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SQL Structured Query Language

To Access and manipulate Data base

Create table

Create table table_Name (

Column1 datatype,
Clo2 datatype,
Col datatype
Data type :
Text, int ,date,varchar(255),…

CREATE TABLE employee (

EmpID int primary key,
LastName varchar(255),
FirstName varchar(255),
Age int ,
Email varchar(255),
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255)

2) Add Bdate column to employee

Alter table employee

Add Bdate date;
3) alter table_ Drop column
Alter table employee
Drop column City ;

4) alter table – alter /modify col

Alter table employee
Alter column age date;
1 to many
Employee Manager
Create table manager(
ManID int primary key,
Location text ,
Mname text,
EMPID int,
Foreign key (EMPID) references employee(EmpID));
Many – many
Employee Project
Create table Project (
Pno int primary key ,
PName text

Create table join(

EmpID int,
Foreign key (EmpID)references employee(EmpID),
PNO int ,
Foreign key (PNO)references Project (Pno)

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