Evaluation of Rock Slope Stability For Yujian River Dam Site by

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Computers and Geotechnics 38 (2011) 846–860

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Computers and Geotechnics

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Evaluation of rock slope stability for Yujian River dam site by kinematic
and block theory analyses
P.H.S.W. Kulatilake a,⇑, Liangqing Wang b,c, Huiming Tang d, Ye Liang b,c
Geological Engineering Program, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 85721, USA
Faculty of Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, China
Visiting Research Scholar, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Lithological information, rock mass fracture data and discontinuity shear strength obtained through field
Received 6 February 2011 investigations have been used to conduct kinematic and block theory analyses for the rock slopes that
Received in revised form 16 May 2011 exist in the dam site to evaluate the stability of the slopes. The analyses were performed using mean dis-
Accepted 18 May 2011
continuity set orientations for each rock mass region under gravitational loading to calculate the maxi-
Available online 17 June 2011
mum safe slope angles (MSSA) for different cut slope directions. Results show that final MSSAs
obtained from kinematic analysis are less than or equal to that obtained from block theory analysis.
The following conclusions have been made based on the block theory analysis results, which are closer
Yujian River
Dam site
to the reality: (1) The final MSSA range between 30° and 47°, 44° and 70°, 47° and 69° for cut slope
Rock discontinuities dip directions of 20–30°, 105–210°, and 270–355°, respectively; (2) For cut slope dip directions of
Discontinuity shear strength 20–30°, 200–210° and 275–315°, wide ranges of values have been obtained for the final MSSA reflecting
Rock slope stability the influence of variability of fracture orientations on MSSA; (3) Apart from the region R-d-1 for slope dip
Kinematic analysis directions in the range 20–30°, rest of the regions at the dam site seem to be stable for slope angles less
Block theory analysis than 40°. Detailed comparisons are given between the kinematic and block theory analyses covering
both the theoretical concepts and application results. Also a brief comparison is included between the
laboratory and in situ discontinuity shear strength results.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction compressive strength of intact rock were performed on samples

collected from the dam site. In situ shear tests were conducted in
Yujian River Reservoir is located in north–northeast of Guiyang test tunnels at the left and right banks to estimate shear strength
City, Guizhou Province, China. The dam project is composed of roller of discontinuities. Also laboratory shear tests were performed on
concrete double curvature arch dam, flood discharging facilities and discontinuities to compare with in situ shear test results. After dis-
irrigation facilities. Yujian River dam is about 81 m high with cussing the aforementioned investigations, the paper then focuses
elevations of 981 m and 1062 m at the bottom and top of the dam, on calculation of maximum safe slope angles (MSSA) for five slope
respectively. Designed reservoir storage is about 1.05  107 m3 regions based on the kinematic and block theory analyses consider-
corresponding to a water level of 1057 m. The project has tremen- ing the three basic failure modes: plane sliding, wedge sliding and
dous benefits such as flood control, irrigation, water supply for city toppling under the gravitational loading.
and countryside, and ecological construction. The dam site region
includes varying high slopes in different rock types. It is important
to assess the stability of these slopes for the safety of the dam as well 2. Geology
as the region downstream of the dam.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the stability of slopes in The dam site of Yujian River Project is situated in the south-west
the dam site based on kinematic and block theory analyses. In order part of the Tuanwangshan syncline, encompassing three different
to accomplish the task, engineering geology surveys, identification formations namely, the Triassic Middle Series Shizishan formation
of slope regions and discontinuity surveys were performed for dif- (T2sh) for which the predominant lithology is limestone, the Triassic
ferent rock types at the left and right banks of the dam. Laboratory Middle Series songzikan formation (T3-22s ) for which the predominant
tests for the determination of density, tensile strength and uniaxial lithology is argillaceous dolomite and the Triassic Middle Series
songzikan formation (T3-12s ) for which the lithology includes argilla-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 520 621 6064; fax: +1 520 621 8059. ceous dolomite with mudstone interlayer. Fig. 1 shows the rock
E-mail address: kulatila@u.arizona.edu (P.H.S.W. Kulatilake). mass types and selected slope regions of the dam site. Yujian River

0266-352X/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Kulatilake PHSW et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 38 (2011) 846–860 847

85 90 95 71 00 05 10 15 71 20

85 Scale 95
Triassic middle series Shizishan formation
T2 sh
0 10 20 30 40 50 (m) (predominant lithology:limestone )
T2 sh Triassic middle series Songzikan formation, third
Jian T2S3-2 section, second layer (predominant lithology:
80 80 argillaceous dolomite )
Triassic middle series Songzikan formation, third
T2S3-1 section, first layer (argillaceous dolomite mudstone
G R -a
75 75

T2 sh Stratum boundary Arch Dam

T2S3-2 River R-e-2
Arc Dam Diversion tunnel A Joint survey scanline code
70 70

T2 sh
2S Yu Jian River
R-e-1 Test tunnel
Yu R-d-1
65 R-d-2 65 Region-a (R-a) Region-b (R-b)

Region-c-1 (R-c-1) Region-c-2 (R-c-2)

T2 sh
D Diversion tunnel 0+155.5 60
Region-d-1 (R-d-1) Region-d-2 (R-d-2)

Region-e-1 (R-e-1) Region-e-2 (R-e-2)

85 90 95 71 00 71 05 10 15 71

Fig. 1. Rock mass types and selected slope regions of the dam site.

