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up palsing

2.12 Error recovery in top down and bottom

Question 60
used in parsing? Explain
What is the different error recovery technique them
CSVTU in bt
Discuss the mechanism by which each phase of the compiler can detect errors
recover from them? CSVIUMay2010)

Ans. Error Recovery in LR Parsing

An LR parser will detect an error when it consults the parsing action
table and find,
an error entry. Allempty entries in the action table are error entries.
Errors are never detected by consulting the goto table.
An LR parser will announce error as soon as there is no valid
continuation for
scanned portion of the input.
A canonical LR parser (LR(1) parser) will never make even a
single reduction bet
announcing an error.
The SLR and LALR parsers may make several reductions before announcing an or
But, all LR parsers (LR(1), LALR and SLR parsers) will never
shift an erroneous inm
symbol onto the stack.
Panic Mode Error Recovery in LR Parsing
Scan down the stack until a state s with a goto on a
particular nonterminal A is found
(Get rid of everything from the stack before this state s).
Discard zero or more input symbols until a symbol a
is found that can legitimately
follow A.
The symbol a is simply in FOLLOW(A), but this may not
work for all situations.
The parser stacks the nonterminal A and
the state goto[s, A), and it resumes the
normal parsing.
PUBLICATIONS TM 2- 55 Syntax Analysis & Parsing
ACADEMY Techniques
nonterminal A
is normally is basic programming block (there can be more
one choice for A).
expr, block,
() stmt,
Phrase-Level Error Recovery in LR Parsing
Each empty entry in the action table is marked with a specific error routine.
ormor routine
reflects the error that the user most likely willmake in
An error routine
that case
inserts the symbols into the stack or the input (or
it deletes the
svmbols from the stack and the
input, or it can do both insertion and deletion).
() missing operand.
(i) unbalanced right parenthesis.
Recovery from syntax error :
For some examples of common
syntax errors can consider punctuation errors.
example, using a comma instead For
of a semicolon in the argument list of a function
declaration, leaving out a
mandatory semicolon at the end of the line or using an
extraneous semicolon.
Misspelling of keywords : A common
technique is to print the offending line with a
pointer to the position of errors.
The parser might add a diagnostic message like
"semicolon missing at position" if it knows what the error is.
Kecovery from semantic errors :
There are errors which can be detected both at
COmpile time and run
time. Most common error of compile time are scope
declaration errors. For example undeclared or and
mismatch is another
multiple declared identifiers. Type
compile time error.
Kecovery from an undeclared name
is straight forward, it is suggested to
entry of declaration in make the
symbol table with appropriate attribute.
Sr. No. Phase/Routine Errors
1. Lexical analysis Misspelled next token e.g, misspelled identifier,
keyword, or printer.
Missing parenthesis e.g., in MIN (A,2 * (3+ B),
2. Syntax analysis Erroneous arithmeticexpressions an arithmetic
expression with unbalanced parentheses etc.
3 Semantic analysis Type mismnatch, Errors of declaration and scope
4 Intermediate An operator whose operands have incompatible
code generation types
5. Code Not reachable statements due to wrongly written
Optimization function calls
me i.e. too large to fit in
6. Code generation A compiler-created constant
a word of the target machine may be found.
7. Symbol table A multiply declared identifier with
Compiler Design (CSE) 2-50
Sr. No. Canonical LR Parsers LALR Parsers
SLR Parsers
1. SLR parser are easiest to CLR parsers are LALR parsers are
implement. difficult to implement. difficult
implement than SLR
but less than
CLR parsers.
2. SLR parsers mnake use of CLR parsers are uses LALR parsers use
LR(U) collection
canonical collection of| LR(1) collection of of
LR(0) items for items for constructing items with items
constructing the parsingthe parsing tables. having same Core
tables. merged into a single
3. In SLR parsers don't do In CLR parsers In LALR parsers
any lookahead i.e., they lookahead is one lookahead is one
lookahead zero. symbol. symbol.
4. SLR parsers are cost CLR parsers are The cost of
effective to construct in expensive to construct constructing LALR
terms of time and space. in termns of time and parsers is
space. intermediate
between SLR and
CLR parser.
5. SLR parsers have CLR parses have LALR parsers have
hundreds of states. thousands of states. hundreds of state
and is Same as
number states Sn
SLR parsers.
6. SLR parsers uses CLR parsers uses LALR parsers uses
FOLLOW information to lookahead symbol to lookahead symbol to
guide reductions. guide reductions. guide reductions.
7. SLR parsers may fail to CLR parser works on LALR parser works
produce a table for very large class of on very large class
certain class of grammar. grammnars.
grammars on which
other succeed.
Every SLR() grammar is Every LR() grammar Every LALR(1)
LR() grammar and may not be SLR( 1) grammar may not be
grammar. SLR(1) but every
LALR() grammar is
LR() grammar.
ACADEMY 2-51 Syntax Analysis & Parsing
GATE Techniques
shift-reduce A shift-reduce or A shift-reduce
reduce-reduce conflict reduce-reduce conflict
may arise in conflict can not arise
SLRparsing may arse
but chances but a reduce-reduce
table. are less than
that in conflict may
SLR parsing tables. arise.
10. SLR parser is least ACLR parsers
powerful. is most]A LALR parser
powerful among is
the intermediate
family carnonical of
power between in
bottom-up parsers SLR
and LR parser.
Question 56
Construct SLR parse
table for the following grammar.

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