Power System Analysis Important

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Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Blue Print for EE8501- Power System Analysis- Model II I

All Five Units

Part A - 30 Questions

1. A generator rated at 30MVA, 11KV has a reactance of 20% calculate its p.u reactance for a base
of 50 MVA and 10kV.

2. The base kV and base MVA of a 3-phase transmission line is 33kV and 10 MVA respectively.
Calculate the base current and base impedance.

3. What is impedance diagram?

4. Define per phase analysis.

5. What are the components of power system?

6. What are the disadvantages of per unit system?

7. How the reactive power of a generator is controlled?

8. What is Slack or swing bus?

9. What is the information that are obtained from a power flow study?

10. What is acceleration factor?

11. What is the need of slack bus?

12. What is load flow study?

13. Define symmetrical fault.

14. Define bolted fault

15. What is direct axis reactance?

16. Give the frequency of various faults occurrence in ascending order

17. What are the factors to be considered for selecting the C.B.?

18. What is Short Circuit MVA and how it is calculated?

19. What are the observations made from the analysis of various faults?

20. Define unsymmetrical fault.

21. Draw the sequence network connections corresponding to DLG fault at bus.

22. Write a short notes on negative sequence network.

23. Express the unbalanced voltages in terms of symmetrical components

24. Draw the sequence network connections corresponding to SLG fault at bus.

25. What is an ‘a’ operator?

26. What is sequence network?

27. Define Infinite bus in power system.

28. What is meant by power angle curve?

29. How is the power system stability classified?

30. Write swing equation

31. Define critical clearing angle and time?

32. Find the frequency of oscillation for a synchronizing co-efficient of 0.6, inertia constant H= 4
and system frequency of 50 Hz.

Part B -30 Questions

1. The one-line diagram of a power system is shown in Fig. The three-phase power and line ratings are given below.
G : 80 MVA 22kV X=9%
Tr1: 50 MVA 22/220 kV X=10%
Tr2 : 40 MVA 220/22 kV X=6.0%
Tr3, Tr4: 40 MVA 22/110 kV X=6.4%
Line 1 : 200 kV X=121Ω
Line 2 : 110 kV X= 42.35Ω
M: 68.85 MVA 20 KV X=22.5%
Load : 10 MVAR, 4kV Δ-Connected Capacitor.
Draw an impedance diagram showing all impedance in per –unit on a 100 MVA base. Choose 22kV as the
voltage base for generator.

2. Form bus admittance matrix for the data given below using Singular transformation
method. Take node ‘6’ as reference node.
3. 300 MVA, 20 kV, 3 generator has sub transient reactance of 20%. The generator supplies two
synchronous motors through a 64 km transmission line having transformers at both ends as shown
in Fig. In this, T1 is a 3 transformer 350 MVA, 20/230 kV, 10% reactance & Transformer T2 is
made of 3 single phase transformer of each rating 100 MVA, 127/13.2 kV, 10% reactance. Series
reactance of the transmission line is 0.5/km. The ratings of 2 motors are : M1 = 200 MVA, 13.2
kV, 20% & M2 = 100 MVA, 13.2 kV, 20%.Draw the reactance diagram with all the reactances
marked in p.u.

4. Draw the reactance diagram for the power system shown in figure. Neglect resistance and use
a base of 50MVA and 13.8KV on generator G1.
G1: 20 MVA, 13.8 KV, X’’= 20% ;
G2: 30 MVA, 18.0 KV, X’’= 20%;
G3:30 MVA, 20KV, X’’= 20%
Transformer T1:- 25 MVA , 220/13.8KV , X= 10%
Transformer T2:- 3 single phase unit each rated 10MVA , 127/18KV , X= 10%
Transformer T3:- 35 MVA , 220/22 KV , X= 10%

5. Draw an impedance diagram for the electric power system shown in Fig. showing all the
impedances in per unit on a 100 MVA base .Choose 20 kV as the voltage base for generator. The
3Φ power and line rating are given below.
Tr2: 80MVA, 200/20KV,X=20%
Load:200KV, S=48MW+j64MVAR

6. Form Ybus of the test system shown in figure using singular transformation method. The
impedance data is given in table. Take (1) as reference node.

Element Self Mutual

Bus code Impedance Bus Impedance

1 1-2 0.5 1-2 0.1

2 1-3 0.6

3 3-4 0.4

4 2-4 0.3

7. (i) State power flow study and derive load flow equation.

(ii) Compare G-S and N-R methods of load flow analysis.