runs across the dam site from Southern-west to Northern-east. The lengths on each side of the scanline, termination type (terminate
lowest and highest altitudes in the dam site are about 870 m and on rock, terminate on another joint and joint intersect other joints)
1293 m, respectively. The maximum elevation difference of the for each joint, aperture, roughness, filled materials (mudstone fill-
landform is about 423 m. In the study area, the elevation difference ing, Ca filling and no filling) and groundwater condition (dry, with
is about 100–200 m. According to the degree of weathering, the rock no evidence of water flow; dry, but evidence of water flow; damp,
mass in the dam site can be classified into four types: (a) strongly but no free water; occasional drop of water; continuous flow of
weathered; (b) weakly weathered; (c) slightly weathered and (d) water) were also recorded. Seven hundred and sixty-two disconti-
fresh rock. The degree of rock mass weathering is different for differ- nuities (426 from T2sh and 336 from T3-2 2s ) were mapped in the T2sh
ent rock types. No major fault or fold was observed at the dam site and T3-22s rock types. Figs. 2 and 3 show contours of dominant
during the site exploration, except for small scale tension faults. discontinuity sets obtained on a lower hemispherical equal area
According to the location and possible slope dip directions, dam projections for different scanline data. The orientation plots show
site slopes are divided into five regions: Regions-a–e (Fig. 1). Re- existence of four sub-vertical joint sets and a sub-horizontal bedding
gion-a and Region-b are located in the left bank in T2sh type rock plane in both rock types. The plots also show existence of high orien-
mass. Regions a and b are subdivided into several sub-regions tation variability for the sub-vertical joint sets. Predominant dip
based on different slope orientations. According to different rock directions of the sub-vertical discontinuities seem to be along
types, Region-c is subdivided into two sub-regions: Region-c-1 SWW, NNW, SSW and NW. Average dip angle of these joints vary
located in the right bank in T3-2
2s type rock mass and Region-c-2 between 50° and 90°. The bedding plane has an average dip direction
located in the right bank in T2sh type rock mass. Similarly, of NEE and dips in the range 25–34°. The dip angle of bedding planes
Region-d is also subdivided into two sub-regions: Region-d-1 with of T2sh rock mass seems slightly steeper than that of T3-2 2s rock mass.
rock type similar to Region-c-1 and Region-d-2 with rock type Horizontal scanlines marked on very steep rock exposures (80–90°)
similar to Region-c-2. Region-e which is located in the right bank were used in mapping discontinuity orientations. No horizontal dis-
in T2sh type rock mass is also subdivided into two sub-regions: continuity planes exist in the dam site. A few vertical fracture planes
Region-e-1 and Region-e-2, based on different discontinuity exist in the orientation data belonging to scanlines A, D, E, F and G
orientations and slope orientations. (see Figs. 2 and 3). However, the angle between the mean strike of
these fracture sets and the corresponding scanline trend ranges
between 32° and 91° depending on the scanline number (These were
3. Dominant discontinuity orientations at the dam site calculated using the scanline trends given in Table 1 and fracture set
orientations given in Figs. 2 and 3). Based on the last three sentences,
Discontinuity scanline sampling surveys were performed in test it is possible to say that fractures in the dam site intersect horizontal
tunnels, a diversion tunnel and on a natural slope in the dam site. scanlines well. Therefore, chances to have blind zone joints would be
Table 1 gives the properties of selected scanlines. Fig. 1 shows the very minimal. This greatly reduces the effect of sampling bias on
locations at which the scanline surveys were performed. A total of orientation distribution of fracture sets. To take into account the
six scanlines were completed. Out of these, four scanlines were discontinuity orientations on rock slope stability analysis, five most
performed in the T2sh rock mass and the rest in the T3-22s rock mass. dominant discontinuity sets were selected from each equal area plot
The dip direction and dip of the exposure face, trend and plunge of (i.e. from each scanline) in conducting kinematic and block theory
the scanline, location of the exposure, the rock type and exposure analyses. These values are given in Table 2. It is important to note
condition of rock mass were recorded. For discontinuities that inter- that these dominant discontinuity sets include relatively large ex-
sect each scanline, the intersection distance, strike, dip, semi trace tent joints and faults. Note that only the mean orientation is used
848 Kulatilake PHSW et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 38 (2011) 846–860

Table 1
Properties of selected scanlines at the dam site.

Scanline number Location Rock face dip dir./dip angle (°) Scanline trend/plunge (°) Rock mass type Excavation method
A Diversion tunnel 145/90 46/0 T2sh Blasting
D Diversion tunnel 153/90 72/0 T2sh Blasting
F Tunnel at right bank 160/90 70/0 T2sh Blasting
G Tunnel at left bank 242/80 152/0 T2sh Blasting
B Diversion tunnel 153/90 72/0 T3-2 Blasting
E Slope at right bank 280/90 190/0 T3-2
Natural surface

from each fracture set in performing both the kinematic and block density of 2.60 g/cm3 was obtained for argillaceous dolomite with
theory analyses. To express orientation of a fracture plane, two cor- a 0.06 coefficient of variation.
related parameters are needed. In addition, for many fracture sets, it
is difficult to find mathematical equations to determine the statisti- 4.1.2. Tensile strength from Brazilian disk tension test
cal distributions of the orientation parameters. In such cases, if one The Brazilian disk tension test was performed on the different
wants to study the effect of orientation variability of a fracture set on rock types to obtain the tensile strength of the intact rock. Brazilian
kinematic analysis or block theory analysis results, a significant disk sample testing consisted of cutting 50 mm diameter core with
number of values should be generated based on the empirical statis- a length/diameter (l/d) ratio of 0.5, and then loading the disk across
tical distribution of orientation to express the variability of orienta- its diameter until tensile failure occurred. The sample preparation
tion of a fracture set. For example, if one generates 10 orientation and loading were performed according to SL264-2001 testing stan-
values based on Monte-Carlo simulation to express the variability dards [3]. The average saturation tensile strength for limestone
of each of the aforementioned five fracture sets, it leads to a mini- was determined to be 7.60 MPa with a 0.24 coefficient of variation.
mum of 105 combinations of discontinuity orientations in perform- The mean saturation tensile strength obtained for argillaceous
ing block theory analysis for one rock face having a certain strike dolomite was 5.82 MPa with a 0.20 coefficient of variation.
direction. In this paper, eight regions have been considered. For each
region, both kinematic and block theory calculations have been per- 4.1.3. Uniaxial compressive strength
formed for several cut slope dip directions. This clearly shows one All uniaxial compressive strength testing was performed with
needs to make a large number of calculations to study the effect of axial strain measurement following SL264-2001 testing standards
variability of fracture set orientations. Because in this paper, alto- [3]. Samples were tested in a servo-controlled load frame, using
gether about 75 cut slope dip directions are considered, kinematic 50 mm diameter core with a length/diameter (l/d) ratio of 2.0
and block theory analyses are made only using the mean orienta- and applying a vertical load at a constant rate of 0.5–1.0 MPa/s, un-
tions. However, it is important to note that to a certain extent the ef- til failure occurred. The average saturation compressive strengths
fect of orientation variability on rock slope stability results emerge of 58.4 MPa and 152.0 MPa with 0.19 and 0.07 coefficient of
by applying both kinematic and block theory analysis to orientation variations were obtained for limestone in the vertical and horizon-
data from different scanlines for the same cut slope directions. Such tal directions, respectively. The mean saturation compressive
results are summarized in this paper in Sections 5 and 6. Because strengths of 51.0 MPa and 87.8 MPa with 0.50 and 1.03 coefficient
only the mean orientations were used and also chance of having of variations were obtained for argillaceous dolomite in the vertical
blind zone fractures is very minimal, even though one of the authors and horizontal directions, respectively. The average Poisson’s ratios
of this paper has his own sampling bias correction procedures for of 0.27 with a 0.04 coefficient of variation and 0.29 with a 0.33
orientation [1,2], they were not applied in this paper in representing coefficient of variation were obtained for limestone and argilla-
the orientation distribution of fracture sets. According to the first ceous dolomite, respectively. The compressive strengths of the
author’s experience, the effect of orientation bias correction on the two rock types reveal that the intact material of limestone is stron-
estimation of mean orientation for the fracture sets dealt with in this ger than argillaceous dolomite and both rock types are affected by
paper would be negligible. the bedding planes.

