BME - QB - Odd - 2020 - 70 Percent

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New L J Institute of Engineering & Technology Semester: I (2020-21)


Subject Code: 3110006
Ms. Nirali Patel, Mr. Milan Pandya


Topic_1_Prime Mover and Basic concepts
1 Define Enthalpy. Internal energy. (March-2009)[Old-1] Define enthalpy with 01,02,03
mathematical expression. (Dec.-2015)[Old-1] Define - Force, Mass.
(Sept.-2009)[Old-1] Give S.I. Units of Followings: (1) Work (2) Enthalpy (3) Heat
(4) Power (5) Force (6) Specific Heat (Jan.-2013)[Old-1][NLJIET]
2 Explain following in brief: - Heat, Work, Specific heat, Calorific value. 03
3 What is Prime mover? How are they classified? (June-2009)[Old-1]; (Sept.-2009)[Old-1]; 03,04,07
(June-2016)[Old-1] Or How prime movers are classified ? Explain different sources of
energy used by them. (Jan.-2011)[Old-1]; (Jan.-2017)[Old-1]; (May-2018)[Old-1]
Define the following terms: (a) Prime mover (Jan-2018)[Old-1][NLJIET]
4 Define the following terms: (i) Prime mover (ii) Specific heat (iii) Internal energy 01,03
(June-2010)[Old-1] Define the terms (i) specific heat of a substance.
(Jan.-2011)[Old-1] What is difference between high grade and low grade energy?
(Jan-2019)[Old-1][NLJIET] Define the specific heat of a substance.
5 Define the following terms: Prime mover, Boundary, Latent Heat, Temperature, First law of 05
thermodynamics. (Dec.-2010)[Old-1][NLJIET]
6 Classify thermodynamic system and give example of each. (July-2011)[Old-1] Classify and 03
explain the thermodynamic system with giving two suitable engineering examples of each.
(May-2018)[Old-2] Discuss Closed, Open and Isolated Thermodynamic system with neat
sketch. (Jan.-2019)[New-3][NLJIET]
7 Define Pressure and explain Absolute Pressure, Gauge Pressure and Atmospheric pressure. 04
8 Define following terms (i) Absolute pressure and Atmospheric pressure (ii) Enthalpy and 04
Energy (Dec.-2013)[Old-1][NLJIET]
9 Explain the following terms in brief: (1) Heat and work (2) Specific heat and calorific value 01,03
of fuel (Dec.-2014)[Old-1] Define Heat and work. (Jan-2019)[Old-1][NLJIET]
10 Explain in brief Open system and closed system giving examples. 03
11 Give the definition of (1) close system (2) open system (3) isolated system 03
12 Differentiate between: 1. Open and Close system. 2. Intensive and Extensive properties. 01,04
(Jan.-2019)[Old-2][NLJIET] What is difference between closed system and Isolated
system? (Jan-2019)[Old-1][NLJIET]
13 Define Melting point, Boiling point and Triple point of water using p-v diagram. 03
14 Derive an expression for internal energy for a closed system. 04
15 Define prime movers. Write any Four examples of the prime movers. 03

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New L J Institute of Engineering & Technology Semester: I (2020-21)

1 An artificial satellite has a mass of 600 Kg and is moving towards moon. Calculate its 05
kinetic and potential energies in (MJ) relative to earth when it is 50 Km from launching and
moving at 2500 Km/hr. Take acceleration of earth’s gravitational field as 790 cm/s2.

Topic_2_Laws of Thermodynamics
1 State the first law of thermodynamics. State its limitations. (Dec.-2008)[Old-1]; 04
2 Write only the statement of (i) Zeroth law (ii) First and Second law of Thermodynamics. 01,03,04
(March-2009)[Old-1]; (Sept.-2009)[Old-1]; (June-2010)[Old-1]; (June-2016)[Old-1]
State the Zeroth law of thermodynamics. (Jan.-2019)[Old-1][NLJIET]
3 Write similarities between heat transfer and work transfer. (July-2011)[Old-1][NLJIET] 04
4 State and explain Zeroth law of Thermodynamics. (June-2009)[Old-1] What is zeroth law 03,04
of thermodynamics? (Dec.-2011)[Old-1]; (June-2015)[Old-1]; (May-2018)[Old-1]
State Zeroth law of thermodynamics. (May-2017)[Old-2][NLJIET]
5 Define the following (i) Energy (ii) Specific heat (iii) Zeroth law of thermodynamics 07
(iv) Temperature. (June-2014)[Old-1][NLJIET]
6 Explain Specific heat. Give Statements of Zeroth Law and First law of thermodynamics. 04
7 State Zeroth law, First law and Second law of thermodynamics. (Jan.-2017)[Old-2]; 03
(May-2017)[Old-1]; (June-2019)[Old-2]; (Jan-2020)[Old-2][NLJIET]
8 Define the heat and give the comparison of heat and work. (May-2017)[Old-2][NLJIET] 04
9 Define Zeroth law, First law and Second law of thermodynamics. Give limitations of first 07
law of thermodynamics. (June-2019)[Old-1][NLJIET]


Topic_1_Gas Laws, Characteristic Gas Equation, Relation Between
Cp and Cv
1 Derive characteristics equation of a perfect gas. (Dec.-2008)[Old-1]; 01,03,04,
(June-2013)[Old-1]; (Dec.-2014)[Old-1];(Jan.-2017)[Old-1] Derive characteristics 07
equation of a perfect gas with the help of Boyle’s law and Charle’s law.
2 Write about Combined gas law, Gas constant. (March-2009)[Old-1] 01,04
Define: Gas constant. (May-2018)[Old-2][NLJIET]
3 Prove that relation between Cp and Cv is Cp - Cv = R. (March-2009)[Old-1]; 02,03,04,
(June-2009)[Old-1] Derive Cp-Cv=R, with usual notations. (Dec.-2014)[Old-2]; 06,07
(June-2016)[Old-1] With usual notation prove Cp- Cv = R. (June-2015)[Old-1];
(June-2016)[Old-2]; (May-2017)[Old-1]; (May-2017)[Old-2] Define perfect gas and with
usual notation prove Cp - Cv = R for perfect gas. (Jan.-2018)[Old-1] Prove that Cp - Cv
=R (June-2019)[Old-2] Prove that the difference between two specific heats of gases is
equal to its characteristic gas constant. (Jan.-2020)[New-3][NLJIET]
4 State the following Charles Law, Boyles Law, Characteristic gas equation. 03
(April-2010)[Old-1] State Boyle’s, Charle’s and Avogadro law. (Jan.-2017)[Old-2];
5 What are basic gas processes? How are they shown graphically on p-v diagram? 03

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6 Derive Expression PV/T=constant with the help of Boyle’s law and Charle’s law. 05
(June-2013)[Old-1]; (Dec.-2013)[Old-1][NLJIET]
7 State & Explain Charles’s law. (June-2014)[Old-2][NLJIET] 03
8 Define specific heat at Constant volume, constant pressure and Adiabatic index. Also derive 07
relationship between specific heats in form of Characteristic gas constant.
9 Differentiate between gas constant and Universal gas constant. 04
1 An air receiver of volume 5.5 m contains air at 10 bar and 42 deg C. A valve is opened and 06
some air is allowed to blow out to atmosphere. The pressure of air in the receiver drops to 8
bar when the valve is closed. Calculate the mass of air which has left the receiver.
2 An ideal gas is heated from 25 deg C to 145 deg C. The mass of gas is 2 kg. Determine 07
(i) Specific heats (ii) change in internal energy, (iii) change in enthalpy. Assume
R = 267 J/Kg K and γ =1.4 for the gas. (Jan.-2010)[Old-1][NLJIET]
3 A steel cylinder contains O2 at pressure of 25 bar and temperature of 27 deg C, After using 06
some quantity of the gas the pressure was found to be 5 bar and temperature of 20 deg C.
700 liters of O2 was originally put in the cylinder at NTP. Density of O2 at NTP is
1.43 gm/liter. Find the mass of O2 used. (June.-2013)[Old-1][NLJIET]
4 A balloon of spherical shape 6 m in diameter is filled with hydrogen gas at a pressure of 1 07
bar absolute and 20°C. At a later time, the pressure of gas is 94 per cent of its original
pressure at the same temperature :
1) What mass of original gas must have escaped if the dimension of the balloon is not
changed? 2) Find the amount of heat to be removed to cause the same drop in pressure at
constant volume. Take molecular weight for hydrogen, M = 2 and specific heat constant
volume for hydrogen, Cv = 10400 J/kg.K (Jan.-2017)[Old-2][NLJIET]
5 The two specific heats of air are Cp = 1.005 kJ/kg-K and Cv = 0.718 kJ/kg-K. Find gas 02
constant for air in the unit J/kg-K. (Jan.-2011)[Old-1][NLJIET]
Topic_2_Flow and Non-flow Process
1 Write about non flow process. (March-2008)[Old-1] What is flow and non-flow process? 02,03
(Dec.-2011)[Old-1]; (May-2018)[Old-1][NLJIET]
Topic_3_Constant volume process and Constant pressure process
1 A gas whose pressure, volume, and temperatures are 2.75 bar, 0.09 m3 and 185 deg C 07
respectively has the state changed at constant pressure until its temperature becomes
15 deg C. Calculate (i) Heat Transferred. (ii) Work Done during the process.
Take R= 0.29 KJ/Kg K and Cp = 1.005 KJ/Kg K. (June-2009)[Old-1][NLJIET]
2 A cylindrical vessel of 1 m diameter and 4 m length has hydrogen gas at pressure of 07
100 kPa and 27 deg C. Determine the amount of heat to be supplied so as to increase
pressure to 125 kPa. For hydrogen take Cp= 14.307 k J/ Kg K, Cv=10.183 k J/ Kg K.
3 Five kg of air is heated from initial volume of 0.5 m3 to final volume of 1.3 m3 at constant 07
pressure 4 bar. Determine (1) heat supplied (2) work done (3) initial and final temperature
of air. Take Cp=1.005 KJ/kg-K and R=0.287 KJ/kg-K (Dec.-2014)[Old-1][NLJIET]
4 A gas whose pressure, volume and temp are 3 bar, 0.1 m3 and 190 deg C respectively has 07
the state changed at constant pressure until the temperature becomes 15 deg C. Calculate
(i) Heat transferred. (ii) Work done during the process. Take R = 0.29 KJ/kgK &
Cp = 1.005 KJ/kg.K (June-2016)[Old-1][NLJIET]

