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Inés España
Julia Valarino

Miguel Carrasco
WELCOME to our comic about Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein."

Published in 1818, this literary masterpiece stands as an icon of

Romanticism and a profound reflection on scientific ethics. In the
context of the Industrial Revolution and the scientific discussions
of the time, Shelley weaves a fascinating narrative that explores
creation, alienation, and human nature. Join me on a journey
through the history of "Frankenstein," where we will examine its
context, creation, and its enduring impact on literary culture
Victor's family talks to a poor
farmer in Italy and adopted her
My na
me is

res as bo
pec rn
nev ted f into a
a, S am
wit ily i
zer n

Victor with Elizabeth, Ernest, and William,

enjoying a happy childhood in Switzerland I lo
pas ed le
sio arn
sec n wa ing, b
ret su ut
so n my
f n cove tru
hum ature ring e
an and t he
sou the
A revealing storm: nature
My friend Henry At 17, my pa
Clerval rents
and I shared storie
s and a
displayed its destructive decided I sh
ould study at
longing for thrillin power. the University
g of
experiences. Ingolstadt.

Victor, his mother, and Elizabeth; the mother Victor in Professor Waldman's laboratory
passes away
In Ingolstadt, Victor met
Professor Waldman, who
sparked his interest in science.

re le
my avin
m g, a
entr other p tr
ustin asse agedy:
futu g E d aw
re to lizabeth ay,
geth a
er to nd a

I decided to become a
man of science, exploring
the mysteries of creation.
Two years of acad
success, but an
unexpected event
changed my course

An unexp
ected ev
made m ent
e recons
Months of intense work follow, isolating Victor During a storm, Victor's
Victor discovers the from the world. creature comes to life, but
secret of life, sparking a the excitement turns to
passionate quest to horror at its deformities.
create a giant being.

A wet morning brings the unexpected arrival of

and terror fi Henry Clerval, momentarily lifting Victor's despair.
dream of
Victor as his ses.
auty collap
creating be
Henry excitedly tells Victor about his journey to
Arriving at Victor's college, he fears the monster
Ingolstadt for studies, expressing his joy to be
might still be in his room. He rushes up, relieved to
there. Victor, looking tired and ill, admits to
find it empty. Joyfully, he returns to Clerval.
working intensely but claims to have finished.

During recovery, Victor frequently imagines the

As they have breakfast, Victor sees the monster,
monster, but Henry's care helps him regain strength.
panics, and falls unconscious. He falls ill, and
Henry encourages Victor to write to his worried
Henry nurses him without informing Victor's family.

You should get in touch

with your family soon.

I can't stop imagining

it and thinking about it
Victor writes to his family, and when a letter arrives from Elizabeth, he learns about his family's
concern for his health. The letter brings both joy and sorrow.

Victor introduces Henry to acquaintances, helps him

Victor, devastated, shares the heartbreaking news
start his studies, and plans to return to Geneva.
with Henry, and they prepare for Victor's immediate
However, he receives a letter from his father
revealing the tragic news of his little brother
William's murder.
Victor, accompanied by Clerval, rushes to Geneva upon
receiving news of his brother's murder. Victor's unease grows as Returning to his father's
he imagines the monster's involvement. house, Victor learns about
Justine's trial. Ernest
informs him of Justine's
arrest based on
circumstantial evidence
involving a locket.

Witnesses, including Elizabeth,

testify against Justine, emphasizing
suspicious circumstances. Elizabeth
defends Justine's character, but the
gold locket with William's picture
found in Justine's possession shocks
the court.

Victor reassures his family of Justine's innocence, but the trial begins.
Justine, calm yet serious, smiles sadly at Victor and Elizabeth in court.
Justine, in tears, recounts her whereabouts on the night of the murder. Despite her testimony, the court seems
convinced of her guilt.