4. Intact rock and discontinuity physical and mechanical 4.2. Shear strength of discontinuities
Although determining the discontinuity shear strength using
Intact rock and discontinuity mechanical property testing were in situ test method is time consuming and expensive, the reliability
performed on T2sh and T3-2
2s rock types gathered from the dam site, of the results of these tests is high and can reflect real geological
via the China University of Geosciences, Wuhan and Survey-Design characteristics of discontinuities. Therefore, eight in situ shear
Research Institute for Water Resources and Hydropower Guizhou tests were conducted on the natural bedding planes at test tunnels
Province, China. A total of 15 density tests, six Brazilian disk ten- at the right and left abutments of the dam. The sample preparation
sion tests, 16 uniaxial compressive strength tests and eight and testing were performed according to SL264-2001 testing stan-
in situ direct shear tests on bedding planes were performed for dards [3]. The selected sample size was around 50  50 cm with a
two rock types to obtain intact rock and discontinuity physical height of 20–35 cm above the shear plane. Samples were then con-
and mechanical properties. creted by high-grade cement mortar. Curing time applied for the
cement mortar was approximately 14 days, and after which the
4.1. Intact rock test results normal load was applied and increased to the value chosen for
the test. Fig. 4 shows a photograph of the performed in situ shear
4.1.1. Density tests. The tests were performed for natural bedding of limestone
Density test for intact material of different rock types was per- by applying five normal stresses (Fig. 5), namely, 0.4 MPa,
formed in the laboratory following SL264-2001 specifications [3] 0.63 MPa, 1.01 MPa, 1.30 MPa and 1.82 MPa in the test tunnel of
for rock tests in water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering the left bank and 0.31 MPa, 0.56 MPa, 0.64 MPa, 0.94 MPa and
in China. The mean dry density for limestone was found to be 1.20 MPa in the test tunnel of the right bank, respectively. The tests
2.68 g/cm3 with a 0.01 coefficient of variation. The average dry were also performed for natural bedding of argillaceous dolomite
Kulatilake PHSW et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 38 (2011) 846–860 849

(a) Scanline A (T2sh)

(b) Scanline D (T2sh)

Fig. 2. Contour plots of dominant discontinuity sets on a lower hemispherical equal area projection for different scanline data in T2sh rock mass: (a) scanline A, (b) scanline D,
(c) scanline F, and (d) scanline G.

by applying four normal stresses (Fig. 6). The normal load was fittings obtained by applying Jaeger’s equation [4], Barton’s
maintained constant while increasing the shear load. During test- equation [5] and Ladanyi and Archambault’s equation [6] for the
ing, normal load, shear load and shear displacement were re- in situ shear test data. Based on the field survey results, JRC values
corded. Once each test was completed, shear plane area, shear of 8 and 11 were estimated for bedding planes of the limestone at
direction, bedding plane waviness and properties of discontinuity the left and right abutments, respectively to apply Barton’s
were measured and recorded. equation. For bedding planes of argillaceous dolomite at the right
Figs. 5 and 6 show the results of discontinuity shear tests abutment, JRC of 10 was estimated to apply Barton’s equation. Joint
conducted for natural bedding planes of two different rock types compressive strengths of 46.7 MPa for limestone and 40.8 MPa for
at the left and right banks, respectively. The same figures also show argillaceous dolomite were estimated for bedding planes to apply
850 Kulatilake PHSW et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 38 (2011) 846–860

(c) Scanline F (T2sh)

(d) Scanline G (T2sh)

Fig. 2 (continued)

Barton’s and Ladanyi and Archambault’s equations. Roughness an- strength. This observation clearly confirms the well known scale
gles of 15° and 12° were estimated for the bedding planes of lime- effect associated with shear strength of rough discontinuities. Basic
stone and argillaceous dolomite, respectively to apply Ladanyi and friction angles of 27° on the right bank and 28° on the left bank
Archambault’s equation. For natural bedding planes of limestone were obtained for limestone by fitting Mohr–Coulomb criterion
and argillaceous dolomite, Jaeger’s equation provided the best fits for shear test results of saw cut samples conducted in the labora-
for all in situ shear test results. The laboratory test results obtained tory. For argillaceous dolomite, the same procedure led to a basic
for the natural bedding planes of limestone and argillaceous dolo- friction angle of 23°. To be on the conservative side, friction angles
mite on 10  10 cm samples are also shown in Figs. 5 and 6. Each of 25° and 20° were used for discontinuities of T2sh (limestone) and
plot shows that the laboratory shear strength of natural bedding T3-2
2s (argillaceous dolomite) rock types, respectively, to evaluate the
planes is higher than that of the in situ discontinuity shear rock slope stability in the dam site region.
Kulatilake PHSW et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 38 (2011) 846–860 851

(a) Scanline B (T2s3-2)

(b) Scanline E (T2s3-2)

Fig. 3. Contour plots of dominant discontinuity sets on a lower hemispherical equal area projection for different scanline data in T3-2
2s rock mass: (a) scanline B and
(b) scanline E.

5. Kinematic analyses ure modes [8–12] and to evaluate slope stability [13–22] utilizing
stereographic projection technique. For the area investigated in
5.1. Introduction this study, kinematic analysis was performed to estimate the
MSSA with respect to the three basic failure modes: plane sliding,
‘‘Kinematic’’ refers to the motion of bodies without reference wedge sliding and toppling, under only gravitational loading for
to the forces that cause them to move [7]. Kinematic analyses different slope dip directions by selecting five dominant disconti-
are very useful to investigate possible failure modes of rock nuity sets for each region. The concepts related to estimation
masses and to determine maximum safe slope angle (MSSA). of MSSA for the three basic failure modes are discussed by
Numerous studies have been performed to determine slope fail- Goodman [7].
852 Kulatilake PHSW et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 38 (2011) 846–860

Table 2
Selected five mean discontinuity orientations for each scanline orientation data.