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New L J Institute of Engineering & Technology Semester: I (2020-21)

Topic_4_Isothermal process
1 What is isothermal process? Derive an expression for the work done during the isothermal 04,05
process. (June-2010)[Old-1]; (June-2014)[Old-2][NLJIET]
2 Explain Isothermal Process. For Isothermal process. Find expression of work done, Change 04,07
in Internal Energy, Change in Enthalpy and Heat transfer. (Jan.-2013)[Old-1] Define
isothermal process. Derive the expression for work done, change in internal energy and heat
transfer for this process. (Dec.-2015)[Old-2] Describe Isothermal process and derive
expression for Work done, Change in Internal energy, Heat transfer and Change in
Enthalpy. (Jan.-2019)[New-3] Define isothermal process. Derive the expression for work
done and heat transfer for this process. (Jan.-2020)[Old-2][NLJIET]
1 One Kg of gas at 100 kN/ m2 and 17 deg C is compressed isothermally to a pressure 06,07
of 2500 kN/ m2 in a cylinder. The characteristic equation of the gas is given by the equation
PV = 260 T / Kg where T is in degree Kelvin. Find out (i) The final temperature
ii) Final Volume iii) compression ratio iv) change in enthalpy v) work done on the gas.
(Dec.-2010)[Old-1]; (June-2019)[Old-2]
One kg of gas at a pressure of 100 kPa and temperature of 17 °C is compressed isothermally
in a piston-cylinder arrangement to final pressure of 2500 kPa. The characteristic gas
equation is given by the relation pV = 260 T per kg where T is in Kelvin. Find out (1)
Final Volume (2) Compression Ratio (3) Change in enthalpy (4) Work done on the gas.
2 Air enters a compressor at 0.2 MPa and 30 deg C having a volume of 2 m3/kg is compressed 05
to 1 MPa isothermally. Calculate (1) work done (2) change in I.E. (3) Heat transferred.
3 In air compressor, air enters at 1.013 bar and 27 deg C having volume of 5 m3/ kg and it is 05,07
compressed to 12 bar isothermally. Determine (i) work done (ii) heat transfer, and
(iii) change in internal energy. (Dec.-2015)[Old-1]; (May-2017)[Old-2][NLJIET]
Topic_5_Adiabatic process
1 Prove that PV = C, for an adiabatic process. (Dec.-2010)[Old-1]; For adiabatic process 04,07
derive PV = constant. (July-2011)[Old-1]; (Jan.-2020)[Old-1] What is adiabatic
process? Prove with usual notations the law of governing adiabatic Process as
PVγ = Constant. (Dec.-2011)[Old-1]; (Dec.-2013)[Old-2]; (Jan.-2018)[Old-2];
2 Define adiabatic process. Derive the relation between P, V and T for this process. Also 07
derive the expression for work done and change in internal energy for this process.
(Jan.-2011)[Old-1]; For adiabatic process, derive the relation between pressure, volume.
Also derive equation for work done and heat transfer. (Jan.-2017)[Old-1] For adiabatic
process derive relation between pressure, volume and temperature. Also derive equation for
work done and heat transfer. (Jan.-2019)[Old-1][NLJIET]
1 Determine the work done in compressing one kg of air from a volume of 0.15m 3 at a 06,07
pressure of 1.0 bar to a volume of 0.05 m3 when the compression is (i) isothermal and
(ii)adiabatic, Take  =1.4. Also, comment on your answer. (June-2010)[Old-1];
2 A system contains 0.19 m3 of air at pressure of 5 bar and 190 deg C. It is expanded 07
adiabatically until the pressure is 1 bar. The gas is then heated at constant pressure till its
enthalpy increases by 100 kJ. Determine total work done. (June-2014)[Old-1][NLJIET]

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3 1 kg of air at initial pressure of 350 kPa and temperature 450 K expands adiabatically to 07
final pressure 130 kPa. Calculate the amount of external work done and change in internal
energy of gas during expansion. Take the Ratio of specific heat γ = 1.4,
Characteristic gas constant R = 0.287 kJ/kg K for air. (Jan.-2019)[Old-2][NLJIET]
4 One kg gas is compressed adiabatically by following the law pV γ = C from initial 03
temperature of 290 K. The initial pressure of gas is 1 bar. The initial and final volumes of
gas are 0.50 m3 and 0.05 m3 respectively. Find the final temperature and pressure of gas.
Assume γ =1.4 (Jan.-2020)[New-3][NLJIET]
Topic_6_Polytropic process
1 0.15 m3 of air at pressure of 900 kPa and 300 deg C is expanded at constant pressure to 07
3 times its initial volume. It is expanded polytropically following the law PV1.5 = C and
finally compressed back to initial state isothermally. Calculate heat received, heat rejected,
efficiency of cycle. (April-2010)[Old-1][NLJIET]
2 One kg of gas is compressed polytropically from 150 KPa pressure and 290 K temperature 07
to 750 KPa. The compression is according to law PV1.3 = constant. Find: (a) final
temperature (b) work-done (c) change in internal energy (d) amount of heat transfer and (e)
change in enthalpy. Take R = 0.287 KJ/kg K and Cp = 1.001 KJ/kg K.
3 0.67 kg of gas at 14 bar and 290 deg C is expanded to four times the original volume 07
according to the law PV1.3 = Constant. Calculate: (1) The original and final volume of the
gas. (2) The final temperature of the gas. (3) The final pressure of the gas.
Take R = 287 J/kgK. (Dec.-2011)[Old-1][NLJIET]
4 0.3m3 of air of mass 1 kg at an initial pressure of 5.5 bar expands to a final volume of 0.5m3 07
If the expansion is according to the law pv1.3= C, Find the work done, the change in internal
energy and heat received or rejected during the process. Take Cv = 0.708 kJ/kg K and
R = 0.287 kJ/kg K for air. (May-2012)[Old-1][NLJIET]
5 1 kg of air at 9 bar pressure and 80 deg C temperature undergoes a non-flow work 07
polytropic process. The law of expansion is PV1.1 = C. The pressure falls to 1.4 bar during
process. Calculate (1) Final temperature (2) Work done (3) Change in internal energy
(4) Heat exchange. Take R=287 J/kg and γ = 1.4 for air. (June-2014)[Old-2][NLJIET]
6 One kg of gas is compressed polytropically from 160 kPa pressure and 280 K temperature 07
to 760 kPa. The compression is according to law PV1.3= Constant. Find: (1) Final
Temperature (2) work done (3) change in internal energy (4) amount of heat transfer and
(5) Change in enthalpy. Take R=0.287 KJ/KgK and Cp= 1.002 KJ/KgK.
7 A cylinder contains 0.6 m3 of gas at a pressure of 1 bar and 90 deg C the gas is compressed 07
to volume of 0.18 m3 according to law PVn = C. The final pressure is 5 bar. Assuming
R = 0.287 KJ/Kg K and γ = 1.4 Calculate: (i) The mass of gas (ii) The Value of Index ‘n’
for compression. (iii) The change in internal energy of gas. (Dec.-2008)[Old-1];
8 One cubic meter of air at pressure of 1.5 bar and 80 deg C is compressed to final pressure 07
8 bar and volume 0.28 m3. Determine (i) mass of air (ii) index of ‘n’ compression
(iii) change in internal energy (iv) Heat transfer during compression. Take γ = 1.4 and
R= 287 J/kgK. (Dec.-2015)[Old-2][NLJIET]
9 A cylinder contains 0.6 m3 of a gas at a pressure of 1 bar and 90 deg C. The gas is 07
compressed to a volume of 0.18 m3 by the law PVn = C. The pressure of gas at the end of
compression is 5 bar. Calculate: (1) Mass of gas (2) value of index n (3) The change in
internal energy of the gas. (4) Work done (5) The heat received or rejected by the gas
during the process. Take γ =1.4 and R= 0.294 kJ/kg K. (June-2016)[Old-2][NLJIET]

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10 A cylinder contains 0.5 m3 of a gas at a pressure of 1 bar and 90 deg C. The gas is 07
compressed to a volume of 0.15 m3. The final pressure is 5 bar. Calculate: (i) the mass of
gas (ii) value of index ‘n’ for compression (iii) the increase in internal energy.
Take γ = 1.4 and R = 294.2 J/kg.K. (May-2017)[Old-1][NLJIET]
11 2 kg of gas is compressed from 1 bar and 30 deg C according to the law PV1.3 = C. 07
The pressure after compression is 6 bar. Calculate (1) Characteristic Gas Constant
(2)Temperature at the end of compression (3) Work done (4) Heat supplied (5) Change in
Internal Energy. Take molecular mass of gas = 30, Cp= 1.75 kJ/kg K.


