Learning English Vocabulary Using Food Packaging As A Useful Authentic Source

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Learning English Vocabulary Using Food Packaging as a Useful Authentic Source

Tamila Khokhol

TESOL Program, Tel Aviv University

Multilingualism in the Public Space: Linguistic Landscape

Prof. Elana Shohamy

November 28, 2023

Learning English vocabulary using food packaging as a useful authentic source


English is a global language that is spread all over the world into practically all

domains such as education, science, scientific research, commerce and trade, technology,

internet, banking, film industry etc. Undoubtedly, English occupies a special place in this

modern world because of its significance around the world.

According to recent statistics, English has been the official language in 55 sovereign

states and 27 non-sovereign entities. Therefore, English has attained the status of a global

language in order to meet the needs of the people across the world. (Rao, 2019). All these

factors explain the fact that English has become a compulsory subject at schools in many

countries. Rao (2019) pointed out that learners of English as a foreign language are

encouraged to learn this language in order to promote their learning abilities in the fields of

science and technology, IT, engineering, medicine, law, business and so on.

Teachers, all over the world, are looking for effective teaching materials and different

creative methods the entire time in order to facilitate the learning process. Shehu (2016)

stated that language acquisition requires the focus of attention and this is achievable where

contact between teachers and learners is adequate, where effective teaching strategies are

employed, and where learning resources are available. Authentic materials are a great source

that can be used for learning a foreign language. What are authentic materials? There are a lot

of definitions of this term but Adams and Thomas (1995) proposed a new one: materials are

authentic if they are unaltered language data and are produced by and for native speakers of a

common language and not for second language learners of that language.

The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of using food packaging, as a

part of authentic materials in order to increase vocabulary mastery. This research focuses on

learning English vocabulary using creative methods of teaching that are related with real life.

The importance of this study is to show by example that food labels, as a part of authentic

materials, play a significant role in learning the language in the context, and using them, as a

didactic material, can greatly increase vocabulary proficiency.

Literature review

The use of authentic materials in EFL classes is not new because teachers started

using them in 1970s as the result of the spread of the Communicative Language Teaching

Approach. (Azri & Al-Rashdi, 2014). A great number of researchers support the idea of using

authentic materials in language teaching as they help to increase learners’ motivation and

bring them closer to the target language. It is very important to expose students to real life

language as it is used by native speakers and in this case students have the feeling that they

learn language for a real-life purpose. According to Rus (2023 ) students exposed to authentic

materials in the foreign language classroom are better able to process foreign language input

in real-life situations.

Cook (1981) stated that authentic materials utilise students' motivation very strongly

by their ordinariness and flavour of everyday life; they seem exotic and exciting, the very

stuff of strange foreign life. It is the responsibility of the classroom teacher to make the

learning process engaging and to use appropriate language samples that fit into your

classroom. Kalic and Ilter (2015) claimed that one of the key roles of the teacher in the

language learning process is observing his/her students’ motivation and attitude. S/he needs

to check the students’ readiness and willingness in order to facilitate learning. S/he should

provide appropriate conditions in the class and follow effective methods and modern

techniques of language teaching. The teacher’s task is to design activities using these

authentic materials which should have specific class objectives. The main challenge that

usually teachers face is to use these resources effectively.

Although many scholars consider the use of authentic materials as effective means to

stimulate and motivate students, some researchers are against this method of teaching. For

example, Kilickaya (2004) stated that authentic materials add a burden on teachers, as they

may contain difficult vocabulary and structures which need more effort to be simplified and

explained in order to make them appropriate for the learners. On the one hand, it is true as a

teacher has to spend a lot of time to find appropriate teaching materials which must be

motivating and raise learners’ interest. On the other hand, this creative teaching makes the

learning process more enjoyable and motivating, and learners have to be motivated to

succeed in learning a foreign language.

Developing basic learning skills is the main objective of teaching a language but the

other significant aim is practising concrete language structure like grammar or vocabulary.