Scanline A D F G B E
Rock mass type T2sh T2sh T2sh T2sh T3-2
2s T3-2
Total number of 157 180 47 42 273 63
Discontinuity set Mean dip angle/dip Mean dip angle/dip Mean dip angle/dip Mean dip angle/dip Mean dip angle/dip Mean dip angle/dip
dir. (°) dir. (°) dir. (°) dir. (°) dir. (°) dir. (°)
J1 30/70 34/76 32/69 34/61 25/73 28/70
J2 69/294 72/310 71/358 74/302 77/306 85/346
J3 51/266 60/280 75/300 53/204 54/256 82/329
J4 50/232 76/256 49/266 75/316 57/236 64/232
J5 35/170 79/216 52/210 78/83 64/212 80/180

Ladanyi and Archambault's equation
Barton's equation
2.2 Jaeger's equation
Mohr-Coulomb's equation based on saw cut samples
Friction angle used for analysis
Raw data from field tests
O Raw data from lab tests


Shear Stress (MPa)








Fig. 4. A photograph of the performed in situ shear tests.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
Normal Stress (MPa)
5.2. Results
(a) Limestone-1 (left bank)
The aforementioned kinematic analyses were performed for
slopes of five regions in the dam site using the dominant disconti- 2.4
Ladanyi and Archambault's equation
nuity sets and applying the computer program KINEM developed Barton's equation
by Um et al. [21] in 1996 to estimate the MSSA with respect to pos- 2.2 Jaeger's equation
Mohr-Coulomb's equation based on saw cut samples
Friction angle used for analysis
sible plane sliding, wedge sliding and toppling for each of the dif- 2.0 Raw data from field tests

ferent regions in the dam site. Note that the discontinuity friction O Raw data from lab tests

angles used for T2sh and T3-22s were 25° and 20°, respectively. Each
dominant discontinuity set was represented by the mean orienta-
Shear Stress (MPa)

tion value (Table 2). Different cut slope dip directions were deter-
mined according to the possible slope strikes of the dam site. The 1.4
MSSA determined from kinematic analyses depend on the follow-
ing factors: (1) dip direction and dip angle of each discontinuity,
(2) cut slope dip direction, (3) discontinuity shear strength, and 1.0
(4) rock type. The effect of most these factors on MSSA is discussed
in this paper.
As an example, Table 3 shows the MSSA resulting from kine- 0.6
matic analyses, using scanline G discontinuity orientation data gi-
ven in Table 2, for three different failure modes for region R-a of 0.4
the dam site. The results show that final MSSA including and 0.2
excluding topping failure range between 40° and 53° and between
44° and 53°, respectively for cut slope dip directions in the range of 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4
Similarly, the MSSA for plane sliding, wedge sliding and top- Normal Stress (MPa)
pling failure and the final MSSA for the other four regions were cal- (b) Limestone-1 (right bank)
culated under the gravitational loading, including and excluding
Fig. 5. Raw laboratory and field direct shear test results and fitting of different
toppling failure, selecting appropriate scanline orientation data shear strength criteria for discontinuity shear test results conducted in limestone at
from Table 2 and using the kinematic analysis. Figs. 7 and 8 show the left and right banks: (a) limestone-1 (left bank) and (b) limestone-1 (right
relations between final MSSA and possible cut slope dip direction bank).
Kulatilake PHSW et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 38 (2011) 846–860 853

Note that the MSSA values given for toppling are based on the
Ladanyi and Archambault's equation assumption that thin layers exist in the rock mass resulting from
Barton's equation
2.2 Jaeger's equation discontinuities. However, note that only a few thin layers exist in
Mohr-Coulomb's equation based on saw cut samples
Friction angle used for analysis the rock masses of the dam site. Therefore, final MSSA given under
2.0 Raw data from field tests
including toppling in Fig. 8 can be considered to be lower than the
O Raw data from lab tests
1.8 reality. Infinite discontinuity persistence has been considered in
computing MSSA under all three failure modes. Existence of lateral
Shear Stress (MPa)

1.6 release planes has been assumed in the computation of MSSA for
1.4 plane sliding. Therefore, for all three basic failure modes, the re-
sults given in Figs. 7 and 8 can be considered to be on the conser-
1.2 vative side (lower side) due to the aforementioned conservative
assumptions used in the computations.
Table 4 gives percentage number of discontinuities contributing
0.8 to possible failure under each mode of instability for different slope
regions based on kinematic analysis. Out of the three basic failure
modes, wedge sliding seems to be the most likely one to occur. The
0.4 second possible mode of instability seems to be plane sliding. Irre-
spective of the slope region, slope dip direction range 270–315°
0.2 seems to provide the worst slope directions for possible instability
0.0 of slopes in the dam site. Highest instability can be expected in the
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 regions R-c-1 and R-e-2.
Normal Stress (MPa)
(a) Argillaceous dolomite-1
6. Block theory analysis

6.1. Introduction
Ladanyi and Archambault's equation
2.2 Barton's equation
Jaeger's equation
Mohr-Coulomb's equation based on saw cut samples
Friction angle used for analysis
Block theory analysis is also very useful to investigate possible
2.0 Raw data from field tests failure modes of rock blocks and to determine MSSA for single
O Raw data from field tests and double plane sliding. One of the first tasks in block theory is
the formation of polyhedral blocks resulting from intersections be-
Shear Stress (MPa)

1.6 tween rock discontinuities. Shi [23] and Warburton [24] have per-
formed pioneering research on this subject assuming rock
discontinuities to be infinite. Usually, the discontinuities in actual
1.2 rock masses are finite. Several researchers later on developed com-
puter algorithms to form polyhedral rock blocks resulting from
intersection of finite size discontinuities [25–29]. Even though
0.8 these improved theoretical procedures are available, to make them
practicable for actual rock masses, it is necessary to have a reliable
0.6 estimate of discontinuity shape and size in three dimensions.
0.4 Unfortunately, because the discontinuities are hidden in the actual
rock masses, it is an extremely difficult task, if not impossible, to
0.2 find discontinuity shapes and estimate their three-dimensional
size distributions. Therefore, the block theory used in current prac-
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 tice is based on infinite size discontinuity assumption. Some stud-
Normal Stress (MPa) ies have been performed to determine slope failure modes,
(b) Argillaceous dolomite-2 calculate MSSA and evaluate slope stability utilizing block theory
with stereographic projection technique [7,9,14,17,20,30–33]. The
Fig. 6. Raw laboratory and field direct shear test results and fitting of different main idea behind block theory analysis [9] is that it allows many
shear strength criteria for discontinuity shear test results conducted in argillaceous
dolomite at two locations at the right bank: (a) argillaceous dolomite-1 and (b)
different combinations of discontinuities to be passed over and
argillaceous dolomite-2. to directly identify and consider critical bocks known as ‘‘key
blocks’’. Fig. 9 shows five types of blocks in a surface excavation
formed by discontinuities. According to the block theory, first the
block types can be divided into infinite and finite blocks. By the
for different slope regions, for the cases including and excluding theorem of finiteness [7], an infinite block must have a non-empty
toppling failure, respectively. The results given in Figs. 7 and 8 block pyramid (BP), namely BP = JP \ EP – empty. The excavation
show clearly that: (1) in the case of the same region, the final MSSA pyramid (EP) means the rock mass side from an excavation surface
excluding toppling failure is quite similar to that of including top- on the stereo-plot and it occupies the outside region of the great
pling failure, (2) ignoring the slope region, rock mass type and with circle corresponding to the excavation surface. The space pyramid
or without toppling failure, the final MSSA range between 30° and (SP), which is the opposite of EP, occupies the inside region of the
44°, 43° and 49°, 26–63°, and 26–64° for cut slope dip directions of great circle corresponding to the excavation surface. The spherical
20–30°, 105–170°, 180–210° and 270–355°, respectively, and (3) regions formed on the stereo-plot through the intersection of dis-
for cut slope dip directions of 20–30°, 200–210° and 275–315° continuities are known as joint pyramids (JP). On the contrary,
wide ranges of values have been obtained for the final MSSA and BP = empty for a finite block. This means there is no common re-
they reflect the influence of the variability of fracture orientations gion for JP and EP and JP is fully within SP. Therefore, by plotting
arising from different rock mass regions of the dam site on MSSA. discontinuity planes and the excavation surface on a stereo-plot
854 Kulatilake PHSW et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 38 (2011) 846–860

Table 3
Maximum safe slope angles for three basic failure modes based on kinematic analysis under different possible cut slope dip directions at R-a region resulting from the mean
Discontinuity set orientations of scanline G data.