Topic_1_Basic concepts of Steam
1 Define - specific volume of steam and dryness fraction of steam. 01,02
(March-2009)[Old-1] Give S.I. Units of Followings: (1) Dryness fraction (2) Specific
volume. (Jan.-2013)[Old-1] Define the following terms: critical point and triple point of
water. (June-2015)[Old-2][NLJIET]
2 Define: Latent Heat, Degree of superheat, Enthalpy of evaporation. 03
(July-2011)[Old-1] Define the terms 1. Melting point 2. Boiling point 3. Critical point
3 Explain following in brief difference between vapour and gas. (Dec.-2014)[Old-1]; 02
4 Prove that dryness fraction + wetness fraction = 1. (June-2009)[Old-1][NLJIET] 04
5 Define the following terms: (i) Dryness fraction of steam (ii) Degree of superheat 01,02,03
(June-2010)[Old-1] Define dryness fraction and wetness fraction. (Dec.-2015)[Old-1]
Define (i) dry saturated steam (ii) enthalpy of superheated steam. (Jan.-2011)[Old-1]
Define following terms with respect to steam (i) Dryness fraction (ii) Degree of super heat
(iii) Specific volume (June-2016)[Old-1][NLJIET]
6 Define: (i) Sensible heat (ii) Enthalpy of evaporation (iii) Heat of superheat 03,04
(iv) Dryness Faction. (Dec.-2011)[Old-1]; (Jan-2020)[Old-1] Define the following terms:
(a)Wet steam (b) Degree of superheat (c) Saturation temperature (May-2012)[Old-1]
Define: (i) Sensible heat (ii) Latent heat (iii) Dryness fraction (iv) Enthalpy of evaporation.
(June-2013)[Old-1]; (June-2015)[Old-1]; (May-2018)[Old-1][NLJIET]
7 Explain Water Temperature- Enthalpy Diagram for water. (June-2015)[Old-2] Explain 03,04,07
steam formation with figure also draw T-H diagram. (May-2017)[Old-2] Explain Steam
formation T-h plot. (Jan.-2019)[New-3] Explain the steam formation at constant pressure.
(Jan.-2020)[Old-1] Explain steam formation with T-H diagram.
8 Express the mathematical formula with standard notation/symbol of properties for 03
1. Wetness fraction of steam 2. Enthalpy of superheated steam 3. Specific volume of wet
steam (Jan.-2017)[Old-2][NLJIET]
9 Define the following terms: (a) Wet steam (b) Degree of superheat 03.04
(c) Saturation temperature (d) Enthalpy of evaporation (Jan.-2018)[Old-1] Define the
following terms: (i) Heat of superheat (ii) Degree of superheat (iii) Critical point (iv) Latent
Heat. (May-2018)[Old-2] Define (i) Sensible heat (ii) Latent heat (iii) Dryness fraction.
10 Dryness fraction of steam cannot have the value more than unity: Justify. 03
11 Write the uses of “Steam Tables”. (Jan.-2020)[New-3][NLJIET] 04

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1 A sample of wet steam at a pressure of 25 bar absolute has dryness fraction 0.80. Determine 04
its enthalpy and internal energy. (Dec.-2008)[Old-1][NLJIET]
2 Determine the mass of 0.15 m3 of wet steam at a pressure of 4 bar and dryness fraction 0.8. 05
Also calculate the heat of 1 m3 of steam. (March-2009)[Old-1][NLJIET]
3 Determine condition of steam at a 12 bar if 2580 KJ/kg heat is required to produce it from 04
water at 0 degree centigrade. (Sept.-2009)[Old-1][NLJIET]
4 Determine the enthalpy and internal energy of 1 Kg of steam at a pressure 10 bar(abs.), 07
(i)when the dryness fraction of the steam is 0.85 (ii) when the steam is dry and saturated
(iii) when the steam is superheated to 300 deg C. Neglect the volume of water and take the
specific heat of superheated steam as 2.1 kJ/kg.K. (June-2010)[Old-1][NLJIET]
5 What is a superheated steam? How much heat is added to convert 3 kg of water at 30 deg C 07
into steam at 8 bar and 210 deg C? Take specific heat of superheated steam as 2.1 kJ/kg-K
and that of water as 4.186 kJ/kg-K (Jan.-2011)[Old-1][NLJIET]
6 Dry saturated steam at 7 bar pressure is expanded to 1 bar following the law PV1.1=constant. 07
Determine (i) work-done (ii) change in internal energy (iii) heat transferred during the
process. (July-2011)[Old-1][NLJIET]
7 Calculate the enthalpy per kg of steam at 10 bar pressure and a temperature of 300 deg C. 07
Find also the change in enthalpy if this steam is expanded to 1.4 bar and dryness fraction
of 0.8. Take specific heat of superheat steam equal to 2.29 kJ/kg.K
8 How much heat is needed to convert 4 kg of water at 20 deg C into steam at 8 bar and 200 04,05
deg C. Take Cp of superheated steam as 2.1 kJ/kg K and specific heat of water as
4.187 kJ/kg K. (May-2012)[Old-1]; (Dec.-2013)[Old-1][NLJIET]
9 Calculate the heat required to form 2.5 kg dry steam at 1.1 MPa from water at 20 deg C. 07
Determine the amount of heat removed at constant pressure to cause the steam to become
0.95 dry. Calculate the specific volume at respective condition.
10 Find internal energy of 1 kg of steam at a pressure of 15 bar when (i) The steam is 05,07
superheated with temperature of 400 deg C. (ii) The steam is wet with dryness fraction
=0.9. Take Cps=2.1 kJ/kg K (June-2013)[Old-1] Find the internal energy of 1 kg of steam
at a pressure of 15 bar when steam is (1) Super-heated at a temperature of 400 deg C and (2)
Wet with dryness fraction of 0.9. Take specific heat of superheated steam as
2.1 kJ/kg-K. (Jan.-2020)[New-3][NLJIET]
11 Determine enthalpy and internal energy of 1 kg of steam at a pressure of 12 bar when (i) the 07
dryness fraction of steam is 0.8 (ii) steam is dry and saturated (iii) steam is superheated to
280 deg C. Take Cps = 2.1 kJ/kg K. (Dec.-2013)[Old-2][NLJIET]
12 Two boiler A and B discharge equal amount of steam into common main steam pipe. The 07
boiler A discharges steam at 10 bar and 350 deg C and boiler B discharges at 10 bar and
with dryness fraction 0.9. Calculate the condition of steam after mixing.
13 Calculate the internal energy per kg of superheated steam at 10 bar and a temperature of 07
300 deg C. Find also change in internal energy if this steam is expanded to 1.4 bar and
dryness fraction 0.8. (June-2014)[Old-2][NLJIET]
14 1.5 kg of steam at a pressure of 10 bar and temperature of 250 deg C is expanded until the 07
pressure becomes 2.8 bar. The dryness fraction of steam is then 0.9. Calculate change in
internal energy. (Dec.-2014)[Old-2]; (Jan.-2019)[New-3][NLJIET]
15 What amount of heat is required to produce 5 kg of steam at a pressure of 5 bar and 06,07
temperature of 250 deg C from water at 30 deg C, take Cps =2.1kJ/kg K.
(Dec.-2010)[Old-1]; (June-2015)[Old-2][NLJIET]

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16 Determine the quality of steam for the following cases: 04,07

(i) P= 10 bar, v = 0.180 m3/kg
(ii) P= 10 bar, t= 200 deg C
(iii) P=25 bar , h = 2750 kJ/kg (Dec.-2015)[Old-2]; (Jan.-2020)[Old-1][NLJIET]
17 A vessel of volume 4m3 contains wet steam of quality 0.75 dry at 19 bar. Determine masses 04
of liquid and vapour present in the vessel. (Dec.-2015)[Old-1][NLJIET]
Absolute Sat. Temp. Specific enthalpy Specific volume
pressure Deg C KJ/kg m3/kg
hf hg vf vg
19 209.6 896.8 2796.1 0.001172 0.105
18 Calculate the total amount of heat required to produce 6 kg of steam at a pressure of 6 bar 07
and temperature of 258 deg C from the water at 30 deg C. Take specific heat of
steam = 2.1 kJ/kg-K. and the specific heat of water = 4.187 kJ/kg-K.
19 A rigid tank contains 10 kg of water at 90 deg C. If 8 kg of the water is in the liquid form 07
and the rest is in the vapor form. Draw p-V diagram and identify the point in p-V diagram.
Determine- 1) the pressure in the tank; 2) the volume of liquid and water vapour; 3) quality
(dryness fraction) of steam and 4) volume of the tank by using dryness fraction.
20 3 kg of steam at pressure of 10 bar exists in the following conditions. Calculate its enthalpy 07
in each of the following cases: (i) steam with dryness fraction = 0.91 (ii) steam at
temperature 200 deg C (iii) Dry and Saturated steam. (May-2017)[Old-1][NLJIET]
21 Calculate mass of 0.2 m3 of steam at 10 bar pressure having dryness fraction of 0.7. 07
Also calculate enthalpy, internal energy, and external work during evaporation of 2 m3 of
steam. (Jan.-2018)[Old-2][NLJIET]
22 Determine the value of final dryness fraction of steam. 07
1. After losing 125 kJ from the steam at constant pressure. 2. After expansion to 3 bar
pressure in a turbine stage and work equivalent of 20 kJ/kg done. Initially steam is available
at 7 bar pressure and 0.9 dryness fraction. (June-2019)[New-3][NLJIET]
23 Three kg of steam at a pressure of 10 bar exists in the following conditions. Calculate its 07
enthalpy and internal energy in each of the cases. 1. Steam with x = 0.91 2. Steam at
temperature 200 deg C (June-2019)[New-3][NLJIET]
Topic_2_Steam Calorimeters
1 Drawing a diagram explain construction and working of combined calorimeter. 04,05,07
(March-2009)[Old-1] What do you mean by Dryness fraction? Describe Combined
Calorimeter with a neat sketch. (May-2012)[Old-1]; (Jan.-2018)[Old-1] With a neat
sketch explain combined separating and throttling calorimeter. (June-2014)[Old-1];
(Jan.-2017)[Old-1] Explain the working of Separating and throttling Calorimeter.
(May-2017)[Old-1] With a neat sketch explain structure and working of combined
separating and throttling calorimeter and derive the suitable equation for finding the dryness
fraction of steam. (May-2018)[Old-2][NLJIET]
2 What is dryness fraction? Explain throttling calorimeter. (Jan.-2010)[Old-1] What do you 03,04,07
mean by “Dryness fraction” of steam? Explain Throttling calorimeter with neat sketch.
(Jan.-2019)[Old-2] What is throttling calorimeter? Explain its limitation.
(Jan.-2019)[New-3] With neat sketch explain construction and working of throttling
calorimeter. (April-2010)[Old-1]; (Dec.-2010)[Old-1] What is throttling process? Explain
throttling calorimeter with neat sketch. Derive equation for dryness fraction.
(Dec.-2013)[Old-2]; (Dec.-2015)[Old-2] Explain Throttling calorimeter with neat sketch
and calculation of dryness fraction. (Jan.-2020)[Old-2][NLJIET]

