HTML Question Paper

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Time – 2 Hrs

Fill in the Blanks. Each of 1 Mark.

1. HTML stands for Hypertext ________ Language.
1. Makeup 2. Markup 3. Mesh up 4.Manipulation
2. The opening tag of an HTML element is enclosed in ________ brackets.
1. Circle 2. Rectangle 3.Square 4.Angle
3. The ________ tag is used to define a hyperlink in HTML.
1. <a> 2.<IMG> 3.<H> 4.<P>
4. The ________ attribute is used to specify an alternative text for an image in HTML.
1. Alt 2.HREF 3.I 4.SUP
5. The ________ tag is used to define the largest heading in HTML.
1. <h6> 2. <h4> 3. <h2> 4.<h1>
Answer the following Questions (ANY 5) Each of 3 Marks
1. Discuss table tag in HTML along with its attribute
2. Discuss about any three < Caption> <TR> <TH> <TD> tag.
3. What is script tag. Write an HTML program that displays the example of script tag
4. Give a short description on any three - <B> <I> <U> <Pre> tag in HTML
5. Write about any three - <A> <SUB> <SUP> <FONT> tag
6. Write about big small strike and marquee tag
Answer the following Questions (ANY 5) Each of 4 Marks
1. Define HTML write its advantages and disadvantages
2. Define tag in HTML. Write about <HTML> <Head> < title> and <body> tag.
3. Explain ordered list and unordered list along with an example
4. Discuss in brief about the types of hyperlink in html
5. What is IMG tag right five reasons why a browser should use alternate text instead of
6. What is the purpose of the <img> tag in HTML? Explain the role of the "src" attribute
in the <img> tag.
HTML PROGRAMS (ANY 2) Each of 5 Marks
1. Write an HTML program to create a hyperlink that opens a new tab when clicked. The
hyperlink should display the text "Open Google" and link to the website
2. Write an HTML program to create a simple webpage with a heading that says
"Welcome to My Webpage" and a paragraph of text that says "This is a sample
webpage created using HTML."
3. Write an HTML program to create an ordered list (numbered list) of your top 5
favourite movies.
4. Write an HTML program to create a table with two columns: "Name" and "Age".
Populate the table with three rows of data, including your name and age.
Time – 2 Hrs

Write an HTML program to create a form that collects a user's name and email address.
Include labels and input fields for both.

Question 6: The ________ tag is used to create a line break in HTML.

Answer: <br>
Question 7: The ________ attribute is used to specify the background color of an HTML
Answer: bgcolor
Question 8: The ________ attribute is used to define a unique identifier (ID) for an HTML
Answer: id
Question 9: The ________ tag is used to define an unordered list in HTML.
Answer: <ul>
Question 10: The ________ tag is used to define a table in HTML.
Time – 2 Hrs

Answer: <table>

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