Vocabulary plays a great role in teaching a foreign language as it develops knowledge and

skills in multiple aspects of language and literacy. Alqahtani (2015) emphasised that

vocabulary knowledge is often viewed as a critical tool for second language learners. Limited

vocabulary in a second language impedes successful communication because without

extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use the structures and functions we may have


Language and vocabulary are related to each other. Learning vocabulary helps

students to understand English and all its peculiarities better. That is why it is crucial to

present vocabulary in an interesting way that should have a positive impact on students’

motivation and interest thus on their results in vocabulary acquisition. Allen and French

(1983) say that teaching English needs techniques. To make the process of learning

vocabulary easier, Asari (2013) used an interesting method in teaching English vocabulary,

such as some different packaging of food products. The word food refers to something that

can be eaten by people. The packaging refers to the materials used to wrap or protect food.

This media is helpful for teachers to deliver their material in teaching English.

It is important to conduct my research and to investigate the effectiveness of usage of

food packaging in order to increase the level of vocabulary acquisition among students.

Research question

To what extent the usage of food packaging can increase the effectiveness of

vocabulary acquisition?



Two participants will take part in my research, both of them are adults.

Diana Chudanovich, 18, female

Diana is my student from Ukraine. She has been learning English from the age of 7.

Her level of English is Intermediate. Last year she graduated from school and entered

university in Poland. As she is currently living in a foreign country she is taking private

English lessons because she understands the value of English in our modern world. Her aim

is to speak English fluently and confidently.

Omer Klein, 33, male

Omer is Jewish. He was born and brought up in Israel. He studied English at school.

His level of English is Pre-Intermediate. He is also my student. His goal is to improve his

level of general English.


It was a two-week experimental pilot-project. This study includes two participants

from different countries with different levels of proficiency in English: one is from Ukraine,

who is currently living in Poland and the other one is from Israel. According to the aim of

this project, their task was to learn, individually, at least ten words a day, for two weeks,

using food packaging with English descriptions in order to improve their vocabulary.

The students chose packaging according to their preferences. However, from time to

time I sent them my own photos, some of which are included in this study. (Appendix B).

For my research, I chose a qualitative method which gave me more flexibility and

creativity to deal with the research context and a research question. I collected data by

interviewing the participants after the experiment. These interviews were conducted in

English both frontally and online lasting 15 minutes on average. The participants of this

project were asked a set of questions according to the topic of the research. In order to gain a

more complete understanding of the usefulness of using this technique in learning English

vocabulary, I designed a semi-structured interview with open-ended questions that asked the

learners to express their opinions about this two-week experience. Responses were written

down by the interviewer. (Appendix C). Questions can be seen in Appendix A.

Result and discussion

The main findings of this study are based on the thematic analysis of two

semi-structured interviews with students. Broadly speaking, both students liked the method of

learning English vocabulary through food packaging. One student mentioned the fact that

sometimes these labels contain entraining stories that make the process of learning even more


Diana: Some packages even include interesting stories or even tips that inspire you to learn


Another benefit from this technique is that the information is related to real life, that is

why it is easier to memorise the words or even phrases as a learner associates this vocabulary

with life situations. Even though both participants agree that it is a very effective method of

enhancing English vocabulary fluency, they pointed out a drawback that it is time-consuming.

Omer: I had to translate a lot and I spent a lot of time doing this.

Overall, participants of this research hold similar views on beneficial aspects of

learning vocabulary using food labels. They consider this method as an efficient way to

improve vocabulary knowledge. Research has demonstrated that the implementation of this

approach on an everyday basis can significantly increase the level of English vocabulary.

However, the effectiveness of this process depends on the learner's level of proficiency in

English and his/her wish to learn and enrich his/her knowledge. This study has shown that

food packaging could be a great source of authentic language and it is worthwhile

incorporating this method of learning English vocabulary in the educational process as an

alternative method of increasing English vocabulary fluency.


This article examined learners’ attitude towards food packaging, as a useful tool that

can enhance English vocabulary proficiency. The main conclusions are as follows:

● food packaging is an effective and interesting way to increase students’ mastery of

English. Students enjoy learning vocabulary in this way;

● participants of this research admitted the importance of connection food packaging

vocabulary with real life as it facilitates learning;

● students had positive results in increasing vocabulary after the two-week project.

However, the student participants of the current study may not reflect the diversity of

all students. Further research is needed to address the limitations of this study and to explore

the feasibility of the implementation of this approach in the educational process.


Adams, & Thomas, W. (1995). What makes materials authentic.