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3 Explain Separating Calorimeter with neat sketch. (June-2013)[Old-1] Write a short note 05,07
on Separating calorimeter with its limitations. (June-2014)[Old-2] Explain briefly the
calorimeter which gives approximate value of dryness fraction. (Dec.-2015)[Old-1]
With neat sketch explain separating calorimeter. (Jan.-2019)[Old-1][NLJIET]
4 Explain Barrel calorimeter with neat sketch. (Dec.-2014)[Old-2][NLJIET] 04
5 List methods of measuring dryness fraction. Explain any one of them. 07
1 Combined separating and throttling calorimeter is used to find out dryness fraction of 07
steam. Following readings were taken:
Main pressure = 12 bar ab. Mass of water collected in separating calorimeter = 2 kg. Mass
of steam condensed in throttling calorimeter = 20 kg. Temperature of steam after
throttling = 110 deg C. Pressure of steam after throttling = 1 bar ab. Assume Cp of
steam = 2.1 kJ/kg K. Calculate dryness fraction of steam. (Dec.-2008)[Old-1][NLJIET]
2 The following information is available from test of a combined separating and throttling 07
calorimeter. (i) Pressure of steam in a steam main = 9.0 bar. (ii) Pressure after throttling =
1.0 bar. (iii) Temperature after throttling =115 degree centigrade. (iv) Mass of steam
condensed after throttling = 1.8 Kg (v) Mass of water collected in the separator = 0.2 Kg.
Calculate the dryness fraction of the steam in the main. (Sept.-2009)[Old-1][NLJIET]
3 Determine dryness fraction of steam supplied to a separating and throttling calorimeter. 07
Water separated in separating calorimeter = 0.45 kg. Steam discharge from throttling
calorimeter = 7 kg. Steam pressure in main pipe = 1.2 Mpa. Barometer reading = 760 mm
of Hg. Manometer reading = 180 mm of Hg. Temperature of steam after throttling
= 140 deg C. Take Cps = 2.1 kJ/kg K. (Jan.-2010)[Old-1][NLJIET]
4 Following data were recorded during the test of steam by combined throttling and 07
separating calorimeter:
Water separated in separating calorimeter=0.4 kg. Steam discharge from throttling
calorimeter=6 kg. Steam pressure in the main pipe=10 bar. Manometer reading=170 mm of
Hg. Barometer reading=760 mm of Hg. Temperature of steam after throttling=130 deg C
Determine dryness fraction of steam. Take Cps=2.1 KJ/kg-K (Dec.-2014)[Old-1][NLJIET]
5 Combined separating & throttling calorimeter is used to find out dryness fraction of steam. 07
following reading were taken:
Main pressure = 12 bar ab. Mass of water collected in separating calorimeter = 2 kg. Mass
of steam condensed in throttling calorimeter = 20 Kg. Temperature of steam after throttling
calorimeter = 110 deg C. Pressure of steam after Throttling = 1 bar ab. Assume Cp of steam
= 2.1 kJ/Kg K. Calculate dryness fraction. (June-2015)[Old-1][NLJIET]


Topic_1_Carnot cycle
1 Derive an expression for efficiency of Carnot cycle. (Dec.-2008)[Old-1] Prove that 03,04,05,
efficiency of Carnot Engine working between temperature limits T1 and T2 is given by the 07
expression η = (T1 – T2) / T1 (Dec.-2010)[Old-1]; (July-2011)[Old-1] Explain Carnot
cycle and derive expression for the efficiency of the Carnot cycle. (Jan.-2013)[Old-1];
(June-2013)[Old-1] Derive the equation for efficiency of Carnot.
2 Explain the essential elements of a Heat Engine. (June-2009)[Old-1]; 03
3 Define heat engine. What are the essential requirements of heat engine? 03,04
(Jan.-2010)[Old-1] Define heat engine. Explain the essential requirements of heat engine
with suitable figure. (May-2018)[Old-2][NLJIET]

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4 Derive the equation of thermal efficiency of Carnot Cycle. Why it cannot be used in 04
practice? Discuss. (May-2017)[Old-1][NLJIET]
5 The heat transfer from a heat reservoir is proportional to its temperature: Justify by deriving 07
equation. (Jan.-2019)[New-3][NLJIET]
1 A hot air engine works on Carnot cycle with thermal efficiency of 70%. If final temperature 04
of air is 20 degree centigrade, determine initial temp. (Sept.-2009)[Old-1][NLJIET]
Topic_2_Rankine cycle
1 Derive thermal efficiency formulae for Rankine cycle. (Jan.-2010)[Old-1] Explain working 03,04,07
of Rankine cycle with P-V diagram. Derive the formula for efficiency of Rankine cycle.
(Jan.-2011)[Old-1] Derive equation for thermal efficiency of Rankine cycle.
(June-2015)[Old-1] Discuss Rankine cycle in detail with flow diagram and P-V diagram.
(June-2015)[Old-2]; (Jan.-2020)[Old-2] Discuss Rankine cycle with block diagram.
2 Compare Rankine cycle with Carnot cycle. (Dec.-2014)[Old-2][NLJIET] 04
1 In ideal Rankine cycle, the steam at inlet to turbine is saturated at a pressure of 35 bar and 04
the exhaust pressure is 0.2 bar. Assume flow rate of 9.5 kg/s. Determine: 1) The pump
work, 2) The turbine work, 3) The Rankine efficiency, 4) The dryness at the end of
expansion. (Jan.-2017)[Old-2][NLJIET]
Topic_3_Otto cycle
1 Show that the efficiency of Otto cycle is a function of Compression Ratio only. 03,04,07
(June-2009)[Old-1]; (July-2011) [Old-1] The efficiency of an Otto cycle depends upon its
compression ratio, prove it. (May-2012)[Old-1] Derive an expression for efficiency of Otto
cycle. (Sept.-2009)[Old-1] Derive equation for air standard efficiency of Otto cycle.
(Dec.-2011)[Old-1]; (June-2014)[Old-1]; (Jan.-2017)[Old-1] Prove the equation for air
standard efficiency of Otto cycle. (Dec.-2014)[Old-1]; (Dec.-2014)[Old-2]; Derive an
expression for air standard efficiency of an Otto cycle. (June-2016)[Old-1];
(Jan.-2018)[Old-1] With usual notations derive expression for air standard efficiency of
Otto cycle. (Jan.-2018)[Old-2] The efficiency of Otto cycle is a function of compression
ratio: Prove it.(Jan.-2019)[New-3] Derive an equation for air standard efficiency of Otto
cycle. (June-2019)[Old-2]; (Jan.-2020)[Old-1]; (Jan.-2020)[New-3][NLJIET]
2 ‘For the same compression ratio, the air standard efficiency of Otto cycle is greater than that 02,04
of Diesel cycle.’ Justify the statement. (June-2010)[Old-1] Prove that the efficiency of Otto
cycle is greater than that of Diesel cycle for the same compression ratio.
3 Define air standard efficiency. State any four assumptions considered for analysis of air 03
standard cycle. (Jan.-2017)[Old-2][NLJIET]
1 In an Otto cycle the compression ratio is 8. The temperatures at the beginning of 04
compression and at the end of heat supply are 310 K and 1600 K respectively. Assume
γ = 1.4 and Cv = 0.717 kJ/kg K. Find: (i) Heat Supplied (ii) Efficiency of the cycle.
2 In air standard Otto Cycle the Maximum and Minimum temperatures are 1673 K and 07
288 K. The heat supplied per Kg of air is 800 KJ. Calculate. (i) The Compression Ratio.
(ii) Efficiency. (iii) Max & Min Pressures ratio. Take Cv = 0.718 KJ/Kg K & γ = 1.4 for air.
(June-2009)[Old-1]; (May-2012)[Old-1]; (June-2016)[Old-1][NLJIET]