Cut dip MSSA for plane sliding MSSA for wedge sliding MSSA for toppling Dominant Mode Final MSSA
dir. (°)
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 I12 I13 I14 I15 I23 I24 I25 I34 I35 I45 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Including Excluding Including Excluding
toppling toppling toppling toppling
130 62 90 78 90 82 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 49 90 90 41 90 40 90 T4 I35 40 49
135 68 90 75 90 83 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 47 90 90 41 90 40 90 T4 I35 40 47
140 74 90 72 90 83 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 46 90 90 42 90 40 90 T4 I35 40 46
145 81 90 69 90 84 90 90 90 90 87 90 90 90 45 90 90 42 90 40 90 T4 I35 40 45
150 89 90 66 90 85 90 90 90 90 83 90 90 90 45 90 90 43 90 40 90 T4 I35 40 45
155 90 90 63 90 86 90 90 90 90 79 90 90 87 44 90 90 90 90 41 90 T4 I35 41 44
160 90 90 62 90 87 90 90 90 90 75 90 90 83 44 90 90 90 90 41 90 T4 I35 41 44
165 90 90 60 90 88 90 90 90 90 71 90 90 78 44 90 90 90 90 42 90 T4 I35 42 44
170 90 90 58 90 89 90 90 90 90 68 90 90 73 45 90 90 90 90 90 90 I35 I35 45 45
200 90 90 53 90 90 90 45 90 90 54 90 90 55 51 90 90 90 90 90 90 I13 I13 45 45
205 90 90 53 90 90 90 55 90 90 53 90 90 53 53 90 90 90 90 90 90 I23/I34/I35/D3 I23/I34/I35/D3 53 53
210 90 90 53 90 90 90 69 90 90 52 88 90 51 56 90 90 90 90 90 90 I34 I34 51 51

Note: Di: For plane sliding along discontinuity i; Iij: For wedge sliding on discontinuities i and j along Iij; Ti: For toppling on discontinuity i.
MSSA: Maximum safe slope angle (°).

60 R-b
55 R-d-1
Final MSSA (deg.)







0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360
Slope dip direction (deg.)

Fig. 7. Relation between maximum safe slope angle (excluding the toppling failure mode) and possible slope dip direction for different slope regions resulted from the
kinematic analyses.

and using the criterion that JP is fully within SP for the finite higher chance of satisfying this instability situation compared to
blocks, the JPs corresponding to infinite blocks (type V, Fig. 9a) that of type III blocks. Therefore, type II blocks are called potential
can be separated from the finite blocks. The finite blocks then key blocks. Finally, a key block, that is denoted by type I and shown
can be categorized into non-removable and removable blocks. in Fig. 9e, can slide into free space under gravitational loading
The block belongs to the finite non-removable (tapered) block cat- without any external force unless a proper support system is pro-
egory (type IV, Fig. 9b) if both BP and JP are empty. This means JPs vided. Therefore, first the identification of key blocks and then the
corresponding to tapered blocks do not show up on the stereo-plot. identification of types II and III blocks are the most important parts
Types IV and V block types are stable and they cannot come out in a block theory analysis. Procedures are given in the literature
from the rock mass on a surface excavation. The condition for along with the assumptions used in block theory to separate these
the finite removable blocks (types I, II and III) is that JP is non- different block types [9]. Mode analysis allows separation of type
empty and BP is empty. A type III block, shown in Fig. 9c, is stable III blocks from types I and II. Under the gravitational loading, all
without friction under gravitational loading. A type II block, shown the JPs corresponding to type III blocks appear inside the reference
in Fig. 9d, can remain stable as long as the sliding force on the block circle. Type I blocks can be separated from type II blocks by
is less than its frictional resistance. Under only gravitation loading, performing sliding force analysis. The same analysis can be
the type II blocks are stable. However, both types II and III blocks used to find the factor of safety. A positive net sliding force or fac-
can come out of the surface excavation if there is an external force tor of safety less than one leads to a type I block. A negative net
such as water or earthquake force that makes the total sliding force sliding force or a factor of safety greater than one leads to a type
to be greater than the frictional resistance. Type II blocks have II block.
Kulatilake PHSW et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 38 (2011) 846–860 855

60 R-c-1
55 R-d-1
Final MSSA (deg.)






0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360
Slope dip direction (deg.)

Fig. 8. Relation between maximum safe slope angle (including the toppling failure mode) and possible slope dip direction for different slope regions resulted from the
kinematic analyses.

Table 4
Percentage number of discontinuities contributing to possible failure under each mode of instability for different slope regions based on kinematic analysis.

Region Possible cut slope Scanline data Slope ratio Plane sliding Wedge sliding Topplingl
dip direction range (°) base (vert./hor.)
1:0.84 1:0.58 1:0.36 1:0.84 1:0.58 1:0.36 1:0.84 1:0.58 1:0.36
Slope angle (°) 50° 60° 70° 50° 60° 70° 50° 60° 70°
R-a 130–170a G 0 0–10% 0–10% 10% 10% 10–20% 0–40% 0–40% 0–40%
R-a 200–210b G 0 20% 20% 0–10% 30–40% 40% 0 0 0
R-b 105–115c G 20% 20% 20% 0 10% 10% 20–40% 20–40% 20–40%
R-b 200–210d G 0 20% 20% 0–10% 30–40% 40% 0 0 0
R-b 180–195e G 0 20% 20% 10–20% 20–40% 40% 0 0 0
R-b 285–295f G 0 0 0 10% 10–20% 30% 0–10% 0–10% 0–10%
R-c-1 275–315 B 0 0–20% 20–40% 0 0–40% 30–60% 0 0 0
R-c-2 275–315 D 0 0–20% 0–20% 0–10% 10–40% 20–50% 0 0 0
R-d-1 20–30g E 20% 20% 20% 20–30% 20–30% 20–30% 20–40% 20–40% 20–40%
R-d-1 200–210h E 0 0 20% 0 0–10% 20–40% 0 0 0
R-d-1 285–295i E 0 0 0 10% 10% 40–50% 0 0 0
R-d-2 20–30g F 20% 20% 20% 10% 10% 10% 0% 0% 20%
R-d-2 200–210h F 0 20% 20% 10–20% 40–50% 40–50% 0–20% 0–20% 20%
R-d-2 285–295i F 0 20% 20% 20% 20–30% 30–50% 0 0 0
R-e-1 315–355j F 0 0 0–20% 10–20% 20–30% 30% 0 0 0
R-e-2 270–310k A 0 0–40% 20–60% 0–10% 10–50% 20–50% 0 0 0
NW slope of dam downstream in Region a.
NNE slope of dam downstream in Region a.
West slope of dam abutment in Region b.
North slope of dam abutment in Region b.
North slope of dam upstream in Region b.
East slope of dam abutment in Region b.
South-west slopes of dam abutment in Regions d-1 and d-2.
North-east slopes of dam abutment in Regions d-1 and d-2.
South-east slopes of dam abutment in Regions d-1 and d-2.
SSE slope of dam downstream in Region e-1.
E-SE slope of dam downstream in Region a.
The values given for toppling are based on the assumption that thin layers exist on the rock mass resulting from discontinuities. However, please note that only a few thin
layers exist for steep discontinuities in the considered rock masses.