Elizabeth promises to convince

The trial concludes, and Victor learns of Justine's guilty
the judge of Justine's innocence,
verdict and death sentence. Distraught, he visits her in prison,
but her efforts fail. The next day,
where Justine pleads her innocence.
Justine is hanged, leaving Victor
overwhelmed with guilt and
despair. The once happy home
becomes a place of sorrow.
My father was worried about the change
in me, but I didn't want help. We left
Geneva for Belrive, seeking solace

No happiness awaited us there. Father's

health suffered from recent horrors, and
Elizabeth was in despair.
Two months after Justine's death, I left
for the mountains, hoping to escape the

I feared the monster's next crime. The

lake brought no peace. So, I sought refuge
in the mountains.
Be calm. I don't want
to hurt you. You're my
creator; change my
fate, and your family
will be safe

I expected these
words. Listen, and
your loved ones will
be safe. Refuse, and
The climb was tough, but the
I'll kill you all
beauty of the scenery offered a
brief respite

"Murderer! I'll
end your crimes!
"What have I "I watched them, saw the beauty
created? What of family life. I longed to join but
can I do now? feared rejection after the village."

“I remember my creation... I
sought warmth, saw a family in
a cottage, and longed to be part
of their gentle world”
"The family's daily life unfolded before
me. A young man, Felix, worked outside,
while a young girl, Agatha, tended to the
cottage. They showered affection on the
old man, Mr. De Lacey."

Their ability to communicate fascinated me.

I yearned to talk, to be like them. Names:
Mr. De Lacey, Felix, Agatha—slowly, I
grasped their language.
I saw my reflection—monstrous. No
wonder they fear me. I understood
the hostility.

I wanted to help, ventured into the night

for wood. Their happiness became mine,
and their sadness, my own.
Mr. De Lacey, once respected in Paris,
faced scandal. Felix and Safie's love
triumphed, but they lost everything."
Monster (narrating): "Arrested,
imprisoned, and forced to leave France.
They started anew in the little cottage in
Safie, determined, crossed boundaries for
love. Men can be cruel, but they can also be
good. Their story unfolded, revealing the
duality of mankind. Cruelty and kindness
reside within us all."
The flames consumed their home. My
anger blinded me, and the warm sun
the next morning brought regret.

I spent the rest of the day thinking of

revenge. Waited until it was dark and
set fire to their cottage."
I returned to the cottage, but it was
empty. The family had left. I never
saw them again.

I decided that I had acted too quickly.

I'll return to the cottage and try
I spent the rest of the day in my hut,
contemplating my actions. Revenge
had consumed me.

I returned to the forest, wondering

what to do next. You were the only
person I could turn to, yet I hated you."
I traveled only at night, "Frankenstein! You're the
frightened of encountering
child of my enemy!"
another human being. Until one
day, I found myself in a dark

Resting, I saw a young girl running

towards the river. She slipped and
fell. I jumped in to save her.
“If I cannot find love, I
will cause fear.”

"I will never create another

being as unfortunate as you!"
Victor, torn by mixed emotions,
contemplates the monster's

Then I will hate you forever. I

will make your life as miserable
as I can.
Victor: "How can I believe you?
You've already caused so much

"Do as I ask, and I will be a better,

happier creature. I won't harm
another person."
"I agree, but you must leave
Europe forever and never "What have I done?"

"I promise. I will do as you ask."

Clerval, look at the in but s
th om
landscape, isn't it dis air s ethi
tu e n
beautiful? rb em g
ing s

The protagonist destroying his work

while the monster watches in anger.

Goodbye, Clerval.
Why do you The monster
destroy what is threatens my
mine? Revenge will wedding night!
You can't have
be your sentence
such an evil
It just can't

My God! What

They accuse Frankenstein he enters and sees Clerval

you t have
Victor, what's wrong?
You've been so quiet
since we arrived. tc
we ang
ath es i
Let e n
's g r, de the
ho o a r
tel to th .
,o e

They are on their honeymoon. He wears a

happy appearance, but hides his worries.
My revenge
has begun...

you re
y ar at a
Wh s? Wh or?
vou f
ner looki
In t
swe is dar
ar, k
and by t ness I
l h os will
the ost, I w e I lov
mo ill p e
n urs d
end ster u ue
of m ntil t
y da he

Walton, if I don't survive

this hunt, promise me
you won't let him escape.
Don't trust their words...
Tireless pursuit remember William,
Justine, Clerval, Elizabeth
and my father. May he
find peace, even if I don't
have it.

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