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3 Determine the compression ratio, the cycle efficiency, and the ratio of maximum to 03,07
minimum pressure in an air standard Otto cycle from following data: Minimum temperature
= 25 deg C Maximum temperature = 1500 deg C. Heat supplied per kg of air = 900 kJ. Take
Cv = 0.718 kJ/kg K & γ = 1.4 (Jan.-2010)[Old-1]; (Jan.-2019)[Old-2];
(Jan.-2020)[Old-1] [NLJIET]
4 In an Otto Cycle, air at 15 deg C and 1 bar is compressed adiabatically until the pressure is 07
15 bar. Heat is added at constant volume until pressure rises to 40 bar. Calculate (i) Air
standard efficiency (ii) compression ratio and (iii) mean effective pressure for cycle Assume
Cv = 0.718 kJ/Kg.K; R = 8.134 kJ/kg.mole.K. (April-2010)[Old-1];
Air at 15 deg C and 1 bar is compressed adiabatically to 15 bar by an engine working on
Otto cycle. The maximum pressure of the cycle is 40 bar. Calculate (a) air standard
efficiency and (b) mean effective pressure. Take Cv = 0.718 kJ/kg K and
R = 8.314 kJ/Kg.mol K (July-2011)[Old-1][NLJIET]
5 In an ideal constant volume cycle the pressure and temperature at the beginning of the 07
Compression is 97 kPa and 50 deg C respectively. The volume ratio is 5. The heat supplied
during the cycle is 930 kJ/kg of working fluid. Calculate: (1) The maximum temperature
attained in the cycle. (2) The thermal efficiency of the cycle. (3) Work done during the
cycle/kg of working fluid. (Dec.-2011)[Old-1][NLJIET]
6 An Otto cycle having compression ratio 8 has pressure and temperature at the beginning of 07
compression are 1 bar and 27 deg C respectively. If heat transfer per cycle is 1900 KJ/Kg,
find pressure and temperature at the end of each process. Take CV=0.718 KJ/Kg-K.
7 In an engine working on Otto cycle, air has a pressure of 1 bar and temperature 30 deg C at 05
the entry. Air is compressed with a compression ratio of 6. The heat is added at constant
volume until the temperature rises to 1500 deg C. Determine (i) air standard efficiency
(ii) pressure and temperature at the end of compression (iii) heat supplied.
Take Cv = 0.718 kJ/Kg K, R = 0.287 kJ/Kg K. (Dec.-2013)[Old-1][NLJIET]
8 In an Otto cycle the compression ratio is 10. The temperature at the beginning of 04
compression and at the end of heat supply is 300 K and 1600 K respectively. Assume,
γ = 1.4 and Cv= 0.717 KJ/Kg.K. Find: (i) Heat supplied (ii) Efficiency of the cycle.
9 In ideal constant volume cycle, the pressure & temperature at the beginning of compression 07
are 97 KPa & 50 deg C respectively. The volume ratio is 8. The heat is supplied during the
cycle is 930 kJ/kg of working fluid. Calculate: (i) The maximum temperature attained in the
cycle. (ii) The thermal efficiency of cycle. (iii) Work done during the cycle/kg of working
fluid. (June-2015)[Old-1];(June-2019)[Old-1][NLJIET]
10 An engine working on ideal Otto cycle has a clearance volume of 0.03m3 and swept volume 07
of 0.12m3. The temperature and pressure at the beginning of compression are 100 deg C and
1 bar respectively. If the pressure at the end of heat addition is 25 bar, calculate i) ideal
efficiency of the cycle. ii) Temperature at key points of the cycle. Take  = 1.4 for air.
11 An air standard Otto cycle has compression ratio 7. The conditions at the start of 04
compression are 0.1 MPa and 300 K. The pressure at the end of heat addition is 4 MPa.
Determine thermal efficiency and Net - work done per kg of air, where Cv = 0.718 KJ/Kg,
γ =1.4 for air. (Dec.-2015)[Old-1][NLJIET]
12 Calculate the air standard efficiency of the engine working on Otto cycle in which air 04
initially at 1 bar and 20 deg C is compressed adiabatically to the pressure of 16 bar.
Maximum pressure of cycle is 45 bar and adiabatic index γ = 1.4

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13 A petrol engine has swept volume of 500 cm3 and clearance volume of 55 cm3. At suction, 07
pressure and temperature is 1 bar and 30 deg C respectively and maximum temperature in
the cycle is 1450 deg C. Calculate air standard efficiency and mean effective pressure of the
cycle. Take γ = 1.41, R = 0.287 kJ/kg K (May-2017)[Old-1][NLJIET]
14 In an ideal Otto cycle the air at the beginning of isentropic compression is at 1 bar and 15 07
deg C. The ratio of compression is 8. If the heat added during the constant volume process
is 1000 kJ/kg, determine (a) the maximum temperature in the cycle, (b) the air standards
efficiency (C) work done per kg of air. (June-2019)[New-3][NLJIET]
Topic_4_Diesel cycle
1 Derive efficiency equation for Diesel cycle. (March-2009)[Old-1]; 05,07
(Dec.-2015)[Old-2] Derive equation for air standard efficiency of Diesel cycle.
(May-2018)[Old-2] Derive an expression of air standard efficiency of Diesel cycle.
(Jan.-2019)[Old-1] Draw P-V diagram for an ideal Diesel cycle and Derive an expression
for its air standard efficiency in terms of temperatures only. (June-2010)[Old-1] Draw air
standard diesel cycle on p-V and T-s diagrams. Derive its efficiency equation with usual notations.
1 The compression ratio of an oil engine working on Diesel Cycle is 15. Cut off takes place at 07
12% of the working stroke. The air is drawn in to cylinder at 100 kPa and 27 deg C.
Assume Cp=1.006 kJ/kg K and Cv=0.717 kJ/kg K. Calculate: (i) Temperature at the end of
compression. (ii) Pressure at the end of compression. (iii) Air std. efficiency of the cycle.
2 In an ideal diesel cycle the temperature at beginning and at the end of compression are 57 05,07
degree centigrade and 603 degree centigrade respectively. The temperatures at beginning
and end of expansion are 1950 degree centigrade and 870 degree centigrade respectively.
Determine the ideal efficiency of the cycle if pressure at beginning is 1.0 bar. Calculate:
maximum pressure in the cycle. (Sept.-2009)[Old-1]; (June-2013)[Old-1][NLJIET]
3 An engine operating on the ideal Diesel cycle has a maximum pressure of 44 bar and a 07
maximum temperature of 1600 deg C. The pressure and temperature of air at the beginning
of the compression stroke are 1 bar and 27 deg C respectively. Find the air standard
efficiency of the cycle. For air take  =1.4 (June-2010)[Old-1][NLJIET]
4 An air standard diesel cycle has compression ratio of 16. The pressure and temperature at 05
the beginning of compression stroke is 1 bar and 20 deg C. The maximum temperature is
1431 deg C. Determine the thermal efficiency and mean effective pressure for this cycle.
5 An engine operates on the air standard diesel cycle. The conditions at the start of the 07
compression stroke are 353 K and 100 kPa, while at the end of compression stroke the
pressure is 4 MPa. The energy absorbed is 700 kJ/kg of air. Calculate (1) the compression
ratio (2) the cut-off ratio (3) the work done per kg air (4) the thermal efficiency.
6 An engine operating on the ideal diesel cycle has a maximum pressure of 45 bar and a 04
maximum temperature of 1500 deg C. The pressure and temperature of air at the beginning
of compression stroke are 1 bar and 27 deg C respectively. Find the air standard efficiency
of the cycle. Assume γ = 1.4 (Jan-2018)[Old-2][NLJIET]
7 A diesel engine works on Diesel cycle with a compression ratio of 15 and cut off ratio of 03
1.75. Calculate the air standard efficiency. Assume γ = 1.4 (Jan-2020)[New-3][NLJIET]

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1 Differentiate between fire tube and water tube boiler. (Dec.-2008)[Old-1]; 03,04
(Sept.-2009)[Old-1]; (June-2016)[Old-1]; (June-2019)[Old-1] What is boiler? Compare
fire tube boiler with water tube boiler. (May-2012)[Old-1];(May-2017)[Old-1];
2 Drawing a neat and clean diagramme of Babcock and Wilcox boiler explain its construction 02,03,05,
and working. (March-2009)[Old-1]; (June-2010)[Old-1]; (May-2017)[Old-1] Write short 07
note on Babcock and Wilcox boiler. (Jan.-2010)[Old-1] Draw neat and labeled sketches of
following - Babcock Wilcox Boiler. (Dec.-2010)[Old-1] With a neat sketch explain the
working of any one type of water tube boiler. (June-2014)[Old-1] Explain with a neat
sketch the Babcock and Wilcox water tube boiler. (Dec.-2015)[Old-2] Show path of the
gases and water in it. (Dec.-2013)[Old-1] Write short note on Babcock and Wilcox boiler.
(Jan.-2018)[Old-1] Explain with neat sketch the construction and working of Babcock and
Wilcox boiler. Show path of the gases and water in it. (May-2018)[Old-2]
With neat sketch describe the construction and working of Babcock and Wilcox boiler.
3 Define the following terms in connection with boiler. (i) Mountings. (ii) Actual 03
Evaporation. (iii) Boiler Efficiency. (June-2009)[Old-1][NLJIET]
4 Discuss construction and working of Cochran boiler with sketch. (Sept.-2009)[Old-1]; 1.5,02,04
(Jan.-2011)[Old-1] Draw neat and labeled diagram of following – Cochran Boiler. 05,07
(April-2010)[Old-1]; (Dec.-2013)[Old-1]; (June-2016)[Old-2] With neat sketch describe
the construction and working of Cochran boiler.(Dec.-2011)[Old-1] Explain Cochran boiler
with neat sketch & give its advantages and disadvantages. (June-2014)[Old-2] Sketch and
explain a Cochran boiler. (Dec.-2014)[Old-2] What is boiler? Discuss Construction &
working of Cochran boiler with neat sketch. (June-2015)[Old-1];(May-2017)[Old-
2];(Jan.-2017)[Old-1] Sketch the Cochran boiler and label all important mountings and
accessorie.(Dec.-2015)[Old-1] Draw neat sketch of following: Cochran boiler. (Jan.-
2018)[Old-2] With neat sketch describe the construction and working of Cochran boiler.
(May-2018)[Old-1];(Jan.-2019)[Old-1] Discuss construction, Specification and working
of Cochran boiler with sketch. (June-2019)[Old-1] Draw the figure of Cochran boiler and
explain its construction and working. (Jan.-2020)[Old-2] Discuss the construction details
and working of Cochran boiler with neat sketch. (Jan.-2020)[New-3][NLJIET]
5 Differentiate between (i) natural circulation and forced circulation in boiler (ii) internally 04
and externally fired boilers (Jan.-2010)[Old-1][NLJIET]
6 Explain construction and working of Lancashire boiler. (May-2012)[Old-1] Explain with a 04,07
neat sketch Lancashire boiler. (Dec.-2014)[Old-1] Explain: Smoke tube internally fired
horizontal type stationary boiler. (Jan.-2019)[New-3][NLJIET]
7 What is the main difference between water tube and fire tube boiler? Explain any one water 07
tube boiler with neat sketch. (Jan.-2013)[Old-1] Differentiate between fire tube and water
tube boiler. Explain Babcock and Wilcox Boiler construction with neat sketch.
8 Explain with neat sketch working of any one of the high pressure boiler in 300 words. Tell 03,04,05,
the two advantages and two disadvantages of it. (Jan.-2017)[Old-2] What are high pressure 07
boilers? State their advantages and disadvantages of high pressure boilers.
(Apr.-2010)[Old-1] State the advantages of high pressure boilers. (June-2010)[Old-1]
What are high pressure boilers? State their advantages. (Dec-2010)[Old-1][NLJIET]
9 Give the classification of boilers. (May-2017)[Old-2] Explain classification of Steam 04,07
boiler. Also draw the neat sketch of Babcock and Wilcox boiler.

