
 Artificial Flavor
 Sodium Bicarbonate
 Packaging Material

The machinery required for the Soya milk business includes:

 Soybean Grinder
 Boiler  Mechanical Filter
 Soaking Tank
 Pack Sealer Machine
 Vacuum Packing Machine
 Weighing Balance

Soya Milk Recipe for Business:

Step 1 - The first step in the Manufacturing Process of Soya Milk involves procuring
the soya beans. The beans are then washed and cleaned before being blended for
Step 2 - The second step is Dehulling, where the soya beans are steamed and split
into halves. The vacuum removes the hulls from the beans.
Step 3 - The next step in the Manufacturing Process of Soya Milk is finer grinding.
The bean pieces are ground into tiny particles, resulting in a hot slurry that is white
with small soybean particles.
Step 4 - After extracting, the flavors, sugars, and vitamins are mixed into smaller
tanks. These smaller tank ingredients are then soaked in larger tanks and blended
with the raw soya milk.
Step 5 - The mixture is sterilized using boiling temperature and pressure within a
vacuum for a short period of time. After sterilization, it is homogenized.
Step 6 - Finally, the soya milk is allowed to cool down before being stored and
packed for sale.

Need for Soya Milk Business Plan:

Before embarking on the soya milk business in India, aspiring entrepreneurs in this
field should prepare a well-researched business plan. Having a comprehensive plan
will provide a clear understanding of the target customers. It is well-known that
operating a business without a solid plan is not advisable as it can be time-
consuming in the long run. By creating a business plan, entrepreneurs can test their
ideas and assess potential outcomes in the future.
Marketing Channel:

Carrying out the production of any product is accessible, but the real challenge lies in
selling it. Hence, the entrepreneur should lay much emphasis on the marketing
channel of the soya milk business by giving utmost focus while formulating soya milk
business plan in India. To make the product famous, they need to list the products
with various media and portals such as Amazon, Dunzo, Grofers, Bigbasket, etc.
They also need to tie up with multiple sellers who can sell their products through
shops, dairy booths, etc. National Small Industry Corporation has started a few
technical service centers in different parts of the country. Job oriented courses and
training be provided by these centers under expert guidance. Under this program,
entrepreneurs will get full training on soya milk making, starting the business,
business management, finance management, and marketing. Atma Nirbhar Bharat
Abhiyan has announced various relief and exemptions to these small scale
industries as free collateral loans and funds of funds to stressed MSMEs.

3.0 Skill Developed

1. We have learned to develop

micro project in team.
2. We understood the Study of Management Principles Applied To A Large Scale
3. We learned to apply different measures for profits and benefits of the company.

4.0 Outputs of the

Soya Milk is the most economical and affordable edible item, versatile high
protein food made from soybeans. It is a white liquid made out of the seed.
Unlike most other protein food, soya milk is entirely free from cholesterol
and low in fat. The protein is as high as found in chicken, eggs, etc. It is
also suitable for diet conscious people as it contains low calories. It is an
excellent food for children, older people, and pregnant women as it
contains vegetable protein very nutritious and easy to digest. Soya milk and
its derivatives are some of the cheapest sources of protein. One of the
healthy products of the soya bean is “Soya milk.” Its nutritional benefits are
attracting many people at large. Soya milk is one of the best alternatives for
cow’s milk. Soy milk, also called soya milk and sometimes referred to as
soy drink/beverage, is a healthy beverage

Soya milk contains about the same level of protein as cow’s milk.
Nowadays, agri-business is running at people prefer to go vegan because
of the religious sentiments attached and health benefits. Due to this, the
demand for agri-products is rising immensely and hence, people have
started preparing soya milk business plan in India.

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