6.2. Results failure modes, calculate factor of safety and to calculate MSSA cor-
responding to types I and II blocks with respect to possible single
Block theory analysis were conducted for slopes of five regions plane sliding and double plane sliding for each of the different re-
in the dam site using five mean discontinuity orientations for each gions in the dam site. Each mean discontinuity orientation was
site (Table 2) and applying the computer programs developed by treated as a single feature. Different cut slope dip directions were
Kulatilake and Um [20,33]. The aim of analyses was to determine determined according to possible slope strikes of the dam site.
856 Kulatilake PHSW et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 38 (2011) 846–860

Fig. 9. Types of blocks in a surface cut (a) infinite (type V block), (b) tapered (type IV block), (c) stable (type III block), (d) potential key block (type II block), and (e) key block
(type I block).

Table 5
Final failure modes and corresponding MSSA for different slope dip directions at R-a region for single and double plane sliding in the dam site resulted from block theory analysis.

Cut slope dip Discontinuity Key block JP code (sliding Potential key block JP code Type III block Case Final Key block JP code (sliding
dir. (°) combination mode, MSSA) (sliding mode) JP code MSSA MSSA mode, safety factor)
130 J1, J2, J3, J4 0101 (S13) 0001, 0100 90 49
J1, J2, J3, J5 1100 (S35, 49) 0100 (S13) 0101, 0000 49 1100 (S35, 0.75)
J1, J3, J4, J5 1010 (S35, 49) 0010 (S13) 0011, 0000 49 1010 (S35, 0.75)
J2, J3, J4, J5 1010 (S35, 49) 0010, 1000, 49 1010 (S35, 0.75)
0000 (m)
J1, J2, J4, J5 0011, 0010, 90
135 J1, J2, J3, J4 0101 (S13) 0001, 0100 90 47
J1, J2, J3, J5 1100 (S35, 47) 0100 (S13) 0101, 0000 47 1100 (S35, 0.75)
J1, J3, J4, J5 1010 (S35, 47) 0010 (S13) 0011, 0000 47 1010 (S35, 0.75)
J2, J3, J4, J5 1010 (S35, 47) 0010, 1000, 47 1010 (S35, 0.75)
0000 (m)
J1, J2, J4, J5 0011, 0010, 90
140 J1, J2, J3, J4 0101 (S13) 0001, 0100 90 46
J1, J2, J3, J5 1100 (S35, 46) 0100 (S13) 0101, 0000 46 1100 (S35, 0.75)
J1, J3, J4, J5 1010 (S35, 46) 0010 (S13) 0011, 0000 46 1010 (S35, 0.75)
J2, J3, J4, J5 1010 (S35, 46) 0010, 1000, 46 1010 (S35, 0.75)
0000 (m)
J1, J2, J4, J5 0011, 0010, 90
145 J1, J2, J3, J4 1101 (S3, 87) 0101 (S13) 0001, 0100 87 45 1101 (S3, 0.35)
J1, J2, J3, J5 1101 (S3, 87), 1100 (S35, 0101, 0000 45 1101 (S3, 0.35), 1100 (S35, 0.75)
45) (m)
J1, J3, J4, J5 1010 (S35, 45) 0010 (S13) 0011, 0000 45 1010 (S35, 0.75)
J2, J3, J4, J5 1011 (S3, 87), 1010 (S35, 0010, 1000, 45 1011 (S3, 0.35), 1010 (S35, 0.75)
45) 0000 (m)
J1, J2, J4, J5 0011, 0010, 90
150 J1, J2, J3, J4 1101 (S3, 83) 0101 (S13) 0001, 0100 83 45 1101 (S3, 0.35)
J1, J2, J3, J5 1101 (S3, 83), 1100 (S35, 0101, 0000 45 1101 (S3, 0.35), 1100 (S35, 0.75)
45) (m)
J1, J3, J4, J5 1010 (S35, 45) 0010 (S13) 0011, 0000 45 1010 (S35, 0.75)
J2, J3, J4, J5 1011 (S3, 83), 1010 (S35, 0010, 1000, 45 1011 (S3, 0.35), 1010 (S35, 0.75)
45) 0000 (m)
J1, J2, J4, J5 0011, 0010, 90
Kulatilake PHSW et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 38 (2011) 846–860 857