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Topic_2_Boiler Mountings and Accessories

1 List various mountings and accessories and explain fusible plug. (Dec.-2008)[Old-1] 01,03,04,
Draw neat and labeled diagram of following - Fusible Plug. (April-2010)[Old-1] Explain 1.5
fusible plug with neat sketch. (Jan.-2013)[Old-1] Explain Function and working of Fusible
plug. (June-2014)[Old-2] Define the following terms: Mountings and accessories of boiler.
(June-2015)[Old-2] List out Boiler mountings. (Jan.-2013)[Old-1][NLJIET]
2 Explain with neat sketch the constructional details and working of the Ramsbottom type 04
spring loaded Safety Valve. (June-2009)[Old-1][NLJIET]
3 Enlist different mountings. Explain any one with figure. (Sept.-2009)[Old-1] 03,04
List different mountings of boiler and explain any one in brief.
4 Explain Green’s economizer with neat sketch. (Sept.-2009)[Old-1]; (May-2018)[Old-2] 02,04,06,
Draw neat and labeled sketches of following i) Economizer (Dec.-2010)[Old-1] 07
Explain “Economizer” as an accessory of boiler with neat sketch. Also give its advantage
and disadvantages. (Jan.-2019)[Old-2][NLJIET]
5 Explain very briefly the function of following mountings: (i) Steam stop valve (ii) Feed 01,03
check valve (iii) Blow-off cock (iv) Water level indicator (v) Pressure gauge (vi) Safety
valve. (Jan.-2010)[Old-1] Explain function of (i) Fusible plug (ii) Safety valve
6 With neat sketch explain construction and working of pressure gauge. (April-2010)[Old-1] 02,03,04
Explain with neat sketch Bourdon tube type pressure gauge. (July-2011)[Old-1]
Draw neat sketch of following: Bourdon pressure gauge. (Jan.-2018)[Old-2][NLJIET]
7 What is the difference between mountings and accessories of a boiler? (Jan.-2011)[Old-1]; 02,03,04
(June-2016)[Old-2] Explain the difference between boiler mountings and accessories.
(Jan.-2020)[Old-2] Differentiate between boiler mountings and accessories.
8 State the function of the following : (1) Pressure gauge (2) Fusible plug (3) Superheater 02,03
(Dec.-2011)[Old-1] State the function of the following: (i) Pressure gauge (ii) Fusible plug
(May-2018)[Old-1] State the function of the following - (1) Fusible plug. (2) Economizer
(3) Safety valve (June-2013)[Old-1]; (June-2015)[Old-1] Give function of following:
(i) water level indicator (ii) fusible plug (iii) economiser (Jan.-2018)[Old-1][NLJIET]
9 Explain economizer and air-preheater with neat sketch. (Dec.-2013)[Old-2][NLJIET] 07
10 Show the function and location of the following in the boiler plant: 03
(i) Economiser (ii) Steam stop valve (iii) Fusible plug. (Dec.-2014)[Old-2];
(June-2019)[Old-2] Show the function and location of the following in the boiler plant:
(i) Feed check valve (ii) Air superheater (iii) Fusible plug. (Dec.-2015)[Old-2][NLJIET]
11 Explain briefly function, location and working of following. (i) Water level indicator 05
(ii) Steam trap (Dec.-2015)[Old-1][NLJIET]
12 With neat sketch explain the construction and working of (i) Fusible plug and 07
(ii) Air pre heater. (June-2016)[Old-2]; (Jan.-2020)[New-3][NLJIET]
13 What do you mean by boiler mountings & accessories? List at list five boiler mountings & 04
explain any one with neat sketch. (June-2016)[Old-1] What is boiler mountings and
accessories? Also give the list of it. (May-2017)[Old-2][NLJIET]
14 Write down the working of Fusible plug, Blow-off cock and Pressure gauge. 03
15 With neat sketch explain construction and working of Super heater. 07
16 State the function of (i) Fusible Plug (ii) Economiser (iii) Safety valves (iv) water level 07
indicator (v) Superheater (vi) Pressure gauge (vii) Air pre-heater.

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17 What is Boiler Mounting and Accessories? Explain one each of them. 04

18 Explain the construction and function of Steam Trap with neat sketch. Also mention its 03
specific location in the system. (June-2019)[New-3][NLJIET]
19 Explain the construction and function of Steam separator with neat sketch. Also mention its 03
specific location in the system. (June-2019)[New-3][NLJIET]
20 Explain Equivalent evaporation and factor of evaporation. (June-2019)[New-3][NLJIET] 04


1 Define the following terms: (i) Indicated thermal efficiency. (ii) Compression ratio. 03
(iii) Scavenging. (June-2009)[Old-1]; (May-2018)[Old-2][NLJIET]
2 Difference between Petrol (S.I.) engine and Diesel (C.I.) engine. (Sept.-2009)[Old-1]; 03,04
(July.-2011)[Old-1]; (Dec.-2013)[Old-1];(June-2016)[Old-2] Why Diesel engines are
called C.I. engines? Differentiate between S.I. and C.I. engine. (Jan.-2010)[Old-1]
Differentiate between petrol engine and diesel engine. (Dec.-2011)[Old-1];
(June-2015)[Old-1] Give comparison between Petrol and Diesel Engine. (May-2017)[Old-
2]; (June-2019)[Old-2][NLJIET]
3 Explain how I.C Engines are classified. (Dec.-2010)[Old-1] Classify I.C. Engines. 03,04
4 What are the functions of (i) injector in diesel engine and (ii) carburetor in petrol engine? 01,02
(Jan.-2011)[Old-1] What is function of carburetor in petrol engine?
5 Define: Cut off ratio, Swept volume. (July-2011)[Old-1] Give S.I. Units of Followings: 01,02
(1) Mean effective pressure (2) Efficiency (3) Swept Volume (4) Stroke (Jan.-2013)[Old-1]
Define the term - brake thermal efficiency. (Jan.-2011)[Old-1] Define brake power and
indicated power. (Jan.-2019)[Old-1][NLJIET]
6 Give the function of following IC engine parts in one sentence. (i) Piston rings 04
(ii) Connecting rod (iii) Spark plug (iv) Exhaust valve (Dec.-2015)[Old-1][NLJIET]
7 Define following terms: swept volume, clearance volume, stroke length, compression ratio. 03,04
(Jan.-2018)[Old-2]; (Jan.-2019)[Old-2] Explain the term: (i) Swept volume (ii) Clearance
volume (iii) Stroke length (Jan.-2019)[New-3][NLJIET]
Topic_2_Two-stroke I.C. Engine
1 With neat sketch describe the working of two stroke cycle petrol engine. 04,05,07
(Dec.-2011)[Old-1] Explain with the help of neat sketches, the working of two stroke petrol
engine. (Dec.-2014)[Old-2] Describe working of two stroke cycle petrol engine.
(May-2018)[Old-1] Explain the working of 2 stroke petrol engine with neat sketch.
(Jan.-2019)[Old-1] Explain with neat sketch construction and working of two stroke petrol
engine. (June-2019)[Old-1] With neat sketch describe the working of two stroke petrol
engine. (June-2019)[Old-2][NLJIET]
2 List advantages and disadvantages of two stroke engines over four stroke engines. 03
3 With neat sketch describe the working of two stroke diesel engine. 07

