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Unit I


1. Determine whether the signal x[n]=u[n] ; is energy signal or power signal and justify
your answer.
2. State sampling theorem.
3. Define Nyquist rate and aliasing, how to avoid aliasing?
4. Define energy and power signals
5. Check if the system described by the difference equation y(n) = ay(n-1) +x(n) with y(0)
=1is stable.
6. What is the Nyquist rate for the signal xa(t)=5cos 800πt+2cos200πt?
7. Show that δ ( n )=u ( n ) −u(n−1) graphically.
8. Determine if the system described by the equation x ( n ) + is causal or non causal.
x ( n−1)
9. List the sampling techniques.
10. Write the necessary condition for causality by using system function


x (t )= 3 cos(2000 πt )+5 sin (6000 πt )+10 cos(12000 πt )

1. Consider the analog signal
(i) What is the Nyquist rate for this signal.
(ii) Assume now that we sample this signal using sampling rate 5000 samples/s. What is the

Discrete time signal obtained after sampling.

What is the analog signal that we reconstruct from the samples.

2. Check whether the following are linear, time invariant, causal, static, and stable for the
following system,
(i)y(n) = x(n)+nx(n+1)
(ii) y(n)= x(2n)
(iii) y[n]=x2[n]
(iv) y[n]=x[n2]

3. Determine the given signal is periodic or not, if periodic find the fundamental period.

i) x[n] = cos(nπ/2)- sin(nπ/8)+3cos(nπ/4 + π/3)

4. Check whether the following signals are energy or power Signals.

( i ) x ( n )= 1 u(n)
( ii ) x ( n )=u(n)

( iii ) x ( n )=3 cos ( nπ6 )

5.. Explain in detail about classification of signals with example.

Unit II


1. Define ROC in Z transform, write any Four properties of ROC.

2. Determine the Z-transform for the signal x(n)=δ(n)+ δ(n-1)+ δ(n+1)
3. x [n] = -an u [-n-1] find Z transform. Determine the ROC.
4. x[n]= δ[n-5]; Determine the Z transform.
5. What is the relationship between z-transform and DTFT?

6. Find the stability of the system whose impulse response h(n)= 2

u (n)
7. State and prove that convolution in the time domain is the same as multiplication in the
8. State and prove time shifting property of Z-transform.
9. Given a difference equation y(n)= x[n]+3x[n-1]+2y[n-1]. Determine the system function
10. Determine whether the signal x[n]=cos(nπ/2) is Periodic signal or Non periodic signal.


1. Find the Z-transform and ROC of

i) x (n)=cos (¿ ω 0 n)u(n). ¿
ii) x (n)=sin (¿ ω 0 n)u(n).¿
iii) x(n) = n 2u(n)

2 i) Find the system function and the impulse response h (n) for a system described by the
following input-output relationship.
y (n )= y (n−1)+3 x (n )
ii) A linear time-invariant system is characterized by the system function
3−4 z−1
H ( z)= .
(1−3 .5 z−1 +1 .5 z−2 )
Specify the ROC of H(z) and determine h(n) for the following conditions:
(1) The system is stable
(2) The system is causal
(3) The system is anti-causal
3. Find the inverse Z transform of
X ( z )= .
(1−1.5 z +0.5 z−2 ) |Z|>1, |Z|<0.5

X ( z )= 2
3 z −4 z+1 ROC |Z| >1, ROC |Z| <1

4 State and prove any four properties of Z transform.

5. A discrete system has a unit sample response

𝒉(𝒏) = 𝟏/𝟐 𝜹(𝒏) + 𝜹(𝒏 − 𝟏) + 𝟏/𝟐 𝜹(𝒏 − 𝟐)Find the system frequency response.

