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HCMC University of Transport Test Code: 111/03 Invigilator 1 Invigilator 2 Total Approved

English Department Subject code: 006111 by

Class: ………………………… Course book:

Full Name: …………………….. Lessons:

Student’s code: ………………... Credits: 3

SECTION A: LISTENING (10 minutes) – 10 marks

Directions: In the Listening section of the test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your
ability to understand conversations or talks in English. Answer all the questions on the basis of
what is stated or implied by the speakers in the recordings. There will be time for you to read the
instructions and you will have a chance to check your work. The recordings will be played

Part 1: Questions 1 – 5 (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

Directions: In this part, you will hear 5 short conversations. There is one question for each
conversation. For each question, choose the right answer A, B, or C. Then, on the answer sheet,
find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer
that you have chosen.
Question 1. When will they go on holiday? (khi nào họ sẽ đi nghỉ )
A. in June (vào tháng 6)
B. in July (vào tháng 7)
C. in September (vào tháng 9)
Question 2. How is Patti going to travel? (Patti sẽ đi du lịch như thế nào?)
A. by train ( bằng tàu hỏa )
B. by plane (bằng máy bay)
C. by car (bằng xe hơi )
Question 3. What will Sam do? ( Sam sẽ làm gì?)
A. phone her mother (gọi điện cho mẹ cô ấy)
B. send her mother a postcard (gửi cho mẹ một tấm bưu thiếp )
C. send her mother a letter (gửi thư cho mẹ)

Part 2: Questions 6 – 10 (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

Directions: In this part, you will hear a conversation or a talk. There are five questions for the
conversation or the talk. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, or C.

Question 6. When does Mrs. Lee's plane go? (khi nào máy bay của bà Lee đi )
A. At 8 a.m ( aet , eight , a.m) – lúc 8 giờ sáng
B. At 10 a.m (aet, ten , a.m) – 10 giờ sáng
C. At 11 a.m ( aet, eleven, a.m) – 11 giờ sáng
Question 7. Where is she going to? ( Cô ấy sẽ đi đâu )
A. Amsterdam (thủ đô của Hà Lan)
B. Frankfurt (Đức)
C. London (Anh)
Question 8. First, she will go to _______. (Đầu tiên, cô ấy sẽ đến đâu ?)
A. a factory ( một nhà máy )
B. an office ( một văn phòng)
C. a hotel (một khách sạn )

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