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1 During testing of single cylinder two stroke petrol engine following data is obtained, Brake 07
torque 640 NM, Cylinder diameter 21cm, speed 350 rpm, stroke 28cm, mep 5.6 bar, oil
consumption 8.16 Kg/hr, C.V. 42705 KJ/Kg . Determine Mechanical efficiency. Indicated
thermal Efficiency. Brake thermal efficiency Brake specific fuel consumption.
(April-2010)[Old-1]; (Dec.-2013)[Old-2][NLJIET]
2 A 4 cylinder 2-stroke engine develops 30 kW at 2500 rpm. The mean effective pressure of 07
each cylinder is 800 kPa and mechanical efficiency = 80 %. Calculate Brake power and
mass flow rate of fuel if L/D = 1.5, Brake thermal efficiency = 28% and calorific value of
fuel = 44000 kJ/kg (July-2011)[Old-1][NLJIET]
3 A two stroke cycle internal combustion engine has a piston diameter of 110 mm and a 04
stroke length of 140 mm. The mep exerted on the head of the piston is 600 kN/m2. If it runs
at a speed of 1000 r.p.m. Find the indicated power developed.
4 The following data is available for 2-stroke diesel engine: Bore=10 cm, stroke=15 cm, 06
engine speed=1000 RPM, Torque developed=58 N-m, ηm=80%, indicated thermal
efficiency=40%, Calorific value of fuel=44000 KJ/Kg. Find: (a) Indicated Power,(b) Mean
effective Pressure & (c) Brake Specific Fuel Consumption. (Jan.-2013)[Old-1][NLJIET]
5 A four cylinder two stroke petrol engine with stroke to bore ratio 1.2 develops 35 kW brake 07
power at 2200 rpm. The mean effective pressure in each cylinder is 9 bar and mechanical
efficiency is 78 %. Determine (1) Diameter and stroke of each cylinder (2) Brake thermal
efficiency (3) indicated thermal efficiency. If fuel consumption 8 kg / hr having C.V=43000
kJ/kg. (June-2014)[Old-2]; (Jan.-2018)[Old-1][NLJIET]
6 During testing of single cylinder two stroke petrol engine, following data is obtained: Brake 07
torque 640 Nm, cylinder diameter 21 cm, Speed 350 rpm, stroke 28 cm, mean effective
pressure 5.6 bar, oil consumption 8.16 kg/hr, C.V = 42705 kJ/kg. Find, i) Mechanical
Efficiency, ii) Indicated thermal efficiency iii) brake thermal efficiency iv) brake specific
fuel consumption. (June-2015)[Old-2][NLJIET]
7 A two stroke I.C. engine has piston of 11 cm and stroke length of 14 cm. The mean 04
effective pressure exerted is 600 kN/m2.It runs at a speed of 1000 rpm. If the mechanical
efficiency of the engine is 80%.Find Indicated and Brake power of the engine.
8 The following readings were observed during a test on Two Stroke Single Cylinder Diesel 07
engine: Bore = 22 cm; Stoke = 28 cm; Speed = 350 rpm; Net brake load = 65 kg; Effective
brake drum diameter = 100 cm; Mean Effective Pressure = 3 bar; Fuel consumption =
4 kg/h; Calorific value of fuel = 43 MJ/kg; Calculate: (1) Indicated Power (2) Brake Power
(3) Mechanical Efficiency (4) Brake thermal Efficiency. (Jan.-2020)[New-3][NLJIET]
9 Determine the brake thermal efficiency of an engine with following data: 04
Brake Power = 80 kW; Fuel consumption rate = 20 kg/hour; Calorific value of the
fuel = 43 MJ/kg. (Jan.-2020)[New-3][NLJIET]
Topic_3_Four-stroke I.C. Engine
1 With neat sketch explain working of four stroke petrol engine. (April-2010)[Old-1]; 04,05,07
(June-2010)[Old-1] Explain working of Four stroke petrol engine with neat diagram.
(May-2012)[Old-1]; (June-2015)[Old-1] Explain working of four stroke petrol engine with
neat sketch & P-V diagram. (June-2014)[Old-2] Explain working of four stroke petrol
engine with neat sketch. (Jan.-2018)[Old-1]; (May-2012)[Old-1] Discuss the construction
and working of four stroke Petrol engines. (Jan.-2020)[New-3][NLJIET]

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2 Explain with neat sketch working of 4-stroke diesel engine. (Jan.-2011)[Old-1]; 05,07
(Jan.-2013)[Old-1]; (June.-2014)[Old-1];(Jan.-2017)[Old-1]; With the help of neat
sketch the working of four stroke diesel engine. (Dec.-2014)[Old-1] Explain working of
four stroke Diesel Engine with P-V diagram. (June.-2013)[Old-1]; Discuss working of
diesel four stroke cycle engine with help of schematic diagram. (Dec.-2013)[Old-
3 Compare the following : 04
1) S.I. engine with C.I. engine. 2) 2-stroke with 4-stroke I.C. engine.
4 Differentiate between 4-stroke and 2-stroke engine. (Jan.-2019)[Old-2] 03,04,06,
Differentiate between four stroke and two stroke i.c. engine. (Dec.-2008)[Old-1]; 07
(March-2009)[Old-1]; (Jan.-2013)[Old-1]; (Dec.-2015)[Old-2] Give difference between
Two stroke and Four stroke I.C. Engine. (May-2012)[Old-1]; (June-2016)[Old-1]
Compare four stroke engine and two stroke engine based on following point/criteria. 1)
Number of piston strokes per cycle; 2) Number of crank rotation per cycle; 3) Number of
power stroke per min; 4) Power; 5) Flywheel; 6) Size for same power output; 7) Thermal
Efficiency and Mechanical Efficiency (Jan.-2017)[Old-2] [NLJIET]
5 Differentiate between petrol engine and diesel engine. (Jan.-2020)[Old-1] Give comparison 04
between Petrol and Diesel Engine. (Jan.-2020)[Old-2][NLJIET]
1 The following results refer to a test on i.c. engine. Indicated Power = 42kW Frictional 07
power=7 kW Engine speed = 1800 r.p.m. Specific fuel consumption per b.p. =
0.30 kg/kWh. Calorific Value of fuel used = 43000 kJ/kg Calculate: (i) Mechanical
Efficiency (ii) Brake thermal efficiency (iii) Indicated thermal efficiency
2 Following observations were recorded during a test on a single cylinder oil engine. 07,08
Bore = 300mm; Stroke = 450mm; Speed = 300 r.p.m.; i.m.e.p. = 6 bar;
Net brake load = 1.5 KN; Brake drum diameter = 1.8 m; Brake rope diameter = 2 cm.
Calculate (i) Indicated power (ii) Brake power (iii) Mechanical efficiency.
(March-2009)[Old-1]; (June-2016)[Old-1][NLJIET]
3 The following readings were taken during the test on a single cylinder four stroke, Oil 07
engine: Cylinder diameter = 270 mm. Stroke Length = 380 mm. Mean effective pressure =
6 bar. Engine Speed = 250 rpm. Net load on brake = 1000 N. Effective mean Diameter of
brake = 1.5 m. Fuel used = 10 Kg/Hr. C.V. of Fuel = 44400 KJ/Kg. Calculate:- (i) Brake
Power. (ii) Indicated Power. (iii) Mechanical Efficiency. (iv) Indicated Thermal Efficiency.
(June-2009)[Old-1]; (Jan.-2019)[New-3][NLJIET]
4 A six cylinder 4 Stroke IC Engine is to develop 89.5 KW indicated power at 800 rpm. The 07
stroke to bore ratio is 1.25 : 1. Assuming mechanical efficiency of 80% and brake mean
effective pressure of 5 bar. Determine the diameter and stroke of the Engine.
(June-2009)[Old-1]; (Jan.-2020)[Old-1][NLJIET]
5 Following readings were taken during test of single cylinder four stoke oil engine. 07
Cylinder diameter = 250 mm (ii) Stroke length = 400 mm (iii) Main effective pressure = 6.5
bar (iv) Engine speed = 250 r. p .m. (v) Net load on brake = 1080 Newton (vi) Effective
diameter of brake = 1.5 meter (vii) Fuel used per hour = 10 Kg (viii) Calorific value of
fuel = 44300 KJ/Kg. Calculate (1) Indicated power, (2) Brake power, (3) Mechanical
efficiency and (4) Indicated thermal efficiency. (Sept.-2009)[Old-1];
(June-2019)[Old-1] [NLJIET]
6 The following readings were taken during the test of four stroke single cylinder petrol 07
engine: Load on the brake drum = 50 kg. Diameter of brake drum = 1250 mm. Spring
balance reading = 7 kg. Engine speed = 450 rpm. Fuel consumption = 4 kg/hr Calorific
value of the fuel = 43000 kJ/kg. Calculate: (i) indicated thermal efficiency (ii) brake thermal
efficiency. Assume mechanical efficiency as 70%. (Jan.-2009)[Old-1][NLJIET]

