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Helical Model Of Communication

-The helical model of communication is an alternative to

the linear and transactional models.
-It was developed by Frank Dance in 1967 as a way to
represent the complexity of communication processes.

Helical model of communication views as:


Continuous and Nonlinear:

-Unlike the linear model, which views communication as a
one-way process, the helical model sees it as continuous
and nonlinear.
-Communication is an ongoing, dynamic exchange
between sender and receiver.
Spiral Progression:
-Communication in the helical model is represented as a
-The spiral signifies that as communication progresses,
individuals revisit and refine their understanding of the

Expanding Content:
-Communication is not merely a repetition of the same
message but involves an expansion of content and
-Each cycle of communication adds depth and nuance to
the message.

Feedback and Adjustment:

-Feedback is crucial in the helical model. It allows
participants to adjust their communication based on the
responses and interpretations of the other party.
-This continuous feedback loop helps in reducing
misunderstandings and enhancing clarity.
Contextual Influence:
-The helical model emphasizes the importance of context
in shaping communication.
-As the communication process spirals, the context may
evolve, leading to changes in meaning and interpretation.

Dual Perspectives:
-Participants in communication bring their own
perspectives and experiences, influencing how they
interpret and respond to messages.
-The helical model acknowledges the uniqueness of each
individual's communication process.

Dynamic and Cyclical:

-Communication is seen as an ongoing cycle rather than a
one-time event.
-It acknowledges that meanings and interpretations can
change over time.
Example of helical model;
Dance explains his helical model with the example of a
person learning throughout their life cycle. They start early
on with very rudimentary communication methods. They
may cry at their mother to get her attention, then, later they
might learn to speak in single words, then full sentences,
and so on.
Advantages or applications of the helical model
1. Flexibility
2. Risk management
3. Client involvement
4. Progressive refinement
5. Quality assurance
Disadvantage of helical model
2.Lack of Clarity
3.Overemphasis on Feedback
4.Not Suitable for All Situations
5.Limited Practical Application
—The helical model of communication emphasizes the
dynamic and evolving nature of communication processes
over time. It recognizes that communication deepens
understanding through feedback, but its complexity may
not be suitable for all situations.

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