Al Azri, R. H., & Al-Rashdi, M. H. (2014). The effect of using authentic materials in

teaching. International journal of scientific & technology research, 3(10), 249-254.

Alqahtani, M. (2015). The importance of vocabulary in language learning and how to be

taught. International journal of teaching and education, 3(3), 21-34.

Asari, R. F., & Srijono, D. (2013). Teaching Vocabulary Using Food Package To The Fourth

Year Student At SD Negeri Cemani 3 Sukoharjo In 2012/2013 Academic Year

(Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta).

Cook, V. (1981). Using authentic materials in the classroom.

http://www.viviancook.uk/Writings/Papers/AuthMat81.htm#:~:text=For using

authentic materials simply,designed solely for the classroom.

Febrina, W. (2017). Authentic vs non-authentic materials in teaching English as a foreign

language (EFL) in Indonesia: Which one matters more. In The Asian Conference on

Education (pp. 731-742).

Huda, M. (2017). The use of authentic materials in teaching English: Indonesia teachers’

perspective in EFL classes. PEOPLE: International Journal of social sciences, 3(2),


Kienbaum, B. E. (1986). Communicative Competence in Foreign Language Learning with

Authentic Materials. Final Project Report.

KILIÇ, Z. V., & İlter, B. G. (2015). The effect of authentic materials on 12th grade students’

attitudes in EFL Classes. ELT research journal, 4(1), 2-15.

Kilickaya, F. (2004). Authentic materials and cultural content in EFL classrooms. Online

Submission, 10(7)

Mohammed, F. G. (2021). The effects of teaching through authentic material on EFL

learners. Docens Series in Education, 1, 73-86.

Rao, P. S. (2019). The role of English as a global language. Research Journal of English,

4(1), 65-79.

Rus, D. (2020). Using Adequate Materials in Teaching English for Specific Purposes for the

Practice of Language Skills. Acta Marisiensis. Philologia, 2(2), 102-106.

Shehu, H., & Tafida, A.G. (2016). Creative strategies for effective English language teaching

in large classes. Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science, 4(3), 72-79

Appendix A - Interview Questions

1. Do you find it is effective to use food packaging in order to learn English vocabulary?

2. What are the main advantages of this method?

3. What difficulties occurred in the process of acquiring vocabulary with the help of

food packaging?

4. Will you continue using this technique in future?

5. Did you enhance your level of vocabulary throughout these two weeks?

Appendix B - Didactic Material

Appendix C - Interviews


Interviewer: Do you find it is effective to use food packaging in order to learn English


Interviewee: Yes, I love this idea. It was very entertaining as I had to look through my food

items or even go to the supermarket to find some interesting packaging.

Interviewer: What are the main advantages of this method?

Interviewee: I think, firstly, that there is a great variety of food items with English wording

on it and you can also learn not just separate words but phrases. Secondly, this information is

connected with real life. Some packaging even include interesting stories or even tips that

inspire you to learn English.

Interviewer: What difficulties occurred in the process of acquiring vocabulary with the help

of food packaging?

Interviewee: The main difficulty is that it is a bit time-consuming as you have to find the

label, then choose the words, translate them and learn. It is not as easy as it seems.

Interviewer: Will you continue using this technique in future?

Interviewee: Sure. I find it is really a wonderful way to improve my vocabulary. Actually,

now it has become a habit.

Interviewer: Did you enhance your level of vocabulary throughout these two weeks?

Interviewee: Definitely! Every day I tried to recall all the previous words that I had learnt and

I was impressed by the amount of new words that I knew.


Interviewer: Do you find it is effective to use food packaging in order to learn English


Interviewee: In general, yes but I put a lot of time and effort into this learning.

Interviewer: What are the main advantages of this method?

Interviewee: It is an interesting way to learn new words. I like that this food packaging has

information that is connected with everyday life and because of this it was easier to learn the


Interviewer: What difficulties occurred in the process of acquiring vocabulary with the help

of food packaging?

Interviewee: I had to translate a lot and I spent much time doing this.

Interviewer: Will you continue using this technique in future?

Interviewee: More yes than no but for sure I will learn less words a day, maybe 5.

Interviewer: Did you enhance your level of vocabulary throughout these two weeks?

Interviewee: Yes, I learnt a lot of new words but frankly speaking, I do not remember all of



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