8. Figure shows a five-bus system. Each line has an impedance of (0.05+ j0.15) pu. The line shunt
admittance may be neglected. The bus power and voltage specifications are given in table.

Bus PL QL PG QG V Bus Specification

1 1.0 0.5 - - 1.02 Slack bus

2 0 0 2 - 1.02 PV bus

3 0.5 0.2 0 0 - PQ Bus

4 0.5 0.2 0 0 - PQ bus

5 0.5 0.2 0 0 - PQ bus

(i) Form Ybus (ii) Find Q2, δ2, V3, V4, and V5 after first iteration using Gauss seidal method.
Assume Q2min=0.2pu, Q2max= 0.6pu.

9. Draw the flow chart and explain the algorithm of Newton Raphson iterative method when the
system contains all types of buses.

10. The single line diagram of a simple three-bus power system with generation at bus 1.The
magnitude of voltage at bus 1 is adjusted to 1.05 per unit. The scheduled loads at buses 2 and 3
are as marked on the diagram. Line impedances are marked in per unit on a 100 MVA base and
line charging susceptances are neglected. Obtain the power flow solution by the Gauss- Seidal

11. Draw the flow chart and explain the algorithm of Gauss-Seidel iterative method when the
system contains all types of buses.

12. Fig. shown below a three bus power system

Bus 1: Slack bus VSpecified=1.05∟0º ;

Bus 2: PV bus |V|Specified= 1.0 p.u ,PG= 3 p.u;

Bus 3: PQ bus PL= 4 p.u QL=2 p.u .

Carry out one iteration of load flow solutions by Newton-Raphson Method. Neglect limits on
reactive power generation?
13. The figure shows a generating station feeding a 132 KV system. Determine the total fault
current, fault level and fault current supplied by each alternator for a 3ϕ fault at the receiving
end bus. The line is 200 Km long. Take a base of 100 MVA, 11 KV for LV side and 132 KV for HT

14. Explain the procedure to determine Zbus matrix using Building algorithm.

15. Explain systematic symmetrical fault analysis using Zbus matrix.

16. A 11 KV, 100 MVA alternators having a sub –transient reactance of 0.25 p.u is supplying a 50
MVA motor having a sub –transient reactance of 0.2 p.u through a transmission line. The line
reactance is 0.05 pu on a base of 100 MVA. Motor is drawing 40 MW at 0.8 power factor leading
with a terminal voltage of 10.95 KV when a 3-phase fault occurs at the generator terminals.
Calculate the total current in the generator and motor under fault conditions.

17. Form the bus impedance matrix for the network shown by building algorithms

18. For the radial network shown in fig three phase fault occurs at point F. Determine the fault
current and the line voltage at 11.8 KV bus under fault condition.`
19. Derive the necessary equation to determine the fault current for a Double line to ground
fault. Draw a diagram showing the interconnections of sequence networks.

20. A11 kV, 30MVA alternator has Z1=Z2= -j0.2 pu and Z0=-j0.05 pu. A line to ground fault occurs
on the generator terminals. Determine the fault current and line to line voltages during faulted
conditions. Assume that the generator neutral is solidly grounded and the generator is operating
at no load and at the rated voltage during the occurrence of the fault.

21. Explain about the concepts of symmetrical component.

22. Derive an expression for the total power in a three-phase system in terms of symmetrical
components of voltages and currents.

23. Determine the symmetrical components of the unbalanced three phase currents I a = 10˪0ᵒ A,
Ib = 12 ˪230ᵒ A and Ic = 10 ˪130ᵒ

24. Derive the expression of fault current for line to line fault on an unloaded generator. Draw a
diagram showing the interconnections of sequence networks

25. Discuss in detail the solution of swing equation by Euler method .

26. The moment of inertia of a 4 pole, 100 MVA, 11Kv, 3ϕ, 0.8 power factor, 50 Hz turbo
alternator is 10000kg-m2. Calculate H and M.

27. Explain the terms critical clearing angle and critical clearing time in connection with the
transient stability of a power system.

28. Distinguish between steady state, transient and dynamic stability. Explain the methods of
improving power system stability.

29. Derive the swing equation of a synchronous machine swinging against an infinite bus. Clearly
state the assumptions made in deducing the swing equation

30. A Generator is operating at 50 Hz, delivers 1.0 p.u power to an infinite bus through a
transmission circuit in which resistance is ignored. A fault takes place reducing the maximum
power transferable to 0.5 p.u. Before the fault, this power was 2.0 p.u. and after the clearance of
fault it is 1.5 p.u. By the use of equal area criterion, determine the critical angle.


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