155 J1, J2, J3, J4 1001 (S23, 87), 1101 (S3, 0001, 0100 79 44 1001 (S23, 0.51), 1101 (S3, 0.35)
J1, J2, J3, J5 1101 (S3, 79), 1100 (S35, 0101, 0000 44 1101 (S3, 0.35), 1100 (S35, 0.75)
44) (m)
J1, J3, J4, J5 1011 (S3, 87), 1010 (S35, 0011, 0000 44 1011 (S3, 0.35), 1010 (S35, 0.75)
44) (m)
J2, J3, J4, J5 0011 (S23, 87), 1011 (S3, 0010, 1000, 79 0011 (S23, 0.51), 1011 (S3, 0.35)
79) 0000 (m)
J1, J2, J4, J5 0011, 0010, 90
160 J1, J2, J3, J4 1001 (S23, 83), 1101 (S3, 0001, 0100 75 44 1001 (S23, 0.51), 1101 (S3, 0.35)
J1, J2, J3, J5 1101 (S3, 75), 1100 (S35, 0101, 0000 44 1101 (S3, 0.35), 1100 (S35, 0.75)
44) (46.5) (m)
J1, J3, J4, J5 1011 (S3, 83), 1010 (S35, 0011, 0000 44 1011 (S3, 0.35), 1010 (S35, 0.75)
44) (m)
J2, J3, J4, J5 0011 (S23, 83), 1011 (S3, 0010, 1000, 75 0011 (S23, 0.51), 1011 (S3, 0.35)
75) 0000 (m)
J1, J2, J4, J5 0011, 0010, 90
165 J1, J2, J3, J4 1001 (S23, 78), 1101 (S3, 0001, 0100 71 44 1001 (S23, 0.51), 1101 (S3, 0.35)
J1, J2, J3, J5 1101 (S3, 71), 1100 (S35, 0101, 0000 44 1101 (S3, 0.35), 1100 (S35, 0.75)
44) (m)
J1, J3, J4, J5 1011 (S3, 78), 1010 (S35, 0011, 0000 44 1011 (S3, 0.35), 1010 (S35, 0.75)
44) (m)
J2, J3, J4, J5 0011 (S23, 78), 1011 (S3, 0010, 1000, 71 0011 (S23, 0.51), 1011 (S3, 0.35)
71) 0000 (m)
J1, J2, J4, J5 0011, 0010, 90
170 J1, J2, J3, J4 1001 (S23, 73), 1101 (S3, 0001, 0100 68 45 1001 (S23, 0.51), 1101 (S3, 0.35)
J1, J2, J3, J5 1101 (S3, 68), 1100 (S35, 0101, 0000 45 1101 (S3, 0.35), 1100 (S35, 0.75)
45) (m)
J1, J3, J4, J5 1011 (S3, 73), 1010 (S35, 0011, 0000 45 1011 (S3, 0.35), 1010 (S35, 0.75)
45) (m)
J2, J3, J4, J5 0011 (S23, 73), 1011 (S3, 0010, 1000, 68 0011 (S23, 0.51), 1011 (S3, 0.35)
68) 0000 (m)
J1, J2, J4, J5 0011, 0010, 90
200 J1, J2, J3, J4 1001 (S23, 55), 1101 (S3, 0001, 0100 54 51 1001 (S23, 0.51), 1101 (S3, 0.35)
J1, J2, J3, J5 1101 (S3, 54), 1100 (S35, 0101, 0000 51 1101 (S3, 0.35), 1100 (S35, 0.75)
51) (m)
J1, J3, J4, J5 1011 (S3, 55), 1010 (S35, 0011, 0000 51 1011 (S3, 0.35), 1010 (S35, 0.75)
51) (m)
J2, J3, J4, J5 0011 (S23, 55), 1011 (S3, 0010, 1000, 54 0011 (S23, 0.51), 1011 (S3, 0.35)
54) 0000 (m)
J1, J2, J4, J5 0011, 0010, 90
205 J1, J2, J3, J4 1001 (S23, 53), 1101 (S3, 0001, 0100 53 53 1001 (S23, 0.51), 1101 (S3, 0.35)
J1, J2, J3, J5 1101 (S3, 53), 1100 (S35, 0101, 0000 53 1101 (S3, 0.35), 1100 (S35, 0.75)
53) (m)
J1, J3, J4, J5 1011 (S3, 53), 1010 (S35, 0011, 0000 53 1011 (S3, 0.35), 1010 (S35, 0.75)
53) (m)
J2, J3, J4, J5 0011 (S23, 53), 1011 (S3, 0010, 1000, 53 0011 (S23, 0.51), 1011 (S3, 0.35)
53) 0000 (m)
J1, J2, J4, J5 0011, 0010, 90
210 J1, J2, J3, J4 1001 (S23, 52), 1101 (S3, 0001, 0100 52 52 1001 (S23, 0.51), 1101 (S3, 0.35)
J1, J2, J3, J5 1101 (S3, 56), 1100 (S35, 0101, 0000 56 1101 (S3, 0.35), 1100 (S35, 0.75)
56) (m)
J1, J3, J4, J5 1011 (S3, 56), 1010 (S35, 0011, 0000 56 1011 (S3, 0.35), 1010 (S35, 0.75)
56) (m)
J2, J3, J4, J5 0011 (S23, 52), 1011 (S3, 0010, 1000, 52 0011 (S23, 0.51), 1011 (S3, 0.35)
56) 0000 (m)
J1, J2, J4, J5 1011 (S24, 88) 0011, 0010, 88 1011 (S24, 0.29)

MSSA: maximum safe slope angle (°); Si: sliding on joint plane I; Sij: sliding on joint planes i and j; For J1, J2, J3, J4 and J5, see Table 2; (m): stands for marginal.
858 Kulatilake PHSW et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 38 (2011) 846–860

Fig. 10. Identification of removable blocks and estimation of MSSA for cut slope dip direction 170° of R-a region of the dam site using the stereographic projection technique
on the discontinuity combination J1–J4.

65 R-d-1
60 R-e-1
Final MSSA (deg.)







0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360
Slope dip direction (deg.)

Fig. 11. Relation between maximum safe slope angle and possible slope direction for different slope regions of the dam site resulted from the block theory analysis.

Similar to kinematic analysis, the effect of these factors, orientation block. Therefore, the MSSA of JPs 1001 and 1101 are 73° and 68°,
of discontinuities, cut slope dip direction and rock type on MSSA is respectively. Their corresponding sliding modes are S23 and S3,
discussed in the paper. respectively. Therefore, the governing sliding mode and MSSA are
Note that block theory analysis results for each slope region are S3 and 68°, respectively for the discontinuity combination J1, J2,
based on selected five mean discontinuity orientations (Table 2) J3, J4 when the cut slope dip direction is 170°. Similar results for
and are performed by making five calculations taking four discon- the other four discontinuity combinations under the cut slope
tinuities at a time (Table 5). Fig. 10 shows identification of remov- dip direction of 170° are given in Table 5. Thus, the final MSSA
able blocks for the cut slope dip direction 170° for R-a region of the for cut slope dip direction of 170° can be given as the minimum va-
dam site under the gravitational loading using the stereographic lue resulting from the MSSA obtained for all the five discontinuity
projection technique on the discontinuity combination J1, J2, J3, combinations. The same final result could have been obtained for
J4. If the dip angle of the cut slope is steeper than 73°, the JPs cut slope dip direction of 170° either by considering 10 combina-
1001, 1101 and 0001 correspond to removable blocks. Out of these tions of three discontinuities or just one combination of all five dis-
three JPs, 1001 and 1101 correspond to key blocks. JP 0001 corre- continuities. The number of regions or JPs appearing on the
sponds to a type III block. If the cut slope is reduced to at an angle stereographic projection, NR, is linked to the number of discontinu-
less than 73°, JP 1001 no longer leads to a key block and corre- ity planes, n, through the equation NR = n(n  1) + 2. This means NR
sponds to an infinite block. If the cut slope is reduced further to becomes 8, 14 and 22 corresponding to n values of 3, 4 and 5,
an angle less than 68°, similarly, JP 1101 corresponds to an infinite respectively. As n increases, the clarity of the stereographic plot
Kulatilake PHSW et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 38 (2011) 846–860 859