Unit III

1. How many multiplications and additions are required to compute N-point DFT using radix-2
2. Find the discrete Fourier Transform for impulse signal δ[n].
3. Find the DFT of the sequence x(n)={1,2,3,1}
4. Write and prove linearity property in DFT.
5. Determine the number of complex multiplications, complex additions required to perform N
point DFT in ordinary computation for N=64.
6. Draw the basic butterfly diagram for Radix 2 DITFFT.
7. Draw the basic butterfly diagram for Radix 2 DIFFFT.
8. State Circular frequency shifting property of DFT.
9. What is zero padding? What are its uses?
10. What is the difference between and similarities between DIT and DIF algorithms?


1. Find the DFT of the sequence using DIT-FFT & DIF-FFT algorithm
i) x(n) = {1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1}.
ii) x[n]=[2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1]
2. Find the X(K) for x(n) = n + 1, for N =8 using DIF FFT algorithm
3. By means of DFT and IDFT, determine the sequence y(n) corresponding to the circular
convolution of the sequences
i) x 1 ( n )=[ 2 ,1 , 2 ,1 ] x 2 ( n ) =[ 1 , 2 ,3 , 4 ]
ii) x1[n]=[1,2,3,1] x2[n]=[2,3,2,2]

4. Consider x1(n)={1,0.5,0.25,0.125}, x2(n)= [1,1,1,1}.

Determine X1(K) using DITFFT and X2(K) using DIFFT. Hence evaluate circular
convolution by X1(K)*X2(K)

Unit IV

1. Compare analog and digital filters.
2. State the condition for linear phase.
3. Differentiate Chebyshev Type1 and Type 2 filter.
4. What is Gibbs phenomenon?
5. What are the basic elements of block diagram
6. Write difference between IIR and FIR filters.
7. Name the methods for digitizing transfer function of an analog filter.
8. Compare Butterworth and Chebyshev filters.
9. Define Warping effect.
10. Define Prewarping effect.


1. Obtain the Direct form I, Direct form – II, Cascade form and parallel structure for the system
described by
i) y ( n )=−0.1 y ( n−1 ) +0.2 y ( n−2 ) +3 x ( n )+ 3.6 x ( n−1 )+ 0.6 x ( n−2 )
3 1 1
y (n )= y (n−1)− y (n−2 )+x (n)+ x (n−1)
ii) 4 8 3
iii) y(n) = 0.5y(n-1)-0.25y(n-2) +x(n)+0.4x(n-1)

2. Design a digital Butterworth filter satisfying following constraints

0 . 707≤|H ( e jω )|≤1 0≤ω≤π /2
|H (e jω )|≤0 .2 3 π / 4≤ω≤π
With T=1 sec using bilinear transformation.

3. Determine H(Z) for a Butterworth filter Satisfying following constraints

√ 0 .5≤|H ( jΩ )|≤1 for 0≤w≤

|H ( jΩ )|≤0. 2 for ≤w≤π
with T=1 s. Apply Impulse invariant transformation
4 . For the analog transfer function
H ( S )=
( (1+S )(1 s+3 ) ) determine H(Z) using bilinear
transformation with T=0.1 sec.

Convert the analog filter

H ( S )=
( )
0. 5( s+ 4 )
( 1+S )( s+2 ) using impulse invariant transformation
with T=0.31416sec.

Unit V


1. What is pipelining?
2. Difference between von Neumann and Harvard architecture.
3. Explain about MAC.
4. List the on chip peripherals in ‘C5X.
5. State how a Digital Signal Processor is different from other processors.
6. List out the merits and demerits of VLIW architecture?
7. Mention the various registers used with ARAU of DSP processor?
8. What is the pipeline depth of TMS320C50, TM 320C54x?
9. Mention important features of Harvard Architecture.
10. What are the factors that influence the selection of DSP processor for an application?


1. Describe in detail the architecture of TMS320C54 DSP processor and state the main
features of this processor
2. Discuss in brief the addressing modes of a anyone commercial DSP with examples.
(i)Write short notes on memory mapped register addressing
(ii)Enumerate circular addressing mode
3. Explain the concept of pipelining in DSP processors.

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