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Interference 21

In right angled DBND,

sin r = (iii)
Dividing Eq. (ii) by Eq. (iii), we get
sin i BE sin i BE
= or =m=
sin r BN sin r BN
or BE = mBN (iv)
From Eqs. (i) and (iv), we get
D = m(BN + NI) – mBN
or D = mNI (v)
In right angled DDNI,
cos (r + q ) =
\ DI = DH + HI = t + t = 2t
cos (r + q ) = or NI = 2t cos (r + q ) (vi)
From Eqs. (v) and (vi), we get
D= 2mt cos (r + q) (vii)
Equation (vii), in the case of reflected light, does not represent the effective total path difference, as a phase
difference of p (Stokes phase change) has been introduced through the reflection of wave BK. Therefore, the
total path difference between the reflected rays,
D = 2mt cos(r + q) + l/2 (viii)
Equation (viii) shows that the path difference D depends on the thickness t. However, t is not uniform and it
is different at different positions.
At t = 0, Eq. (viii) reads
D = l/2
which is the condition for darkness. Therefore, the edge of the film appears to be dark. This is called zero
order band.
For normal incidence, i = 0 and r = 0. Then, the path difference
D = 2mt cos q + l/2 (ix)
Condition for Maxima: As explained earlier, the constructive interference takes place when
D = nl where, n = 0, 1, 2, 3, .... (x)
From Eqs. (ix) and (x), we get
2mt cos q + l/2 = nl
2mt cos q = (2n – 1) l/2 (xi)

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