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7 The following results refer to a test on C.I. engine. Indicated power = 37 KW. Frictional 07
power = 06 KW. Brake specific fuel consumption = 0.28 Kg/Kwh. Calorific value of fuel =
44300 KJ/Kg. Calculate: (i) Mechanical efficiency (ii) Brake thermal efficiency
(iii) Indicated thermal efficiency (June-2010)[Old-1][NLJIET]
8 During a test on a single cylinder four stroke engine having compression ratio of 6, 05,07
following data is recorded. Bore =10cm, Stroke=12.5 cm, imep =2.6 bar, dead load on
dynamometer =60N, spring balance reading =19 N, Effective radius of flywheel =40cm,
fuel consumption =1Kg/hr. Calorific value of fuel is 42, 000 KJ/ Kg, speed =2000RPM,
Determine its indicated power, brake power, mechanical, overall efficiency, air standard
and relative efficiency. (Dec.-2010)[Old-1]; (Jan.-2018)[Old-2][NLJIET]
9 A four cylinder 4-stroke petrol engine develops 200 kW brake power at 2500 rpm. Stroke 07
To bore ratio is 1.2. If mean effective pressure is 10 bar and mechanical efficiency is 81%,
Calculate bore and stroke of the engine. Also calculate indicated thermal efficiency and
Brake thermal efficiency if 65 kg/hr of petrol is consumed having calorific value of
42000 kJ/kg. (Jan.-2011)[Old-1][NLJIET]
10 A four cylinder four stroke petrol engine has 100mm bore and stroke is 1.3 times bore. It 05
consumes 4 kg of fuel per hour having calorific value of 40500 kJ/kg. If engine speed is
850 rpm. Find its Indicated thermal efficiency. The mean effective pressure is 0.75 N/mm 2.
11 A four cylinder Diesel engine of truck has bore 0.1 m and stroke 0.13 m. Piston speed = 07
10.5 m/s, engine power =20 KW per liter of cylinder volume, Brake thermal efficiency
=35%, Calorific value = 42 MJ/kg, specific gravity=0.84. Determine (1) engine speed in
rpm (2) brake power and fuel consumption in liters per hour.
12 The following data refers to a single cylinder 4 strokes petrol engine. Cylinder diameter 04
= 30 cm, piston stroke = 40 cm, engine speed= 1400 r.p.m, indicated mean effective
pressure = 5 bar, fuel consumption= 17.568 kg per hour, calorific value of the fuel is
45000 kJ/Kg; specific gravity of the fuel is 0.8. Determine the indicated thermal efficiency.
13 The following readings were recorded during the test on single cylinder four stroke diesel 07
engine. (1)Cylinder diameter = 250 mm (2) Stroke length = 350 mm (3) Mean effective
pressure = 6.7 bar (4) Speed of engine = 250 r.p.m. (5) Net brake load = 1070 N
(6) Effective brake drum diameter = 1.5 m (7) Fuel consumption rate = 10 kg per hour.
(8) C.V. of the fuel = 44300 kJ/kg. Calculate: (1) Indicated Power (2) Brake Power
(3) Mechanical efficiency. (4) Brake thermal efficiency. (June-2016)[Old-2][NLJIET]
14 A two cylinder four stroke petrol engine has swept volume of 1.1 x 10-3 m3. It runs at 950 07
rpm and consumes 2.2 kg of petrol per hour having C.V. of 43000 kJ/kg. The mean
effective pressure in both cylinders is 7.5 bars. Determine indicated thermal efficiency and
relative efficiency if clearance volume is 15% of swept volume.
15 A six cylinder 4 stroke I.C. engine is to produce 95 kW brake power at 800 rpm. The stroke 07
to bore ratio is 1.25, mean effective pressure is 7 bar. Determine the bore and stroke of the
engine. Assume mechanical efficiency as 80%. (May-2017)[Old-2][NLJIET]
16 A petrol engine with a stroke length of 200 mm and diameter of 150 mm has a clearance 07
volume of 7 X 105 mm3. If the indicted thermal efficiency is 0.30, find the relation
efficiency. If the effective pressure is 5 bar and engine runs at 1000 rpm. Find the IP of the
engine. Take γ = 1.4 (June-2019)[New-3][NLJIET]
17 A 4 cylinder 4-stroke marine oil engine has cylinder diameter of 490 mm and a piston 07
stroke of 1000 mm. The engine uses 130 kg of fuel of calorific value 42,000 kJ/kg in one
hour when running at 2 rev/s. the torque transmitted at the engine coupling is 22 KN.m and
indicated mean effective pressure 710 KN/m2.Determine (i) indicated power (ii) brake
power (iii) indicated thermal efficiency (iv) brake thermal efficiency (v) Mechanical
efficiency. (Jan.-2020)[Old-2][NLJIET]
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Topic_1_Concepts of Refrigeration
1 What is refrigeration? What is refrigerating effect? What is one ton refrigeration? 01,02,03,
(Dec.-2008)[Old-1] What is refrigeration? What is refrigeration effect? 04
(Dec.-2013)[Old-2] Define: (i) Refrigerating effect (ii) COP (May-2017)[Old-1]
Define the terms ‘Refrigeration’, “Ton of Refrigeration” and “Coefficient of Performance”.
(Jan.-2020)[New-3] Define: One ton refrigeration. (May-2018)[Old-2]
Define: C.O.P. (May-2018)[Old-2][NLJIET]
2 Write about Vapour compression refrigerating system. (March-2009)[Old-1]; 04,05,07
(May-2017) [Old-1] With neat sketch describe the working of simple vapour compression
refrigeration cycle. (Drawing p-h and T-Ø chart) (June-2009)[Old-1]; (Dec.-2015) [Old-
2]; Describe with neat sketch vapor compression refrigerating system. (June-2010)[Old-1]
With neat sketch explain vapour compression refrigeration cycle. (Dec.-2011)[Old-1];
(Dec.-2013)[Old-1]; (June-2014)[Old-1];(Jan.-2017)[Old-1] What is Refrigeration?
Explain the working of vapour compression refrigeration cycle. Name basic components of
VCRC. (June-2015)[Old-1] Mention different parts of vapor compression refrigeration
cycle along with their functions. Also draw a neat diagram of vapor compression
refrigeration cycle. (June-2015)[Old-2] Draw line diagram of vapour compression
refrigeration cycle and represent on P-h and T-S diagram and state function of individual
components of vapour compression refrigeration system. (April-2010)[Old-1] Explain with
neat sketch vapor compression refrigeration cycle. What is C. O. P.? (Jan.-2011)[Old-1]
Explain Vapor Compression Refrigeration system with neat sketch. Also draw p-h and T-s
diagram for the same. (Dec.-2014)[Old-2]; (May-2017)[Old-2]; (Jan.-2020)[Old-2] Draw
working fluid flow diagram of the Vapour Compression Refrigeration System and describe
the function of each important component of the system.(Dec.-2015)[Old-1] Sketch fluid
flow diagram with component of ideal vapour compression refrigeration system. Sketch p-
V, T-s, and p-h chart and show all thermodynamic process of ideal superheated vapour
compression refrigeration system (Jan.-2017)[Old-2] Explain vapour compression
refrigeration cycle. (May-2018) [Old-1] Explain Vapour Compression Refrigeration (VCR)
system used in refrigeration. (Jan.-2019)[Old-2] With a neat sketch explain the working of
vapour compression refrigerant system. Draw p-h and T-S diagram also. (Jan.-2019)[Old-
1] What is refrigeration? Explain working of vapour compression refrigeration cycle. Name
the basic components of VCRC. (June-2019)[Old-1]; (Jan.-2020)[Old-1] Explain Vapor
Compression Refrigeration system with neat sketch. Also draw p-h and T-s diagram for the
same. (June-2019)[Old-2] Explain with neat sketch the Vapor Compression Refrigeration
system. Also draw p-h and T-s diagram for the same. (Jan.-2020)[New-3][NLJIET]
3 Make comparison between vapour compressions and vapour absorption system. 03,04
(Sept.-2009)[Old-1]; (Dec.-2015) [Old-1]; (May-2018)[Old-2]; (June-2019)[Old-2]
Discuss the operational difference between Vapour compression and Vapour absorption
refrigeration cycle. (June-2019)[New-3][NLJIET]
4 Explain with flow diagram, the working of a vapour absorption refrigerator. 04,06
(Jan.-2010)[Old-1]; (June-2013)[Old-1][NLJIET]
5 What are refrigerants? State their desirable characteristics of refrigerants. 03,04,05
(April-2010)[Old-1]; What should be the properties of common refrigerants?
(Jan.-2013)[Old-1]; (June-2014)[Old-2] What is refrigerant? State the most widely used
refrigerant. (Dec.-2011)[Old-1]; (May-2018)[Old-1] List the various Refrigerant used in
refrigeration system. Also write the desirable properties of refrigerant.

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6 Explain Bell-Coleman air refrigeration cycle. (July-2011)[Old-1][NLJIET] 04

7 Write short note on domestic refrigerator. (July-2011)[Old-1] Define the term 04,07
‘Refrigeration’. Explain Vapour compression refrigerator. (May-2012)[Old-1];
8 What do you understand by the term 1 ton of refrigeration? What are the main components 07
of vapour compression refrigeration system? Write their functions.
9 Discuss the term: (i) Condenser (ii) Baffle tray (iii) Evaporator 03

1 It is required to produce ice from 36 deg water. The capacity of the ice plan is 6 ton and 04
specific heat of the water is 4.18 KJ/kg.K. Determine the amount of ice produced in
3 hours. (June-2019)[New-3][NLJIET]
Topic_2_Concepts of Air-Conditioning
1 Why air conditioning is required in air craft? (June-2009)[Old-1][NLJIET] 03
2 Define air conditioning. State the basic components of air conditioning system. 03
(Jan.-2010)[Old-1]; (June-2015)[Old-1][NLJIET]
3 Define air conditioning and classify the air conditioning systems. (June-2010)[Old-1] 03
Define air-conditioning. Classify the air conditioning system in detail.
4 With neat sketch explain construction and working of window air-conditioner. 04,05,08
(Dec.-2010)[Old-1];(Dec.-2013)[Old-2] Explain window air conditioner along with its
advantages. (Sept.-2009)[Old-1][NLJIET]
5 What is split air conditioner? State its advantages over window Air conditioner. 03,07
(Dec.-2008)[Old-1][NLJIET] Explain with neat sketch split air conditioner. State its
advantages. (Dec.-2011)[Old-1]; (May-2018)[Old-1] With neat sketch explain construction
and working of split air conditioner. (Jan.-2018)[Old-2] What is split AC? How it works?
Explain with advantage and disadvantage. (Jan.-2019)[New-3][NLJIET]
6 Explain working principle of air conditioning. (Dec.-2013)[Old-1][NLJIET] 04
7 Define Air conditioning. List the important components of Air conditioning system. Also 05
classify the system briefly.(Dec.-2015)[Old-1][NLJIET]

1 Calculate the energy consumed in one month for following conditions: 04

COP of air-conditioning unit: 5 Capacity of air conditioner: 2 TR. No of air conditioners: 8.
All air conditioners run for 4 hours/day. (June-2019)[New-3][NLJIET]

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