reduces and the analysis becomes tedious. When n = 3, the block is isons made from the values appearing in Figs. 7 and 11 show evi-
a tetrahedron formed by three discontinuity planes and one exca- dence or strong support for the aforementioned intuitive
vation plane. As the number of planes increases, the block becomes statement: (a) For region R-a, for slope dip direction 200°, MSSA
more complicated with a higher number of planes and the required resulting from block theory is 6° higher than that obtained from
computations become lengthy and need careful tracking. There- kinematic analysis; (b) For region R-b, for slope dip directions
fore, n = 4 was used to have a compromise between the number 105–115°, ranges for MSSA are 53–59° and 43–49°, respectively
of calculations and the complexity of each calculation. Table 5 from block theory and kinematic analyses; (c) For region R-c-1,
shows the final failure modes and corresponding final MSSA ob- for slope dip direction 315°, MSSA resulting from block theory is
tained for different slope dip directions of the R-a region of the 9° higher than that obtained from kinematic analysis; (d) For
dam site. The results show clearly that the final MSSA for R-a re- region R-c-2, for slope dip directions 275–315°, ranges for MSSA
gion is equal to or greater than 44°. are 60–63° and 29–60°, respectively from block theory and kine-
Similarly, the final MSSA for the other regions of the dam site matic analyses; (e) For region R-d-1, for slope dip directions
were calculated using the block theory analysis. Fig. 11 shows 200–210°, ranges for MSSA are 66–70° and 56–62°, respectively
the relation between MSSA and possible slope direction for differ- from block theory and kinematic analyses; (f) For region R-d-1,
ent slope regions of the dam site resulted from the block theory for slope dip directions 285–295°, ranges for MSSA are 61–63°
analyses. The results given in Fig. 11 shows that (1) ignoring the and 45–48°, respectively from block theory and kinematic analy-
slope region and rock mass type, the final MSSA range between ses; (g) For region R-d-2, for slope dip directions 20–30°, ranges
30° and 47°, 44° and 70°, 47° and 69° for cut slope dip directions for MSSA are 41–47° and 39–44°, respectively from block theory
of 20–30°, 105–210°, and 270–355°, respectively, (2) for cut slope and kinematic analyses; (h) For region R-d-2, for slope dip direc-
dip directions of 20–30°, 200–210° and 275–315° wide ranges of tions 200–210°, ranges for MSSA are 52–54° and 36–42°, respec-
values have been obtained for the final MSSA and they reflect the tively from block theory and kinematic analyses; (i) For region R-
influence of the variability of fracture orientations arising from dif- d-2, for slope dip directions 285–295°, MSSA resulting from block
ferent rock mass regions of the dam site on MSSA, and (3) apart theory is 21–22° higher than that obtained from kinematic analy-
from the region R-d-1 for slope dip directions in the range sis; (j) For region R-e-1, for slope dip directions 315–355°, ranges
20–30°, rest of the rock mass regions at the dam site seem to be for MSSA are 50–69° and 26–36°, respectively from block theory
stable for slope angles less than 40°. and kinematic analyses; (k) For region R-e-2, for slope dip direc-
tions 270–310°, ranges for MSSA are 50–69° and 35–56°, respec-
tively from block theory and kinematic analyses.
7. Comparison between the results of kinematic and block
theory analyses
8. Conclusions
The following two requirements need to be satisfied to have
plane failure in the kinematic analysis under gravitational loading: In this study, the lithological information and rock mass frac-
(a) discontinuity plane should daylight on the excavation plane, ture data were obtained through field investigations. For both rock
and (b) dip angle of the discontinuity plane should be higher than formations T2sh and T3-2
2s , the obtained orientation plots show exis-
the friction angle of the discontinuity. In the kinematic analysis, for tence of four sub-vertical joint sets and a sub-horizontal bedding
wedge failure to occur under gravitational loading, the following plane. Predominant dip directions of the sub-vertical discontinu-
two requirements should be satisfied: (a) the line of intersection ities seem to be along SWW, NNW, SSW and NW. Average dip an-
of the two discontinuity planes should daylight on the excavation gle of these joints vary between 50° and 90°. Sub-vertical joint sets
plane and (b) the plunge angle of the line of intersection should be exhibit high orientation variability. The bedding plane has an aver-
greater than the friction angle of the discontinuity plane. In the age dip direction of NEE and dips in the range 25–34°. The dip an-
block theory, for plane and wedge failures to occur, in addition to gle of bedding planes of T2sh rock mass seems slightly steeper than
satisfying the aforementioned requirements, it is necessary to have that of T3-2
2s rock mass. To take into account the discontinuity
finite removable blocks formed from the discontinuity planes. In orientations on rock slope stability analysis, five most dominant
the kinematic analysis, presence of lateral release planes is as- discontinuity sets were selected from each equal area plot (i.e.
sumed in considering possible plane sliding. However, under the from each scanline) in conducting kinematic and block theory
block theory, for plane failure to happen under the gravitational analyses.
loading, the lateral release planes should exist in the rock mass Intact rock physical and mechanical properties were obtained
for block formation and the block needs to be of type I category. from laboratory testing. Both laboratory and in situ testing were
Due to the aforementioned reasons, even though the plane and conducted to obtain discontinuity shear strength properties. Rock
wedge failures cannot take place with types IV and V blocks under types in T2sh formation were found to be stronger than that of
block theory, they can occur under the kinematic analysis. There- T3-2
2s formation. Due to the presence of roughness, natural bedding
fore, the number of plane and wedge sliding situations given by planes of both formations T2sh and T3-2 2s showed higher strengths
kinematic analysis would be always higher than that given by than that for saw cut samples. For natural bedding planes, in situ
block theory. It is important to note that MSSA corresponding to strengths resulted from larger samples turned out to be lower than
types IV and V blocks under the block theory can be considered the strengths obtained from laboratory tests conducted on smaller
as 90° because they cannot provide removable blocks leading to samples. This finding confirmed the well known scale effects asso-
failure. On the other hand, under the kinematic analysis, the same ciated with the shear strength of natural discontinuities arising
two block types can give rise to MSSA less than 90°. Therefore, sin- due to roughness. Jaeger’s equation provided the best fits for peak
gle and double plane sliding situations given by block theory shear strength of natural bedding planes. Basic friction angles of
would be much closer to the reality than that resulting from kine- 28° at the left bank and 27° at the right bank were obtained,
matic analysis. According to the aforementioned discussion, intui- respectively for saw cut samples of limestone. A basic friction angle
tively, it is possible to say that when the same discontinuity of 23° was obtained for saw cut samples of argillaceous dolomite.
combinations and same slope dip direction are used, final MSSA To be on the conservative side, friction angles of 25° and 20° were
obtained from block theory should be always either equal or higher used for limestone and argillaceous dolomite to perform rock slope
than that obtained from kinematic analysis. The following compar- kinematic and block theory analyses.
860 Kulatilake PHSW et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 38 (2011) 846–860

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