3 Types of Energy Audits

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3 Types of Standard Energy Audits

An Energy Audit is a systematic examination and analysis of energy usage within a speci c
environment, such as a building, facility, or industrial process. The primary goal is to identify
opportunities for improving energy e ciency, reducing energy consumption, and optimizing
energy performance.

Based on the extent of energy audit conducted the results and outcomes of the Energy Audits will
vary. Based on the extent of Energy Audit to be conducted, there are 3 Types of Energy Energy

1. Walk Through Energy Audits

Sometimes the Energy Audits needs to be conducted only in preparation for a detailed audit. A
Walk Through Energy Audit is a systematic inspection of an industry’s energy usage, aiming to
identify areas where energy e ciency can be improved. This non-invasive audit is an excellent
starting point for individuals or organisations looking to reduce energy costs and environmental

Walk Through Energy Audits are conducted by an Experienced Energy Auditor and his / her Team.
Usually the Operations and Maintenance Team of the Industry becomes a part of the Walk
Through Energy Audit. The team goes though the entire production facility and identi es various
major and minor potential opportunities for improving energy e ciency, reducing energy
consumption and optimising energy performance.

One of the easiest and most feasible Energy Saving Opportunities identi ed during Walk Through
Energy Audits of process industries using steam are Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs) also called
as Pressure Reducing and De-superheating Stations (PRDS). Microturbines can be e ectively
used to work as PRVs to reduce the steam pressure and generate clean Electrical Energy using
the pressure drop. vaporpower is one such popular and time tested Microturbine used in various
process industries.

2. Target Energy Audits

Outcome of a Walk Through Energy Audit can used to identify targeted areas to conduct Energy
Audits. Walk Through Energy Audits done e ectively with complete involvement of the Operations
and Maintenance Teams of the Industry can lead to Target Energy Audits. The Operations and
Maintenance Teams of the industries usually are generally aware of the ares where the most
energy is being consumed as well as those areas where most energy is being wasted.
Target Energy Audits can prove to be very cost e ective since these are done with clearly
identi ed areas. Such Audits can be quick and highly e ective as compared to Detailed Energy
Audits. The implantation of the outcomes of such audits can also be done very quickly.

If any Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs) are identi ed as a possible Target for Energy Audit, Turtle
Turbines can be approached with available steam data for a Free Analysis of Potential Power
Generation. Data Form provided at the link may be used to provide the requested information for
Free Evaluation of Power Generation Potential.

These Microturbines are designed for retro t applications with plug and play design.

3. Detailed Energy Audits

Detailed Energy Audits are also called as Diagnostic Energy audits and are usually very
comprehensive in nature. Detailed Energy Audits are conducted to scan across the entire
Industrial set up and generate su cient data for desk analysis. Detailed Energy Audits, are
expected to provide more in-depth analysis leading to identi cation of potential energy
conservation opportunities. Detailed Energy Audits are conducted by Professional Energy
Auditors who are quali ed to carry out such assignments. these are not only limited to identifying
the possible energy conservation potential at various consumption points in the Industrial set up,
but also provide in-depth understanding in terms of Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net Present
Value (NPV) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC)


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